xt73bk16mf8w_116 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. Calvin Dean v. W.V. Telephone Co., Lee Circuit Court text Calvin Dean v. W.V. Telephone Co., Lee Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_13/Folder_4/66891.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_116 xt73bk16mf8w SzlAI [J URST.
§» . = Beattyville, — ~ Ky.
, /WL /)4 / 5’
, June 9th,1915.
Judge Samuel M,Wilson, :
, Inxingtonfiiy.
Mes-mm;.Vf313:2.ce Jr: Ziarriss,
Van‘s-:11 I 1,0 5?. July.
(1 cm; 1.3171011 , —
In the cage 01' Gab/'13:» Donn v Keaton) Union Telegraph
_V , Corxps«z:1y,t"ostal Telegraph Co: 12311er J; N It 1?. (10., :2an L {is 2“) By ‘30.,
, 32 Cheloi-m Pepm‘ts of :521-0(.:e<2<’§_in;ts; 2111:} copies of all 01'9an entered
at Liay Term,1915,kbe Circuit Court.
4v bl/zurréé

Lee Circuit Court.
May Term,E1eventh Uay,14 day of May 1915.
Calvin Dean Plff.
V9 Ordinary
W.U.Tel Co kc Daft.
Came the plaintiff by order of Court and filea his reformed
pleading herein

Leo Circuit Court.
, May Torm,14th Day,fluy leth,191fi.
Calvin Dean Plff.

Vs Order, -

' Western Union Telegraph Company ac UcftsM '

This cause coming on for trial and the parties announced
ready and thereupon the following named jury was empannelled and
sworn to try the issue joined,viz: 0.H.Davis,1.fl.fliley,Jamoe D:
Shoemaker,Ludlow Cole,Rohert Uray,Ander50n Rowlani,Harvey Porter,
Chas.Brandenburg,Wm.Corneline,Robt Steele,Sim Spencer & J.C.
Brandenburg,who after hearing the evidence offerc& by the plaintiff
and the instructionsof the Court to find For defoniants "cstern Union
Telegraph Company and Lexington c Eastern Railway Company and Postal
Telegraph Company returned into Court the following vordict,viz: We the
jury find for the defendants Western Union Telegraph Company,lexington
& Eastern R:ilway Compuny,and Postal Telegraph Company.
Robt Gray
One of the jury.

And it is therefore adjudged by the Court that the defendants,
Western Union Telegraph Company,Lexington u Eastern R ilway Company,
and Postal Telegraph Company be and they are hereby hence dismissed
a they will recover of the plaintiff their respective costs herein
expended. The Court overruled motion of the defendant,Louisvillo a
Nashville Railroad Co for a preemptory instruction to find for it,
and the jury after hearing all the evidence offered by the parties
and the argument of counsel returned the following verdict: We the
jury cannot agree, Robt H.Gray

one of the jury. _ -
And were excused from further consideration of said case and it is
now orierc‘ to be and it is lLere‘oy continued.
7 i

 ‘x .
Lee Circuit Court.
' May Term,14th Day,fiay 185h,1915.
Ga 1vin Dean Plaintif‘i‘ . $2222

Western Union Telegraph Co ac Defendants.

By agreement of the wartime tPe affirmative matten
allegatione of all pleadinvs filed by defendants are traversed of

Lee Circuit Court.
May Term,14th Uayfl-hy 18th,1915.
Calvin Dean Plff.
vs Ordinary

Western Union Teleg Co kc - Uefts.

The defendants motion to require p1ff,to elect whether
he will rely on the allegation,"iholly failed to deliver said me29age"
or on the allegation " Failed to deliver it in time"for him th attend
his daughter's burial",in the second amended renly,is overrru1e£,to
which ruling of the Court the defendants and each of them except.

Lee Circuit Court.
May Term,14th Day,Hay 18th,1915.
Calvin Dean Plff.
‘ VF} Order .
W.U.Te1g Co as Uefts.

