xt72v6989423 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt72v6989423/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1970-09-14  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, September 14, 1970 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, September 14, 1970 1970 1970-09-14 2020 true xt72v6989423 section xt72v6989423 3003


The University Senate met in regular session at 3:00 p.m., Monday,
September 14, 1970, in the Court Room of the Law Building. Chairman Plucknett
presided. Members absent: Arnold D. Albright, Robert Aug*, Charles Auvenshine,
Albert S. Bacdayan*, Charles E. Barnhart, Henry H. Bauer*, Harmon C. Bickley, Jr.,
Charles E. Billings, Frederick J. Bollum*, Peter P. Bosomworth*, Betty J.
Brannan, Russell H. Brannon*, Thomas D. Brower, Mary R. Brown*, Marion A.
Carnes*, Clyde R. Carpenter*, Ralph S. Carpenter*, David B. Clark*, Jose M.
Concon*, Glenwood L. Creech, Guy M. Davenport, Jr., R. Lewis Donohew*, Richard
M. Doughty, William D. Ehmann*, Joseph R. Fordham*, Stuart Forth*, Joseph B.
Fugate*, Eugene B. Gallagher*, Wesley P. Garrigus? Charles P. Graves, Ward
0. Griffen*, John V. Haley*, Jack B. Hall, Joseph Hamburg, James W. Herron*,

A. J. Hiatt*, Mary F. James*, Robert W. Kiser*, James A. Knoblett*, Richard
S. Levine*, Albert S. Levy, Richard Lowitt*, Mark M. Luckens*, Donald L.
Madden*, John L. Madden*, Gene L. Mason*, Louis A. Norton*, Thomas M.
Olshewsky*, Robert W. Penman*, Lloyd F. Redick*, John T. Reeves, John W.
Roddick, Alex Romanowitz*, George J. Ruschell, George W. Schwert, Donald

S. Shannon*, Ian Shine, Otis A. Singletary*, Armond E. Spencer, Leonard P.
Stoltz*, Robert Straus*, Richard Thurston*, John A. Via*, Harwin L. Voss,
John N. Walker*, M. Stanley Wall, Daniel L. Weiss*, James H. Wells*, Cornelia
B. Wilbur*, Robert G. Zumwinkle.

The Senate granted permission to Mike Wines, Kernel reporter, and David
Herman, Kernel photographer, to attend, report, and photograph the meeting.

The Senate approved the minutes of April 13 recessed to April 20; April
28; and May 7, 1970 as circulated to the faculty.

On behalf of the College of Engineering Professor Staley Adams read
a resolution on the death of Professor Laurence C. Pendley with the recommendation
that the resolution be spread upon the minutes of the Senate and copies be
sent to his family.

On June 8, 1970, in his fifty—second year of life and his twentye
second year of service to the University, Laurence C. (Larry) Pendley,
Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, died of an apparent heart attack.

Professor Pendley was a native of Morgantown, Butler County,
Kentucky. He received the Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering
from the University in 1943 and shortly thereafter entered naval service
as an Ensign. During the remainder of World War II he served on the
U.S.S. LST 506 and was discharged in 1946 with the rank of Lieutenant.
Prior to his overseas duty with the Navy, he first married Frances Read,

a High School classmate, who was, at that time, also in service as an
Army nurse.

Returning to the University in September, 1946, Professor Pendley
spent one year as an instructor before enrolling in the Graduate
School at Purdue. He received his Master's degree in 1949 and returned
to the University of Kentucky as an Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering.
He was promoted to Associate Professor in 1958.

*Absence explained



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Minutes of the University Senate, September 14, 1970

During his twenty—one years with the Civil Engineering Department,
Professor Pendley taught courses and conducted research in the general
field of Highway Engineering and in the special areas of soils and
materials. He maintained currency in his profession through advanced
study at Purdue, M.I.T., and the Universities of Minnesota and New
Mexico. He was an active member of The American Society of Civil
Engineers, the American Society for Engineering Education, the Kentucky
Society of Professional Engineers, Sigma X, Triangle and Tau Beta
Pi. His interest in young people and in engineering education led
him to serve as local coordinator for JETS, a pre—engineering club
for high—schoolers, and director of the Civil Engineering Technology
curriculum of the Lexington Technical Institute.

