xt737p8tdx68 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt737p8tdx68/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-03-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 08, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 08, 2007 2007 2007-03-08 2020 true xt737p8tdx68 section xt737p8tdx68 s» . PUMP UP YOUR SPRING BREAK WITH ALL THE RIGHT TUNES


\\’\VV\’.I\’YI\'ERNEL.(‘( )M


i\l:\l\’(ill ll, jlltl‘

See page 3





Domestic partner bill dies in House committee

By Sean Rose

S'useiékykei-iet t t"lt

.\ coiitio\etsta thI that \\ou|d
IMII slalc .lgcltclL‘s lt‘oitt c'\lclldlng
health benettts to domestic partneis
tailed iii a House committee tester-

The bill \\ as one \ote shoit ot the
required time to pass Ill the Health
and \kellate ('ontnitttee iii the House
ot Representattses Ilie legislation
had passed in the Senate b_\ a \ote ol
INTI in mid l‘t'lllutil‘}.

SG condemns
late posting
of trustees'


By Blair Thomas

Ulli z'iiazssikykorro 73'"

Student (imei'ntnent Senate unani-
ntotisl} passed a resolution at last
night's meeting asking the Board ot
l'i'ustees to te\etse its decision to nail
to release its IuII agendas ttiitil ‘) am
the da} ot its meetings

"'l‘hts unite-ism claims to be open
to student input. but the board its top
gowrntng body puts i‘estitcttons that
\\lll |ikel_\ prevent students ll‘ttlll being
intoitneit about the issues being dis
cussed and being able to asseiitble and
attend the :iieetings." said resolution
\It sponsoi Sen Iii'ittaiis langdon

St; l‘testdent lonah lirit\\ll. \iho is
a tiienibei‘ ot the Hoatd ol' 'lrttstees.
ansuered senators‘ questions abotit the
board‘s ne\\ polic}

“l'liis \\it\ not a dei isioti that \\ as
'soied ozt It) the board ” Hionit said
"It \\as a tespoiise to the concerns e\
piessed b_\ some boatd members that
the media \\ as spinning llllLlL'\ that
preneued board meetings to sound
like det tstoiis had ahead} been

lItts c'ctslatioit asks the boaid to
tettttit to the I'ldcllet‘ ot posting its
agenda tout da} s ttt adsanee.

"\ke ti'e asking them to take a sec
tlll\l ltlt‘le .il llI<.‘ lii‘\\ ttttltc‘s illlil ctlllHti
et eonitttg up \Hlll a ditteteiii soItttioit
that \iotdd not take aisa. iron. the sttt
ileiits' ‘:;:lzt to knms what is going on
and be .t\\ate ot the ili‘cl‘slillh that at

teet this campus ” said resolution to

sponsor \‘en Ie:an \t.‘\andet

\lso at last nights titeeting_ S(i
coiteltided its eight Reel» discussion ol
Senate tonintittee i‘eot'gaiit/atton b}
tin.tiiiniousl_\ passing the Senate (‘onir
itiittee (lldelii/dlltlt‘ \et at lilo“

"lltts is a \ttllll‘lllitlittll ot a lot ol
\sotl. ttoni a Sti‘tit‘ ot tl‘c'tlhallk'ki \c‘ttttr
tots and sereia‘ d'tteieiit bills ” said
\‘iiate' l‘rcstdetit liieiit littithett

Ilie legislation tointed ti\e statid
tng .on‘ittitttees the
(‘oiiintttteex the (iiadttate and l‘i'otes
stonaI Student -\:Iaii‘s ( onzntittce. the
\l‘l‘lvtl‘lliilitttls and Rnetiue (‘oniniitr

t- 88 ititttit 5

(‘oiiitnittee on

law students
help with
tax returns

By Emily Coovert

t“. 'aivti'tiikykttt'o ""r

Ia\ time can be hard enough tor
those strapped tor eash_ but sortie Ia“
students are lending a hand this sear

Scweial students tront the l'ls' ('olr
legc ol I.a\\ are \oltiiiteeitiig tor a pro
grant that “Ill help lo“ income tiidi
\tdtials “llll their ta\es

'l'he pioteei. I'K‘s \erston ot the
Volunteer Inconic l'a\ ¢\\\l\l.lliL'C. is a
“dlk-lll senice that “toctises on help
ing Ioretgn stitdents and Io\\7inconte
tattiilies iii the liarned Income (‘redit
program.” said l.esle} (’a_\ton. a first
sear lau student and \oluitteer.

