xt73bk16mf8w_239 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [199l] Albert Copley v. L&N, Letcher Circuit Court text [199l] Albert Copley v. L&N, Letcher Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_23/Folder_5/72303.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_239 xt73bk16mf8w " i
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IliTCT—‘Iilli- ClliC‘Ul’j COUEUI‘ .
ALB Til-€151) COPE] Ir'rt' , PIA 1”?" ll 731‘ ,

VF». O]"Jl7“l’:;1£-;'r;.:3:.11 n‘A 1‘3“: "H (30., ETC. , DWIEIDAI‘TTS .

$1133 $3126.? ewes ‘E’fi‘éi $1$IWH¥Y$AT 73:15.5? fléT'Ld‘fliiié‘i»:en .
0.1:: the case, and after the taking: of evidence £9.35; been
010 Sad, and after deferaluzttz” mo 6:72.011 for a petr'emzntory
iwie‘é,:c~.;cii on as renewed had been DVffir'L'31136 and t-anderad
and oi'z‘ex'eszi to file: in open Cnut‘i‘; a second amen Lied petit ion
{style-.‘. "Amended I‘eti‘uiun", tot he filing of which, the
<2.o;feai;ryw, “reserving Mao-:2 1' {I;'}..vearamce, objected, and the
(You; east-xined $2.1}; 1:1er ff’a 7:10 tion to file e-aid az'ncmdod pe~
Iiifion, 4:11; we: the objwcfi 01‘) «1.1" the. ((:5~f‘*.=ncia.x:.ts;, directed
wane 'L'.) .‘::; .11’ 11:115., Which we done, 11‘" 17% ioh defe 31:13.11? 1‘ ex~
:3 opted--

Thczreuporva, came; the d,e9f‘end.atc.nie and entered herein
in open Coufi: t.’-~.~.«s«:i,1~ m1 ii'trm verifier: motion to set a..a:'uf!.e
1:31;. swearing of' the jug: haw-sin and ":1 continue the 1:11 a].
of 7'11 is; (tn-«me no a fitting term of the Court, Raid motion
helm; verified as L0 The faces set forth therein lay the
affidavitav of LBJ‘ielfis and Samuel M. Wilson. 321.216? '
verified mgtz‘um to wet as Lde the mmaring of the Jury and
to confl nue this cause was duly noted of record, and the
Court having considered same, and being sufficiently
advised, ordered tht the some he and it 1;: now overruled,
to which the defendants except.

Thereupon, came thedefendants and entered a.

 i .
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7 - n -. ..1. 'n- .-. a, ,, f" . . w .—~ «‘7 - » ' 5 ‘» ‘

Reneral 1‘1: ”3"“ 22:3 11:11:, '1 r1 open 40-1 3.4, iu ism: iif'z—
atom"? 4211111615211? guiltitf- on 1175:: «71.1,; f 11:36:. as fire wet-craze
«'Llfih’é if» r 1157 in“. 't . (..‘ 1’:“. r' 7‘2' i5. :3 :‘: :15, mils:- fldiri'i 31*" ”I: i '5 1:.?!»
1:.-i 12‘“. a ’.‘-«1 t kw 1.115 a 1m eiézred :53. id. r5?; re re, 1 i. i: 7
.’,» "1?." 12:75! t‘mb 22‘ W 71:. 2:14”: flag“ 1 .‘.: Tre- 14,2»; OVEI‘Zh-lfif , to Which
the J etc 1 1.122: r, :1 exam“ t .

(:o, 5 , . , .R. 1 .= ,g' \ .V , .‘. », 9" . ~ 271.. ..,.

a. V12 531.15 31'), ‘.‘- £1.22 ’ci '-.' :1 £5... 1 1965111 ufi' gm j 4.). ‘61 13.1571}: 11'}

, \ \ ’1
\\ \ \ i
V m _ . ~. ~ . _ ~ A v ,_ , . _ - -, .,. ,, ,
. E 1 Mitt"! » “I " ‘. .\1.;V‘._‘ 2"“. JU< .-m,amed. \gl‘b ;‘1’31‘. fl: Jliit, hyd'fi
.1 ‘- . I. 7‘1
. "1‘ \ a}! 7‘3 ‘15
73‘5": U“ £2? 73'1" ’75 '7<€“‘f?;f47i;f7:s, iv Jul; 3:) '.’-‘11:} a}; n 13% 1‘5:

 , ‘ If; ‘.'/I,- K
' . {7’ '>
- LIITCEU-‘Ex {1131011173 (::tamazir.
ALE 712:1? COFFEE, - 573411111}. 3‘77”,

‘:.77. :‘7'2777‘72‘2.

