xt737p8tdv5k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt737p8tdv5k/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1989-01-25 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 25, 1989 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 25, 1989 1989 1989-01-25 2020 true xt737p8tdv5k section xt737p8tdv5k  


Kentucky Kernel

' Vol. XCll. No. 95

Established 1894

University of Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky


Independent since 1 971

Wednesday. January 25. 1989


Newton new UK athletics director

Vanderbilt coach to take
over AD position April 1

President David Roselle puts a UK pin on the new athie:
meeting in Patterson Office Tower Newton will will start

W's» i,



ics director C M. Newton yesterday at the Board of trustees
duties at UK on April 1

is) .l.-\\' niax'rm
Editor in (‘hiei

(TM, Newton. hcail basketball mail
Vanderbilt l'nixersity and a it: .if'in to;
was named l'K athletiis

\‘ewton. who has beer. the
basketball coach at \anderlirl‘
will assume the .illllt‘llt'\ thre- 'ir po» ‘
April 1 at the t'tll‘it‘lllsiiit‘ it ‘. :-
basketball season

Newton. )8 replaces t'lit? lligai.
resigned as athletics director ,:t X
ber. citing the cloud ‘t‘J'l‘ 'ilt whit-ti :
gram caused by the \'<'.\\ win-st Jab v
the men's basketball program

.loe Burch, who has been intuit"
ics director since llatlan's ies'ciia'
remain in that position in'iI ‘Lw-

”This is an t‘\(‘lll"iL’ evi-nt tor :-:~
all}. \(ilti Newton
tron: \aslnille yesterday .it'err. to"
excited and eager tout-t on \\ itb t‘

Newton who w..- approxei! as 'ti'i '.
director lltlillll'llltllsl'w ii. ‘iii t K .“t . ‘ '

j-“‘tci'da\. ~aiil ‘ic ‘ ~
litl“."1,"tl to 3‘1“ Utipiir’imv‘f
o'liLtt' Wt? int-athletics pusti‘i‘vl‘

Etti- l‘ of

il'l‘t'hi’ ',i‘ e"



‘i- ll" they


'ha' challenge .ttli ‘

mail program damaged " .

’lllilil'llpl‘W‘i} lo. the \"t.\.

' tia~ iiri'd \lornla' 'r: .
".\ .s‘li-czi'mn l

alpine: .

BOT votes to hold closed meeting to discuss investigation

Editorial Editor

In an uncharacteristic nltl\(‘. the t‘K
Board of Trustees passed a resolution yes-
terday that requires l'K President David
Roselle to update them and the Athletics
Board on l'K's response to the Nt‘AAs
allegations against the men‘s basketball
team before it is sent to the Nt‘AA

BOT members will be updated by Rose
lie at an executive session that will be held
either Sunday or Monday [K has until
Monday to respond to the lit \‘t'AA
allegations against the basketball pro

Roselle had wanted to call the HOT and
Athletics Board into executive session
after l'K's response to the allegations had
been sent to the NCAA Any objections
RHT members would have voiced to the
response would have been included in an
addendum, Roselle said

But Rit'l‘ member 'l‘racy Farmer
objected saying the Bit'l‘ has the right to
know what l'K's response is before any
outside organi‘lation is intormeil

“l think as :ncui'nbeiit on all it board
members to be kept appraised as where
we are." he said "I don" mean to itiilii
mice the report one wax or another unless

it was totally unreasonable




DATE RAPE: Our Hidden Problem





More education programs
needed, local experts say

Hy ALLEN l). (illl-Ililt
Contributing Writer

"Even what we consider to be a good
turn-out is. percentage-wise. Very
small." Karnes said

Additionally. about 40 percent oi the
residence balls at L'K do not participate
in any date rape program. said Jim
Ploskonka. of the office of Residence

But he added that resident advisers
a re required to learn preliminary crisis
intervention skills and are taught how
to make appropriate referrals for rape

Fraternity participation in the
education and awareness programs is
low, said Michael Palm. assistant dean
of students for fraternity affairs.