Larry Pendley was a family man in the finest sense of that term.
He and his wife raised a son and four daughters, sparing no sacrifice
for their health, education and adjustment to life. His love of
family and religious commitment (he was a deacon in a Baptist Church)
carried over into the classroom. He will be remembered by hundreds
of former students for his easy—going approach to teaching, his '
unflagging humor and his deep understanding of their problems.

A resolution such as this is a feeble thing. The material
accomplishments and acquisitions of a man's life become relatively
immaterial upon his death. A mere listing of them is a sterile
tribute to his memory. It is to be hoped then, that Larry Pendley,
along with our other departed colleagues, will be remembered not so
much for what he did or did not do, but for what he was.

May the Faculty of the University of Kentucky accept this resolu—
tion in respect for a life well-lived, in sympathy for his wife,
family and friends and in hope that Larry has found that better
life in which he so firmly believed.

On behalf of the College of Education Dr. Harold R. Binkley read a

resolution on the death of Professor Floyd Cox with the recommendation
that it be made a part of the minutes of the Senate and that copies be
sent to his family.


Floyd Cox

Floyd Cox was born and grew up in Scott County in central Kentucky.
He was a member of a rural family typical of the era, a fact he often
referred to with pride. Floyd's open, straight—forward outlook on
life was undoubtedly influenced by this background. His early years
were enriched by close association with his three brothers.

He attended the University of Kentucky, graduated from the College
of Agriculture in 1934, and received a Master's Degree in Education
in 1942.

After teaching vocational agriculture in Cumberland and Franklin
counties, he joined the staff in Agricultural Education at the Univer—
sity of Kentucky, in 1947. His initial responsibility at the

 Minutes of the University Senate, September 14, 1970 3005

University was the preparation of instructional materials for over

750 vocational teachers of farm Veterans of World War II. He
developed and retained a burning zeal to make these teaching materials
up—to—date in terms of improved practices in all aspects of farming.

In recent years, Floyd had the state—leadership role for
developing instructional materials in agricultural mechanics and for
the young—farmer program in Kentucky. During the past ten years, he
worked with school superintendents, architects, and teachers of
agriculture in developing over 100 modern facilities for departments
of vocational agriculture and in equipping them for modern programs.

Floyd was recognized on the state, regional, and national levels
for his leadership in young—farmer work and in agricultural mechanics.
He served on regional and national committees in both areas. His
death leaves a definite leadership void in the state, region, and
nation. His mOSt recent contributions include serving as secretary
of the executive committee of the American Association of Agricultural
Engineering and Vocational Agriculture and planning the technical
agriculture phase of the Kentucky Annual Conference of Teachers of

Floyd was at his best in working with young teachers and in
developing young—farmer and agricultural mechanics programs. He
believed that general education and vocational education are phases
of a single education process—-in directing forces toward the full
realization of the potentials of each person.

The untimely end of Floyd's life is indeed a great loss to his
wife, Katherine; three sons, Donald, David, and Douglass; general
education and vocational education.

In view of his many contributions and accomplishments, and what
seemed to be his future, his colleagues express their keen sense of
loss at the passing of Floyd Cox. They will miss him——his contributions,
his ready smile, his comradeship.

On behalf of the College of Education Dr. James Barclay read a resolution
on the death of Dr. Carl Tatum.

Carl Tatum was an educator who taught by the example of the quality
of his life. That life began August 5, 1915 in Ora, Mississippi. It
ended July 9, 1970 while serving as a visiting professor at the Univer—
sity of Florida. As a boy he developed a love for athletics that was
an outstanding characteristic of his life. As he reached maturity he
acquired a great passion for the psychological understanding of human
relationships, and the way in which healthy relationships can be fostered
in the young. As a young man he went to California with a sense of
adventure. There he managed to put himself through college at San
Diego State College, receiving the A.B. with a major in English in 1940.
He moved to Shreveport, Louisiana, where he served both as an elementary
and secondary school teacher, and where from 1949 to 1962 he was principal
of an elementary school. During that period he completed an M.Ed. at
Louisiana State University, and an Ed.D. in 1956, at the University of





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Minutes of the University Senate, September 14, 1970

Maryland's Institute for Child Study. He was a member of several
professional associations, including the American Humanistic
Psychology, the organization with which he identified most strongly.

