xt73bk16mf8w_232 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [199e] Albert Copley v. L&N, Letcher Circuit Court text [199e] Albert Copley v. L&N, Letcher Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_22/Folder_5/71851.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_232 xt73bk16mf8w r ’ V ff, 1 I
,,,‘Tjo. I _
Albert Copley, Plaintiff.
Louisville & Nashville Railroad Co., &
Lexington & Eastern Railway Co. Defendants. .
The plaintiff, Albert Copley, states that the defendant
Louisville & Nashville Railroad Company is a corporation organized,
created and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State
of Kentucky, as such, it has power to sue and be sued, to contract
I and be contracted with, to plead and be interpleaded with in its ;
corporate nave.
That the Lexington & Eastern Railway Company is a
corporation organized, created and existing under and by virtue
of the laws of the State of Kentucky, as such, it has the power
to sue and be sued, to contract and be contracted with, to plead
and be inter—pleaded with in its corporate name.
., Plaintiff states that he has not knowledge sufficient
;gfto form a belief as to which of the above named corporations is the
owner of said road, and he therefore makes both parties defendants.
‘w’, The plaintiff further says and charges that EEnggiéfliifl’
day of August, 1914, the defendant, Louisville & Nashville
Nailroad Company, or the Lexington & Eastern Railway Company, its
agents and employees was Operating and running passenger trains
upon and over the said line of road which extends from Lexington,
Kentucky, to McRoberts, Ky., for the purpose and were engaged in
carrying passengers over said road as a common carrier.
That at Neon in Letcher County, Kentucky, on defendants'
road theremis a it: upon which the trains go to turn, and that
While the trains are upon this "Yk",qi;isvcustontary for passengers .

 l l I
u~ r
igggggggggm§»to alight, and to board said trains, and that the same
i was Known to the defendant, its agents and employees, and that the
alighting and boarding of said trains on this "Y" was permitted by
;the defendant, its agents and ewployees, and that on the above date,
fto-wit, August, 50, 1914,:shile the train was on said "Y" and was
‘ :giproceedine very Slowly. 011432? the Piamntiff 31.1311 the intent“?! '
EL, gof becoming a passenger over said road to Whitesburgpwas boarding
?;.gésaid train and had caught hold of the grab irons on said car and had
yefhis foot on the first step of said car, the flagman an emPlOVee
; twiwmm?¥iar ago? a “j“” ,agggfififiwaa
i&§agd—agent of defendants with gross carelessness and negligenceijumped
-;f§-%X ”upon the first stepirith mEQthQFCQ’ and took hold of the grab irons,
Eeéflii» and ::wggwgging the fragman, an Vemployee of defendants/forced the
f; j piamntiff loose from the grab.irons and caused him to fall off and
513%_ i BESST the triEEEfand that the train ran over the left leg of
plaintiff and cut same off just above the knee, thereby causing
the plaintiff to suffer great and excruciating pain and mentagaa
anguish and loss of said limb, and that the plaintiff was permanently
disabled for and during his natural life.

The plaintiff further states that while on the E333§ as
aforesaid he pas in plain view of the flagman, and that said flagman
saw him 3,31,,reea9flable was??? c934}? haveqeanhim and that
notwithstanding the flagman san;g£ could haye seen him, hequmped
on the steps as aforesaid and caused the plaintiff to fall and
injured asm heretofore stated.

{435e plaintiff further says and charges that the defendants,
f, its agents and employees in addition to the aforesaid negligence
'3‘, were negligent in that they did not stOp said train long enough for
~7tsyvxthe plaintiff to aboard said train, and that the defeniant, its
' _ 3’ agents and employees in that they failed to furnishprOper signals at
J said stat ,M and a piece certain at said station for passengers to
alight and aboard said trains?