A Kernel survey of nine sororities at
UK revealed that five had participated
in some forin of date rape education in

cquaintance rape has received

increasing attention at [K in the

past several years. but some
local experts are criticmng [K for not
doing more to raise student awareness
and educate students in a systematic

Acquaintance. or date rape. is forced
sexual intercourse or contact either
through assault. manipulation or
intimidation by someone the victim

Jake Karnes. assistant dean of
students. said UK conducts awareness
programs about date rape, but the
current programs don't reach students




‘.-\.s a group the Roarvl oi 'l‘rizstw-s
needs to know as a group so we tau limi-
a discussion because it so often hap
pens when onieone ltll\(‘l"“tl‘-

Roselle said he was .,,t i"-L‘ =4=
any RH'I‘ 'iti‘ttiltct‘s
inlormatioii about 'he
because l'K has less
spond ’o 'lie \t‘v‘i .

spittise needs to be \(‘Hl .is

J‘tii‘s '11.:

il't't'.\\ ‘1: vii".
”\isiigmiiiiv ‘t'l’

.o-ek :«i

‘liatt ti
-:llt‘llllltill‘is lie 'i
aiiilt '~ illissi


“It is the ttitention 'o . all 'lie board villi!
e\i-ciitI\‘e .iii/l «‘itltitlit‘it'
report alter the response has been «in ‘ ~
the \t'.\.\ . ‘iiesaid

during first

Ii) \l,\RK R. t‘lll‘Il.l,lilHI\
\sMK‘lllll‘tl Press

36‘\§]ii[] _ll\l'

FRANKPYHt'l‘. Ky iim Wallace
Wilkinson painted a :osy :iortrait o! the
state of Kentucky tllll‘lllL! a feleiiscd
address last night at \tlllt‘ll he continued to
press tor his plaltorni and gave Eiitle
indication oi a willingness 7o i'oiiiproiiiise
on taxes or education

Wilkinson applauded unproiements in
the states economy and 'ook i reilit tor rc-
cord employment He also boasted about
turning around the iiscal i'lllltlltltm oi state
government .

The speech was lulled by the
administration as an oil-year slate oi the
commonwealth address to the speech
itself. which was broadcast by Kentucky
Educational 'l‘elevision. Wilkinson said it
was an opportunity tor him to evaluate his
own job periorniance

Wilkinson said he made the tough ilt‘t‘l-
sions that prompted the reyitalmitioii ot
the state

“It s lair to say 'lial every day. in ewry
way. Kentucky's L‘J‘lllllg better and
better.” Wilkinson said it] a prepared test
ot the speech tnade a\ailal)le prior to its

(in education. Wilkinson reiterated his
critiCisni of those who have called lot
more money tor the current system oi '('.:
ching Kentucky children

"Nothing short oi a t tilllpit‘it'
restructuring of our schools will allow sub-
stantial improvement.” Wilkinson said.
sounding a theme he has repeated through
several rounds of failed negotiations with
lawmakers and educational interests tor a
compromise education package

(in the subject of taxes. Wilkinson .ilso
repeated his long-held opposition

"No governor in the history oi the com~
iiionwealth has been under more pressure
to raise taxes than I have." Wilkinson
said, “But let me say it again. I am not
willing to call for new taxes just to coiitiir
ue the same old stuff We must change"

‘it a special tlclober l’.t l'l :i v' i‘
boat"! members gave Roselle “it‘ Hm lril‘li
authority ”it i-ondiii-t .:ll ill'il‘ltt'f‘i'li'l"

'tii- allegations ’-

HillL’“ ii
rii'liidiiti’, lash.
trusts to ltiilttiillL‘ oiit ’l' shirts and ' ctr-7

Traitor" at sl“

noes :Qilll‘." vien's 'igski-tl 1"

.l‘i'il‘i ’l‘llill 'l'.l‘vl‘.




~lber 'i-r't‘iiils

ttiovi to‘iri‘. : l"' ‘o ._

l KSiI'l’s'11i-i‘l

lien «3::b iv

piiblii'tt disagree .- or
w 'iiruil: »,'. . m.- I...~:~
'iieiiébers bato-

'l'isi-t! 'triiirsiiiiil tiliisiili‘i ' '2lUW'"

tips I

Sweet! .'-“t't‘:

‘~"ll10“‘-tal‘il :tii-ixilaxiu, “Java...” . .,i , .,

Wt‘t' ‘:ii tiiililii i-s‘m'vu

:ii't'i'i-ii. ‘J



have improved in state
year, Wilkinson says


Gov. Wallace Wilkinson says the state ta
his first year as governor
\lilkiiisoii appealed directly to \oteis '-i J. r. s 1.. i :s an education.“ i
help him promote his own education.“ .: . ti; - a mi
ideas and indicated that lie is losaiu pa
hence with legislators

