xt73bk16mf8w_154 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [125a] Charles Wilson v. L&E, Breathitt Circuit Court text [125a] Charles Wilson v. L&E, Breathitt Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_17/Folder_3/68912.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_154 xt73bk16mf8w .,. v ~r ”»”""
. 68m A..» -\\;---<;~W~
LOUISVILLE & NASHVILLE RAILROAD 00., 0 JAN 22<('t .»»-~'\L;‘“ .'".TTLI»~»"":"‘,"”"
OFFICE OF THE FREIGHT cLAIM AGENT, 4 mm PM "E“ ""Uf:‘\‘«.w.m~ ...»-: ,

LOUISVILLE. KY. , I IBIS I? :‘\ “::w‘“

N > ’ / ’ ”“‘“munvw - *‘ "A '11,, .. .

\. .K Y ‘\v~.‘...;~.«.——J""

 ‘ File No. ' ’ _, wi'§*?’8“79 ‘ '
955:“H79 ¢ , ' f ' _ ‘ 1
7 Chicago & North Western R'y Co. ’ . :
V ‘ g \ (

 /‘/‘/ / 7 '/ . , n ,, / /
‘. e»»~/VVZ/79968;'/Kiz J/ZI'IAWVKv9k, (VIZ/gvVfiQVK"4IZbZVQ/Z/Cflfl/
, V, W; ~ 7
.01.. mom/7,7,”. ///////r M/flf"€971!”ill/iflkfltyi/{C/ytwfi
.7 (l’l’lll‘l'll/l’;‘l‘l:///I(Iggy/fill; IV ‘/ <"fl
%,9/,.‘7§,)2MI/; (/i/_ 7 ;r:__ ~_.,.. 1
.. Jss'f firil’lfi‘ljl/fiL-{yfl/zf. _ V V ' . // V: ,v / 1" > _ . 5“ _
1. (fir/,77” {II/INK , _ 7. 1?,- 7 . - f? 1’./{'5‘ ‘-_ . *
/ 4:185"; (I;‘lt’/»i}‘ffl;I//l/‘-llyl'///. Umwxi [ll/2d! ////,r:/:/y 1"- gzwirs '
{’7’kf/{I'l/fll/é '- l I? \ .1' k a “ \. ‘E- ‘1‘: .‘v I - Fr“ Elba? '1 \v .,
['rrv'y/z/ l/YIIthp/l’llfi ,4 V '; ‘ _ ‘V/ LN Yb UXR REPEYTQEmFE‘,R 3"? {”3 i. 3
I ,, ,. m fogffr’éviiigb. 51% "i9 "‘ L-804876~D
" :, 1u234 gtfiwfiht“‘ GB&W- 49601
; dwfl v guté‘e ’C&NW~2~61579Q, [
MT. Ho Cc Howe, F.03Aa,
cw?! RH; Chicago, Ills.
Dear Sir:- 7 _,
I am returning papers pertaining to the above styled case -
and will thank you to note carefully the entire file. This shipment {E ‘
was ferwarded to the plaintiff at Elkton, Ky, where it is now on hand
unclaimed. On the 81st inst, I sent you my complete file T-854l74/re—
questing disposition thereof account of agent Elkton being unable to
effect delivery. Please consolidate that file with these claim papers.
As this case is in suit I shall consider it a favor if you
will give the matter special attention and advise on what authority
shipment was forWarded to Crendon, Wis, aleo/onfighat_authority_it_ga§/
forwarded to the same claimant to thegsame party at Elkton, Ky. Also
/ T/farlpshuv A .L I.. , ‘. .
kindly have full and complete infogmationArequested in my letter of
10—1-14 addressed to your agent at Pelican, Wis., and mine of 10-12-14
addressed to you.
Inasmuch as this case is in suit you should appreciate the <
foot that the matter warrants a thorough and special investigation and ‘
I will certainly appreciate it if you will return these papers at the

earliest possible date with the file in question attached, also
full and complete information regarding handling of shipments
Yours truly, 1
\I _ 4
/ ,fi 1 1’7 /
, \\ / /"
\ K v' " /
\lta/ » /
, ,1/
FLLtDqu 1,” F0 CtA.

 . l I/
H.’ 1 » .. f' _ 7'7 -f . V . . f/
1”” ;" 4 ' ' ’ /-’”
. t‘EE/ Form oats—Revised June, 1964. ‘ « ....
‘ omce or THE FREIGHT aim—nausea? "” '
LOUISVILLE,- KY. , ._;_._..__. * .._..._...._...-...,_..-.....-.-.,- .. .. ._ _ _ 191-..--."
I. ' ..
Mr-_m_..._____fl._~_ __ W__“- W ___.-. , , .