After spending several summers as a visiting professor at the
University of Kentucky, he was invited to join the faculty here in
1962, serving for a time as Acting Chairman of the Division of
Educational Foundations.

Carl's talents as an administrator were marked primarily by the
quiet insistence with which he furthered the interests of his
subordinates. His teaching in the psychology of human development,
had a profound effect on many students, undergraduate and graduate,

at the campus in Lexington, and at University extensions in several
parts of the state.

All who knew Carl Tatum will remember the warmth of his per—
sonality, and his rugged individuality. His life stood for something,
that ”something" being an impetus to, and example for, better relations
among people. He was justifiablv proud of the extent to which he
was able to share his vision with others; proud of his family who
survive him—-his wife Elsie, with whom he achieved an enviable
degree of cooperative effort, and his daughter Susan, who acquired
so many of his outstanding qualities; and proud of the University
he came to serve during the fullest years of his career as an educator.

His perception of situations was often strikingly unique, and
thereby opened to others a dimension that made the situation more
enjoyable or, at least, more tolerable. He will be missed by those
whose lives he touched; and the example of his life will be remembered,
to the betterment of people everywhere.

On behalf of the College of Education and University Extension Dr.

Cornelius R. Hager read the resolution on the death of Dr. Denver Sloan
with the recommendation that the resolution be transmitted to his wife
and daughter.

Dr. Denver Sloan was born April 13, 1913. Life expired on July
21, 1970. He was a native of Pike County and graduated from
Cumberland High School in 1934. His survivors are his wife, Paulina,
and one daughter, Frances Ann.

Denver held three degrees from the University of Kentucky:
A.B., 1947, majors——mathematics and biology; M.S., 1948, majors—-
anatomy and physiology; Ed.D., 1956, major——educationa1 administration.
The major part of his life was devoted to educational activity.
He taught for several years in the public school system of Pike
County and served as a high school principal for seven years.
Educational pursuit was interrupted while he served in the United
States Coast Guard during World War II as a member of the Medical

In 1954, he was appointed assistant professor of education at
Morehead State College and served as director of public relations with
this institution for two years. In 1956, he joined the administrative



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Minutes of the University Senate, September 14, 1970 3007

teaching staff of the University of Kentucky. His first assignment
was full time teaching. In 1957, he became director of the high
school speech program and director of the Correspondence Study Program.
Because of his close affiliation with the High School Speech League,

he was executive secretary of the Kentucky Speech Association. Other
activities include chairman of the Membership and Promotional Committee
of the Adult Education Association in Kentucky and member of the Sub—
CommitteecnlNuclear Science Education and Research, K—lZ. He was
instrumental in the development of the organization of the Kentucky
Association of Extension and Correspondence Study and was the initial

Dr. Sloan was a life member of the National Education Association
and an active member of the Kentucky Education Association. He was
a member of Phi Delta Kappa, an honorary fraternity for men in
education, and was awarded a service pin by this fraternity in 1961.
He was an active member of the National Science Teachers Association.

This individual was active as a student in high school debate.
He maintained this interest throughout his professional career and
was one of the organizers of the Advisory Council to the High School
Speech League which has functioned on an annual basis since 1957.
He served many years as a member of the National Executive Committee
on Discussion and Debate.

Nationally, Dr. Sloan served with distinction as chairman of
the Independent Study Division of the National University Extension
Association and as a member of the board of this organization.

At the time of his passing, he held a joint appointment at the
University of Kentucky as Director of Independent Study with
University Extension and as a full professor (Extension Series)
in the College of Education. Denver Sloan always exhibited, in
his daily behavior, the characteristics of a true gentleman.

His many contributions to this University and to the people of the
Commonwealth of Kentucky and his greatness of character is only
overshadowed by his modesty. Those of us who knew Denver as a
friend and colleague will long remember his untiring efforts in
extending the service arm of this institution. He exemplified, in
every way, a strong professional attitude and desire.

The University Senators stood for a moment of silence in tribute and respect
to Professors Laurence Pendley, Floyd Cox, Carl Tatum, and Denver Sloan
and in acceptance of the resolutions.

