xt73bk16mf8w_180 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [150] J.L. Cox v. Baltimore & Ohio, etc., Wolfe Justice Court text [150] J.L. Cox v. Baltimore & Ohio, etc., Wolfe Justice Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_19/Folder_6/69880.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_180 xt73bk16mf8w I l '1 I _ » ‘C. I '; ”Eavemfior 19, ZQIA. . ‘-" f
I ' John D. Atkinson,& Son, Attorneys at-Piaw, , ' . I II x I f p :
I , . : Gontlemen:-I ' " j. . ,' ‘ , . ,‘ . 7 ,
.I‘- ' . Replying to your letter of tho lgth instant, with _
I . " enclosures, in raforence to suit of J.A.Coz V, L & H, B & 0,,
' and firC.Ry;Co., I think you shoulé take'tho position that the 1
"p ’ ‘_I Louisville & Kaohville fiailroad CompaHQIGO nomino,has no prop~
, ‘- arty of any kind or character in Talia Counfiy suojcot to exe—
M I 1‘ -, ‘. . ' . 1 -
. cution ané, hence, that fine flKBGHthH lSSUfid is woolly inef-
' ~’ factivo and should be roturnoé'by'th: officer "Ho yroporty '
. .- - fauna." -’ _ - t , ' ‘ I ‘
I‘ - I I As you know, there has been unavoidable flelay in ’ I
I‘I‘ the issuing of a voucher to satisfy this inflament ané the ' _
. ‘ . ' peeple who are manifesting so much impatience ought to be
. , 5 giVan to undorstoné that all of tho tsoublo they are making
, » will not expedite by a single fiay-tho payment of the judg—
’ won't I‘ecm'eroé .' ' L '
. , Of course, if bgfore,tho vouokor is delivered the?_ '»
- make any real effort to levy” %.n&. my property not the at
' 'pronerty oi the L & H, the only recourse loft us will be to
I institute injunction orooeodings to restrain any such levy ) ,‘
, , anfl sale. ‘ . - " ‘ ‘ ,
- ' ' ' For the present, I will retain the enclosures aooom—} .
, - ~ panying your letter but would like you to_advise the offioér ;
1 Who lovioé or attempted to levy the Execution that he is acte’x
\ ing in violation of the law onfi may subject himself to penal \
', consequences. , _ I '
I 1' - ' Very truly yourS, ' II 9
'SEW/a ‘ I - i I 1%
- I , , - ' ' I _. I ‘0. I
v . 1 II , ' Counsel. ,

‘ \
\ , 0: . (,.. (e
. / J. LCZl/[iét’7’l/407Z /4 .,/072
‘ g/ ~
( 2 _ /?
-/[(wz[o7z, ///2/.
NOvzfith Ifiid.
21111. 33.111110]. M. Wilson, 7 L r
;/-\.WJ// ’,%
K entw icky .
Dear Sir:

I sza «221010511115; p letter from sggysnt Smith a”! 'I‘orre'ant, also
r;n_..-3‘:-y of execution,from. Justine aliens Court in ‘.'-’03.?s, in the
J.L.(‘.o>< action. What would you suggest to be done. in the

Yours +,3_~1_11v_ .__ «
., I; ; /{- l}%fiy-—/ V
/4 pm ik/mwww

 EXECUTION FOR DEBT. Printed and Sold by Paragon Printing Works, Beaver Dam, Ky. /
The Commonwealth of Kentucky, "
, We command you that of the Personal estate 0 LL// 0;” '1‘/z kaéw {45C 7;. ’7! ”if“ 3Z1
(it/"”6 fife/fizzy” (7! t/Crfl [grit 7/4 ,C/ Ki? (37,021?“ /
you cause to be madjl j‘ £0 Dollars
and 7%; Cents, whichjflfflei [Mzgfl4Ltf [.1 W24 ,.1, {1.,-::’ 7K fii/ 11’ ‘ ‘
. . , . . . , . H , ,, late in our '
7‘ ‘5‘/[fl (j. 1" L7‘ 5 .C . W Court, recovered a.gainstj7{‘ ” ‘ for ,
debt, with interest thereon at the rate of six per cent. per annum from the / I 11% .
day ofjjl/d/fléil ,.,. . . ., . ..... 19161 until paid; also $ . ,’,” 14940 ,. for costs
herein expended, whereof the said Defendants , ’ 1" convicted, as appears to us
of record; and that you have the said sums of money before the Judge of said Court
on, " , .. / next, to render unto the said plaintiff the debt,
interest, and costs aforesaid, and have then and there this lurit.
Given under my hand, as Judge of said Court'thisuti ’// $101470; 7:? J71 191s
7 ' /e/~ , Jiid‘ge.
By ’ Clerk-

