xt73bk16mf8w_250 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [199w] Albert Copley v. L&N, Letcher Circuit Court text [199w] Albert Copley v. L&N, Letcher Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_24/Folder_8/72883.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_250 xt73bk16mf8w LXTSH k $133333 guthT.
"x1431? J'Ji’ii "1’ , 'i‘ias‘kI's-{L‘Z FF,
‘.’-3. &;M-WW“JH :331‘3‘131 :‘I: 92.21;;«2.~
L3£I¥$f¢fi fl '532'AH IAIA &? JtfifisflY LU»
LBSI'SZ’ILRL Ié'.‘3.-i’il§.;;7§ Ti5-.i.-;Z"xu.‘;l} ‘3 ..ZP‘afi‘f, ,:Il“;.fil.'lkfl';‘£3.
. _____m-“__w._“....w__n“~n
The defenbanta more the Jourt to withdraw from the
Consideration of the jury and exclude the following evidence,
I. \
All cvjdence having to in with the alleged practice
0? suet.x of ywvaons to board and alight [rim defendants‘
trains :hila turning on the ”Y" at the plqge known as ship, ,
a“ Ragga, some iTaxj feet distant f? i1;yrm1 3?,t53,"fyfiZ/Mg;:)$?Vfidi
a ll. r t/
All av‘donco h.v mg .s dd with thv all fild osrmiasjon
,' by défcndluts far persans Le board ind alight from their
. traina at ”son or alsewhera whdLi in motion or any practice
or custom of the puelju ea Le at. _‘
' III. » -
All evidence ahoafing or tending to shcu that no
objection or interfcrunge by deicndauua‘ trainmen had ever
been given t“ made to prnvont persons from boarding or alight-
1ng from defendante’ trains whi.a on the "I” at Joan and
whether stationary or in motion upon said "Y“. l
All evidence «a to what is shown as to the lungavity
9v . .. .. ,
or expaéancy of human life by certaxn tQDLGE contained in
the Kentucky Statutes and introduced by the plaintiff upon
the trial.
a! '

All «widence as to the Lung“: of than. or the Sissance
within which safandants‘ Main on Hm ancasion in question
might have biz-‘3::: etc'pgefi ::ft‘al‘ alaiutiff fall. f1‘om~;5aid train.
i I] .7
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N. -wmv-‘ w. -.“... ,1,?“ “Max... A 3‘
:;:,izs; ::.-'~'. :,.;3'111‘;72.1.:239.

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netchcr L11 cult Court.
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ti .:.,125 g 5.2.x" or. E L.:: :::..:»‘1’. .'~. ''xfl :31"; Liga- ::'“31‘ 0311"?»
the ;.>l-._..:‘:..':;I.j.:7.', :‘.u:;:Lr Liv.) :7. "4", x ‘iif‘ffil'l‘ =1; ( ”Jr-in 9.1161
t—L““‘r"w hqfl. $1 3 ‘:IL)"‘L ‘V'/x ."Fw‘ 7 a . 7 ‘~‘: (‘ '1: .. 4‘3”"; m :s ‘1 rich

‘1'-..L : .:,.» J. J .-\7.LL ..- '.;»; UV _.»k. V.. , ..: G i;’(),’;. )3;‘ l ‘.. 1..: ~.A_.L, v’VIlC {.L.-O
1mm. ‘2 gal? J.L,_z mi 11:'~,1.| fiance _1.1. 1,./«.«.; 1;; , 0,: LL? L1 (15x it)

1- ..,; . .‘_. L..,- .. ~ .1 ‘.L . -,L .,3 ..‘ ..-- z— ..-r
001‘...» .15. .mvdm er 11:1, ‘....m. Loam 1.,;me }1..L.-L&).;.1.L L_L]. mm .:.1::1(,r;

. " '- ‘ . ‘.,.V w. .t .. ‘ .7 , ' »'- 4.. - .... «M L. .. .L ‘ - ' J ,
{lffl {L'Af'gLL'Lh .LIlC]_1¥"‘ :L 1.0 LLL.“ c}:-‘..I._l..;lig >11 .;1 ':lt'C-'E.17!;Ll¢.lf L30 :ILEL 01:
mag, :1 ., ‘.Triy”:r 'L- ., r q .4 w tLL-w Ln. » ‘ +7: r~ — LLL ‘L‘ 1' m a
0., Lu .»1 ”.,_: L.. ._II 'LM. _.Jlk..Lw.,.lu .».) ..L... :JL)._.1L.,;_UL1 __._L LLL“! .':)
V4.11.711'27Jf=1!‘3..'-2:7 E‘VLFw’P’H’ 13.1-‘15M'L1‘ L1 910 '1 .,>.':.r’z_f, {121m 1th"; (‘.."u‘-~‘_(‘>‘Ffi2(3-L~"a

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01 1M w:.z.~*;;r‘.111:.‘1 .!.‘J unarlm Lu. 21L... x);:' . ugzt: ;rtzus, L.:stln L
,. _ . _.., L.. .11. ”1.,“. . . , -. . .. ". _ L s t- L ._ 3 ,
um»... no PM“ »»;:..w.w;x 1,0 “may, a ,Lnyrkdlt .Lm u“-“.L'..L GU'JL 3». ~
‘;,_ ‘»‘". -. " A. - w ‘ .1 “-. 7 ' l .. , _
(J'.'3.~LI:,OG, '.U »..”..HL'L «:.‘..- .::, 12.4;14‘1‘45
'v. ‘ ,‘ . ;«, . 1 . ,
OIL-inn .‘.‘- o ,:x‘; :...LL-l . , ~an xi.)