"People come to its thinking the}
one taxes to the gmemment and. With
the assistance ot otir students. the) ot-
ten walk tt\\;t) kntming the} WI” In'
stead be getting a retund. said law pro-

Spp Taxes to page, 5

Among other institutions. the bill
“ould piohibtt unnersities trom oli
t'ering benet’its to sanie~se\' and oppo
\IIL‘WL‘X unmarried couples. l'ls' is
considering implementing such a
plan. \\hile the
l.ouis\iIIe became the first public
college in the state to launch a pail?
tier beiielits program Ill Januar).

"'l‘his \\ as a inator \ictot's." said

Sen. l‘.t‘llc‘sto Scorsone. l)-l e\iiigtoii.

a staunch critic of the proposal “It
was botlt a hatettil piece of legisla~
ttoit and an improper interterence in

ldtl\‘Clstt}‘ ot'

the uni\ersit_\."

Scoi‘sone aitd othei opponents ot
the hill had called it discriintiiatot)
against gays. Being iii l‘ianktoi't and
heating antiga) continents tioni leg
islatots \\ as proot enough. Scorsoiie

“’l‘hes'ie championing iliis bill
because oI‘ the sanie-se\ couples.“
Seoi‘soiie said "It‘s l‘l’c‘ll) transpaient
to see \\ hat \er es these people.

“They can‘t put lipstick on this
pig. It is what it is."

Rep, Ilob l)antron. I) Jessamine

and l-a)ette L‘l‘llllllk‘\.\\litt is a tiient
ber ot the Health and \\eIt.tie (‘oni-
tiiittee. supported the legislation. say
tiig public sentiiiients lo\\ aid gas
inaiiiage iiit‘luenced his stance

"I personal!) belte\e this is an at-
tempt b} soiiie tolks to go around the
ttiai'itage aiiiendiiient.” he said lClL‘l'
ring to the Stilt-t Kenttick) constitu-
tional aiiiendtiient “Itetc \oteis mer-
\sheliniiigl} dettned ntaiitage as a
hetei‘oseuial institution (Mei Kt! DUI"
cent ot Daniroii's distiiet \oted this
\sa). he said


is .i’

l'te tW’ attttljai’wl t' w ’ 'iti‘t t w s to

we ,I tilllt' ti


Tennis duo ranks second in nation

Travts Waldron
Ywattlvtin @kyhetl‘ttli Ht‘

It‘s the kind ot potent combination that all coaches

look Ioi'

brings the speed ‘l‘ogether. th '\ haw becwne the see
ond best dottbles tennis teaiti tn tlte nation.

We tiiakc tip tor \shate\ei‘ the othei person's
strengths are." (‘mentrs said "Ms strengths are hit
ting bigget shots. coming to tlte net and a bigger ser\ e
loelle's strengths are being set} consistent She mot es
melt and she's got great retuins

“ l'he thitigs eath ot its doesn't do as uell. the oth

er one does as their strengths."

(‘osentrx began the )ear ranked Xth \\ ith then-part-
itei (‘ai’olina lzscatnilla. lltit head coach ('at‘los l)rada
had a plan. He paired tip the tiso senior tennis platen
tti (Mober. creating a d_\natnit ltlrs e

"The adsantage that we ha\e is that we htne a
wry \ersatile teani." l)rada said “We ha\e a lot of

tttall} tell to the \o itean: iii the U‘tll”1‘-

dlltl l‘} lllt‘ It lt‘dsc‘ t‘i 'lli‘ l:l‘

ll‘sL‘ll another spot

Il\ Iaiitiai}. \sll'-‘k‘lll\ andt «eittii. a. ie \t‘ R

“I pulls. flt iltttt ll.:il

‘l‘lie\'ie the backbone of the piog'attt Iltada
Kini (metitr) has the poster. Ioellc Schnenk said "You knots that \tltcn the} et- out there :nd the\

the nation

their contideiicc

l‘ld}k‘l\ that i. an lia\e dillereiit L'ttltll'tlllditttlls \Ve had a statue

new freshman coming in and she “as set) strong and
we thought it \x as a great matc hiip tor her to pla} \\ ith

