xt734t6f4m5w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt734t6f4m5w/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1981-12-01 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 01, 1981 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 01, 1981 1981 1981-12-01 2020 true xt734t6f4m5w section xt734t6f4m5w .1 o 11 1 .1 1mrw1 ~11 .1 . . - ,. , . .o . .1 ‘. for i, 1o,5,- ,‘ ,. 1 A. ,1 1 1 1 .3 , 1117,1111‘4’1 1‘ 311111 I
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. Vol. LXXXIV, No.74 An mm! ‘Wt mp.” “no, 1901 University of Kentucky .1 . L
Tuesday, December 1, 1981 Lexington, Kentucky
KSU ad hoc committee organ' I tt d ' e '
W— “Now is the time for council members to receive an ,
, , , . avalanche of letters . . . We urge you to let the members of - - - - -
l Senwrsefiwm no council on use aooooooo ioooo not you on on Legislative majority supports K SU In poll s
favor of KSU remaining a four-year university," the KSU
‘ I memorandum said. ———————————— developments, with an interim report go to Gov. John Y. Brown Jr., who -.'
Kentucky State University faculty members have in the meantime. Sen. Georgia Powers, D-mmsville. magi}: ”WW after three years and a final decision must decideif it is to be forwarded to
' organized a letter writing campaign in an effort to in- said yesterday l060f the 133 state 16815181t0f$ have Signed ‘3 55 h after five. federal officials.
. __ fluence the Council on Higher Education’s upcoming deci— 8 petition she Circulated calling for continued support 0‘ __________.._._—__— “If over the next five years the in- All other parts of Kentucky’s
sion concerning its futureas a four-year institution. KSU. according to the ASSOClated Press. stitution does not meet the educa- desegregation plan for public univer— _
The CHE will decide Thursday whether or not to adopt The petltlono addressed to CHE members. asks thet FRANKFORT, Ky. — An alter- tionai needs in the area, the needs of sities, ordered last January by the 0f-
the recommendation made by “5 minority affairs com- the council “comply mm the (federal) office 0f. CM] native proposal for Kentucky State state government, reduce costs and fice of Civil Rights, have been for-
” mime NOV- 12o0811in8f°rthe replacemeht 0‘ KSU WW} 8 h‘gh‘s mandate fiemhniihhseh Si“?! h“; ‘nsmumg be University that would keep thestate’s maintain stable enrollments, serious warded to the federal office except
iii UK-affiliated two-year “Capital 00"“th College." kept as a 4-year 5° 0°] W‘ t ad1 tion ° a compre 9"" only traditionally black university as consideration should be given to that dealing with KSU. ‘
5‘ KSU {80‘1“}? members and all members 0‘ the swe governmean program to prowde research, traimng a four-year institution, but with merging, closing or in some other ‘
‘9 universty’s Ad Hoc Coordinating Committee on Universi- and “Emcewsme andlmalgove’MEL substantial changes, was released way altering the imtitution and the 1 l
i ty Marketing (formed two weeks ago) issued a memoran— Any CHE recommendation 0“ the future 0‘ Kentucky yesterday. delivery of higher education pro- i 1
1 dum Nov. 23 to various community leaders and concerned State Umvel'Slt); mfizhh? :83:on hi] the gentucky The plan would require KSU to grams in Frankfort," the report said. i Owsle says I
.- citiaens asking that they protest against the recommenda- General Assemb y. w ls 0 us its pr eels ”we make m 81-0,. improvements in The plan m incorporate one of me i Y i
. ' tion to CHE members. ‘ See LEWERS‘ page 3 academic programs and in reducing major components of the Minority Af- 1 - - -
costs over the next five years and bet— fairs Committee‘s recommendation, i u n, ver 8 I tl es ' 5
WI ter serve the needs of state and local creation of an imtitute of government i .
. . ..-: government. to train state and local overnment !
' (“i i’ ' ’ The proposal was prepared by three officials. g i mus t Vie .
' members of the COuncil on Higher The authors of the plan said no addi- 1 -
Education, which meets Thursday to tionai state funds would be needed , for fundlng
L. L,. make a recommendation on the with the possible exception of some I .1
1 i ”*1, i - futureofKSU. physical plant improvements. They 1
I 1 ._ v i ' ' The council’s Minority Affairs Com-L said cost would have to be reduced MOREHEAD, Ky. (AP) - Ken- .