1.3-2.7? ".1 '> 1':? , ?Li 1111111111 ,
“l i527 T:.l.'.'-"‘.1.-EDA.1.§'Z‘f‘. '20 DIE-‘.CHAEGJS T1133 ENTIRE? J’JYZY 77./ENE?“
’l:-}J:T;i§..".i.‘-...'. (“a 21.121 1. .'. "Jo. , .L‘C. , Z‘i::3‘.‘:37 J.‘::"'.’.'f'i.
L‘L’p- it”; ;.:‘. :- 5 11:7. :20? »11! 2:71:3' 1— ":7." 1:”.-
fu; '- - ' ‘... ' ‘:'-1.‘“ t}. ”'57:: 1' 4:.-1'; 7":7‘: ~_;r- £21517"
1 i :12. - 7. 211'. "x . 4:51 11' 7. :13“ ':'-1': .-.'"
I'o ’ ’:‘-1"" ,, ' _'~.» .’.‘ '~ '-"."=;":. 5:41.113” 05110.”.
to ; 1 4 1 :'cfon~-
{.7‘:-.55: i". ". 4«5“..'»...':.'7"»'. :’1t.i:i_',‘1 {1.1 s“-i'r‘;"r.1'f::".7 12'5“"? ‘..-72 £07-1(J‘filli’:
71:71:, .2111"- _L,';.\:; ‘i:.‘-"='- $717.7. :'. 5..-”j 7‘”-7‘71} as, 171::
‘ V i :0
C"'E'.t'-.'i‘ ‘:“;i‘ 1:72:11 of guru" on 2111...: .1::- ‘:.hi"; Court
:7 1' “71:3. 7333391111 ‘:zi'rzuax, 1'2“. "'.‘-loci 7 ‘11,, .I'if‘zf’l-Zf'j'.‘=’."‘,_J.-':: 7 '32. ;.:';»i3".:'.<.':->n,
i7 in‘,7.“7'§:’).'.' {'?.-.(‘511- :'.-.4' "27:52.2; ('.‘/.11..) *3, i3 (Puffin? .. 11.1-4.19.: :‘i' sail-:73
3111-1311: 11:11.. 7.31:: «'..:11': , or 23?-11 7 r:2."‘t“, '21:: 71:111.:- 5-1’1' ”he
’ 1‘:"'=w':1:7."'-.': .1125'1:_.,<"'P: {Cc-3:27, 14175,, 1.2: “5741 7,.-9:77.171." Cir-.11171t ii-J‘l‘.2."fi';
tit-ii, :'11'. V511. .~ iron too or: “..':A 17172:: 7.411111; 7.2; i. win
"is"; '11.: 1:71: '?./1.213133» riti-rlusfifl-“ 1:111 [7211:1159 .-M" WV.“
[1:211:71 :'x‘ri-u.‘ fro,- 1.3-1“: 1 fur-r," -; 1':-.0. m: 11.1., _
‘..“W 1-1 I.“ : ; '11.: :‘--1 .: : ..‘
.1.-1).- ‘- (u. :,7;‘ .‘::1; ”.., 01:13.11": ‘3 C71.“ '4, ., .
1. m, 1 3
l) o;.‘ 4.1/1.1: 14-11113,2112133,:1 :.’-_'.; .. .. .-. 1:3..-
.Let;:£1ex' Circuit 307).}E 73:7 .3 117.23. " 11:17.3; .7... .1.,1‘ :71-‘3.:_
month oi" November, 19:15, 11nd '::-'i.t-;0ut Emitirr: '.'.o': Luv: : 5:37;
ing of said :.ipeciul Act-231:1 oer Twin, 197.5, of this, :..:-,'_*;,-, ~.:‘.:1
Circuit Jimgze, Honorable J. 11. R)bljl":701’l, 171-1:110:11" In»:
ror"'.7_=.- 1 "2.72.1, and after said Special November Term
had been ordered to be held, to draw from the wheel and
select the names of a jury panel to ~"o service {at the present


. \nf' .~. _I ‘ L. L I'. A ' : "“.‘ - ,
regular January ’L‘erm, l‘;.L~1I, 01 the douche: bll'nll L1, LIIJLIIJ,
.‘LI‘LT 1h: JT‘LJfOlS’ OI I.I.,LILy oi Oho durors, now composung; U118
- . »..;L .~., .. a . . ..,-I 4.,

JII ~;,.»...Ifl. 0:1 . 7 I._:1 1.2L: oom I.‘; I.I;‘léi so belectzeo by Lhe
10,;"1'5? {hurt} of? ‘2311? LII-;mft LLL‘ Lih‘) rwggular AngrLsu't Torn], 1918,
\ ,
:::I“ i'Q‘fI-I .11”; I.‘“‘i‘lr‘ictfid 01‘ Ilr‘mn from tho drum or who 81
GILIWI ‘24:. ’.stIic'fI VI? :::1‘:in5_ o) ‘2'erin '1‘_ If, :::; Luz; I'I:;oII.lI‘I.
.I,“.If'aIfi-I I.IIGEI, tum? I.I-.::) _TI I;LCZL;,’, otti'f I I..; L:II;II;1.:.“; ‘II]LL:
”I ' in 5;,-.’,: agony firs; .- . 'III :51; Z..I;-¢;iz.:..;;3I7_‘: :‘JLDWL-‘QJL, ‘L'.3;.I:l:;2.: ...IIIIIIH.
C‘IIII, ’=.-Cl“. ‘:.;zxxi .::-C.. .- ‘_ [It I.:; J ;o ;.‘ror.. LL. I":;:'1L;.I
=I: ‘.1'1‘01 OHS": o“ :‘ ‘7.:(1'5 L (2.1: IL 2:] 1:11:31 I‘LIII
,. .fi u. ., ..' ...I .:. ..: ... ' . ” ,I . \ ,:t a .’.“... . \ ._
f :::),L I; ,J ._ (I.. , ‘L'lI '..I‘. b _.L‘...‘I..Ic. :LI‘... I; a: .I,.L-LL .L..L I .II,
1:)?» :..‘ff “ITIUTH, lI'U‘, .LL \'..‘iI‘. 3.1.5: I 1.1‘-:5“ 9:. .‘fillil H'L‘L‘oLIigI.‘
JIzIfl'tI'z {In I 7:2:/.I,: .,Cur I‘.-I.II} ;ijwn..',‘1 '.L‘I'i LII-.I. (3:353; ‘:Ia'..II-;‘.' :‘,:i' .j‘«1,-~
.‘(Il‘ét I on?” ;I.” . '1 .:';cw '. I}? :'I -. In: ,'I. r:‘»3.:=,<"»,- mm;
I.‘-.I' *1? '..":Ir i'IiI‘j; I .3 ’1, ij '.‘.‘LIII; .:..I; ZIL-z: ":I."':;:IL' :.:".1
.i I '1. I 81179111} _L MIXI'I‘; :.'":zxz‘i ;‘j I..: : “:;;;';,-
I}; ..r I‘. "v‘ i.f/I. "'ji' " 11.1 [I ‘v j""L‘I‘("I‘ 31 ~‘l'1v‘I,t‘ ‘- {‘I .' 3T1" 1:3,-
' "31?: I; 735‘]. ,L..- '15. ‘11:." .1.--L; : :.j'lf.) CHI“ ‘..IC'L " ,i
‘ li‘t 3 C _.jif-Gmg .7.-LID] 1“.":37 reunion ':?».I'i in 31.35:- :It:tL’*.IIL;H1:;.‘:?
:‘ilz:I..-": :.'»It:,<‘I;.'”-IZ :.'.I .7. ‘ . I'Imli'w: ”I.I :’.‘.','<.I,~ ‘,‘3 ‘ ,‘. ,FI. : :1.
'1_’.:“'?'..‘. I-L ‘I‘iz-i‘ 'eIf'IqI' ‘31:; '..-'I;"*""“ . . 1) 7,5 f't":3‘;7:
:‘LII-‘: I.: tho. IJII'IL3HIES III-.ICIL', it “mo .anvch'IflLelI-‘a:‘:I air: :I'LIJ‘
{:'Iirz <,>oII_-Iit; to holcl :1 .'Trrxanisfi '.-'.‘v.='.ii"I or to oIII'III Gin. 2621::
to "’.‘TIL-I I;NOZLIIILIIIAIIIIIt of I.:: ::‘I;IIII",-_'_2I." Zara .i.-1 ~7‘2‘ffli‘ . .,‘“. 1”.";
lrII=I€>Ilizltr37Liz zzi‘tor the COTEITJ'IHOI'BL’MIIll} of Raid I‘-':-,§II'.‘.P;I' ‘T. ”2"”, ‘.‘]:A’T‘
procured for‘fiosxi'tin to draw from the '-.:'3:=I=Il 831962 and solwct,
summon and inpanol jurors for service at Sam regular torn.

