xt73bk16mf8w_242 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [199o] Albert Copley v. L&N, Letcher Circuit Court text [199o] Albert Copley v. L&N, Letcher Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_23/Folder_8/72529.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_242 xt73bk16mf8w , .
Hazard, Ky., Febrlmry 9, 1916.
3.1). K‘Jari‘ield, Louisvillefly.
0011;; to SJflJ‘Iilson, Le:_ ..., 4, ( .fl,.,......_...-‘. 4. ...‘ ‘ _,‘.. ‘ ...71, “r.“ .‘- .. 1.,
..L"). OJ. ..Ou :'Juvkulb u ...:.O..., ...3..;;.u1...C , “it,” ..IOV33.-J
.§.0:;3t 213.13 lay“;
\ ...' ,- .. . 4",; ,,7-3 .,....z _. .‘. ....1 1y .. .v. .. ‘5 ..._..,
.‘.. You ”1:7, .». ..L-:..: :3....,...;1...g_. :..-.1333. .,ne Linux): 33.10;: ..“}.
8°C."; ::;L":.
a ‘7 h ..“.’. ._ ',. ..,. . , ... ..“-:.. ,.'. 1 .L ‘ 1 1.7 , .'.. ..-. 1 .. -
.‘»/1;. ...'(Jw' 53.3) Om 1.1 J ‘14.. =.‘.: . Hg. «Jaw; (10.1.; 01k} dL‘UQ-f 3.1.]. {About
‘ . :1.,...,._.:r
'17,! Lb vaunted;
‘. “‘. ..“.- . . . _. :3 ,» ....1. '. .- - .7,-m . ".- .:‘ .L.! .-
... ..».e .;.L 93-31. .[ u 03 ~3qu; :0 .73... tfu.:-...‘L;1€. .mld 0.1. 3:10 ;Mrab
.3} ' 4. .....7 » ' n v + ... . .. 7.7- 4.- ‘. z . .7- .
~ 117.3113 on .115 3.3-.151. J. 3.9.0 .10.. Cum... 3.1.0 .1....(1 run over the 133...th
‘ . ”.3-... .. . ." -~ .. c 1.'. .. .3 .. ." . ..'.» ‘.' -
o it~~thc by. -9433. o: ...la.....3:.-... 21.11.; 331.....cung ‘11:...13 in ..ro..t 04. 3.33.711 :2.le

