xt73bk16mf8w_144 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [115] In the matter of the crossing of the Bryan Station Pike, Fayette Fiscal Court text [115] In the matter of the crossing of the Bryan Station Pike, Fayette Fiscal Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_16/Folder_6/68560.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_144 xt73bk16mf8w l :
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am“ provideé further that during the progress of the. work of building
said crossing over said pike, the use of said pike by the public
’ anfi the traffic thereo war at the point of crossing shall not be
unreasonably interfered. with, am provided in l‘thel‘ that the under-
eiirned, upon completion of its proposed crossing. over said highway,
shall roc‘tore the same at; newly as may be to its; former conflition,
smbjeot to the permit-131 on granted and the confli tions imposed in
pursuance of this implication, and. provic‘ied furthei’ that the under-
Figured ohall construct a F‘Ilitzlbl’) crowing for the passage of teams
over its tracks, when laid? in said. Bryan Station Turnpike 1.036, by
mitt-i115; suit able materials between and on each side 01" the rails,
the top of 'crhich ehlvll 1,!) at lezmt no hégh as; the too oi" the rails
in said To mi.
Libs: 1111:1035: .1,-{mo (I. attache F. i‘;.,':r<~31:.o and ii lo :4 herewith
sax: a _"fil‘t hereof worked Hi”, a blue-Mrint any, Showing; the general
location mitt? directio.1 01‘ the {atomized crosx'sinq, and aloe indicating
the ifitcreoction of said connection 01 croseingg \aiiti: the Ldryan Station
’i‘urrmihe hood. The undersigned fliil'thé'él‘ Suits-253 that the width of
its rigaht~0f~way on both sifiee of said Turnpike Road at the place
’ oi“ propos—md crossing is: i‘ii‘ty (50) foot and that the ”wifzth of said '
Turnpike Lioad itneli' at said point is about 1‘0 rty (40) foo-t;
mm, at present, it is proposed by the um‘iersigned to construct
and 131:; over said read only»; one track, which, with tits and rails,
2-.-ill occupy a nirith of about ten (10) i'eet,
ifhiifi’gllfiollul, theuntioriaigmed prays that this honorable
Qfourt may grant an Order in toims conforming to the A‘onliosztion
node in the foregoing Petition, and for all such other orders as
may he logal and pr one 1' in the premieres.
She widei‘signod, 'sf. A. l-alollowoll, : tites the-t ho is Vice-
l’rosidrmt of the Loxingtoh 8c Eastern Railway Uompmxy, any-iii cunt in
tile long-going ".)etition, zinc”: that the statements therein conic; nod are
true as he verily believes.
Signed and swam to before me by said affiant, i”. It.
Licl‘xonell, this ___ day of may, 1914..

\1- ./ / 1 1 7 ,,1/ / . /,7 1/ fi) -/ (
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Me 3; 25.-1914.
2.21. . _;. '.’.T'Flso 1:,
G l l Co'ltisel,
Lezting ”.1:: 1': , 215;.
Daz‘r air:
Your lettcr of ;2;:;,.1' '.7-rd £31”.:':rd:’_r revised eo
of order givi: ,; us the i‘i;_;1;'f; Io lay our correcting: Crock
across: d _..11‘;7::;1;'{_; L3’;:’T:';l21ll pike.
I iirted the orijinzl order 1:1 '_.L: . a field
\I :.Ld he lies: 210111241 '1‘- 111:1 5:3..11'2, :.n‘ I timid: 1.1; t .,'};e slight
1:11.11: p 1': s in 1712‘ revised copy will 1..: :"i‘iect the :11. tt-ir.
Yo 1.131; 3; r1115,” ,
I// «g/
,7 ..7/Z1: ,. 1
"f / ,/ /
C ici" 1id';_f:7.::ecr Cf C ;;;;1.7:_7_11:: 51;: 11

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@W MffiééQ. 0? ..7
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MM % w W7 37%;
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 it / . . // , "V/ '/ , / . / i/
i , (1m) /£///// 7 .' //0//’/////2///)//fl//W// //7///.//////,
67%.;44/ i? @7. 94/5441
635“ w ¥%g,éa 75’?“
0/ W "0i ' ” ’
a 7?:7 ”a? 1:;; m
IK/r) 0.7994,ij X7 ){w7Li/Sfif aw @bé : 9 0,674
Wu 6‘ WM /” M 7’ / /
2% 4”»: a My daily org/0% 3:2: 5%
4 MM 7‘\ '
// /Jp 224/2,

 - g 7/ . fr 7;) // 7/
- _._. . navy/ax (07/ (fro/w” , /// .”7/y ////%////y
[I /l/ / ‘ // 2/3 2/
‘}‘Gfl/z/qw/ /7//// ‘
.///t/////yfli. ®~ (”ll/y/(‘IL /*l/,
/ (1‘
May 25rd, 1914.
s. M. Wilson, Esq., [VIZ/£7” Ly” 25¢
Lexington, Ky. Q"
Dear Sir:—
Your letter of May Elst, in which you sent me a copy of
Oraer of the Fayette Fiscal Court permitting us to cross Bryan
Station Pike. After reading I see nothing to which I take
exceptions. The order seems to be in proper shape.
Yours truly,
Z ;\\ p/cfi‘
I irlenéierf”w “1‘./”’_“:
B {\V \ 'e'

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’ ' Slnce malllnr you uhe Urner ox uhO sayetue fil$Cal Court
' < - ~ ’ “* — . .- s - Jr "W :5:. «t— ' as“. ; -'
J 13 the matter 01 the m n J crogainfi on une nrfiua wuuulon Lige in
_. - ‘.‘.“ A. V , ,. "I ‘ ,, .:-... 1.3.x. _ m. _ .4. z". 1" .. ,., ,“.. ‘.I ‘ ‘ , _ .'. - fl . .
EH13 VUdfibd, ihc bouncy JyuQLhayg 41¢ ldflubg, gas SuggGSUea a Law
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chanwes Whicfl are, 1n mg OfixhiOh, vgiy bliguu an“ LmfliuGlLaL. L
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Hen. E, Q. Killiams,
Chief Engineer oi’Construetion, L & H R 3 Co.,
Bear $ir:—

We finally succeeded in getting a hearing before the
County Juflge an: Fiscal Court on Thursday, the 21st instant, of
the A plication.of the Lexington & Eastern Feilwgy Company for
leave to Hits a railreai crossing over the Bfiyan Station Turn—
pike in Fayette County at the point where the proposed connec—
tion between the L Q 3 and R a E is to cross said pike. The
matter was quite £2113 discussed anfi the terms of the order
granting per fission to make saifl crossing were flinaiiy agreed
ujeno I have eafleevored to embed ‘the terms upon which
permisaien is granted in an Order, tlw original of Which has
heee fieiiyercfi to the glerk of the Eiseel Court ibr entry on
its Minutes and a copy of which I herewith name you. Please
scrutinize this Order anfi be sure that its terms are ac apt—
able fine, ii yen eeem such course necessary, I surgeet that
you 53: fine Drier to 1.213 "1‘:.er field. or .IZZ‘. ;.j.<)o:t‘:sa.n for final

Truatine that the permission granted is upon ac-
eervtafiile tartan, I 3:11,

Very {Baily :wnrre,
Kale .

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