2;- ‘. Claimmcwm ew___,______
_.___- . _._______._._._.~~.._.........-............--._;LL;_—‘___
. . . . u ,, ‘e ' NO
Dear Sll‘: Phase furnish documents or information Indicated by X below. ‘ - -- ~ ——7
J. F. SEGER, F. C. A. , Perm...
1 Attach a copy of l>illiiig...........................,.,.,you covering this shipment ." Have. claim supported hy oricinal hill ladiuc. or guarantee against
—- —-—- —-—-————~——————~f———j———— . 32 second payment. a 150 original or cor-tilled copy of invoice. paid
2 Attach a copy of transfer ..............i.......COIillOCtl11,2 line. 3; ireight hill, and full copy of your 0. S. m l).
3 Furnish correct wn '~l.»ill reference on hills iiotcheckcd i; ' Auditor“! Investigate as to lmndliiiihover x our division. Furnish full and
3 3 )d It}. .
-— —f —F———h}———~i——————-———~————- i ‘ complete Seal I'f’CngQT' . §§l how you account for the
i urnis t ie information \ t‘-. i 11 (“$1 0 Hill} Show ii H.1]\ (LL .ilini \y itliL mun. cturn paper: or
{we (2 niman s say 10w iey fli‘l‘lvet n msis ore airingiviiiug " i e. ; ow our recon s o c One.
18 authority for mu: and attach copy 01‘ quotation. if illly. if 7" —.~fi——i——~——~—v—~——————————
__._ _ __..___—H .__—_.___. ..._. .15 Have xi I'I't uccd L0l11\‘0l('0])l‘l(‘(30l‘ilt‘llllllCOSt of re iairs.
Advise correct through rate. to apply, Showing huPis for construct— :4 »fil—Qi—w—flfi—ém-
19 in:,' and dividinl,r same by route shipment moved. l i 46 Stale nature, extent and uppai'eiit cause. of damage.
QUOtC’ “THY illllllOI‘ilY 9'0? hill lzldiluz In to of . . ndvr-‘inrr‘l Was it of Such a charm-ter as to pass detection at transfer points?
90 busis for iuuluu ' and tiiVldlll” sumo li ' route slii inu-iit handball? ‘lT \\'.‘i.~' Cu r 1115 iected before loading. 2: nd lv ' \vlioiii‘i’ Were nii ' do
L; n 3 l l‘ 1' t t' li . .3 3
__._. _..—__..___.“ _._—__.. t‘C S 110 ll‘l‘( .
Advise authority for rate and divisions used: also for bill ladingi‘y—v ~ ——- '._—#f———
21 rate. slmwrnp' taril‘f number und date, or1 if it special quotationl‘ ‘ C811 You ““0““: {01‘ ‘ltilllfljfi‘ ll)" WP} 1’ \\ It" It I1'01“ dOfL‘CLiVC POM
nttucli copy oil letter or telegram. 1 “5 door, or from Ila-[lingo oi liquids in car?
_’— __._ “—_'T————'—‘—.“‘_“_‘—'——‘ l"”' ”__‘ __..___—__w—
(”mph certilicatt— of 9.3“)“ weight; also state If way bill shows [hut \\ lint other cars were lmiiu: lOll‘lt'd'HL the same time, into which it
2‘ the cur wnfivweiched at any other point. giving ctution, (lute it) W118 DQSSll?1€B to loud H1“ “US$11“: ll't'lghl. and to what POiIILS
3 and scale weight. at such paint. If possible, expluiiiuny dilicr~ loaded? \\ hat efiorts have you made to locate shortage.
ence between Scale weights. —— —— Wm-—
_ .._—.._ ‘—‘—.‘—‘,—“’_—'—“_——’_ _.___ Authorize for your proportion naming: your mileage. revenuouud
If car weighed on your line,iittitch scale certificate on regular-form [,0 amount you wil pay Our distant-c H .. inilu
23 and say on \\ hut weight you are prepared to settle our revenue. 3
0 Please note. )lr and 51 Authorize on lutsm of F C A. Rule ’50....
“4 advtsc your reconinmndation as to settlement. r#~ —— ————-——-——u—_-—-—~———»~—-I————————————
_.‘ —- ___—”_.___— — , wi jmn 1n proratc of this 0 aiiiuper Freight Claim
‘25 Authorize,foryour(".ompany‘spt,rcentagcproportion of this expense l 02 A5511, LOSS Mid DHIINKL' 111”“ 1"“ 'J; 0‘11‘ N‘VCHHO “115$ .....
26 Please continue investigation, authorizing for account. To whom did you make doliyerv‘.’ Do you hold clear receipt? It so
._‘_. .._.. W__—___W—fi“ —. attach copy and say i party sicninl: some is unauthorized
1 Check ngninst your records advising if we iutndled this business. 53 representative of consiuuve \thn was loss or dniuagellrst
27 Please show Clitiln number on your records, to avoid paying‘ . discovered. and say 1f(:0!lll‘lli.< were examined by you. ‘~‘
switching on the some curs twice. ' l—«w— -~—— --—-————————-——~———-—-—————-——
._'- --——— _..,_.—_____________... I Cliarizeli it N. R. R. s necountofsell
It the shipments covered by this claim were used exclusively i i 5’1 ,3 and saeeount of , total$.......................
