xt72z31nh47r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt72z31nh47r/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19390331  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, March 31, 1939 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 31, 1939 1939 2013 true xt72z31nh47r section xt72z31nh47r oesi uopy Available

The Kentucky ECernel





uear tailor: wnen

I in man. J m
wave of destruction
Now I'm mad. When I resisurcd
for a gym class I was told it was
compulsory to get a locker because
I couldn't get a grade until I tot
a locker, whether I used it or not
I have a gym class where I don't
necessarily need a locker. I can
come to school dressed for tne
Minus traditional pledging
class, yet I still have to jay for
of Lances, junior men's honBids for engraving, photoga locker. They do not furnis'i lurks orary, the first Independent-ru- n
raphy, and binding of the 1940
for the lockers. You buy your own. Junior prom will be held from 9
Kentuckian are due at noon.
The locker fee is $1.25.
p. m. ta 12 m. Saturday in the
April 10. in the Kernel busiUnion ballroom.
ness office, the Board of Stu"Now my kick is this: I have had
dent Publications has decided.
Featured will be the coronation
a pair of good gym shoes .stolen. of Sara Biggs. Delta Delta Delta,
positions of
Yes. I said stolen, not lost. The .letted prom queen March 20 by
editor and business manager
door of the locker was forced ir. vaid vote of junior men. and the music
of the Kernel and editor and
and just the shoes taken. I had cf Hal Lieber and his Indiana unibusiness manager of the Kenanorher pair taken from the Union versity orchestra.
tuckian for next year are due
Martha Jane
check room last semester, but they Rch. Kappa Kappa Gamma, and
at the same time and place.
made this good. Now no one seems Thelma Clark. Independent, will
to be responsible for the articles serve as the queen's attendants.
in the gym lockers. It appears that
Miss Biggs will ascend the throne
from the number of lockers used lecated at the ODposite end of the
each semester someone should be ballroom floor from the bandstand
responsible for them, to protect at 10:15 p. m.
their users. After all. there is a
Junior Class President Joe Bailey BY
limit to everything.
vaid that he believed Juniors were
"P. S. From the looks and condiceremonies
tion of the lockers, they might have t'red of
and that his aim was an evening-- , of
come over on the Mayflower."
uninterrupted dancing.
J W. D.
will be included.
All bids for the formal prom have
Criticism Twice
Signed "A Student." a criticism been distributed, James Wine. Union
of The Kernel on two points is: student director, said yesterday.
Featuicd with Lieber and his band
"Your paper carried in screaming
letters the story of a fraternity pre "Warpy" Waterfall, Marjorie
pledge spraining his ankle during Warren. Bill Cathcart and Lieber
'HeU Week.' but carried but a three himself, who recently won a poll rn
Two students. Campbell Miller.
paragraph story when two were midwest colleges as the finest sing- Lcx'ngton. and James Quisenberry.
injured during the Pershing Rifles er ever to be heard with any colle- Winchester, received Alpha Zeta
Hell Week." Pershing Rifles forces giate dance band.
Miss Warren,
Initiates to do things any fraternity who is Lieber's discovery, possesses awards from Dean Thomas
would refuse to do because of dan- - a vcice of quality and reminds one Cooper as outstanding seniors of
per. You know, of these two in- - of Ethel Merman both in looks and the College cf Agriculture, at the
banquet last night in the
tured. one went to the hospital. performance, advance reports say
Why this great distinction between Lieber found her last fall when she ballroom of the Union building.
two" Hell Weeks?registered in the freshman class of
Usually only one student merits