 I ' I
I? r
The plaintiff further says and charges that all of the
, injury above enumerated, and suffering and mental anguish was
caused by the gross negl gencé and c elessness of the defend ts ’7‘
Kr mdmfiw [Kw/391mb: fig fiélwflfi”
companies, its agents and employees as heretofbré“statéd; by which ‘ ~
the plaintiff has been damaged in the sum of fifteen thousand
($15000.oo) dollars.
WHEREFORE, the plaintiff prays judgment against the
defendants, Louisville & Nashville Railroad Company and the
Lexington & Eastern Railway Company for the sum of fifteen thousand
(#lsooo.oo) dollars, his cOst herein expended and all other
relief prOper.
iéE;Zl&/~«l d’ tiéfltzbjéi .
Attorneys for ?Taintiff. ‘_- u
Mm! / (4/4" W ~ W 47/ {Z afiflér /Zfi/
49%;:42’7 {iljéhéé ¢llllng71¢yll
The affiantrAlhsrt=Gepis¥, says that the statements made
in the foregoing amended petition are true as he believes.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this the day of
I91 .

 t‘ E \ W.
E? g~‘E : i E:
SE 3 >9 i E § , 9Q}:
’ E ‘ z ‘9 t
_ e M E g «E E

 o , o o
. :\ .::
_ 1
I, . 1 ’ Letcher Circuit Court.
5 - .
3, Albert Copley, Plaintiff.
\ H vs. Instruct-10m oii'ered by dc i'enden ts.
.-E “ {its
a V2 Lexington in Eastern Railway Company
1 and Louisville & i‘l’ashville Railroad
\\j Company , De i’endan ts .
\.‘. A; 3?; ___-________-__.
’ l— ri‘he Court instructs the jury that, in be erding or
attempting, to board dei‘endants’ train, while in motion, at the .
time and place and on the occasion mentioned in the evidence,
,‘\ the plaintiii, Albert COpley, was a trespasser and then and
“If .
/’ there had no right to board or ride upon sadd train, and was
"it himseli’ guilty 01' he gligence in boarding or attempting to
board said moving train, and took upon himseli‘ all the risks
::2—71.x and hazards incident to his getting on or attempting to get on
K - ~ said moving train and incident to the position in which he
»:I\‘~ voluntarily placed himself in so (icing, and the employees
of the do i‘en dants in charge 01' and Operating said train werd
under no duty whatever to keep a lookout for said COpley. '

 IfiiTCTU-TR (3111017139 (LOU-
AT .133"? 31" (1 UPLT‘X , PLA 1 I! T13”? ,
V? Een'(.|‘.i_"l(i)‘i¥ BY 7‘FT333373A ‘13??? 3‘0 PIS-30'? Ann? (my.
WITIFGF. 31333;? PA.??E£L.
.. IE‘XI TWTOFE :33. WASTE "F “T .,fl;1;f_.1,-£_,\g ('30-? 25330 . DEFENDN ’J‘S.

The defendm‘s new came 3.2.153. rfiz‘fifilr'még. 333*." 12:33:21:
Jury panel herein, and mcve the (“9323-15 to Ifisafi‘e-r-«nfw”:
jury Kuwait 311:“: to (3mm from the wheel P, new panel. or? jnmw‘:
fer the trLal of this (same, 3an 3‘0“ the tr" 3.3 ." 0‘7}. (Ix/.fitii‘ii
to be disgusted of at the preaent 1‘ mm of (”Fur-1:, 3.116 (301341-—
dcants 333.330. their motion 3:9 I'm-end upon 13hr; f0]1r."~‘flin§r
grounds, and far the following “FF-faffififlfi, via:


That the 33mm]. 01" 312740313 cm aerwricc: in 1'. £33:- Fm rt
at the, 3:?639531111 flme Was selected by Hf)!10'?£z.‘lif1rg 3'. FT. hobs-‘rson,
the former Judge of this Court, by drawing? +1123 mica-.3: cf 11:;
Jurors from the (3mm, or wheel ems-F, and 3:31:13! wax: ("some 6:31-34:
regular Augu st Term, 1915, of 3.1M Mme}??? C'ii'1c131‘1: !".~=1nir"f;
that, as will appear from the ordain: of 3:22:31: Cm; 1m: in res-
pect to the 3913011 on and summoning 01’ jammy?» fer service
herein prior to the ft m: that mi (1 jury :.:-ante] new (m (71.12;-
waa drmm from the wheel and 581"th as. 313 mama by the:
former Jud pa of 1:37 is ert, "3.16. Circuit Indra, Litmor<‘rvlc
J’.M.Robwrson, had by an order duly mn‘e and e rate—red. on the
records of this Court, diracfled that a Spvoi all Ten of the