3.37711??? 1‘1 3‘ fi.:/*2} i??? ’.I.‘?.i"."‘.:*':r ’33: ,'.‘Vf‘i" . , ‘ “313

The ‘.7-mart has-2.1172." ::o::.:i"=.r‘I-:“9é} 717:3’enflzmte' mn‘himw for £7.
jurir-‘m r11. 1:.”; £22,177?” (2.’ {1:712:71737131127 m: twithetanding the Vfirdict
37131-57112,, :.‘r'zd 11:71.73? ;-:‘17‘V”.T“'t*'.r*27".1*' 7.87.1. 99:3. ”5.1;- 1737 M'dfitr‘sfi ths'zt
:‘- -'~.*} ”1 h.» :1?](3 '"‘-v»: =71? 1;. “3 “7613'? mrer‘n‘slw‘é. to ”which
» -‘ =:'"-”-: ..‘-1'”. _..11'." .~71277‘217'1 .

’:'fizr; 7‘ rm: 1": ".': ‘f‘iU-“j‘r‘ ‘9” 3115‘ T'“1'f5.’if"i ..“.“. ‘3‘}?

2;.»? :1:~.~..‘=;‘“‘7 f'".t,:'”'~,“' 7'?" ”I.:‘7732 “".77‘37'77.”7*—"”"-:. T.<:7:r.irzfz‘rv7_: é“, .V‘-17:77.27”?!
13.75.1243 :‘.~;3:a’-;;;_1;u.-;v 7.7.778 Timjitr'xr‘z'l'je .F.: 11‘-.3317! i} 1!}. 1312131? .2? ”v:zm;._a;eiry,
1.75:7 2:77 '.”-‘.‘ ”3751.71.177'1‘374hxnd (#112,0590J7fl3 NUIIW, ~11?

5.“:1,~.a: ,;~.;. 1 5;: 1277‘: :7;-..“.” '.‘»f' 35.7.: :7 (76737.7: 7.75% E‘rwmu“ 7"v<:::m
Wei": ..‘”.f'v: 713.-7.137.. 1.73.26. ".771," 7717.177111‘1’5”. '..‘-.,’” 77.17: :3“. 71 7-17‘7 on
7337. ~.: g? ‘f‘e: ::~'”‘-.~~:z , 1.7 “gr: 7“: 7149:3715: -=-.«.,c77~1-* .

$3777..” '_'-5.1::1131, 7.'.-.:.:-.”n 1,177: t';fi”f‘7~”1‘7r"=7.”zma: '71 5‘73’175“ 1‘7‘27'7'7: ”mi filed
beg-”017': 37:51: ~.:.” ~71 1:1. ’1‘. 1212.7”; 1071!. 51:17:? :7 ”17:1.121821 ”."-~77 H011" “:1:-7.7.,
which 271011077 ram? 1.21012an arr. 1107:"! film? {anti um? 56; of 7750:1776,
5.77 (spun Flairrt.

’.‘.’hc: (7011717. Eu. 77.117177: duly (tanrsidrzz'né amid motion and.
57'0341‘1«“‘S 3°C?” a:-. 3:717? 1213., _:unti'. 17:1ij mz““"1{:1mflly .;:/:1. ~r‘ $7.576-
”1237.7127121171, it, ”2:4 03.7515: read that name we :md $13551 motion fer a
new ‘::173. 135 7711:7373; avarmiefi, to which 121m defendants exec-1:1:
and (167.1%. Wants pray an aypceil/ ”from ml 6 01"9’2653‘ Werru) 1m:

1. &.J...r 111017101: Far a, new ”5.1”: :11 am? from 13hr: 31.31‘"m?16:31't this day
rawfisrad in £51770}:- cf ”the: plaintiff) t0 the Court of A ”9652.18,
which 1:3 granted.

