xt73bk16mf8w_138 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [108] Breathitt Board of Education v. L&E, Breathitt Circuit Court text [108] Breathitt Board of Education v. L&E, Breathitt Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_15/Folder_10/68070.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_138 xt73bk16mf8w Form liill I.\\\' IJiJ-Aiuiwi .‘.i
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J nick's: z ;1’; 25V . —-——l
B. D. WARFIELD. ‘ 7 732'. [1,”, W Aug . /7/ {
District Allorm-y. ,
H = 1“ '.'“!H‘ 72-17 V”
. i w: ..HH “a ‘.'1'3 30:11‘6. 1‘.' n '1 . noon 1. « v0 .
//l ///r‘ my w *3 (4" "“ ‘ L ‘ J ” ' I saw, v
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Aug. 9 21221:“: :5." ‘.‘ .:. f" .‘ i: :‘If 7" 2:.; s21] :3 'f‘ I 1;:: c". at" I Turing; .
You; 211i :' j ‘ss' ;: 2‘ 71:2... “2:002; 312.16 1:? 17:27.1 3
. . . '.5 '2: :::-1"5‘27‘1?
|S/(..\ .1:/)1 ‘ 1
Attorney L. & N. Railroad Co.
1v. 1. Give date of filing all pleadings. and their character. as petition. etc.. etc.
2. Give date of all proceedings. such as motions to strike out for new trial. etc. etc,
3. In reporting a continuance. state at whose cost.
4. In reporting; ajudgment. state date and amount of judgment. If zippenl be taken. state by which party. and whether
bill of exceptions has been tiled; if not filed. what time. if any. has been allowed for filing.

 August 13, 1917.
Broathitt Uounty Bowrd of Education v. 3&E,&o.
O O D I O O O O 0
Hon. 3. D. tarfielg,
Ilisto I‘Kttyn. :1::1jI Id: 00..
Louisville, Kentucky.
Bear Sir:
I heromith hand you Bill for Judgment and Costs, together
with txxation of costs in the above case in the Circuit Court. The
amount to be paid is as follows —
~’ Principal of Juflgment QZSO-OO

3;}: per cont interest idiom Jun.

22;, 191%,

Damages on Supersedoas Bond 25.00

Tax on action, .50

Jury Fee 4.00 ’

rrosent Clerk's foes 6.80 ‘

Ex-Clork's foes 7.15

Sheriff 2,35 .

Exnmi :10}? 2 . DU

Witnevsos 29,00

Judge ?ollard requests that the fees of EX~Clerk, l. B. .
Cardwoll, amounting to 97.15, be paid directly to him. Please make :
voucher in his favor for this amount, and in favor of lush C. Kil— f
lions and N. L. Rash, Attornoys for plaintiff, in settlement of the
remainder of the judgment, and also the taxed attorney fee in the .
Gourt of Appeals. I oreoume you the statement of the Costs in that
Court. I see the Circuit Court Clerk has put doxn plaintiff's costs
in the Court of A»pouls as élS.PO, but I take it you will want to pay
all except the taxed attorney's fee directly to the Clerk of the
Court of Appeals. If so, please advise nhon voucher is remitted, ;
so that Judge ?ollard can exolain to the other Side that their
Clerk's costs in the Uourt of nnponls have been paid directly to
the Clerk.

You will note that plaintiff's witness fees, as taxed by
the Clark, aggregate 939.00, but in a note at the bottom of the tax-
ation, Jufige fiollard advises that Alex Parlor, a witnCSr, who was
nllowod §11.00, was u jurymun it that torn of Court and is not an-
titled to more than jl.OU. I do not know whether the attorneys for

 ‘ BDW—Z. '
plaintiff will accept a voucher which oontoins only $1.00 for him
and will send Judge Pollard a copy of this letter and ask him to
advise you direct as to this. I do now know what the rule is as to
whether a jurywbhould be allowed a witness fee.

