xt731z41vd81 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt731z41vd81/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1987-02-19 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 19, 1987 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 19, 1987 1987 1987-02-19 2020 true xt731z41vd81 section xt731z41vd81  



UK settiocelebrate

its birthday today

Staff reports

UK will be celebrating its 122nd
birthday with a birthday party from
noon to 1 pm. today in Great Hall of
the Student Center.

The party is free and it will con-
sist of clowns, part of the UK band,
the UK mascot and the UK
cheerleaders who will sing Happy
Birthday to the University.

A yearly tradition at the party is
the reading of the history of the Uni-
versity by a different person each

Art Gallaher, chancellor for the
Lexington campus, will be deliv-

ering the traditional five minute
speech this year.

The party will last somewhere be-
tween 45 minutes and an hour. Cake
and punch will be served after the

“It will be a great event to pay
tribute to the University," said Sam
Hughes. a member of the Student
Activities Board.

Hughes said that he thinks there
will be a good turn out if the weath-
er clears up some.

The party is being sponsored by
the Student Activities Board. Beth
Dorris and Carrie Bettersworth,

SGA spring speech
forced into waiting

Assistant News Editor

Terry Waite, the Anglican Church
envoy who disappeared while trying
to negotiate the release of two
American hostages last month. will
not speak at UK on Sunday as

Instead, the speech has been in-
definitely postponed until Waite re-
appears and decides he is ready to
begin his lecture series in the United
States. said Jack Rothstein, Student
Government Association‘s director
of student services.

“No one knows anything. He was
supposed to be released last week
and I won‘t believe it until I see him
on TV saying. ‘I‘m free‘,“ Rotlmtein

Waite. who arrived in Lebanon on
Jan. 12. dropped out of sight Jan. 20,
after being last seen leaving his sea-
side Beirut hotel to negotiate with
the Islamic Jihad. the group thought
to be holding the two American hos-

Waite was under the protection of
militia from the Druse Progressive
Socialist Party at the time of his re-
ported abduction.

On Feb. 7. two Muslimcontrolled
radio stations reported that Waite
had been released in the southern
suburb of Beirut.

Despite searches conducted by
Druse militia, Waite has yet to be

Waite's disappearance, though.
will not keep SGA from attempting
to bring another prominent speaker
to campus, Rothstein said.

A little more than a week ago,
Rothstein said he had been working
on bringing Robert C. McFarlane,
President Ronald Reagan‘s former
national security adviser, to cam-
McFarlane, who was scheduled to
testify before the presidential com-
mission established to investigate
the National Security Council’s role
in the Iran arms sale crisis, howev-
er, reportedly took a Valium over~
dose on Feb. 10.

Among the other speakers
Rothstein said SGA is working to
bring to campus are syndicated col-
umnist Ellen Goodman and Rea-
gan‘s former deputy press secretary
Larry Speakes. \

Despite the dim possibility of
Waite coming to UK, speech coordi-
nators are still hoping for a miracle.

Student Center Director Frank
Harris, who has assisted in the ef-
fort to bring Waite to UK, refused to
rule out the possibility that the
Archbishop of Canterbury’s adviser
will not come.

“It is highly unlikely that (Waite)
is going to appear, but I’ve seen
stranger things happen,“ Harris

The $10,000 that SGA and the Stu-
dent Activities Board allocated to
bring Waite to campus will remain
earmarked for Waite's speech until
it is determined whether he will
come to UK this year, Rothstein

Even with the $5,000 SGA allo-
cated for Waite's lecture, Rothstein
said the $13,472 left in SGA‘s speak~
ers fund is enough to pay for the
speakers it is considering.

Gates cancels his speech
due to illness in family

Staff reports

Henry Louis Gates, the third
speaker in the English department‘s
colloquium series titled “The Aims
of Afro~American Critical Think-
ing,“ has canceled due to family
health problems.

Gates, who was scheduled to
speak tonight, has taught at Yale
University and is currently a profes-
sor of English. contemporary litera~
ture and Afro-American literature at
Cornell University.