Thareupon, detanfianta moved the Court to require /é/’f)~:

 Hula, affix: 1;....3. Stenogzr'apher cf '5;"'-.is Gear-t, to p:*e;:e...'e and. -
file herein a complszste and ::u'rcmr'am transcx'ig.:t of his
/ m'msrncsrzra‘ch,‘.c notes: of the ext dance and proceedings: hat; ugan
. > The €1.29": :.12. '0'!” this anti me, (zumztheszr wi fih a carbur. Cupy .1:.he re-
I of, whinh or)?nr‘+._t ( ‘f'LL95$»€"'1'.5ji'5'j «.1.'? - (_'..;‘3‘ mm he filed
Lira-mm +2175. ;t'azpmw "5m )9m jf"er,5t-:, my? when (Yuly 1‘-; :.;(Z ”by
i . 23.1-.9 (.'.)fl’icil fé'béncgzragvhstgr {~25 raw-{Lira}, by law, ;'.-.216: 521;..gzr'wvwd
. 2%? the Con 2'1; or pmaiéivm; 3'2 rim: 1:». rmf, sireajl “kn-mow. a
’I' pnr't'. 9‘.“ EM; mam: 3'5. ,’er vs: in," and be. ushr‘; mi“. 254., g; .912: 1‘. of :1?.1'15. Bill
7' '1 of 753;):cefe'ti 4m?- 5:919:2"11252: ?. m: :1?: ;;r.:."..-=.-':t.-:l 3:43 rein t'i.) 9.3112: C5753“; 3f
9 ; \‘ fipw'v =11} . f M
Ug'zm mwflwn Inf 5.::" ""‘1:“F‘~.“’ ”32!“, 1.113;? '5;: :;:.»sz thaw unlil
ram) 593911164.in +299 f’:xf“.;}3 4912154.?" :11“? 2259);); 1‘"?,Pf'zil.‘é‘." 125*:‘79. :3."? this
Cruvv’c fr} '=?'zf.c'}': '.‘/..L ;gz‘ar'La: "2:929 5.111? tam??? in)": £13.13. u." .7‘3'.{:€;."*.1‘10T15