The defendant‘s Clerk’s ooete amount to Q11.75, for which
please make VOHcher in favor of W. 3. Beck, Clerk Dreathifit Circuit
Court, and defendant's Sheriff‘s costs to él.25, for which please
make voucher in favor of Matt fipenoer, Sheriff of dreuthitt County;
also, please make the followina vouchers in payment of defendant's
witness claims —

“/John m. Davidson, $3.00
L/gottio Aulony, 3.00
b’G. 1. Jewell, 2.00
V Alfred hunsell, 1.00
w’fl. G. Duff, 3.0)
Yours very truly,
Cy — U.h.P., Counsel.
Please advise fir. Yarfield direct
whether plaintiff‘s attorneys will ae-
. oept a voucher that eontwins only $1.00
for the Witness Alex lorler, sending
me eOpy of your letter.
(3 v' t”
, Ll Ila. I! I
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. ‘ Jul; 121, 1111.7.
Breathitt County dourr‘: of .:dzcatimi v. hath and 3&1.
I I I I I 0
Judge «'1. "11. 1101151111.,
1721374131111, 27; =:1: mull; .
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my lez‘ ‘11.): 1411 91.111 :.1; m...- «i'f’fin 111.” 1:3; 1.15,- ‘gmgg, (gig-73'3”“ :.;": .
Of gist-:__ :uw'L. 1111:; '11”; 'L’t: :11: ‘xl‘:_:=w1"'-.j‘ :‘T‘ V'"Fi‘-'""vj~i.3.i", in {2:11:17 1111.}; I ,
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W77”7 ”%”%%Z@mflwmfi , /¢na)w/X4f-;;;a July 11, 1917
Breathitt County Board of Education v. L&E and L&N
7 8 4 9 5
R.L.Northcutt, Esq.,
Lexington. Ky.
Dear Sir,

Refer, please, to my letter to you of June 26, with
copy to Judge Pollard, requesting that certified bill of
Judgment and costs be sent us in this case so that
vouchers to satisfy same could be issued promptly.

To date such bill has not been received. Will you
please hurry it up, and oblige?

Yours very truly, \\ gt
/} / ‘ '” f”’ i
District Attorney.
Copy Judge O.H.Pollard,
Attorney, Jackson, Ky.

 7 w ,_ U" " '2.'
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 (mane . 6/27/17.
133.13, 2313311113. make no further evi'i'nrt to go ahead with the
1:191: emm. In an}; z'xvémfi, I think you 2211011162 hwm the finu‘z;;¥‘e;1t
certified in u'.‘ j\3.‘-'.\‘7‘~i1’:7,;r ~25; “med £110, so 81}! to "an {min to plead
it ~‘ "1-‘72.'7‘.’.‘,i"‘i‘.-‘\..'.n‘.'3n‘77'! 71.7.» 2&0. W‘fmf’ {37:10, if ;1'3§2L‘¢“:'77,‘;':f.
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/ [mum] / 2,2,,(9/235.._,-WA ”,“‘/WM”; )7 June 26, 1917
" 7 8 4 9 3
and L&N RR CG.
R.L.Horthcutt, flsq.,
Atto FT} 837 ,
Lexington. Ky.
Dear Sir,

I enclose the Opinion of the Court of Appeals
delivered June 22, affirming the judgment in the
aboveustylcd case, which please read in the light
of the suggestions I made in my letter to you of the
same date, of which I Sent a copy to Judge Pollard.
I am also sending Judge Pollard with copy of this
letter a blank bill of judgment and costs on which he
will please certify the judgment and plaintiff's
costs in this case promptly and send it to you. to
be sent to me,so that I can make voucher to satisfy
the judgment and costs.

Please consider this opinion with Judge Pollard
in connection with my suggestion as to whether or
not the judgment in the first case is a bar to a
recovery in the second suit brought by the Board of
Education, which I understand is now pending. Under
the opinion, Mr. Williams, Chief Engineer of Construc~
tion, agrees with me tket we cannot recover from the

Mason—Hanger Company, the contractors, for the
reason that the court hclis that they are not
responsible if they did the work on a right of
way which the Company proviiei for them. I believe
this is well settled law and probably the sound rule.
r ’1
Ycurs very truly, . /‘
. .7 , ,
J .r l
v (/ r / .
2 A / ‘ ’ . \\\
I / / ' m \\\_//
., < /\/ {l M / ’
District Attyéy.
Copy to
Judge 0.H.Pollard,
Attorney, Jackson, Ky.
Mr. H.C.Wi11iams,
Chief Engineer of Construction.