Latcher Circuit i3:;n.,z~~t 1.3:: called and be 3.6 in and dud. mg the
n’zr-n‘hh of Hovezmazer, 191' , and wit’hem’: Hm: ting for the maven:-
in; of.“ snafi €§;pz..ci-'e,i¥. ,'f'anvemher Tent-1, 19133, of 1212 it“ Cour; wild
{31;-ctr? t Emlyn, Honorable I. "’. Pobm‘scn, proceedsfl at the,
regulmt h’xugxeeaa: ’1‘-mm, and :.zf‘vzm.‘ z‘ssi 0; F33.)=EC 122.1. flog-"wine ‘r‘ .L'BTP‘.
hmd hm"; r)_..~dr=..<‘r§ f. 0 he he! :71, to (1 ram 1“!) m the ‘fs'}'t(’3¥’.3l and
861650?) the nuw‘s :11" a jm‘y' pant-:1 to do 35223109 at. the 1;: remain;
1453:4121. :' .‘F;.¢1:a.1‘.1,\” l‘r-‘xc‘ts, 1‘.-3‘41, 91“ 111:2 Twfitlzj'zer' (.l’iic‘cuit (”mart,
and 1:12: Jurors, 0:: mm}; ::1’ 7,4,5: jrr‘m-s, now cumymai'ngv; the
31.21-3; yamal on duty in this: Gaunt were; an selected by the
farmer Judge cf "Eh is "3012241? at the. reg-rial“ Aum at ‘1‘01'123,1915,
and acme mm mm: ’EiFflPCTi‘d r‘=r~ drawn From flue 611; m or wheel
(18.323633? mi 41?, flpfid ::1 ’.‘!mvemhesr Tenn, 191:), as 1me should
have 1.33mi, emf. conuecy en” 1;, said 31:: 2:03:52 flaw cmnpusing the
pawl cm '.i‘uty in ':?;hzir Com-"1: have raevew hear; legally Xkfifi
sclrzntud, actumzmniwtjv‘ 01-: impszwrftjlw as jw-um here in, but the
13v:-‘:lwr:’tion., uuwmmimr and imymmllfim: of sad jlrrors and mach
nf‘ 55.1mm. ha :7, he Ix-n wholly irresrrlew and can Lrarjy ”Lu law.:--


Thad". mm)" the: 1513:, the form? {313201.111 {IL-6.579. of
maize (Smart. Hounrszhle L". “. Etch‘m-rsuh, at the regulaer August
Turm, 191;), hitd nu rid-7‘5 0:4 :m'lthorii. i'. in r‘srmw from the (firm:
or whee-Ii came: or hr: 25:15:02 far jury“ BE’ZJ‘VAJR: more; Than one
panel of ;jurnrs, and Heat havi 21g: called. a. Special Tam for
the month as Eiftrvy'rivx?wu, 1915’>, it 42mg; the 13mm: of “aid. Circuit
Judge to utiliza for 57:1 .r’: firwnile (Prawn:- the one. panel of Ju-
rors so ':if?,‘(.“Vi-IH1H3§“ firzwrn firm 11hr? dram or wheel case and
gaunt-4:6 1'0? jut?" ism-vice. by him, mad than in the event the
Syd a"; Tum :.:‘rznulfl be thereafter he 1:! acm rains: to appoint—
menc, it was: ‘14. -‘: d; 1;? o! 53:16. Circuit Judge uni «er the law
at r3' 6 Liv-sad ':1 Term, to draw fr: 121 the drum. or wheel case

 V .
a. :15 w 11:31; 0:" 3.1132221: ft)? 311.1? rfiarvice and to hawe mid jurors
schactaid, swxmoned 21nd impanelled in «icon-rdfas-‘zce with said
11:13:; or 111 the: grafting, 343:1»: fig;:1-—(:i‘.hl Teim were not 1333.6. axccwrd- ’
21m; to th‘: Court’s order, is 111215 nevertheless the duty of
the Can‘t to.) 3:15.111: :51. Spas-.0151}. ’i‘mm 0:: 12:) 03 {-11 the: Graham's pricr
to the cnmmenm-ensirnt 51?’ if»; :‘:-251111.11? “team in January, 1:31-51, or
immad ,"Lzsflt. 1513' 9;?” he ,1" “the c cmzzrv.’zt1r,,~c‘=1i. of ;,in d reg 1.'-=3: mum, :md
pmmied fora/111111;“ to (11:;-am frum “b.2125- whurzl case 11:16: P163 (.::-2.,
snmmnn mt? 111131311191. 3121:0111 27"“? 5:: mil. ea 2:3; said mgr-11 car to: re —

