xt73bk16mf8w_244 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [199q] Albert Copley v. L&N, Letcher Circuit Court text [199q] Albert Copley v. L&N, Letcher Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_24/Folder_2/72659.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_244 xt73bk16mf8w FORK l—Revilefi July, 1909
v ‘ ‘ giassagee; which arebappure‘ntlyhunuefcessfirg, oft tha'tdceiuid be sent bydTrainfMail, will be transmitted end
TELEGRAM ““" PM?“ “‘ ”"‘“sié xiii°ss§vénd éefifiu‘irminé‘éesrtpéa’r‘é‘éff: $3. 3’05““spmtm m ““““” TELEG RAM
“‘1 ."‘ I I" - 3‘ ,
7 A

 roan l—Revined My, M9
t K Mcgsages which are appurqntEy uxxxlefpes§ar§. or tha'tdcould be sergt byd’rrainfM‘ail, will bq transmitted 9nd
TELEGRAM “we“ ”mu" b‘“ ”P‘3eé’iiii°ss¥ifld ééfiifia’x’mfi‘né‘éffi‘spéflé‘éffi’x f3. fox?““5p°“‘“°“ f" “mm“ TELEGRAM
' ‘\.
I j :’F . iii.
‘3" V .'" . '
,= e

 TJ’Elitesbvxg, Kym, Jan. 730, 3.3715.
‘ ”-,wlson,
You and Landrum come to Whitesburg tomorrow tithout
:ail. Have had all Iiiiz’ldo of trouble today in Copley case.
Eon't fail to come yourself and. bring Landrux’n. This is the
most i]’:1})Ol‘tD.1‘1t thing that ever came up in Letcher County.
Jesse nor-3:392:11.

 V ;;M~ 2‘~\4¢437S
’\—~' ' ’ fi C /"" ,,‘" " '/ “s (',,, , f
; fi _ (army/fl frazd f/U/I/x [MM/(y (///%////y
5 *’ (/ ’// ‘ ’
/fll/(///// :fl/(y ,
./ ”gym/yet as. , ”1.47% '66)”; 1. fl, - .
\Eg ' ’ Janugry 26th, 1915;
Messrs. Woost§§ & Iorgmn, €7¥7 ,/fi
V :figzara, Ky. ‘ H
Dear Sirs:- ‘xfi ‘

Dr. T. A. 050k of Democrat, Ky., presented bill for ~
$50.00 to Juage Iiison far medical Service rendered Albert Copley, -
stafiing he Was called upon by an «anurnay for this cumnany. Will ‘>
you please inveatigate. I flo non finfi rny referenea fin such a bill H
heretofore. What service éid Dr. Cook rander Uhufi would permit

* him to present a bill for shat ammunt?
Yourw truly, ‘
1 1V - 2,}
V//i/f\:;iigi§‘g, _/ cu/~/*i>’”k“ ,)

‘2_: fl (2; *

; fi. ‘ ”

3 (3032;; 1:0

”’Juaga S.£.Eil3on.

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mil“ 3.
1'......,._ ,‘?
‘J‘JL-Hh '.La

 July 28, 1915. L
, ,
311's. Minnie .33.. ’v‘entex-s,
I Hyman, 11::211;1103;'¢;.,
. 5.1;; (452:1: ::i‘b'g '-‘.1_:-',~1u::4;:‘-,.;
if: : V:,»w.‘:'?‘¢.;1 .1"): £31" 0 it; 'a”1t.7,1 3f .
\‘ (36:53)}.21 1:23;. ‘ -'i '1,: 32224;: ;, . ' x ;_ , v ‘ 2: i?:':‘;
<3me E1112 {1’.}. ‘.41’1 L;.
, _ .1:. .0. 'J,
em; » '
.' i 7"};
3min:- - M

’ .
' August 20, 1915.
438833. fiootton & morgan,
Eazard, Kenfiuckyo V
Ge, 311319 men;
Eerewith, pleaga note bill of fire J»?.Craft for
932.40 for transcribiug certain tsstimony 1E fihe Cowley caseo
ire Craft has not sent me fiais Sranrcripfi and i prasumm it is
in your possesrionm Will you not axmaine the enclosed bil? and.
with ihe Trangorint bnjora you,a6vise me Whether same is proper?
With your apfiTOValg I will 0°13 the hill and forwaré Same to
Louiaville for vouGher.
Very truly yours, '
am / a