 7’ x (D
9121 ,z j 4?
'— ,r'r ~’; (I
{‘1sz N j 0» “:'—77‘??—
‘ Plaintiff,
‘ against
”44/? ~’~ -
Judy ’1 flj1V,Tmm, 1.0]..."1éé’u
(7mm (0 hand .‘.”.............d(1'_lj of..
1.01”... (It .0 ’clrock _..."...M.

 ' FORM 30.
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, 5 ., 55" fig”? 4,7575, 55. ,,,x [‘,;/E“ ,. 5 5 , WW,
. 5 5 55 5 im".'.—.”:3 ._'5 ,4," W__: .’fl-WM f“'—L5_ Wigs" :::“; "1:,; M .
, flit/”754:3 /LW/X , 5 5:1,»? éfifl/ fl; :’WW W,W_
,, 5,.}, .'5 “A k 17",, ”1:;— / 55. :55,” ,5“. , .-L
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$557279 MI :»: 71m.) 5, :.5 , W5; xii", _' .5, W- r’“ L:.; fl” 5.
MK % .1'/l ,, WA.“ 2‘" G “I g 1“}; Zn
, ‘:””:ng m ‘:‘-it“! V '_‘.rg':i *JLT L W > "iii! “,.4: .“' Ex :;;I// 5 _.I' ’:‘-if eff, r L m—
w , 5 '1 .:I 52:”
A») [:'./'.2 A - _ r a 51 r W 7 ( L/ i?”
,, , , , , W . ' . W 5 ‘ 5L /W _W1[ 1‘2, ,('__’ rfi/ 5 {’,,M—‘W/ 55
;‘r:::‘ '7 ‘5 ’;:!
2‘ J 19"” 1

 7“ » l. "n1 , '1': :~
LiOVe-‘nnhef _LJ., 173.151..
(1. 3:" 7io<>rvqsri, -:sc;.,
. a ,L T‘. - ..!. a, ,._‘_ .'_ “ .-~, ’ j' -' fl
:‘f.:‘j?fLr- ...'lsbn ."LU 113—u, ..J»: (I; .V.. .‘.o ,. Q My,
i ,, .,i ,W
.'.-5.) 11.1. 531:}. .L_}. ‘3, ..Lv‘f -
Deer sir:-
Gomplying with yeti wire I: ihis date, I herewith.hsnd you
._ . .. "" , J. n”. ‘ (”My :- w «.- n, e “.7 - _- 1,-1 n
your emo. oi tent. c5, 1 ll, ind i. Labcris nil: in one case or John
T' I" 1 ‘ ii ;,\ "‘ f “v”? u.‘ 47'“ r34“; 43'! :3 1’“ r T—w-f'
.:Js ‘JOX f. 1.5. a; .'.il $.11 . Unit: win-u...sz . wt) -L_L an
" .- ~ .'. ...»411‘ - ~ .... —~.-~«
'- C‘J. LuL '.i .E-,L‘y : U y..; b,
,,, .
{1 All” 0 a

 FORM 1—Revised July, 1909
. gifissage; whichtilrebnppnreutlihunuefesslziri', ofr thatdmziultd ge sent tbyd‘l‘x~::i11f.’ng‘ail, willtbc tratpsmitted and
. . t . . r. t. . _
TELEGRAM “we pm" y “ °°p‘%5eeri’1i”ss§vénd éefiéfial’mina‘écripéiéé‘ufi‘r{$3. 1’01. “WWW” “mm” TELEGRAM
‘ 21'7“ l”: 1':-_‘7 _1,Av;:‘)}'2:-.".(
. . I.. ,I- .
‘ ,L.; .E. 'L/ 1 2.1.13:
, 2
;‘a '2’/'11.:591':
Yaw“ .21. ,:i .L-Izilz'l T. Cvx case I":‘:‘i\).l“.’“; arm'.e..‘.,r.~52.;mg..-; at 4:31 to my
Inc’ngn‘ Lam 2:22,- ;luu glam-LL 3.4349711, faint 5.52m (n+5; :’iegv‘crs f‘ilc‘ if _._luu harm
21,, 2c: :31-.:' ;:,i_.'::ii:::‘ Lemagram to John :2 252:1r2 am non,
C i. ;‘LQLJIYIA-iz‘
17M // N/y