 ’; .
1 .
211“; is right turn: and kneel-£021 11in 1:209 and. knocked $7112.21 clown anal that
2 threw him nails-2r the train. .
$1.5.12‘cl]. the Court the czar-Let 1'2os-xitior-1 that Lilonlcy was in
at the time the tr::.i:1‘::'2o-n you spoke of hitting; him anal knocked. him loose;
-. llo haul his left foot 021 the stow when the flag-nan or brake
1112121 knocked hi ofi’. Lino "uranemam fine on 121-1.: same stop he 17cc on.
6. Ellie-71 ,7," :.2 ,.210 ‘Lr2--i;'1 r11 31- at ':'.Eiet time, up or
(101121 t ‘:go crue’iffi
42. you. ’
' ._.7. on which aisle 0:2? tin-z train 13:23 the 31210-31111; if? 2:211, the
Cir-1e he :3 eel: oi“:
U; the right :3.-..112'. 2.221.212 go] :3my-1:21.
".15. “More more ;{7‘2'21 2c 1t r2:2:£"::2.<32;1221<::c to the {2?:-Lin.
on Tillie-31'. sine "Io-re yes-1:.";
o ri it ;:iLZe. ‘
.I_.ii'. 1101! :31-11‘ \'.'.:;~'_,-':'2 {u .:1‘- L') the LLL’ in";
£321. or 5c: i'ect at the .f;n‘i;e'i:cr 32:011. i don‘t 1:.1012' c:;:;2;ct« k
ly 0'7 far it in. ‘
.’“.lC).;£ow from ‘.‘.flzcre you more to where t he plaintiff was 2
was there {2.21 t in net'roon ‘,')":u :_-.,;::i- ‘21i;:1 to o"2::1:2t::'1:ct ‘,,v-z‘2ur I";
5221-12-1 2132; but 9. man and. lie mus not in .:.-1;; Elfin-3172 310 7'.";18
off to 32,37 rifht 3.2161. L‘ 210*: obstruct 1:13,? VieY‘I.
,,.ll.'2.:.1.s 3,101.!- in lain View oi‘ ’22}. 3311151 ntii‘ 1i":
. Yon :.': 11' . >
‘ ..].531. Ii." 2; 11nd. exit .2121. 2i 3011 "then -r . <..‘:<.)_7:>ly 31:-ml can-1t hold
of the .,‘TI’ZE-l) 1.22:":212123 i L211 both nun-1.12;; Tim-ll one foot 021 {(21253 2.1301: “Inc... the
trrzn‘. 313323.11 ali-gjxtog on 112 hi] t; i1 12112}- 1:,2.o<31-:od him (2:2'f‘2'
.21... You air.
13-. Jet! Lit that time that -..'r. 00121:} "had his feet 0.1 the stop
and hold of the 511:1]; irons 1.‘!1123313 the t1:- 211131121121 stimulixlggg‘k‘
1;“ 2i1gi‘s2u'i‘oot :9; Ewen-cl of 3111321 hi}: and, ".rhon the t r. ..i 21 once
cl OTIS; "no c3:..;;_i.:}1t hold. oi.‘ the {1:1-:,ng ironc on ”22:12:: some coo-ch, ;I_;:-2.;-1c atop.
«,.l/i. ;2013 file you :;;e;,r that the 40721211121213 13cc :2 little a hood.
, of ..ir. 00311;], 5:0 you mean to s :.2-,1; the he 1':-:11; st {1: 1271 121;; dour-:1 the line

 further in the direction the train I.‘,IziLL‘: going; from shot ;Lr. ooply was?

.4. . Yes £311, the flogjxnem was .

21,.113. How would that be to 3.001313%; riggE-Lt or left?

."‘-L.. night.

,16. Litnte I.‘!hetnor or not the flagman of 't1zr::.i:vr1'::1cu1 ) 021
the wround at the time that ..;r. geoly caught hold of the 131331) irons
of the train :...nd got his: left feet 1130:: '1; he stop":

Yes; 1311‘, he Isms; on the gyro 11nd. at tE‘Lot t ioe .

_...1’7. .1‘ “believe ;,r‘ou. so; that the flagman 01' troim‘mn push-
ed 035‘ EiL'Loekod.-.:1 1.203113] 0311‘. 1303.3- the :.;z'nu‘t "now he did thntpln I.'.Ihat
me. 11:15: 13‘}

11;. He juet 1135;131:211. 1212.13311' 1:111:72. tfrgio £01102! omealong. .110
may not time ones; E1311 L (ion’t "Com, :.;:o ’b];‘r::-.‘;L‘>:;Ln.; 1:18.; not nan-“e soon
11 i. .i :ion ' t 1:13;: .

...l‘o. 3011 a 1?: ho jut “owned himself I.':LILz‘Lt do you 1.1mm
by barneiy‘Lg h :'1. 1;: <2le

”3210 131'::.I:e:;12.121 no {Lie 312.31; like 5111:; 5::.11 '.'Ihen he 517001.: to

‘ {jot on the t’:"=‘1311 ho '.‘I::.:=: well 021 it it.

51.19. “Roll the ‘I’ourt if you [HOW ‘:.Ihoxt port oi“ the brake--
1:121:1'23 330113.; 0.1" trui1'1::L:’:2.::1‘:3 1303.3; 312111131: ...:L'. 03313;?

It 1.111131; so 1.31.3011 :;L‘oout 'iziL: LshIJLLlLLoEn-s, his loi‘t nine.