, ji‘IIllpl‘ \\\' illlll‘ L‘lvl' ‘ f‘ARIéFULLV ATTENDED To
1 .. Afinrm‘gs :1110 61mm: L‘llu 1'5-:1f<1.";11u ‘
4»? /f. ‘ / fl 11’ ‘
I‘ 1'.‘ I i ’I !: ‘." '
‘1 A W ' =
.' ‘..(‘9_ V I,
“ ‘ Angust 15, I915.
Judge S.M.Wilsonw
' Lehingnon, “yo
my gear Judge;-

I am enclssing herewith statement for trans-
cribing the evidence in the case 0L Copley vs. L& E, in
Letaher, which I wculd thank you be aynrsve and send to the
praper auuhcriLies for paymunt, ind greatly oblige. _

You ' bruly,
‘ I /



August 10th, 1915.
Juflge S. M. Wilson,
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:-

Judgo Hearing was in this morning
and asked me whxt I thought of the chances to
try the Coploy case, I told him fihat Hurvim and
myself expected to go to Galifcrniq in September
and that you would be tied up in the Breqthitt
Court, and that we could not try the ca¢n I
did not think, and tho Judge seems to on rather
njce about it, but will insist on a trial if we
can possibly bo hero. I do not mean by thig
thnt ho agreéd at all to not press for trial.

I gresumo that your business jn
tho Breathiii Court will take your entire time
and that you will have no opportunity to be here.
I would like for you to write me at once relat-
ivo to this matter, so I can confer further with
Judge Bearing. You will nofio from the docket
that ur. Hurvie qnolosed you that iha QQp16E,QQSG
away the _2137; any; of the texjm,,_,~.~;111,p111o+19
firfii day of Séfifiomogr. Tho othér casns, Harviom
EEE“5}§61? and Bug, fiiiwtry if fihey need be
tried, vjthout you, and now if you can figure
out o way to continue tho Goplny case, we will
excuse you from this torm of Court.

But Mr. Horvie says that he rather
objects io this and will be disappointed if you
do not get up here- rmd bring, Mrs. ".7311an and 1.11325;
Praeton, so the mmttor is ootween you and Harvje
“a; I will be sujtod either way.

Yours very truly,
J::;P.. // W 7i”
/ L

 _ FORM l—Revised July, 1909
Missagedc whichtilrebagparcint]{huuuetgesslzir%>, Off that I(:cziuld be sent byd’l‘rainfluail, will be trafnsmitted and
d ‘ ‘ r 0 " . ' ’ " ‘ it t" .
TELE‘RAM ‘ ”M W“ y “ WES: Riff: gsé‘éud Eefiifii‘hiufi‘gesrépéfié‘fif;32f. i’m.“mp°“““°“ °" a 6“ ‘°“ TELEGRAM
Wirlié‘ms‘iuvr finial? /
F.- E.’ Wilson, Jesse Yerevan
30‘ 1'33; 025 e pa :3 3' 31 um, i l tu esdya. ,
I B Fm 64711:?” .

,3 August 25, 19159
O‘Hah’aevrrnan, 1383,13 ,
53534;, 33153.3 3&1;ng 3'3 :6 21; R Co.,,
\ .'.’-L”??? :13 3377.7 ' 9. ,Kg':

I»’.:fi‘n‘ 3311’:

3.033323 1:13. 93101 00 :14: , l 231:er 3m: 1333,]. (3f .5 .129.;}3.=:3;IE‘1;, {3531‘
Aztzma.‘g'tx:"::.3:§3<3;‘fi 3'50: 315759.340 i‘G: 2:: _'.'131313561‘}. 3:31:33: ::I:~;:3L:.r‘-...;i.,:_3_ 33,3332:23.3.1133 in? us
t'i'gc- (353.313:- in :.r"=JCa’>}1-i:3’_‘ GL-sxcrjlfi 337313.33; 03? Albert 33013193," 7. ’.. 5;: £337.00.
$371312: .ma-(:01? at ’13.:25': been 3:”"c mom: 3 4.12011 (2;; 3,L<.3:r.';fz3.2=1 {.-*.T";(\ myfiztif
rm? I ::‘13 :71 "as: (3‘va if—ui 1:3, .'.;3'; 33.1.0 :3::=‘e.*.rv;::*e‘ (::-<30? 7,7-311’ 33.1]. viii. 170': char
3'.; 1312'”)? C-jj‘ :3-VTQCI'l3,jjti in {:5‘.';,'::Oi".£7f~a
3333;. v «.,'-37:,- 337 3_;"(3323'9