~ I.Iov'cmbzr ’:I, TLC-141.
John I", .’.‘tkinson 5’; Son, ;‘.ttornojs 51%; 13:12:,
811‘an 13.1- 2.1, 3;? a
Gr; .1': lcmen: -
I 511:3711'10'1371x-flge 33:21:11: 13. 3211.23.23 0:13" "the 6th instant,
with 03101 0511137053 in ;.‘ef:~::2r<::nc 13 332.310 0;:j1‘1L1::1'L."L;1-Y to 11.7..‘Laion 113-
531.1161 1:01.51 fact-1139‘s; Court of 11911613 County in the 133.5%:- of 3.5..
13:12: v. 3’.. ;“; 1‘.." .7. ”.~'; 01.3.,9’50. Z .'.‘-.:1 '1.-12:01:313L'3r you: 1171:1131“, '.;ith the}.11'-."';‘13'053, to the 1121132:”1i'1."1.‘.‘Lr;2 =3..1;‘;i7;‘:.ce :fC-r: afitenfiicn.
113.-.-.. Y. .'71. .,, -
’1:.pr 11:11.11; 3012.133,
1‘.}; 275/531

 p ' ' , 9‘
"w ' fiovember 9, 1914. ‘ _ I i
6. Ho Moorman, Esq., ' ' t 3
', ‘ Asst. Dist. Atty.,L & E R R Co., ‘ f
Louisville,Ky. - _
. ' Dear Sir:— ‘ .
> _ Harewith, please note copy of a letter of the 6th instQ, I ,
‘ from John I. Atkinson, of Stantan, with the attached letter 0f the
‘ 4tfl inst., frog fir. Hcwaell to Hr. Atkineon, anfi the.&ttachod note,
- 3 from. A. T. Combs, _Shcrii'f of '.:;olfe Cougqtggr,'a11 in réference to '
J execntion in the case of the fiheriff of Wolfe County for $37.70 .
t 'in favor of Jth L. Cox against the L & H. . . V
' ‘ You may remember that a copy of Jufigment ané Réfiort bf '
I Jufigment and cbsts in this case was sent in some weeks ago; but.
' ,1 upon ydur Suggestisn that the attornéys fee ought not t0 he taxeé
against the L & N, I took this matter up with John D. fltkinson &
. ‘ Son, with the result exalained in their letter herewith enclosed.
~f Sinde Mr. Atkinson recommenfis it, I incline to think ,
tpat the claim ought to be paid, ingluding the item taxed ES V .
’ _ an attorneys’ feea‘ Please return the enqiasures as soon as yqu .A ,
are through with them. ‘ , ‘
' t ' Very truly youxs, t
Enca. ‘ . V ,
' ‘ “2:1/a " ' ' t . '
" Counsel. - .
. , . _

. _ ,» )L’ “ . (1‘ ( y
\. _, / ff LQWAM'ZAML /’ -/o7z
- . a “”'1 lgkzllnyew
. a" ‘ . K
.1 4; l/jfff “Ahtfiib7hc/€?H
_» \ r
‘ Nov. 6th. 19:4.
Hon. Samuel H. Wilson
,, / I
”1101) ” 4'
Lexington, , // 4/
K entuoky .
Dear Sir:
I am enclosing you Report of prooeoduro in the case of
Posella Everman vs. L.&.E.Rw'y. Co. in the Quarterly court, Nev.
I also hand you letter from hr. McDowell and notice of the
Sheriff of Wolfe County of Execution in his hands in tho 0330
of J. L. Cox vs. L.&.N.H.R.CO.F9, in the justices court of
Wolfe County. You will remember that-g sent you report
of‘judgemont and costs in this case entorod the 12th of Sept.
and you suggested the taxation of attourney fee for corres—
pondi ng was evidently for the D.&.O Rw’y. CO and should not
be taxed against us, I took the matter up with Allen but he
refuses to make the correction. I think it is best for
;us to pay this or the matter is a joint judgment and one of the
i «.'.../win. ~,. :- .'...-;z-g-«lxv- ‘ v, ~~““ '.‘
§ parties would be as much responsible for the whole as any part
¥ of the Plffs. costs.
Yours truly.
.y ,
/ ,