..:/'30. ‘.',II-Looe loft :.:;‘LLie‘:

31:10 ;L‘]._:a,“;::1:111':.: loft Sido hit 411'. ascrwly 0.1 the 1‘5. Lg'ht .

.;.‘:31.::3t;1to '.I'E'Lothor or not you $1131.11. 30711;; :"21131 .i.‘ row the
t :1". I. in "'.I

.. "fies .‘Ji 1', 1'. 1312;; 11:3. ; mall.

21.2232. .;"0'7, ;,rou :;tgrteéL “1:13.10 ~, If .[ 11:13..»353122011 you that
you did :10 t E21021 fleet no: the fliigjgl'zlflll or t 111111111531 our -.Lr . {301le or

’ not. I will no}: 33011 if t one 11:35; on}: thing; there to obstruct his
View ;1’.‘ 101:2. oeoLLg 11 5.1112

~ 11‘, there 1'! :3 J'Lothing that I 3.1 of.

.223. If there 11:213. been any thibg to obstmet you: View
you could have seen it?

Yes 81?.


 5.24. one there any thing there to obstruct the Viow of
the brskcmeo or trainnen from.thio stop that he attempted to got on ”
and did get on?

A. Che exvac men on tho other etcp~~oot as I know of~-no

5.25. How close was the flegmmi or trainmom to the tract
when you firot mow bin?

4. do u ezri it closm to the to ct of course.

.26. Did ;ou or not notice the direction he was looking?

m. Jo cir, I did not notice what direction he'wee looking.

”.2?. i believe you tell the court that he braced himself~
that is the eruiomcn before to cought hold of tho grog iroooi

-1. ”foe 531?, 210 jugst in: cod.l1iiuaclif lifi:o Lug; ctflzor' fiTTFiHUuml
would that got on.

.1.2E . .flxl.y011 soc :Borlgr artfuv lo ;follfé

7:11.31: .'.:aii .

.29..oifi you ECO him jot injurodi
~ 1, Yes oir.

1.230. "30.1. L'lOT.’ that/t ‘.I-:..). diode?

L. Hotvoo knocked 33f tho iroct end of the rcir couch and
ti::r<>vzri 1121l:::.".;:;'or:i '..'.izei :...r, darly l the brake-—
man g'jot on':

.421 Stunts? 1‘0 Y. 1,; i..:_:.;*.-ii'.1g u on the jails-.tform.

o. 2: there any one stazding on the steps of the rear
end 01" the ea..::1"-;: in front of tuc- eno ti: .t 150333;; .3011 hold of:

,...I do not 12.10?! whe't'ho'.‘ there '.'ms or not .

«@411. no you LL to tell Lhe court t-zere '.:-us; no one on the
steps 0:; the ..1 end oi" l ceach in ,.'rcnit of the coach ‘.'-{hie}: ...r.
Coyly caught hold of

.:L. Yin; '.:ir, HZ‘LCL‘O we.» no :‘st.-m.di2'.' tin-hie or: the share 01'"
the rear end of.“ the coach in front 0.5.1:. 21.1031131.

2.4.1 . £1011 151:1.1'1? .'::en '.'rere there on the steps of thy. coach?

I do .mt :.';lO‘J-M

.,./iii.» ‘,...zn; there as hut-1;," as two or trim-e?

' ... ‘»i'es sir, two or three there.

,'.,45. ...-s there :'rzere than one man. pram”; the platform be—
t'.“.ree:=. those two c<:>:.:,ciies 11' gm. noticed“:

Jot that ;i .‘4:.‘.,0'..r cf- .. ._,uz'rlpter fellow I 22.10:; was there.


 a; .44. no ;g;-.,m. 3210:“; ;iaii‘z'gwtor's given :1:-2:10? '

“.111 alumni; er .

‘.”.5. 23011. the Court ”:I'hcther or .101". those men that were

V . riding on the steps of the Joech that f‘u spoke of were truimmcnt?