He is best known for the rediscov-
ery of a virtually forgotten novel ti-

tled “Our Nig," by Hariet Williams.
Through extensive research Gates
proved Williams to be the first black

His credits also include guest edi-
tor of several journals and essays
concerning black literary criticism
and appearing as a regular contrib-
uting critic to the New York Times.
Gates' speech has been rescheduled
for early March.

Program offers study
in Europe for summer

Contributing Writer

If y0u are having trouble deciding
between summer school and travel-
ing to Europe, you can now do both.

Last year. UK joined the Ken-
tucky Institute of European Studies.
KIES, which is in its 13th year of op-
eration. organizes and coordinates
summer study programs in Europe
for college students from Kentucky.

The program sites are in Austria,
France. Spain and Italy. The pro-
grams vary in length from five to
eight weeks.

One of the advantages of joining
this program is that “the faculty is
from UK and surrounding colleges
so that you have faculty who are fa-
miliar with Kentucky students and
their needs“ said Isabella Zsoldos,
the study abroad adviser.

"All of the programs will be offer-
ing some site visitation as part of
the program, and some of them will
have weekend trips." Zsoldos said.
"In all cases, the student will often
have the chance to travel durim the

“There is a convenient application

procedure, . . . (and) costs for pro
grams the student‘s home institution
is affiliated with, are often quite
reasonable." she said.

The cost of the programs varies
from $1,610 to 32,400, depending on
which location is chosen.

According to a brochure, students
have been able to apply most types
of financial aid to KIES. These in-
clude: scholarships. Guaranteed
Student Loans and the GI. Bill.

A variety of class subjects will he
taught, including: art, philosophy.
music. business, history, humani-
ties, biology. political science and
the native language of the country
that is chosen.

In addition, none of the programs
require a knowledge of a foreign

Credit will be awarded by Murray
State University and must be trans-
ferred back to UK.

There has never been a problem
with Murray State University‘s
credits being accepted by other uni-
versities. according to the brochure.

The deadline for applying is

University of Kentucky, Lexington. Kentucky

SAB members at large, are in
charge of the designs of the party.

Dorris hopes everyone will come
out and take part in the celebration.
“It will be lots of fun for everyone
who attends,“ Dorris said.

todapendontahoa 1971

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UK presidential Search
cuts list of candidates

Staff and AP reports

The UK presidential search com-
mittee has trimmed its list of candi-
dates to about a half dozen, includ—
ing two Kentucky natives, according
to a published report.

The Courier-Journal said yester-
day it has learned that the educators
include Charles Wethington. 51,
:hancellor of UK‘s community col-
lege system. and Martin Masseng-
ale, 53. chancellor of the University
of Nebraska‘s main campus at Lin~
coln. Wethington is 3 Casey County
native and Massengale is from
Wayne County.

The newspaper also reported that
Frank Horton, 47, president of the
University of Oklahoma at Norman
since 1985. and David Roselle, 47.
provost of Virginia Polytechnic In-
stitute at Blacksburg, Va.. are still
under consideration.

The 10-member committee is seek~
ing a replacement for Otis A. Sin-
gletary, who is retiring June 30 after
nearly 18 years as president of the

The newspaper also said Gov.
Martha Layne Collins, who has been
nominated for the UK presidency. is
apparently not among those still
being considered.




Chenney Turner and Tay Breene. of Lexington.
were cross country skiing on the par course

behind Greg Page Apartments yesterday at-
ternoon with Breene's dog. Ringo




Storms leave many powerless

Associated Press

State officials took a helicopter
tour yesterday of rural southcentral
Kentucky, where weather-related
power outages made dairy farmers‘
tasks complicated.

Kentucky Adjutant Gen. Billy
Wellman and Lt. Gov. Steve Be-
shear. acting governor in Gov. Mar-
tha Layne Collim‘ absence. spent
the afternoon looking at emergency
operations, farms and downed
power lines in Grayson. Hart and
Green counties.