It was moreover in Vlolatlon of law for the Honorable
Judge of 131118 Court at the r-tgrulnr term in August, 1915, '
.1 ’ . 1,- _:. . _’. . , ‘.‘ . ‘ -
no select a gull; _IIsInel Lor s~uv1<3a at 23 50901211 Term whlch Was

 s .
not flue to be helfl wocorfiing to the cell therefor until the
month of November, 1015 folloxaingm that ullflzzrti‘m Statute (:‘eetion
2’342, Ky. Statutes), it is: provided that ii‘ at any
fireciol Term 01" a Circuit Court- to be held, grand and 3‘: 3tit
judges, or eitlmr, will be retiuired therein, the Judge of the
(3 mi; ,-;;2.;;/, not more than ten nor _0 <3 than i‘ive days
bel‘ore the ;ijaueeiril Tern] fie to begin, {tire-ct the Clark of tile
Omit to imrrvnitifiiotj',r mien. the “Lint (aqot-r.-i:45{ LL". “.3:: first},
22130-3 an? r'i=»=.l:i,w.v:~:n' Lic- h'hé jug: 1’;-:73 ;gm'fl-w‘ tarz- Ji‘ Aarhi.
C)J1.r:‘toj.':3uw1 jury xii“; I. in“, r All? 1” .1, .'1, 2 '~-1;‘_;:?:-_ .-‘:2:;’:.i<,;m
$31.11 w} ivr1r'i-e.‘1121te 1 castrfili ‘. '.-i:;.': ‘1' ‘ til ;3‘?:; :3; «(1151,
2342,4103 it 1:,; .iur‘th-u‘ ony'fiwm? "':..:t .::: it}; "',,-._.) 1.131%;
or. ,,..ru 0:: petit juri‘a-as, 0'2: githir, :,<»';'l:;t:::mf‘ .L’or w, ::.gg'zzlzzr
'1:- .__—3‘1, {1,171.} '1'], 6; ~.;v-Jmi'4i CINE, 1‘3 t7, 7‘ I: 4.31;... ”’;-J 3.: -;123
Jud-g; at q .._«w::izt”_ 33‘21.‘ to (3.‘?2. .:::1.‘ ‘:'r :v'; 1;}; ;L‘roa‘x .'1: :;‘LM
‘ 0;? ‘..'.hx'nufiL (3:139 in Ha: '14:};VEFEJA' wgu'wv‘i 1;»? ;Tx 01;?- V1: is, ' ‘
i;’::.—‘."L;3r:(£ or 1.7m one 3; ;‘or {.'1-'2 ‘:r'vf .:‘-11_: ‘- t' 21:? ‘:_w:
Cizurtt nm: the"; F51 «.=.-U151”; pmmrm of '3??? r1;.:‘7i_.7_‘.-. «25' the 430151-413
V '43.“:szng Judere 0,1" this; Court 5;“ azat':~.!"uzi'~.;r.;i ' ‘2 Hr“ ,' .5.”. ~‘.
rue; Torn, l’i‘lfii or this: (hurt, to (if-THY? iron the {’:.1-um, or
wheel 0mm :,le ~30 to ::wlm‘e‘sa, F’H'fléf‘ul 'mu ‘1 ',1”; :2;}, 1:42
Ajay] 4:12 21.», mix.) .~"\."u:,'2.\:,m in, tr-xt r ‘..': ‘1 , i. ":17 ,
will 1151/. ".'::_i:”=,, 11H“ 5m." tin we 'Y"".“$§H]'jf‘ ‘53.”: if f"'-_;* rm‘; ’
31‘ «1';; :Iu this -_,‘o':7;"t Lays» not Draw: l"-"‘_-Vl’.1v‘i;"l" 10341;)?
“W‘sriirrca, :;‘,.‘.';'1c=:i; al )3" "I.":.‘~,:‘zel‘.!,-rw‘ For [j ‘.1' '
at to” vwa‘; ”:17: g t ;v": a: ;,fjvjvg .'
:;:.F'f; «;urt DMKEEUl on .‘:er artyz'vJ-wjr 70%}, "”77“, ‘:./11;»:
Coir"; 51w: now be 2m in Efléllf’flwll mot-11:imuowrlg ;..‘o: t'I-‘zxi :3 ;,sz ;
that (Waxing: 3hr: iirst t‘u'JO V‘Jeiee‘ws of the prover; her? 11'. .1171“ alts
John E“. Butler, the red-ulnr Jm’H-i: of this; total, 7:142:11 :5
am”: (luring fa. wart of the third V’ eelc of the 1121313111 T :2;-117% (21'
Court, E-Zonorzole .'35i1l]_t'§;f, grating as; lioeeial Judge, by
agrrézmggm, 1,,reeiciec. in the trial of certain cases; that tie
Court is: now enteringr upon the fourth and last week of its
egular January Term, 1915, and that the present jury panel

