xt73bk16mf8w_133 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [104] Charlie Osborn v. L&E, Perry Circuit Court text [104] Charlie Osborn v. L&E, Perry Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_15/Folder_4/67416.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_133 xt73bk16mf8w O
‘ Aaril 1, 1915. 7
C. H. Moorman, Esq.,
Ky. ‘
Dear LDir:
Hinfl hnrewith encloanf fienort of “Taxendfings haé at the
March farm, l 1?, oi the ‘nrry Circuiu Court, in the cave of '
charlie u bornw T. L w i 4:36;. '
Your? trulf,
enc. .

 ’. 0 _ aft / I;
bA;u:ve wept—cw oei,ir4a.oAN
Atturnrigs at “Quin
HAZARD- KY- Larch 51, 1915.
hr. 8. h. ”ilson,
Lexington, Ay.

oeer Dir:

Yours of the 50th with aztcched report or proceed—
ings in the case 01 garmer osbornc, received, as Shown by
that report. ibis Was a mistake on our part. it should
have been charlie osborne.

the we: we Male these reports, the orders in
each case were cooied by hiss Collins, ;fld from that the
report was made by her, and on going back to the record
today we find that the clerk actually got it zarmer Osborne
instead of Charlie usborne, and Miss Collins WaS correct
when she copied the order and made the renort as shown
by the record.

rarmer osborue was one 0: our trial jurymen at
the last term of court, and 1 guess the clerk got that
in his mind :or charlie. He hgve had this corrected,
though, and we now hand you another report which shows
charlie Ushorne.

rhanhing you for getting us straight in this
matter, we are

very truly yours,_‘
Enc. //. 7 /
(/ "I

 ‘ ' March '50, 1915.
Meesrs. Wootton & morgnn,
' Hazard, Kentuuky.
Referring to your letter of the ?”th instant, I have to
say that I have the neoeeenry ;onies of ?etition and Toeket Report
in the case of Charlie Osborne v. L Q E 3y.Compeny.

You will S"G by referring to my letter of the ?7th instant
that I asked for conioe of Petition and Docket Report in the case
of Farmer Osborne v. i & T Ey.Co. and not Charlie Osborne U. L & 3.
This request was made upon the strength of your Report of Proceed-
ings enclosed with your letter of the 24th instant. I herewith
return Repprt of Preoeedings. Bloase aéviee.

V Yours truly,
‘ C 01111:; e1 .

' Aftnrnvgs‘. at Main
HAZARD. KY. march 29, 1915.
”fly; 3 .5 In
1.11‘. b ..1-i. JilSOfl,
Lexington, ny.
Dear Sir:
Charlie Osborne vs. L. & E. Railway Conmany.
You say that you have no report in tnis case.
Our files show that on may 4, 1914, we wrote you as follows:
"Enclosed find copies of petition in the
case of Charlie Osborne vs. L. & 3. Railway
Company. Also Docket report."
If upon examination of your files you have not
tnis, please let us know and we will send you other copies.
Very truly yours,
( x
.) - I. 3 ,”. .J:/,'
// i l/ L,’ : , I 7/ ,,

 ‘ . ‘ ' ‘ 1.1-arch 2?, 1’15.
em ‘.‘J-wotton 5::: Ziorgen,

' Liege-3.178 _, Kent-uclq:.
a? CITITV‘lt-‘C-"if'Y- :

Li.e2'.cr:-."i:n“ DI} giaur i’rsfiru‘i oi‘ the filth iuet:.21t, mimfleeing -
retort»? oi‘ Tz7i'.:‘:.zc.'aejz’.ngt: Emil. :L’Zt iii: -'zrck: 30:335. o: 1:21 T—‘eV-gzr Circuit
31:31:31.“?3, 1‘75, :.m“: 311:3;2‘e 1. 5?:‘471'1 411;: .;::soi't ‘.;.i; ZI~‘J;‘-1:;e><3*:‘ in the
coco, ‘3'." {Horror G:"‘h;:r:1c 7V. _’_'. L;., V\l.i:=;;=:z‘:- 1 ':.h .19 710031131;
:.:-tacit and the Locos:::z?a:.',;,-‘ ;.':zrjfleu J); '.;-21*::-'_;:ic;‘-., :15": I. ere no file
or 1'3.l":f0';‘”2¥j,fi:01] concerning 1:;-hit: suit.