The governor said he is ltt'llllJ. opposed by
the disciples oi the status iiiio '1
Kentucky education."

thin-iii... L ioniiiioiiii}

itt'iili' i.

i‘l ”as” \

lie ‘ilil rar‘ iwiii: tomb
“is Matt piai:
“And so. it at times I strike \oii as laud
headed or strident or stubboin. :i s
because l ain. llut it‘s because l have good
reason to be.” he said. It at times il
.seeiiis like l'm impatient with the state bii
rcauci‘acy or with some oi the hard
working members oi‘ the (ieiicral \ssem
bly, it's because I am But I have good
reason to be ”

iliiii i/i ti .is

lilii'asc 'liat \in let l’t‘ctiiici‘

lot that country

Simply poi. I .iiii
pciestroika oi icstrutturiiig
tuck} s citutatmiiai’ systeiii.‘


'ldi‘v ‘ Seal "'TDVOVSFWQHIS ill

illii ioints e; disiipiaii

.‘i\ol\'ciiic.it a


iit~liilliiil)llll_\ fill \llllltli\


"the i'\piiiiiiiiti;
‘oi ".lllt atom. which has beci.
:au‘ot‘ l'istcaii. llt‘ borrowed a
iioi‘bachm uses 'o ilt‘Mllllt' his own plans

\\ ilkitisoii








Today: 40% chance of rain
Tomorrow: 50% chance of rain



Lady Kats lose to
Western Kentucky.

Still Life makes call for
talented writers, artists.

See Page 2















2 — Kentucky Kernel, Wonosday,Jonuary 25.1989



Rob Song
Arts Editor




If you have been following the
Still Life Editor

progress of Still Life. you know
our format The supplement is
designed to include as much
quality work as will possibly III,
We are dedicated to making
student writing more accessible
to the Lexmgton L‘UIIITITUIIII}. as
well as presenting the newest

This is the official announce
ment We are taking submis
sions for the third issue of Sill.
Life. the IIIPI'llT‘} supplement to
the Kentuck} Kernel

tine us your good mur iielt

wrought.yourqualit) \iork oi iiiiireestaiilished writ
The deadline for entries ,\ “-5

March 1 We. the editors. \\ei

come any kind of writing in am UN .Vt‘i” “‘9 PUMISIWd 4‘

chapter of Denise (iiardina’s
\i’iirk-in-progress beside first
rate student fiction and poetry
by ~\ounuer writers

We feel such a format giies

genre poetry. prose
mental or mainstream
Your only restrictions pt’l‘ldlti
to length Please keep the pros»
under 20 pages and the poetry


under to _.\]| submissions ”me \.ilidit_\ to all of the writer's pre
be t\ ped seiiied knomi or unkiiou n

Also. include a cover letter The \i'iiiners of the Daiitzlei‘
containing biographical iiitor Fiction (‘ompetitioii and the
mation This isn't The Nun Faruuhar Poetry Prize it'll] be

Yorker We want our readers to
know \\ ho you are

given priority on our pages
But eo\ er your bases Submit


‘Still Life’ puts out call for quality
prose from University community


Associated Press

AUGUSTA, Ga. ~ Soul singer
James Brown received a six-year
prison term Monday after pleading
guilty to an array of misdemeanor
weapons and traffic charges.

your work to still Life as well as
to the Dantzler and Farquhar

writing contests. Remember. In addition to the prison term.
JUdflf‘S imd “I'm“ ‘10” I always Brown, who also pleaded no contest

to charges of drivmg under the iri-
fluence. was fined $1.000 by Judge
Gayle B. Hamrick.

Adrienne Brown, the singer‘s 33-

31.00»! court”

It you are published in Still
Liti- at ieast 17.000 readers WIII
haie the opportunity to read
your piece That‘s more than
most literary magazines will

Anyway. you have the idea






Address your submissions to: Twig???

Still Life; link Reece; Ken- _ "

tucky Kernel. 035 Journalism ‘ ‘t/

BUilding. I'niversity of Ken- “I“; .7
‘. _ . ‘2’ w“ ”v, r

tuck}. ltexmgton, Ixy. 40.106- fl.’"\ t‘L .2433? at; H

0042 . y y} my)“ , ‘ in].


The quality of the fiction and
poetry published in last April's
edition oi Still Life exceeded our
expectations and encouraged us
greatly We anticipate with ex‘
citement what this year's
search \\ ill )‘lt'ltI









Join the Student Health Advisory Council
and give us your opinion!