Comes plaintiff to conform to the proof and amends his
petition by inserting the worde "in substance" after the word
meeeage and before the telegram as set in his referred pleafiings
and filed name upon cOnQition the allegations thereof are traversed
in the record,and not to delay the tria1,to all of which the deft
objected & excepted.

 . \‘1
» Loo Circuit Court.
May Term,14t1'1 Dziyfiviay lRtl’;,1x"1!5.
Calvin Dean Plf'f.
1’s Urdry
‘fi.U.'£‘c-.1~:);’,: Etc Unit.

The defendant-mall} and separately filed a. dermrrcr to the
original putitio‘r and amended. petitions anal petition reforming?
the plcaziiz’ngis and submitted on “name.


 . “5"
May Term,14th I)ay,}.lay 1913151015.
Loo Circuit Court.
Calvin Dean ‘ I’lff‘.
3," 3 ' 1rd 1‘ 5r
‘ W.U.":‘elc2: Co use Dcfts.
Defenlants filed a rejoinder to the amended reply of plff‘.
1' . .
X. 1. .

Leo Circuit Court.

, May Tcrm,14th hay,tay 135k 1915.

Calvin Dean ‘ Ilff.

Vs Urdry -

i‘x’(3~':£t,<1,x~n '{Jnizm Tel Go fie “oft-s.

Dei‘t. filed. motion to elect and. submitted on same.

 . .‘\
11,20 Circuit Court.
May Tern-1,114U; u‘ayfilzzy 18th 191’}.
- Calvin Dean - Plf‘i‘.
vs ()rdl‘y
Weatcrn Uniun T01 Co (to Deft-
Mannie»). answer i: an M) petitinn as rei‘orzxea filer},

Lee Circuit Court.
Hay Term,15th Dav,flay 19th,1fl1m.
Calvin Dean Plff.
Vs Ordinary
Western Union Telegraph Cu &0 Defts.
Un motion of bertrude Conley official stenographer,it is

hereby ordered that qhe be allowed ¢5.VC fer her services reporting
the abofie styled case one day to be paid by the defts a taxed as coats.

‘ Beattyville, _ _ Ky.
.;sz v '-, "::.
if 2“ ' ‘.‘: ,,h‘z" j.)
. :._ [.,' ) .
2- _2 1:2«2,
P. (I.;‘ ’K/Z/i‘
/1/ , . [A . V

 \ Form 28. 1,\\'\ {)muu'l'xn 1.1
\ v 1 v ‘ ) ‘ 1‘11), Nu.
‘ ‘ v ‘ ‘ ‘ v ‘ . , ‘ . r
Ltrufilhwullu éx MM?» mm hAlemn (>(L1H’AX1
,1 ’ 13'-”L 1,’/.,I 4/
OFFICE OF ATTORNEY AT fitufljfflafiwf/ .:’/v.74 L.‘. “1.411..
/ . / 17 j/
A35 «m n; /@¢w/ m .1 u
LOUISVILLE. KY. .77 ff ,—
. L‘) f, /7 f ,,x, w / ,v 1 .._ _ _ 1 , *
In NH" ('rlxa' n/ 11:- tm--;‘;/¢,..fl’/I/y'/j - ‘K/{fJCfi’J—r’ m .. _ v . , ,_ . , 7
r 6;.“ 1'
//u ftu’lt’H/‘rug /I/'Ux'(/'/l/I'I/:1' 11:/‘1 //t:1.1'11/ f/l/ \ ‘ ,,1 I'm. J.'H’
. _ V/ . _.I
”II {In 1 ' ' (ml/1'I u/ ’11/111,771.
' - , . ‘f' ,1 '
fN/hX/f/H ._ ». 1 r’ Z‘-‘.\. ."
Aflornr‘) L. (A N. Harirond Co.