('arolina tl;se aniillat "

I)rada paired up Schuenk and (‘osentr_\ at the
Wilson ”A Southeast Regional (‘hanipionships “ here
the pair beat three ranked pairs betore mmtng to the
National Intercollegiate Indoor (‘hampionshipx \\ here
the) knocked ot'l tvio more tanked teams The} men

First issue tree. Subsequent issues 25 cents.

compete )ou Ita\e the teehiig 'hat thesis going to
gne their best ettoi’t. and their “est ettott. oe ans gt'v
eit das. \.lll bent aii\oiie iii the itatioit

(lit l‘l'ltl.t}.( twentrs attd Schuetik got a i\ig out as
the) deteated Shaslitda Robinson and (iabitela l)ll\ll


of South l'loi‘ida. the ‘so 3. ranked doubles team in

.\s thcii‘ icstttite as a team has llllI‘lHkLtl, so has
Ilte nonien are no“ I‘ I and start-
tiig to get ctllltlitn-ti‘lk' \t. ttlt e.thi other on the mutt

"“e ha\e nioi’e conttdeiicc hots \‘cliuetik said ”I
know her game so \sell and she knows lll\ eatite so
well \M‘ knou ulicie “etc going to iiio\i-~ as e knots
\shat shots we're going to hit "

|)rada also ietogiii/es the esol\etttent iii thcti

”It‘s a peiteet example «it s_\nci‘g_\." Iliaila said
“'lhe} acttialls lX‘tt‘lllC better together than the\ \sotiId
be ttndi\ idtiall) i "

It's that success this season that his both girls
thinking about a National (‘haniptonship this spring

“No“ that it's iii l'L'éltll. \xe \sant it ieth had."
Sclmenk said "It‘s not men being number one. it s
tust being the best "

“\\ ho are we as public otttcials
to tell Ml peicent ot the public that
)ou don't knots \shat _\oti're talking
about ’" he said

l'.\cit though l'l\ is still} eonsid
ering domestic pattiier benefits.
Damion said the ttiiitersit) 's pending
decision could be interpieted as
"thumbing its nose” at the IINIJ \UIL'
and could 'aIt-ect its state tunding

“My concern tot I K is I don't
knou hon the Senate, \s ho ts
staunchl) in support ot this bill. \sill

bee Partner on nagt? 5


By Katie Saltz

ksattzfi'kvkeroe‘ trim

I'K's Institute tor “orkplace
Inno\atton ii\\'int iecentl) re»
leased a report highlighting
Ketittic‘k) businesses that av
coniinodate personal needs ot
cinplosees \shile maintaining
productntt} in the \iorkplace
I'K’s oun l‘.ltlL'l (are Program
\i as teatured tn the report

Diane loett‘lcr. to .itithoi ot
the sllltl} dlttl research dssttcldlt‘
at i\\tn. said the purpose ot the
ieport. titled “Making \Nork
places \Mirk lintploset Best
l’iactices ll‘t Kenttich." “as. to
shimease the ad‘satttes being
made ill Kc‘llltlsls) bustnesscs

the stiid\ ioettsed on It
bt.siiiesscs in I“ «litteicnt s tttes
acioss the state Some ot the
pi‘egtattts recogtttxed ill the
sttid_\ lllclltilt‘ businesses that al
Io“ tIe\iI~Ie ilt‘lll\ so cniplosees
can attend the.i \hildten's
\\ll|‘\‘l oi spoittnc c‘sctits health
and titttess t‘ittL‘id't s tot ail etit
plotees :71 liotti on site ehtltI
care and etttplou't assisted
housing ptogtanis

’Vic “ante-.2 I :iilt..ght en:
pIo\eis tit lseittttek} that iie be
in: tiiiio\_it,'.e ‘ Ioettist said
"It is an e\atit;‘Ie tot the com
nton‘aealtlt and hit .thet states
.:s “eh "

l'he stttil\ hegat. .ast spttng
iii a search tot businesses that
otteted tlteit «Jittt‘ltWrc‘s a little
st‘t'tlt‘llllll}! estia. I ocftlet said