' '.'Tour': 1’: r1134",
‘f', n‘31;‘::":l .
, . ‘ .5?

 Plum 138. (,x\.\ ULl‘flfli‘w? :w
‘ _ E‘}: ,\u
’ innsunr ‘:‘-Mensa?!“ iiimmw frown" '
- z '1 A,‘Jt~z.A/.L) $11,1.A‘h.3ilk :.3 )H . ‘1
I v/w/J' u/‘ - [.“'/[Fr
(,1'r«!1€<1'£11 Counsel.
.'I/( ”H ("v/NI I/f‘ / , _ ..
UH f).r.71’m2'/u(,/ Jul/“nu:trill/«Hm H'r/V Lay/V H/ HI: “I'"/.'.. 1],] —
zrf‘fvl'w I A I'M/NJ «v!- (HUM/4,.
DATE l’liOl’"Ii}fl)iNGS
. v 7 i. .r . ' ,_,4' .
\/,;_\'/;/;‘ ‘ .
Attornml A N. Railroad Co.
i<" ‘ (x‘E' duh w fit" _ :.l‘ Maul ,;:«-,:.'1!| Ihu :rx-‘mvn '1» was ywl‘liwl: nTw.‘ . Iv.
,‘. i-iXI'Iilllt‘ledHjw'w‘f‘HIW‘L’4.Uri")?,|~HH>11HI|-1w~ir“itHllM‘IHV[UH("JJHJ‘M‘H‘YM
.'1 ‘HI'viuvl'ViHL':1“(riflilfllilh-"I'\L’H‘ :H \\hn-vvnrsl.
A. In l't‘lml'Hhi' .1 jun‘u‘rmm.«huh-I.I:HI-niul ::muLM M Umd‘num 11 :imuui 1‘: Lawn. -‘;.:v 1\ ‘:.-13} :.'.‘Ih ..rd‘w: '11‘! -.‘,A'I§'i-H\'..>lwIH Hui
'? Hm ‘H-‘J. “‘.:I: Iuwv If H11) . luv m A n :HEmuri i'wz' 11"ng'.

 E.E\' F \\“JoTTDH ‘15-}in N‘TJVZ'IZAN
x . .. 1p. ;/
- Huxumm .1’: -.Im .-/
v ,
1 _‘_, ‘1 "A; ’."
HAZARDv KY- ‘ ...-e:,r":.a.:_;.rj,r .1.:.: , J.Jli».
r, [y / ,
vQ/IJ“ 1' .7 ,/ i)
“r. a. L: llSOH,
,WMJ. ~
J‘J{;"‘._‘_lli; u 91.; , J..“. -
dear alr:
;Qth o: ,ebrfarf l2, Ll;i ~13 3 ed alter
Q: gutifiiaction L- fine brie a, “Latles pulcrge T3.
;-ejzizigi:o;1 a; _Jg;$' €111 :LCdllli;fi, ,;CH_QLQLf , 11: 1L1“: l el‘r;f
uircuit bourt, resolved. we will Late :.1? DECO?
3.4» ~23;
bubel LO 9
very truly fairg,

~‘, /_

 5 "f‘ I . . 1' \ ' 7 » Febfuury 12, 1915.
. ‘.' Heesrs. Woottun'& morgan, , 7 ."
5 . . Hazara, Kentucky. ' . .
, " EGentlemen: ’ » . ~
. ,‘_ 7 . ' Horowifh note.0rder of Satisfaction-in the case . -
I L 5” E in Perry Circuifi Court of Charles Osborne v. the L & E. 5' 1 7 h
Kindly See thafi same is entered of record as soon as Court ‘ hi
. a convenes and oblige, . .
_ ‘ . Yours truly, I
‘3. '. one. ‘ -' _ > Vi ‘
gi 4 E’ \ " . ’ Counsel. V Y»
‘.. ‘7 ", ) 5.4?“ » 5 . x. 7   . 7 7 ~ ' . .
, , Q . _