“They commended [B on the job
we‘re doing,“ said Hart County
Judge-Executive Vince Lang. Lang
said the state officials observed the
operations for about 1*: hours in
Hart County.

About 1,50o2,ooo Hart County resi-
dents remained without power late
Wednesday afternoon although utili-
ty workers had hoped to bring that
number down to 1,000 by nightfall.

An estimated 7,500 Green County
residents and 5.000 Grayson County
residents had no utility service
Wednesday, said Don Armstrong.
with the state Disaster and Emer-
gency Services office. Officials were
unable to estimate the number of af-
fected homes in Monroe and Taylor
counties, which had lost longdis-
tance service.

More than 50 National Guard
workers from Frankfort, Glasgow
and Central City units were dis-
patched to the area and were oper—
atim electrical generators to power
milkiru machines at dairy farms.

The milking machines were reliev-
ing about 3,000 cows from the 55
Hart farms. 35-40 Grayson farms
and 19 Green farms which had re-
quested the state aid. Armstrong

“Dairy farmers are in the worst
situation." Grayson County Judge-
Executive Glenn Tilford said. “Peo-
ple without heat are in bad shape."

Many residents shunned county
emergency shelters, choosing in-
stead to rely on neighbors or rela-
tives or to depend on heat sources
such as wood stoves and kerosene

“The electricity problem is mainly
operating farm equipment and milk-
ing machines." Armstrong said.

William Crabtree, local disaster
and emergency services coordinator
in Hart County. said emergency offi-
cials were unsure how many dairy
farms were without power because
some had emergency power sources.

“Some have their own portable
generators and as soon as they milk
their own cows, they go and help
their neighbors." Crabtree said.

Cows that are not milked can de-
velop mastitis, or inflamed udders.
which would lower their output.

"If they go too long. they'll start
losirg milk production. If they
could be milked about once a day or
once every two days. there might
not be permanent damage. With the
cows under more stress, there could

be a great chance of getting mastitis

. said Bill Christ, extension
dairy specialist at University 11

Bill Arledge. corporate director of
quality assurance for Dairymen Inc.
of Louisville, said the delay in milk-
ing would not affect the quality of
the milk immediately.

“There would be nothing wrong
with the milk but when the udder is
full, the pressure increases until the
gland doesn't produce any more
milk," Arledge said.

While farmers worked to maintain
their dairy operations. volunteer
electricians from the area and bor-
rowed utility crews from eastern
Kentucky, Georgia and Tennessee
labored to restore electrical service
and repair lines.

Lang said three Tennessee crews
were among about 15 crews working
in Hart County on Wednesday.

Some power problems — icy-laden
lines that fell across roadways —
were obvious. but “they had some
difficulty jmt detecting where the
problems were" in more deserted
parts of the county, he said.

The National Weather Service
forecast indicated a brief reprieve
for the emergency crews, with part-
ly cloudy skies and no precipitation
expected for today.

However. another weather system
was expected to move into the Ohio
Valley tomorrow, brimirg with it
more clouds and an increasim
chance of rain or snow.

Robert T. McCowan, chairman of
the UK Board of Trustees and head
of the search committee. declined to
comment on the newspaper‘s report.

“I'm not going to discuss the mat-
ter until the committee is ready to
make a report," he said.

“No decisions have been made"
on finalists, he said.

McCowan did say the committee
is still considering several candi-
dates for the post. He would not di-
vulge their names nor confirm or
deny those mentioned by the news-


"We have other candidates‘

Sec SEARCH. Page 5

is tonight

Staff Writer

Rackstraw Downes, a landscape
expert who has been painting and
writing about art for more than 20
years, will be delivering his view to-
night at the UK Gaines Center with
his seminar titled “The Art of De-
piction and the Landscape of

The seminar will be held at 8:00
p.m.in the 18th floor board room of
Patterson Office Tower.

According to Nancy Howard, ad-
ministrative assistant for the Gaines
Center, the seminars are a part of
the Gaines fellowships. a series in
anthropological studies offered by
the University for academic credit.