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7'.-7.2T??? ‘- "117. 1.0113. '.' ’
AIJ'RWflK.‘ {‘GPT‘“: ,' ~ ':’? 4.1“:- 7317‘”,
”JJJ, .
II:’“.‘TJYJT'T‘ ':'” ‘T’"‘Tf,'}'t’:i“f 3‘55J17'u‘73r" “a". ,T‘a‘l‘f‘. , T‘TET'P’E-CJ137:5.27ii‘13’.
‘ft‘x-L‘: "'.;zr‘i: '3-“J1f‘n'v T:‘:r:=:u‘~."‘.r=-"==‘ (?=.=r“‘=-‘-;nr":'1'1i.~' "=': “Ci-Jim ‘5"." =
‘ 3‘.-.,'»:3'151: ':‘.3 in :' =‘ (n: with: Jr’igni J {FT-3.6L
h???" in, «4:3 J :iTJ-‘J T=23}: ..:JW 2::", .‘ ‘_': J x;;Jc‘-=«.:e._ I.'.ami,
ierii? 7113,43»! J‘" if ”1 ’.'"iJi'T‘; J'f’ ‘:‘: '1' '0, 3912171
B" J: ’I ...'.2;5 2 J u In ’.J‘ 3"J.
h:'-‘:’: = .J- .J: : 7 ‘1‘: j :1:”. '..’} 3:1 '.‘. ‘ J '1 ,,J/TIC“ ‘ .' ."L
p11?» v ‘2 = *- :11", :12“, “Lu? J +-J 1 ‘.'» r:
R‘ 17 ‘ “..‘ 7::"), J, " 7' '.;: ‘:. : '7 ;.z‘fiu'ii I:. J:.J' . Jr “xiv-.'. I;
13"): =3}: ."‘.J': 4: 553'." 13,121.7'1' (43},;,4'.7‘-","=’?‘-...“C‘_‘, 'f I a J)
. a J. v ' .. 1
[1&5 =2 ': .." J "J rm -':-J-, ::.“.n 3 J53”. i_.; ,:' .,ZI'I‘1‘J. _:32
{..‘-"‘:. .'5. .. 1er "'.:J. J; : "‘, _’.. "’1‘" 3"? ‘,z if! " E211 J" ow
(an. \z‘i'u '.‘.‘. 1"‘1 .: = , ' .J “'”':JJ’ ‘. :-;.J:‘,.:: .
Th” ;::u‘z‘fii, ’:‘»; '-“u"J 257:»? ny‘w'a Par”: ;Jr‘JI' €1.3ch
' har'v'r’, 31. f = J‘ J' ."1‘ '.‘.Ja‘ ,.““ Mr. .:'J " J' “2i 1:111,
w‘rflgh r “.'5 ;' 1,:“; a 4 re; :1. ‘2'. "2.3 ;J:- ‘J ;'r . (._: ‘th'f 1'0
ix‘; v1}. .:1 5;:1..=.';"f.,
TM .""J'JIJ‘: "rs 4:03.. {.1' J: :1:". ti: 3:5.-1:11. ' 11:1
pi J‘i";= " H: 3,, JJ" hrfl‘rv' :'1i4‘itiitrvfj ;‘JJt‘V H5» 5
t ‘ "M, 13‘”, :3: tifl‘ii-"rtzi ":.‘mJ. ..Mugs he, :mr’, c, .r;3::J5‘.;'L:JJ:1 fi.:“ :r~
was" :.‘:3.="' .5.; 3r :”th =.:'*z=‘-”:=.:';c r', ‘I:.: ”it-.15‘” ‘J' w;f‘t.-1::f¢JrJ‘~:J:J 6.;=.c:e;.:t
2.116 :."5 1: 71 ‘_~:~'J':.JJ‘ 931:1: Jev‘i J at? We 'I’ 311’:
t‘ « i Slim-14.331 ;“r 1‘ J, ‘,"i. .'.ZJ 171%... ”Jr" . jmfhuth‘J-rfi'. ‘ultir. (a?
rs‘;gx=7€, .'". i=1 :‘J'Ti‘ J31" 'J"';-J‘ ..»?JJ.;L.*;;E',”‘£ “.‘1-J.; (Turf? a?“ A 5 2:35,
Vida“, .1,-1 fj :83" c1
whxrsr'ziuficw. dc7":t1”J~rx’;s 1=sz ”the (‘:.21'2”: 2v 71':=.L=1J=.iz‘9
.. . J. -WW-J....__


3:, Cliff i....l :.:anogxapher of this Gourt, tn gimp-:':. a 1.3152.
“.‘“le 2. Erwin L.. uumyldha 917163: <;1;‘“-:.:.".‘€. til'i-UEICI‘iLJ‘. of his
war—:10: . notes (21‘ toe mt dance 5312c? przrcasedinis ind L'.‘;cn
“1': ..L 1.:" Jill“ «1.11.5 1‘25}, “‘10:“12‘354'“ with. .“.2. (.'.'—.‘.’.ht-n (‘11:; 3.3.31;—

. m”, 2.4.21"; x.E'E.;‘;rz.-E... ‘;~".EE.«::::";'»}'E+. mm? c:;.:r'i;-<;.;": €4.53: arm“; 1 he filed.
*~ LANI'VLfl in this: case, and WEE-v62; .1 (1.115? marti’lr—rfi hf;
345;; fisffiagz'h l " mw .-:=.—.' 5'» ~;:}.‘.,; '_;G Ly ; m“ .'...‘}; ”_‘-‘65.
7"." ‘.1‘); :'.iifEl “.'": .‘1"::' my 5'": etc". E ‘2: ..4, £32.91]. ‘.'-wc‘mrlr- r
3}”; I r;s_:f '.:,‘EEK ,'~..".L :..! m, :‘:-{l 1:? L..:Li‘ 3;. 5a fti‘bf'f 1'.":.-; 75.1311.
; * -.:én .E_. ‘».- 02'
' . E ,
, .-. .