1‘1: arms. maumzsvzar in vi'l-‘n '3: '3!“ 1:;?! for "the. 39110331313318
(Twigs; (1:“ {him {72111; 211‘, {532-13 "earlazr 15am: in Augumi, 191:3
to 112111129: 1:. 31.13”}? 34311531 1."??er 1? ea :“i‘. ;- 53,31}:th T13 .1.—:2 11721131131 was
nut due "ht,- ‘»:: 1; 3:51:71 22:11:15.1vifirr H1 H1: (:.'-3.31 1:31:53“ {‘31: 1.7:”: 11 the
munifizr. 331313221115” ‘.', 1.93.5: fallawéfi-FT': 11.1-3;? 1:713:51" ‘fhfi Cizafirte
(.'“tezu'fisitn £33923, "’.} T“-), 21‘ :1: 33W“ '59:} th'-2*, if :.:-.1: any
53333. 0:11.13. farm ul‘ 1., "iitvcuifi ("21.11. 1,0 '22:: 3:313:57, {_:"T‘BYHK and petit
31.1.1315w, 01'; “3333-1-25 “1:133 11*": .':‘i-iql 3,:-.1? 11112.:‘1‘43111, 7,13% {Tuc‘r‘e 01" fine
(191.1731; 2112134, nut 21101:: 'f; 3114:: term n 1 :‘:-.1:- ‘:‘2-:'..:1 five firzgm
ké?‘_f.‘..:2?l,: 51:10:. Sigma 3. 7327mm is '53 :.'-2:55:11, irrmt {he C1: 1'}: of the
Court to iwtwd11131313: 03mm 1.2115: 13.111;- (3111311113 21:; the Gym 15.31;),
mafia: and ;.iieILi‘.'=‘re-Hfé ‘un ”aim at; "ffltzr 14:21“ rvg-gula‘v term 13.3" em (1
Cmart of 231.103; 312.113: an will 1113;376:32115135, {:.:-'1" :31 6 23913.11 cm.
shall be: ismudl12881;! (11:51:13.1 "2'3 xvi L31 1:;" the (31:12-32; 7:13" 9:33. :1
Stain: 121?. it it: fur 7th: 1:1 33 :71: 1";de 11’. in tm uvant the: lists
of 31,1" and or .:;:ain'xv; ,jm‘ima, or 1:111:17», malwc-fiad f'u‘r regular
term, 13 used at :.:. $331111 e13 Term, :1. 32 Shall be: :.‘:m :31 if; 61’ the
Judge at 951. C. Féyrzcia]. Earn; 1.: draw 1'11?" 1:11:52 113 firm U99 drum
or wheel case in the mama-1' yrmcri‘uwf kg: 1211'; emu.» 1.1.2119,
instead of the one used, 1‘0? ‘:.-32'? 31mm, T1357 IL? #2119 c1” the
(301111;. And that in connecfimnce (If the anti on of “We: 2.“: mar
presiding Judge of this Court in auxezupting a"; th<=~ ”1.9511111:

 Q -
August fem, 1331?», of this; Cour 1:., to draw from the: drum or
whmwl (:::-me: 3.23:1. :30 1;:- selcscz'fi, summer“: m6 fi‘zapunsl 15., c: aniire
1 57:73} 32.:ma-‘al;:«:,'€r$a action it; that regard? waxy who] 3.3.7 illegal, 1
: hull and void, am“ for tram: “reasons tho. 7:3“'<:.<.:=nnt 31V..:~3,:' panel
1011 51121.3? in t}; 13.8 9512.;1 Ina:- nn'f; {:::-.:I: raga-17:71]: Cr 105115.215:
aghast-11d, surmoxt: c" a? impsmlled 1' '3 j::::‘:;-' I-H’.3‘V.7.Cfl~
Th4; :he": ;:~;~:itsr:n‘x.V. reg“ la? 7.727: 0:” the M: 1:07:63“ Cir-
(21:11:. Comb Fwy-.771 on Hamizajr, J;3.7‘:i"17{‘j’ 10th., 1931f}, :md this
(“V-m. ’.: in. r ‘ILVW ".22‘-Vin 1:1 Ems-:::irm a”. 17131711101533: fur t7: me weeks;
1311.72: during; the: 3‘_” "a”: 1:710 iw-.-'5r>1:.;:: of ”the: 33175-515111: term Honorable
Kuhn .11‘.<137.'i", f?- E :.‘:rm’L-i'n" "'1“ 07“ this: 7’70? 1':, ';_:rvsxids‘d
and «171.713 :.:. p 3. 7, of 3 7‘. $11.1. and war}: of? fihe: {31‘56'8112 harm of
(‘.v.:u‘*“=.;, ‘:Eonv‘: akin: Bailey, {10.7.3115st {1:347:21 Judas, by
;-x;*;.‘(r:::;.'==:.',V‘., jgzrs 35,151,916} 313:: The 17?“) al of certain Gama-z; the, ’6 this
’7 "7; i no»: ::7‘1‘cez‘ir'1‘7 (2pm: the frztz‘rt'r .:::an 1:: at week of its
1 .:.-:::ml'hw 3'5-121:. 'ftzrm, TEE-71‘", and Hater. the: prwsent jury panel
“has; 7:17: «‘:1. :.,-.2’: 1 in ‘32';~":" (”A::-x? r:c~.‘:+:ir:7*om=]j.7 from ”who comm- nee-
' ':zln: ':’; a.“ 7:-: 7"3‘13: cm 7.7715771" IO, I91t‘i, flown to +201: prssem.
7:11.167; 11.1-12:.“; 7.333.: case: is: 0.‘th 0:7 67* .1':-513;::.::r“t:::-nce 9:0. "7.013171
1:141:12 ..i.».‘i' «am-‘?. (It ;"<.11:‘:.2-‘i;:_:, :..):r‘ 31:15 7.13.727, at“ G! firisd by 12‘s: is: 1
Court ;.7 7.3.2:: V41; {Viki-2 5:11:71, in “rim" Tramw- Tfiil'fl, and like“:
formar i:.-5. :1.-,.L <>L.:;:'.,,=V;,:.:r‘: 22:. 1':” 7:3 72.:. raj‘ =1E-Mia (‘:': ‘7 (’:ontfnnuous} v for
a: wad: (‘:‘ moms; '.1th 5:721:79 a‘.i,“fim;1'¢;;§f V’.“? Mpfirimmed (m the
farm: trial in ',;-:::.“- r‘xngr ..=. ,7'77':';;; no“. don"efi‘sacflt xii-.‘.h the facts,
or same 03' 21:15; imam, 1m: “and in t7”? 3 Case, and. 0mm: to the
fan": of ’21:::- s;::'io‘<;;n«1~~v:z m" 3177:: infiuvy wfi’fi'red by the plain-
':'in and LLE: motorist; caxaseaV-c ‘rz-gx :::. form‘r‘ +1741). occupying
m) long; a time :73" this Cmmt, 712+: can 179.5: bnceme generally
and widnl; discusmc’ .Lr‘. 7:17;; fin-".V‘: u'f *‘Mi’cashrg and in Letcher
County ou‘tzmdu of :::-ma. town, and fr: t‘nels anti other reasons

 . j

it is of 13' I1. '1 11:14:11}; 1321,3120 3*;1113022 3:31.11: a. Jury hrvzz“r::in 31:21:91.; in may
13-1: uh‘tuinm‘f; will 331:; o;.-:-.i‘ir*!s.'1'.;.- :5"'1*1':E2. fit}; 3. 3.»-£2211. 01”
3.2.;3-'2;i.1s3.i..;' 1;:‘2.~1;3j11:11.32”., 2.31.11 '53'21831', it. v5.3.3 (113115731715 *0 We?
necuza‘i'zg: <31? such 13 31:333.! if‘ this 1'3 mi. 313311.11111121 halerifid.
.118 1'2..}110'1‘:~_; 3.11).}. 131111 1.11:, 11,211"; (131 (3.1133; 35.1 413171.11. '31::11'1; 0:411:41.11111011111312
for iz‘m'as-g 31121111211 pushis 63's.,mé'1mm3036 33:-r the (Eu; rt, and. 1‘:, new
,j‘il‘; 312:;‘12'11:;3. 1125-3111” by 413"»? 1"." 2'1 3:311. summomfi 11nd 3.137232114331313.
1‘:: the 111111111223“ pr 9mm ifs-1d i115 1am-