According to Howard, the
fellowship is divided into five topics.
which include the structure of the
family and the study of the land-

The current topic is ”Human
Structures." which is tied in with
the Downes lecture on contemporary

“I'm going to talk about what I
think contemporary landscape is
and discuss philosophically what the
activity of depiction is from the
point of view of making a painting."
Dawnes said.

Downes will discuss various works
of art which illustrate how today's
artists evaluate the landscape.

Downes will present a slide show
of these works which include both
his and the works of other contem-
porary realistic painters.

“People are going to overhear the
meditation of an artist and how he
goes about his work." Downes said.

Downes is concerned with do-
mestic issues and often overlaps
man and his involvement with na-
ture in his works.

This well-known landscape painter
has produced much of his work in
New York and Maine and has seve-
ral of his works displayed in such
famed museums as Hirshhorn Mu-
seum in Washington DC. and in the
Whitney Museum of American Art
in New York City,

Downes, who has spent several
years working in New York. is visit.
ing UK on his way to Texas, where
he will be painting until the end of

Downes will conduct his lecture
for an hour before openim the semi-
nar to questions. A reception will
follow thelecture.




 2 - KENTUCKY KERNEL, Thursday, February 19. 1981


t'llll‘llthh at the

min, or (mtbachey and the

c'l YllllL‘lli \


Soviet issues topic of symposium

\ltkliatl (torbachey, the arms race and re«
nientent tn the Soviet L'nion will be the main
wntetcnce t‘tom 14:30 p.m. tomorrow and

stuntkcls include: scholars. at former arms ne-
gotiator .t'tti tepiesentatiyes from both gm-

Illderly employment evaluated

tilde: workers will he the main topic ol‘ a


Staff reports

sponsored by

Relations Aging.

'tt‘lll 9 .t in. to 12:30 p.m. on Saturday. Ste-
;int-zi “bite. of (ilasgow L2niyersity in Scot-
tintl \\lil speak .it ti tomorrow night on the


nations will

speech given by Ralph Crystal, associate pro-
fessor of rehabilitation counseling, at noon
tomorrow in 128 Ericson Hall. The meeting is

Fund-raiser for scholarships

UK Arts and Sciences students will call
more than 5.000 alumni during an annual
phone-a-thon February 22 — March 5 in the
Porter Building, South Limestone Street. Do-
academic enrichment programs. Last year stu-
dents raised $26,631.

the Sanders-Brown Center on

scholarship funds and



l’.\l)titi.»\ll. Ky «APt w A coali-
‘xon ot congressmen. labor and
.1p.tl‘lht’l(l foes is attempting to block
prnate llI‘IIIS from importing South
Atrican uranium for processing at
l‘atlucah and other plants

The group has asked the Nuclear
Regulatory Commtssxon to prevent
llllli‘ companies that now have uranta
utn import licenses from bringing in
any more South African uranium.

It is estimated that 13 percent to
t3 percent of the uranium processed
at the 1.200employee Martin Mariet-
ta plant at Paducah comes from
South Africa. so the case could af-
fect the operation there

The petition filed Tuesday is a
continuation of the issue that arose
last year when Congress passed an
.mtirapartheid law with a ban on
uranium ore and oxtde from South

The question is whether the ban
applies to South African-produced
uranium that is merely processed in
the t'nited States and then re-im-
ported to another country.

The answer is no. according to

Coalition attempting to stop
transfer of uranium imports

Kentucky‘s senators, Wendell Ford,
D-()wensboro, and Mitch McConnell,

Last August, McConnell took the
floor to talk about the pending bill
on economic sanctions against South
Africa. At the end of his speech, Mc-
Connell made the routine request for
permission to insert additional com-
ments into the next day's Congres-
sional Record.

McConnell inserted a colloquy, or
set of questions and answers, that
passed among McConnell, Ford and
Sen Richard Lugar. an Indiana Re-
publican who was then chairman of
the Senate Foreign Relations Com-
mittee. Such an insertion is not un-
usual for the official record, al-
though the question-and-answer
sessmns never occurred on the Sen-
ate floor.