 ‘ .
has been on duty in this Court :':ontinuously fry; the (,',C)TE157;'.)1'LL:-3-
ment of the: term on Jannnrjy“ 10, 'iFjTB, (103241 to the m wimnt 7
tE‘i'p; ‘..Lat this mun-3:10 one of great i?‘1}?01"ijfil‘i£3£3 to bdth
11,333.31 (TL'eJ’eandrs.1'1t£?, 9.316 73.178 been once tried my this
3 1' ..1;er ‘L'-31m thereof, in the gear 151?, :Lnd the
trial c-1111 :1.-tr] ‘éfln *Rfi'm of ’.,,_h.'_: Court :.-.w_r‘J-i:j.m2_;:u.5'<_‘-.;,' for
yaw-37x OZL 331939; ELL-LL, L” 3.1:" ;‘i:,;’:'~.i-'==l '3;! {3316‘
1,317.1" ‘LL‘LJ. in f“.i;;lii"i (H; '.1 fit": :3;“. wan;32:53.2;3L L13 1311:, at“,
c... c; '..-'3;) Lisa's, ‘.:}.vzi'vni 1;; ‘3"-':1: 3,1 »2, 1; 324.15 :;u cue
.; .2‘. ., .3:? u 3133:: 0;. 91:3 {57: :".’,:.i..";"." ah; ,‘.} 1.3.3—
‘C' .':". ..3 .33; 3.,,‘33 L-.; milky-r“ :' >L‘":.:<‘Ei‘ 'i‘:":':,:..L ()CiC'iii3;71.x.~鑧f
:5: ; . ..::3; u; :,}LLL" 92312.3 a, in» can; ”:3.-3;: '23w2<;32;ea ignoreilly
15 J a}: Lune... .331 3:::— 4.;m:n 1,. '1 ,.,M; y, my. 1.1; groans;
(3 f: wanxivc at; 'L.-‘,‘: 1.9.531, *‘r'w :.:?;- ':J‘r'ju ' .3 :;LLLCJ' :3.-\;:-L:;mu‘3:a5
:i’i L 1.1: nines}; ii.2::0:f.,r:-.31c iii-‘.. ' his; ;waW 32:13.?"
"3111115. nfl-‘i 17:21: will ‘r;‘ *1 53».  1 ._ vi; "1 L);
gin :;i.i.:n".f»."c;' or :23-<33m'2:i:;a, wr’i ‘r‘vzvva. 7‘. will :;ng‘uluJJ.) *::» 1hr.-
:".~';‘~_; :i;-'1 31.0}; *3 jut"? if 71'1“ f:"~':.:'::;‘; ‘ 3w}. ;n;7j.-::;1;. :7.
_ 52$: .‘:i‘x'f‘s‘f; !?;"ZT:_7-..f':inti'.,‘ mar? ma (Turft‘. in ‘.‘):i'.‘ 1:313“; :20:1:;‘_.L:u:u:*1;;
1'02“ ‘i'13.,z‘-;£3 \'.“?K“ :"‘.:'tt, “7:"? f-i,;::}1:g_r_-_'f'~f1 =;\;.s,_gi;, 33:16,; 5‘. 31m;
1- ?‘-‘-1 “trad :3;" ‘.:]3. h31’:« ~31" v :1;‘L_.,n.3:,:‘L'.',-r;
1', W " 1‘; .‘ 1; ‘10.“. .3:.l)'3<7= 7.) 7 1:3“.
F.-.Z".'..;‘J'.L.L, domains-"s :3;." I‘D-H ;i 5*“:17 £13" .'i; '../3.1: " 3‘73
our;1.1..".:'~»:J _i3: ":‘3 ““‘.-1';..rT'] , 3: _. +1153: J; .2: ;:
mist :;LE 3113-7 ‘: 11.-7L :07" ‘th- M, k: 3:46:33}; ;nr)‘; .~ "L 33139.; '
,; , , ,
is]; lg). “_':“, :'.-1‘_ mi Lint?“ 79: :...in‘; but”; 1'.: '.2";“ J._ . z-z 3.'.-~57
in :.:L 't (._'.r’=;«:'cjsm. 0L ;1 “Lain-:‘: (“J's—703‘ WW, »:1! i; i." ' "Ni,
Eh“- "-.1:3u_..-‘:‘. to cijsai..lr1‘3‘y~.:s 1?:-r, 3‘1~-.<-23;* gm ;7"1L“;'7; Ev;3331:;r'r-zm:
aiflrsafi, n to emu» :33 -31‘1‘L‘.j.17=?1:7 31:.2wgwrgj 7351313]. to “m seiner-"'L' ,.
ssummnnm‘ and sworn 11:23:33.5; for jury Remiccg.