"\kc itttliltl them through
l‘lt\~llli'\\ pubis. atons and
thiougli uoid o: Il‘t‘lllll " I oc.
lle‘t said "We mt't'mlc‘ti lhc‘tlt
atid itttetsts'ae'd managers or
\llitll 'tttsintss tt\\l'.t'l\ depend
,t‘tt' tttt lltt’ ‘-I/k' HI ”t. I‘ll‘dtc‘ss “

\ttoitltttg to ll‘t ‘itlt'fi, t‘ttst
nesse- \\ei_' .ltoset “and tll't‘lt

the '\pc itt "ll\tlts\‘ 'Itc ge‘o

eiiiplat «H.ill“ll

t\pe antl 'Ia .iitis. 't' ' t Itat‘tet

I‘it grate


Il\'s lttlt' I i't‘ l’li‘g‘fafl.
‘J is t lioseit pa't.\ ‘te'tatise it s a
Illlttt‘lt‘ pioeiait. los-ttiet said

'It ailovs sttift and iilkllll\
to aecess .I \side tattee ot sttp
porttxe piogi‘ants it tbes are ear
trig tot an eidei"\ petsott.” she

lhc ptogian‘. is one oi the
ttnt\ersti'\‘s :ttos? ‘a’tiattlc Tt‘
sotitees tor eittplosees, said lzl
der (lire ('oordtnator lerri

"It used to be that childcare
“as ttiore ot the tours but mm
\se ait seeing eniplowcs vsith
elder care needs " lsanat/ar said

Sonic ol‘ the sei'\tces the
program prostdes ate seminars.
counseling and support groups
lot employees \sho are tesponstA
bIe tor an elderls fainils merit-
ber lhc piogram rs benetictal
tor :_\er\onc because tt actualh
sa\es the unnersit) inone}.
Kanat/ar said

"It keeps emploiees lrom
missing \xork .iiid reduces
stress." Kanat/ar said “They're
not winning or spending time
tt)ing to ttnd good care tor their
elderls taiiiil) "

The results ot a 3005-2006

See Work-lite on page 5

Newsroom: 257 1915, Advertising: 257—2872






BEE?.21_lllBL3,,géil/;Mald',.8r 2007


uveku Go to wwwkykeinelcom for the solution
— _







thIntIIIC Blatk
’u jet the .Iu'ia/Itage thee/I the dd) ,x'
Mil/7t] ’0 Is the eases? ddi o7 the
most challenging

Aries (March 21 April 19) , "on
.In El; , Finish .il‘ old ttisk Int: . ' "I
.‘oller‘t the (llldil'v tlLIt It: . 'v , n ‘-
rllt’(.1\lattiayxI'tIt‘hltt‘ M "x'; t. I' fl't‘
"WM VIIII (It: do =t :lw iii :"1"

Taurus (April 20 May 20) 1 I: :~.

I i: like Iltit‘i ‘II' I? I'I‘ let W“).


lllll‘v WM ll ll‘t d I, "‘il‘ l ,5 ‘.’ ‘*
E‘t'ilil' Vt: ...iytx.7:"dt' .t""1't
It‘t'tei “we x ith "Inst I .x .-
Gemini (May 21 June 21)
It‘ “I ‘I Nutt‘ ’ 'IM .1 -'-I‘.‘.
J)". limit“ thou“ . W“ R 5
II,h vat "‘ it .l :" Y"Ix g' wt?
" t‘ ji' I-

Cancer (June a July 22) -. in

.I I An nthmtixe illlfiidtil Interlude 15
unlely Interrupted The lll‘..ltllt‘t!llli,‘lll
Ix, about how the 'llt‘llt‘V xilioultl itt‘
xpent PI-xtponu lIiII punlIrIxch tlldll
next nee)

Leo (July 23 Aug. 22) , Today Is «3 .57
‘ioil estate, and home Improvements
ilt‘ ux‘..Iely ucll lzuotetl This tune
mower yt‘ut purilmse ltlzllli spark I
“o"lt‘xlu Itllli’tttliliill" Bette: tall. It