‘ . ’ " . mittee, created to draft a response to and leadership provided to make the tucky‘s public universities have 3
_ i la ’ " ‘ ‘ j a federal desegregation order, has necessary changes. legitimate funding needs but must _
l 1 , recommended closing KSU and turn- The plan calls for immediate compete with other “worthy
.' . .- -::" ' , " 5 ing it into a two-year community col- evaluation of existing academic pro- causes” for state resources, said a
' . ' '1" ' i 1' 1 , lege within theUKsystem. grams, with faculty and staff reduc- budget official Monday.
g v , ’ The latest plan was presented by tions asaresultof the evaluation, and Larry Owsley. executive assis-
~ ‘ I... / of. two members of that committee who a strenghtening of the masters pro- tant in the state Finance Depart-
: ’ 5 L « voted against the proposal —— Ray- graminpublic affairs. ment’s Office of Policy and ‘
' ‘E ‘ TI; ‘9»: I ’ ,_ mond Burse 0f Louisville and Donna Among the cost reduction measures Management, made the remark at
" 7 e; Moloney of Lexington — along with recommended are elimination of the a higher education symposium at
- “f " l ’ CHE chairman William McCann of school's intercollegiate football pro- Morehead State University.
. (a “e. .- Lexington. gram, sale of the East Campus — a Owsley said the Finance Depart-
' 1 ' his,“ ’ " '- The plan, known as “the con- former motel used as a dormitory - ment is comidering “all of the
’“" fl is, VI, , . solidated proposal," called the and termination of a lease for use of legitimate needs of state govern-
$1. ‘ hits I h i ’i ' recommendation by the Minority Af- the Frankfort (fivic Center by the ment"within availablerasources.
- 1 h L. X .. fairs Committee abrupt, although it school's basketballteams. “There are many considerations
. . . 3,, - said “the statm quo cannot be main- The plan also recommends tin-nuig and we need a clear articulation of
" .. , . tained at KSU. Substantial change a closed dormitory into a federally- what is most important," he said.
ii " 1, 3‘. ' ‘ . L 1 _ mustbeaccomplished..." funded research facility and demoli~ “Higher education must make is
- r i 1. “1.; W: “five The proposal calls for setting 8 tion of a second closed dormitory. case and it needs to be as united as e
. ‘1 L '12; "t . ' ' 1 timetable and for close monitoring of The council’s action Thursday will possible."
‘ " ‘ , ' , _;5 ,j‘. g ' formed public d to" on higher
.. ‘ h "g \ £§eia so“ 55* glow 1 A to pay for Ebony education issues relatedtofinandal
‘ 1 _. _ ,,__1 . f 31.1: L“ ., 1 “9% . ed'tor to speak at U K i controversial plan recently submit-
a _, ,L . ‘;&W o ‘71: 1 «:11 , W j . g}; 1 led by the state C .1 m Highs.
' e *1 ”2‘ , L o .-: 5 Education, but did sa that his
' h: '1; . _.__——————— said Education Senator Bernard Orr department will submll its own
.1 1 1 . 1 1 1111: 11 . 1 __1 By NANCY E. paws in jest budget recommemfiom alml
' ""“"" i , “‘39:* ago? kw 4 '_ Senior Staff Wnter Several senators urged passage 0f with the council’s to the governor.
- i 1 .. 1 - L 4 - - ~¥f5‘z'..;;_,,. " » - M_____ the bill, especially after debate over He said Atkins m not support
M g 3“?” ’ 1 . ~* 1331“” ,.. We no, 1 f3 . ,s . - ' 1 finding less expensive accommoda- 1 increased funding of specific
je‘if‘i‘fifh “h“ 3?, . _ if: e‘ . -_ ’2' ' , After lwfithy “CF-“51°“ 0" the “one for heme,“ than "lose originally . universities at the expense of other
”gator... . e . -” ~ ~ Jmtlflcallm of spendllig over $3.500 planned. Don t target lust one group I imtituu'ons in the state’s higher
‘ ‘i‘i’mwoow... , , a [57’ 15 ,1 ~ . onaspeaker for Black History Month, to be there," said Senator-at-Large leducation system.
