xt73bk16mf8w_19 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [16a] Perry County miscellaneous, December 1912 - June 1914 text [16a] Perry County miscellaneous, December 1912 - June 1914 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_2/Folder_6/61382.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_19 xt73bk16mf8w / / , fl ' / j , ,/ // /
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:Li; , .‘:-r: L .3:) “finish. .' i:-=....- .L ‘ :‘. ..‘, fifty"; NIL- $410
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. , [WOW/11' ///.)// //é i/L/flr/x/flw/wy,
;fitlvflufll-fio[Wm/”2m , , / , , . , /
“mm/2,: n. 72:7;73153737" W/ ’ ’/’”’/””’//’" ”MW/V
. WM ’I/flv/r/w/ . \/////r///jz:
/ 7””"0/ 6,g’/’[/’//ff;’,jgy-\W”,_ //'//A)/’///},/./’//, November 5,1915.
Mr. S. M. Wilson,
Counsel, L & E. R. Co.,
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:
, Referring to your favor of November 5rd relative to bill
of W. Z. Eubenk amounting to $151.50 for alleged services rendered
L. & E. R. Co. at Hazard, Ky. from August 25th to Sept. 26th,l913.
Letter from Wootten & Morgan referred to in your letter was not en—
closed. Will you kindly send same to me as promptly as practicable.
Yours truly,
[Kw/)4; o ”awe“
/// //3 Chief Lew Agent.
/ / -

 ,—-\ 713 " ,”'? 47’2/m /'/'/‘,7
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”Ill/’.1 (“NW/l/(r. , ' ,' Q
// / (”l/'/[”//'*/_(/l’/l/, ///K/////////, VNOV‘ 7, 1915.
Judge Samuel M.Wilson, ,fpr’;‘ O
. _ e / ”_g
COunsel L.& H.R.Co.,
Lexington, Ky,
Dear Sir,
In accoodance with your letter to me October 4, and
to MIMOorman, November 3, I have concluded to voucher fi1e
bill of W. Z. Eubunk, for $131.58.
But it is only right I should soy to you, and you to
Wootton & Morgan, that we do not think the company can afford to
incur such heavy expense for flie kind of Services that Eubank
rendered to Wootton & Morgan. We will have to end ever to
arrange in some otktr way to have such services rendered, and not
to employ a man specially at tfiihigh price charged by Eubank
to render such services in the future.
Yours truly,
W/Vfl/ VV.
/ ' /’
f ‘> I,
4 ‘. ./
Distplct Attorney.

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Wyn;//}//////’/? .2114. . _.1, 191;
HOSSYS. Uootton e horgen,
Hazard, Ly.
Gentl omen:
e3 hr. Lorgan could not be here until today, and I was compolleé
to leave here today, no neVor succeeded in having our conference with
Mr.hiller oi the fiillcr Supply Co. I have a letter from this gentleman
advising that he will be absent for several weeks after August 10th.
Under the circumstances I suggest that you see Mr. .E.Miller anfi
endeavor to get this matter posted over until to con have this confer—
once at Which I would like to be present as I will not be in the
office until Sept.let.

It is not at all necessary that I should be present as I was
simply advising them in a goneril way about it, and Mr.fiileon Will do
just as well. You are familiar with the points we dieoovered in going
over the record when you were here. and Mr.fi.0.fiilliame, Aes‘t.3upt.
of Construction , will be glad to meet with you in this conference
at $13 time you suggest and says that he can go to Lexington. You
will remember what we expected to accomplish at the conference so if
you cannot haVo this meeting and cannot get the matter passed over
then it will be necessary fior you to present to the court our vicwe
as to the release of lien.

I on sending cap; of this letter to Mr. Wilson and mr.tillioms
in order that they may be able to intelligently cooPGrote with you. -

 VI"- EC :.‘}. 20
Yours very truly ,
General Attorney
I have a leer letter f1-1;I2.;I...; "iiller stating? that he cannot
come to a. conference after ugueb 6th~
ll. :'3. J.

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