. .fti’ \l

Virgo (Aug 233ept 22) in I II
in wa- t It’ ’l I' I't’é‘!‘ you

\. 3‘ "it“-


Libra (Sept 23 Oct 22)

I‘I.‘.I').,I\,lx‘7‘: ..‘ .N

.u . ‘I II)! ‘N’

3corpio (Oct. 23 Nov 21) ‘ . ~~






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Rt xiaiiiaiit and luungt



81o l.llL‘ll(l .-\\ e.




t?Xl.t?SslVU Inlu Will muse contagion
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 Dec. 21) , in
day I.x .I 7 , You‘re more interested ‘ll
working now because you must too
do well under pressure tnayhe tlIIt x
Ithy yo u we It You love that (Itltut'n I In
Capricorn (Dec. 2 Jan. 19) - Today
xx an '8 , Distuss your most l(?l‘l)lli In
.xiolits. Wlill friends who can help ym
Iindemtand The part that :It first Ix
the stunt l lll‘illSlllQ tunix out ll lie the
most hIsn,
Aquarius (Jan. 20 Feb. 18) it) I.
I‘x I 3 Thou: x plenty of money it i't‘
"'lll" 4' you ran tln Whnt‘x renamed
he :uIit vi the twin VIIII I'tIIx‘l ltx‘It'I
flzt-"~ 5.. \ll’llIEl'i‘t‘ ”It'll .IIII
l 1"” w It l.‘
Pisces (Feb. 19 March 20) 1dr.
. " MI rt Illtllt‘ll e" t I" lit
I. "iminl. II VT .1 It “I'M: But
' l I It'll' .Hltléiilbl' ' "l
. u («wit ’3‘}. chitin? do}

“3 " l“t‘\ the" .‘Isel nit-i







UK Alumni Assoczation

March 27 — 30, 2007
lo am. to 6 pm. daily
King Alumni HOUSE (corner of Rose and Euclid)





your daily dose of entertainment, pop cultureanowiunikemeI ‘ Ql

I‘Iie Di8li


Rodi xinger l'xher. ZN. hax
popped the quextion to ilh girl
lI'IeIId ot more than a you, xt}lr
IxI l‘amek‘a l‘tixlcl'. ‘7

Baby News!

Amanda l’eet. 5. and her
hIIxhand ot the monthx. \e‘l't'clh
\H'licl' l)a\ Id liemoli. \Ieleomed
tlIeII tIIxt elIIld. lIaIuex l’eII.
l‘ehruai'} ll) ,(Ulllill') Ll'UUll'
er Brad l’aixlei. 34. and lil\ “lie
or tour _\eai‘x. .u‘ti'exx Kimherl}
ai‘) II III .\'axh\I||e. .l:\ Ne“
Kidx on the Block xinger .loi‘dan
Knight. 36. and lIIx \IIl'e. l:\cv
|_\II. \Ieleomed a Hill. Izru. III
Boxton l-ehruar) 3|.


:\\ Id leg ht )()l*\\ carer
Pamela .-\lilel\Ul1. .W. declared
on IIeI Welt xite that xhe “1” no
longer xpoi’t the footwear he
came It Ix made li’om real
xheepxkin (‘oIIIIteIed an ("ye
rep. " lhei'e Ix no animal aluixe
III oIII' PliNlllk tIon '

Idol News

(iuen SIeIaIII. 1“ .md leII
IIIteI l,ope/, V. ml! kHIik h killl'
textIIntx on uptonuue \lllt‘ilt'dll

idol epixodex

New Gig?
edl\ Hi tIll~x to Iepl tie (on 1')
(‘Biieir 1t .Ix lont ol \li( x
l.llt‘ \Iuht ill SHIN \\l|t‘ll

3 .. ,
‘ .tx tL‘i‘IIII

()‘Biien takex mer tor The
Tonight Shou‘x .la} Leno. 50.