- . hf N U i i «fig " owe _, . I ' the Student Association passed a bill Mike Scott in response to Cox‘s ques- i Owsl w thef tured speaker
' ._ ~ - ° 3 New :. .. -""“=‘o. ’33th r “ o . t ‘ts te meeti last t' “(Th Minorit and Third World ‘ ey- as ea - -
o W .~. .... we . a. ‘ “in” ““3 ”i . 1°“: e . y i f“ the Em“ “Wm“ m a ”‘9‘"
1 1 11 ‘1 1 1 as...» .. stages ,..¢mm L, night to bring [crone Bennett, senior Affairs Conunittee) deserve to have symposmm called “Kentucky
y: . 1 11 , 1 . ..1. ”m" -.1.111 Kg. j~. editor of Ebony magazine, tocampus. the money just as much as any other ‘ Higher Education in the ‘805: The
' ” 3:31? 5‘2", _ 1 11 3 1 “a Senator-at-large Bill Cox question- group. Dicker-ing over $30 isn't the l Promise of Renewal Or the Politics
the “View s . ‘ ' * ed the jistification of spending over thing." _ 1 1 l “gamma"
, By GARY LANDERS/Keniel staff $3,500 when “only three percent of the Kevin Wagner, chairman of Minori- [ US Rep. Carl Perkins, D-
W' ' S I students“ mishtattelldthespeech. ty and Third World Affairs, said his I mm1 chum of me Hm
. INHIng ty 9 “Willitbeall blacks (attending the committee would try to make Ben- Education and Labor Committee,
' there be whites and ’ peech the hi ‘ t of Black
Lady Kate guard Patti Joe Hedges drives around University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Mocette Lisa Relf during the fishypzrpetléle there?" he asked. 253;; Month, winchhlllrisll‘ be held in wnaietsicehildlsutsddetztsapeakidl $510313?“ i
L-Kat's 82-51 win last nigh. See story, more photos on page 5. “No, you have to be black to go," See "SA." page 3 fifl Q ‘ ,1
‘ For the aged Th nk ' 'ng I' as 'n the past
. i
\‘ ?: ————-—-—-—- “See that big telephone cable. We Brooks was in the military police, A ir of blue suede shoes have \ l 1 i : :3 " ‘
z firefly?" usually have squirrels on there mor- what he called "the dirty part of the beenpzolored with a crayon below §\ .: l L . i.
1, oc1a e or ning and night." Army.“ Brooks' nameplate on his door. He " ’ ' jg ; 5‘
____——————__ He palms “This is nice here.” he He has three children: two laughs a little as he glances toward I l 1 i 5 ‘
. . said. daughters in Milwaukee and a son in the drawin . He calls it “'ist a ' ke. ? j
‘ , They have seen lots of Thanksgiv- His favorite pastime, he said, is the Army, stationed in Germany. A nurse drgw them’ he said. 132]] i I l I
1 l mg Days come and go. And. In thh; “to pick at all the nurses. 1 have to “My youngest daughter calls me goes back to when “They were jist , K
‘ sunset 0f the" lives they know t 9 keep them smiling." he grins a little every Sunday," Brooks said.He had wanting me to go out on the town l '2 ‘
l is a ‘0‘ to be thankful for. , mischievomly. “One comes in look- raised the three children virtually by with them, and I said I couldn‘t go o i 1
. . ‘ They 100* for ‘t m reminiscences ing a little sour, and I say let’s himself since his wife left him in became I didn't have my blue suede '
i °f days 33"": by' “mam“gs has“ smile." 1967, he said. Show" 1' . . .
, Oh the iriside,1they “9‘ young. 0" He smiles as he speaks. and his Brooks suffers from emphysema, A nurse brings Brooks his medica- ii ’ .'
the outsrde, Victunsof time. Only the eyes crinkle at the corners. “The a chronic lung condition, that he tion at 3:45 pm, and he winks and . '3 ' ,
wrinkles m the" 3'0" and 5'9“" one that keeps us all smiling" keeps discovered he had in 1954. He said calls her his favorite. He had joked . , ‘ l -
may "‘mmemhet'.“ 'he'.’ 8“ him smiling. he said- He points no the doctors attributed the cause of earlier with her about having “so i . ,
1“ Room 5 of “he 3.1““th ward, and his eyes slowly follow his the disease to his heavy smoking, much turkey on my hot plate until it ’ 5 ' ., , g ‘
' Home, “22 Oak “in ”1"“ a man index “"861 “That man up me." but Brooks said there were other was running out my ears." . , "i ‘
11 - Sits in a wheelchair gazing out his Before coming to Miller‘s 22 mon- factors involved. in Thanksgivings past. B l - 1 1 -1
_, . bedroom Window into the gloomy ths ago, Brooks had lived “in and “Back in my younger days i med said he had never shot his own \{p _
late “W" The gloom stays on around Whom for 25 years.‘ to run a jackhammer building roads turkey for the family‘s Thanksgian ' ‘..4 ,
the outside for huh" Most Of the Kentucky is “home sweet home to back in the mountains, and you get a dinner. “If they had been out there, \ “ Q ‘ Q‘
m“ h‘ “we." in“ cm“ W me." he said. lot of diet there. . . l also worked in I'd been hunting them." he said. “I ‘ ' ,- ‘3
' ' ‘hd grins a grln that stretches all BN0” spent three years overseas a chair factory and inhaled quite a can use a bow and arrow or a rifle \ \g _ ‘ r 5 . k
h” “y "Fm“ “‘3 “ce' whim in the Army — “ulree solid years bit of those chemicals,“ he said. “I either." ~ . ‘ s
’ “mm a “he 3““ "mm "hm“ ‘° without a furlough“ - and said the don‘t think it was just smoking that But this Thanksgiving Day he had v" \ ‘5
"{‘feh “fly “ mm“ r" “f ”em difference between being in Ken- done it. It had a lot of help alone the a particular wish that went a little . _ o
. ' . I “he ‘9, ”3' “h” I c” '°° m‘w' tucky and travelins across the road.“ beyond being able to shoot his own A “ ‘ 3 »
“‘3 hm" ”'d “yehhd Whh'd Pacific is “like the difference A white plastic container sits on turkey. He said he just wanted “to 1 \ ‘ «z.