Essentially. the colloquy was de-
signed to do indirectly what the
three had failed to do directly when
the Senate defeated 50-46 an amend-
ment that would have allowed all
uranium imports from South Africa.

The method seems to have been

effective. The Treasury Department
is preparing a temporary regulation
allowing uranium imports that are
bound for immediate re-export, Sen-
ate staff members said Tuesday.

The most pressing problem, how-
ever, is a set of cases before the Nu-
clear Regulatory Commission.

Those who oppose any licensing
include Rep. Mervyn Dymally, D-
Calif., chairman of the Congressio-
nal Black Caucus; the Oil, Chemical
and Atomic Workers International
Union; and four anti-apartheid orga-

They argued that by using the
terms “uranium oxide" and “urani-
um ore," Congress intended to ban
all forms of uranium import,
notwithstanding the senators’ collo-

The coalition also asked that it be
allowed to intervene in opposition to
eight new license applications for
South African imports.

Association of nurses says assembly
should back education about AIDS

Associated Press

FRANKFURT The president of
the Kentucky Nurses Association
said yesterday the General Assem~
lily should back public education
about AIDS. but she warned against
mandatory testing of job applicants
and others for exposure to the dead-

However. the debate that raged at
a meeting of the interim joint Health
and Welfare Committee indicated
that legislators are miles from a
consensus on the seriousness of the
disease. much less how to deal with

Rep Dan Seum. D»Louisville. said
acquired immune deftcrency syn-
drome has been hyped by the news
media because it "helps sell news—

papers“ and that more people die
from the flu than from AIDS.

But Sen. Nick Kafoglis, a physi-
cian from Bowling Greemsaid Seum
was underestimating “what is prob-
ably the most serious health threat

AIDS. which destroys the body’s
defenses against disease, is spread
by blood-to—blood contact and sexual
relations, medical experts say.
Those at highest risk for the disease
in the United States have been ho-
mosexual men and hemophiliacs,
who require frequent blood transfu-

“Education is the primary tool we
have today to control the spread of
AIDS." said Mary Hazzard, presi-
dent of the nurses association.

The organization advocates a
mandatory state education program

for schools, healthcare profession-
als and the public, Hazzard said.

But Rep. Bob Heleringer, R—Douis-
ville, said government perhaps
should take a pre-emptive approach,
with laws to make AIDS carriers lia-
ble for civil or criminal penalties for
knowingly infecting others through

“Everybody seems to be thinking
education —— throw out a bunch of
condoms and hope it works. Society
has a right . . . to punish" the neg-
ligently promiscuous, I-Ieleringer

Dr. Frank Simon, a Louisville alv
lergist and member of the Kentucky
Right to Life Association, said the
General Assembly should make it a
felony to willfully trammit a conta-
gious disease.



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Publication Date: March 4th
Space Deadline: February 27th

$7.00 per column inch
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Call us today to reserve your space.







Window seat


~ ..- ~-~ Dims—«WWW

During a lunch break yesterday, Judy Beck, an
employee at Kinkead Hall, tries to catch a

wflt‘Sdefimxr s ,. .‘

~&.,_, ..

“gen :1."

snowball thrown by a co-worker as her daugh-
ter. Lisa Beck. watches.

. ~ us
¢ 13.3.2.

ALAN LESSIG Kernel Stall














































Architects of jail agree to work on
much-needed repairs for structure

chitects of the escape-plagued Knox
County Jail have agreed to make re-
pairs and the county has put aside
plans for a lawsuit, officials said.

County Judge-Executive Camel]
Sprinkles said County Attorney Mi-
chael L. Warren is working out an
agreement with, the Lexington firm
of Chrisman, Ntiller and Woodford.

Work on problems that have
cropped up at the milliondollar jail
since it opened could begin in the
next few weeks and will take about
two mantis, Sprinkles said.