Sex Suit

Kim Kai‘daxhian ix xuing.v
\ 1‘. Id lantertaIIIIIIeIIt to xtop tilx»
tI’IhutIon ot d xex tape ot her and
her e\ Ra) J. lo. \Iithout her
eonxent She xeekx IIIpreeIlIed
dainagex attorney leex and
tape xale pi‘otitx


Martha Ste“ art. (35. xlaxhed
the price ot her Turkey Hill
home III Wextport. ('onneetieut.
to $4.5 liilllltiil. trom $8.9 llill'
lion She Ix tll\ltlllig the estate
Into tuo Z-aere propertiex and
xelling the parcel uith the main
houxe. . _ . Rick} Martin. 35. l\
repoitedl) selling hix xe\'enihedr
room Miami manxion tor Slo.”
million. He paid Sill million tor


Bohh) Broun. 38. \\;t\ at
Iexted l’ehruai} 25 tor IIIIxxIng a
court appearance and tailing to
pa} \l‘HSt) III paxt child \tlpr

Seeing Green

()Iiando Bloom. .‘\(I_ an
nounced he Ix 'IuIIldIng.v an em
tiiendl} home In london. com
plete \Hili I‘ooltop xolai panelx
.Ind energy-eliieient lighthiilhx.

Out of the Closet

(NBC hoxt \‘iI/e ()t'liidii.


55. re\ea|ed Io l‘he Ne“ York
limex that xhe Ix gay. ()i'man.
\\l1t) Ix worth an extimated $35
million. \\l\i1t‘\ xhe could legall}
tied her paItIIer ol xe\en )ears.
t'oprodueei Kath) l'I.i\Ix. xo halt
ol’ each ot their exlatex “out he
loxt to taxex It one ot them diex.


,\1ai') hate and Axhle)
()lei. I”. led litil‘hcx lixi «Iii [he
itiprfiil‘lllng xtai'x under 21. l';ll\*
mg III an extimated “$40 million
laxt )ear. .\'o. 2: Daniel Rad
elilie. l7. Willi $13 million.

Trump 8: 0' Dell:
Bump War!

l)Id Donald Trump tr) to
bump Aeeexx Hull} noodx Nan
e) ”Dell .1\ Mixx l'SA hoxt her
eauxe oi her hump,’ TIN/“com
Ieport.x pageant eorouner
l'nimp ()(l_ \\;liilL‘Ll to a\ ()'l)ell.
4| ~ \\|Io “Ill be xi\ monthx
pregnant “lk‘li the March 33
xliou .ill\ — heeauxe he doexn‘t
like the nu} pregnant women
look. (In .1 ZtItIS lliinVlt‘Vk \Hiil
lloxxard Stern. he memorahl}
ealled hix thenpiegnant mic.
Melania. a ”hlimp.”I Luek‘II).
()‘Dell Ix under contract “till
.\'I$('. \thieh ”nei er had the III
IeIItIoII ol tiring hei.”
xaix ".luxt heeatixe )ou‘re preg-

d \Ulll‘Lt'

IIaIIt doexnt mean _\ou eaii't

uork‘" Still. the IIIxIdeI' lli\|\i\.

"xlIe hax no IIIIIIIonIt} Iouard
l'I'IIIIIp ‘ Repx had no comment

L .., l’i‘lli l.’ .
Hi . ‘tl'Il ruld’ I,» \Vl‘l‘i‘w










Party Pics...
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All August and l)(‘t‘(‘lill)(‘i‘ 2006 and May 2007 graduates and their parents are. invited to
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Join the UK Alumni Association

Enjoy FREE refreshments and door pm







Umvrnsnv or KanIcm
Frown Caron Umon



4mm: Mi mam. ;-._




Zach Brock and the Coffee Act hrevers on
place in Mentorra‘ Hall at 3 p rn ihet ost is So .or st
adrntssron Brock, a Lexington rt
l992, where his lore for Jazz blossomed Hts

bills? :5 1'" ‘ i" is,

Students trorn the Music industry Marttttter'tortt class, Wlill and the Jazz Arts
Foundation plan inetl JUSI the event to wr to up sprint; break a concert teaturtng
riot ltlttrtfh l8 lhe show Wlll take
ttttlents t ntlSl U to r ueneral
atwe, l)lttelt ’l‘tt Rl\\ , . ,
fi if \lli‘L \ tiiltw‘lltx In t I ll
‘it'lt l _ \lllklklll‘ 'llt,'t.. \ It‘l tr' lira," ,.
‘ w r 1'; L‘tl lt'r \ ' t \
lllll‘lk \rrtte lltt‘ lteL'rrtrttrtL' tt‘ _tttr
, ‘ - ‘ pttrtrsltzrrtrih
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 PAGE! | Thursday March 8 2007