Get involved with:
— Health Education Programs
— Health Service Policy Decisions
— Regional/National Student Health

Be Recognized as a Member of a
Presidential Advisory Committee
Meeting Held Thursday, Jan. 26, 7:30 pm.
Room 231 Student Center
All students invited to attend!

For more info, contact Pat R. Hart 273—3723
or Jean Cox 233—5355


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Friday Night Hockey Returns to Lexington

Commemorate this event With class and style at the UaneiSlW C up w 'n
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Also, don’t forget about the E the



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and Saturday at midnight at
the Ice Center






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0 Never a cover charge at the Brewery




year-old wife. was given probation
and a $600 fine after pleading no
contest to a charge of driving
under the influence. It resulted
from a September 1987 incident in
which she was charged with driv-
ing under the influence, speeding
and criminal trespass,

Brown's sentence would run con~
currently with a six«year term he
is serving in South Carolina. Ham-
rick said. The charges in both

Brown gets another jail term in Georgia

states stemmed from a two-state
car chase last September.

Brown, 55, disrupted an insur-
ance seminar in an Augusta office
building by walking in with a shot-
gun, officials said. Before officers
could arrive. Brown left the build-
ing, and the chase began

Brown said in an interview re-
ported Monday in USA Today that
he was "dealing" with being in

by Berke Breathed







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appointment and it doesn't hurtl
2620 Wilhite Drive,
Dr. Flanagan. a general dentist,
now concentrates totally on
Cosmetic Bonding










The Kentucky Kernel
Editor in Chief Jay Blanton
Managing Editor Jun White
Editorial Editor CA Duane Boni‘er
Copy Desk Chef Brad Cooper

Assistant News Editor
Assistant News Editor
Sports Ed'tor

Betsy Wade
Meredith Little
Torr Spaldlng

Assistant Sports Editor Brian Jeni
Arts Editor Rob Seng
Photo Editor Randal V i“ artisan
Adwser Mike Agin
Adverttsrng Director l'nda Co"ins

Assrstant Advertising Director
Production Manager

Je‘f Kuerzi
Scott Ward

The Kentucky Kernel is published on class days d-iririj the a: tidem T yrnir and
weekly during the summer sessmn

Thirdrclass postage paid at Lexrngton KY 4051‘ Mr. id Kli'fifr'rTiiOl‘ 7mm.
are $30 per year

The Kernel is printed at Standard Publishing and Print'j S’M Buckman St
Shepherdsvule KY 40165

Correspondence should be addressed to the Kentucky Wimp Room 035
Journalism Building. LJniJorS'ty of Kentucky Lexington k"! 40506 0042 Phone
(606) 2577287‘






These People aren’t worrying
about that dropped course
Because they know about

Independent Study

You can begin a course now and finish it this
semester. Visit the ISP office, Room 1, Frazee
Hall, or call 257-3466 today for details.


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Kentucky Kernel, Wenudly. January 25,1989 — 3



Tom Spaldlng
Sports Editor

Brian Jont

Assistant Sports Editor


Lady Kats
dumped by

Assistant Sports Editor

Western Kentucky University se—
nior Debbie ()‘Connell hit a pair of
free throws with 10 seconds left on
the clock to ice a 79-75 Hilltopper
victory over the Lady Kats last
night in Memorial Colesium.

ller free throws climaxed a night
in which Western only missed one
from the charity stripe.

"You have to give Western credit
for making their free throws down
the stretch.“ L'K coach Sharon
Fanning said.

At the end of a close first half
that featured 12 lead changes, the
llilltoppers went into the locker
room with a three-point lead.

Senior guard Susie Starks and ju-
nior forward Tandreia Green
accounted for 30 of Western‘s 42
first half points.

"They are two of the best ath—
letes l have ever seen.” Fanning

The Lady Kats were able to tie
the score three times in the open-
ing minutes of the second period,
before the Hilltoppers went on a 74)
run starting at the 18:02 mark

Westerns run was broken by a
\‘anessa Foster‘Sutton layup with
l 1‘34) left in the contest.

\K'Kl .s largest lead of the night
came at the 11:38 mark when
(lreen hit a lfivfoot jump shot to ptit
the Toppers up 5950

But l'K did not give up. basket with

After a timeout, the game went tomakethescoreTT 74
back and forth. The Kats cut the After a “mm”,
Toppers lead to three and four on
(K‘CilSltlnS. butin the closing minute.

