xt73bk16mf8w_162 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [132] L&N v. Carey-Reed Company text [132] L&N v. Carey-Reed Company 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_17/Folder_11/69261.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_162 xt73bk16mf8w 5:4-2-44'4-378
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,../J August; 5rd, 1914.
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LE“. 5. c. Loomigl", Jg’int Agent, . v 04¢ 9 //.
Louisvillegfiem raga 6:: Storage Bureau, ‘
Lilli. . 5.3.19, K37. - ' v i .
.:i-i * ,
Dear Sir:- if ' i '
I attaGE-l hereto check and voucher of Carw-Reei Company
. ‘90 cover item of 372.00 demurrage on iii-8c ii. 67891; also (:0va of
their letter ‘50 Judge '.."ilson. 01? July 27th. Judge "Ciilsson advises
thrl'f' he succeeflet‘i in making this: collection without suit.
Judge "Tilson reqres‘lss: that; (Efrabue, Daolan 5;; Cox b9 ad—
vised of the settlement.
Yours try-1y, \
221101. W7
Copy / V
’,7Mrd3difltilson. _

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Lem 115313033. , 13.3? .
Dear Sir:
'V‘ .. “.- ..,.. ...' ”I 7”»— _—. .7, I, 1,.. .- I 4 .I
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.,'I -4......- -,.... .. ..
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11' . I -.....
I.Iery truly :%fljiii‘S,
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 TRA.BUE,1)OOLAXN & (30x ‘.. ~, 2-
} 4 u I W. i. ‘ JOHN (LDOOLAX
Q ‘ ‘ fix EN} f: ‘w if. i“ . xT'l'ILLk '
ROBERT T.CA.LD“'ELL J ‘ ‘ ‘ * ('Oxfi’R-
June 25, 1914.
Demurrage claim 0d $2.00 on L & N
67891 vs. Carey—Reed Company.
Samuel T. Wilson, Esq.,
General Counsel for L. & E.Ry.Co.,
Lexington, Ky.
We hand you herewith the entire file of the Louisville De—
murrsge and Storage Bureau in the above demurrage claim.

We have written Carey—Reed Company in regard to this mat-
ter, but have been unable to make a settlement with them. In fact
we have not even gotten a reply to our letter. v

be presume that it will be agreeable to you as fishersl
Counsel for the L. & E. Ry. Co. to handle the claim from your 3f-
fice. If not kindly refer it to the proper parties with the re-
quest that they take the matter up with the Carey-Reed Company, and
if it is not possible to effect a collection peaceably, kindly enter
suit in the name of the Lexington and Eastern Ry. Co.

Yours truly,
' y en C\i-
SLB/C ng; /¢ »CT ,fl , <%3 ,
, fl /
/fl/K/W W / WW
Copy to J. C. Loomis, Esq.

 / ' / ff // 7” // ' /
I fl/x/ny (w m/ ..,/f/J Kw», Mw [/1 My /fl/M:;K ,/
J ff“? ‘,‘r‘p
Mr. J. C. Loomis,
Joint Agent, Louisville Démurrmfe & Storaia Bureau,
Louisville, Ty.
Dear flit,
Renlvin* to your favor of the End inst. file liéQT n 32.00
(1311321717133 0 3'1 * 279101., vs . C“. ““51 W -
I awreg with $01 that suit should he firmu~ht aqainst this
concern f0? fiha collection a? fihe demurrwéfi, 1% fl 2?? does not 19933?
to be %ny Question Vufi what €33 niaim is just, find if we d3 moi take
thirs‘xotjxmj we wvili ?w1ve ’30Qi531191-'5V0ufl5i9 iii f;h71r:2 goj,Lecfiicnqs.
‘Youvs iralf , (C
h‘/; .
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7“W%%”~§s 1, f i "M éiflillgyléVLL/égfi
2,97. .., ~7. 7 ,7
'.figgv ”aw_ 5, March 50th, 1914.
.‘I-«.‘\j’igérg; ' ‘..
Mr. J. c. Loomis, Jamiegent,
Louisville Demurrage & Storage Bureau,
Houisville, Ky.
Dear Sir:-

Replying to yours of 27th instant, file 11487, $2.00 on
L.& N. 67891 vs. Carey—Reed Company.

I recommended cancellation of this charge for two reasons,
the main one that I believe Mr. Carey's verbal statement to me was
practically true, that the car was not unloaded within the free time
purely because it was taken away: the second reason being, that I do
not believe you could obtain a verdict with the facts you have from any
jury, anfl I feel sure that this $2.00 can not be collected other than'w
suit, if in that way.

Yours truly,
.4 :7; i a \ \ , _ . y,
. ‘ . , . .
Encl. Manager.