 _ .737” //7
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W N/ / a . ,, M,
' "/ thflflmfim/ , /;n%flvflfiavé9m me 22,1917
7 8 4 9 5
Breathitt County Board of Education v. L&E Ry. Co. and L&N RR Co.
R.L.Horthcutt, Esq.,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir, two
There seem to have been/suits, in the first of which, tried
i probably a year and a half ago, there was a judgment for plain—
tiff for $250. I see by the report in the afternoon papers
of the proceedings of the Court of Appeals today that this
judgment was affirmed. Of course, I have not yet seen the
opinion and do not know the grounds of the affirmance. As
soon as I receive the opinion, I will send it to you, and
should like to have you and Judge Pollard consider it in
connection with the question whether or not the recovery in
that case is a bar to recovery in the second suit, which,
I understand, is now pending, and in which Judge Pollard's
report of proceedings May 22, 1916, shows defendant. on the
previous January 26, filed plea in abatement and answer.
This is the latest information we have about this case. It
occurs to me that you may be able, if this has not already
been done, to plead the recovery in the first action in bar
of the second, on authority of that line of cases in this

 g .
State holding that where a condition is permanent, all of
the recovery must be had in a single action, ani that it
is not permissible for plaintiff to split his cause of
Yours very truly, ,
I District Attorney.
Copy to I
Judge O.H.Pollard,
Jackson, Ky.

 Jacks-1011, 1:,/’.' 1.111;] :12, 1917.

“,"‘ ., _- _ « , > n ,\ .,, n— 1_1 .,‘. . ‘ ‘ - '4‘
J.;,Gattht 00. dd . 0.1. .ud. v. 44min (lot but

j31‘«':-‘1t}‘=.i?tt Circuit Uourt.

A1731]. Term, 1541C,
AprJ‘S, De f1: . ten flared .3111 o '_' :chmwtj out: ,etc .

Q ..‘.. _>. AV 4‘ ‘ , '3' ‘AHV_.- " _> ‘ 1 ..~ _:.. .
Apr. 1< , 31).]. of :1. (:::ptL-u_;.s; and 3,:7119. ~4‘14“¢,..<.‘();;L5£: 2.1.1401 (mm: am. #1190.
Vase 110V. in druirt Armada.

Frankfort. Ky., , ,, , ”C ,
Dear Sir—
Your brief for Appellant in case of 7 ‘
leoeivod and filed.
Very truly yours,
Per‘, , . ,,‘. ,

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£15351 ‘ ' A / i4
Judge Samuel H. Wilson,
Co 1me el ,
Lexington. Ky.
Dear Sir,
I have received and read carbon copy of your
reply brief for appellant in the Court of Appeals in
L&3 Ry. Co. V. Breathitt County Board of Education.
It seems to me you have said everything in your
briefs in this case that there is to be said. And
I do not see how the court can get away from the
soundness of your argument. ‘
Youre veryfltruly, * *\ /' ,
,/’1// / >\‘\\ \
,,A’ \ V / y/ ‘ 3
/§, \\ /"'~ / > X‘ k ,

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~ up: 1,4. -- +14 ‘4”. .:.: . 4 4.44 4. -_~ 4. - ~44 44*. ~
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...u {‘.AI, .1‘ 1-‘»'~\9 ”ix 1._.45; h“. J.; L’1". 5471"?- ??J “471.3. .T‘J-‘i‘e
.av .441 > ( ‘-<~ —- . -. ’ ' 4
.,_. .1_6. ‘.1- 4 :1. - .4 9%,
"("”' t'v'1,'I'-'
.._; .. a r." 4.. .,.”; ,
em .
mmzitteél .