Green '.\'llh ll seconds left
the Toppers controlled a seven

.lunior guard \lalinka Salhi hit a
it weonds remaining

. l'K guard Kristi
(‘usheiilierry drew a charge from


Ruth Ann Mountain lays in two of her 14 points in last night's Lady
Kat game Western Kentucky beat UK by a score of 79-75

the oncrandrone to i-iit the

And then tt't’onnell put the game
out of the Kat's reach with her
after being touled by

"I couldn‘t l1£1\(' asked for


a bet

Upset minded Auburn, 0-6
in the SEC, to face Cats

Staff Writer

Auburn University will be in
Rupp Arena tonight entertaining
thoughts of upsetting UK in the
same fashion as their last trip to

Auburn. without its top two
scorers. upset the Wildcats, then
ranked No 1 in the nation, 53-52
last year on a three-pointer by
John Caylor in the final seconds.

The (‘ats are not hip to letting
that happen again

“All we have to do to get fired up
is to look back to last year when
we were ranked No. 1 in the nation
and they came in here and beat
us," L'K sophomore center LeRon
Ellis said “We will not overlook
them this year ”

The young Wildcats. with a 5+9
overall record and 472 in the South
eastern ('onferencc. may have rea
son to overlook the Tigers

Auburn began conference play
with a 71 record, but the Tigers
have lost all six of their SEC

”They are way overdo to beat
somebody in the SEC 1 iust hope it
is not us] L'K guard lierrick \lillr
er said "They will play us hard 1
guaranteethat ‘

Auburn coach :s'omiy smith will
bring another beat-up ieam into
Rupp Arena tonight

(‘aylor lzist year’s hero of the
[K game. broke his foot after only
five games t‘ay‘oi‘. tumor
was i'he 'eam‘s second leading
scorer :yitl: .tll .iyerage of 17m
points a game

.i LT

Kelyiii .erister a H; 'lilnlttl‘ was
.iyeragiiig ltttt points a game ill
seven games before he was in




point lead 5h“ t'ttm'i'i‘tcd both free throws oi ter team effort.” Fanning said :ured
{ l
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Match-ups: UK, 9-9 (4-2
SEC) vs. Auburn, 7-7 (0-

When: 7:30 tonight.
Whore: Rupp Arena.

Rudlo: Live on WLW-7OO
AM with Cawood Ledtord
and Ralph Hacker.
Telovlslon: Delayed on
Channel 27 at 11:30 pm.
with Marty Brennamen,
Jack Givens and Rob




Smith was able ‘o retain the
services of much improyed center
Matt (ieiger thiiger. a ti» ll sophe
more. leads the Tigers in scoring
by averaging lit} points a game
He is the only player to start all ti

“Matt Geiger t‘ quickly
ing one of the top big men 1:: ‘iie
country” said l'K assistant coach
liwane (‘asey who \t'()ll'i‘d the fit:
iiurnrt'niversity of Mississippi
game "Last year lit‘ was iiist feel
ing his way around 'he wagin-
Now. he is looking to score more
and he is crashing the boards real
well “



lr'K's ii iii renter

the assignment lit "Willi ~. Jr:-

i leiger

"lle l‘~' going to he .. "tail ha!
ienge because he l\ so slender .i'vi
quick] l‘:lll.< said lie .\ til“ .:~
tough as anybody in this league

The Tigers take on a much vhf

terent look after the iiiiiiries ‘iii

__5‘ 7YL/5'75

,.,-_ 57‘ " MG 5"” E ”W" Ni


will tie..-

burn was a

team before the injuries Li;
Smith's tearii feature: three gm

and a slower tialluiui“
"They'ie had

TU \ltl'.‘\

since they don't hayi- inuil.


anymore . H
more our \ty le now ’

Keeneii tarpeiiter and. lie~
are the «lav it! 'ie

t arpenter.
on the team: w'ti. ;.

a ~12 \t‘llliil

l)(,'f‘llll\t'l'i .: i1". itirm:
1.2 it pflilll: a. gut» lit-
ill the

aiiakeriigeot 4 ‘ git-r ; m.

league .i. .1“: ‘-

lteiiniwr . ‘5.

lt'llht’ fl.‘(.(1“"‘ lv 1 ‘,l"'_ in».

ii-‘t' who r :I‘. :N‘he‘f‘i'v'
-.ou :. w min-v

aw. ~» 2 /’

’«K's .\l:lle" :: '...‘:'.~'
iigih tia . has pinned .igi' ‘ '
'.:~oi‘. ,, i..'i""v r' ‘~.‘f iii’.