 ‘ louisville Eemurrage
. 3.0.L00MIS Louisville. Ky., luiarch 27th, 1914.
sabjeCt: an") ’ n ’ r-lr I '
(ii/£4.00 Un LO (X. 1'10 6759]..
Carey-Reel CCnujparry .
hir- W. A. mellowell,
Manager, L. & E. Ry.,
Lexingt on, Kentucky .
Lear Sir:

I beg to return all correspoademe relative to the above
subject and invite your attention to my investigation with the Agent.

’,I'he consignee claim: tht this car was “.isolaceo 01'; Sept. 2nd,
at 4 p.m. ahd that he volt ed until 0 p.m. who tmtt it had not been re—
placed. Please note the Yard heater says that the ewit chip; crew laid
up at o p.m. or; thie- oate and that this car was replaced "before that

';f'iiere can be no doubt that if the consignee was waiti rig, to
unload the car as he says he was, and it was not returned. until 6 ‘;)-111.,
it was a serious incorwenience to him. At the same time I do not
oeliieve that it would Justify us in canceling two day's. deuurrztge. 1
Deg to quote you the following: interpretation of the Ameri can iiailwny
i’iebociation in a case similar to this:

Interpretation Lo . 868.

“Qucrti on ——\‘fi";1nt F‘llOl‘a-R‘JTCE? Should me made where crrs :1 rc tar-mm

exigent» from an industry while one road. delivers oars to nnoth er?

AY:$V‘J€I‘---——[\S this: is the fault of the carrier, time should

be allowed equal to the time the cars are away from the industry."

‘.'Jhile the case we huve is not exactly like the one decided by
the A.R.A., nevertheless you wi 11 observe the “principle is established
that when cat‘s are withdrawn. so that :a consignee cannot continue the
work of unloading, we are 0:11; to {allow him such a length of " ‘.me that
the car is out of place. This is the rule that we are obligated to
follow am although I apol‘eciz—ete that in some cases it may not be
exact}; justice, still I cannot thizl-c that in this case the consigne
justified in .ioldih, the UT two days longer Just oecmise we die-
placed it fo r a Short time. Followi mg the rule laid down by the A.R.A.
ii’ we deduct the time the cairn-.515 out of ,lace, the free time was still
e;-.ceedcu a nag {mo a fraction for whi ch $32.00 Would. be due. In vi ew

Cf this explanation do you not think that we should insist upon the
entire amount? 3.;; experience with these parties on of" her lines
,.eriicates that theu.» are inclined to be very contentious and exacting.
Yours very truly,
| “,1? 1',-A
4 " “?i’vki‘kr'jfl/M

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 fig ,ouisville Eemurrage
___—..__.— ._.______ ._
. __ EA £—
J. o. LOOMIS Louxsvxlle, Ky., 1.53431; .1231“, .11) .14 .
.1 or,
m youa REPLY REFER 1‘0 DATE AND FILE i140 / ‘
Sub;ect:i,p;1.UU 0:41” ;4, 07139].- i
1 Vi’
Liar (By—118 cu C 01.1.gany.
- Mr. J. :.‘. 51,0119,
{1113,44 v 1 ;5' 2‘
.‘!)”; . ._1t .1.: ,Lv ‘.Lo‘
Lexi ;.7 Lua, LAC-'.'; .
, burr iiil‘;
. I 1M"); to hulli _,"Iu margam entire: 1‘1 1C Imisativc 101316
:z‘tgcve :‘yunijcct.
1;; 1113 nLchm Rite"? 1 Lovciém‘imr 7113'}, 117'. IJO'Lg' 1..1-«its 1.43
'L; L311 (.‘?1' 137:; (ML galx :14an um hmm. I (i0 110*; £311"?! 1318:? he
0111.1:‘19491. min _i ;1‘1':>1'...:>t:i.n ':1. “Wu ‘.‘ijLl 15cm: §’~O‘C'(“V'.T‘, tint :er 1,'sz letter
' a?! 1._:_L‘cr’1 ‘J'L‘u ‘Lu 114:).jr,iC"\,/I".1,lI Min: 2: p; ridiexz cJJ-xid. Limit. the c: 1.5215?
pulhm nut aft 47 .111. A111: MILL L110 men \wztiLek; until ’13 p.111. :11.-‘.‘ 1,1/tut
it Um 1,101., ._,-(31;, :':?1AJ41‘31LKL. 4
11‘ ii i: qo‘avtlj uh, I will CH!) grgiraa L()}1;:VC gm {giro 1:16- the
Own-Z, :’.“cts; 0:. L0 ”31.1171 120:1 the: CHI \‘.m; :.ijSQVFm-‘L: mm 1.110;: if. 11725.:
3"!1‘—‘~'1‘437"~--~ 1310 Git: pull it out 1211; 111:7};27 1310;” wait, tini ‘.‘xm‘ 12:12:11.;igtu
"I ,, ..- A ' " .., , .- -. ' ‘,_.:" .‘ ..'“,
'1x4iv H11 1L “.VOUV'L“1‘51:qu w.) L."t-;u., «ml, 1 cuhlifi‘t L‘€'€3 1.19.31 11 \Qtv'_(u U‘qullj/
if: ..1‘1‘23 1.; .7 ' «Ole; LL‘; 1 1r {1:13. P1101 1: 1':-,‘"‘L.11:.f11§ill prfwl‘éy: gill ":.jl‘
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a ; / z‘
:1.; 7M1” 'g' 1 “a? J?‘ _
5i f «:4 March 10th, 1914-.
r ' 34% 9e :5
hr.J.C.Loomis, ‘qrfi-gggentff
Lenisville Demurrxgefigfstorage Bureau,
Louisville, Ky.
Dear Sir:—

