xt73bk16mf8w_182 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [152] Mary Fugate v. L&E, Perry Quarterly Court text [152] Mary Fugate v. L&E, Perry Quarterly Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_19/Folder_8/69917.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_182 xt73bk16mf8w ‘ 'j g! -. , ‘;_ ..‘ : ‘:, Hfi“   . " _ } I, .,.. V'LJ..gai:
.  :   7 ,V , ‘ “ >~3 _1 : ,>‘ > ‘ 4 1V - AugustT5; 1914;  ' : 1- .:?; ,
i 1 7 'HéSSrS»~Hocttbni& Eorgén,  ' "v ~ ,' sf _; v ,"‘ _-a     ‘:;§§“
”’ "Attorney8,flt law; ‘ - ~' :. A .   “ " ' "’ ” "7' 
\ Gentlemen»?- . V I A   . s. I " ~ ‘
° ‘ 'Yduivs of AuguSt-sra,‘ enclosing 3013153. :;:: Petition‘ané 7’ , ‘
' " ‘GOpy of Judgmenf in Perry Quarterly Cdurt in the case cf Earyxfiugate‘\
i‘vé . , v. Lexingtqn & Easteén Railway Gomyany. Ifthank you far this in; t
- ; h ‘ fermatien anfi will a@proVe fine settlement 5t $50,00 énfllcoéks;~anfl '
‘ . ‘ '_‘rbeommend f3 the Bofiisville office that same bé paia‘ » ~ ' ‘ I »
‘ '  . " ' Erom the copies of the Petifiion Sent me, it agyéars _ -
,3 that 123115 suit was files; Homgggl’z. I enterea. "111.7911 the. unsorkkogthe '
. V VL>&vE on Augfiéfi'17,1912,'ana forméily succeeéed Er; Jouétt'Sgpfember I .
‘ i l, imlz, hefice ybu are miStaken in your impression that thé fiuit was "
v filnd before I took over the‘work in Party, anfl i haVe nothifig to in; V
‘   dicats that any refiort on the case Or any file mf the easé avg? damé‘ _
“ 'tthhg hands'of Mr. Janette I imagine,if that had iappened,that he ‘
' ' ‘ Evuld ifimediately have referred the matfier £6 me. This is nbt 2;  §
A . ,_ a 5‘ ‘ ‘ _ . .,. ‘   _ . ,‘ ' I»

 . ' _ 313931611137 imz’vor’cant but I (361 l attention'to it in order toborrect‘ . V
L any misapprehension on your part. I -‘ V _ , , I
‘ ' , Very truly yours, :
‘ , ' _ . q ‘ Counsel. ‘ ‘ : '
5' ' ‘ ' l, R. a V
‘ v \1 ' . * _ 2.. .
' ‘A . _