"Secondly, please instruct Col- - the University of Indiana.
the annual award, but th's year the
"Warpy" Waterfall, clarinetist and advisory committee and three Junior
umnist Caldwell to write only about
things he knows something about. arranger with the band, is ac- members of the Alpha Zeta fraterHis sutrpestion that emphasis be claimed by musicians over the nity. were unable to choose between
laker, off football and given to country for his exceptional performthe two cn the basis of scholastic
minor sports was the most idiotic ance cn the clarinet, reports say. standing and Achievement in the
thing I have ever read, and showed He possesses a typical "Shaw" style field of agriculture. Miller is a mahis lack of information on the sub- - n the clarinet and has little diffi- jor in ornamental horticulture, and
Ject. Leave the sports to Joe Crea- - culty getting over the notes, it is, Quisenberry is specializing in anison a good writer. Whether or reported.
mal husbandry.
not you print this is immaterial
Cathcart. who is the third of the
Mrs. Virginia Croft Snoddy. gradwas meant only to offer Cathcart family to perform with
this letter
uate of the University, cf Charlconstructive criticism."
ihe band during the last five years ottesville. Va.. delivered the princisince its inception holds down with pal address on "Home Economics
T'aint S
fine execution the job cf drummer,
apAlways appreciated is construc- according to information available. What's It Good For?" before
proximately 350 persens. Relatinc.
criticism, but there is not much
The band has been organized for many of her own experiences in the
to base it upon tins time. In the five years and has appeared on
is more news practically every campus in Indiana field of home economics. Mrs. Snodfirst place, there
dy declared that this particular
value in anyone deliberately jump- - and several in Michigan. Illinois,
course not only prepared cne for
ins off a bridge than there is in and Missouri.
professional life, but also made life
two men scuffling, one of them
more interesting in other forms of
falling and hitting a rock. In the
second place, one of the men hurt
The annual award of the Phi
as an active, not a pledge. In the
Omicron medal to the sophothird place. I don't know of any
more girl who mad ethe highest
rial sw us things the pledges were
stand:' lg while a frehmtin. was
forced to do which the actives
presented to Jeanne Beckett. Ft.
themselves did not do. If we were
j Thomas.
to condemn the real , cause of these
Sixteen pledges were initiated intwo being hurt, we would have to
to the Block and Bridle Club by
condemn Just about half of the
' James Quisenberry. president, dur- -'
Drop around and we'll
ing the program. They were Harold
D. England. Campbellsburg: TheoConcerning Caldwell, the system
Jack McMichael. chairman of th-- ; dore B. Forbes.
Carrcllton: Richard
he advocated is not unheard of. in National Student Assembly. Oxford.
fact has been suggested by some Ohio, will be the guest speaker at G. Foy. Fulton: Stanley A. Hager.
of our leading educators. Whether the World Fellowship dinner meet- Lexington: Thomas C. Hardest'.
you agree with him is another ing and forum of the YM-Yat Whitesville:
Otto Losch. Shepherdsville; Jomatter. I don't know that I do. but 5:45 p. m., Monday. April 3. in the
certainly wouldn't call him idiot Faculty dining room of the Union seph C. Luckett. Lebanon: Eddie C.
Pasco. Central City: Walter L.
just because of that.
building. His subject will be "The Thompson.
Bagdad: John Tuttle.
March cf Students."
Burnside; Warren Thompson. FulCame two letters expressing apThis is the third of a series cf ton: Thomas W. Spickard.
Princepreciation cf tlie Kernel s move to forums sponsored by the YM and
include discussions of national and YW and was originally scheduled ton: Kelly R. Earle. Berry; Robert