Referring to yours of 2nd instant, 10104, IN RE $2.00 demur—
rage on L&N. ear 67891 vs. Carey—Reed Company.

I have taken the matter up with this Company and Ifiu _Carey _
explained the situation to me verbally and afterwards wrote me the
enclosed letter, on the strength or which, and from my knowledge of
the situation from other sources, I would recommend that this charge
be cancelled.

I return herewith all papers.

Yours truly,
, .3 ‘5 . ., ’ I' ’M/ .
Bncl. Manager.

LEXINGTON. KY.. Tiara-171. 9, 191.4.
'.‘ . ‘1, . 77217011 911 ,
"{1}". 7'. 111.371; '11. .'7. ","O.,
, “.1131.

Tear Sir;

"?e__r1].;=inrt to 11701137131 of “arch 31, 197/11, to (:::-..1"
Servinf on “‘.. '7. 67891, 5251511211. 1.0 2:.;: 1.11:}. 1.'*1‘.1.1:'11‘.1, 3211.11.17
1:10:11 frmixht (5.54.1111. , :111111 ”.1“ "1'0*.1.y, the 1.91321}. (7.1;:- 211c :.:_:<‘1;:1“1?2,
are 1243:3112)" *1 01:11 1311272121021 :17-1d 2172M for 1':‘3"1.1:aingf 171:1;3'111e111.

“.‘111': 1‘1a,1_1*,.:.a 1.51 (1:21:16: 11,111.:- ::1.-; 1701:1112? ‘.', FIE-397
lauded. 1:1-.11: stem? 11.: :1.; giants-d "my ;.1.‘1t'1" :;:/1:71.119. 011. 531.11. 111.0. 291.11, at
Z1 T“. The 7.0mm "1.1.7111 1311. 131717123 1:51.17 5e11’11111111f: €17.21. 1‘10. 2nd {‘".21I‘1701'
"71:1; 11.211131 :“'1..1.11.-1.;:.=.;_-,1 .1..11fi1.11"11<7:173.11;:-.'.': e ‘1':11;<*:1.11 1.‘-7.7].(111111rzsf titis car, 2-111
'.'"111'9 £1651, 1:123 {Si}? 13.11:. 2210'. 12.11.11 :1.* 4 '11.:7111 ‘1'}:51 emf'1013‘17
_f"’1:7~§;-:f}=r1(‘1,_ 1.7":1‘11231. 11111" 1212.11".112 117711-13 7'11. (1‘11. '. 51.17: 1.31:1} (:::T' 175113.11 '
7219;711:3961 12.111111 :1' 7.1013, 7.1.113 111:: .1151 7 :1‘7211151111211 1.11.111. 111.131.
"71111: 1715211 :1. 1.911 11121711 1? '9. ., 1 *Ewn 1.11311". ‘.";01218. ‘ e 171.1111 17.0
7:13:17: (2111' 1:11:21 ‘1'115111;tir1.:i 14:11:19. ""8 learned 1.1113 3172:2372: (.1117: 5717112". 1.1113
cm: 1101.. 7117.11.11“: {.11111111122': 7:11:11: 1.1112 :11-11:12:21: 11(17fJe "12 sent
17117211 *.1'; 313111.“: ‘112111,1:1C1:111: m1 Tiff; 1:11.. 111.78..