 , 1 ; , \   . . j ' ”August‘s, 1914. 7 ' 7
I (3.3-1.;.iooman, Esq...» 7- , ' . . ' ‘
L I I, 11381;.Diqt. Atty.,L g; 11 R P. 00.1,. V i ‘ ' ‘ i
‘  \ Louisvi}ie,Ky; _ I: 7 w >. . >J ' _ ‘ ‘. “ 
\> 5  Dear Séfg~ ‘{;- E ‘ ; , - ,.1 . ’1   . ,,
/ . N"; I :1 fierefiith_enclosed I hand you copy of Eefiition anfl Doéket
" 29: fieporfi gnd'copy of Judgmenfi.in the case of Mary Fugafie_Ve’L_& E-Ry;
‘a  gJ ’:‘ $9.,Hyééry Quaréerly Court.,“also cepy‘of a letter frog Wootton &" ‘ > 
lyigu Mgéxééan unaar date of July 25, 1914, an& under flate bf August 3;1914.
‘ n2; ‘7 , It a§§ears that thig suifi was fileé November 9,1912,, “
" If? but I had never heazé anything of it until I received the letter af‘ _‘
_‘ ‘G July 25,¥§14. from Kessrg. WOottoh & Eargan¢' They explain their , L,
_ r a failureréo furnigh mé eppy of Petfifiion and Beckfit'fiepart ugon the?“
- fl “ground ihafi the suit Was filea before I took over the work an the 3 ~
’ ‘r V '_ ’ ’ > = ‘ ,,
‘~" xxf &?E ana that Mr. Jouett_was probably furnighefl & com®fié§e file of
‘ ‘ « :\4§fie cage. The suit having been filga apparently on fiovember 12,1912, ‘
E'fiaotton & Eargan are clearly migfidkén in this suppositisn, as I farm; 1‘
. Izally Suaceefled Hr. Jbuott Sepfiamberll, 1912. ‘ I I I ’ i  '7
. ‘1:; V ’ Hevertholéés, I have c5nclufed, uvén tfio informafian‘> _
\k > V ; ‘ ‘VW
‘, furnishgd by Hootton & ficrgang‘to_annrove a satilemehfi 0f fihis.ca$e .5
' t\fiifih Hr%. Fugate at $50.00 and cost énfi, if ybfi conn’r, kinfily i$$ué  
voucheggfor the #50;00'anfl the Taxation of Costs will follow shortly." "
I As youjwill obsarvc from fihe analoguras the case was aypeélefl to; . ‘V
‘ [the Perry Uiicuit‘COfirfi, where it is new penfiingg ‘  
‘ Bnc. WV ‘ Very truly yours, “r ' . i. ' ‘
3:3-Va ; I '- ~ , '7
' ” fi V ' " Connflél. '.2 « .

