xt73bk16mf8w_237 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [199j] Albert Copley v. L&N, Letcher Circuit Court text [199j] Albert Copley v. L&N, Letcher Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_23/Folder_3/72225.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_237 xt73bk16mf8w » OFFKEICLERK COURT OF APPEALS
Frankfort, Ky. _f
Dear Sir~
Your brief for Appellant in case of
received and filed. 1
Very truly yours,
R. W. KEENON, G. G. A.
1391‘ ... . _

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[Afi/y/fl’y/fl/l/A/Z/Aw/Amz ’R///:/)////:’/ . Z; Decemb er 11,1916 .
7 9 8 5 9
Mr. S. M. Wilson, . .
Counsel, ME. By. 90., ./ «4?» ”U/ A5” /{f
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir,
Copley case.
Yours Dec. 9th returning first proof of
l , your brief in this case to me. I enclose cepy of
letter I have written the print er returning the first
proof for correction. My purpose in having the
printer send me a second proof is in order that I may
see that he has corrected the proof in accordance with
your indications, and that all of the reset lines are
correct. Of course it will not be necessary for me ,,
to send this second proof to you. As soon as I get
the printed briefs I will send you a supply of them
both for delivery to the Clerk of the Court of Ap-
peals and for other purposes. ' A)
Yours t 1y, / 74%
AA A/ A ,
Dist7¢¢t Attorney.

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l. (,7 V‘ 7 . z” ,_ ‘ ”‘. . ./ /
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Lioth t Lariat fito., City.
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1 retura firat proof 0? hyief in thic case
correcteo by Juégc fiilsom. fileace make the oorractioms
iodic:teg}by him ané cenfl this fiyst oroof back to me
with the secofifi proof.

tours truly,
fiistrict nttorfley.
130733;“, A
Son. $.1.Tileom,
ficunscl, LE? ?§.%o,,
iiyczgingt on , 'Fiamtuckgy’ ..

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‘ -..ecember 14, 191).
w 2 ’A. 7 .r- '1
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'~‘ .‘1. T 1H 7‘ Tr ‘
.UlSto Abtyo, _'.:Ccu .’1}. (40., .
‘.' .,_- _.- - Tr-
..__: 413‘. 11m. , .'sz .
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...(r-(JtLLIJL .::: nanny leuggm OJ. genre 0: toe 173(111. ins“,
. I .. V1. ..:.- 7‘ :1 ~—;3 — 1T " .‘~“ r.

. arm, by -raln 1-3!.-. undo: vauzaole nabel 110. 5890913 and. sap-
:.:-5.139 cover, of ‘t‘.'xe..:t;r-;‘ive copies: of \ ;“.:I‘izitfied brie: for ’
I .,, “‘1 ...- ..‘ 4.1- V , ' 'v ,.1" :1.,‘I ~ J_ 7‘, _’:. T,)‘," T. 1
l‘.;»‘uC llamt .LJJ. L110 03.22:) mm netsner on gum smut OJ. ”zen (,o.,
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‘:..:u-les, watch, 1 M1 ;1 ':LSk you to (tiLglVG; t3 tne attorney; um. the
, nine. 1“ We and 3:11.15 1:; 3.1::er then sign the. enrsiosefl Receipt and
then return same to rue, o‘i.i,-::?.31;:,
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 A '- l
December 21, 1915.
Cierk, Court of Apneale,
Frankfort, Kentucky. ‘
I Dear Eir:

Herewith l hanfi you receipt from attorneys for appellee
of two printed copies of appellant's brief in the case from
uetcher Circuit Court of L&N R Co.,&c. V. Albert Cooley, docketed
as Case 30. €31 on the Docket for the Fall Term, 1915, of the
Court of Appeals.

Kindly acknowledge receipt of this enclosure and
advise me that same has been filed in your office and oblige,
- iours truly,

 t u 1 .
, December 21, 1915.
Lewis 3;. liaryie, Esq”
‘.‘Jhitesbm’g, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:
hcoeijt is :'icknon”l,-:eaged of yours oi‘ the 17th i:1:.:tz‘1n‘c,
returning; liocei1t for two printml cooies of Appellants' Brief
\ in the Goals-1;? case.
I Very trixly yours,

HIV-(11": “.71" .7" 1‘ fir
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-- A 'k -» .‘ ’1 .- w 3 '.. .:3: - .~ -..~4"J‘ ».3' "' - m r ~‘-~ w: . '
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(:3:-3:; (‘1' the s’«“;:mr:<)21s= whim) ;,rgm.'\~.~j_1‘ 1;"36351 hs-vr; ;zczweii on the present
i:‘.11e~ri.:i‘1’.‘ 01‘ Pe‘vvv Umm't“;
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w \ v ' - .V M, ..3- 4c '7) -n - ».. -+ n a
a. LG mon‘..o:zltn,etc., on a ; 9&1 ~ram ‘.ne any: blrmuu ions/c,
," , , .»:..., ...-r “7.‘, r“- ‘W ,..5— - ~..”, ‘.- '-‘ ' .,vm 4pm ,...
51m: ;211a31{)21_:_u.~.-; lifgm.‘ 52,115 (..;le cup-3.x on =2.;m:.:.5;2., .L Eva-m w »:1"
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bommel .