international interest in its news for 7:15 p. m in the recreation Mirshall. Lexington: Clyde S. Gilcolumns. Although there is no def- room of Patterson hall. All student', liam. Livingston: and Miller Levi.
initely "national" editorial appearand faculty members are invited
Winners of the annual livestock
ing today, we are trying to work and tickets fcr the dinner can be
out a way in which at least cnt secured for 40c. Reservations should judging contest, held March 25 in
the Livestock Judging Pavilicn, were
each issue" may best be presented.
be made through the YW office.
William Hardin,
Mr. McMichael graduated from
Flesh And Bluod
Emory University in 1937. where he chairman of the committee. Audra
E. Boll. Providence, was awarded
Excerpts from the first letter: "I was a member of Omicron Delta
had just about given up hope that Kappa and Phi Beta Kappa. He the senior medal, Robert Davis.
said pise editorial would ever ris? was also chairman of the Southern Lexington the upperclass cup and
Tom Pettus. Stanford, the freshman
above the Sadie Hawkins Day level Field Council,
of the cup.
when lo and behold you printed National Intercollegiate
Recent pledges to Scovell Chapter
that Mississippian piece. I don't Council and a student debater.
of Alpha Zeta, honorary agriculwant to argue the ASU question or
by his University as a
Spanish question although I be- Rhodes scholarship nominee. Mr. tural fraternity, were announced by
lieve that concerning this latter McMichael instead accepted the in- Robert Rudd, president, and those
question some of your writers possess vitation of the NICC to become the to Iota Chapter of Phi Upsilon
a naivete which, though freshening, First Student Movement Exchange Omicron honorary home econom'cs
fraternity by Grace Silverman,
is a bit discouraging the point I Fellow. He spent last year in Chin
want to make is that you printed as a representative of the Student president.
The Dairy Club was announced as
something of flesh and blood, taken Christian Movement of America. He
winner of the
intra. Your
from a world of reality
returned to the United States last mural basketball first
tournament ever
treatment of this question pro and month and has been on a speaking
con by editorial writers and student tour of universities and colleges in staged here, by Everett Stephenson,
member of the team, and supervisor
letters was gocd journalism
various parts of the country.
M. F.
Mr. McMichael will be guest of of the tourney.
Anna Louise Elsey and Ray Wood,
Worthwhile Project
honor at a tea given by the World
And from the second letter: "
Fellowship group for YW and YM accompanied by Mary Jane Smith,
gave vocal solos during the evening,
The guest editorial is undoubterly cabinet members and representaone of the most worthwhile project.' tives from the sophomore and and Miss Mildred Lewis and
Essex directed group singing.
ever adopted by the staff. You'd freshman groups, at 4 p. m.. MonRobert Rudd. president of Alpha
be amazed at the large number ci day. April 3. in Boyd hall.
Zeta. acted as toastmaster.
students who really want to keep
abreast of the times. Being interWAA Kl (,!.! KS LEAD
ested in the views of our fellow
students, we want these things in
Bv winning 19 ol 21 matches to
John Jacob Niles will sing and
our pages. Joe College and Kitty
Co-e- d
aren't the shallow, stupid in- play ballads on his dulcimer at date, the University WAA team
holds a sixgame lead in the Lexingdividuals you'd make them. Oive the dinner of the national conventhe students a break let's .have tion of Chi Delta Phi. honorary ton women's bowling league No. 1.
more of these editorials, so vital to literary fraternity for women, Bar- Second place is held by the Herald-Leadteam with 13 wins in their
bara MacVey, publicity director.
us now" 8. R. B.
'.'1 ;.'HniH
(Continued on Pki- - r'ivc
iiiuiiinr''d vrstfrrlMV.