.:..},fo air, the}; ‘.'!OZL‘G not 12372114114031. bid not look 1i :0 try. 1%

no to 2:10 . '
-‘«‘;./,':.6. _..:id 11’-":12 o: .10 t {200 the train come in th ore?

You 2:17), I ‘;.’:‘:3- stzxaziiigagg "Silvana.

11.4.7 .. 39:1! it some in“?

33-31: ::ir.

‘2 '.fore there {12:13: ‘jf»r’.??:‘;-.,:O :18 ric'ifimf; on the steps and. the
;.fnliL aform 17711521 tic trazi :1 ms were in ti: oro‘:

1.. Tot :Ls I 1» $21.31;: EL'5.}'§JQ.’:l;im‘l to . .

13,49, 15in, t ;ggwgm'u did see that: 0:1 the Steffi?) as it utzgzrtod 31173?

3:.. You sir, oi- .330"; 0.. 11‘-109:: 1113-. the ti .0. '.21 it beats
in and. goes out~ they g3;-.>t on “their-:1.

3.50. I ‘.".75.:3.l get you to tell the Court ”crhotfzzor or not those
Hart142111511: jncxrg'sons you. or of si:.:.~.wli.i .153 01;. the at one in 31::‘ont of
Coply was on. the ‘0.)1'51.5.1‘3. 7:12.311 it oo :1:: i mil: or dial the; get on the re
at that xylene?

.L. I don't E31027.

'.';Jid. You aiirfi -:.ot see th (:1:. {get on?

;io :sir.

> 1.3.2:: 1; 9:12;“: 3'0 or not , one or}. 5.71.20 ground between. the
flaj'man 0:2: tr;irr.1;~.n and. -.I:. Corly‘ 9.123313- tino t2: 3 ...rr. 00331;; got hold
of the groin i:1;'o:;.s.="i

:3.. ;aii‘.

:f;.i3£5~. '..'..a_,.: titer». any one there :32; any time a;fi't».r ..‘;r. Ooply
got hold. of the grab irons; stte.mti;1;‘; to board. the train until the
flagj'nan took hold of the {grab ironsat thrxt 21:11:":

.179 :..:i r, ,.',O'L' :s I set! of.

41.5.34». If more bed been any one also is.ttertrg'=1';i;l§3 to board
the train you could ‘Ezavo seen them?

A. No sir, nobody never tried to board the train after


 Umflgroxcmm the tmfl man.
Chou; QindlggTIuj
31’ J.ii,,;,.13 L.'.Li-Lit‘rfii;
2.1.Lhere do you live fir. Bollmor?
;. In Blomtug,fiy.
I :.2. Ehat is in Letohor Gouaty is it?
x. You sir.
$.5. are fwu a marriud nan?
3. he sir.
§.d. How long have you lived in Floniugi
it 3V)? since the irst of the your;
Qa5.lflu$ have yutlmm; doing?
A. Ioflziag in the mines“ Luau ins and bramin; on notars
in mines.
‘¢.6. Lhat mine do you work in?
A..; 53.
Q.0. Had fan been working ox gaturda; before this accident?
::i You :iir.
Q.7. Lhat time in the day on ;aturday before did you quit
‘.;-'0 1'22?
' A. I at home it‘ffis half past five, guittiag time.
H.C.dt what place in filominx do you live? i
j-‘ .'lt 10¢
,.9.Ehoro is that plauoarith reforo co to the railro:d
it. 11; is 1N; higdlt'is fioxfii.
Q.lO.It th' South of the depot?
You .ir, it is. 12:-7 this way.
4.11. How far?
. A. fario or iaur hundred yards I at Home.
4.12. Hm? fur is it from whevo you stay to the place where
, the ylaiatiff Coyly got injured?
. A. I gues; it is a mile down there.
- -

 $.15. there dii you stay the night before Ceply get hurt?
A. At home. at my usual plaoe.
. 3-14- that time did you go down after the aceiuent ooeured?

A. Just after I eat dinner

$.15. Did any one go down there with you?