"if \ri‘..i'iviir \‘l‘l‘. ' i‘ «

llaile .. f" Wt ' "’
f‘i'k lteiinisoi‘. Alfie"
.t’Y‘V Lttilh’l .'f".-‘.

\hltl)l(’r iii‘
when he‘s bit'

for \\,lvl/"i‘-

.l‘i wand;


*::i‘:e mu. . “.9 ,
mati‘,’ 'vt'i’tll" 11.4
'Iie t-ri‘u rebounding ‘.
'ei‘enr'i I'm . ,mu
‘ijwy‘ iprei'mv“
'otiiirls ': c "i--'
\{. .:,,.;i.. .,

't" : ’tlij Ila-fit ' t " i'

.iH 1-K“ I‘

if "Y" . v‘t


Si 5. 00


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last paced or. -:2
'. 1A

l lli4""'.1‘ p1,.





. it‘

(ascy said 3 Ken 1. ;




the literary supplement of the Keiiliii,’sv


is accepting

submission s


We want the best and brightest authon
artists and poets UK and Lexington have

to offer.

We want new stuff, old stuff, previously

unpublished stuff.

Give us your good, your well—wrought,

your quality.

Closet artists welcome.


Guidelines for submission:

'0 Fiction submissions may be 20 pages or less.

~° Poetry submissions may be 10 pages or less.

09 All artwork must be in black and white and a medium that can
reproduce in newsprint.

06 All entries must be typed. Dot matrix printouts are acceptable.

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4 - Kentucky Kernel, Wonuday. January 25. 1989




C.A. Dunno Bonltor Jlm Whlto
Editorial Editor Managing Editor
Jay Blanton Brad Cooper
Editor in Chief Copy Desk Chief

Julio Euolman
Special Projects Writer

Mlchul Brennan


More must be done
at University about
acquaintance rape

It ‘s a strange thing about acquaintance rape.
it's a violation of someone‘s body. It's a violation of
someone‘s rights It ‘s a violation of trust.

It's a crime.

Yet for some reason, many people don‘t take the topic
seriously. It‘s no big deal. many say. It's not really rape.
Besides. it could never happen to me.

Many people may even be scoffing at the series on date
rape the Kernel has been running this week. What good
does it do to write about this topic in the student newspa-


per .

The reason is that we want to raise student awareness
about the issue so peOple realize it‘s a problem that needs
to be dealt with. We want people to think about the atti-
tudes in their relationships that might promote acquain-

tance rape.

And we want to prompt UK officials and organizations
to do more to educate students about this problem, because
right now they aren‘t doing enough.

t‘urrently. there are several University-sponsored edu-
cation programs on campus. and efforts are being made to
increase student awareness of acquaintance rape. Freshv
man orientation addresses acquaintance rape. and campus
officials sometimes present education programs to resi—

dence halls and greek houses.

We commend these efforts.

However. the treatment of acquaintance rape at fresh—
man orientation is limited since students are bombarded
with so much other information in a short period of time.

And the education programs are given only upon re-
quest. attendence usually is low. and they don't reach com-

muter students.

tin the topic of education and awareness of acquain
tance rape. ['K could. and should. do more.

Many universities require that freshmen attend a man-
datory seminar on acquaintance rape. UK should create a
task force made up of students. faculty and administrators
to study this idea. as well as other avenues of education.

By having representation from these different groups.
l'K could gain a better and more thorough understanding
of the situation at UK and what needs to be done. It also
could serve as a way to centralize the administration of the

University‘s programs.

And UK should. at the very least. present the education
programs in a systematic way. not just upon request. to
ensure that all residence halls and greek houses have the
opportunity to address the issue.

Student Government Association. as the students’ re—
presentative. also needs to become more involved. Perhaps
SGA could organize a student organization that promotes
rape awareness and prevention. The University of Florida.
for example. already has for this purpose a student group
which created a Dater‘s Bill of Rights and sponsored a

rape awareness week.

Acquaintance rape. it seems. also might be a substan‘
tial campaign issue a candidate could address in the up-

coming SGA elections.