28 tor .. purposes, it Will ——l-—— -————-———————-———--—~~—-—-———-——-———-—
be necessary for claimants :1 nd yourself to certify to that effect. l I r. l Charge, 1 its proportion in the. usual manner;
__— —— -—————~~————-————-—————-————— _. 00 our iiii cage is .. ........1llllt‘:~‘, our revenue is 3
Cheek nuainfit your records advising,r if we handled this business; —— ‘-—1—————-——-——‘————'—“‘——f'_—"—*~
29 attaching statement of billing to cover. 15 the damage oi such 3 nature as to render the shipment worthless?
—‘ __._ w _._-”1— _ ()6 1; not the Siilvnut- of wine value? What disposuion was made
It Silllllllf‘llb was inspected at your station, take up with lllSIJL‘CLOl“ of damaged goods.
3” and svcurc statement as to contents {—— ~——— -——~—————-——————-—-——~——————
~— —— -——-—————-————— __..___—W__.“ i Advise if rm-eiptml {was "Shipper s londand (:Ount " Shite condi-
l Get from shipper iiuinediulc order for dispm’itiou of property, adr l _” tion when received and if properly slowed Were exceptions
31 visingv him that unless promptly removed. it will he sold for ‘ '0‘ of any character noted“! Was the i'n-ieht receiptmli‘or under
freight and other charges without further notice. | conditions of uniform lull of hiding, or ::t carriers' risk?
58 i

 fl " roam 104e, ‘ ' . V - ’.
if} 5,52 . ,. Reviseu Novcanben'fiQos, V , , _ , ‘ V ,
/ ff V V, , _ ASE); VILLE; LN it c x My 1 91V" , ,
Mr. “»»'“ >_- __._—My: _.;-44*” f .
. v , V ‘ w: __ , c - V; mm X
A _ V' .,..._.. cVfiaL-‘im »x_¢~__________ ”“'“ —_-.__._.~_._m " . " V m
(Main: . . .__ __ Claimame, “___-ll ___“;
_..________________.___ Reference_._____,_l__m_l__V—__.__; :
~ [Bear Sir: . V ,. , .
.~-:'___ :V , . ("A V 5 , ~ . 7, ‘,,. .. _g 3 ;gmif' ,‘
, _ . ,, . '7") S V, Hie?
, ,.v , f3,- . . V ' - V V . L“ _ VV, . V N . V , , /,:/ r . . Vc-‘“;.« 9*!“
l - 7 c g, b NAM
_, I' M (ff-.I,? ’ 4 J ' .- IV V._ugfif-I r“: ’ 5? ;__‘HM“____ ~ ‘r~ u __ v' ,r La” 5~”f«}. fr if":
_ .1"”: W," , ’ V ., V: _ V _. ., V V. 1, V ‘_‘—“V W £5: __T i f ,flflg'f .‘ 3"”,
' _ V Yours frilly? ‘ , I _ '”'
V ‘“V” ' 1337;11:321le . ‘ . V I
. r _ c 1 V V , V

 FORM 6839K.0LD_§9£1¥1 yi76—Eevisfid April, 1909. , - ,
lfiUiS‘fltlE 8: NflSHVitlE RAltRfiél EB ’ 54/” ' ' ' J ' ”I
. line Initial L 2. Road Eniital' -' Gn/NdIE’LL-J’” W” " Marked Gapacity___ W. B. fio.f_Lf::_f LL_‘L_
. . . getation $2323.} . ..‘, _ fit?“ .5/ . .»'“ . , »
.. Locai ”Bight Way-hat? Eyégggfiiii Efé, g 3;.)ch go. :0. g In ._...‘LLLLLELLLLgriffiLLLLLLLLLEateL._L-ijLafL:L “ . ,...tt‘i L w-
n- I; .-
/‘ t I .E. E it um 13! 5::-”"4” E‘Gross .LLL
.. l iii IIZELLH_.___L_~ 0. ._... L,LL__LLL- ___L_ L ____ L_ -.L. L.