 ‘. J
December 9, 1915;
Hon° 3. DJ Warfield,
List. Attj., 2&3 R; 00.,
Louisville, fir.
Dear Sir:
Herewith eaclosad, I am handin: you carbon cooy of
Reply Brief tor Appellant in the cage in Court of 3 peels of
3&3 3y.Co. V. firuathiLt Dounty Bqud of Education, being an
appeal from the jrcathitt Circuit vault anfl Case No. 18? on
the Docket for the Mall Term, 1915.
Very truly yen: ,
. Counsel .

» December 9, 191C.
Judge 0. H. Pollard,
Jackson, Kentucky.
Dear Judge:

I hand you herewith a carbon copy of my Reply Brief
for the appellant in the case of Breathitt County Board of Edu-
cation v. Q d 3 hy.Co., together vith a Receipt therefior, which
you will please have signed by the attorneys for the Breathitt
County joard oi fiducation, on delivering to them the enclosed

, Joey of my brief. Please return the receipt to me pronotly, ’
as I want to send it to Frankfort alone with the original copy
of brief.
Thanking you in advance for your oromnt attention
to this matter, I me,
Very truly yours,
A Counsel.

Fall Term, 1916.
Case No. 187.
LEICIJG’SUR 5?: 1'.‘. LESTZIT‘Q.’ 11113117}?! 002.123.1313 .1‘. 3 7.133.231“.

V. ".'Z'T'LCJIF’; 3‘22'3. CUFY 9;? ..1_f‘f>i";i‘..L2‘21$"2'S 3517.31? .EBEIZLYP.

, BET-‘..‘.’I'ETIC‘T 1301,12??? 342.22.? CZ? Fi;“i.I.J.¥'I.‘I:Ji;F, .‘233‘7"‘.LT2’T:3.


2‘23'731 TEL: 7..-Z171.”;1‘:;.I'11‘ 012151512: COUZLZ‘.
* vs a * >2:

Tho _2‘2.'2>pelloe and. its attorneys hereby 36121022192139 the
receipt of .:3. carbon copy of the 31917:; Brief for Appellant in the
above-styled Suit, this 6'; delfrvernc‘; to then “23;; counsel :or
Annellant, 2112.62 they hereby Waive notice on? the filing: oi‘ the original
of Said Brief in the Court of 217221792318.

Witness; our 12.2211218— this day of December, 191522,

A‘ufiorneys for -‘.2'.-'-‘el.loo, Jroaffiif’fi '
County Board of uduontion.

 , #t K I
' C([JILT 01‘ A??i’321.»"-.Lfi L';l‘ 2112917313.
Fall Term, l916.
Base Us. 187.
LLLILEG'L‘Q‘L.‘ c}; ;LJLSZLLIJ E..1I.;‘.f.-1.Y 3L);.._‘E.LZEY, 3.713511ILJ‘JIT.
V. RETUY 33:14.13" 1‘01“. .’Q?l°.'.j'._3..‘;."T.
BEIZATHI'JT JOUIIT‘TI 1130;4in a}? IZUCLTIUH, :‘i’i‘alLLfiIl.
* * * * * *
Sam‘l M. Wilson,
Benjamin D. Warfield, Counsel ior Appellant.
. J. J. Donahue,
. O. H. Pollard,
Of Counsel.

Fall Term, 191G.
\ ~ CD
Case No. loin
LEXIE‘JC’S'OH 6: EAST 1121f Lilli}.le 00;: “Cu“ .1’ , APPiiLLANT.