x T '17 w“ '7" (".7 5
(.1.-.ij “)0, 1._/L45:
.'* 5 .. t" ._ 4. . 5 n '57.. ,. .5 f; 51—” ~-. 555-5 ~~
“88:5 13b o ' U0 2. {I O 3.; 1.1L)? 28,11, “13 by ';) 0 ';LL' 1513‘! ’
'7': , -, "". ~
113331.11 § .'.“.._.'I o
5 , '.'! ~ ..,
Gi'ifl‘ol 4:135:21: a
.'.! .,_ -.; . . ..l .,., .-:: .Lw. . g—uln °-. . - , , _--, ..._.. :« -
.;.:elegrlag to you; s 5.5;. one good L15 t. , 1n rail agnoe to
.- :7 :~ - "T"».~ ,. .5. l. _ ~- ~ -~ .rr .. ‘5." ~.. -. :2 .1-. - .4. .. .,
Slil L- DJ. .‘:-13:73,? Eugivluo V .. 3; o; .1.-352' 5,5 :75..UU .LOJC u.;.z.1:l‘?:§?.‘i;S MS: 0170;}, I
.. . . . a __{= _‘u’, ":,_ .3... .f.‘ . .. : 'eV ‘7‘ .~ .5 .. ..
510 Elm, 5153;153:513 go nave (my co : o; :.:..u; ; m1 cl o..: 0;: an; 5..!/415.69. L
7': .,. “.,.4. , .r'.’ o“. ' .;.;55, 1' «.7: .. ., .54.: o 5 ‘ ‘1 ..., ' . (“V ‘, . .1 J. ;A. ,, .., _— .1.
..:: n01. a Cu tel-3 13.; :3 1.1.5. 1;; 4.;..1’389 .[ all 1.113; lilac. to $533.2 0 ya the
-,.. _ , 5 .« .’ ..‘. ,7 ._ 5‘ .F. A ,. J..!. ..‘.‘a‘ _g ,,_ , . M ,, ..'. ~r- q {‘;f‘: 1 ..:,‘JA . ‘ _ . ..'. n '.1.- .ml ..,
7530 SIDS; DU .56 :; £1153 ngg..s.-:\. 53,31: 5:215 "'VjU. zau, Cult: I Std-13110 L- 3...; all“;
.'. v .1. , J. -‘ .. .' ,~ ..3 ’1 ”- .._«h 4...,“ "V '3‘ .'.: ... .5 .'. 5 .75: . 1.. :1 .:.-1,51." . 1 ,_ ..’ a -'
3.05.11'Jf123b '.'O:5..I.;;.?71.L:.l.t’3 153,153.}, J.. ..‘.. 513:1. .L 1.5331; :..~.:‘..;.L$3;_ rt. 51.1.2535“: oL'fi,‘ Oi
_Ln 1‘; ,5. 5 1.: ”.,. f .:.-1-,, .... .. .l-v ,..‘ -;'~ “' A... 5.5 --!-- ‘.' 1 ~ 5- - 5~ '3 , ' ‘ '
one L-T! {2.1.031 (”th £5.21: listhlitl JJXZHJlCB u .4.C.1‘1"~J_£.) U a ;.Ilu‘lltfl/ (31‘ I (153%.? 0005131011
W1 ~‘. A + - w: +35 4:: 5. m5: '2 -. Myra-'1 ,m 5: —.:,::« .1 -. : 5555».-
Lo ng'idlix..:.1_L-.181u(j ”.5. ul; 2;-1‘4 :Ju.l._l_;_;:/.L :...5: 5.».:._L3_\,;:, .LLi .;. ~.'.:.:.€:‘u.t.-‘le...t:r L-u wig/V
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5.31:; "b a ($11.03?) 54115;; nave 1:389. 4.172.116 j.€~.‘}1.x’.,‘,a.i 3: GO :1;; ’31 vile :.‘L: bl bl on and
3-. .I. ‘- ,...J. .in :..“. . .‘.“ ..:. :3; . . ",... 5‘ H, . d .:.- .5 15.1. . .,
54035.5“; .'.:;'\O_;‘o, all f)“;, 1:11;..5: 5.5.321: L510. .;.-3.: oil-385:.
L;1:»1;1..c1n5: you. 35.04. mth .2 oh 1.);2‘153 L o 1.931;,
.L 8.33,
7:; , . 4., ..'-1 .:V ..,.. .;. ..
AL'LH/a V171. ‘.I I..'.L’H L}! ‘/ J J.Jg'gy .
5. \1 : y
9311.119, :11 a

 aAuEYP.woovTON .:.:.MORGAN

* : Attorney at; £15821:

, HAZARflp/KY. August 5, 1914.

. :X.
x o ‘l/ 7 V I
' new? 7 f

llu s. n. Wilson,

Lexington, ny. .“ l
hear Sir:

helative to the case of nary Jugate vs. L. a 5.
we herewith enclose you coo; or the getition. leu till
note that this petition was filed some time ago. It was

' filed beiore you took over the work up here, and we
suppose that hr. 4. s. Jouett will nave the complete file
or tLiS case.

We also enclose you copy of judgment which was
renderec in ;uarterly Court, and from Which we annealed.
lr. I. Z. Eubanhs, oi‘uinchester, w-s the law agent rer
the Commany at the time tnie case was tried. he therefore
prepared the case.

Our evidence upon the trial showed tlnt the
property was worth about 955.00 or e40.00 that was destroyed.
r.e plaintiff‘s evidence showed about 9100.00 to $150.00.
Je took the position on the trial that the fence was bad
all over the place, and that Wltnough there was no stock
guard that they should not recover; but we lost on this

rnls injury occurred while the construction trains
were building up the grade along through the preperty. lne
evidence would plainly slow thut the iencc was torn down
at the crossings, and the steer guards completely covered
up at ElLOS. ”