Annual Juniors' Ball







Miller, Quisenberry
Chosen Ranking

Ag Seniors










Two Weeks Are Given

For Completion

Up-silc- n


McMichael Will Speak

At Dinner Meeting






To Play At Banquet



Student journalists from nine
Kentucky college newspapers wlil
converge on the campus April 7 and
8 for the annual spring convention
of the Kentucky
Press association with the Kernel
as host. Included in the program
are panel discussions, forums, talks
by Lexington and Kentucky newspapermen and a dinner.
"Shotgun Wedding on the Field
Awards for the best paper in the
of Honor" was the winning address association,
the best news story,
made by Tom Downing, Arts and feature, editorial, sports story, advertisement, and
will be
Sciences junior, at the annual Pat- made with Chicago column
Tribune executerson Literary society oratorical tives as judges.
contest held Monday, March 27. in
Registration will be at 1 p. m..
April 7, in Room 204. of the Union
the Union building. A twenty-dollbuilding. At 2 p. m.. a general
medal was awarded.
session will be opened with a welThe contest, open to all University men, was entered by Lawrence come to the visiting delegates by
Sherman. W. F. Snyder. R. D. Mar- L. T. Iglehart, editor of the Kernel
tin. James E. Adkins. and Raymond and president of the association.
Sutherland. All discussions were Speakers will be A. B. Guthrie. Jr..
city editor of the Lexington Leader,
who will talk on "News Values."
George Murauskar of the English department and Prof. Louis Lawrence Shropshire. Leader sports
Clifton of the University extension editor, with "Sports Writing" as
his subject; and Russell Scofield,
were among those judging.
Founded in 1886 and named in advertising manager of the Herald-Leadwho will speak on "Newshonor of the first president of the
University. James Kennedy Patter- paper Advertising As a Vocation."
G. M. Pedley, state publicity dison, the society holds oratorial competition each year in honor of his rector, and editor of In Kentucky
and the Lyon County Herald, and
Officers of the organization are president of the Kentucky Press,
Jimmy Wine, president: Raymond association will be guest speaker at
and Joe dinner at 6:30 p. m.. April 7. in the
Johnson, secretary. Faculty advis- second floor banquet room of the
ers are Dr. W. S. Webb. Dr. John Union. Awards will be made for
Kuiper. and Dr. William R. Suther- competition winners at the banquet
when a cup will be presented to
representatives of the college paper
judged best and keys to the writers
of the best news story, feature story,
sports story, editorial, and advertisement.
Second and third place
winners will receive certificates of
A ten dollar set of pipes will be
presented to Alfred Wathen. arts
and sciences student, winner of a
recent ad contest in the Kernel.
Tentative plans have been made
for a party for the visiting deleTentative plans submitted by the gates by Delta Sigma Chi. honorY Committee on Reorganization
of ary journalism fraternity for men.
Student Government were approved following the dinner.
will be
KIPA officers for 1939-4- 0
by students attending the second
elected at the business session of
the convention at 9 a. m., April 8.
Srr Editorial
in Room 204. Union. L. T. Iglehart.
president of the group, will preside.
Theta Sigma Phi. honorary jourTuesday nalism fraternity for women, will
forum of ths YM-Ygive the conduct a forum for the visiting
night. The group voted to
committee two weeks in which to women delegates at 10 a. m. in
present an organized plan of student Room 204. Union.
Students of the journalism de"Final decisions on all plans rests partment are urged to attend the
with the students and the commitFriday night banquet by KIPA oftee urges all students to attend the ficials. Reservations should be made
forum to hear the report of the with John Morgan i the Kernel
committee and to vote on the ques- business office, he said. Sixty-fiv- e
tions." stated Chairman Don Irvine. cents a plate will be charged.
,,Member papers sending delegates
The basic tentative plan approved
provided for a president of the stu- - to the convention are the Crimson
dent body to be the chief executive Rambler. Transylvania college; Colof the students; two vice presidents lege News. Murray State Teachers
consisting of one
and one college: College Heights Herald.
woman; and a student legislative Western State Teachers college;
body to be elected by classes with Cento. Centre college: Georgeton-iaGeorgetown college; Progress.
proportional representation of men
State Teachers college.
and women.
Chairman Irvine stated that high Trail Blazer. Morehead State Teaand specific qualifications will be chers college; Orange and Black.
necessary for presidential eligibility. Union college, and the Kernel.
and possibly all candidates will be
required to take a test based cn the
principles of civil service. Those
candidates found most eligible will
run in a general election. Vice
presidents will be required to take
the same examinations, said Irvine,
adding that sex equality would be
The legislative body empowered to
deal with all student problems will
be elected by classes. Eligibilty requirements for the legislature are
Scholastic averages of all Univernew under consideration asserted
sity fraternities are being tabulated
by the Registrar's office Tor publi- -



Instead ol chuckling over tin- untss of ii eltwii io
abolish Hell Week. I'm Klk.nh is radio inclined to quo
lion llic- advisability of the nittliotU iiniI in liininr about
the "ict;iil.ilion."
I o noiiic, this may look like an about hue. ol an example
of t lie child not bein satislicd w ith the "tov" after el vim;
for it, but sueh is not the ease. In the lust plate, all editoiiaN
printed ill this paper appealed to the fratei nitie- - themelve.
lo aljolish the piactite. not to outside tones.
Our objection to yesteidav's at lion rests on this point:
Whether ol not the fraternities would evei. ol their ixmi
initiative, have done away with Hell Week, at least thty
should have been repleselited when the legulatiotis were
diawn up. Because, in the lust place, we maintain that it is
their right to be heard on a matter attetting them directR.
.Secondly, they, belter than others, know the weaknesses
and faults of the Hell Week practice. 1 his can casilv be
shown by the fad that no regulation legaidiii; road trips
was included in the tcpoil ol the committee.
lo most
fraternity men. who should know, in this one practice lies
the greatest source of trouble and embarrassment to the
Greek organizations.
It it is Mecessaiy. and it iua be, lo regulate from "the
outside," then why not give the oiganizatioiis a chance to
make suggest ioiisr
Most of the provisions of llic regulations arc
but undoubtedly lliey could be improved upon bv (oiitVrring
with fraternity presidents.