WRFL 88.1 FM
Most-played songs of the week

1. Andrew Bird, ”Armchair Apochrypha"
2. Peter Bjorn and John, "Writer's Block"

3. Shins, "Wincing the Night Away "

4. MV and £5 with the Bummer Road, “Green Blues "

5. Fratellis, "Costello Music ’

6. Apostle of Hustle, “National Anthem of Nowhere

7. High Uamas, "Can Cladders"
8. Mum, "The Peel Session"

9. Aqueduct, "0r Give Me Death"
to. Deerhunter, "Cryptograms"


1. Dinner and a Movie





Bob Seger and the Silver
Bullet Band

7:30 pm, Hupp Arena, fickets
are $67

The Lucky Stiffs

w/ Hearthrob and Arsenic
on the Rocks

9 pm, The Dame, Tickets are

Little Big Town

7:30 pm, Sing/etary Center
Concert Ha/l, Tickets are $27
” . general admission and $25 for
with UK ID



March 9

Same as it ever was an in-
spired tribute to Talking

9 pm, The Dame. Tickets are

Calla w/ Eat Sugar

9 pm. doors open, 70 pm.
show starts, Southgate House,
Newport. Tickets are $ 70

Have you ever \yished you could go to the cinema and

eat dinner at the same time‘.’ Well noss you can. The Movie
Tavern opens tomorrovs night and offers popular. nevy
movies \sith a menu of burgers. pix/a. chicken sandwiches.
vyings. fries and an array of specialty drinks and beer.
sic and Lyrics." “The Number 23." "The Astronaut Farmer"
and “(ihost Rider" are shovsing, The Movie Ta\ern is locat-

ed on 1300 Locust Drive

2. Soup and a Play

This Sunday. Natasha's ('afe is presenting Ronald Har—


The Ataris w/ Asobi Seksu
and Wax On Radio

7 pm. doors open, 8 pm. show
starts, Bogart's, Cincinnati.
Tickets are $75- 78

TV. on the Radio

8 p. in. doors open, Brown The-
ater, Louisville. Tickets are

vsood's “The Dresser." This is a Tony AuardMinning drama

that is set in Britain during WWII. It tocuses on an aging
manager and his ielatrotiship with his third-rate touring the
atre group The pl iy starts at p. m . and is a soup perfor-
maricc as vvell. ,\ll you need to bring is a boyvl. The play
and tood are free and open to the public; donations are en-

coir raged

3. The Old and the New

It you relish the old and appreciate the beauty in soiticv
thing ncyy. the I,e\ingtoii Antique and (iardeii Shoyy rs rust
lot’ you This \\ eekcnd The Blue (ir'ass Trust loi Historic
Preservation “ill be hosting this event .it the Keene Barn at
Keeiieland The shoe hours on Today and Saturday are It)

March 10

RJDZ wt Busdriver. Anti—
MC and Happy Chichester
it] p in, The flame. Tickets are

Alejandro Escovedo vvF
Chuck Prophet

.7 p or doors open, 8 p. in, show
starts, The Soathgate House,
Newport. h'ckets are S 75» 7 8

am to o p n‘. . and Sunday lroin ll a.ni. to 5 pm Daily

shovs tickets are Sltl and proceeds go to the Blue (irass
Trtist for Historic Preservation. l‘t‘l' more information call

:5 more.

March 12

For the week of

The Walkmen w/ The Bro-
ken West and Ferraby Lion-

8 pm doors open, 9 pm. show
starts, Southgate House, New»
port, fickets are $10— 72.