‘”‘211258 :::-.1’,- 5121:1:;":.,:1:1‘15*3j21.1.13; "the ’1":.=.1-t:3 11110037111111.“ "3.1.1 01271"
111117103711: “is: 11.12.711.11? "5112.11.31 "1371711752 the V1-19 1.511,.1‘1'11111311 to 2712111111711,
the car "171113 M1731? 311"";9177210011. 171:1; 1:':.-,1-1e:7.17713)f:c;;1 03713131712 (1..-7:11:19. 1"1‘17' 11' 1.1.1
17:1,: *1: the {“111 ‘15::1 “"efiwzfi 1’.‘:1211‘1 1'0 61:1".13111101121833. :;. Tire.

1171 View 111‘ "the: facts: it 11.10111d. seem 17121::Lsm1n119 to
'1'11'11111711'3 1:?1:.:*. ".11? 0:11? 1.011151 'E’BF.‘1’E1‘: '.1'71'1131'1 1711:171.,r::,1.:-_:1‘:1’1 11611111: 1*.1’112 free
"1,311.9, 17712.11 "1:12‘11. 9:117:7152 1,71-1‘1:7":"-':1‘<1"1‘ 1:171: 0:117 11.711.11.111 :1.. :_71‘1r.:r:sm1:="le $17112...
1‘12 {1‘1 27721, 11.1: ‘ .1‘5171" 1211:”: .1731 1:11:17. 1171511. 1,311,171.11v'a1z'13
17112; 17-:1211111211317,“ ' .

"er: 2517151431 71711118,
r 1 . ’.I ' ' ..’ '/ " /'

 -//////7////m// ///////// m //’/// //////my
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“ .,,/”Hyg/flcfl/T 6’74“.“ (,1./[772, / /,- , //’
4 ,1 /.
/ (.
March 5rd, 1914.
ar.J.C.Loomis, Joint Agent, _ V ;f {def g” f3
Louisville Demurrsge & Storage bureau,_ ’ r' ' iJ '
. Louisville, Kyw fls"”
Dear Sirz~ if!
a“ N
Yours of End if file 1%? 1:: RE tssoo demurrsge on
L.& N. 67891, vs. Carey R ed Company, together with attached papers
has been received,snd I will take this matter up with them immediately
and see if I can affect a settlement, advising you the result later. ~
Yours truly,
”V‘. . fit“- A 4" v, A _ t i . T
{g \i n ;g‘( 5,“! “I a! _ ’.; 21:3,“..VFEr. ‘ ‘- a; y
' 3 'g f .::” s .5' Ni fifth“: .,,

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 O Q .
iLomsmlle Eemurrage
. anb Storage :{Bureau
J. c. LOOMIS Louisville, Ky., I: I I I V’ ‘I L”
IN voun REPLY REFER To DATE AND nu: 7',,1},;__n,',‘j.b
Subject: ,
, :13-"m :;:» - 561.,
» » '3::: A, ,. '3".

 ‘K . _louisv’iu‘ewmemurrage ' '
. . ’ '__\5:11;}::mfll»).gtorage jBureau ' if;
. ”D" @fifi} f_ ,
,%:”WW“ WW"%%3 ‘
: MM (a '
\ » W
wmfimfl ~ - ~
: WmAw fiwo :. Wm‘o 1m
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GE: Tm; 1% mm \ ~ I VOL“, FL
mm W“ (MM/M m WWW
, 9‘24? 61% M; -W m «HM 94w» .
W” WM mafia 38mm

 ‘ /V / . . ,// . /: t/ . ,/,/) ./ 7/
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 No. 2. _. . .
w w I, v w . V . ‘ a
‘ . . i .191 . .
.’ LL" 7 L .;I‘V ‘ — '.r r .V 0
~ 0 ' ix. E., D?"
‘ _ , ' For Demurrage as per statement below: '
CAR N.. . INITXAL . CONTENTS ‘ , .v; , J , , " V ., , fl .. A ,_ .., Lharges
Date ‘ Hour 1 Date } Hour ' Date 1 Hour Date ‘i’four Daze \ Hour ‘ Date ' “our
1 . ~ "w . is--- . ~ 7 l--, l-.-.. 1 -—-
. 2 ‘ V. ' 1 ‘ ' l ..
. : .' 5 i J ‘ ‘ i l ‘
RECEIVED, 191 ‘ Dollars in full Payment of the
above account.
,.., ,,,, , , . l. . ”All", Agent

.. . , . . ,,,, / .
' '67:, ‘57., l [’3 ['1: .
, 2:7“ 71 L _“,
a] '” -, -“, . "_, .".., ',-",C .', , .., > .,- ‘ .f‘i"
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 ~ iLouisviIIe Eemurrage
~ . @ Etc/gage 3511mm
subjeégsym fix MM / 'iWW/ ‘3)»
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C} W 0 §<§§T.‘3