. Brooks. 1| twinkle in his eye. between snow and ice cream. You his chest of drawers and serves as see everybody happy." ‘ 11
“New" 3,0" “Um? ‘m‘ "““83- can take the guy out of Kentucky. his spitoon. His habit of chewing . 1 . :4;-
_. ' Birth. sqmrrelo. , but you can‘t take the Kentucky out tobacco "turns too many people . n ,1 31 .
‘_ '- Hepointaafinger outthewmdow. oftheguy." off,“ he said, which isthereasonhe W ,3 1
. e O O rarelygoesdownthehnlltothe _ _ .1 , ’ 3' 5‘
1 - °.- I s I c small recreation room. He spentt A woman sits in a chair in the ‘ ~ 1 . 1
his time in tin doorway of his room recreation room, slightly removed 1 1‘1 1 1 1 1
' ~A . ' “mmwgfimflsmtgmmin fromtherestofthepeoplewhoare ‘1 ‘-: , 1 1 . ,
1' 3 . ~ , , Two men connected with the International Society of Krishna Con- the hall and teasing the nurses. He watching I fOO‘bflll game. She stares ., 1 ‘ 1
.. eclouanou were on camp“! yesterday distributing album. to UK said when he sits the-e, he is in his off a little, her eyes sometimes ap- ~ ' . .
' ‘ ' . ' students. See nary onpa‘e three. ““th booth" pouring a little glazed from bd’llnd By DAVID COOPER/WM _ ‘
Columnist looks of pre-uaon polls. See story on page nix. His chuckle drops to almost 8 her black- ramed glasses. Watchlig the birds and squirrels on the telqhoue wire “aide Ms M b a ' 1 ’ ’ ,
I 7 ’ s whiqu and then he winks. See " HANKSGIVING." PIS? ‘ full-time occupation for 5-year-old Willard Brooks. disabled by enflylera. 1 1
. r u, use .331“);
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e ,, ‘ ‘ "*‘ he deals -e LN» w- to 'i’ o ~ .‘ .1 «car's: :,-=:f¢$ie‘o}ih.o'~s . , ' . . . ‘ . y o.» . -~ ‘ .7 ‘5. ~ 15;; . ' . ‘ ‘vi'i‘ 3‘ Whiti"vi¥h§§

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‘1 . . [ Bill Stelden Girls Ash Peggy M Anne Charles Llaa Wallace M- Chandler Bonn I i ‘ I
_’ g . ' l l . 1 Editor-idl‘hlfl Editorial Editor JIM Edwlallanh SWT'SEGHW Diurtatnment Editor WeEditor \t ‘
, 3 ‘ DaleG.Morton .
‘ , 1 pers u a 510” I Jacki Rudd uni Kadaba m N... um Steven w. Lowther Leslie Michelson 0|“ Elliott ‘g L
‘ i mm" Editorfopy Copy Editor Assistant Sports Editor Assistant Entertainment Editor WWW '.
KlN'IUL‘KV I ’ Kirby Stephens .
. K Ken Altlne G phi nd'tor '
.t. . . ,. . - ‘ erne AssocnateEditorNews u C: I ' It ‘
, ._________ L_,a___.__a_*-___,_____,____e,e,--__--_....~._. ...—..-- ._.._.______~w.__ h ._ f v
. ' I . . .t p s
‘ Amrand Hammer 9X I It a V3 U3 e resource a
. i El
“Great nations write their grown in regards to the dance, theater and ;1 ‘l.";;;....;........-._ __ ~ _> 7_ , ,. .. . . fl. . ‘l i. In
autobiographies in three manuscripts. the movies, it has been Greatly laClllllS When ll Fi'. ESESEE5555555SS53352EESEESEE!SSEEEEEEESEE535EEESEEEElESEESEEEEEEEEEEEEr-liBEEEEEE55E§§ggg5§gg55555555;55555355555;55““§5§§§§§§5§§§§5535§§ { ‘ ' _ 3
book 0! their deeds. the book 0f their words comes to painting and sculpture. No showing ‘. d} fresh/$3. . '
and the boot 0f their out Not one Of these ot this kind has ever been displayed in the l f?-— \ W g l ‘ a.