TRANSFEREEI 1m ) WEEGE‘EEE :1?“ ”WWW, .,L .. Tare-.. _L
inifiaiLLLLL F50.L_LLL Rt _ . ..LL_L19!LLL { figs
’mfififi:fifi;fiififigg¥fi wxwflmfii:mew—flfl-fmflm __fljl-fl: ::E- :HwTL~r ::r:~.-—.—L::—L-:-=rf:_:‘
.__—c‘"n“—_______~“W3V'b‘“"ef°’e"c°afifl£9£‘£°_tfifi?fffi; ms cogsreims iuzppnsrmsmor: L f 25.32.11ch g: l Rate 1 Freight i} Advances {3 Prepaid 53 TO _m
,c EE‘EYAV'B'L" REEERENSEL——;——\L— x" l "L -‘ ' i L H Separate I Aggregate t [I it 5" tl COLLEWFED
:f/F; .m 635 .L-:{%?.-L.,w-~(—. ,~:-4——— l-—————~—‘r— ""'-—-—-—:-—~——-—— - *’.-__W "m ' . —*—<| _‘tt—y‘ ““7“"it'“"*"“~*”““*"1“—“‘ "T”‘W"
. "V ~ are i / 5?; . é ~ _ ' -* ..- H j L z I‘ ; ‘1 t! r
E "“'W”; {.1 ‘ L t“F‘wwa'w "mm—Ffi‘m‘wflhm _“Fn_—"*"'"~__H‘AM-tf—‘_-I"“—_IE"_—t, _"Uf- _ i .1‘— E “W
' E t I i J! i » ; .. . as a ‘i I
Z .. L LELLLLL‘L LLL. _LL.. . LLL 1 _ .. LLL...” ._.--..L+-__..L.-...-L..-..~.....L...___.--L...-_-L.LLL__._.. E.._-...._.......-L._LLL____L____L_LL.LLLL_ [EL—_.._“..."an ._.----LLLLJI ILL__LL_LLLLL_- “_L...; .L._.L...LLLLLLLtLLLLL1L_L._____LLL 'L. . LLL-
a ‘ . t l g . g z 9;, i 1! i : ll
n: L, w... — 2M. 2 ._ 2f~~~«-~«~~-~tw-wmm~——~—-»-~--——~»——»—~-~A~AMW~~~ 1? ~ ~ ~-»~»»-r-~~~~~~ ;r— ---— —:_;«»——-~~WF—fl—-~—~—-§§ »——-—71§——~——'§~-r—7;1 ——-fii~ if em «1 Wtw , L __—
a: l e ..,/E . E ' ii 1! i f. "
l , a ,I’ E _ , 1, ~ } ‘3 _ I", i ;‘ ti 4
E U??? : t F"! W“; "'i'F'L“”'m#"dim—‘__-“W“WWW—”MM“M 3M} "‘7~"“Tum”wa'VL—‘N—‘ii'w' mmwlduflwu A”, "_LM'E'LWE M: “ii "'7’ ' 7"" l1” 7' ' W“
‘ . . . . .. ’.‘. « 3’ I. i t . t7 ', . t it I
{‘3 «rim-mi mi: .~'-w- ’----'"}-~—~~—-~—-g # -——-- +1—-w~e—~—t~*~—-1}~~ . 1'”: “Mil r . ~ A; .»»-w—
t ! i 1 it ‘ 2 V ‘E l s if “t; l «I
0 _.LL' LL __LL . LLLLLL .L _L. 1 .LLLL. _._LxLL. ..-..-L...__..L.LLL.E .. .L.. LL...LLL..LL...LLLLL_LLLL.L.L.L ._LL. LLLLLL,.._.LL..L_L..LLL.L__L__LLLL_.L__,_.__LL.LH ._LL_LL_t_L;__LV t- L55._LLL___L.LL: ‘2‘ 2. .LL ‘. . LL .‘ LLLL . -L.
f 2 T 7 . : . E '. ' t it ' ' T2
3" ..._... LLLLLLL.LL.. L L7 ._‘LKLLLL .L L' .LLL! figfiL’C” .L . L....LLLL. -.-.L "..._-.. ”ML".-- _. L .._ '.._LL. . LL...._L.._L.L._...LLLLLLLLLLLLL__'_L_ltLLL_LL__._L.L _LL..,LL‘LLLLLLiiLLLLLLLLLfiLLLLLLLLLLLi L L ._: L L l L L L t: .L L ; _._-.. L LL...
2 3 t ‘ ' E :1 - I a; .. E t g a; I g , ,
2 g . ' . , l r. -. n . t 2
t -.»—._..Lw_LL-.L: ...—-__» .L...L_. .-t M» H t ~ .-..-_..-“..-...-._~..LL-WL~.-LL-..‘.--..Lrfl_2..-.---WWW—t}2 -.._t'i- ...—.._..- $-19 ‘.‘” ..;. L L i L ,g 2 g ,1 _LL.- _-._.
l . I ‘ l 2 gt 5 a; .2 1, I2 I 2.: i t"
Z l ‘ . t _t .. j i It , h g; ( ii ‘ E . 1‘1 . ”.4,
a w—-—,-i— pm «I .7 r AM~~—,—~-~——~H—:W'L::;T:‘—‘:
I 1 I AUHCII a. copy of billing...........................,...you cox cring this shipinvnt. I I lluvc claim supported ivy oritrinnl bill hiding. or gnnznntce agniust
—v~ -— ‘W' 11'? second pnynwn t, n 150 original or (Ci‘l‘llllt‘tl copy of invoice, puid
I ‘1 I Attach a copy of transfer .......................................conntcting line. I freight. hill. and full cony of your 0 S. & l).