.1. Yes sir, another follow.

;.16. Give his name please?

i. I don't know his name on John.

1' ;.17. no you know where he is new?

i. He works upon Eontz fork?

.,;.18. limit does he do?

n. he is a lather.

m.19.¥as he there with yer when this exoioent ensured?
A.Yes sir.

;.20. any other person there with you?

:1. ;k> sir, 2n) one afl_SO wiiil me, otFM>r ymrinle tluare tinnngh.
gJfl.mme£wmmfl fimn?

it. I tion't lemon t? Cil‘IKLMOS, stzniigWIuj'te 320.

9.38. what taint were you at the time that aeeident oeeured?
:;. I $n1s oiuigili:t3 1,3Cmilnl[§2l13ii133t 'tlra filtifllel? alloy).

$.25. The front part 93 the builfiing?

g. I don't hue: Jhether it was the front part of net~~

‘ against the corner 1 was standing.
;.Eé. Dhe railroad was on what you call the side of the
building?and you was on ttn side of the builfiing next the railreafl?

A. You :L'Lil‘o

3.25. Ana loaning um against the building?

A. Yes sir.

4.26. I wiLl ask you where it 2.01nm1 got hurt?

4. Out in front on the right hand side of the railroad go—

ing down.

g.z?. too there an; tuilding in front of you?

A. $0 sir.

¢.2€. Any street or any hint of railroad there?

A. head crossing there.


 . ‘ ’., _~ .1 - '1 2‘ J.." .:. _ .Q -..... .,.. ‘,' .'Q,
3;..239. ...LLLnL Sl=.:.0 :22. 02123.1. rode Jo“. ;. .u 0.1..
.~ - .' .3... . 1.,_ .. .1 .' ,;. Q. Q. __ ...1 ,, ;..Qfi,
(.221 tho :1, ...'.».L 2:11.221LL Blue .;_;oing 5102.. .;.-J.
~ I)‘ ‘2 ‘-I ~. ‘_. 4- <1 -‘« 4~w --— '— i'r‘ ' ., ‘y 1.] «’V‘li'r’l7“ to @011 ;.‘Lfl
Q. :-:)(;'0 1.94.3. .:.1U:‘.;L L-1 U5. $10-1. .LLL} ...101.. .....k:2..-. A :‘1 ... ,
- « “ - i' -.. ~Q~"~ ' ' “ 4‘3" " -‘ I :‘«<’.‘ ‘.;.3 "'. (’w ‘21.“: H ”.’3 ' “1":-
.:L‘::>'n1*o.olzinir: 1;.-14: 7:111:30 .LL 0;. «..111-2 10 .(‘L L..-..11 “Gown... 2 .,...“; :01.”
_ . . ,_, .- .‘,-..
.- . , .- .,~,. .1.. 1,..-l ..' “4 _‘.. .L.‘. . .H , . ., 2. K.. .Q. {a “Q7”. ._..“ . . , -.
y'u rug; 0;; «122.2 172,119 v ..1oe ..:.t. built; £201.21. o..-.L o.b....l12...>u LL mulLL
. _ . .‘. -!_ ,- - 1.1 ,. ',‘—m
1 111;: on tgLfic 2:15.10 -.. .2.-Lo 1‘0- «.L..
Q .
9.52:: 1311‘.
- . - -- - — ,~ .- «2 .. . 1,,. 1 .. ml
. .5313... 1:321:21: L2;1.:'«_.I_G.3..L{3 ”~12. o to .2, LL Du L,..aol ”no...
‘ “’ 1': Q) ‘\
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a ,... .. .. “__. ..‘: ‘,. Y - ... . «7.1.1 -~ -w -~ -€‘ -~, 3.”-L.‘ .‘"?-
;.._,..,-.‘-.3 . y ...;.;LCM Loo ;.LELL :2 “duo L.....m 1m; uhb bum. L,-
.J‘-v ‘7 ‘
. w .., , .5...» N‘- - «..' .“Q'Q,
.:. -_,|) 1' L.) a u .‘\, t.f...’.EQ.q.«. .-
1 . w - 1.. . .:4' .J ‘:. ' : “-' . m -~ «.3' ~.-,-‘2~ ' ”'1’.
91.12145. . .3.:; you. <23". -116: L.LL: LL. ._2u2..:.LL.L11L-3 o-_ ._.-.LL 3.0.-
‘.I." 2..'. .._1“ .::”. .:,. .:.:“: ‘ ...,~,.«.,? ("VP ,...-1 ~T--,-«~ r‘. --. ~4 7).“. ,2;3-)~unw,~rn fen-.i-vw 13:29
1.L .LL: Brag») _:-I3u44l’)* .LLL, N: ’11 33%;”; his}. L'il.‘.}.‘.‘(l)cQILLLLU . i\.).l.‘..1...1Q.{': On. HALLQU \iL'vL’
-.--" 2 " . _2- L.. ._ 1 4.,. .‘ _._ :1 ,1 .. Q, ._
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. “)4" 7.».":’2‘:: (‘:': {'3‘ “.'V-':‘, war". hi")?
lot. .J« ..,..«... .4 .-.L.». .j «...IL. L‘. . L; :..1 -. .
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.N. 11.20 L;:.,«Jl’C.
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.. 13 LWL! 2.2-3.1 301'-) «.LJL..«V2.11§’, J.,..ur no 2.32;...‘.o 3.11.
Q' ,- .,, .. ’ 2'. " . J- <5 ., ,.v ' . , ‘1 . .‘. ~ .'3
‘,»..29 . J. ,.«u :.2 2 {.':BL) L;.-‘.,.o «lune ..:2 «.:...z...
‘ ..'. ...
..: . ‘ 11ml a
A?) LWn .,. . ,J.‘.‘ ,, g. “A” .9 ...L-.... . ..m “,.wa -... ,
-1=.~.L,A .‘.’.Lki. JUL \L.L~‘.. ....O.’ ..L»; «'1. «..11; ;.O .L. U41olJ- “HAL am {353)};
'2. 3.‘ .- 1... ._. .'.: ;.Q_ ,1., Q Q ._._; ';Q. ”
AM.“ -.bx2',} ,1‘=‘ ',‘,L u ..: £4;1.‘L 1);; Lin) oxfwll'la