 _ .,.” ._. .,. .,. m. .,.
lA..-f.»}LJ.12 I_.‘..JI.. .,.;U.
.1 ' ., ‘ ._. 1 . ,. ‘ 7'3" ‘ ' J. - "
,._Longn (.)(11,1.'_rf;n,1i qulllolfI.
* 1‘ "v- -.-r\ ‘1 11‘1'r- r 71
—‘43- 1m .1 17 ‘1..[..‘I\}l1.
{Joni Avi 115-1. {9: .I11.:;'f1":.".'7‘1 1] ,:.:”..1 31.1.13 Lit; .. , )1
.1..,.. 1 [7 ‘1‘1*1..,... ,1,._\ '1‘\1_,_ .11“,
7.11.1. .1.11..»-;1,»-')lL (1, 1;:1..11 .‘. ._1. 1.11.1.
,.. , .1 . .’. ." “ .,.u »1 " ”.'. A. .‘ . ‘ >-1.1 ‘ . j, , . ,.., A.
._.11»: 11 1.1»... .1 , L111 1..-111 ., :. .1 f. .. 7 .1. ». ”1.1.
1" ‘ . »1 ,- 1- I; ~‘17’ » t] 1 ,1 ‘ 1...; Hi, 4... H ”‘.... _.I: , 11 "»'»11:\J»
.‘J\.‘ 14.1 v.1, 1__Ll3 /. guru-JV .1, _'_(, 4L» ‘!,] '3 :. -.(' :1 .l .t 1.-. 1,\1._: ..‘...1 .4 A \1.1J|.-—Kl.l‘.‘,
0.1.1.; {writ wt 1 ‘12"111'114‘ "311? 1:11.: 7.3.111; 3.1:" a of "5211.: :-
03. -3‘_!'J.1u71-(.'»§‘..', g: 7» .1. ‘11,. .1:- .1 1» :11 ‘~‘-1‘s» 1 ' ‘1 .‘. ‘1»1 ::.-11’ 31‘: " "..'A' 7 1:1: :.:“.11‘1214‘13
..‘ 1»~ -»-‘- 1 1 1' -1 ~’- 1 --"1( A --,1,r 7,,‘ »I- “.17 ’I‘.“ 1.. '1‘" 1 ' "“1 -§ '111-
A.~-!( ‘~.‘.‘_‘Lu- 11,1111 \.. 1.. :1, 1, \.' .'1. Wm 1».' .1. 1 1,. ..‘. 1. . ' ,..». . ».~..
C(.‘1.1.'P1'i11’3. 1.1.3 .3].’1]'.‘11‘c
’.L‘mifr tho ,1}: "111-131,111 1»~ ire/1‘1; ' 7 “111711117” :11.” :1.
cc- 1.15:...»1’5'1 on 1.1111111 :11‘. c: wtn'l 11;»1-(1 1'*':’».:‘»‘?':‘..2:1.'T 7177:1112? '17.” 121.1:112.
’L'N 1““ 7"1‘71‘ 1111 11113 ‘1‘"4113 1W7" ":{‘»'?"“1'1“"1' 3" “3,111: 1‘ ‘t‘ 'Ii‘w "NFC-1'1"
\,.L . .. .1 v1. 1 A. 17. ,... - u 1| ..k '1 .. . .9 . .. .. ., ,».. .
i C7211? ,:‘IV‘, 111.1 '....) 4‘1 .1,“ ”0:11: {1:77 fo' ”,2 {3 1‘1‘.‘:;Z‘“._1'».‘ ..'? _. :1 11:, 7: J
'.;-'..; U1: 1.16M: -—‘ 11:;L11-1‘11.—" » 4;. 111 » 1 ‘»'1'»' ‘1_
:‘1' 5H: 1.. :‘t ‘..: .1", ':1.1» A .1; 1‘; "313:1 7U 1T;’.:1i'-:..’1'.‘
. ‘.: .1 11;?» ». 1; _1', £32; 9.1.1 1.1.. 3 <1}: “15-151 11.71-31.11: .1 1:1:1.;1"710i:r“‘"» '3 i the
.,1'. 1151.“ »'1.;' .1”? 13.7111... 11.11.“ 911.1 1':'.1»~.“ 9'1. V111}: '1.1‘-<-‘ 171,1” :71: 7.11 ts.
'31.; 11.11.1A‘I.t?. ." 11;} (41:7. :1 11111” :.1 11-1 " I ’7. 1.1 '“_.1'I;'11.
Gr,~: 1) i; ‘1" “."~‘»‘ 1 17,! TEA ’.:\ “‘5‘, ‘11»"13 1"» .1] 7"”‘1 ‘1 i1‘1 ‘7=3§‘~.""'1':11("
1 f . .. » ‘ 1- t1? L _ : 7 1_L» 1 1._ . A.,.t. ’ . 1.. .» .. ‘..

' " »‘ . . ' ,.-."_.,..'... a ‘.. _4. ... "..' .. . ,1 . 1»1-- V t',
.1.‘...| ‘J'xJiEl 1‘)r1‘i»1_l;1’, .‘. f 1‘ 11':.. .A11.11. 3» . :..1 7 »‘_7 »"l': ,L'.‘ , .de
1.1 ‘ 111: 11m“. :.11 ‘».'L 2):; may” 7, Hey-11.7.7 -.1 " 11116 7.17 :7 2'1 ‘1 » 51: 1:71 1‘.‘ ". 1'
'.. "1 '1. 1.311: ovgr 41.41.: 7.111: »‘.}.1; 31:? '1“) "»'.?1'» .1711 1:11'1’1” : .‘.-01.» .1’ 2.1-7? »‘.1,

’. I ... .A. »»1—'; '.. . . .. .12, .1 . r . . 1. .., ......1 . ..,. «7- ,. 1
M5“; LQ-1._A , uO J15.1J;.1.)Q .15.. t- , i « , .LQJ. thy: 1071.1 313(10)- 1'?»1L~' 7.} 551; 1‘1‘ 1 .r ‘.: '.11'
131'1'::'1:'j=;ism ':1.11:1:3e“1;:"2:r:= 11:7 :11" :i-ir’» :r‘1)u.1’£ 1..". 3131111711171. 13.1‘1"7’;‘1.1;:.
11“; . ' - 714—»;‘.—,n ‘ ~».4—» 1 ,»»7»,‘;-1 '.- " 1‘ -1-
’l‘nwu 111: Noon in .um-onti (4011.1114‘11, 1r».>.11.1»..1.,.».h,/ cl 1-. ~11.<1.»1.»1c:3'
w. t ‘. , ..‘. :, , '1 7 . -., " .2 i L11 ..‘, : r, i -. .. .- -‘. . -
was. aha. 13 r: a "f‘ upon salon ullf‘, ‘,».,.1.J.ns 5.0 to turn, an“ that
-- 7. " -. ,-. .- - r1 1 ' , ,9 ..
1m. claims are upon this "‘1‘ , 1t is customary lor passcngois
U0 slight, and to bOflL‘Q said trains, ant. that the same
we knorn to the detnndant its ”vent“ and mrl v <1 r‘ t‘ 1t t
c .- . - , h... , ...7... 1.3 e odes“, and. nix - he