others. but 0f the three the only lruleO'lhy the public. :' W 00 _ 3?‘ g ’. m
one is the lost- ” , It is important to see such works in their ' at” l; n
’ “M“ ““5““ ohsihall°rih and ihaserltalike thie- Oheeah- . ”ll ’4 ‘l . “I
‘ - - , “Mexamlm the lex‘me “8 Palllllllll's “lace i i l , 1/ x . l. m
life since the first likenesses of animals were distorted in reproduction Seeing works from i ; " ; - in
stressed in his series. itisan important Part of have changed through time %
whatgives man his civilization. . Though appreciation is subjective, all has 3 g 3 ‘
. Art is the language of the soul for It ex- several universalitios which make it relevant Cit ' ”‘l‘ l ‘-
oresses the feelings which transcend words to all mankind. It can be a means of com- : a. a ;.
whether ll be ”We" Beell‘m'e“ “N"‘ll‘ habitation, instruction, escape and Pleasure t C?" ton
Symphony" or da Vinci’s “Last Supper", , Also as critic Edmund Wilson wrote, “Art is E ' 5 Few
eurrehlly 0" display al "‘6 All .Mueeumr 6" In obtaining the collection. the University E . ‘1} t are;
hiblls these qualitles- The sh°w ls Vllel l0 "‘9 has added some national credibility since it is i f : s i. *i i he l
artistic education of the community because it the first university to show it and Pmbahly the t ’ , . E l John
. ‘ allows People t0 experience firsthand the litm- last for some time. i . . ; him
“‘0’“ the 135”“ “““lm- state to see the collection mere money will be t . d . f l 3113
For the first time, people from Kentucky coming into area coffers. E.‘ ... :::z::::::::::'--:::::::::::::::::::::::"'..... . \; , g As
won'thave to go out of state in order to View an In a time where people are worried that 3 L? o 53%};3‘ ngL‘s/Z A-VA n, .5 . _ $ gran
t original van Gogh 0l‘ Fragonard 01‘ Durer. N0 budget cuts have caused a decline in educa- 1 g ____ g__‘__,. m_.__.,____.__.__...__.......,...,,..............,..,,,,'.',.,. ,,..,,, ,,,, , ,, , ”7:. ~ .. .. feebl
exhibition of this size or range has ever been tional standards, it is a relief to see the _- l prog‘
seen in Lexington. 1 ha University exhibit some sense and quality in NS PlCTURE '5 "01' PART of THE ARMMD WMER _-. 2::
Though Lexington’s cultura awareness s decidjn where the mone is to be spent. —-—-~ , ,
g y COLLECTIONQ WHICH lS JtBT 0'5 or THE MANY fl » 1 gig;
'_ l
5 Gm Known WL— Se,
‘ L \ .. mem
; DLK AL 9N ' \ Epidemic of embarrassment ~ 5 :3
l WLD -\ I I SUE!
l - ' w t
Landing in hot water - ..
! . . .. char;
‘ r eff ' I ~
‘ ’ x , bl‘l
: TAKE r. , s . COMMON among ICIa S .. 55...;
' \ \ , , '
l ' ' fl Trouble always coma in bundles “he" I flunk 0‘ Fr.“ now, I , bra:
l I f a. . Just ask any public official or figure. m remember the great time I had at the, mule
I ‘ ‘ Nearly everyone I can think of is hav- 0 a Peach Bowl. Fran, I m sure there is . l Dean
‘ \ . 1 t ins ”€th lifeafta-football.Goodluck. .' -‘ ..me
l it fit J i . \ Fran Curci: Out of all of the troubl- Yet the ad hoc committee, in firing Otis . Singletaryz Here’s . another ._ k
l u}, ‘. #4“ ‘ \ ed public figures 1 can think of, Curci, complained of a lack of man With troubles. Aumveiblty presl- : .