On behalf of the Senate Council, Dr. Stephen Diachun, Council
Secretary, presented a recommendation that the title of the degree in
Social Work be changed from the Bachelor of Arts with a major in Social
Work, College of Arts and Sciences, to the Bachelor of Arts in Social
Work, College of Social Professions. This recommendation had been circulated
to the faculty under date of September 2, 1970. In discussion from the
floor a Senator raised the question of whether it should be Bachelor of
Science rather than a Bachelor of Arts. The Senate then approved the change
of the degree in Social Work to place it in the College of Social Professions,
to be the professional degree of Bachelor of Arts in Social Work.





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Minutes of the University Senate, September 14, 1970

On behalf of the Senate Council and with its recommendation Dr.
Diachun recommended to the Senate that the report of the Senate Council's
ad hoc Committee on X Grades be adopted as circulated to the faculty
under—date of September 1, 1970 for transmittal to the Rules Committee
for any necessary codification.

Following discussion on the floor the Senate approved the report and
recommendations on X Grades for transmittal to the Rules Committee for
any necessary codification.

l. the Registrar cease recording the symbol "X” on grade records;

2. the Registrar shall remove all students from class rolls upon
notification from the instructor that the students have not
attended class prior to the last date of each term to drop a
course without a grade. The Registrar will promptly supply
the instructor with the official class rolls as of that date,
and it shall be the responsibility of the instructor to report
promptly to the Registrar the names of those students who have
not attended.

3. the Registrar notify the student and his academic dean of such

4. the Senate Council make an effort to see that
(a) each instructor is informed of the rules concerning grades,

(b) proper approval is given for cases that are exceptions to
the rules.

The Dean of Admissions and Registrar then presented a recommended time
schedule for first—time implementation of these four recommendations, namely:

l. that all drop—add forms be submitted to the Registrar's

Office by all colleges by 5:00 p.m., Wednesday, September

2. that the Registrar's Office provide updated class rolls to
the faculty by 5:00 p.m., Monday, September 21;

3. that all class rolls be returned to the Registrar by 5:00
p.m., Friday, September 25; and

4. that the Registrar's Office notify all deans and affected students
of action taken by Friday, October 2.

On recommendation of the Rules Committee and with the endorsement
of the Senate Council Dr. Diachun presented a recommendation that the pro—
posal circulated to the faculty under date of September 2, 1970 to incor—
porate the official descriptions of the officers of the Senate, including
the addition of one officer, that of Sergeant at Arms, into the Rules
of the University Senate, be approved with the correction of the word
Senate to faculty in arabic 3. A. Secretary under the description of
the functions of these officers. Question was raised of the wording
of the official description of the Secretary as eX officio secretary;

 Minutes of the University Senate, September 14, 1970 3009

that it should read that he will serve as ex officio member of the Senate
and be its secretary. The Chairman of the Senate stated that the Rules
Committee would be asked to consider an editorial change in order to
correct the misleading phraseology. The Senate then approved the four
officers of the Senate with their respective functions for inclusion in

the Rules of the Llnixerflty Senate.



1. Chairman — The President shall be chairman of the Senate and shall
be the presiding officer except as he may delegate
this function.

2. Secretary - The Dean of Admissions and Registrar shall serve as
ex officio secretary.

3. Parliamentarian — A member of the voting University faculty, not
necessarily a member of the Senate, appointed by the
University Senate Council.

4. Sergeant at Arms — A member of the voting University faculty who
is not a member of the Senate, appointed by the Univer—
sity Senate Council.



A. Secretary:

1. To distribute notices of regular Senate meetings at least
10 days prior to meetings with agenda and recommendations for
Senate action to the members of the Senate, to all other
members of the University faculty and to administrative offices
that are concerned with academic affairs, and of special meetings
as directed.

2. To keep minutes of Senate meetings and to circulate the
minutes as in item 1.

3. To maintain a record of additions to or modifications of
the Senate Rules between periodic revisions and distribute
copies of the revised Rules to members of the faculty at

least annually.

4. To prepare lists of faculty members eligible to vote for
membership in the University Senate and in other elections from
lists submitted by the chief administrative officers of the
academic units represented in the Senate and certified by the
Rules Committee.