‘2.}. ;;:1 ..'“; ‘L'".hh 373' :‘:‘f ".‘i’."'.;!2"'-i3: 1113's“. in flirt?! ”‘:h‘fi" “n“i?
2w; .2 =:""_E1::.-. ‘3"“22' :3:" "it.“ hard. E‘s-:'Ifltx." flint/11:? £55122
”'(1' lvz "V.I:I‘.‘ '- 7. ..~. "fig, '?;e.;:7c:in::* «.;.‘r‘e:...;;‘ 53.3.1. PT?" 7" '.'" ‘ ions
h}; '4‘: ':.":

 LESTCTU'H {31.31001 ’.2‘ (‘{'.'1UZE¥:T.

PIT-”17.7233 (ff‘i‘71.""t‘;", 133111111“; 1‘1 3' 1'1” ,

i;(' ’y‘?‘*\ i".

I_"?XI’TF1.L. '."“Z.‘i‘I-T.‘v§ 31.91.11" W’ 11"€41,,F.33’.‘:., '1'11‘37‘39.‘i'flih’affiffifi.

”3‘1.“ firm "if. 3'3”":72171‘ .’1CT‘1i. ('7». {‘f'_ f'?:‘;jv“f‘:‘.";' 1"1'3 2' 75.34.1151 fa," ,
j“5'.1§::'1v; ’.‘:1 77:51.- : 1:.-.:." "‘1’.-i>‘":?.1 Tit-'17. ;: {1; fugiilnz: {taracTi-‘iz'm; the vr .I.-{Sick
‘11-1:1”. 1:1, 41“.”. 1'1 1.5.7:: '.'"2’ 5'1. 'r‘m , 1. it r 13' .:.";
.‘:.-,1 A, 41;; 1:2 1.11:1 ”.‘.'j‘f" ..':1. i- 4'; 4 I? ..5 , :1; “1101';
."'~'.' ""7." 4.313. ..1 .,",'..A" .':.~

""".'1.:"‘;""", 1'; 1' 1 11' 1;‘;~r:~.3: z: 11" 1.1:":1j11r11; Thai; the
pl.':.:'1.n",i"‘“ ark-'11:: (s‘f‘ ~‘1 .’1 1111.";'.':7"'.;' , '.'..: '.';"t:.:_-:’-‘r'.. " .""q.;"'.::.':'
‘23311'i'7' "‘<>r-"}>'t'2;j-.~ ...1:’.- '1'1.‘;1;.'.:-.- .1111: 3331331144 ‘ r? 1? . ‘

1316sz my saw SEER 33131331??? A? 'Z'th'fi adhmfilcn
03! the case, :4an? after the taking: or 4w idenco had been
0101536,:1116. after defandzmta’ motion for a 1.1aremm‘xgrg44’
inatmeti cm as renewed had been over:,-ulsefl and fiendamd
and. offered to filr. in 0511):. Court a firecozrui 31119163415 patit ion
styled "Amended Petition”, 110+, hf: filing; pf which, i'rus
flefendartm renewing ithrair:11'43.(521114-013; Obit-cited, 32:41 the '
Court snatainer,‘ 301?». ind ff'fs. nastier} to file 52.2.16. ammu-fied pe—
tii t4 1921, "21:14.“: over Q'Ji? object} on of ”121113 defandzxntzs, dirscted
same ’m be filed, whinh 4:24-53 figure, 1 1) which defendamta 5x-

Th? P31431011, C4151}: :h-é. (‘..La17-eudan'ts and «511131;; rad herein .
in open (.‘(n.1:“f; their written verified motion :0 set szgide
t'rw mwsms‘ing of five 31413.4 hem-in and. in cmzflnue the 172.1 3.1
of This cause-2 to a future term of the Court, said motion
being: Verifit'ed as; to the facts net forth therein by the
:riffidr-svite of I.‘l":.?iel<'s and, Samuel M. Wilson. Said
verifiefl. motinn to reset aside the swearing of the 31:13} and
to canfl r1113 this cause was duly noted of record, and the:
Con-“t having considared same, and being sufficiently
advised, ordarad th t the game be and i1; 18 now overruled,
to which the defendants excel-It.

Thereupon, came thedefendants and entered a.