 Q . ' 1 " » February 12, 1915. . ?
‘ J. J. Donahue, Esq.. - _ ~. . ’
' . ” Louisville, Ky. ' . ' > .
' 1 Dear 511:1 ' ‘ . 4
~ I ._ . ‘I aCKncwledge yours of the 11th'instant, enclosing ,
Q” ~0rder of Safiisfaction in the case of Charles Osborne v. L & E,
.- in Perry Circuit Genrt, and I am.forwaréing same to Wootton &
3” . _Mbrgan with the request that it be entered as soon as Ccurt '
7 , convenes.
' ' , Yofirs truly, _
, SEW/a , . , . ‘ _
' . Counsel. 7 . .
_ 1 _ _ 1. ' 11
, . I f \ \ , ‘.‘-A 1 ‘
' :_ 7 _ . - , , \§§
. - . _ . 1' 1 13:“ ‘ \
. , . " .3\
. .' ‘ - ' . f 1' xx 1.\, .
1 . , y > 4 . ‘2‘:-
. . ‘ ,4‘ _ ‘ ’ \I‘IIHQ .
. . ,. w 1 .
' ' ' ' ‘ ' 1‘11 \‘x I
’_ Q 1 . g g Q

I - ‘7/‘//7'/7//////’/"/// ,
. ' _ ”xx/xx xx/r. ,//./ /// //. /xxx ///// xxx/x07.-
, . , /-// 1 ,
-//x'xx/x//////x-/. . /(/'////'///. / ‘ x ,. ‘ /
. WWW “WW"? ..:/xi/x' .,K/ ///// k/x/x//////// ///’x/ ///('/7'
_, ,
/’////x’//’.j // ///“/////l//, "
.‘/.\'.S'/. 17//.'\'//'/'/‘/ - ‘//////7//_1' I1.’
/ ,/ /. / / , / ' . // ’1’ .
(xxx/raj ‘. -../I'IH‘AKH’. 1 ' I x ‘ :thru‘fl‘ ll’fih 1915
,x/ x/ /7//(‘/'/r///'.‘/'///////. " '/(//A//////"///” L y ’ .
rap ,, fl
ixlr. 3. 1.5.. L'filson,
Counsel, L. 8: E". R. 00.,
Lexington, lientucly.
Dear Sir:—
Irierez'rith I hand you ::der 0:" satisfaction in the
case of Chas. Osborne v‘ Lexington (‘.1 fiastern .’Zeil:vay Company,
Perry Circuit Court. ‘.'{ill you please have same entered,
Your; truly, ,
j .‘«/f,» z , C‘H_
- —-\
Chief yew Agent.

 (COPY) V . u
... . ‘ ‘ L 1
, '~ ’» 33??” CI QUIT COURT. '
Char. Osborne ~ Plainfii;f.
, ‘ ’ " Vs Order of eetiefaetien. ,
, , f _
' ’ Lexington & Baetern Railway Company, Defendant.
, > Comps pheintiff, acknewledqes satisfaction in the.action
7 herein suefi upon and moves the court to diemise the abOVe styled
‘ “ eaee Settled at flefendent’e eeete. A \
_ . f , ‘
'” “" ' 7(Signed) ”a" Chas. Geborn.
\ - V ¥ '., V , ; e .
x 7 , ' ¥

 ' Forln 162 - Luv l)!.|“~.V I ’.IIN‘I
OFFICE OF ATTORNEY AT ”mam, .-3. ’I—“—
B. D. WARFIELD. 21;, ‘A’." (7/ j-lCCel;1'lJ(BI. ,9, KL-
"islrirt Ailorlu-y.
[)1 My my 0/ ti _ :11'11 e 312012116: w, l . -. _'l . "..:.1 M7559" ~.‘ ..2: sun:
1‘1/w fir/[I,n‘ufzzg fir‘muu’z'rlga‘ rth‘ /Im/ a! Mr Tam, 19/
«21' My v il‘CLll 13 (am-1 n/ 5 1.I-”'— CUW/JK .
_L’ otition lac" _ .::-.j 1, Lu 11}, . Le. :111-3&3? 13.156- :‘i;
, -. t “I; .:: ..., 1:11; . J .',.L e 75: ;.,.(iii‘lp. C 11 c 04.311“ to .
to .l‘thlIurac'i _ e..:¢1‘:;_;l:: ::.‘I; ;e;..«,er c :1.; 3:31... 1114;.
_‘, ,,, .
[SIGN/51)] /"/ .:- ( I «3' 7 ., ’ .
Attorney L. & N. Railroad Co.
WW1. Give date of filing all pleadings, and their character, as petition‘ etc., etc.
2. Give date of all proceedings, such as motions to strike out for new trial. etc.. etc.
3. In reporting a continuance, state at whose cost.
4. In reporting ajudgment, state date and amount of judgment. If appeal be taken. state by which party, and whether
bill of exceptions has been filed: if not filed, what time, if any. has been allowed for filing.