EVE-”‘1. (Hm-(lnhwui 1311“:le yL-.’ullnu>.:-IHIlh'h'w'h:|!'2!1'iv-I’.:IB~]111[i?i1rl|. 3,? .: .,.. , [II'/It. 1."] ‘L
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"’ U1? _ I ‘ (III/I‘I (I/ (4"? K 1'3:-4-\ Int/Hid.
. \. . . .'V - -
s/uN/il»; -/ ‘ w . -‘
MinrnI-y L. in N. Railroad C0.
WWW. (”\‘l‘IIJH‘WII.“HUSH”’:14‘ltllllug>.7xl:1'llil>ll'\'1}i|l'i11'it.
.1_ In I'I]IHI'HHL“ .'I jmh'mt nt. kluh- Vlnh‘ “ml :nnuum «vI' ,ilnlzIm-IIL H :Im-x :11 Tu HILIII. um- :\ “Irv-L marl) 1.11} \\li-H“'I 'I‘]‘r"!\1“!I)1~!:.&1‘v«11'31'3’
if HM film}. what YiI'Hl', 117m}. 1111~1NWI| nllvmul for filing.

 ‘ > 1 ‘ ‘ .
' 01113113115 ' L151; 0111'; 15:1“ aware.
1 Civil Gauges Eoby. “fem 18 my 20:11. Day of February. 1915. - '
1 0.3.1130. 115, page 48:5.
0631le l)ee’3..:1, Plaillfiff,
v3. (18333.
fiesta-2m Union 33:319ng8321}: Go. see. Defeadants.
21313 court advised as has this kotion of defendmxts to
1 require plaintiff t0 reform his pleadings herein, 8113175111123 $23.16.
2116171011 to which plaizrtiff axcepts. . 7

I‘fece;.1be: F3, 1914...

1") . 11.33100 yuan , 11:311. ,

lg1aui.8‘v:“1“_le, 12,7.
16:21" ji?r:- >

1511169 '11 r1313? til :_egic'bssltsaé.’ ~01";- oi‘ fissneem‘éjgy-g 51,115. 1:03;;
31"? 2,?1‘1131'3 in the (371530. cg: :::;‘11.-:_1: i1 {1‘11 ‘5. ’ 11111 3111:3031. Golcfflbauil
iii-:2., if)». e vircuit 13011111, '_-E’ovo:.1ber ’1‘» 331.1, iii-71.3.1

. :1?-:31- .~: 2; :.“-..‘. 1;," ,

 SzlAI l’lUlfiS’I‘,
Attorney—at—L’aur '
\ Beattyville, - — Ky. ‘ ., " ‘ ,
Dec. 4, 1014.
Judge Samuel M. Wilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:

Enclose-l report of proceedings and copy orders in
triplicate Calvin Dean v. Western Union Telegraph Co. 620., Lee
Circuit Court, November Term, 191.4.

// ;, .:’] A -

 Form 28. i...\u l)!LI'Al-‘.‘l‘\‘.},:~'1
' ‘ . ) ' ‘ 1 fi V ' Vim Nu.
‘ LUIJIbVlLLl‘I éx' Mhm ILWLULRQAD/ wmmn
General CO\1n:.r-l.
LOUISVILLE. K% I / K ,_,, . a
In {/H‘ ('r’l.\‘(‘ (ff MZ/C MA/ I I ([A/j/(KL/ @426 14/51
NH ‘f‘lIle'J‘Il'i/«f/ lu'ln'url’II/If/m' H'r/‘t //(lt/ (ff flu W’fl y/‘I’I‘m. .7.’“ 11%
If NM %(7‘ é/flj "Hurt of ”(,/ ('1“/My,
7&1 ’ fl " ’ ' ‘ * ' '
X65 ’7/Qgfl7LI/a/ Ar @4426ch
;«ln‘Xlim Lécu/ flag/7.
Attorney L A N. Railroad Co.

[1?" L Haw linh ml iillnx: :.H lulvmllnur. :nmi lhu-n‘ «harm-h 1‘, :u )H‘IIH'IH. l'l“.. t'l".