. —"' _‘—_‘. —. "H ' ' .. I " . —. ‘ — . .' ‘ "“““—. '—
I a I 1‘ urnish correct Why—bill rcicrcncc on hills notchcckedhyAirtiitor.II I "‘3 I IllVi‘FIlele ("LS to 1m ndlini.r over your (liVlS‘lOil, Furnish full and
___.._._. _ ..________. w . I. . .1 -. . q» . . - .. ~ - i.
comp LU. :iiil ruoid. ...iy ho“ you ntwnntfor tit
I 4 Furnish the information desired by M1 iii *-—-"——~———*————-—~———~——-————-————
v— ,.. I——;——— W I Adviso yourt'ull loadingr andforwarding,11min with conductor. and
I a ’lnc information dcsucdhus been attached. ‘I ', 34 whore carded to brcul; bull; Show senl record lctwin ' 'our
. II . t t' 9 b 3
# — ___—m— 1‘ I s it 1011.
I 6 Comply with Mr request oi............ — —-—————~———-———~——————-—
h'— Wt ... I Attach copy of delivery PlipCOlll’lBLEng
I 7 Lotthroi in rcply to yours "'J I lino. in whim: our, unto and under What souls dcliycrcd.
o and udvisr‘w—r A .—.._.__._____~____.________
WITIW I 3 I 35'! I Attach u cOpy of O. .3'. or D. roport.
Attach it statement in accordance with 14‘. C. A. Rule No.1. 11—- —— _--~————-———‘
—— ———-————-———————————-——--—II Give complete soul record of car. If our hnd cud doors, state how
I 9 I Authority for S 1% ’h‘llfifluhcd. Collect (lli‘(‘(:[. II 3 ill tliwy worc lustoiicil. Show mairlis,nun1hcrs and impressions on
_.... _ __ M—‘ . . I A—~———*:I souls.
I 10 There 18110.... .. .. “with“ ‘ —f‘~——— W
“,i IT WW I :55 .-\d\'i>'cii you (‘ln'cli owr; if not give soul I‘CCOI‘d. \‘i'as ourcmptii‘d‘?
The proportion due by us is less th-in the minimum 1' N‘ .I_7:.— “___—___-
~7-- — Wfiw—Léwf—i I I ”I llttvoyflllunyiii‘t‘olllll.()1clii‘(‘l{liif;1'0\‘£‘1‘? 11.5211mineyourwurehouse
I 1'7 Collect S . 'Ironiifi .'............. n I ”J and ntlviso ii you arc over the missing lrcighb.
I “ and invite remittance 0r(le’.§fiv . 3 . . W l 7., ‘IwflA—“—~——_~“——‘_—
— —— ~———_—____..‘.:_._._.—___.L._‘I "l Adviseii'yonrocoivod the iroiohtn [KlCOllPitletllrl‘lL'lltCl'111UH???fl'OIIl
t 13 Note Auditor’s Chccl; and advise amountiyo‘n tire 0\'('1‘. .. II a .~’I 10 . consicuw. if you hold rovonuo W211: hill, {1.1.1301} Copy. 11' not
#7777 A ___—WWII I; i I" I", plonso say how tho inonoy wns reported to the Auditor.
I 1'3 Adnse final auditing of wiry-bill, also Show tlivisiOn-‘Of’imy-nuc. .“L'L‘ 7V5; i—v—w———————~—-———~‘—-—__#
“-3 ~ % ‘..—W ‘ H" _.t 4}] I ll nu)" dcluy, :ithisu (::iusc.
I 10 Cmnplcte your check. ‘ I ' r. I #» IL—~-———*———~—~~‘——‘
"WW IT- jl—T—I—W—«t—n . 1 4:3 I \\ initioil’orts have you made. to ohtnin disposition?
J . L Vise in it “might of L. & N. cur. . .. '1 743* .__. irrrr—r‘I—fifirf—q .‘.—WWW“
, .,~_ ‘—.—_‘—_“_—_——“—"2” II .‘ 1"" .I. _45 i Sir: tr‘how Might un‘s arrived at on which clnini lor loss is based.
I 1‘ AHUIOFIZC fer 5 ii» })(‘I‘ statement zitlnchml. i~-~f'+,l ‘T<'*—~-—r~L~—J—‘—r~‘———"‘-———fi~—
_.-, I --—~ A.‘I—.___—__________. I . 3 Not»? llellYi-‘l'P'Ifi'lUVi'fll. Il’qufclniin withdrawn. Return papers for
I 18 Have claimants say how they arrivml at basis for chiini, giving I“ {‘..} ll,“ {5'4 1118. ‘Alluw our rccortls‘t'o close.
. authority for mic and attach copy of quotation. ii tiny. I "'7' 7 ,jT‘ILgvifmfi‘fT‘fi‘
”_I . ._ ___..- . . . ._ ___—.__. _ .., n_ o .. . w your 1. nyg COpi‘lt‘i‘.i.i1‘.’u‘lil:1 cos ot l‘C‘Pflll‘S.
19 Advise corrvt't through rate to apply, Showing hnsis for construct-I ,. W .-— .—+——+—3-‘-—~——~——-—-——-—‘—-
ill}: and divnnng sumo by route shipment moved. I I in I Sizitc iiniurgf-‘lvzlg-ntfund :ippnront cause of dnnch.