. Aiinrnegs at Egan:
mhe coet in t:le casexvould be 985.00 or wa-OO,
as it was awpealed from tue Quarterly Court. He think it
Neale be well enough to may fi50.00 and costs, and settle
tne case, in as much as de would have to bring J. A. Bubpnks
. from Jinchester, and it might be bufit we mould have to
keep him here several days berore we could ;et lay trial.
tours truly,
fr %fl/fl/ W /
. a
7:1 ML / M/kfllyb’

 . ‘:1 ' ? /// Z /
3312211135 :'Lji’jjfl7ifllfilflf C QLEZT .
LARY EUGEEE, Eleorlry.
V3 . J £31]; 1‘1 0;: .
L. LI :2. .L. =2:CE.L;:‘:A.L.3;, 113,..1iD41E'33.
who plainfiiff, gory Fugett, says that the L. e B.

By. 00. is a oorgora.iou, imoorporafied uudor the laws of the
grate of Kentucky, empowered under 133 charter to sue and
be Sued, to contract and be ooafir:oted with, build and own
aad operate lines in file soato of Rentuoly and elsewhere.
She says thtr during EEG years of 1911 and 1912, the defend-
anfi was engaged lo Building a railway line up the North Fork
of the Kentucky River in Perry Counfiy, and that 3aid railway
ram fibrough the farm of hEr deceaoed husband, Lilgon Eugate,
that she was in pOSSeSSiOH of Said farm at the fiime the
wrongs hereinafter oomylained of were committed. 3&3 Says
that she huo novor been allotod flower and homestead in said

' land, and that she had 9033033103 of She whole farm, she says
thgfi in the Spring of 1912, She had prepared for cultiVAtion
and planted in corn about 7 1/2 acres of land and that fihrough
the negligence and oarelossness of Said defendant in construct-
ing cattle guards at each end of her field through Lhieh said
railaoad Extended, hogo and cattle got infio her enclosure ,
over said oartlo guards and destroyed her or0p 31d also des-
troyed her opyles. aha says fihafi ehemode repeafied demands of the
officials and employees of said railroad to prepare so as to
protecfi her crop and apples. ahe says they willfully refused
and failed to fix the Battle guards so as to keep the stock
from destroying her cropo She sayfl that said crop was a good
crap and would have produced a sufficient corn for herself and

 - o

family hea it not been fiestroyed. She seye that by the
deetraction of Said 7 1/2 acres of corn she has been éeprivea
of its Value 330 also the feeder thereof for her cattle and
was also deprived of her apples. She eeye that she is a lone
woman and used every ereeeution in her power to protect eeid
crop from the fiepredetione of the cattle and hogs ené that
she has been damagee in the sum of gl50.00 by the deetruction
of her Grey uni glee of her eyples.

UHEEEFQRE, she greys juégmeat against the defendant
for the eum of 5150.00 inaemages, her cont anfl all proper

Liller e wheeler a“.
Attorneys for xleintiff.

The effient, fiery Eugate, eeye that the stetemefis
of the foregoing petitiom are true, 3e She believes.

nary e. Eugett _

fiubeeribefi anfl sworn to before me by pary Eugett,
@315 the 9th,éey of Hov., 1012.

Defitte bgnovanm m_~_m__
.322. 1:" . C . U o

 I %/ Z I
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. :I : Atiume 5 at again
i i _ fl. .
\I H ”“1 KY' duly ab, 1914. ~ _
I , ,.I f t .3
firm/M.. 7L? /7‘ ,
,A /M“
/ LII I‘
Er.3amuel h. Eileen, '
Leziuglon, Ly.

Dear sir:

Lre. fiery Eugete W18 in to see us today and
she will take geU.oO as settlement of her ease. the
has judgment against the L. a Q. for p75.00, for
damages to her crop. to have appealed the case from
;uarterlj Corrt to oireuit Court, where it ie new

We advise this settlement, and if you accept
this, send voucher payable to hrs. hary ;ugete for
f50.UO, and we will then get a Statement of costs 31d
send it in and that can be paid.
Yours truly,
% l >/ \k
; 11/ / Elf/('V—