 .. , t _ T .‘. 1, a. . .,. ‘ .L. ~ . .‘ ..A ‘.._ ~ . .3" ., - ‘l. - 1.. 3:
a.ze4 Sir, i saJ “in an the yes store beiore tne train
some noun. .
-| . - . .': 3 :,... ~.-1—3 - r\
. 3;.4—1- '.Ahel'e 3.:.- mo gun-3r {nu-me.
>’ r ., .L. ". .. _ ' .,_“ .. ‘.,» . ‘,- , ' " ,.. ‘ .3 A‘.. ," v< . ' - ~ 3 1. 4.
2:. an the £1 at mane side geing down Just bOlOJ the
-. '1 ‘3 ..
butcher Shep.
:; .4353 . E?31:"t 21:24; E36: (it)i_rlsg 1;E1c:3§(§%
3 .-3. ..2- . h / a .LA I, ,.
.3.: 1.31253111'31szn; J3i::g; tga 31:1791 ijlfl. L.1513Ctr.
ii L. in sir, I don’t why he knockoa him o‘f.
Q.53. I aokoo you if y‘u knew that he kgockofi him off?
.. "Kc-.:3 1:137, he. 3j.71:7.21.:11c:c3. 1.11121 0:33—4:15; “13073.37 2113,1311 he {3:01;
on the train kuock & him 01f. ;owly dot on ecti3g nothing.
, ;.54. gr. Joyly $015 you thufi ho W33 got oxyocting
axy ihiny aifi to?
A1 Yes sir, if i am not bafily mistaken he told mo he
was got a: octi 5 a1 Eh: g.
1,55. 4:. Souly 1130 tol& you thut the brahoman oushei 0:7? 1:;";7335073. 7:35:71.
:. Jo riv, ha nova: tolfl m: t at.
.MQ. that &i& he tell 92m uh ufi that:
4. Tova: 1315 no fiwtbiif'ubwufi him kgfiflkiflf him off.
‘.57. He told yru hdl come him to get hurt?
A. NO sir, he mover trlfi m5 hon ha aomo to jofi huTt.
3.5K. fiavo rim told him $1-05 hr fiot hvrfi how it
”11:21._;.7‘;:7 73.117371 ”':
'Efallresiii "1‘81": '1::3-11'1, 3.1121.:.
;JSQ. Lhon d1? “on Hmvn : t-lfi wifih hr. 00p7; aiout iti
A. it mirht h5vo vestur£.r eveninj that he T¢u tolling
metmm fiugynflmfliuouflmroa
.60. .13 To ask you vhnt jnu know about Lho oroo yes—
'; 2P3 mi'r, 1101; yVH3C'JTU (I: 9 *
j.6l. You so Var; vouiflivo i’ I undorotmad gnu gr.
Bloomer 3?. So 13 got holfi 3? tho tEESJ and 03 aha fituws bofore
the flfiflvml "at on or thjhfit$d to got on:
1. Ho had 030 foot on the oinps when the £1; man got
on uni kflook d him 13040 dii 103 have the otnor foot GA tho stays. »

