xt73bk16mf8w_137 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [107a] W.E. Gambill v. L&E and L&N, Breathitt Circuit Court text [107a] W.E. Gambill v. L&E and L&N, Breathitt Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_15/Folder_8/67686.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_137 xt73bk16mf8w .
Jackson, Ky., may 2?, 1917.
W. M. Gambill v. L&E and L&N
Breathitt Circuit Court.
Apr. 13, Cane plfI. and moved for re—taxotion of cost herein.
NOTE: This judgment has been settled with the
exception of certain witness fees which were
withhold by the deit., pending motion for re-
taxation of cost.

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Lexington. IT".
unax Fir:

Referring to Van? letter of the isi insight, with
encfinsurns, refiaiive In thi ease of Hawfile v. L. F H. aid L.
a N., Breathitt:

The pahers Rave Fee; turned over tn cur Voucher
3103K, with jugtrnétfrus to newcher 5131 of judgment ani
costs, as ijredted in YHUT :Otter aFove wentinned. as ex—
peditiouuiy is prfioticaiie. The voucher, when prepared
and stamped as a draft, will We rarittPi throuzh Judge Pol—
lard. -

Yours trvly,
1 Assistant District Attorney.
Copy to C. F. Poliard.

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Juige Samuel M. Wilesn,
Counsel, Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir,
Replying fie your letter of July 25,(our file 79859),
insofar as it relatee to the case of W.E.Gembill v. Léfl By-
1 Observe you axe 0f oginiou we should not prosecuteI
the appeal in this case. A11 right. Please send me '/,dmm
W5" .._. _ i ‘
certified bill of judgment and costs for voucher. /
Of course, I will not hear of your repaying the
‘ - r 3 .. _', .L
Commany the expense of meklng an unneceesary treneer;pu
of testimeny in fihie case.
Yours very t uly, ‘ ‘
7 A / ( /
”L, i \ ("VI ( C r
Distr* t Attorney.

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,,/”’”"J///l“<6fl37ffg;®mflfi .,/;WM)/V}??p/Zyxl June 7’ il916
W a Gamble v. L&N R. CO., etc.
......- /Wda /4
Judge Samuel M. Wilson,
Counsel, Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir,
Yours of June 5, covering copy of Judge Pollard's
letter to you of June 3:
Inasmuch as we have already incurred the larger part
of the expense of appealing this case, as I assume, towit:
the cost of the stenographer's transcript of evidence,
I suppose it would be best to go on with the appeal; and unless
you think a different course should be pursued, please be
governed accordingly.
' As I think I have heretofore written you, I think we
ought to be very discriminating in appealing cases to the
Court of Appeals where the judgments are for less than $500.
The evident purpose of that Court, in getting behind and .
securing the enactment of the Act of 1914, whereby an
appeal as a matter of right was taken away where less than
$500 was involved, was to get rid, in large part, of appeals
where less than $500 was involved. And, while the Court
has granted some appeals in such cases, and reversed the
judgments, as a general thing it seems to dismiss these
appeals with scant consideration. For that reason, as I have

 .g .
SMW~2 .
said, I think we ought to be very discriminating in
taking cases to the Court of Appeals where the judgments
are for less than $500.
Hereafter, in cases in your territory, I will be glad
to have you pursue the course which is pursued in all other
parts of the State with reference to appeals. That is to
say, when there is an adverse judgment against the Company
you should, of course, without consultation with this -
office, move for a new trial; get it if you can; but, failing
in that, should pray an appeal and take time until a day
certain in the next term of court for bill of exceptions.
/ But, before incurring any further costs, either in having
the evidence transcribed or otherwise, please advise £9}1XW
with me as to whether or not an appeal will be prosecuted,
and do not incur any expense for appeal until we shall
have determined that matter. And I will be glad to have
you instruct our Local Attorneys on the L&E accordingly. V
If you conclude to go on with the appeal in the Gamble
case, of course, supersedeas will have to be issued by the
Clerk of the Court of Appeals and not by the clerk of the
lower court; and you will please arrange accordingly,
Yours very truly,
District Attorney,

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/ /”HH")// a ///‘/;l////)é:///:ji~lf/wr/. 7 //r///.//’////",, /// June 2nd , 1916.
’./6&'71X j; flé
Mr. S. M. Wilson, Counsel, /%
Lexington & Eastern R;.Co., /
Lexington, Kentucky. ,/
Dear Sir:-
W. E. Gambill v. L.& E.R.Co.
I have before me your favor of the 31st ult. rel—
ative to the above case.

I It will be perfectly satisfactory for you to han—
dle with Judge Pollard the matter of Mrs. Conley's bill without
further reference to this office. 1 shall be glad if you will

let me hear from you relative to appeal/tfifis case just as soon as
Judge Pollard replies to letter which you have written him rela—
‘ tive thereto.
Yours truly,
a [4/ 3A ~
',“ L ,‘ u’ ‘,: 51;. ¥ —

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1i In. 3. I). ‘..'nr'fielfi,

District Atty., ; a N 1 1 Co.,

Dear Sir: » ,, ‘ I.:'i , . g .
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 upril 19, 1916.
C. E. Hoorman, $81.,
.1:-mt. 31st. ..«*.t-t:,'., L 5. L.' 3?; :~; 00., ,
Zear Sir; ,
here ith enoiwsed note eoov oi a letter or the lFth
instant from Judge ?ol:axg Lith attached bill in favor or
Harry Stronfi, 3 witness i the case of T. a. Gnmhill v. q d
. E, znaozu1ti1n: to '39-‘71. Jlbfie 7011: rd 213133 tluzt VOIUfllOI‘ to
cover may be mailed to dtTOUzat hick, Kentucky.
Terytruly yours,
SEW/a CounSel.

 V f/
3.. “,0. H. POLLARD
- 47p? /7 /¢ . w ,
‘w 1 . ' ‘ _
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