“All we want is what we paid
for," he said, adding that the ar-
chitects “are doing their part to see
that it’s done right."





Wear Beach Garb to be eligible
TRIVIA 10:30


I’IOIS knocked in it, we want it made

Twenty-three escapes have been
counted since the jail opened in No-
vember 1984.

They began on Christmas Day
1984 when Charlie Rice wriggled his
slender frame through a 12-inch
overhead speaker Opening in his

The most recent was two months
ago, when Jerry Garland, a 23-year-
old Knox Countian who once told
Jailer Ned Stewart he wanted to set
a record for escapes, walked out for
a fourth time. He is still at large.

Stewart has said Knox Fiscal
Court simply does not give him


393 Waller Ave/Imperial Plaza

enough money to pay qualified em~
ployees. About 60 employees left
jobs at the jail in 1986.

A report issued by the county’s
grand jury in December 1986 said
several procedures followed at the
facility were “grossly inadequate."
The report also called for workers to
have better training» in jailing and
police procedures. _

But there were also structural
problems such as the accessible
speaker opening, and some of the

Specifications called for metal re-

inforcement of the concrete walls




Come celebrate today...
Student Center Great Hall
12:00 Noon


Dr. Gallaher, Cheerleaders,
Band and Free Birthday Cake!



E aim at

.H’CHIINH oynuuwgm; u

w ‘v'. VIII‘ Q, ‘ II ‘
A J\..
W/\ ‘







 KENTUCKY KERNEL. Thursday, February 19, 1987 - 3



4* ‘1:st M» -

‘Artichoke’ offers
essential comedy,
opens tonight at UK

Contributing Writer

“ ‘Artichoke‘ is a very eccen-
tric vegetable. Not one of your more
essential foods," offers Jake, a char-
acter in Joanna Glass’s “Arti-
choke,“ which premieres tonight as
UK theater's first production of the

“Artichoke" is a play about essen-

The plot concerns a woman who

leaves her unfaithful. farmer hus-
band to rekindle a love affair she
had 14 years earlier with a sophisti-
cated, but neurotic professor.

Throughout this period, during
which she raises her husband's ille'
gitimate daughter, she learns that
forgiveness of his transgressions is
more important than retribution for

The plot may have a comic con-
clusion ~ that is, the restoration of
a marriage ~ yet its concurrent
theme of vengeance “invites the au-
dience to see a very tragic aspect in
the play" said director Patrick

“Both the tragic and the comic el-
ements of the play lie in the em-
phasis on narrative in the language

Each character has a story that
concerns the tragic events of their
pasts, for which they are still bitter.
Yet there is an implicit humor in
their narration of the events that
took place, and the reactions of the

In this respect, the play has a far-
cical element that sets off what are
sometimes very intense scenes. “It
does not have the constant, grinding

realism of a illaroldi Pinter
iplayl," Kagan Moore said

“In fact. it is a very optimistic
play: liven pain is shown as a posi-
tive aspect of human experience It
sets out to show that people are ac
tually of some value that in life,
you win or lose with people

"The real message of the play is
that relationships are defined by the
people who make them up,“ he said.

By extension, the heroine Marga-
ret is not a lledda (iabler figure:
“She is not alone, but the central
figure in a family of five very close-
knit characters who hold the unity of
the household in biblical propor~
tions." Kaganitloore said

"In this respect. the play has a
very mystical aspect' She has a cer-
tain control over the family When
she makes up her mind. everyone
follows her and the household is
once more united ”

The play ends with the family exit-
ing, With the reflective attitude of
“let‘s have life go on, '

Kagan-Moore emphasizes the
communal aspect of the play by
using an "ensemble directing proc-
ess," lle urges a large degree of
contact between the actors, so they
lose their individual identities and
begin to see their mles. not as ac~
tors. but as parts of the fictional

To reinforce this concept, be ill-
sists that his actors iise \llllllllr. t‘a
nadian accents ".i common the
alect" A so that they might sound
and therefore feel the same