 alighting and boarding of said trains on this ”Y” was permittod by
the defendant, its f.§fl'."iéll‘L'S and employees, and that on the a Love date,
”co-Wit, Inimlst, 30, 1914., while the train was on. 2‘. «it? “T” mini 1121.5?
nroooecling very s Yowly on same, the 1')l:.i21i/:1i'i' with the intention
of hogan} 11g .5: Thi-("ulig‘f‘l‘ over said road to "-.'.'hit::~sbui‘g was boarding
srio train am; 31:16 (3::.1'5-7311: hold of the 3;:11‘1: irons on said. car and had
his foot or; the t stop of said our, tn flan-nan rm employee
anti :.:zent oi" <‘-Lai‘onerntzr, with from? c;‘-.‘.-.‘<:3.;:s-;:in "2.11:3 neg-:3.";Enrico, jumped
11pm 131.1 '..“.‘irst {tot L.‘“v]: (1‘_0;_-\;::,N;3g‘ L Lovfllz‘ons,
and in .:io:'::ir.— tir‘ l‘3_‘1>."'.:‘il, w-znplzt. :z3 'L.-i' 5 53216 .“, .L .3::
plaintii‘i loos» ;1':‘;.>.':‘L ti:- gj’a‘nflz. irons; L'- 1:0. 'ii i '.:"?31 vii 1.1161
' unc". 7.1': 131:? train, :“.1:;:" tr:- ‘,. 1'32? :.:1 can; té‘g‘: if;
plai:;‘i:ii'3'. 35’-.116 out :1:..711': L‘i'i’ 51:53: :.:?.jxwt: Ha": 'II-1.5:, :31.ng 1;. (:13-3:;”;
the _:71:::3.11ti;":t' '11:) stein-r 3:155:21: r "‘.~tL<'.:U«.vi»1,-i113 pain 231:? :':-.;i'Lt‘zl
anguish um 3.31:6 (3:; (5 .‘.“ "111:, '.".f 1,3 :1.; 5111.5. 1 J.:.,» .3: ntly ~
disffl'lor'? :ioi‘ .:.m‘ :'3'111731 mg; his ;“'.:.‘L.‘:.;;"'_~~‘. 3.1.3314
’.‘hc 101f",.'?.n‘::‘_I‘i?f 1.11:: z:2“..::~1.‘ ."?: for CI“ ‘. \'.?»i3a. :':‘av, .2.‘:
‘i.:“01'wf-f.‘-r‘,i(% no in {chit/L , o 1.7" '1 i3.".;,'. .’L, ‘:. :-1' t? ' ‘L T‘ ;l:.;g1nan
Link: My: 0'1" 33:." 37:“.311 (3‘3 jgzyiq; :j-sCQifTEI E use; 3131., '.2-y i,
not’vxE L;r",r‘-.‘.f‘.1"L':i?"_‘ tn: 233-17." :.".31 L.'.: »:1): “.:7 .3.:3v': L" '_‘.}‘L f..:L. ,3 J. .L'; ‘
on é‘h',‘ .’ 'L' r-“Li :“.I’Lx‘t'tc‘ '.ij o:,1';:7:::‘ 1’30 Li'.‘.*.;2.11"1:i.i ‘L. .. 5:11:93 {31107.
‘ irij'iiizfvio ':11':":'.':Li‘:fo:.-"“ f“. L213.
_:.:""'."':‘:' _"LL: the: :‘:); ‘ "‘.:; I,':E... “L, 7‘33. .J’ ;ntS,
its ‘- swaloim .'::-‘ if; .a::3.:’s:§.*ri.<::: ‘.J the 1':. nu“ '3
’v-Jeyiw 1.-‘-'.i1j;r.'?; in 7333.253 is not win" ’.‘fw‘igia 73...; :"1‘197123: _Lor
that: "-'.‘_:<§_:1Lfgfj' Lo .:2 »1,-"E EL ‘:.1:"‘.:7'L‘;, an? ".'.'.-]i.:.'-'.;:‘:; 31::
.‘li’fllti z)". ’.:"..<*.":.:9‘. in t1"? if’r: .j' :':,J: '.L-3L1 to _;‘.:.:.‘n..3.:’:‘1 '.":‘:::;;:.:: I at
(«NW .2:"::.2'"”=o:: .». 1L3 :: 1:13.. Judi»: ' “v1: .- .1 5' - ‘:o
'13 31” If ;‘11: :‘3,3)’)i':.';'(3 ".._-’..'," )..".3 ;lffn
The ,.3?-:::I.;ini‘i' l."!1‘1.“’..“l’ “957‘? #:11'. 32:11:93. Hung, :17}. .. L.'".z:
injury groove onu:.1w3_‘:1to(3, and s1:;.'i":rine_: 52m hingjfiwlk :; ':‘12,:E:T.‘:
ovum»: by th» {grows norl 3.."3;€?J'1(EG and c:2.;:<>l.:~:‘.::muss o: th- :'. :1'1<‘3'-"-,11‘-.f.
comm-:1.:L-gs, its ':.,{rents and omoloyocs :;s hcrwtoi‘m; :;tr‘w‘v“ :er '.‘.iifzout
i‘n‘zlt on part of plaintiff; by which the plaintii‘i’ has been damaged
in the sum oi i’ii‘teen thousand (gfilBOOOJDO) dollars.
E'Jl'L-IR'HPORE, the plaintifi' prays judgment against the dei’ondants-
Louisville a"; Nashville Railroad Company and the. Lexington 83 Eastern

 Railway Company for the sum of fifteen thousand 14315000..O.O) dollars,
his 0081; herein ezqwended and all other relic: l"l()'!__",.‘.l.'.
I (Signed) Blair 8c Hawk
. Attorneys for ”‘1aintii‘i’.
’.'.‘hé m‘j’iant, Robert Blair, 83st that he is one of the
Aifljyfl. L‘ro P3111", ithstvt ha- is {12.71: mi: from this county and. he says that '
th‘? s’tzifié‘erv.‘ m»: 1min i21€"}> €31“- (,‘le sum-3111:: P5 '§‘»"‘:J,lti(>?’z '3‘ivi-“e 11! “I he
b "xi Lev/‘53 ;
r ( .‘:? ~26" )2? 0M; ’1:- .ll.-iii;
~11"th (2:'7‘. HM. "11C I"‘-5.01113. is. ‘:mi'wu {ya-7 Lin: ___fl. ii. 2:;?
1.‘? =

