xt73bk16mf8w_255 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [201] Thomas S. Dailey v. L&E, Fayette Circuit Court text [201] Thomas S. Dailey v. L&E, Fayette Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_25/Folder_5/73263.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_255 xt73bk16mf8w » , < , i
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 “:4 .,.,
’ x ,
August 11, 1917. ”
Thomas S. Bailey v. 3&3 Ey.Co.
0 o I c a a.
then. John W. Rewlings, Attorney at Law,
Eonville, Kentucky.
Dear-Sir: I
‘ Referring to Mr. Warfield's letters to me of the 7th and
10th inst., Mr. Moore is in Mississippi and I understand will not
return for about two Weeks and, in accordance with Mr. Earfield's
letter of the 10th, I herewith hand you the carbon copy of his
Rejoinder Brief in the above case, together with a blank ac~
knowledgment of its receipt. Please Sign the latter and sent
it to Mr. barfield. '
enc. Yours very truly,

 Jim w"
ir.(//////)/ /// / //////////// ///;//a///////;///////
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;:;:/:M; téiééée/ZW” ,-7/1% HOW/fli/w/w/I/X: /’//f/‘//////{/ ////// Z57/2/flx.
/’ I, ‘j/sz//{//§s-//v}-/.\l/M/‘H/jl' / /
W //. / , . AWN/z: .2; August 10, 191,,
Thomas E. Bailey v. L&E By.
R. L. Northcutt, Esq.,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir,
Yours of yesterday:
Under the circumstances of Mr. Moore’s absence,
I believe I would prefegyggu forward the copy of brief
to Mr. Rawlings, at Danville, and let him Sign the receipt
for it and mail it to me at once.
I am sending a copy of this letter to Mr. Rawlings.
Yours very truly, , ”,«mefm
/ / \.
/M- , v/ / r;
Cepy to
John W. Rawlings, Esq.,
Danville, Ky.

August 9, 1917..
Thomas S; Bailey v. 3&fi
Hon. 3. a. Warfield, .
Dist. itty., L&N RR Co., €
Louisville, Kentucky. 9
Dear Sir; ;
I hare your letters of the 7th & 8th inst.,File $5212, 7
and also carbon copy of your Rejoinder firief. I have not yet
received the record but presume it L'll come during the day.
Mr. Moore, the attorney for plaintiff, is out of the city, and
I understand will not be back for about two weeks. Mnaer these
circumstances, o0 you prefer to have the copy of the brief sent
to Hr. hawlings uhd let him acknowledge it, or shall I just
write s letter to RI. Moore, sending a copy of the brief and making
a cepy of the letter for the Clerk of the Court of hppools. Very
frequently, when I have found it inconvenient to get an acknowledgment
from the other side, I hive just mailed the cepy to them and furnished
the Clerk of the Uourt of Appeals with a copy of the letter and he
has always accepted this as sufiicient notice. Let me know which
way you prefer to handle the matter.
. Yours very truly,
P. S. --——-I have since received the two transcripts and bills of
, exceptions, and have returned them to the Clerk's office.

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District Attyrney.
Copy to John W. Rawlings, Esq.,
Danville, Ky.

 ‘ 311131.113? 3., 3.5.7122".
: {innings} L1.. 1*. 3,3325”? ‘“o.
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‘ Ham. 33., 2’.?2'133‘Jz'finlsi,
:‘ji Say—a. ‘tluu',a , tut.” Elm. {if}. ‘
' Louisville, iionyixgoiiry. .
' lie31 Sir:
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$31? W .
”'/ - J 11;, =

 Isms-2. , '
' , ‘P.s.~—-~ I Should have said that-plaintiff did not in his motion -
’ for a new trial ask that. the first judgment be substituted in lieu _ ‘
of the second. I have made a. hurried examination, but have found I '
.- little authority. In Gherkin's Admr. V. Law, 17 Reporter 201, the. _ -
Court of Appeals discusses this question, but I cannot tell from ' ‘
the report of that case whether plaintiff moved in the Jefferson ’ 3
, Circuit Court to have the first judgment eubstituted for the second- . _‘
’ .' R. L. 1:. ' 4 , T

 L‘JRM 1—‘Reviaed July, 1909
‘ glissage; whichtilrebnfzpnrentlivhuuuefcesszirg, ofr that could be sent by TraiufMail, will be tragxsmitted and
' , is cren 'l dltS "(dt T rtt‘ tt t’.
TELEGRAM mm mm" y “ °°p§eexu1cas§vind geggzfirMeéuagervspCefigu‘Er:12).€01. ”mp" “1°“ "3 e“ m“ TELEGRAM
Leui sville 71- :51. I?"
O C!
Referring to my letter 31‘ y 5.1374134114191111! (232,259, L; .11-11
mm witneut the campany obtain fr cm the circuit. clefks effi ca
:3pr Wfi‘fifi ”1;, me far a, f.:3‘=: day-r3 {he} 3.,4.f~1..',1{_ v.09] .1; 3 I "153 ti‘fl. L1:~1.':_ '.;A.
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1. i ;

 L&N Local Wire Louisville Ky "July 51, 1917
R L Northcutt, Beq.,
Attorney, L&E RR 00.,
Lexington, Kentucky.