Rehearsals tor "Artichoke" began
before the start of the semester and
have been held twice a day Kagan
Moore has the utmost confidence in




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Use the

Kentucky Kernel's


to shop before running




If you must
drop a class
you can still
enroll in the


3 Credits
This Semester


Rm 1
Frazee Hall

AWSE Kernel Statt

Patrick Kagan-Moore. director of UK's "Artichoke." experiments
wrth lighting during a recent rehearsal.

his cast, which he describes as doing
"fine work, I believe they are fulfil-
ling their potential," he said. In
tact. since he believes strongly in
pacing his cast. Kagan-Moore was
worried at one point that they might
be ahead of schedule.

tine worry is that there could be
no rehearsal on Tuesday or Thurs»
day nights due to the fact that Paul
Mullins ithe boyfriend). Patti Hey-
ing ithe wife, who is using this role
for her graduate thesisr. and Billy
Breed (who plays Argie, the neigh~
nor) have been away in Knoxville,
Tenn. competing in the Irene Ryan
Acting Competition.




This has put some pressure on the
rest of the cast who have had to
treat last Monday‘s performance as
their “psychological opening night."

On the play's staying power,
Kagan-Moore said. “I have great re-
spect for Joanna Glass‘s work. I
have been working on this produc-
tion for six weeks, and if I still like
it after that much time and effort,
it‘s realtalent."

“Artichoke" opens tonight at 8 in
the Guignol Theater. Tickets are $4
for students and senior citizens and
$5 for the general public. For reser-
vutions. cal1257~1592.

The University of KY Residence Halls
with WVLK radio and Coca-Cola
present the annual

Saturday, February 28, 1987
10 am. - 10 pm.

Lexington Civic Center
to benefit one of UK’s own students


First prizes of $500 cash will be awarded to
each of the winners. second prize couple will
receive video cassette recordergtrom Circuit
City and the third prize couple will receive
compact disc playersfrom Stereo Warehouse.

Entry forms are available at: 301 Complex
Commons. Haggin Hall, Holmes Hall, and Bank
of Lexington in Lexington Civic Center.

For more information, contact Jim Smith at 257-


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Erik fleece
Arts Editor

Assistant Ms Editor

‘Glenglarry Glen Ross’
opens opposite UK play

By nos SEND
Contributing Writer

Playwright David Mamet. whose
play “American Buffalo" just com-
pleted its run at CenterStage of Lex-
ington, will have another of his
plays open tonight as Junkyard
Players stage a production of
“Glengarry Glen Ross."

The play, which won the 1984 Pu

litzer Prize for drama. deals with
four wily real estate salesmen in
their attempts to unload Florida
swampland on unsuspecting buyers
while trying to solve an office rob-
“I see the play‘s subject as the
games of dominance that men, espe-
cially the men in this play, play with
one another," said Nick Nichols. the
play’s director. "The plot deals with
the robbery in the office and trying
to find who did it."

Nichols, a former social sciences
professor at Eastern Kentucky Uni-
versity, is directing his third produc-
tion for Junkyard Players. His 10ve
for the theater drew him to the Stu-
dio Players community theater
group in 1370, where he stayed until
1981. “I acted a lot,” Nichols said,
“in addition to directing five plays,
collecting props, running the house.
and numerous other things.“

He performed for Junkyard Play-
ers during the Shakespeare Festival

in 1984 and has stayed with the com-
pany ever since.

“This play is extremely violent "
Nichols said, "although no one is hit
or killed. The weapon is language.
which is often vulgar They use the
‘f‘ word a lot. Some people are going
to be turned off but I think Mamet is
trying to say something important.
Words are used to dominate and
verbal violence can be just as. and
sometimes more. damaging than
physical violence.‘ ‘

“The violence extends from each
of the characters and from the Cir»
cumstances ithe salesmen are try-
ing to win a sales contestl,“ said-
Matt Regan. who plays Shelly
Levene. a veteran salesman whose
recent lack of production may cost