'.’. (-i\'-‘ duir of :11] In'm-m 41145“ \lh‘ll ax “1”")th tn \ffli r mm. “w n:-\\ Il'inl. I IV” I I".

15. In rvpm'tinuuvomnmmuwHun nr wlmcwwwt.

A In w-pnrting :1 jmlmmm. ~mtr «hxrr ..1er :untmm I.I‘ ,iulr‘lL'IIn-m H “my-:.“ in Tilix'Tl.\Y1|I' M w'm-i. IAN} and u?“ 1hr H]! w? -M11-l‘m;- E;.>h-c11“1u!

it'xwr VilmL\v]x1n 1inz.uxfun§x ,’Hu‘ )nvnnflnwwi fur filing

 r _,
November term, 5th day, 13th day of November, 1914.
Calvin Dean, Plaintiff,
7 v. Order. .
Western Union Telegraph 00., Defendant.
Game the defendant and moved the Court to require plaintiff

to reform his pleadings herein and submitted on same.

 Form 28. Km.“ Jun-Alum \‘n.
' ‘ V _’ V ‘ v f ‘ ' r "‘II/r Xvi,
~ I MUIMELLH & Msm In _‘ Human? M Dunn .
OFFICE OF ATTORNEY AT *[K7/l/Jla Q , M. “M.,...
. /
V Z 4”,, «5, 191 {1
General Counsel.
LOUISVILLE, KY. fl I , w é
In My NN" [If ill/15¢ 7444/ I- ',/m /c 6 M
NH frJILH/‘f/lf/ /‘/-Ill'l((/I‘l/,’/'\I ”(Eh [NU/Y (I/ f/I! %7 II‘I/‘.'“. II"/ fl
.,_f If” “V m? (MI/_I'! (if @0/ ('rIII/If‘nh
fl/I / 37 M ({(d V/éxKQ/flc a fiV/Amfl ’[WW
// ‘ I .
% /’}/{//7/ 1w [L4 %:(/g//L/f 4 I {7}
7 \II.‘ _\'l-.‘/)} béi’r 7.: a /~,’/ /' zit/7
Attorney L, A N Raitmad Co.
H7" 1. «':nwlnhwvi Ii'nn: .'«II N- :Lb-vn121“}
d'xmt ,ill'i,‘V‘nnt‘IiTlh‘.If}l7]_\'i}:-‘1“.""':]III]‘I\‘.'I(‘} r‘urminy.

 ‘ November term, 5th day, 13th day of November, 1914.
Calvin Dean, . Plaintiff,
v. Order. .
Western Union Telegraph Co., Defendant.
Game the defendant and moved the Court to require plaintiff
to reform his pleadings herein and submitted on same. _

r- ~' 2m *1; 7 a
I, UJL/J’J’..1_\ .'u, .v. :-.}.-
.:.-31‘; . ;”.‘T x ti ,
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1 1. ”’:‘—w} M mm A ”~11. Jr .. V, or .“.n v-
96? D ....L; ,- ‘:‘ Pug ; -, 0-, _'u-._, Lr1;,'."'v J.".‘v"~/..‘~', One
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.'.. .'.-z." ' 9 .\‘_. “*r- 1 ., ., .5.. . ‘ V .1 ,.m L-‘ , .—.. H. ..‘” .‘. _.. o
L=i u GEEHJ )4. ‘/ L‘s/lg. ‘~'.” '.‘. 3‘.“: .a ..n]_d.,l ”UL-2:31, 13;; 1101,; ?\_-_,11,,"QC.,
'r ..: .. . .. ‘ .:' A": ,' ..I' W, ..‘.A .... ‘. “I _ - w
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,'- _~--1 w _,. ".'»“,- ». -. ‘ - -v.- *- / “P ,.
0;. 1:1; \",i,‘=LC‘J.‘A‘ t‘_;u ._‘/T'k,‘ (Hg ~’:; ”:13. At‘m‘u'. Aunt; ...'»); ,, ; g, “198 L11-
,V. '.f. w .....r. ._‘ H ..w ,~.~‘ .g 'r 9.. -7 ..,
3:371 i; «.I-JM'A, L5 J.=.‘J. ,L,:_ 0.1. .._iu: v4.1 ..L u.. {1.3” 334.
\. («11.11.55 1' ...L j
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«VLU'L' .‘,_1.o
/ ‘ '
W[/Q/ V (“j/145 " Val/M. " ‘ v"?
' i W; M)
a 1%__