 3 August 2+39 1- 15°
Messrs, t’cctt on 8; morgue, itmmeyg 5.3;“: 15:-.3;.
.:.;95151trd , .‘:{‘_‘; ut- uc: 11y .
‘35P}; 3.5777163; ’ ,
Z hWe yours Of the 244.31 inmatnt Efi'fléfiurniugj that hill of
; 'Cjfi‘ft‘ 7 “T ~.z’751“fez’t-0 S“t€?3':£?{“.‘:‘f:chic 1:313: in the .L;.Z“mrt arm‘LeLy' case.
I 3337*"? W‘ii‘l‘UTSd thix‘t ti“ and: 1’01476. : to Louisvi .:."): ':':ea,;fs‘zent
glittf-f ”Li-mil? ;t'oui .
.. I
-‘ ;v‘.’ ’5‘
L3 {:".‘Lff': r-‘rga'l, 3,

,_ ‘ Afinngsmbgam
w 'I T 7. ., I“; .
J :42 g: .
: , / =
' , 7 .47- N “Hz/fl. FT
. j ax '“
/,74 5")
//L/ ‘~— ~« 9/ / 5” , ,
[xi / .1‘/I", {/Z/Zzgfifk /\ ’ ’ _,/>/>: ‘ ,, V « Q I”; _/

ATTOI‘NL‘IIS at 715ml:
September 9, 1915.
Mr. Samuel 1271. Wilson,
Lexington, Ly.
Dear Sir:

I have just seen Mr. Craft, and he has asked me if
we would have any occasion to write you to-day of tomorrow,
to ask the cause of the delay in receiving his voucher in the
Copley case.

As Mrs. Craft is seriously ill, and this voucher
is no doubt needed, I take occasion to write you that this
matter be hurried up. all possible. Mr. Craft would appre-
ciate it.

Yours very truly,
W411 w 7%. Gill/(Z near 1“ ,/

 c '
Lt}: 517::;{,0n . Ky. .
5533‘, ‘31":3: her 9 , .“.-€155 .
{J.. Craft , Rug. ,
Haxird. Hy..
Dear Sir:
Her ‘1. 5": ‘1'7’?:€}:’3-'I.‘V' .7’ LEM-131?: \51}, V0123}: 3r '1'03?
1.‘ 5; >3, ,1: 7‘ ; 7.‘ ,., _, ,. ‘.,, um.“ v,N .: 1 *; .,. A‘V ..': .V., ..,: [1,. ..1 .,.. ‘2. -.. “ T ,
-,_) . H2, 4.: .i'. 1.’ :x:-. r).:_'._;, 1 AMA :.‘-’.1. ROI; (;4' 3051,"
in: i mtimot; E: {be 3'39 of Lléfirt Coglvy V3. L“ L 7;
1‘1? ti“: '2 In: {3 1:37 53% 3:21. 1:; {Jain
/' *1 cu” ,
S} ’/”"‘ R .

 July 7, 1915.
C. 1:2. lioorman, 1381i. ,
Asst. 131311. 11111337., 3; If: 15 3:7; I: 00.,
1301118171119, Ky.
Dear Sir: 1
Referring: to yours of the 61:11 instant, relatiVe to the
bill of 1:58.20 of Minnie '.L. Vent are for services renc‘zerea the 27.1 8c 13
By. Co. The item of g§4°00 for fleeds, a’s request of 13.1}. 13191618,
and the item of 3,5135 for carbon 0033103, were for éeeds affecting
the 0011:] Creek properrrty :21, the mouth of Golly Creek. Elbe item
of .759’ for pleadings am“: the item of 1432.20 for deg-20311310118, are
for work in {111-:2 Gama of Albert Copley V.. L 5c 13 1251.00.
135.11 he rewith returned»
Yours; truly, ‘