5. To conduct elections as directed by the Senate.

6. To maintain an official roll of Senate members.

7. To maintain attendance records of Senate meetings and
notify administrative heads of units when a representative has
been absent without explanation from three meetings during any
academic year and must be replaced as a Senator.

8. To maintain a file on the "Rules of the faculty and a
description of its committee structure” (Gov. Regulations, VII,
A.4) as submitted by the colleges.






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Minutes of the University Senate, September 14, 1970

B. Parliamentarian:

To advise the presiding officer on parliamentary procedures.

C. Sergeant at Arms:

To separate visitors from voting members of the Senate,
control the presence of persons not authorized to attend
Senate meetings and to carry out instructions of the Senate
or its presiding officer during each meeting.

Dr. Plucknett introduced the Senate Council members who were present
and called the names of all members of that body, namely: Staley F.
Adams; Carl B. Cone; Stephen Diachun, Secretary; Wesley P. Garrigus;
John N. Lienhard, a new member beginning this fall who is replacing
Nicholas J. Pisacano who has recently been appointed Assistant Dean in the
College of Allied Health Professions; Dr. Vernon Musselman who is re—
placing Dr. Thomas Ford who is on leave; Dr. Sheldon Rovin, vice chair—
man; Dr. Robert W. Rudd, an ex officio member by virtue of His being a
non—voting member of the Board of Trustees; Dr. Paul Sears, also an ex
officio member because he is a non—voting member of the Board of
Trustees; Dr. Timothy H. Taylor; and Dr. William K. Plucknett, chairman.

Dr. Plucknett reported that Dr. Singletary had indicated he wished
to address the Senate during the fall semester; that the Rules Committee
and the Senate Council are working on a revision of the Senate Rules (some
of which is organizational, much of which is editorial) and it is hoped
that a complete revision will be ready for the Senate's consideration
at its October meeting; that a report by the Tripartite Committee will
be forthcoming at an early Senate meeting; that a report of the gd-hgg
Committee on Academic Priorities and Programs has been received in the
Senate Council office and is of such import that the President and the
Senate Council have been giving it a thorough study and it is expected
that recommendations will be forthcoming this fall; that the report of
the Advisory Committee on International Education, which was not covered
last spring, will be coming to the Senategthat at least one meeting
will be held to discuss some matters of the self-study report; that the
document which was referred back to the Advisory Committee'on Student
Affairs and which recommended student involvement at the departmental and
college levels will be coming to the Senate; plus other business which may
come up. Dr. Plucknett also reported that the Senate Council had dis-
cussed and had established an ad_hgg committee to study the academic
responsibilities of the faculty.

At this point Dr. Wendell Berry presented a motion that the Senate send a
resolution to the President asking that he attend the Senate and converse
and associate with the Senators. The motion was seconded. Dr. Michael
Adelstein then asked the presenter of the motion if he would yield to

a rewording of the motion. Dr. Berry and the seconder agreed to withdraw
for the following rewording of the motion by Dr. Adelstein, "The Senate
extends a gracious, cordial, and friendly invitation to the President to
attend its meetings and feel free on any occasion to speak to it; that,

in particular, he address it in the near future on ways in which the Senate
can help to strengthen and improve the University; and further, that a ques-
tion and answer session follow his address, the Senate Council and




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Minutes of the University Senate, September 14, 1970 3011

PreSident to determine whether or not it should be Open to the Press. This
motion was seconded.

At this point call for adjournment was made from the floor. By a hand
count of 73 to 51 the Senate voted for adjournment.

The Senate adjourned at 4:20 p.m.