Seashore Test

p. in

Seashore test of musical
will be given Friday at 7:30
in Room 8 of the Art center

by Dr. Aelxander Capurso. instruc
tor in the music department. This
is the last time the test will be
given this year. It is required of all
music majors and may be taken by
anyone who wishes to test his individual musical talent









Several of the members puinted
out various articles and Utters attacking the practices, which had
app ared in the Courier-Journathe
Lexington Herald and The Kernel
The Kernel, especially, has been
active iu recent Issues in an attempt
to influence fraternities to secure
stricter regulation or absolute abolishment of the annual occurrence
A resolution, containing the four
regulatory measures, vas drawn up
and unanimously passed by the
C:pies are to be sent
to each chapter on the campus,
emphasizing the grarene
of rh
Another copy is to be
placed in the Hell Week flies of the
University, to be brought forth aid
reprinted for distribution aaui in
March of next year, when Hell
Weeks are next slated to occur.
The regulatory program calls for
the following steps:
Public exhibiriunism is to
2' "Informal initiation ' pracliCts
are - be confined strictly to chapter houses and grounds.
'3' Hell Week activity mast not
Dr. Statie Erikson. head of the
interfere with the das work of
and students.
depirtment of heme economics
president of the Kentucky Dietetic
All hazing activities
association, will open that group's cease promptly at 12 midnight each
night except Saturday during HeU
sixth annual meeting with an ad- Week.
dress at 10 o'clock this morning in
The Resolution
' the Phoenix hotel.
The remainder of the resolution
dis- -'
Exhibits and a round-tabl- e
cussion, conducted by Florence Im-- ! is as follows:
"Seme members of the faculty a;e
lay of the Experiment Station also
will be included ta the morning threatening to bring the fraternity
HeU Week matter before the Senate
Prcf. Robert Baker of the depart-- ! rles committee, or before the Senment of chemistry will open the ate itself, unless steps are taken :
afternoon session with an address regulate it.
"The practices should be coiuroKed
on "Don't Alkalize." A tea will fol- -j
low from 4:30 to 5:30 in the Music because:
room of the Union building.
"1 Instructors complain that inDr. Margaret Ratlifl of the de- -: itiates are not mentally and physipartmeni of psychology will be the cally able to keep up class wcrk beprincipal speaker at the annual cause of rigorous treatment
banquet to be held at 6:30 p. m. in
The practices entail physical
the Phoenix hotel. The subject of hazards.
her address will be "There Are Two
"3 A great
lof You Dr. Jckyll and Mr. Hyde." tions demanded many oi the exhibiof the initiates are
surgeon in charge so ridiculous
W. H. Sebrell.
in the eyes
pub-- j
oi nutrition investigations. United lie that great discredit of the
States public health service. Wash-- : not only on the fraternities reflected
but also
ington. D. C. will deliver the main on the University
that permits them
address of the Saturday morning j to exist.
session. He will speak on "Nature
"This committee is to commum-- I
and Prevention of Nutritional" at
Ruth Boyden. of the de- - cate with each fraternity on the
partment of hume economics, will campus and inform thtm of the
also speak on ' Human Requirements exact status or the situation.
of Vitamins" earlier in the morn- believe the matter should be regulated by the fraternities themselves,
so as not to necessitate drastic ofA presentation of Robert Sher-- ;
ficial action by the Senate.
wood's "Abe Lincoln in Illinois" will
"Each chapter is to give this combe given at a luncheon at I p. m. at
serious consideration
the Lexington Country Club, and a munication
tour of the federal hospitals and and take necessary measures to
Bluegrass stock farms will conclude comply with the four preceding
the annual convention.
Members of the committee are
Prof. C. C. Jelt. chairman: Professors L. J. Horlacher. Henry B.
Dr. A. J. Andrews, research physi-- j Moore. Fordyce Ely. M. J.
cist with the United States public Bart Peak. James Shropshire: Dr
health service, will address the Pryor C. C. Carpenter, and Major William
Society at 7:30 p. m. S. Barrett.
cn Monday. April 3. in Room 307
of the Biological Sciences building,
He will seak on "Physics in
Modern Medicine." and will show
Points, fur Omhmn Urlta Kapslides of the various types of ap- paratus he has devised and utilized pa, campus Iradrrihip fratrmiK
fur melt, are due April T. in Room
in his work.
White hall office of Prof.
Kobsou U. .Mrlrtvre OIIK facul- j