Genera? P8W“"L.‘(€1‘ 15min, in egg-on (Iowt, to "the pia:1i1‘:i.‘1":=“'s
second .' untitled, petit; on iris 5523.1: flied as h“: :i;-etefi'me
amended anti c. :s'ieiierr‘, by :‘aaie ascend ":,3‘.‘:¢5:"-.r:‘.r::r‘i wric'ifi'zerz,

. and this {Sui t. 112-wing, (,tiiis_ie.-,2=riz:e !3’-Li“: (semi: rein-2;, it. 1.:

’ order-ed the-:‘:. s: was "w; and (92;! em: ’1': ‘":-an m.-¢t:~:.‘.1.~ur.é, w when
iiie et‘. r3179 tic": :.:?: "r. 5: yet-,- . ‘:. .
'.:‘ii'371-i‘2‘1 an, rails: ‘%=’? 471:": i:t’.:.r‘.t:. um} 1'33», 0. ,E':-,:rz‘i:: 317,1

3.3; 0.1”“?! "‘. 1.0". tins} *1?(f€'.‘!HE-'“' Anna‘rhiiir? ;itiirsui‘mr, i'a‘}'1ii.l:i;., 5;:-.:i;
t39=_.j_r:n air?” iffy: (Ea'f‘ezttfa. fits, is (1': .'.‘.'; :1:; '1‘:. iLi‘f' :- (misfi-


ATS“??? (70"4’3’312" , FLADIT 1TH?"
V 5?. ORDER. .
.T.:FXIY’ET’T‘ 7?”.A.ft"?‘-"}’.‘~I ‘:'.h.IT‘f‘-."AY "flu ETC. , 7‘W2‘3fi3NT‘A“’T9.
lilualtd"...‘itf:; Lipml 2.4.: 1 turn i211; {inst of flint:

for:2:t<:3"«11'z "':zvz‘r'ti'LU’S. :,.w Uriarmzv-‘tn :.1‘ i'ttr the: 213mm a: (1 boon
recobrzzr? m" (.5 12:” ‘1, may this 'i:":ff.’1‘!<‘?:-‘L}li;as in Open dour":
am? :‘.-1:24;: ror’ in -:;__:.~;=::w. T7115,” thug? i»";*i'.€:-1“.:n 1n::’i;.3.«;m for ::
jinfiav-tfiryf'. in .f".:~v-‘:" of Tim (‘..-LI‘cinduntts notzwithwtaflzilng Lino

, wartiiof, r-riwzertc‘i ‘19:" tho 3 $.35 Charmin, which motion 15.. max-7
new? (51" .:xenwrfi, .':-.116, upon $.13; 3:2: (Tm-:11. misc: 2.1mm.

‘ 't
.;...-M} -;. .1. (11.3513); I.‘ WK} L .
L ~"."-: .1 1. r 7_’ 1111:. 1:W;
1311;.sz . .L. L.:‘-L.. 1‘1. , x 3315‘; J. 3115' “ 5
‘i’ a; ‘2.-v.5 ’
2.3T}. OHM...
'3'“ ' ~':‘ ".' ' ’ - » ‘L " I. .“- .’ ~ 3L,i“"~ “. ‘LL‘1',,.‘.;--|L’ ‘,1'-"\
.L.“.’} 6.; 1’“ ’.' L'x' 511:1.“ ."- :. ~ vLLf’” gnu. g , ix“; 3““; 3“.“ .1.. .
Ifir.xwa:d3.;z.1uez3..”; Wm: the“: I" turn '.inixy fi-;.»u;'3‘;. :."L‘ 't’z‘m.
faint-<31. 1215: ".::-ardac‘l;, 11:11:14 1!.me c? ;-1.'- tax? 3 after *L'rr. I.- err-.912“ 3:3. {P Exam
r9 :1 pm; ;_,|_)_;___ :tfl; ._ -1:; .n ,.);
L.) . 2,01,; t u] ..L .lU‘ as .V:. cc.» z. .51,» t .e w. e if-” nor 4 U1
I "' 3 _, ' s r ’ilgf“ ("4 ~"\ " *n "7”"§ ..;-1.7% “ »- - I: .. “‘1': um .‘ ,'\ f“ 'i' W '.".“4' '.“» >1; 2.'
.L:. .- . ("va ‘)i.-'-~»‘L~":.I -.-i 03/ th,.., .‘-".‘i L.’:, ”“'-.,. v.‘.'1‘1 '. J.L 4.1,“ . 2._, '.-u, ‘).) I"). .vu
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