 Q.62.Anfi you set when the flegmnn got on he went on
in the other couch? _

A. Yes uir, he went on up in the tr in I don't know
Whether he went in the other coach or etooé on the plaiform.

5.65, I believe you eej he 3 J not look buck?

A. Jo dir,he did not 33y any attention,

firo4. there aid you live before you came to Blowing?

Iii tit :SlffilaLi, lieniniolgru

.,;.(35. ..:-.0'!" 3.0315”: Elicd _.'fj'll '_iiv’s‘ér‘ thwfro‘f

la Atout a goer uni a half.

;,66. there iii you life befo e you went theflefirol
C 017.31 by

..:"; Laure-1. If; nun t .

QLGV. At Hint bl so in laurel?

A. Amout Ell 51103 from London.

i.DS.In the eouupr; or ;i acne torui

3;. l v :,}::> (3(311 :fyzr;r.

2 .GS . 1.h;rt Yams ;wrui~ wCL t oli’i<;o§

La Jgrvigton.

1«?U.fi0fl fur from tint utwtion?

.  .;‘Z’tr :c: :"21353 «I {213.111.

3.?lt jo you org u urn tuere?

.'.“ ;fu air.

3.7225 ’..ho ('3 4'1 you Li'inigz‘ With?

11;," oi; :1.» 2-57 t‘ 2?}.

‘L .r 71.7"} . .L 1.5:: 7L1 -: ‘=.1.f_‘:.:".‘-«':‘:

. 35‘/1&0. ”L.'/“7 ‘ H‘s-2,.

;,74. Moore die you live before you went to Laurel

g. In Loelio uounty.

g.75, At what place in Leslie Jounty difl fou live?

:‘. a .'.; ~17 ‘.'I’) £51311 a

1.76. that crack?