 w ,” 47'3”»! ///
V .
- ' _. . fl/A/T/f/fl/ (/J%///.- /////}/W/ ////%/////
.7” I, 4 ~//. /// l/// ,/ m» ‘1 > ' 1 i
f ’41’/”’”.’ ” altruiizf/ 4,’/,4[re/”4;,om4fi//w,124424.444/7,
‘2”;/(’4.), /// //‘/~'////////, 4;
4‘/.\4S‘/.//'//.i'//'/}'/ -‘//////7/[fli /, /
/' /'/‘ /’ ' , . .// H,"
1' k/ . 4 /_ 4 " I /V
,,_/’“Wfl/ “4’/4’44’/§f4’4€4._/_4W_ -~/?~”’«/////({{:/ July 6th,l915.
Mr. S. M. Wilson, ' V'I .‘ -§
Counsel, L. a: E. R. 00., 4 v/Wgy «2'1
Lexington, Kentucky. :Q/ ‘I :
Dear Sir:— I i M ’
Referring to your letter of the 5th inst. relative
to the bill of Mrs. Minnie L. Venters for services rendered the
L. & E. R. 80. With return of enclosure will you please advise
me the style of cases on account of which the work was performed.
I cannot charge out items without this information.
. Yours truly, ,
Lfl/é‘m .,.’" 7f
Assistant District Attorney.

 \ ,
July 5, 1915.
(3. ii. 3:300:33sz 458125.,
Asst. Disto Atty” : 1': 1: ”:1 E; (30.,
Louisville, Kentucmf.
Dear Sir:
zlere‘vi'th CIIULOEZUG, £1110, hi 3.3; 0:? 431‘s. 3.1511211» '71. 7121111121‘9,
in)" serviccs '1‘ 0111101113 in "0:113:43; an? (31:: T; (’3. :.'l, auwurzfiingr to 458.20.
I have had “511121: 11113. caralullgg checked by Vaoet‘t- on (3:

;:.-31533;": and am Sg‘afiifik'ififézl ‘L‘-1111f, 1;:sz Tn: (.:O‘ I lama: acme: dingly
:s-purm-‘cé. the hill fur ‘-u’{“‘r¢.’30 {111-:5 1131-: b‘yb '\r(:-12<33~:1:? 17 12:: be 1:3: rtuefl
at your .:2111V‘e211131un‘e,in favor 0.5. iiinhic: ‘:e 72:11“: 237:3, to azovnx' $HH‘QE}.

' 32’ -1 £31113; "Joust-(1

I Counsel a

 -i July ‘5, 1915.. ‘

Messrs. ‘.‘iootton at Liorgan,
Hazard, Kentucky.
Yours: of the 3rd inetsmt, enclosing: ovaries oi‘ depositions
lately taken in. an Bonita 3; 5mm; and. Luring: I.:e};.;:7.eini-.=g bill of firs.
Vern; era .50}: 98.20, :::“emriivi'ed. and not- ed . E'J‘jjgcn'i. the strength of your
or;,1:=215.a.ti-.321, I have :g;:;i’;‘()‘v':3ti if. »..: hiti and :.:.suimd tililt‘ “arousing: may
- be .l"FT-Tli‘?:’:l in ‘3EL.‘:,}'!:'1'3 .216 2
Vi; 3y ‘ 5:11 1:; your :33
:::.i. /.-:;., .
Counsel .

 BAILEY r3. woonou Jess: MORGAN
. ,‘ Aitnrmgsmiéiam ‘
HAZARD‘ KY' July 5, i915 .
:: fi/fii’ "I é ’
I; ' 39-: 3‘; : ‘.fv‘ 5::" .7 .W’.’ 1.7 ‘
Mr. S. M. Wilson, :L// 7
Lexington, Ky. H '
Dear Sir:
Yours of the 50th relative to the bill of
$8.20 of Mrs. Venters, received. The deeds copied
for Mr. D.D. Fields were deeds effecting the Colly
Creek property at the mouth of Colly Creek. Mr.
Fields represents the L. & E. in this matter, and
this bill should be paid either by Fields or the
Company, and I presume the company will have to pay
The depositions in the Copley case, for
which bill is rendered, I herewith enclose you. As i
to the pleadings in the Copley case, I know nothing :
about that. '
Very irnly yours, \“7r
/ .. /YIZ{E’2/Ti’i :_ ,/‘ ,’/,rx:.‘/;"'P_fr i//’/ ,_
n/i/ ... /,” .i,"
,/ yéf”
Jill/c 6 L"