. WI .1 {7’ “ é , Fran’s troubles are best known to UK discipline. Remember, the rape case dent always has troubles, specially if : ‘
‘ l' ’/ ' \\ students. He thinks the University occurred in 1979. Curci’s contract was heismKentucky today. ' .’ ' ‘0
. I r '"l‘ 1 ~ WE MCEPT \ dealthimarawdeal. lagree. renewed in 1%0. Why wasn‘t this Recent flmlSS are part Of his W0- ~ - OI
: I .... . . \ brought up then? blem. Sending Curci and “E TObflCCO '
\ t.“ ._ V/JA . \ He has a right to be angry about the Curci has also claimed that the fir- Health and Research lnstitute’s 97- . cl
l r '. ) we . way Otis Singletary and the ing was political. He didn’t mention Gary, Huber into. unemployment ; l
, , l/ A .1. ‘ .‘. \ .. . ‘ ”kangaroo" committee chose to ter- the govemor’s name in his statement m” help the Umvel my 5 image I ' Jc
/ I ’ l. .9. .‘ \l. 'm i minate his contract. In recommen- released to the press Friday, but 1 much. And, incasesorneof you have 2
. . ." ' ‘— ding that Curci be fired, the ad hoc think it is important to remember forgotten, the Umverslty needs more . to
'I U ~. ‘ h committee cited several off-field in- that John Y. Brown tried to get the funding. (Remember the rally? YOU I a:
V ' cidents involving UK football players. football coach removed a few months do know that there was a rally here, 1 l B
" ' W Those incidents, among other things, ago. I wonder if Brown has made any don’t-you. 1‘ wouldn’t surprise me if : l r
; .. ,4 mr included a 1979 rape case. calls toGeorge Allai lately? some 5 you are 5“" unaware "lit It : l vc
—-————~——————————-————-———~— Eight players were questioned in Sure,Curci's career atUKhasbeen evertookplace.) . 3 ‘. sa
'1 ' ' connection with the case. I remember like a roller coaster. Maybe it is time Singletary has James 0- K1118. a 5 ;
Han m s Shmenng 0f amleuc ”Ingram that case well. The alleged rape vic- for him to be replaced. I agree with spectal assmtant, working With our - j
tim, according to some accounts. had him, however. when he says the com- state 168151820” ‘0 get more funding i ' r-r
' a , stayed in the football players dorm mittee showed "no class.” Firing by for UK lets hope he can set the g '
destro ed much of his followers support toronertworosoesssne sweetness anemone disenchanted. . .
the eight players, despitethefact that which led to it should not have been Local public figures aren t the only 1 l ‘
. 47-51-2. Fran Curci loam UK with Wm case, all involving the agrand Jury did not return any indict- started until after the season was {’35: fimmlgiés. Just take a I‘ I
anear .500 recordafternine seasons. _ basketball team. Why, he asked, mentsagamstthem. over. » Ronald Reagan- Ri . V Allen I T I
He brought Kentucky three winning 0 . weren’t Adolph Hupp and Joe Hall . Alexander Haig liaViddStmockmanL and '.' _ '
seasons. thefirst since themid-lssos. hredtorthesemcidents? ll Nancy Reagan. mm enousb pro . . l
He brought Kentucky its first bowl blow, bill be had known that it was They weren't fired became they I e x _ blems foronepresi dent . 3 I
gameinageneration. He sent several coming for at least a month. Being were consistant Winners. Curci was Don’t worry Runmi'e The Japanese 7: l |.-.
players to the Wald!!! ranks. fired for losing is something that fired. because he was _not winning. may pay for a". interview withNancy t l
Coach Curci did something that every coach faces what he loses, but Clll‘Cl was ranting a valid paint. The W m To watch his top-siders fill up with but I don't tl . 1 any I ‘can 10W: . I
predecessor John Ray was unable to Curci wrote a petulant letter that he Athletic itssoclatlon blamed Cumi's snow. nallsts would especially not
. do - he fielded teams that were releasedforpublication. . ternnnatlon on the oft-theftdd pro 1 read with drummmt the $1000, And I don't think 5mm," .
. Win whenever Mmm‘fiddt vented hls feelingsof {Fl-“"3“?" ,H" team throughout most °f Curcis Buffy column. That its satire was met Tostop withoutafrathome near— nalists. That i: unless a Ja ~
0n the field. Curci's teams showed attacked the UK Athletic Association tenure. with such a negative MW is in- Between TwoKeys andTolly-Ho, _ ist decides to wmw’lmmo .