V. BET)"; BRIE!" 1‘01: :1.“? 1;;1’33.



* * $ * * *

Responding briefly to the grief for Appelleo, which
first reached our Hands on Hovomber RF, 1913, we have to say
that, despite Appollee's inzistonoe to the contrary, we think
there can be no reasonable doubt that this Suit involves ti-
tle to or interest in real estate, within the meaning oi the
statute (Ky. Stats., Soc. 950,) regulating appeals anfl confer-
ring jurisdiction upon this Court. among other allegations
in plaintiif's Petition, it was charged that the defenfiant
wrongfully; illegally and without right or authority took,
"converted and appropriated the whole of plaintiff's said
property to its own use and bonoiit, thereby totally and per-
manently depriving said plaintiff of the use, benefit or en~
joyment of game or any part thereof”, etc. In the Answer of
defendant, after denying plaintiff's ownership to any part of
the property inVOlVGd in suit, title is distinctly asserted,

by counter—claim, to so much of the property claimed by the plain-
tirf as was actually taken, appropriated and occupied 0y the de-
fendant. (See Rt, p. 1?.) be are at a loss to understand how
the i sue of title,not only on the part or plaintiif but on the
part of defendant as well,could have been more pointedly raised
or more directly presented. That the Annellent acquired a good
title to its right-oi-Wsy seems to us to be conclusively estee-
liehed by the hecord and this point has no doubt been sufiiciently
' former
argued in ourABrici ior Appellant. Appellant not only claims
title to the land it occupies, out hroved it. That Appellee just
as certainly failed to establish title in itself to any part of
the property scguired, occunied and used by the appellant is
eguelly clear, , and that plointiif‘s testimony in no respect
measured up to the requirements or tne law, in cases such as this,
is shown by the well—cons dared case of Y ung v. Pace, etc., 145
Ky. 405; 8.0. 140 S.W. 555, where this Court has said, -
”In order to support a title by adverse holding,
. three facts must be established: first, the posses—
sion must have been continuous, ectunl, open, noto-
rious, and peeceaole for at least 15 years; second,
the exterior boundary lines or the land so claimed
must be well defined, 1.6., either actually inclosed,
or so marked that the land is susceptible of being
'identiiied by its descrintion; and, third, the pos- _
Session must have been of such a character and ex-
tent as to exclude the idea that the right to pos-
session was in any one else."
The first case cited in Appellee's Brief (at page 6 ‘
thereof) of Ponder, &c. V. Lard, 102 Ky. 605; 5.0. 44 S.W. 138,
was an action for trespass, pure'and simple, ior cutting and re-
moving timber, with no pretense of title and no counter-claim
, , of title by the defendant. This appears from the opinion and
particularly from that pnrt of it quoted in Apnellee's Brief,
where it is said - WThe answer nowhere claims the land as that
of defendants." In that case, it was further said that a judg«
ment therein wou d n ‘ .
.1 0t Der an action in ejectment, Whereas, in

the case at bar, certainly it cannot be denied that a judgment
for the Apoellant (defendant bolow) would be a moot effectual
boy to an action in ejectmont.
The next case cited in Appelloc'e Brief of McFarlanG
V. Bough, &C., 15 30V. 249, was on action in equity to quiet
itle, anfi in Gefonee of the action there was interooood a pleaof
811:;itzikxle os:f.)p;393_. Jimzt tlzis: c 139, i}; i.t$ f9l3tf? guzd 171 tile
wrinciwloo apolicaole to the facts, 18 clearly €ietiu;uishohle
from the case at "our will 1, 1mm: 1".1302'3 “.11-32 i‘ollovihg {notations
from Judge Pryor'o Uwinion, vdidt counecl :or Awpcllee avnefir
to have coavenioutlr overlookofi. Said the Court -
"The orcnont Aotollznt nae nrreent, and took
part in the ouiloiur of the house anfi in making
the surveya t t * She wartime, both William
and jenjamin ficfiorlnnd, are eetowaed to a sort title
to thiS land. They stoofl or an? new the htiliiufi
erected, - one was the donor anfi the other aided in
building the hiuoe, ~ and nov to Cl jm it is iucguit—
able and unjust to those tho contrifiutod their means
and labor to aid in such a hencficext enterorise."
In this case, it further eu:eare from the Opinion
that the acre of mrouufl counted ior School purooces “war not
laid oil by any regular Furvey, but the divtonce each way stop-
ped by those present, e0 39 to edbroce what they suppoved
would be that much mround. * * * Ehc location or
boundary of the acre of land was not accurately dcfinofi. * *
* And the parties are left at sea as to the extent of their
riqhtc.” Upon thio showing, this Court said -
"The Chancellor therefore Should have airectod
' a fi ' 9 _ ‘ ‘ t
a ourvey so as to include the ouiloing, and containing 9
one acre of thifi land, and in making it, should leave 1
out the orchard or any part of it belonging to the U
a pollont, but should leave the building as near the x1
2 center of the acre lot as practicable. He should \
have corners platted eo as to mark the boundary."