 . t ‘ ' ' . .j/Iééfl fig“ Oetober'2,I1914.I' _ LI 3
Lheers; John D. Atkinson & Son,' i ‘t _ - j; j. ‘ 4
' I ' Attorneys at law, I _ ‘ I -I' . ' _ '_ . II. t 't
. Stefiton,Ky. , _ I I ’ , ‘ » ' . 4. .V .
- 4 f Gentlemen:~ ' ' ‘ t . 7 . I t Likyor
.4 _ ’ Referring to oese‘of J :4 00:: v. L 54 min Wolfe Justice's , I .
I ' _ Court;,in union you ronflereu oopy of Judgment for 525.00 recovered at»
' the September Term 1914, of this Court, and eoete amounting in the
aggregote to $8.35, I forwarded the copy of Jufigment,ete. and et~
‘ tucked file to the Aseistent District ittorney, at Louisville” withI'
~-' request that voucher might ieene'in paymentaI Included in the bill
4s ‘of seats is an item of $5.00 for correeponaing attorney's feet IHr.
.Moorman writes that‘he doee not understene this-item, intimating ’
, that it ought not to be chargeable to_the Lr& H. ‘ . 'fi ’
' 4 ' Eran the copy of Juogment, it eypeers that this was a ’ - “
lieuit‘brought against the L e E, Hountein Central Ry.Co. enfi theI, l» I
I. BI& G Ry.Geo, and I presume that e “orreSponeing Attornewaae eye
‘ I pointefi in the oaee for the E & é.'3ls it not true, neverthelees, that
' 4this item of_eosts shoul&_hsve oeenfpaidxin the first instence by the
‘ inlaintiff end then reooverefi, it poseihle, of the B‘& O and not I"‘ .
4 ehnrgeé fie start of the coets/egainst fine 3 e H?» « tiy
‘ It really seemsIto me that thereucan be no serious die-  
, . . . »
- pate on this proposition one, if so, oroeuree the item 0f fiSiOO .2 II
shoula he etrieken from the bill of costs as against the L & H. I?!
. * I retain‘the tapers untilwl can hear from you regarfiing this 'I
particular item, Which‘I am satisfied should be charged off” ‘ I '
i I _ Kindly take~up with Magistrate WVE Allen and advise mé~ it?
, V l as seen es possible enfi oblige, 7 3 . '. ..; ,
' ’ 4 1‘ » - Yours trul Counsel» i

 ,» V ‘ " . ‘ ‘ f ‘ ‘ I. ' Sepfiembér.é8, 1§i4,' ';  iiii
“ c.35moorfian,38q., I I ;‘ ,_J- ‘ ‘.' _ f 
Asst-a :Dig'to $1333.36 ('30 H. I: E‘: 000,, > ' ' ‘ . 4 . ‘
. Lauisvilla,Ky. '  . , ‘ { . ' - I A ’ 
‘ Léar Sirzo . ‘ V I v > . ‘ C V’ . ‘I.
‘ ; 7' Herewifih nets copy of a lefitarlof.the lefih instant from ' ;.f
John D. Afikinson & Son'in reference to Jufigment ifi_the case of   ': 
j J. Lo Cox v. 3 & N in Wolfe Justice's Court. - ' V I . ' 
. Pleage handle in the usual way aha také snag aétion ' 7
as may seem proper in reference to aégustment between the L &;H
. and the bouthern and oblige,   V 7 . ' K
, ' ~ ’ ‘ Yours trulyk ‘, : I ‘
w ‘ Ens. »- V ) ~ V -
sags/a - A ‘ , ‘
I I   I Counéel. - ‘

‘ 1 1' C", /l . /' (i ‘j ""‘
. / J. LQ/f/cwwmz. 7* -/072 / , «the
_/ . (ll/Lye? /
/// f} . /a/
. / a/antbvai/5y.
\ / (
* a/, Sept.12th I914,
Sam'”. M. Wilson Esq.
(“‘ ' a , 4
Atty. L.&.E. Rw'y. Co. :u37fivt xe- “19"
K cnt1 Icky .
Dear Sir: I am enclosing you report of judgment of J.L. Cox
vs. L.&.H. &o. in Wolfe justice court, and also al the papers
I have in the matter, the claim on which this judgement is
rendered contains a claim for over~charge and it seems that
the record shows an overcharge by the Southern, admitted to be
$2.05 . The record would also show that the damage all oc—
curred before the goods reached our line, as is shown by tho
cheched up bills, but you know a justice court of course, and
hie judgement goes against the whole push.
Very truly. ,
f ,

‘“ a}? 53% LQQQ%&bonaz 7’.-£2372
c-(ZKII (Cy e20
/ Aug. 118th, 1914,
_.‘ 31 Sam'l. M. Wilson Esq.
Atty. L.&.E.Rw'v. Co.
Lexington Ky.
Dear Sir:
At last I am enclosing'to you the copy of statement of

////?iéf. in the suit in Compton Police Court of Cable &. Drake

/9/ vs. L.&.H.R.R.Co. &c.you already have the Docket report and re—
port of proceedings.