:1. Kurt's {314:3th


 11.77. 3.11531: 3.33:3 your i‘=1‘:‘i;i)~,:’33fi"fi 31:}:‘20‘?
A. Shaylie filoomar.
Q.VE. You 339 eXpecting to go away from he3a now are
:.:: .30 3.5.13.
5.139.141; 13:3 :;:-34:31:13: intentihg: to ramilL3 hers 1:3 it '5‘
_-:. ”1:333 .111“.
-.;,EG. This; 3303:3113 whore 3112:: boggly was .1:, (m the "'3.'"
is it?
E‘s-:.: 133.1“.
L;.Ei-l 3 Che {31's. in #:1237213 32103363"
3;. Egg air:
.tfii. 1113.1; 1:3 '-:.4'E3::.‘u this L' rat: was (10:2:ng at the time
' he Isms 31:14. rt ‘; ’
i: fun air.
.85. L..: the 't:;.*;i-.:’s_21 "0:531:06: in. 0:: the “Y” and 351::‘2rted
out when (3:43.313; 0111:3213 it ‘:
"143:; ,i:.*, want out 031 3.11:: 3213.11: lino.
- .4 “mt, . .. 3. - -, vs: ._ :l" t.
».cL‘g‘m :.iLLfi L'35'3.L‘.1;,1 fluid: {Allin WU. £5831”: :‘.!..LOC_*". ‘qu‘ljj O.__L 31:3
tmi :1 ‘333333027 the; :3';:.E."£;c;1-3 thoro‘i‘
.~}. . L56: :1. ".:.“, them :::: ruin; than" 334311343 :, the ::::331 the throw
the :~3":.i.t<:h :::..13-11'1r321; “L;. 216 33017-43213; 4:31:.::2:;* .
$3.35. .1210 :::-:3: the you :;:-3:; they: {3:01; 01:11 the avainthat
;g‘ou too}: to 3'3-:3 311;;- fl;...g}:r.'-.z.=,.h did not have any 15111.33; to do '.':ith the
avlich a. that $1402 ‘
:1.;A3nir. ,
4,536. 3111:; ‘.'/:::; a. .: 33:3:1eq‘33323r train 1 13:31.1:3358'1
fl. Eo¢ Sir.
$.87. ._20 ;_:'4»u '.'»,-.;;3r::-=.¢ :3. inc-:::: 1);: Lin) 11:53:10 03’.” ;.3;;'-.r.4.:3- that keeps
:7. 0 :1‘ '.3 the 3 '2
:. fife-;.,: ;311‘, he keeps; a butcher shop . I knot; 1:153 face.
.‘,3.88. .-‘.:3 it the Eiu‘uoh:3r $13033 thzzafi 334.0 m1 or was it
the other that you 1751;: :;.‘t 0.21:1 31:3; :;: 5.::], 1.3131; ‘5
It '12:: the 1'.-3..;‘331193 ::hoy'r tirmt .aazvis run.

 3.89. How many poruonfl did you Soc standing round there?

i. E don't know there was o right smart of pooplo standing
round thoro.

$.90. As many on ton or fiftoon? -

it Yoo sir, too mug be otuofiing around there they may
not hxve soon the aooifiont occur.

;.91. iro you down thorn froquontly at thot nlioe?

L. 30 Sir, I novor go flown theyo hardly ovor. Have no
buoinooo doom thoro. monetinon i volt flown there w on I have nothing
olwo to do.

Q.92.Hov long had it boon since you had been oown there
before this day if you remember?

i. i fiou‘t know:

I ';.95. Elm: it Emmi: some time or onlg':z short time?

43111117 :7. abort: 1:13:10.

2.94. Have flow over boon to ;hitooburg since you have
Loon ho?o?

.:3. a $9.3 Hi? .

.95: Do ‘ou know how far it io from whore you live
to hhitoohurg? «

;. womo coll it 17 miles. i ooo't know how far it is.

.06. How loos wivo you boon engogofi in mining?

. ; :1?)”fill t ir.r<3 {xiii} :3 l::xl..f :7:2::1‘:3 .

4.0 . fir. hlwouav, oow long Have you known Ur. Cool ?

A. I had kiown him about a neith or o nonth.ond o
h 1f, had noon him fut I flifi mot know him 3 rsonully: l iifi
not know him umtilifiibogua to boood at 4y mmxhnx grandmmothor'o.

j.fi8. oh;b io your gyaxd~mothor'o nine?

-'.I.):.;r:.;1:;' Ho 4721.134 ..

..99. 13 gr. oomlu still ho roiug thoroT

No is 12051251. :1 ”..;: there now.

L-lCO. no? long has gro. Jovngn boon living in Flouing?