 ' A
. |
"\n‘. -: :~- 7 1 p f‘
1 429011113 J1, 13.-1_.?”
_, ‘~ 1‘ ‘.'1-‘.1~"‘,‘ ’
3“.th , x§,,..r,..3».L( ,
'"' ‘~ "+- ' :g a? ',t 7‘,
Lily—:14" ‘.tbg‘lfn, A 'V.. ,.I _ ..1 ”N.,
. '.' "“'_“ '4’"..“"r
401111541» 111,1; ’ .;~3;'1,m1<.4,.
".‘ "—' “x .
.‘.»?‘M: -.).' .
.‘1.»‘4 1"”“1'i‘r’1fit LC, .‘. 731A ,z‘_~u3\ 13.1.1 GILL/J.C‘rnifln tC . “LL. 00p“? 0.“.
77 ' 1 V ‘5“" -‘ ' ‘ ' .. A ~ \ _ .'..
"I"‘ {KW 131*:111111: bv :1:; in mm: 0:590 1n gulch-21- wll‘-
.'_ ; - \.._ V .. ‘ _ . _
" " -- - " 1 v- -- 2 TI 1' +~p
'"ij AML‘L'LJIZ g): .; Cert .,‘,zgp :1 .A .'.Jh; 1 k. ...,n 4. {11th ,‘,/all
‘ n I. " . " “’ "' * ‘ """': \"l: ”'7 ’ n1 1 . ..
1.1.7? I.'):- m»;- L 23::: L‘). .‘1-”3-4L 1.», “L1 l» k. ‘“1 mud Gaza;
“".': 1‘?*r>- 7:511: ,«s‘i‘xm,; it?“ 1.0.1: )1
121;? t- ‘m 1 :7 :7 11:63 a
,T ..,J
‘(4‘. /' 1::,
C(‘mrnst-m .

 February 1'5, 1916,

J. . Craft, 38.1., Attorney at low,
hazard, lientuoicy.
Lear tir:

l aelmmxlwdgge recoijoxi- oi‘ you’re oi‘ the 14th instant, ‘w'i th
(_:.zx.:::'i.\')ee,(l eopy in triiflicrite of Bill of .;:;otmtio'is (liotz’L'J-Bd 1]] no
in. 2231:; 00010:; Cami-2':). i gloto teat 133'."le ..oz.“ {some \"Jill be sent me
when you cotmegauo your blk‘iiliflil'iUJG 0:.? my {L;i‘gllfileiit and shall 11.-we
".'.‘:gtitt‘m up the tJH‘Ci‘i-imigf oi: :3:-13 \itneee, trunk; -.idge. Lo not 101%
{got that We gm). aiogw21'1oing on you to 51:53, iet Lil“. Hale in writing
up his t.;:';j.:1so;fii',\-t oi’ the ':iqantimong' on the last trial 0:: the
.o; 3:31; ease .

_._‘og;toi-.::L.v;¢-g ;go'u 4101‘ your prompt attention to tho Jill of
'33:: ::p ‘31:. one , I am,

‘:' on; t 33111;; youre,
”/ :3.

 4.4-Drum? La, r916.
rwu 7» ‘.-: a : '.. . 3 .N
mum .. 13.51.3319, 33351., attorney dt lat,
- x. . ’, ., _7,‘ i :_r/ :.3 4— ~ '17“
[311131.939]; g, -3.-311%.}.31’313d Q ‘
$373513: » :11":
I thank you very F512.;($h'fOl‘ your way full and sa.t..is='i'actory
.* ..__,_ ,_ w, 1 _‘ -_r‘ .,‘_:. :‘.. ' ,,.~__ J _ ..,“. ,.,.“ _-._ ‘~:V-._...
.7.-53119.: of 13111”) if“; Ihfitnfflue :_:; lTFJ..).L?111«(j mi) Admiral“ §;J.‘L3t;.:tiil.uga to
i, ~ _v .1. “,V.. ,.,‘/V \ .»'--, ”‘3‘ _. 7 .=‘“ ,_ “." .J.... ..
HT) :-1, Unit w.) ’L‘K! own: .. .1- ::.}.iLUtJL-J‘i.“ 111113;?) Liam“, he may 11‘—L_L'iL';i»‘.»‘“‘fl>].ll;yr
{Visa-“3536321 three: ;‘cflfLU-L'R 13:3.zfz'3‘1n: 1.1:; 53:-i: mule- , Ei‘h fin-31:1. 133163”: ho":-
- i W A.‘. i ._,“ “_.‘ H . D 4,~ ”,,‘.
1(191 LIN/i? um; :11-.:I, '.fo HJLt-J .L<-.L:éo
I 3.- 4. .‘ -:..'..., .g. “._1 3 1.31“ \ "»~. .:’: ,' 37,”: ‘..'. i _. \ ”,,‘“ ,‘," \ : 1 7 .,
LLOU’.’ L.Ivau .‘1._‘_¢ :;:-4;_., L'aLC; U;.L_L.(J].i:-_’_ ’.«U~?JL‘)§»,.‘."3f.‘.llr;41 9 5._! '_ . 31A)-
'.: (‘.. .. ..:.1: .,. ‘ .. , 1. .. Mi \.‘ «WM, 1 «9*- 4 . ..: "... - *« -‘- 3’ ‘H 1.‘
“L.:.j uf‘ 3.13mi 11x: gem) hum; um um, Luz: ”-475 (ziigjl, 0,1, SKILL-Elixir: .th one L’01)-
,_, ‘-, '-”.. _ ~ .-,~ ,, . ..-‘.., .,;v '.v , : .,....m-; _ .;, m..i,,:.::-4. J ‘ a,” i- 3‘ '. x _. ‘
L273 (33,3322 33m mat Jon: xiii}- 2:33:21; .3133: art 110 um mg, to --}iit-3s-
- - ., A" - w ‘rq 7..‘ ‘. .,-- ., 'w ~ T 3.. . 3., A " -I-'-. ~
U-ULEZ 8.1113. annl. ‘L- Illfl'lp .LIL ”(thoiir-g with-’1 tflLx", .L .IL;tV‘-:‘- «,”‘-:LLJ :L .’.‘3L-LC‘r flOm
‘:’- .L.“.F“ ,,xv.,.1..“ ,4_ 3 I 3, i-z : .4 , 2.._, -- -. ,, ,. .3 ., .,‘. , , 3.7 :_w :
..;i. LI.L-“L_LL'9 VIMAZLLJHLU; ”Lime. .'1:-3 HAIL-5: ii',:§w-HJ_ .14: l ‘.sz 313-3335‘; in) 5:0 UL) Lilit’és—
mrg as my time :_or izhr: :3::1‘23'35'32 on; «..371r2(_:.={3.2'1§§ up and a inflating: in the
'.x'1'3 ‘:'fin I"' "‘ 1-L—3 ‘1 1'7”}? n a". :3“ .‘. Ni. ‘3’!” Ailwws‘ } ' " ‘~( 1 I n- ‘-~-’ 2'.'-'7 7"
UL 1})Cu1. 11.l41\)71 01 111.75? LI J :~-1>7(JJ.lf.'te J. IN‘H |_‘. Nil-h-u‘fiii- 0!}. {IJ1L 4 3.] JL‘.)L.L..Lln ‘.‘—r.
|.J;:v,.:."c than his SH'fi‘Viflalffi r3223 i'lfFEai-“ltiu
W33/L: 1;." ‘i; 3741,? ’..""T.)7‘7~‘§:53