(4) ,

’ There are two things worthy of notice in this decision,
first, that the trial court was directed to have the acre lot :0
surveyed as to iaclude the school buildizg but, at the some time,
so as to ”leave out the orchard or any part of it helOJging to


a sellout”, and second,A directed that such wurvey “should leave
the building as near the center of the acre lot as practicable.”
Heither oi these hoints was sowirved in the case it her. In mak-
ing his theoretical or conjectural survey, Lin Loupt neither took
care to run the lilfifi oi the contort? so as to leave out Anwellent's
I‘fi‘lill'OTld 31115. riviizteof-nw‘y, or the 1.773310 a: it, near or adjacent to
the school house, nor did he locate the lines of his hypothetical
survey so as to leave th» school buildiag as Jon: the center of
the lot :15; ‘garzictrlotmlei In other {2031153. 112": method 01' loof-ati on
ai:pimive{i iii the I£013§rlinld (rifle, :T‘Lfl'a, Ives :iot the Instiiod Izfio=vted
and anoiied i1 this case by Ir. ’enot, the surveyor ennloyed by
the Anoellee to ascertain the undoiined JOUHCflTy of the lot.
The direction fiven by the court in the ficEarland case, that
the surveyor in running the boundary ”should leave the builéing
as near the center of the acre lot as prnotiofihlo,” is asperontly
a survival oi the old rule regul‘tinn surveys of entries, Where
there was only one known point (not that not in the boundary it—
self) by which to calculate or determine the exterior lines.
{See Crow's Heirs v. Brown, Snood's Ky: Inc. 102; Johnson v.
Hall, Sneed's Ky. Bee. 331; Speed v. Vetton’e Eoirs, 3 Bihh 425;
and Smith v. Reed, 1 iii. flarshsll 2F9.)

The next case cited for Aopelloo is that of Sizwleton,

- 8:0. v. School District No. ‘54.. 10 793. This was a suit in .
the nature of an action in ojectment. From the Opinion by Chief t
Justice Lewis for the Court, it appears that "In 19Gb, Dempsey, ;
the owner, conveyed to Newcomb, remote vendor of Aopcllants, a 5
tract of land, reserving in the hebendum clause of the deed one '