.,‘ Attorney—at—Lavv,
. , Beattyvflle, — — Ky.
r s -, 91/ , - - ,
£2 i?. =‘ 1
M ‘ , 0 W

Lee circuit Court.
Spl. Sept. term, 5th day, llth day of Sept. 1914.

Calvin Dean Plff.

Western Union Telegraph co. Daft. (

Game the plff and filed copy of Telegram in the above styled

Lee circuit Court.
Sp]... Sept. term, 5th. day, 11th day Of Sept. , 1914.
Calvin Dean Plff.
Postal Tel 00. 8:0. Deft.
Game Plff and filed 2nd amended petition herein.

Lee Circuit Court.
Spl. Sept. term, 5th day, llth day of Sept., 1914.
Calvin Dean Plff.
Postal Telegraph 00. &o Daft.

The defendant Western Union Telegraph Go. filed de—
murrer to the plaintiff's amended petition this day filed and the
Court advised overrules same and said defendant excepts, and by con——
sant the affirmative allgations or said amended petition are new
traversed of record.

Lee Circuit Court.»

Spl. Sept. term, 5th day, 11th day of Sept. , 1914.

Calvin Dean Plff.
vs _
Postal Telegraph 00. &c Deft.
Came deft and filed affidavit 9f Sam Hurst and moVed

to continue this case because third amended. petition changing issues
was ‘ filed today and thereupon plaintiff withdraws said amended petition
filed today.

Lee Circuit Court.
Calvin Dean, Blff.
Western Union Telegraph co. the. Defte.

Game defendants, Louisville & Nashville Railroad Co. , Lax-
ington 5: Eastern Railway 00. am. Postal Telegraph Co. and each filed
separate answer herein, and thereupon came plaintiff and moved te
traverse of rederd all the affirmative statements of said answers
which is done am this excepted, plaintiff tendered and offered to
file a third amended petition to which all the defendants without
entering their appearance objected and said onjectien was overruled
and said third amended petition permitted to be filed to which defendants
each excepted.

 Lee Circuit court.
Spl. Sept. xxx: term, 6th day, 12 day of Sept, 1914.
Calvin Dean
Postal Telegraph Ce.
Came defts and tendared and offered to file an amended.
answer herein and the court takes time.

 Lee circuit Court.
Spl. Sept term, 6th day, 12th day of Sept. , 1914-
calVIn Dean, Plff.
Postal Telegraph Co. Daft.
Ordered that this cause be continued until the next
term of this court.

 S A M H UR S T,
‘ Beattyvifle, — — Ky.
October, 10, 1014.
Messrs. Wallace x Harries, .
Verflal 1 185‘: , le - , 05%! 2,6 “ f
Judge Samuel M. Wilson, F “‘CRAIC'U”
stington, Ky.,

I inelose herewith copies of papers and orders in the
matter of the inquiring into the sanity of Calvin Dean in Lee
Circuit Court at Special September Term, 1914.