edhardifnot fornotif‘ himofhisdismissalby . . . . . . . Journal. _ _pay , _
some 013“ They play ““3 . . . . . dlcatlve of its success in lappim into Thedarkest evemruoftheyear. for an mm”, mm Stockman. If
always well. His team had a reputa- telqihone rather thanmperson. . Those mctdents certainly made it reality. Their column on basketball that ha then you’ll y have - z. u
,. tion for a defame that wouldn't qtllt The board. howeyer, had no choice. easier to fire Cum. but had the toot- ticket distribution, in Mull". w” Shegiveeheradd-a-beadsashake problunsm. . real] :7 l u
even it the “M” “Wm“- ”m“ W” W." "“9” ”WM °““ Mmgmwmmmn’ “'5 probably the beat thin you’ve Tonsilllhel'elflomeml‘l‘l‘e- Another problem at the White : l
tunately, Kentucky's football teams Side themeetlng;w1thCurcinot pre- tusllly unlikely that he would have published all year. I hope the two 'l‘heonlyothersolmd’sthesweep Housewas reveal edM l y andl’m .. I
developed a disconca-tlng habit of soul, thechmce was tolet him know been fired. Unfortunately, _ the writers responsible arenotdiscoung- OfreutllngplaidandBaucladfeet. notsurehow they willbe able tohan- _ t
losing games lnthefinal minute. and by telephone or by hearing it on the petulant _ tone and several inac- ed by our provinclallsm and continue _ dlethisone f g I
were 6-16 in the last two season. A television. erci termed the method curacies in theletta- (thepress bade todevelop thelroonsiderableskllls. m clones are lovely. but not too Muffle Br : Salomly ldldn’t. L. l m
similar record sent coach Ray pack- of notification “no class." According field day when heuspelled “all,“ deep, make up this name. She i.’ not the ‘ ,
lng. so it was hardly a nil-prise that to the local popes, Cum refined to M0“. as ln Adolf Rum _) “My you...” Andlhavedammchlmmtm_ “m Mulfle of “Minty and Buffy" .
Ctnciwasshownthedoor. come to the telqihone, and Athletic obscured his presentation 0f thn Graduteetailent And many People with m to lanie(liifame?'). . —
lt‘ubi'thardtofeelmyforlt‘ran Dlrecta-Cliffl-laganhadtogtvethe argument. m sleep. Matty 1‘ m at that , —
Curci.lfhewants.hecanlleinthe newsloCtn‘cl‘swlfe.Whoahowedlua Fran Curcl'sbi est failurecame And many Me with whom to WhiteHoineWandshehuannamced‘ _. ‘ ‘
sumhme for three years. alp- clau? . ‘3 W s. _ . ..
Ml“ with that unfa'tunate letter. Qircl ear that (om Golly gee! What shall we
and dram Thce e times what everyone
Pl" Wm ‘ ” wanted toestablish a record of class do?) they are short on tablecloth.
i check. As {or its cannon-l obliga- hecanelfnntntedandfeh llkeaay- when he “me to Kenuicky- he 8‘09?“ by Gravel-Cox on a Twa lifestyles mm on . col- One setmay "en havebeai ubotag- ..
. din, UK will pay M m 848,000 in thing that he'll latc- regret. , gnaw). Evening lege camps. and l, notwhhlng tobe ed ._
, managedtodeetroythelut vestigeof -
; amualularylu'tlreemeyean. Gard: letter was obvloi-ly a first thatuhelefl. “wu'munmigmw, "Orientoftableclotanomycom-"t
5‘ withoutCtl'clhavlntotbatflmln (kampmedbyamanvuittnghla mioeelzoththuearelthlnkl pleteanduttei'ha'ror,wentouttothe . I
l m'mm'mm {dw' ldumnmmm. DanaPlcotaagradmteetudentlnthe m; MW drycleanenandllmfl”Mufflelnld :
' ' i “Maxine-Wenonah!) tasllhetlnt-lt'lala'motemo- p HlaBMWlatnthei/lllageflm‘h. Wm AP ' :
p 3 _ hit we “.0 file an attereon School ofDlplomacy. an m. .
. . «whee. "In th' live In ticnalimmm, d“ finch let Hewillnotaeemestwplnghae. Gama-department ““1”an haveanyml tobuy .
.'. % mm ra away ' ‘ ' more,eventboughNancy I '
g. p. jam.flthemmm m'arebettcldtuult. BLIIIM COUNTY Ivylierke Bmthed may mm moon m :
'fp . must-mm“ ltlhardtoWandwhthrd WWW «cum I tlbleoontrl to :
g. ' ‘ tolauthuchoiltomiltahflinu rue-eddielettulorpifllcattonJh mm. an“ flammmm MW "'8“me II I”. who! “"3“": . I
“f; ,3 “M. m m M m my. M “’9 m m "5 WT w my MIMI. A mm, m.“ WIS wt a. mu _ § ‘
the It's an any for a coat hell it «by: earlier. but huh-om that it mama mm m! tummy/m t Prudent Reagan’s living ‘
t e ~' had la- at least a moth That 0m ms- W W, W! mm 1!: m! \ , m- - l
l m In at another cum vacuum , , , \ K. A n h w . shame that h m .