Even with all the education and awareness programs.
the most important step that needs to be taken lies with
each of us individually. We need to open our eyes to the
problem of acquaintance rape and reevaluate our values

and our attitudes.

Hopefully. then we can erase the cloud that surrounds
acquaintance rape and prevent victims from being stigma-

tized by society
It's the least we can do




NCAA is the
real problem

I read recently that the Kernel
wrote an editorial some months
ago calling for Eddie Sutton's rt-s
ignation Not being a regular read-
er of the Kernel the last time was
probably when l was a [K stur
dcnt v. I don‘t know the content of
your editorial. although judging
from comments elsewhere. I gathr
t-r it was strongly worded Even if
i had read ll. I doubt that my atti
tudc would be different

"trctting‘ people is a lavoritc
sport ol writers thcst- (lays Scarce
ly a week passes without some pulir
l|(' figure surfacing in the prcss as
the target of an angry editor who
cries loudly lor the officials resig

l'nfortunately. in the clamor for
journalistic visibility. facts are frcr
qucntly not allowed to gel in the
way of making a point Being the
courageous first to demand an indi~
vidual‘s departure and public bur
iniliation must be exhilarating. in-

That is what bothers me about
the Kernel demanding in an editor
ial for Eddie Sutton to resign I
personally would have preferred
for my l'niversity to come to the
support of one of its own

Failing that. even in the imper-
fcct world we live in. it would have
been if nothing more the gen
tlcmanly thing to do to wait until
enough facts had been assembled
to make a judgment

And from my

distant vantage

pomt. there are allegations galore
but few facts

I am also uneasy With a system
that permits someone to be
accused. tried and convicted in one
fell swoop. NCAA allegations havc
taken on all the power of a bill of
attainder. and public statements by
NCAA spokespersons are irrer
sponsible and outrageous

If this matter were to be settled
in a court of law. a judge would
throw the case out. When Dale
Brown commented that the
N(‘AA's methods were remm:scent
of the Third Reich. he was right on
the money

Apropos of the NCAA. the rt»
cent Supreme Court ruling in the
Jerry Tarkaman case will only exr
acerbate the situation. If that “en
lightened” ruling doesn't put the
fox in charge of guarding the
chicken coop. nothing ever Wlll' i

Certainly at this pomt. there is
far more evidence that the NCAA
15 guilty of malfeasance than there
is that Eddie Sutton is guilty of
anything. That mess is crying for
editorial comment.

The UK basketball program is
gorng to take some hits The NCAA
already has decided that. The ques
tion is only how severe the penal-
ties will be

As for Eddie Sutton. with the
NCAA and UK barking at his heels.
he has been wise to keep his own
counsel 1 hope that he is exoner»
ated. And after that. l hope he tells
the University of Kentucky to take
the job and jam it

William R Price is a UK alum
nus 0le54






/-2_{ 54“."-




Feminine needs

Quest for cotton comfort on campus a frustrating search

You can't tcll u book by its
cover, You can‘t make a leopard
change his spots. And you certainly
can't buy a tampon on UK's cam


I'm tired of running all over
campus in a time of dire need.
searching desperately tor a tam

If you are female. at some time
or another you probably have been
a victim of that frenzied. mcn~
struation mentality when you
would give anything for a Playtex
product just to spare yourself some

Those of you who have ever been
caught off guard and turn to the
L‘niversity 's feminine hygiene
products dispensers for help under
stand my frustration

It seems that the l'niversity
takes pleasure in inflicting torture
on its female students, Whoever is
responsible for stockng the dis
penscrs in the women's rest rooms
is hell bent on making a simple
transaction like purchasing a tamv
pon as exotic and difficult as a
quest for the ark of the covenant.

You must swim the deepest
ocean. climb the highest mountain
and brave the roughest storm just
to get your hands on a cylindrical
piece of cotton that might satisfy
your body‘s needs for a maximum
of three to four hours

I went on one of those cotton sa-
faris Monday. My prey was the
rare and exotic tampon. Although
they are an endangered species on
UK’s campus. my killer instinct 7
inspired by mother necessity 7! led
me on an adventure

Equipped with only a quarter. I
searched high and low for one ac»
ceptable form of absorbancy

I looked in McVey Hall. I looked
in Pence Hall I looked in the Gre—
han Journalism Building. I looked
in Margaret l, King Library. 1



looked in the Electrical
ncering building.

Then. before giving up on the
idea of purchasing a tampon. I
looked in the White Hall (‘lassroom
Building whe