/ CW
, r; #—
f , .~ ‘— g
%//{ //C>%{;,/ ’ :1 "' [A]!
(A? yx/ V ‘V' x ;’5/5; V../1

 ' State of nentucky. ‘ -,
' _ . County of Lee.‘ . _‘
m’ ' Affiont'J.M.Mcdaniel states that in the year of 1900 that Calvin Dean
' t was found by a jury to he of unsound mind and that he was taken to the
. _ aoylum for the insane for Eastern Ky; that he nos-confined there only
‘ from June to November 1900; that since no has heen restored to his proper
‘ scnoes and attends to his own afffiirs,and is a sane person. ~
‘ ’ J .2,: .iicDaniel . '
Suscribed and sworn to before me by J.H.McDaniel Sept.14th,1914. _
i ' ‘ Ex. Lee vounty.
W gm, {.“,
in 3 iii. ,
.- V A .1 k 3‘" ‘3‘ ,.. '»..-J4" ,
} ij‘ ”V"\§L ‘fifi lev“ >
. ,, a» ; ~ ‘mt .*:*%i‘ , ,
i is 3. f 3f ‘ ' 17“.-- ”513.. [:.‘ _ ;g , . ‘
’ :‘:-:4... .‘. c “1:4. “Ki?“ , ‘
~17 you; ‘ r; “x' K
v ; E rm “If. ‘ __ “it; {\Z‘n ~ _
* ""2“ to my . it? ‘ .. V . '
'V '* :— K: ’ Yv‘ * M 36“.; _ 2 , ‘ v .
v :» '5/'t . ‘“= 3;. ‘.:«.f _ 3 “
- . guy; ‘.;" f .‘: ; ‘
. .‘» {Paw \ all . V >
:.vL’ . ' _,k ' " ‘1

 [ ~ ' ' ’ 52,493?
I I , e? m ¥ ~ go
. r
_ _ 7f; .   .
. ' [a / ¥ ,

 L we the Jury selected 33111 sworn to inquire inta the :;xental conéiitivn
. of Salvin I.‘:ean are of the opinion that he it: ni’ sound mini: anti should
be restarec‘i to the nmmxement of 221:3 mm buisness ‘ancl we :50 find that he
15 6f sauna mind. ii.l§’.§fattocks.0ne 0f the Jury.

 ” Lee Circuit Court.
Special Sept. Term Sépt.14th,1914.

- In Re. Calvin Dean. to restore from him disability of Lunacy
came J.M.McDanie1 and filed his affidavit asking that an inquest be held
for the purpose of inquiring into the mental condition of Calvin Dean,
who in former years been adjudged a lunatic. Notice of the filing of
this affidavit was given Capt.H.T.Beatty County Attourney.
Calvin Dean being in open court and Judge 3.P.Stamper having been appointed
by the court to represent him . and came the County Atty.and Judge
S.P.Stamper Atty. for Calvin Dean and onnounced ready to have the inquest
proceed ,when the court called the following Jurors. %%€%:, :1

, who were duly sworn by law'required to inquire into the mental capacity
of Said Dean, after having the proof and the instructions of the court
return the following verdict (here copy verdict) whereupon the Court
being sufficently advised, it is adjudged that Calvin Dean is of sound
mind and posseses capacity sufficent to manage his own affairs and
he is now restored to all the rights and priveliges of a free born
citizen . He is directed to pay the Court of this proceeding}.
A Copy Attest. ’ a
G;W.Cann.Clerk ‘ ‘fV-a
. S o E o Cann - D o 'J a ‘1’ 1. :::.jg":.«: 37",“
. ‘ ..»,-s”
‘ _,"A 1' . ‘31." /,‘ _-