Frankfor t , Ky. 7/ ....1 91:4
Dear Sir - ”,,, _» , :

The case of i ;; Mm;ggfi i Emwwgmwm mwy.
umjwmlmEmw;?fmmm”mwmumwmmmmmwris set for hearing
on them wwwmlmamwmmday ofwmmmmwwmwmmmwmw, 191mm”

It is the duty of the appellant to file
his brief twenty days prior to the day the case
is set for hearing, and the appellee to file
his brief ten days prior to that time.

Very truly yours,

,«-"'-'""-‘. ;1‘ ‘: u ‘“‘:
‘1 \‘\ V "   v‘r-tofi‘W
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V‘ :flfi
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/ , 1‘
.“ ’., {p
December 13, 1916.
ilr. 5. m. Yiison,
Lexingooo, kg.
Dear air:—
hopiging so your lotUer or Docemoer
9, I received and riled your record in one case
of ABAUUCK31UAiDfl Uomuany vs. Uommonwonith.
i aiso entered your Lotion ;or ad ap—
peal and an inaloeidg you nerewith summons on
I an also returnidg you record by
express in one case 0: Lasonic Lodge vs. Hauloy. ~
iours very truly,
RE’K— J Glf— . 1_
M W ‘~A, 1

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q \a
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"iffy! '1‘7I‘LI'12’<‘3!1.,"L'='f.:".~’ be“; 61:). ..c‘ '.": .Lr Liftili 71‘ :..;g. .:'.-.5..: u .':. wane nulu: H19“.
" -» .~ . h .. ' ...‘. ,. ,. .. .- - ;: .., ,. ..I. . M _,. 4.1.
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..’..'. ~‘i r C‘Lg ‘.:J.‘:~ ‘.v ‘ ill} ‘= ‘:. OJ? " Lima.” {33..-.1. ulf,.;.{,:l \'....‘3 ‘\'.‘(.}._'_-L £11033} [.0 uhe
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, . r ..“. t V.. ‘ . ' .. '. .. 4. ... .. - J.‘ ' . -.». »
01' «$014.5 '.5. N' ‘ U‘ JJH .|*.'.;;-.,'..'I'1 0,7 uhfi? 0.».1 T1301 {16) {).L 01"; 111-2:1" (3. 1'9.

u .‘f‘ _-

1301's 35.51.51 at. :3 1'} any that Cl} ‘4 1'10 “_’M 551: 0f ”WM--.“ ‘M. 1914—,
plaintiii was boardins said trsic as a pass Agar at 3018 point
mlzoine 1aa1:t*.o1h S (gr zit :1nji 51oilit ::16 (lorry th55t at? 3:536 tiffle (1?

353 e pluififiiff took hold of the grth irons or stenpsfi o: the first
stop of 52:5 train flith the intention of becoming a passongcr
on said road enzonte to *hitnshnrg, Kentucky, or any other point, - ~
and station fingfiafanfihflfl' road, the Pen? thtt winintilf ever
stepped on the first ntsw of ealfl train 21 void time or piece
and dolnr tit t :Flfiifli«lif, 55L51£5 so ilo 1 firs: 5x518 Litiil: Uf§ a axas~
semen? at said point where Dentisncfi or after Re bad tcfien held
of the grab~ircns or stew on an an: fir t stop of 3116 train or
‘ has sons either or itbk of wwia things with t?" iutentian of

becoming a messenger uw5r vgifi go-G unrnftw ts Lhiteebhr§,§en-

‘ tacky, a at tion on ostendahtm‘ Isms, that xho “me_wmw~m_.,
agent or wmnloyws or Iissmsn on said train aitnmntwfl to board
esifi train or so CiJ utter or while in: plaintin was hold of
said grab—irons or on first stxp of saifl train, and fishy that
in so doing he “flaw ”Mmflmm__flilngnsn, agent or employee
noililently shoved thw ,1njntifi or whovcfi the nlnlhtiif at all
loose iron or off of or under said train, or thereby caused said
train to run over plaintiff’s left leg “I V“ QUt 33W? Oi? jUSfi -
shove th Face a; thereby cahncd plaintiff is spifcr firm t or
oicruci ting pain or Eng pain or meat 1 anguish or Ruin 01 Paid

/ limb or thereby permanently or at all filsghlcfi him is? or during
his natural 1219 or for any length a; time, or did said things or
any Oi the: to jivinfiififi's fl¢muge in the sum of xiitten ihouwsnd
Dollars (pl§,OQ0.00) or in any sum.

._ - .. ~ 3 ~ “. 1 -> ' 2
.'..‘r 132*.11241-1113‘. (30.12:; 1.731131”. ’:‘.-10 (i.efcmnauf. , 113.223.; 31317.1(; 35.. dash-
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