Second of The Kernel trial
stairs, ito publish two consecutive issues of the paper,
will go into office for the
Tuesday. April 4 edition, and
will be composed of the following:
George Lamason.
Pat Hamilton, managing editor: L. T. Iglehart. news editor: Ben Williams and Jim
Caldwell, associate
Virginia Hayden. society editor, and Laura Lyons, assistant society editor.
These trial staffs are designed to show what applicants are bst suited for positions on next year's regular
staff and to familiarize journalists xith duties of posi-tieother than their own.
a three-issu- e
service with today's Kernel
are the following: Pat Hamilton managing editor: Ben
Williams and Jim Caldwell,
Hayden. society editor, and
Laura Lyons, assistant society
editor. Other positions on the
initial trial staff were filled
bv the regular editors.

Dr. Erikson Will Talk
At First Session


4- -


Religious Picture
Scheduled Sunday
King Of Kinds' To Be Show
In Observance Of


Holv Week

As a part of the observance ol
is sponHoly Week, the YM-Ysoring the motion picture. "King
of Kings." to be shown at 3 p. m.
Sunday in Memorial hall. There
will be no admission charge.
Produced 12 years ago by Cecil
B. DeMille the picture has stood
as a monument to cinema reproductions of religious and historical
spectacles. Although it is a sound
picture there are no voices as only
music is used.
Si Editorial
The picture is being shown in
50 cities at the same time as a devotional event of Palm Sunday.
Torcation sometime during the month H. B. Warner, the late Ernest
rance. Joseph Schiltikraut. William
of April. Dean Jones said yesterBoyd, and May Robson are some
persons appear"Due lo lack of finances, the av- - of the outstanding
erages have not been compiled for ing in the film.
the past several years." Dean Jones
said. "However." he added, so many
students and parents have request-- I
td the resumption of the practice
that we have decided to make the
Ruth Johnson and Mary Louise
tabulation an annual occurrence."
"Many students nowadays want McFarland. retiring president and
president of AWS
to know how a fraternity stand
scholastically as well as financially respectively, will leave tomorrow to
before they will consider joining," attend a meeting of the Intercolle- giate Association of Women Stuhe said.
Dean Jones said that it is hoped dents at the University of Kansas,
of the Regis- Lawrence. Kansas.
that the
meeting. April 3 to
The three-da- y
trar's office may be procured for
the publishing of an all men's stand 5. will have as its principal business
ing for the University in the near the discussion of reorganization cf
tile AWS national set-ufuture.

AWS Presidents
To Attend Meeting


A paralyzing blow was dealt
to fraternity Hell Weeks ye-- i
terday afternoon when a
Voted to impose a
regulatory program on the
initiation practices of campus
Greek lodges.
Dean T. T. Jones, in
strutting- the committee as tu
the seriousness of the matter.
said. "In no previous years
have thexe been so manv complaints about Hell W eek on
the part of townspeople and
faculty members.''


Will Head
Trial Staff





Dean To Release List
Next Month


This Year




Against Practice

An t.ditoriaJ)


Harold Huber. graduate chemistry
student, yesterday was elected pres-- ;
ident of the graduate club. Dr. W.
D. Funkhouser. dean cf the Grad- -'
uate school, said yesterdav.
Mary Smith, graduate education
student, was elected vice president:
Eleanor Mitts, graduate chemistry
student, secretary, and Mrs. Marie
Halbert. graduate education student,


Dean Cites Complaints

We're Not Smug


Huber Named Prexy


Regulatory Resolution
To Curtail Greeks' Ceremonies








Twenty Dollar Award
Made To Winner
Of Contest



OF 9


f- -r



Kernel Will Be Host
For Two-Da- y

care-moni- es




Kentuckian Bids,
Staff Petitions
Due April

Will Minimize



Biggs To Ascend Prom Throne
As Hal Lieber's Orchestra Plays

Warminp I p



Olori Deaf !i ell Week When Committee Votes Strict






Too large for every student to
know every other student'!, name
is the University of Kentucky, says
one observer, but the item in this
column last issue had a suggestion
for this campus. Why not say good
morning," and "good afternoon"
when meeting other students? Could
be done with a little encouragement and wju'd make those transfer students, the freshmen, and
even some of the upperclassmen
feel like they were a part of a whole
rather than rank outsiders.
The Kernel will do everything
possible to keep the iden aliv? f
aryonc is interested. Let .is knew.