 ‘ ‘.:»V .: -. I. '1’ ... “:.j“ ’, . :; Illa“, J . .'.-)1": . In: '1:-':‘“. ,.' ‘.L.‘ s B: 2‘
' ;, ‘ 1 u" I- _ ~ r * U: .1 . n .. , .: .I: . w . . w ' I. * .« ~ . , . ‘ ,
’ .I ;:. :.‘i‘ . a '.1 I , ',.‘ I .i‘ ‘_ " .. = ;"s - . l '
. 2_- 1 1.: gag ~, .-, w? ,' -:--_~ a. u
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I .' ..X"" a“: . t. . . 2 \y:_ I.,y:) ' ‘.:...”v-‘V ..‘.‘:3. 1“ ;‘J ‘ :'v’. «’.1:
’:' .‘: , A- '; -- f " " ,“ 5 I.,‘W‘l‘ i, ,'I An ', I ,‘." 7 5; f ', . .
‘ how”, .' I . _ V“ v' y , .., V,, ' l . .. ,‘ . l.
. '. '- .,‘ x“ j “1‘: r l , 7-~- . 7 _’ . - , , , ~;‘ 5 m. ‘ -~ " — Z .. » ‘ I l'rr
:. , L ‘. V, Z 4" ‘,,_ :.:"», .Vw‘ . .1 ‘,' ':"; ’ ‘v 1,: :.’ , > 4'" .
:‘. . Z." , I' . '.‘ ‘5: .' ‘: . I ‘ " J ‘ :‘.-I ' ‘ . .. ' > i ‘ . I- “I < ~ ' : : V’ ) ,. : _r; : I I ' . ‘ y' _.: .V' <
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‘ \ ' ‘ ' ‘ - r - . . . 4. .
t ‘ a - w ‘ v
Y R l \4 » 15L.;{. \, mi
Q. % \ ‘ W ' ’~ “ " k-‘v 1s“
.N \‘J
. \ it . -
Q» \
\ .

 S A M H U R S T,
‘ Beattyviue, — — Ky.
October, 19. 1914.
Messrs. Wallace & Harriss, ;“;V;“;':; ;
Versailles, Hy., QC@/C 219.1C%f; *
Judge Samuel H. Wilson, fif“' '“T”V> :
Lexington, Ky.,
I inclose herewith to each of you copies of pleadings
Case of Calvin Dean Vs. Western Union Telegraph Company, Postal
Telegraph Company, Louisville & Nashville Railroafi Co puny and
Lexington 3 Eastern Railway company, to complete your files.
zégkzt/ V62::;k¢%/Z

Calvin Dean, _ Plaintiff. a
_ Vex. AIx‘S'x‘Jj-Eifiifii‘ ‘13.}. “I; Bil-(1231‘! ’1‘;-2Jq'fji;ZU-Li“'ii .1:)...
Western Union Telewraph Company, at 31, ficfenantn.
1. ‘
Defenlant, Hestern Union Tolorrapk Campany, for answer
herein says, that it 3as no kHUWIOflHC or ivfcruatiOH sufficient to
form 22.. helix»)? that, on September «:1, 3.133, plaintiff's :Eaugthter,
Iyrtle, diefl near Tulloga, 19? County, Tenaucky; or, that on tha
same any Hosea JSLCS dalivorad a tclfifirum to Qfic n} intiff, Eas-
tal Tolegrugh Cowpany, at Talloga, Kentucky; or, EPat he pronuid
Fifty centn far tin tr¢usmisniun 0? game i@ tie filaintiff at
Hellow Rock, 190 Gfinnty, Tentuokv; or, that tre suhstauce of said
' telegirmx unnmmcefl. that. phzintiff"s daughter \L'LPQ :.ému‘L and for" Evin
to COMO to Fralev‘fl Crawk brave Yard to—dny; or, that Ruifi message
was deliverci iv gaifi Posial Tclerraph Company about 12 o'c7ock
L on fieptcmher Arb. -
Boning that by reason 0f either the nofilifencc Gr
carcYesnwcsa of this dofehdant, qaid mcqsafie was no? delivered to
, plaintiff umbil about 8 o‘clock A.L. on September 5th; denies
that by reason of any negligence 0P carelessness an the part of
this fiefendant, plaivtiff was prchnted from either attending the
burial of his daughter, or from seaing Per befére interment, or
frnm attending he? hnrving.
Bonieq that by rnasonabje &iligence of this defenaant
said ncsaago-aoulfl have been delivered to plaintiff in time flflnxfor ‘
IKLLZ tr) aI%"ivx) {xt TEuiIlegnl <3n t};c ‘. 7 A. EL EEE§5H§91:3_Ef W. ennrleyt__ , I
* T Attorneys fen N. U. Tel. 00.7 i