. February 14, 1916.
Hon. 3. D. Warfield,
Distg Atty., 3 & H R E 00.,
Bouisville, Kentucky. '
aaz’ Sir: .
‘ Referring to the Stnuflinq of the jurors in the
Copley coon, 1 quote below from a letter of the lPth instant,
just received from hr. Louis J, Harvie —
“fir“ CoJ. E":‘iirhb, one of the jurors tolfl me that he
anfi Caleb Johnnon took the oooifiion that fihore was no
liability out that the remaining jurors were wiifi from the
start and there Woo no opportunity to reason with them.
from the remarks fihut some of the jurors made befo;o tho door
had sowroely closed noon them that ho wag convinooo that
they could not be reasonnd with- He sta%od that some of the
jurorg were for giving Q1?000.00, ;1?0%.00 for 1088 of
tho use of the limb and 92000.00 for vain and mental sufior—
ing. A9 I an unaoguuinted with Caleb Johnson, I aid not see
_ '{1 im . '7
Yours truly,
C 01111331 .

 MUSE}... a 1.72231?“ '
,, WASTE”: SJ! ‘5. AKWY.
Jory/f /.4/-- “‘4‘?
_ l} Whitesburg, Ky., Feb. 12, 1916,
Judge 8. M. Wilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:

In re suit Albert Coply V. L. & E. Railway Co.
lately pending in the Letcher Circuit Court.

Replying to your letter of Feb. 5, I beg to state
that hr. Morgan's key was duly received and returned to him.

Also Mr. Day and myself have gone over the orders
in the Coply case and they are correctly entered.

The Clerk will begin copying the Coply record im-
mediately, In fact when I went to see him immediately upon
receipt of your letter I found that he had already arranged
the papers ready for the Copyist.

I have already sent you copy of Judge Dearing's
affidavit relative to filing the second amended petition
and therefore do not enclose you another copy now.

The plaintiffs first amended petition was filed
Jan. 4, 1915, 4

The big fight at the Negro deposition:Was:t£Eén
occurred Jan. 30, 1915, and the Stenographer's certificate
shows that Blair & Hawk and W. G. Bearing were present at the
time,'t:king as attorneys for the plaintiff.

Judge S.k. W. #2.

The top sheet of memoranda on the yellow penciligigigb/Z7E
pad was destroyed before your letter reached me,and I can
therefore not send it to you.

Mr. B. W. Hale,the Official Dtenographer will let us
know when he gets a good start on the Coply Bill of Evidence
and we will then write hr. Craft to come up and work with

/ Lr. S. J. Wright, one of the Jurors told me that he
4& and Caleb Johnson took the position that there was no
{liability but that the rgmaining Jurors were wild from the
g;star’c and there was no opportunity to reason with them.
>~ I From the remarks that some of the Jurors made before the door
‘ /l hao scarcoly closed upon them that he was convinced that
R 1‘ they could not be reasoned with. He stated that some of the
jurors were for giving $15000.00, $12000.00 for loss of
the use of the limb and $3000.00 for pain and mental sufier-
ing. As I am unacquainted with Caleb Johnson, I did not see
him. g
Yours very truly,
:><::::gfipzfl \;:,/$72:b/z/z/2_1‘

 w :1 kn.“ 3: 'l;\!: /»HU§§HI:RI\LD‘HACILJ
. \ I
:’filllm' \\' 3.1”11‘1‘11‘1‘ '
Afinmrgg :mn d'nuuavllm‘g-:xf-1V;1111
Feb “can IV I; , I 91 c; .
.‘ , w J? ,
Judge bamuel EJ118311, K144/}! /é
Lexingt’ 0.1, 1;;; .
:.Ly dear JIJ.=C.L:;£'3:" _
I "van: to t‘mm’. you for your .'2:i.:u_me::s in
a~ccu1mug L‘.).E‘ me 1‘; =9 :‘rauugott film; 531‘ myself and “Vite t2)
Loni :;=*~.JJ.1'.L-'3 and return. It 19 mop: aimed more than I am
T0161: Lo exgresb‘ to you.
I hold {III/Effli‘f in rrngliness I) ;-;O TC) "»"‘lii'vus—
Dan; {"31" tie QUL‘_}3’J:-~€ :) E u‘xecLJup; up am; ussietingg in The
transcript 11' my time.
Will get 1") y 3111: 'a Fguzxwut as soon '99 I can
find time and send it to you "as soon as <2v):<1'g>let~=(1.
Yours: v; Ty Lruly,
// fl -'
I // .
1/ 5
// i"

7n . I . ‘ -:
..o‘o wary; 10, 10,16.
» -‘ .“., .‘
Hon. .3. J1. ‘.1'7,_i_,‘._[_531(1,
' ‘ a , ,_ T .-: - -. 7»-
Bit-1*}. Jinn, .-.- a, J _-. :1 (.30., .7 .
"" ..f .vw.‘ '5“ _ "' .. . “a.
1:0-Liz" VJ. an“, .‘...célztufitnj. - .
your sl'll'l
u -.. < .M -- :.-, -L'.- - .. = 'Juu. V . -
m.;.v.:zt-\.1_L]1, .LQJ. you; inioim-wion, 1n commotion to L! the: salt
4' \-~s .:. “1,.\'.,\... o. .- .. . ,,-. ~' 'r ' n ‘,_ ,- .l'm ...-u ' .—
0.L difliz‘n-Jo volley v. ‘ .~ .- 1!.- l; (.‘.); ,-;, 3..»; ._.lis‘o‘fl” viiooi 1,. L‘mttt, I. hand
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