——-~- V iW—m ~~~~vI~—-— -*-*——‘—-' —~—£§—“ .‘.—r“. hm
I ”0 Quote thrill authority for lull hiding mic ru .zulvrsintrh I “usinotsucli n.-.cnnfin-_1ei‘usloLI):i.~':.~'(lr-tcc:i(>ii nt trnnsfor ponits?
I ‘ I Liism‘ ior making and dividing snnic liy routc shipiucni. lizinillod g 47 I\_\ :15 our insIICU‘Jfl bcl‘orc 1011f iil5,LL11LllJy\\'1101uY Were. any de-
fl, ”.7 I _cm—W—I I ..(‘l‘lS noticcu. '
I Aili’iso authority for rntc and divisions usml: also [or bill ludiui' 777‘—~ *”‘—‘"‘———“‘_““———-‘-———‘~
I 21 ruin. ISlllHYlllIlltll rifT numlwr nnd (into, or, if LL :‘pccitil quotation II (lilll you account ior (l.1ll‘v{1£f0 hy not? \\'us it from dci‘eotiye roof,
3 ziltncn copy 0t lottcr 01‘tclt:):r:tiii. I "5 door, or 1 mm lvnlintrn of liquids in car?
MW ' "'"l——..”—.~..-—h“’.—_‘“f—’~“—i W #_ “—7—”—_-—.—“W—__——_
I Attach ccriihczite 01_E(‘:il0 “'01L’llt; also stnto if wuy lull shows tllnl II I \\ lltlL- otln-r curs \wrr: hour': londpd n t1 tho mum. time into why-n it.
..., I the cur \VIIEJ‘WCLIIllL‘Ll :lL nny Olin-r point. giviuu Zetntiioihilunl 10 I EMS IW-iélljh) tohlmd 11“? IIH‘SIIIL’ 111411151 1111(1 30 “I‘M INN“?!
~~ I and Sm lie “‘(‘lglllett such paint. 11 possible, explain {my dil‘icr- I Jonilrd‘.’ \\ uni. i‘lli'rl‘irl lich you insulc to locale shortngo
‘ .' . once bi-twecn son 0 weights. WA _v_.‘——*.—__._—____
— ......V I~————~——————.——————.—7 I: Authorize for your proportion nninin: your mileage, revnnuw :1 nd
I ”3 i if our Wi-nrhotl on your linoI 2| (inch you In, certificate on regular form. .’..(J :i mount. you will pny. Our distuncc 1~1nli~,
I - : and my on wimp wnignt, you nro Iircpnrctl to settle. I (llll‘ 1‘I‘\'\‘lll10 55
.4. ,. A fi.___._—__—_—____, ‘._7, . _..... A-!—%————H
. “l I i’lvusic note \ir """""“”“‘III I m I .-‘.uilmri2:o on husis of if C A. 11111030
1 " I ‘u Visc your rrconiinundation :1" to settlement. ‘———-»7A ——~——~——————~—-—-—————
”... ".._’ v——‘——————«%:—————._—_—_——7II m I \iill join in pi-orutc of this clhim,porFroight. (lliilill
. 2.) I i'\l\tl\01'lch01- yourCompnn)"Shcrwntu::t-Irroportion of this cxlwnr’r‘f "‘ I A4111LUSSUINIDilmiwt‘v ““10 3‘30 ‘3; 0U1‘ l't‘VL'UlU‘ was Sm... ~
I all I Plunsc continue im'cstiirntion, authorizingr for account. II I To \\ hom did you mulch. delivery? , D0 5011 hold clunr rocoipi‘.’ [fr-o
*7 "‘_‘——,“%‘7"——~‘_‘T.¥.—‘_‘H—~i'” .'.. ntincli copy, nnd sny if putty SlJIlllllLC sunniis nu :inlhoriwl
I - I Chem: atziunst your records :nlvisnu: if we hnndlnil this husinvs< I '~"' I'vprhsvnlniin;0f CQIIFMW‘O “'Ih‘n was 10% 01' (lflmugc lli‘SL
I ‘..u ' l’lonse‘show cluim nun) our on your Iccortls, to avoid pnyian} (IIIWHVI‘FPIL KIWI Sil)’ 1’: VJ/EW‘MS “'"1‘0 CTHUHIUUI hi" you
I I switching 0n the some cars twice. I!“ "—._"_—.—7———‘~—‘w'”___“
-————- . A——.~—————-—————~—_——-———~————__.. I I hi I churn-h. L &1\ 1LR 937....... " ccount. oi svlf
I . I it tfhc blllplllollls covered by this chum were usml oxclusrvr-lyl- I " I and $ ...“...L'LUL‘LiUllllL of .....,........., totitl 5
25 01' .purposvs, it Will‘ ..-“. WI >A‘ A~————‘v-~—*————-—~—-——-.————
I I be necessary for chiinm (its and yonrsvlf to cr-rtify to tinit oi‘icct I I ,_ I L‘hnz'zc , JIS proportion in tho usunl nuinnor;
___. ~—-— th' 1 "v“ I our inilcnw} is ..,,.N.....,.,.......,........n‘.ilcs. our rovmluo is S.
(‘.hcck nmzinst your rrcords advising if we imndled this business. h .~»—»~‘—-—w~—‘—————————-—~—-———~—
I 29 I attaching smtomcnt oi‘ billing to cover. I j is thr- damn go. of such. a nature .’lS to render tho shipniont worthlhss‘?