 ~ * #4 -
\ .
' Chanh’ Smith says he is 1112;115:931“ of the '.aossfiern Union
Telegraph Company and its hifihest and. chief officer in the State _
of Aentnokv, ané that the statements contained in the foregoing; '
, answer are true, as 1‘0 verily believes, .
’ -> ' Chas Smith. 3“ -
Subscribed am} sworn to hofore 'me by Chas. Smith this
er, day of.“ April, 1014. 11y commission expires Januarv, f3“?rd , 191?».
f5 . Lx' . Connangggton a ‘ fl _ _ ‘
‘ Notary Public, 3 ,
Jefferson. County Kentuokv.
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CALVEN 3):.25‘Lf-1. ‘ i’ll‘dzi'i‘I‘fi‘b‘.
17:3. anal. “agatmn-m ins'rgt’rII‘na.‘ '
POSTAL 'l‘EELEJLLEL-il’lé CG, &.E‘.tc. f)i3Fi’$i=fI.>Ai‘ET. '
0012303 the plaintiff by leave 03.“ Court. and reiteratiim all
the allegatimm Hi" the petition and amcnxioal ziztsézitimz except as
. herein charged says that on isep't, 4, 11713, imam: ,f'Lsstmm aleli'a-fifiro-z’s. the '
'Lelcgn‘mfi: Itaentionerl beretut‘nro to 1‘5. {1. :anar—z 5155:9111, m“ the 3;.
> R. R. Co at its office in Talia-41,, that he received the Hui-.:3. .710 cits .‘
\ and paid it, over to the m- :5. 8.12, ‘..;Enmugv’r; its: fiepository this
' Fifi-I: Third National Bank at Cincinnati, Whiz), 0.72:3. m‘omisezl amt;
undertook. tn deliver saial message. _
Plaintiff says the. said Lucas an agent for the L. -.;- 3%. 52.3..
A4" , .
(1190 was [Lj‘jQIlt for the Defndaht Lexington Cc E‘Iastorn RyCe, and
I‘eoeiéed said message, and nn-iiertook to deliver it; am" said Company _ ’
and; 5.‘laintif€‘ says t!‘:at said. L. ; k". ELK. Co, lma'3 an aggremncnt (1314.1
I Juniors't.zm:1:i_n.gg with defendants Lexington ic :.iastcr‘n “3.:. Co, iE'Cmtem: ‘
‘ 3533107."; ‘27eleggraph CO, and Postal Telegraph CO, for the Hw-msufission
' of message and. that said 'E'ICSSzlfjjifr was received by all of said cozzzg'xanios
and all were negligient in its CPRIlSi‘fiiS$1031 1.1", 530'?) out in the
petition and that. all cuntributez‘z. to the negligence set out in
'_ his {ughition and alt-st: his (31111133329 as mug-gin get: 1:013:13;
iiherefore, Blaintif‘f' prays as in his 1mm tion.
- '11. :.leIIlfiiiélz ‘ 3
, ‘ AW, farw’PlainLifE'T’
7 Plaintiff Calvin wean says that the startarzzcmts 1;?‘0 above
V. amended petition are true as he believes.
. grilvin Dean. “___ . > '
> f-‘iubscribed 51ml swam to before. me by Calvin Moan this Sept, 11,1914. ‘
, / r

 Magda/yd WW
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Lee Circuit Court.
Gavin Dean, Plff,
V. Af. Sam Hurst
W.U.Telegraph Co &c, 2 Hoff.
The affiant 3am Hurst says he is solo fittnnrney for fiho Pasta} Telegraph
Co. anfi one of the Attournoyg ?or the L g N.fi.$.si, uni 4 a L. 3.3.Sn. _
and that he has had chargo of the properation of the case for sai&
defengants anfl of their gleafiings. He says on yesterday Llaintiff filofi
his sooonfl