Asks DDK Points



Dean Jones

Shoe Salesman
Dean I". T. Jones announced
yesterday that a student who
is an experienced stKe salesman is needed immediately
work iu a Lexfor
ington store. Anyone interested is asked to see Dean
Jones at once

ucilT tnairman.


(.pirx ml tlie point .ivtrm used
may he obtained from Proirssor
1( Intyre's office or at the Kernel
business office.
M i ll ITT TO




Prof. N. R. Elliott, of the department of horticulture, will conduct
cne-ua- y
sessions of Landscape
Leader's Training Schools in Daviess County. March 31. and in McLean coiuiry, April 1

* wwjf nvaimuic



Page Two

TiieTkentucky kernel



rrmrh belter than the instructor, know when .1
Mihject has been drained rlrv or when 11 is still
clotttlv in ihfii minds.
The I'nivevii'v of C.hirajjo has tried ihis
iiipihtxl wiih more than a fair amount of success, and Hr. l.oius P. Oiflm.-in- .
late president
of die I'niversity of Minnesota, seemed i have
this thought in mind when he wrote the following: "In education, as elsewhere, freedom is not
a right, hut a privilege 10 he earned. Ftliic aiion
will make its largest contribution io a free sociclv
only when there is a proper recognition of
Probably someone will make the remark that
I'niversitv students "intend" to assume all responsibility, take ihe task of planning the curriculum out of ihe hands of men who have studied
for tweniv veats to perform thai verv job. and
assume these duties themselves. That is absolutely false. Thev don't want that, and wouldn't
have it.
Rut they do feel thai thev could handle more
responsibilit v. and that the voting man being
talked "at" sometimes knows how he is being
affected lener than the man doing ihe talking.




at the Post rtfiira at LTrlr.wton. Kentucky, a
mnirr urtiW the Art of March X. 17!.




Kentnrhy tnteirnllrlata Prtrn Assorinttnn
lxinpion Board of Commerce
roa matianai.




National Advertising Service, Inc.
( nlirtt Publithm Htprtinuiik t
. N. f.
41 O MtDitM





S1.M One

l.oi is



Avium w Ftkn.vHt

(.HlKl.l T.



M. Smith


k.a rt.aeiaca

One Year


Mtinaginr Editor
Sr-v- s
lluincss Managrr
Sports Editor
Society Editor
Art Editor
Advertising Manager
Circulation Manager

Putting: Emphasis







P. R Y


From Childish Things:
ifa 111

tfg" aa "











nniiiii.. n

1 iaira nrTTilim w.ajmpjijii


Fraternities will welcome the news that ihe
I'ltixersitv has at last decided to resume
if scholastic standings of the various
.nt k organizations. It will tindoubtedlv have
the llet of raising averages whith reportedly
ban- had a tendanev to drop slightlv in the past
sexeral vears.

Main frateinitv inenilKXs otieu lose sight of
the .nt that their respective associations were
otiginalU organ icd for the purpose of furthering s holarship- - as well as fellowship and the
siial activities. Now that the practice js being
resumed, each lodge's scholastic rating will be
the public's gae. Naturally, each
liaierniix will lie forced to devote some attention in its jxtsiiion on that list, if it eiects to do
well dining rush week.
Praitiiallv everv college and universiiv in
the land compiles an annual rating of grades.


his is largelv done in
with national oflucs of the social fraternities, which
iiiusi keep up with the progress their chapters
are making in studies, sports, finances and actiy
vities. I'p until about five vears ago, the
included the practice in its fraternity
Mlicy. When it discontinued the plan, manv
lodges "forgot" their qujet hour rulings.
Now that the practice has be