e 35% m u M llplatyoltlmelwaoherm ., W MW, “mum. m... , ‘3 m‘ . . di’ . ,l
eras] 5"“ M W . ' .‘W l ”m- mmmmm o x l, ‘ ~— t udypwclimdeuortlatmchlm : p '
of“ In that sane oat- coach- - lie In the law, coach Curd m t, \ mmmun... 1,. $1» ‘ fit} u don't M“ W tabl . z i
33% yum-mum Illa an m tau-qu- M y 9' . \ \ .. y, "A I topotltonmui-tdou'mt : l l
e, , tree-...: anticommunist-flue m an the My. ll- unli I A, $ , Q‘ / 0.: . , . 4’3. " V,“ ' wit-nodal 3 ~
. s WMatlmuflihb commune-Mud“ , ’Ecg .‘ i ‘. . l ? ‘ ' " it"? Doolaodmhtableclotlu" ' l '
. “Mmmmfll ' . 1‘ ’d' h‘ I» " WJ' - 5 '- ' 3 t
‘1‘ m. . \3 ‘ ‘l ‘ .\ . Q \. ~ rfl I ' . o
- ,‘ Mh-thtv-mdlldl‘rl- “H.0Idwulm ‘-'D . y n“ 4 A . C). ’3‘. ‘—.,;; mc'mrmuamwmmw '
day. are all been nut i-t may”,mmmm . .) . A. O -~\,.~t~ ) _ 1' ~, - ' “ “Mm, m, w ”an”: 5 . N I
. "megaphone” m scandal call I): W . __ 1 . ea .7 . . ~ , ..., . yeti-hemoduonamm“ . '4- 4
' . . -... l
- .. , . ., .h t 0"”
‘ . ., . ' * . sh stead ”i it” , . : o in" . e ,.
- ‘ , ‘ .. 7‘ to ‘Lg‘lilrhapftwihgrrgigleofi‘i r '_ :3 ,),1.mgf§$ét :jfentifgfahaggfie wt, 3" ' f - m‘zT$§§éiiihts‘egé?s a: . ‘ 4:}:

 2 -: ,, »~.w norrfi'ew’t‘rr" W“ M“"* “1* ' "- ~. .. ,1 : . ' t“ ‘ . W . . ' . ”Wit*tdn a? - “his" “itiaw“ , ~ .
a , : a, if _ 1. .a‘y“ , . ;..-,-. i ,1 . .... v ,t , 1%,,lnfl .. ,. .~ ,_ , . . 4 . , , .1, hit . . , ,. , > ,,, .1 ,1”, , . _:_.‘.‘.,V,._‘.,.,, _t:,., «nail» f o 1,: if , «M.- q H, r‘, a“, _M, J: w _ ..» k , .
' ‘ . 'i t l . bk =€:‘<. .f" ., .2 , ' . . ‘ : . ,y . : ' in ' t , - 2‘ ions,1::';:“,':3;i:.‘;}rig:,a, mtg? . ”is? #533; 3,12,, , -_.j ~ .,
2 ~ ‘ ‘t‘ i. '- ti V1.9? ‘ '- " ‘ " : . . ~ 1 . , : : It???“ .. 2 - Wail-[1'52“ ""fa'kf'gt-J Ailing:*‘ttrsai‘. J ”gainer; £3 with” '2 :-_' - . ,
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can . p.113»; .. . : . g. ‘_ -*.». ' “w“;pgfi‘ ‘ 1.53:3“ it'll“ ‘filfiv’gjri; no : ', ,
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'— ‘% ‘N'fi mmmmm—Wfifl ““‘*’h A MM" ‘"_"‘~"_’ J ’ —'_' THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, Tuesday. December 1. 1‘1-3 3313i???
' 7 f”- 3
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i N ii Aging. was in attendance at the conference and Chicago girl, Karen O’Connor, a chance to play a; \ , ' : .4 I“; . . __‘4 .
3 a on could notbereached for comment. on the boys’ basketball team at her junior high .1. , I / , g I. 7
~ f. school. The jlstices let stand a federal appeals , " ' _ , - ': :' y
_ f ' WASHINGTON N88”) zrgwqamfig? WASHINGTON-Communities 888mg ban court ruling having separate girls and boys ' ‘ .11 ‘ a . l ‘
'r White Home Conference on ng began ." Pornographic movies or close theaters 3 Wing teams equal in all “objective” respects except ‘ .. ' ‘ ‘ , ’ 2 . » :
i 1 search for solutions to the Problems of 500181 such films, do not have to prove “beyond a thelevelofacceptable competition. .. «gwwfv - é. , : .
i ' . Security and other programs for theelderly. reasonable doubt" the movies are obscene, the ,, Declined to hear an appeal of a lower cou