; I must aoknowelege reoiept of your favor of to day in re—

; gard to the suit in the Wolfe Justices Court of J.L. 602 vs.

é; L.&.E.Rw'y. CO. &e. together with letter of W.A.Me. and the copy

i of way billt I notice your suggestions and shall try to follow

2 them, I should like to have all the information that the office

it can after; me oh this case, it is assigned for Sertfigth. . ~

- ‘ ’flWLfl am enclosing you oheek of sheriff for $14.05 cost collect—
2;////1;i in case of T.J.Ponder vs. L.&.E.RWT;:CO. Please aeknowlege
[ receipt of same and oblige, ’
Yours truly, /_ ‘_ z /

 '-,' 1 . _ August 1?, 1914. ” .
3. he Atkinson a Fen, attys., ‘ 1 -
, Stanton, Eye ' 1 t 1 _ . ,
. Gentlsaen:n _ 1 } . z . ‘
, -;‘ In suit in Wolfe Justice’s Chart of J. E; Cox vs. 3.1% 0,,
' ‘ . 3 , _‘,,
‘L. £1Ko anfi hfiuntaiu Central, please note enclosed easy of letter sf the
-1 _ , a. m :7“ my “:3 N 1 , ' ._., V ..‘? 1. ' .,l, .‘- ..': . _. ‘ - 1 . 1
15th ins :3.. .;mm .3:; . 03011 , fig; . OJ. I.- a 53;: - .:er , and the at taeheu {331335; of
. I,
'1 .... ‘- r" :1. u -,‘9 .~ _ ‘r 1.1,, " r, ,.. -' .. 1 1 . -,..{I . . '1» . - rw . -
‘ _ £83; 3.2.11 -s;-{~327 e 3 am dbniil’lfif .14.: l lid‘pDraeli ts .;1aadl e _L tn the ,. outhern -
.9 .r- .. - .~. - -..e ..L - ' .:. , ., ,.- ,r l. r , - , .._.,. ... r in . '
1%.. Cox. , L91. nether iALLOTIn€3.L-103iu Else the mg, eat 1;: L. tempt 01.1. JIMLG; clan,
’ ii“ “2211c? beeches urgent . ' - . . ‘
’ TY —.- -a- J- n. '7 n -v o ' .
I , J’ (3.:.‘3‘ b .4215}. L‘T (3,": :11???’ V
1 (glue . 3 ‘ ' Gomasel. ‘
. l “ V ‘ *. V
f ._ ,
/ » l
‘ v in ' . ‘ .
( ~ . ' “T\>

 ' > P . _ , . ‘ I V
i 1 ' ; I e , , ,
' ‘. _ . ‘ gamgmst 1?, 3.914. - 1
. ' $3.: A. 1213130155611, Eigm‘s, T , _ ‘ I
' ‘ : 35327121527303, 1&7}, ' V , ' - «
'.‘3-3::: S132~ ' , ‘ V
107.11% 0:. ‘ihfi-‘ij‘j'bh .7231. re 5. 1. Cox vs. 3. 3 0., 839% 15.2 Jug-3.:.
138‘s w.., 0:3? :'folzfssz Wm, “rm 1391470395. “and 9f 1'3/33 5‘27. reggiamg and
refar’reé 51:0 J. lin 1.13.1 532032, :3:.3‘; 1,411,011. ".3111 2,7015: Q0th¥ldl£ 'fim‘r‘bher
vi 1::: “the Gwyn“ 13.37., 511:). its: 1le: infowneatiozz :2:; to this 33113333212113?» :
’ ‘ ‘.;}. ragjmrt 1’ 311 933119313‘eenvenfiime will fie :wpreciataé. ' ‘
- 15531237 33121;! :,“311‘1‘8, ' 7‘ L
\ >
. . r ,_ ‘3
I ’ - . ‘
. \ . \ ,
‘ V . ‘ ,
‘ u