~—-‘ .A W' I cc 1:: not. tho snlvuuo of some wvalue? What; disposition wns nutde
I 30 I it shipImont was inspoctotl at your szlthll, take up with inspector I of (11A muL'WI goods.
not sr-curc stntcnicnt us to contents. _v — 7——'———-—~—————————————
—— g——— M I I Aiiyia'r‘ if rmmipiod forms “shipper‘s londnnd count.” Stniocoudi-
I I tit-t from shipper immmlmtc order for disposition ot’ property, nd- ‘ __ tion when roooin-d and it properly stowed. Wore GM‘UDUOIN
I 31 | “suit; him thnt unless promptly removed. it wi lbc sold iorI ”1 oi nny clxnrnctor noimlt Was the freight reciflpmdlfor under
I I freight rind other charges Without further notice I COIICllLlOllr} of uniform bill of hiding, or at. curricrs’ I‘leCT
l r 1" “
H" ._-_#______*__*m ‘ WW”_J____ . '
-__V—wfi—QN—_rv—wi~r ~—~- ‘ —: _V‘_____—~___~w__~___.____—#‘_‘:—m
I (:8 _ . 4 .
, I

 A ‘ Form 157
.1 _ 13 ‘1'} V
3:13:11 1’:—.'.;“'}r§;f“:’x’£345.“ __13'5-‘2'11‘.':‘:TL: , 3:13,. T-_.;. 15“, 19:5.
‘. (.-‘30’1‘. '4 ,.
E" 1 1"" :3. 7;. 113‘»? 91w
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In”??? to. . I. '5 '3'"): '13 “‘. :‘.-;»:--.~,_:'\»,j s it 35347:;—
‘I: T " _3 ax; 71317.5 5:0! .
7 313‘," ‘E "1:"! ~‘ v
- ‘ p. \ 4.
< .".. 1:41:11, , .‘rr L111]:

 D. l—l."7——:.\I.\l—IL.L\'. 11.12 A.nl'1\'. .-\. RECORD OF FREIGHT RECEIVED 90"” 1“ Rem
I CONSIG.§EE ..... .... .. . ... .. "“""'BILL No.’ .. .. . ,. .
' W ska—”Ari. Pnirit ofiishinrrivént, brifi 17.7.71 Car, b5... LinéiReflfi' V ‘ ’BILLING STATION 1 WAY-BILL Car Initials and.
pp g ‘ L
.7. 77 7 7v. ,7_77...-777_-1
i L l
' 1 § 1 l
i l I '
, .._._,.,,,. , .._ ,____W,, . ,_ ,,,_._-. ,.-, .. W ., W, .,.____._...,.--V...,...._... .._3__,___,i,,fivl__.__ .._,__...__
. . .. .. _.-—._fi__—_w___m _-...-.AE~7EE, ,.,._,._,v._.,_I,.E.__. -E. , _ . . . ., ,._. ,.....WVI... , ,
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.. 1, ' L I 1 5 ‘
. . ._ . -.., E.-_..__k..,,.i.,...m .. , . .,.... ..,... . . . ..._.. .. . __I . .,,”-.. .....AWEI... .,,,, .. , . ..
1 . . .L .
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L ‘ l l | 1 L
» .-.. "- '- 2 ' 7 2 : :2 :': : :: :2" WW", 77.E.____ ' 3—79: :7:~:~:7::74'1 IL : 7::7- 22:- }~—-—I"—~— “I ' ".' ,.,,, 4
»- 777.7777. 77.7. 7 777 .7 7. ...—»—__—__ 7.7- 77... 7 , 7 i g i 7 1 3
L 1. l 5 ‘7 1 L
.7777. . 7. _. ..,.,..__ .A.. L .... , 1 '. ‘ ‘ .. . . L ,.
j i l 11 I i
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,,,.,,... .., . ,.,, .,,,.,,.,,..,.. . .. j l,.,.,,..,..,,\ L .., .
l L , 1 .
_ ,. I, ._...... I I . .. . .
-.-—- ' ' E I , L 1 ‘
TOTAL PREPAID a: i f 3 ‘ 1. ' 3
This section of each {reigh‘ bill must b0 kept by Agent, those of each series of pro’!, i. 9., Local, Interline, L
(‘.ompany Material and others.“ any,aeparately and in numerical pro order, for ready reference. All correction: Total,...___.,..__._._.___...., ,, ,, ,, ,
on the above Way-bill subsequent to rendering freight bill must also be made hereon, in red ink, with reference
to date we correction is reported on lhltrflc“ ofWay-billa received. .. _ ,,

 ”BITE-1462.73 , ‘ ' "
\.‘ ...:.} -(FFTBEUF_FR®T [l IM fiGE .