 “is .3. women JESSE MORGAN
, _‘ giinnwgsmhfillam >3“
‘ ' HAZARD‘KY' June so, 1915.
i n “V I"! half?
Mr . S . M. ’.':‘ilson , 1‘.: (fix; E. R {L D
Lexington, Ky. =.‘  . __ _. _ ’flx I
Dear Sir: "it
Enclosed we hand you bill of Miss Venters.
I do not know anything about the $6.00 item, but I
suppose it is all right. The $22.20 is for copy of
deposition in Copley case recently taken at lavIch‘oerts,
and is all right.
Very truly yours, ‘ ,
, ._ fi/fifj/ 225%” (Ii/W,
/ /

‘ ' ~ ‘ I"
J1me 50, 131?.
'- r‘amcmgw 7 1‘ «{~ ~‘:] ‘ ".5 \'r- 014’}
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‘L' ~ r:‘ r“ 'V’» I "1 ”'1
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35.1 ,: .,., , 1-:. ,,1 , . ’,_ v _.3 (..M ‘.,"ng x .J., “_.1 ,. ,‘, ..V -j. I; ,., ‘ A 7 --
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‘_u- ‘?_‘= 'J ..,]o 'I, 7~, ~ _«x -..-,-..-, ..I, .L.L .. :;;_:. :-:; _“:} .‘.?J. "...‘: 111
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 I 1‘ ' - 7 - I * I I #32151 153.. ”7"!” ' _ I
- 4 ~ .' f ‘ . . .   .
5 Mrs. Minnie 3].. "Jenters, . .I “ II '
' > I' .. I fi-i’l’fifieaburg, K37. . I I I ‘ > '-
, I ' ‘ 7 I ' . , E35321“ Airs. {ifen‘teréiz . ' " . . 7. T . .I
T‘ I ’ ' . . I I I 53376. -1.. w your lat-to:- bf She. £2216: instant, :‘I
‘ _T I hand you. herewith vm..a:';q::3: 3303;: Knew, 'pragrrisni: in full i'IOI‘ ' I.
I I I . Isfienogréxnlfiq work performed id ‘;he case 03;" Albert Crowley Tr. I I
I I. T '.’} 7‘33 E Hyflcg, .3}(:“ILZCtI:".1(_2-ji‘ (31:52:13.7... Court. I ~ . 3 I
_ . . I ‘ “.2" ours; . truly“, _ . . ‘
' I . . I (.3 01.17.33 51. I I I ' I

 V ', "I x , : ' .. . ‘ U f ' _ .x V .‘,'L ~ “ I » V I V .7 ‘ > , >
fiEk/“.73‘ ‘ 7 j, ‘ . , - , , _ march 4,.%915. . V ; , j;
. ' _7 Eras'flinnie Li Venters, * W . ; ;“‘ . “\ '. ‘ f‘5
. 1‘ ~ - I ‘3‘“ .- ‘ ,. « :3 J 1 ‘ v ; , V . > ’ ’ v
. » » finitesburg, Kencucxy‘ »  ‘ C
4 ‘ , LepLglMg Lo your ietuer a: the 2nfiu1n$tanti , .» 2
. ’ ' a the bill you'rehfierefi? after alfiminnxinx-the item'Oi 31,¥R fer - , a
. " fingwex Ea thfl eame‘of R. 9. flmhv¥99¥ v. Co5-30mfiaflyv(WHi”H is 1 1H '~
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. a 1 *7» 7-1 H _. _ , '7 _ ~ -« ‘ = ,7 . \ ~ ' n I , .- '
‘ v ta the u & A) was appronen 0y are Morgan and axtarwarfig forwarded ‘
‘ . by me. to 93m: 7.?H ”L .3 1’0 1‘ 1?‘:)17.<3}1.e31‘= lie.)- nH‘i‘: ch vouch 0:1" :7 i. 3.'}. :3 210 ‘33-~2 .
'; . ‘ l5 raaéh You 9? ha ¢nfit-here TD we; in finish $399 I will inwwarfl ‘ ~
,_7 . , , , .
' H > 3 L ._ ‘ -- ' / > ‘ I w I :
‘ 7 AV . lb 90 you. ' ,. .7 ‘_ fl . ,
‘ ‘3' ‘51,] <; nu‘ ‘Yj'h " ‘i 7.111 r; 37;:1 .'_ L 61‘?” raj “I '. "15+ 05‘, *9 an I": pp“! cgevnf'i « T q
.4. ~ ,1.‘ U” t..._».a‘.. u._‘,4 m H. .1 .» , V“ .4.”. .‘. ,MH. ”spinutij‘nJ.’ -- Era, ,_
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u > ‘ ’ , _ ’ ‘ V " ~- . .