 o , ' . - (COPY), I . A . »
H 3‘, ‘ ‘ ' . Lexington, Ky, August 15th, 1.914.. ‘
V in. s. KL. Wilson, ' - 3 ' i '
3 Trust Comyany Blag., ’ ,3
City. . ' ‘ . '
' Dear_sir:— . . - I I . ‘ V
“ l L, ’ Your letter August 6th enclosing copy of Petition in the a
' I ease :of .J. L. Cox vs. B. a: 0., I e. In, and Iaicuntain Central. I,
f . I There is attached hereto a copy of Lexington to Campbon Junction
‘yfi/B 527, dateé July 14th, showing the shipment‘checkefl at Csflpton Juno-
"ltion,zwith glass bKOken when receiVBu from the Southern Railway; also,' '
ffy~lcheched one bundle bedding instesi'of bundle Iniric'orS,.511“1 checks over
_ . one ohiffonier. ' }_' l . '
f5 I ” h' - , 'Yours truly, 3‘ '
' I, 1 a I ,’ WI~As McDowell, 3., ‘ _
' , 'Vf ‘ Managers -
‘ (E1101h,) ,. ' Q, ‘ ' H ' . .
b/e , ‘ ‘ ..
,. ‘ "I V ‘ _ _ _ .
. , ' I. V ' ‘ ‘ U

 5 y4—44 66
. .4 /" "7
.i .f// / ' N [/17 , 4:6?) 27// ~7/(
'"' ~ ' l / u, ,f / /7 y // /, V,«4(/
. -Ai/z/y/(I/ . (141/ //////://W !. (Mi/71% Nam/fimzy
. ” ' " ’ ' ;:. , / :, /
‘ / C/f 7; (7 7 _ K .
J/WMWKI/ //4€J
I”, I, ' , ‘ , K” ‘.’ ,“ [1,,
A?@(A%§flmwwz’ \7/// - //' j?“ /
I wflw/z, cwfll/lyflli éy
, 5'
Au ust 15th, 1914,
;:I‘. 30 iii ‘\LI{ilSOlV-l,
Trust Company B'ld'g,
' Your lefiter Auguflf 6th CifllJPiflV CDT? 0? pafitiou in ihe
339m of J.L.Cox vs. 3.; 0., L.@ H. mgfl Lountflin Central, Zhere
i3 mitachefi hereto 3 «in? of L¢Iifirt33 i; U upton Ju:cti0: fl/E
557, 33131 Jul? létl, tioni'f 5h? shipmact ;Eemked at 3&mpion
J33” ion Vifh C13fi9 W"flken aha, Te vLVGi {Won filo Lantfimrn gai;—
www- “WVJ, u uVEOZ OWN 'Wfijlm haTligfi i :fcmi of buxilc mirrors,
d5 , A. V 5
:21 cloufi: 03%? 3;? c‘lffgnier.
‘ 7'"" J 971“."
_A— ‘ . ‘ ' . . . __.. _'1 ,
fl 3/
X 9/9.\_
, 5 ‘4’9’
,ka :5»2¢_C“5;::"*“’7f2 ,//)
.u. 1 u _‘_ a ‘y: g , «J ,
/ ("A \
b/ 8

 ' . f/ ;/ ’ . /~/ X/’/ ’7 // // / ;////
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// // /fl/'p/‘[//H’.*/I//I///. _‘“/(l///J//,///"/‘f/,//’" A1153). 7' 1914:.
' Z/é - X .
CE? A; ,
‘ir. J.F.Seger,
Freight Claim Agent.
Door Sir,
I am handing you herewith letter from Judge Wileon, together
with docket report and COpy of petition in case of J.L.Cox
v. 3&0 ER, Lofi ond'Tountain Central ER 00., Justice's Court of _ I
Wolfe County, Ky., in which plaintiff seek: to recover $58.00, ;
account damage to househola gooda moving from Lawrenceville, Ill.fl
to Compton, Ky., via 3&053, L&E and fiountain Central, in July, .‘
1912:», .‘
1 Jill you kindly hvvo investigated as promptly as practicable . . 1
K\1 ana send all papers to me? x
’ Yours truly,’
. co Er. s,m.fiilson, " ' i
' Lexinwton Ky. ,
o 9 Z21 ( ’..—m,“ ’62 fl ;‘ka
' Asst. District Attorney. 1
once ;
JJd ‘