"?TTVTTFDI'iYF, be c: 132? 01‘ 1131:- 1:13:111:2»‘51‘n31‘ss; 22:311.le haves
1.1-"£11 ‘~‘."!:':2:3. is: ‘t'.;.:_: 513311;? (1‘, 1117.1”(‘1FTL‘1’1K3 L4,“? 1.711111111113131111 12* ire
;3‘..,-.;;1e_-15; ,j‘...’j',’ gum-:1, :‘ifiei' ,"m 5213‘ c3371: :‘::ryazim 13.33211: nut'rtinm—zd,
211-1:31:11: :1'1'1"1:L':j.“".1,13 :.1. h" i‘ 1 f'gr' i': .1":;-':"'73-:":"\3 .'2 1251?. 31:41,

1:1 13221-1. 1.. 311.;301118 of 13, 17 1.21111" 6“: fit-11:31:13, ‘u‘mv (‘13? 118:.31132 mote
‘1- Ca;1.:"t ‘12:; 13119411331“: ’95-: pins-.3124 3 531.111.: 1.21: 71135313. rig-hove
.5-121ed, 11:117. 31:1 c.;z.,“-,r. W/AMWDII} mALl .
. WW7 ”7‘
flfli/QW Wwfl: ‘ . . W"
PLAIET'L“ ‘~.?" '3 V’l’l’M-‘F‘SFF . / *f
K ‘~““'"“"“T"“"”"'” QM g”? ‘%f
\ /é x M. fl/ , 1 W W ‘ ._ {,I. n
a g I /\' . , i b ’1 l' r ,“ ‘
I. Albert (Topley ‘ ,"' " . g; , ~ ' , ‘, ’, , ,4/ I; '
M I ‘I’” ’ (Ix/C if ‘I’. ‘ A:
’ - l a 1' M‘ . / ‘
W/ , I" , s x
M! N g / 7' l’ ’/ _
2. I a U. .TJEJVI’Z'L—gm) M ‘ /# I, ; /"
/1 g . “WM Zmfiw? " m .
’g/ m .1_“ __‘ w _Ir/Afi‘QW-W .._.fi fl
W'W fi/fifi/ '7775‘9’ “.6!“ _
L5. Everett 13100171651?“ jay/L «£992 fiSZWW MW4 ‘7 7
Wu W, (am/y» gmwééww
I ..2 V ' ~ ' ‘ . «f_,,. _/ _- .../’.‘? ~- ;éfJZffil‘ «am,
'.,/”2,» ..(: .‘ ,2 _‘ {flu-FA “- . ;..). ‘ I 4y; - .__(y, ‘l‘ .. f}; 1 A: 1:'/:.:} 5) »yr‘
4. Alexander Blanken 5111?)? M W
‘ , v ‘ ‘ ‘
¢y$fifl~¢r ‘ AI// .‘ ~M7 ‘.‘
«,.’/f 1%“ a / WW / 'w
5 . Andrew Tawlbee . z7/(/ ’
- ' Q /7 _ . /"‘
6. L.D.Ma.ynzami . (Five pho toggraphs) .Wv fl“ ‘ ' I 6‘ fl’WZ/I/v fr/// 7,
w ¥ \ A ’7/ ‘
‘9‘ . mm ~/WVM,:?’WW ,. V
’7. Will I_.TCPEWrs on- W — r 1" “”‘: 1%» ,
WV%: /7/ WWWM .62 /6L "ii/5v
i. 8. John Matix. (Deposition). % W ‘ W1”?
\' r I
A K / In (2§ WW My
. “ 9.} Orville V ntsmsJ/wW' // j
\\.N// J (‘7 0 /
7 IO. Shepherd Lam. (Del-'02; it ion)- 74 MIT/54""
, j, x ’ j V
512‘“ 41,, ,y '27:; I,“ ”I; :4,“ (yaw/fay)?» W EXT/1” ' jgw K
I”. II. Frr‘m}: Visselburrfi. (Depom,tj{km)/ :74 WA/J/ -“ "N riv-
miv r» I?» We» w '17- “iv ”(“'1/33’ 7% I‘“
r: ”.’/Li' 4.../fl v: {My ”27: WA“ /'