 ' t _ . _ - A 7’
. . . ‘ ' August 6, 19142
. . ‘ .
_ J.JaDonohue,Esq., .

. ~ Chief Law Agtg,L & K E R Co.,

Lovieville? K3. ' 7
‘ Bear Sirl» . '
l ieferring to suit of Charlcn Osborne Va 3 & E EyQCOQ, I
in Perry Gireuifi Court, fjlna Kay 1, 1014, for personal injuriee
and fianages in.the sun of 9?,000.0C, I aypear to have hafi no repert
oi tad inflesfiigafiiou. Lg, Lelouell, Emrrever, vrifi“e me fihat he baa
furnisheI to ywu 0329393 '3, lTfij, e33? of a letter writfien him by Mr.
‘ . Sickereono guy i have result 3f invvefigafiion iu fihie eaae at your
" first convenience £01 n”: In 'r# grimy LiSWGr? '

- Zourfi 5:323,

‘ 51?.- 1"” I"”‘ ‘ I ‘
..4-[(4-4 , . I I

- ‘ Celausel. ‘
‘ .
.‘ ¥ 7 7
l ‘ ' ' - ~
. u .

 / / f/ , - / /’ /
1 / ' / / ,/ 7’ / /
/ ‘ , I / r , , ,
a- (iv/7 ry/ ////// / fl) /’/// . //// // fly ./ ////////y
/ / /
/ /
. // //// //’/ ,
_, . fill/7’” , //'/1/.
I . ' / )1
//‘.//%_////w// 7“ . // /
WWW“- a- raw/”74w, /y
M / /
. 1151;? 8th, 7333.4.
; .
/ ’ _. ,
' , L
Zir. 3.111. ‘.'{ilsozu x
;‘rust German”: iii'ld's' .
["1 : 4_n,‘ z. x, ,
v_L L; .
Dear Sir:—
‘four loft)? Pith instant sailing m ..pr c"? petition and
{Loci-(ct report in the case of' Charlie Qs‘corz, vs. me Germany i'or injur—
ies sustained or; The ___m day of _ __ 1913.

This was the zonst‘ruitioa. ;‘ie‘oartxagt case an"). the} only let—
ite: I have in my riles is one; written to Llr. rQiC-fif'l‘SDIE, cap: of which
lives 39:“: to the Superintezzdeat of Construction and to the Chief Law
EAga'n-“Lt, October 13th, 1913.

Yours tI‘Ulj‘,
A, ,_
I V /‘"//-‘ ‘.\ \7—- Ari/l ' ‘
Copy to W/ »’ Eimfirger. 1’7" " ,
.:'.J.J.J)orrohuefii-dei’ Law 15903”. j
Loni. 51V '11. to. , iiy . //

 v “.. ‘7. '1."! a
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 Form 161
71233:;md 153‘ LAW [)mmn'm 215312
2 2
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District Attorney, TV.“ 1". -~ ‘2 . I.22r3|>\'11.|.1¢;
.L2~.2 . ..2 ...L:
LOUISVILLE, KY. J " ' [9]..
. _ . ”V i )1. 2. ‘ 4- . . T ».2-,-.-.—.-»» . ,
.12) 2222/1221: lulx ,IHII muum m'u/ In NH . ‘ 2 -' -» 22 4222/22/ 22/ ._ 2..-...” («n/my.
CE'LLLI‘lio 308112 :12 12.2.2. f2)": :31_;.,=::.=‘2‘2;2.2': ' “2‘.; :3" 1.:”; 31.1734 2“,: c. .
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fl / 4f
, /_/: Z/ /7 '
2 / 2 .2
, _ 22 f7~ .A‘/w VP/ 543m 1..
Local Attorney L. S: N. R. R. CO.

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