 (5) '
and one~hnlf across thorooi’, (Tenoribed by mates: and: Ifoundafor
' 'a sohool.-hou:3e soot in 34 school—(”sisa’criot , for the only use.
oi: Gama.” It im’ther :1: boars from the 0131213101; that this war-
col oi ground , {so ”(:052033‘ 05253. and roservod in the died", 118.51, in
1:515, been dedicated by Inor_1_e_f»:3r:—;‘y" for the mug oi the ammo); School
cliotriot, "by being: 5:11:vo;:od, 5:21.71 1.115; bounimry Ll'zozxoo; <195mriooc‘i
by ‘::1'1‘5 ooz’zlc—ixo, 5;;15’ that": the 'i.‘:‘.15:t:mr: 02; th; Zisfirixfi- 5715;111-
:196 their ::.ooootanoo 01' it 23;; i152- ";izz‘U‘fil; orcctiug; & log School
hour-:0 there-on, 51;:ch L215 cam mongierfi; and 1:595. :05 school pur-
poses :1 portion 0: to year ever since." For the c"lai;ii’»3;-ctga.;1‘v.':3,
$5.2'Lf_‘l_efo:1,&<;., it x":"..£'\ 5:::.u1ts::15:=51 thr t the; xi-T-‘l? i;;‘1ooc:r.“; 31131;th-
:'EZC‘S Li thout notice, 3.01‘3116‘: rotim‘on that in the. 5752525 fro: "enzoomb
to Hook, @116 in ‘:.‘ane (‘:.-mi. 3?";5.) 35:53:: to .X. roll-11453, no mention or
restorvsxtion oi‘ the 33'*;'<:5=l So d‘ofiiofizad was made. '._‘0 this fish? court
answered that the dméicvn‘tion, thouwh r3555. by pmiol, T1519 valid anti
ooznwle ”50,8115 that the 101; was: in H1; 53.013113]. poa—zoogssion of the school
truStoa-zs Y.‘:hon 3973338532; made his (1:7.-'25“: to ifmr:r:oré1b,and 115:6 5:0 contin-
ued over since, thereby giving to tho school Eistriot a oonyleto
8115‘: indoi‘ormi 1315; title, not only in virtue of the dodicnthm, but
(also by adv:;r:;o holding; under the tort-15; oi’ the 0:312:95: z'ef;el'v:;tion
incorporated, in the flood from flammaogr to iiowoomh. Continuing, the
Court said -
"We do not thin"? ”the oo=-1::1011-lm¢ rule, rejecting:
the habz—mdum clause of a deed vchere it is totally
rapugnmnu no {no firmltiof: (212.1530, over 11%;le to
the more dosori 91210151 oi’ the quzmtity or kind oi"
;n‘operty oanr-mgntm, but §:‘iTflpl;f to tir'x-o character and
kind of estate or interest conveyed; out the rule
has not been 530 rigidly 3:: 91)].in by this: court as; to
’ dofozzt the invention of the parties, vxrhen ascertained
by looking to every port of the instrument. The par-
091 of land in contoo‘c in this case never was intended
to be conveyor? by Borzpooy to J.Jowoom‘o, ”out 1.515: intended
to be, and was expremtly, reserved, and therefore no
title to it passed."

1 (6)
_ In our opinion,it would be diificult for counsel for
1 Apoelloe to find a case more plainly inayplicnhle to the case
at bar.‘ In the Sindleton case will be found all of those el-
vements of certainty in titlc,diqcriotion, etc., which are utter-
‘ly locking here. gore than this need not he said.
Coming to the caces upon which counsel for Janellee .
roly tor vindication of tho allctunce by the lower court of any
' recovery heroin "for permanent damaged" it will be observed that
the coco of Louisville, St. Louis E chns Railway Convany v. Ste~
phens,étc., 96 Ky. 401; S.c. 29 S.W° 14, was a suit for damages
for the unauthorized construction of a railroad through plaintiffs'
property; and that plaintiffs' waived tho tort and sued for com—
pensation for the land so ocrwonontly aonroorintcd. In that case,
it was shown that there was no valid contract conveying title to
L” the Railway Commany, that it was not comoetcnt ior it to claim
title by dedication, and that thare was no estoopel operating to
. nrevcnt the plaintifim from asserting title to the strio of land
‘ which had been taken. From thin statement, the distinction be-
tween that case and this will, we think, be readily ahparent.
. The latest case cited for nnwellce is that of Trustees
of Common dchool District No. 14. v. Nashville, Chattanooga (2; St.
Louis hailWay Company, 56 o.he 890. This was a suit to recover
damages for the wrongful taking and occunying of a strip of land ,
through the school house lot owned 1y the district. After the
iocucs had been made up, plaintiffs voluntarily waived any right
to recover the land taken or its value and Sought comoensation ,
only for the damage done to the recidue of the land by the verb
manent appronriation. In this case, it will be noticed that the
title to the whole of the tract involved, including the strip
taken “7 the railroad ior rifiht*of—Way purposes awn "hit remained;
belong ed sriginally to the plaintiffs, and this fact was undis+

 " ‘ t
. .
' (7) '

outed. This Court held that “a ol‘mintiffsz, but :60: ”moi:- vol-
untary election not to claim 1.319. 1:33.16: ‘;c‘:'i:*:.:2.ll;~; taken for r3111;—
oi‘—\‘;;:;;, mils-22h”:- have 1“»o0voy2é on »9- 2113:1310}: for sans-1; ll