March 13

Blind Com Liquor Pickers
w/ Packway Handle
8 pm, The Dame. fickets are


The Appleseed Cast

w/ Manhatta

7:30 pm, The Mad Hatte, Cov-
ington. Tickets are $ 70


March 14

Phelgethon.w/ A Nightmare
and a Cataclysm

9 pm, The Dame. Tickets are


March 15

Lance Whalen

9 pm, The Dame. Tickets are

Justin Timberlake
7:30 pm, US. Bank Arena,
Cincinnati. fickets are $700


March 16

The Scourge of the Sea w/
Zayala 9

p. m. The Dame Tckets are
$ 73


March 17

Goo Goo Dolls

730 p in, Taft Theatre, Cine/ii»
‘ati. Tickets are $700

Sparta \y'i Me Without You
and Aloha

7 pm, The Mad Hatter, Coy»
ington Uckets are 3 l5

irl Scouts’ marketing gives new
meaning to Internet cookies

By Joann Klimkiewicz
to: Angrales Times

ills. even the luddites among its get it
in [toys \‘kc live in an onliuc agc \\licn
lriends and lo\cts connect \ra social :ietr
\yor'king sites. “llc‘lt politicians rely on the
\ rral reach ot \ou l'tibc to get their message
to the masses. and the entertainment indus
try promotes its protects \\Iil‘ slick pages
on MySpacc

Hut ubat to make ot llll‘s culliiral [)llt'r
noiiieiion \\ hen no“ even a cookie the
beloved (iirl Scout Thin \illll, but a cook
ic nonetheless has lIs oyyn \IsSpacc
piiiltli‘ '

\nt‘. \vlien it can boast more than Still
ll'lclttls to brittl'

('ttllltl this possibb be the moment
ti'atcal‘le on t pop \Illilll't' timelinc uhcn
sot i.il netssorking sites “iiiiiiped the
shark "' Is it all do\\nhrl| loi‘ these scr\iccs.
already littered \\lIli advertising interests.
elicit a sugary treat sold by smiling girls in
broun sashes enters the tray ’

its a iiidgment call as to \vhcther this
phenomenon has been played out set."
says Mark Robinson. senior editor at
\\ ircd riiaga/inc

"I-scn though e\eryone might be sud
dcnly talking about some other scryice.
and there's a critical mass for the Nest Hi}!
Thing. as long as there are so many eye
balls at places like You'l'ubc and My Space.
yoti can say it's still an effettne marketing
tool "

Burger King and Wendy ’s. Toyota Vans
and Nike Presidential hopefuls ('hris
I)odd and Hillary ('linton I'.\cn legendary
(and deadi singer Johnny ('ain All have
dabbled vsith these services in an attempt
to reach their target audiences in a way that
traditional print and television no longer

But even as these services intended
as networking tools to link friends and
business Interests . have been flooded in
the last year or more With commercial
interests. most industry watchers say users


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tlont appear to bc bolting. nor the market
iiig trend cooling. any time soon. It's too
clicat‘. 0-H} and eflectne a method in crcr
.iting brand bu//

Marketers are e\pccted to pump SSoS
million into socialrtictuork ads this war.
ac cording to the research tirni cMaiketcr.
The ligure is expected to clrinb to S2 IS
billion by Itlltl

So uhy shouldn't the (illl Scouts oi
.'\lll;‘llc.l get a bite of the Peanut Butter
l’attic ’

The orgaiu/atron last month un\cileil a
My Space page to promote its annual cook
ie salc
ivvvyvv myspacc coin (iiilScout('ookicSalc
l And it‘s trying its ‘Ii-ycaizold hand at
uni marketing. dusting off lotir vintage
cookie commercials and posting them at
\ideo-sharing sites Yotil'tibc. (iooglc and

It's rust one piece ot the organi/ation s
oriliric elloits headquartered at
(irr'lScouK'ookicsorg There. cookie
lovers can type in their /ll’ code to find a
local (irrl Scout troop to purchase from.
t’l'he organr/atron escheyv s online orders to
keep the cookie program about teaching its
(iril Scouts business and finance skills)

“It makes a lot ol sense." says Abbey
Kl;i.isseri. digital editor of Adyertisirig Age
"Virtually every marketer has a pretty sig-
niticant Web presence these days. and I
don't see vshy the (iirl Scouts should be
any ditfercnt

“You go where your consumers are And
frankly. a lot of those consumers are on
MySpace and YouTubc. The more places
your brand can be. the better"

('onsider the traffic to the sites that
dominate their categories In January.
YouTube savv 30.3 million unique ('8. vis-

itors. with MySpace getting 615 million.

according to comScore Media Metrix.
()nc rust need look at the smash success
of Dove's “Evolution" commercral. a 75‘
second spot that proved a vrral market