 ‘ -}4/(1éi 3 1.57
Whitesburg, Ky. March, 2nd. 1915.
Mr. Samuel M. Wilson,
Chief Counsel L & E R.y 00.
Lexington, Kentucky.
De ar S i r :
Enclosed I hand you bill as follows:

Jan. 27. Motion, order, demurrers &c. in case of Jane WilJiams

Vs. L d E. d L e H.& carbon cepies 1.50
" 28 Answer in case of 3. q. emburgey-st;Q;G.Co 1.75

” Demurrer, Answer do. n. H. Holbrbok vs. L & E. .50

Feb. 9. Two capies of Everett Bloomer deposition in case

of Albert Copley vs. L d B. By. 00. 5.20

_ Copy of deposition of D. Wade & Shep Long. in same
case 5.80
I presented this bill to Wootton & Morgan on Feb.
9, but so far I have not heard any thing from it. Would be glad
if you will send me check. ‘
Yours truly,
227W % 7L,/IZZEVT‘7.:LJ_

 , _I_ _ I ’I > ’ , J t . ,, \ > I I II I T‘. I I u~~ ‘ ‘7'" '~ ‘ 23:99;
. . . , _ I . , II _ . Irebruaig 20, 1915,, .r
.- ’ Cu :11..- 1310931'31'R111 Esq" » ' V 4 ' ' , . V ' I I, 7‘

. . Louisville,- Ky; . - ’ ' ‘ . . . , '.in
. _ Dear ref-5.15.: , ’ . ' ' , = \ 3st
4 ; '7 /_I ‘7’ ' . ' > H I .9 , I , - 7'
.9 _ -- .. 1 3 . *9 - .:.. “I > . , * ‘ 3.:: 1:” ., '. ”’ x: 9 v 9 V , . '-.,
V, , - rind herewith enclosed bill or initiate .1“ Venteis for .» .
, - * deg-positions,stc. in the case sf .:.lbezt employ v. '33 ::2: 753333350”, _
5 , . ' Letcher Gircuit Court-.._ Please have Voucher issued and oblige, a
f . . I , I z. .7 ’ r . I =. _9 fl ‘ , 9‘» . .' "I.
' 9;; . ‘ , " . ‘ _ Yours truly, ' ' , , _ _ . .99 >
' ens . “ - 7 . , . fl, -_

 fiv._, >‘ '" [.K ‘1 I , - f ,:" H K"_»: February 20,-19155' ‘ “ - ,f
‘.' - EeSSrs; Wcofitun,&imngan,’¢‘ ". ’ ' . .‘ '.-f .-. '” Z " j . ,* 5 .fu
‘.-.‘ , , , .Eazgr6;.xentucky; ~ '.‘7' H ‘ ' ' '_ I:*"‘é
9”] ”TI.“ VGenfilumsn: j' .»’ ”‘7. . , ..E».; ‘I v. . . "‘ I; ".3
-‘ , T7 I acknowleige receigtfiof your favor of fine 15th instant, Jv7
_- , eaglqsing hill of Kimmie I, VGfifiEIS'fO? §§AOO‘ferifiaking'depoSitionsif‘l
;. . etc. in thchage of Albert Coyleyav;'3-& E 53.60.,’Betcher'fiircnitv 56
:’r. ““ COHxfi. I am by'this mail refer?ing_thé'bill to fihe Lauigville ', . _ p
"T ..J I dffice,»With tbs refinesb t53t'v0uafier.%e'issuefi.'  ‘._- .' -V"E;_.’ \*
_ - .‘. »‘ _ . Emufi‘mmly,.v ' _, . ‘
_ A . ..V .' . . . . . .
”'3 A _. ' ' . . ‘ ~ V ' _ ' _ . . ‘ . .
‘ ‘ , -‘ ‘ » ' ‘- - _ - 00131 .3'-:33. ,1 , , , ‘ ' it '
. _. _ ‘g . M , .2 ,‘ ’_’ _ ‘ ~ g .7 , , »'~ .‘ . :;§;;

' Attritiu‘gs at 7133111
HAZARD- '(Y- J‘ehruary 18, 1915.
[33% [f / _7’
1.11". S. 1.1". ‘.'zilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear bir:
Enclosed I hand you account which has been
sent to me by Miss Venters. I do not know anything:
of the Izlatters which she charges to you, but comics
0:? depositions are all right.
Very tigulg,’ yours,
// \ A
( é . . .'/,7’, .
\Je'l. [VI/_LK/(xi (r, ':7. / ' "I”? .7
7’7’, ’- I,
.- /'// .