Elbert W. Ockerman


The University Senate met in regular session at 3:00 p.m., Monday, October
12, 1970, in the Court Room of the Law Building. Chairman Plucknett presided.
Members absent: Lawrence A. Allen*, Albert S. Bacdayan, James R. Barclay*,
Charles E. Barnhart, Robert A. Beargie*, Robert H. Biggerstaff*, Frederick
Bollum*, Thomas D. Brower, Mary R. Brown*, Herbert Bruce*, Clyde R. Carpenter*,
Ralph S. Carpenter*, Maurice A. Clay*, William B. Cotter*, William H. Dennen,
Robert M. Drake*, Eugene B. Gallagher, Charles P. Graves, Ward 0. Griffen,
Willis H. Griffin, John V. Haley*, Jack B. Hall, Joseph Hamburg, Richard Hanau*,
Rebekah Harleston*, Charles F. Haywood*, John W. Hutchinson*, Mary Frances
James*, Raymon D. Johnson, Irving F. Kanner*, Donald E. Knapp*, James A.
Knoblett*, James F. Lafferty, Bruce E. Langlois*, Harold R. Laswell*, Thomas
J. Leonard, Arthur Lieber*, Donald L. Madden*, Maurice K. Marshall*,
William R. Merritt, Blaine F. Parker*, Bobby C. Pass, Albert W. Patrick,
John T. Reeves, John C. Robertson*, John W. Roddick, Alex Romanowitz,
Gerald I. Roth*, Betty R. Rudnick*, George Ruschell, John S. Scarborough*,
George W. Schwert*, Ian Shine, D. Milton Shuffett*, Raymond A. Smith*,
John B. Stephenson, Leonard P. Stoltz*, Robert Straus*, Thomas B. Stroup,
Betty A. Taylor*, John Thrailkill*, John N. Walker*, M. Stanley Wall,

Charles A. Walton*, James H. Wells*, Harry E. Wheeler*, Alfred D. Winer,
and Robert G. Zumwinkle.

The Senate approved the requests of Jane Brown, Kernel reporter, and
Dick Ware, Kernel photographer, to attend, report and photograph the meeting.

The Chairman announced the appointment of Dr. Charles Elton to fill the
newly approved office of Sergeant at Arms of the Senate and announced further
that Professor David Larimore would act as his assistant.

The Chairman reminded the Senators of the special meeting of the Senate
to be held at 3:00 p.m., October 29, 1970, for the purpose of considering the
agenda items which were postponed from this meeting.

The Chairman then introduced to the Senators Dr. Otis A. Singletary,
President of the University of Kentucky. The text of Dr. Singletary's
address follows.

*Absence explained





September 17, 1970


To: Teaching faculty of the University

From: Elbert W. Ockerman, Secretary, University Senate

For your information the following are the dates of the regular
meetings of the University Senate for the 1970—71 academic year. The
Governing Regulations provide that the regular meetings shall be held
on the second Monday of each month.

Monday, October 12, 1970
Monday, November 9, 1970
Monday, December 14, 1970
Monday, January 11, 1971
Monday, February 8, 1971
Monday, March 8, 1971
Monday, April 12, 1971

When feasible Specific agenda items to be considered by the
University Senate will be circulated to all faculty prior to the
meeting at which they will be considered.




Literature, Philosophy and Arts (28) Physical Sciences (cont'd.)


Black, Ben W. '70

Briggs, Wallace N. '70

Cone, Carl B. '70

Cooke, Arthur L. '70

Gordon, William A. '70 (for Rickey,
resigned from Senate)

Hatch, Maurice A. '70 (for Kuiper,
retired; Keating, on 1v '69-70)

Hopkins, James F. '70

Ivey, Donald W. '70

Jansen, William H. '70

Silberstein, Gerard E. '70

Ward, William S. '70

Amyx, Clifford '71

Berry, Wendell E. '71

Blyton, Gifford '71

Crabb, Alfred L., Jr. '71

DeBoer, Jesse '71

Hamilton, Holman '71

Kirwan, Albert D. '71

Langlois, Walter G. '71

Moore, Arthur K. '71

Blues, Thomas O. '72

Donohew, R. Lewis, '72

Hall, Michael D. '72

Longyear, Rey M. '72

Mueller, Theodore H. '72

Smith, Raymond A. (for Stroup'72,
on lv. Fall Sem. '69)

Van, Thomas A. '72

Via, John A. '72

Social Sciences (12)

Dobyns, Henry F. '70

Drysdale, John P. '70 (for Butwell,
resigned) ‘

Essene, Frank J. '70

Lott, Albert J. '70

Ulmer, S. Sidney '70

White, Martin M. '70

Baker, Robert A. (for Sutton '71,
on lv. 1969—70)