'1 I2.) Sam Breedimf. (Ster1ogr'1‘z1}.;}1.j.c Report of Testlmony 011‘?qu
“8 my Trial.
”Ff“ W
\' K A - V . ~
1}" ‘. : If)? Hi Pam Fullen (Depas 1’51 0 n) . 1"?"
, _ . , Wm
v; I4. Della Wade. (Depoaltmo n)» 157/9
{"“‘\"1 ~
I 3 a l u a
515.; Ben Iaicfilossen. (.Depomtlcn). 7; MM
';\V/l‘ ,/
15-5., Copley recalled Etc.- identify 1.):11‘13168 f0? 7111mm he got
16 pints of '.vhiskey. (Dorrie: Martin, Electrlclan, but
could not recall name of 0th 1* party).
16‘. \Vi!tatels*.vort‘r1 Life Tablcl-ri.W 7Wm %W
X 3
,, ~ . .’ ‘ 7“ t ‘
, 3. - ‘ W 3 gm” WWMJL
, 3 . ,- ‘ v "’” ‘ ' M '
>4 ‘ (Mm?
W \ "_1.,—
7. George Cally-31‘. — a \ , . M .,/
. /_ (5321 .. x7 W or»
m ' U/
.....——-—-—-——-*t""“"‘"" ' “_"—H I; b _
80 AII-‘fih‘lz- 7 1L,/Vu=fl'—/k \-—-’ t. W Wfl/hjdfii
/ /" r ' 7'
‘ 9. J08 GT‘iHS'by‘. A M " ' .:.." W M
umwl’ Wk: -
£10,, W.B.T>Ta1.>ire 1?. (‘.’L‘estij‘ied that he was up at the tent at
the anin‘ymy join'i: with Copley and they were drinking, and
g Wemdmwm Copley seemed to be
3' drunk, when ha PI- arci‘u the train blow for Neon Station, “End
t13 t h? 71.17151,“ digtely left @335} xxxix ten}; 8.210mede rgis
“Noam art Ehta‘erain as he ’Ta‘éMIL how-'MOH MOSS"
\ . emyaingmfiqfi'; he? haifi' it"é“<‘>"i'1ld not have been over’Thi-Ifie
mimutes, and he walked ac mas to the station a1’1dWai‘tedm “2“»/t N
there, was fine reason he couldn't see the accident. "'ic‘mH‘i‘ 'I/ ‘I:
show where his 11.01116 was.
. /l
K“ . _
, II. E. 0. Bentley. Wt ~ WW MM”?
A % , GvM/xe/ ’9
w ‘7'—7 ’ r A».
V, I2. Isaifih Bilfi‘yl. IV/I’ 7cm

 Vffi’lfi' R; G. .:i-0711.15. WK, W
If ' ’ V 711.,“1‘
1 I4. Arc}: Meade. (13.0. ) 1
j 15.] William Sun'rpter. (Riding: on rear platform of
"'-~lad1135 coach) . L7,? ”951%
" 16: (T.I.:D£L:f,
{'17. Frank Edge. (’i‘esfi.1nony of this witness on former W
"'11-trial read from stenor"‘1‘a;g)hic notes by J.'”.Craf't) . ”71'
Had one firirgk of whir‘gay with. Copley abaW’ven o'wk.
5/71/ / 173;; W 0W?) 5a Fa .L ’
18. Dr. Gid ‘Ix'hi‘teic 1:1-:1-
,.'“g‘W—‘Ikx- V
319,.“ Albert Fields, a. passenger at film:- back em": 01‘ the W
"fading (303.1311. 7
fir-'.J. 200 Iii'lfl't Akf-ifi'fiifl. ’74 W

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