 . l“ 1‘ 3‘33 1433-3 3_ 33 ‘1 .7’7/‘11/ //;
.E , » M A '
W7“ Ail
: 33 333 3 3,/— / 3 2/3 3,3,3/ 3 3// j 3 / /,, /
-,; {way/z (a/r. ,//./ /// /’- /// ///// ,//// //////.
3 /
.7jEr'////I////}/_0. 7/111//////, ,1 I K 7 / r_ E' / /
V/x‘fsv’r/r/ .s/zm/mgl: l/xm' .,»/. (fiz/i/HMMC/Hu/M/r //r' 2/
//E-‘}(EH//'EJ -;/- //,u,,,,,,,,3 EE
.,‘/\'.1'/.’///.E1'//'/'/'/ :‘//[fl/7’C{L.’ / /
/ ’1'/‘ ,/ 3, .3 . /3/ y.’
///mr/.)/.l/r'/Nl/IINI. /(/M)/’////’///
.1 / //'W/lfr/N',~/3(/e//(. 3/ June 16th,].915c
My 3. 11;. Wilson,
Counsel, L. .:L-12.79. Co.,
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir?- E
Please accept my thanks for allowing me to see 1111‘.
Harvie‘s letter to you, dated June 12th, with enclosures referred
to therein relative to the ease of Copley‘v. L. 5.; H. R. Co., Letcher
Circuit Court. I agree with you that; "ne additional information
obtained by :.:r. Harvie will prove of great value to the Company on _
the second trial of H.118 case. Eapere 'rlill be returned to you with—E
in a short line.
Yours truly,
- 1’ i t. z, p— aW/_ ~33
Chief Law Agent.

 . June 14., 1915.
Mr. J1 J. Donahue,
J Chiai’ Lam Sgt. , I: 3; H 3. 11 Co.,),
Louisville, K575
Dear Sir:

I lieremith emlosod, I hand you a letter of the 12 th
1113123.:fo , wit h @110 10530 (1 00391.: :3 of ‘5110 1111631513 which I have
just moaived from 111.; 11:31:15; ,16 fiarvic I's21:t:tive ‘30 the Copley
case. I regard this; 5.2.65. (”it-i 0311511 1111’ 03-: 3151431031 (.ai'atained by 153:.
harvie as of great value anfl particularly his fiiguovery of
injfiormsa‘uivn showing 121121139017, ”aha: day before 603110;; was hurt,

"11 a, package of Whiskey was: c‘aelivorad 130 Him by the .-'":.,.<3..::m::: .iisgjnress
Agent at Fleming“ 1 5:11:11, as wrozmrtly 51.55: possible. , ai‘l‘fll’lge with
the local representatiVQs of the fixpress Commany for the use of
thi$ information on the re—tri‘l of the Copley 0&89.

After making such use of the enclosures as you aeem
desirable, I shall be obligcrfi if you will retura them to me,
33 I am forwarding them uithout refiaining copiesg

Ve 1:37 1311113] yourfl,

 ‘ J1me Li, 1315.

Mr. Lewis ;3. harvrio, attorney at law,
Jenkins, Letaher County, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:
I have just received your valued favor of the ‘1 ,’th
imtant, with encloeeii coolee of Affidavite oi’ liberate. it”. B.
ifnpier and Joe Grigehy, all having reference to the suit in Fletcher
Circuit Court of Albert Conley v. L a"; 1:1 Eiyfiog, etc.» I consider the
Affidavits and the testimony embodied in the evidence which you
have secured oi" great value to the Hailvmy Company and, if possible,
I eoneider the information which you have obtained from the 53511337685
Germany relative to the delivery of a package of Whiseky to Copley
on Augtiet 29, 1‘14, as of even greater value. I shall? as promptly
as: pm 531131525, secure authority from the romeo Com-many to utilize
this information on. the rent-rial of the cane.
Thanking you meet heartily for your service in this
connection, .32 am,
Very truly you‘re,

 FORM l—Revised July, 1909
J aviesages which(inchingpareptwhunucfcesefifiofr that—deodultd IS): sex? tbyd‘l‘rziinfh’drail, will'btq tratpsmittted end 0
- 3 u ern en :1 .
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