3 : L 3 HI: ’ L ' l9!
' \-\\n i l”\ J ’ ;f' ?T\ i} is: ‘3‘; 5‘ ii,“ 3 D V ii” i if. we r
. 3, 1.3;; a}: mi». - ES I ATION BLANK. 1 _ _- - ..
L. & N. R. R. Co. 01:11:13;ng
' .1 Claimant, .
Nature of Clalm- .
Shipping Pomt ...
Address _
Destination . .
Date of Bill of Lading.....
Dear Sir:
Let me have by return mail, documents referred to, or information requested below. Delay in furnishing same will subject your
Company to penalty under Freight Claim Association Rules.
Yours truly,
' J. F. SEGER, F. C. A.,
Louisville, Ky.
Refer to . . , .. .. . to ...,....W/ B. .. - . . .
Dated . . ., .. ,.,............Shipment,,.........-....Consigned,...-...-..-.._................- . .
and let me have
A i Copy of Billing . . . . .. . .. . ..connecting line.H i G i If inspected at your station take “P With inspector and
3 ‘ i i 1 get full report and description of articles.
_7 ' 3‘ "#MV'V" "A’ 7’ if"""”Wfiifii-WWA"v i .L.. . ;im” M _ 777AA_.._.i.—__—_
i B I Certificate Of scale weight. l ‘ I 3 Reference to percentage sheet used in dividing-.-..-.
" " i " ”"‘”"”"’7”"" ’“’*A“’_"‘i"""" ' 'i#”’ i I .. .. .. ......and show percents of each line.
3 Full record of loading and forwarding, giving train num—‘i . ~ » 7~’ ~ ..,..L..._L_._.. 7* ........_.L -. 7» .. .--.-.
i C ber, date, name of conductor, car initial and number,Ԥ J Final auditing of W] B and memo showing division of
1 3‘ seal record and point car was loaded to break bulk. i‘ 1 revenue between interested carriers,
_ !..’. . . . . . ......W. . L..-_._.. 5 3 __.—W—
i 1: Copy of exception report showing full seal record, car 3 K I’IiYSrg’figuzgyafifioggsigg CfleCISEgaCI)‘:Gig-;efléfigfigiigg1‘
i D number and extent of loss or dammage. Is not 531—} ‘ freight. y g
; vage 0f some value? What disposition was made of= 7 ....._,.7,.L,..i. 7 A
i 2500(1er ‘ 2 L ‘. If any delay advise cause.
I. "‘..,,.L ,, .,. 7 . ., . 7,777,... ".fi,,.L-_.V,i , ... .,,, ,,_.L,~A.5__ ,... 3 i
3 3 ..L. 3 W ,-,-,-L...._,..-__.__..._._____
3 E ' Delivery record to . i 3. M i‘ What efforts have you made to obtain disposition?
" 3 ..-? . .#_ L L. .-.--_LW_LVL 7.,
‘ 3 . _ . . . i. 1 To whom did you make delivery? Do you hold clear
F 3 Anth‘frtty for'blll Of ladlng rate Of ' ' 1 N i receipt? If so, attach copy, and say if party signing
3 3 adv1s1ng tariff number 01‘ 138-515 for constructing rate. 3 3 ‘ same is an authorized representative of consignee.
1) l .. .,. .....,.,. . ....V-._..-..-. . .. ,.-. “_.--..” 5 . - ‘ . . . . . . . .,....-...-v,--,,.
General remarks. . .. . . . . . .. .. .

 I 6M-7-I4—376
\ E3 /
___— Chegk W5 @{ached Claim No._____.L_-
_ “\\.?‘43 ‘ Q33 '
(fl. *§:\F*:\x\ “’.—.,'“: Q’Q {~;.—-j___-WK‘¢J‘—¢~m_mmu
/ \\ \.'/\\. ‘3‘\\”‘ (STAMP HERE) é *“4 D
/ a \\1 1 L...
« {3.1 ‘5) V1; Riff“
EX \\\\:(;\> 7‘<.i{’?f;'~gw’ ‘ . i
~11.» “1 ‘6"
\ - , - ' a
_ $3}..th _‘ ~ '
‘1ng e————
S U S P E N S E.

' »» - .ITZ'll ,/ .I’:,{'"' a!”
,. ”’3 1'93 . ,1 1‘ :_\ I I Lbhlsvflle, Ky,:/;.xl9l.u.
”\i I ‘7 i :l I L. t I I , I » .‘I I IV I i . LI /
III. If: \:\ '..—1 II .'.‘. I ll. . _
l a]. I II ,1 .\ I r, 1:) NEW PLAN lNV‘ESTIGAf . IO 33%ANK.
r ,. .. II i ii 5.x I I; hi. i . / / .
5W {‘.‘} "j. V) II ,1 .1 II ..‘ .»' ~- - - . - 0- alm-..m.;t_ f7... .
., / ,"'“r’ Claimant--/
Mr- “5:..unl....(.1’v\.n:_.““7!".......... ,