 l . ' , v . P : " ‘ 7, ‘ . ‘ August b, 1914.; v ‘ _
' _ ' Essa-are. Jolm D. Atkinson a: Son, Attorneys at law, . . , , ‘ "
I _'stantoany. 4- ' ' . -’. I I 2' ' . I In
‘ Gentl amen: ..,, , ‘ ‘ : , ; > > .
L i ’3 ~ 25 smflny teedeg's :rnsil; in receipt of 0039;] of. Petition 9.11:1 V_ ’
‘ l- 1 ‘ ' Dock“; iteé-ort in the ease Qi’Ja :3. Cox v". 3.51 0 11 1a {39“ 3; g; 1;; :1
a} ' V   I ,
‘ I m: I 3 H ? ; ' T ""'. C” 1 " ‘ “.' n ‘ ‘9 ..» ‘3. "1‘s fl a-L «,
‘ ' “'33; Co.,}, adrift fun :..:g 3:31.009, lat-34;; 3.13.351 la trte guide; ,3 you; t Pf ‘
I r , Elisli’e County, ior which Ilhen} you»,
- F- L " I . ' Yam-*3 truly, ‘ " - ‘ , , ‘ -
,fir' . , c ‘ _Comggel, _ ~ .
{I} ' , ' . , . ‘ t . '
t , '-
‘ I ,l v ‘ v ‘ _ . r ‘V l ‘ . 5 A " ‘ i

 1 \ ' ‘ \ I I ‘ , I V ‘ ' 1 ,
I 1 1 ‘ . I _'_ - ‘ |
_ - 1 Augusz, (a, 3.914. ~
1 XE}. A.. HODOVv’BIILESCia, ' 1
" ..,,' 5 ,_ . « 1 1. 1._: ' ‘ ' 1
. 49511::ng 5L- ix: B- :‘LJ.CO., _ 1 . , , "
1 1W1ngt’omfify. ' . ‘ '
‘ _ tr, I
-. Dear 92.11% - ' '
1 _ \R Ji‘iiléqhzzrz'evzi'th amalgam? cap: of Petition in the; ease of ‘
1 .3. m um V: :3, 5 “Ta, 3; :2; :1 Co.,, an: '32:; a. : Co., ,
_ 19,1; 91:; fi 191:; in 1:13;; 31:1-"1t: are" :: Smart- sf italic County; '
, . T501133 *fi‘mly, _
, <5 01:11:15; {21. . '
. i ’ , \
,1' ‘ o
f .

 ?uflif"y.an ! (NvflrNF‘y‘,r_._N ‘ ' f- ' WNW ,NNflii" ‘ g A ‘ ‘ a”. 3
“N; 'f ‘N ' _ » V. " . it August 6;’19140 '
‘ - 'c; E. fioorman; Esq«, , ' ‘ _ ' _ 7 I I
I ‘ fisst. Dist. Atty¢, L & H R R Co., - ' ‘ _ ~
_ , .'. figuiavfllgfiy. ‘ " ' > : . ‘ ‘ _
' ” . Deaf Sixzc- _ ‘ ‘ I
i 1 - Finfi heréwith eneloseé eepy of Petition and Docket Eeyort
f, ‘ in the cgse of J. L. COX v; Ba & 00 B-R:CO.,_L & E R E 80., and E, C. .
83?, Co., laiiely 1766 in “the Jugs—idea’s 90131:- of 250.11%: County. ‘1 I ‘
. ‘ v ‘ _ . V ' Very 4;. ”1113.3? yours}, .‘ N
‘ _ ‘ saw/a 7' ' ' ‘ I

_ . _ ‘ _ .

. , . - Counsel. '
- ' ‘. ¢ . , I .

,/ {/ /" ' , /’ '2
. .,_ _ fll/l/y/W my (a; 07/ /////////y /////////y
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«A/t/IM/W/ flffl) ‘
//'///r.//MM//U /// _ L)
' ”mi?”- a .. filly/(”Infly,
I" K,
July-.,," $353511, 1“.) C .
z‘ /I /’ :3: 7
Mr. John. D, Atkins-.3021, /
3': :;r',:-.'1.£.:
x K E
Cy - LEI: . S . . '.‘. 2711 son.

 ', ( .
J. L. Cox, . - Plaintiff,

The slaintifi,J. L. Cox,seys that the Baltimore and Ohio
Railroad Company is a corporation created and existing under the law of
the state of Illinois with the power to sue enl be sued and to contract
and be contracted with end that same is a connoncarrier for hire.