Ford, Thomas R. '71

Voss, Harwin L. '71

Fleron, Frederic J. '72

Mason, Gene L. '72

Vetter, H. Fred '72

Physical Sciences (18)
Dennen, William H. '70 (for Puckette,


Fisher, Irving S. '70

Gabbard, Roy F. '70

Gossick, B. R. '70 (for Wells,
unexplained absences)

Kiser, Robert W. '70 (for Eckstrom,
deceased) '
Plucknett, William K. '70
Fugate, Joseph B. '71
Langenhop, Carl E. '71
McEllistrem, Marcus T. '71
Sands, Donald E. '71
Sears, Paul G. '71
Thrailkill, John '71
Wagner, William F. '71
Weil, Jesse L. '71
Bauer, Henry H. '72
Coleman, Donald B. '72
Schrils, Rudolph '72
Smith, Stanford L. '72

Biological Sciences (5)

Ruchman, Isaac '70

Crawford, Eugene C., Jr. '71
Weaver, Ralph H. '71
Gittleson, Stephen M. '72
Harris, Denny O. '72


Chapman, Richard A. '70

Jacobson, Don R. '70

Kemp, James D. '70

Ragland, John L. '70

Rodriguez, Juan G. '70

Rudd, Robert W. '70

Rudnick, Arthur W., Jr. '70

Taylor, Timothy H. '70

Van Horn, Harold H.'7O (for Templeton,
on leave 1969—70)

Webster, Gilbert T. '70

Woolfolk, Patch G. '70

Bradley, N. W. (for Parker '71,
on 1V. 5/1/69-10/31/69)

Buck, C. Frank '71

Crowe, M. Ward '71

Diachun, Stephen '71

Duncan, William G. '71

Pass, Bobby C. '71

Peaslee, Doyle E. (for Hiatt '71,
on leave 1969-70)

Phillips, Ronald E. '71

Thurston, Richard '71

Dutt, Ray H. '72

Hays, Virgil W. '72

Mark, Richard '72

Mitchell, George E.

Shuffett, D. Milton

Survant, William G.

Walker, John N. '72




Marlatt, Abby L.'7O (for Hill,
resigned; Brownlie, retired)

Wells, Claudia E. '70 (for Combs,
resigned; Packett, administrative)


Cosgriff, Robert L. '70 (for Moore,

Crewe, George F. '70

DeAngelis, Robert J. '70 (for Blythe,

Robe, Thurlow R. '70

Back, Lyle N. '71

Carter, W. Merle '7l

Eichhorn, Roger '7l

Lafferty, James F. '71

Lauderdale, Robert, Jr. '71

Lienhard, John H. '71

Adams, Staley F. '72

Birkebak, Richard C. '72

Cremers, Clifford J. '72

Gillis, Peter P. '72

Hutchinson, John W. '72

Wood, Donald J. '72

LAW (4)

Ham, Willburt D. '70 (for Gilliam,

Williamson, Charles G., Jr. '70

Kennedy, John E. '71

Sedler, Robert A. '71


Barnard, Harry V. '70
Edmonds, Fred '70
Wilkie, Raymond A. '70
Auvenshine, Charles '71
Bruce, Herbert '71
Clay, Maurice A. '71
Denton, David E. '71 (for Gorman,
Gruber, Joseph J. '71
Levy, Albert S. '71
Musselman, Vernon A. '71
Atwood, Ronald '72
Burnett, Collins W. '72
Gardner, Jess L. '72
Huff, Eugene '72
Miller, Richard I. '72
Phipps, Curtis '72
Ravitz, Leonard A. '72
Tatum, Carl D. '72


Christian, Virgil L., Jr. '70
Ecton, William W. '70

Gibson, James L. '71

Haun, Robert D. '71

Madden, John L. '71

Marshall, Ray '71

Knoblett, James A. '72
Patrick, Albert W. '72
Stroup, Robert H. '72


Billups, Norman F. '70 (for Hopkins, adm.)
Doughty, Richard M. '71
Luckens, Mark M. '72


Boyarsky, Louis L. '70

Csaky, Tihamer Z. '70

Diedrich, Donald F. '70

Engelberg, Joseph '70

Hu, Alfred S. L. '70 (for Howieson,

James, Vernon L. '70 (for Isbell, unexplained
absences; Lester on lv. '69—70)

Lerner, Melvin J. '70 (for Stevens, resigned