And that the Louisville & Nashville Railroad Company is e corporat—
ion created and existing under the law of the state of Kentucky with the
pOer to sue and be sued and to contract and be contracted with and
that same is a commoncarrier for hire.

That the mountain Cent rel Railroad Company is a corporation
created and existing under the law of the state of Kentucky,with the
power to sue and be sued and to contract and be contracted with and
that same is a commoncarrier for hire.

Plaintiff states for cause of action herein that on the 2nd.day
of July,1913,that he delivered to the above B. &C. Ry. Company, at
Lawerenceville Illinois his household and kitchen furniture and that same
was in good condition,and that this plaintiff paid the Freight charges
on all of same to the tOWn of Campton,WolPs County,-Kentucky,srd that
throught the negligence and carelessness of the above defendants and
each of them end that throught the carelessness of said defen‘ants'
agents and Employees in handling and in shipping same that sane w~s
damaged in the sum of $38.00,that e statement of the account or the amount
of damage is “iled herewith and male a part hereof marked for idcnity
exhibit "A" that same containes the amount of damage that the different
articles received and that same is reasonable.

Plaintiff files herewith a bill of lading asso freight bills
showing the amount of furniture delivered to the compenies,elso freight
bills showing the conditions of articles as delivered to plaintiff here
at Campton,flolfe Countyi,Kentucky,and that sane is made a part hereof
marked for identity exhibits "B , C and D"respectively.

Plaintiff says that the defendant,the Baltimore & ohio Rail road
company is a corporation crested ufiflerstke and existing under the laws
of tie state of Illinois and that it has no agent or represenmtisc in
this state known to this piaintiff.

Wherefore;plaintiff preys judgment against the defendants aseehcw
above seto out for the sum of $38.00, damage to :ods herein and for
his cost herein expunded,and that a non resident attorney be appointed
to correspond with the Balti ore & Ohio Railroad Compeny,and for all
prOper relief. :- {

..:t w.._:.._:‘-.;_ 5;.:::---:-ae~i...: .-.“...


rmWTfi‘ TT‘ EETKE . "

 - '3
d . L. Cox, Plaintiff,
IIILILEO "'.I: 3031'. ‘-‘alf'l’, 57.517“.- .‘hijfllf'iVIRh}? c7: :4'.‘ EEHYI‘QTJE
RjflmfltmfiflMI mnmmuns


The plaintiff, J.h.Cox, says that the Daltimore and

. Ohio Railroad Coupany is a corporation created and existing under
the law of the state of Illinois with the power to sue and be sued
and to contradt and be contracted with and that some is a common
carrier for hire.

And that the Louisville & Nashville Railroad Company
is a corporation created and existing under the law of the state of
Kentucky with the power to sue and be sued and to contract and be
contracted with and that some is a common carrier for hire.

That the mountain Central Railroad Company is a '
corporation created and existing under the law of the state of
Kentucky, with the power to sun and be sued and to contract and
be contracted with and that same is a common carrier for hire.

Plaintiff states for cause of action herein that .
on the Qnd. day of July,1913, that he delivered to the above B. &.O.
‘Ry. Company, at Lunronceville Illinois his household and kitchen . ,
furniture and that same was in good condition, and that this *
plaintiff paid the freight charges on all of same to the town of ‘
Compton, Wolfe County, Kentucky, and that through the negligence U \
and carelessness of the above defendants and each of them and _‘
that through the carelessness of said defendants' agents and ' -
employees in handling and in shipping came that same was
damaged in the sum of 939.00, that a statement of the account or
the amount of damage is filed herewith and mode a part hereof
marked for identity exhibit "A“ that same contains the amount of
damage that the different articles received and that same is rea-

Plaintiff files herewith a bill of lading also freight
hills showing the amount of furniture delivered to the companies,
also freight hills showing the conditions of articles as delivered
to plaintiff here at Compton, Wolfe County,Kentucky, and that same
is made a part hereof marked for identity exhibits "B, C and B"

Plaintiff says that the defendant, the Baltimore & Ohio
hail road company is a corporation created and existing under the laws
of the state of Illinois and that it has no agent or representative
in this state known to this plaintiff.

Wherefore; plaintiff prays judgment against the de-
fendants as above set out for the sum of d38.00, damage to goods

herein and for his cost herein expended, and that a non resident
attorney be appointed to corrOSpond with the Baltimore & Ohio
fiailroad Company, and for all proper relief.
Attorney for fiIaintifT.
of July,l914. ' '