. Referring to my letter of yesterday, Bailey case.

' If you can, without expense to the Company, obtain
from the Circuit Clerk's office anfi send me for a
few days the carbon copy of the transcript of
evidence and the original of the bill of exceptions

. on the second trial of the Bailey case, please a0 so.
1145 am
‘ , i s) -

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' '7 5 2 1 2
Thomas S. Bailey v. L&3 Ry. Co., in Court of
Appeals from Fayette County, Kentucky
v o o x o o o
R-L.Northoatt, msq.,
Attorney, Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir,

Yours of July 28, enoloeing copy of reply brief
for appellant in this case; receivea.

One of the questions in the case is, as to whether
or not bailey is entitled to have the Court of Appeals
rewiew the action of the trial oourt in setting
asiie a verdict retoroea in his favor on the firet
trial, enfl if so, whethe? Bailey is entitled to have
that verfliot reinstated in lieu of the veriict on
the eecona trial returnei by the §ury unfie: a peremptory
instruction to find for defenient‘ And, as incident
to theee queetions are the further queetions as to
whether or not, in orfler to have the setting asifie of
the first veydict revieWed by the Court of Appeals,
Bailey shouli have taken time until a flay certain for
a bill of exceptions, ani shoulfl have prayefi an
appeal. Among the cases relied on by Moore in
Opposition to our argument on these points, is

 ’ ‘ Rum -
Perkins v. Ogilvie, et al, 148 Ky. 309. But I see,
on reading the opinion in that case, that on the
bringing in of the smaller Verdict in Perkins' favor
on the second trial, he moved the court to set aside
the smaller verdict and enter judgment on the larger
verdict obtained on the first trial. My distinct
impression is that no such motion as this was made
or step taken by plaintiff in the Bailey case when
the jury returned a Verdict in favor of defendant
on the second trial.
Will you please examine the court records in this

case and see whether or not Bailey made any such
motion to the court below to have the first verdict
substituted for the second? I hate to trouble you
about this matter. but it will save me a trip to
Frankfort at a time when I am really too busy to spend
a day to go there for the purpose of examining the
original record. \

Yours very truly, w “\\7k/ 7 /

4‘" , ' 4'
/&?/ 3/4///f‘\/// \\\\j/,.
// :‘L/ Joe/(o till/"war: Lfi‘x/ \w/
' /
District Attorney.

 my 31, 1917.
Thomas S. Bailey V. 3&3 hy.Co.
. . . . . .
Hon. %. U. Warfield,
Dist. Atty. , 2.5.7213 31311 00.,
Louisville, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:

I am in receipt of your telegram of this date, asking
me to send you the Qrauecriot and Bill of Exceptions on the last
trial, if I could get these out without cost. There is a rule
here requiring the payment of a small amount of costs before
pacers can be taken out, out the Clerk kindly overlooked it. I,
therefore, enclose the Transcript of Evidence and Bill of Excep-
tions on the laet trial, and for iear you may need the eame pa— -
pore on the first trial, enclose them also.

At this writing (3:15 r.u.) I have not yet received
your letter of yesterday, referred to in your telegram.
Please return the enclosures to me as soon as you
are through with them so that I can get them back in the oiiice. ,
one. Yours very truly,
. ELIE/a .
Val.Ho. 589119 ,

 . ‘ 7‘ 71
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- . ’»L~~—.u u . ..». J__“ l, ..
sue. lot-.=. \ffiltu titlp,
1.— /.

 w *‘ /
Frankfort, Ky. “if"
Dear Sir— ,7
hfjfefirgérief for Appellael\in case of
A All; \I ’ '>' N : > >
received and filed.
Very truly yours,
R. w. KEENON, 0.0. A.
Per 7 ,nnmllunl,, ,W

.132“ g? § ‘1
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f I .’ ..‘/.JZY/ 7//'.r//'/'(>/.,‘ll/a/yz/g: / / ,
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///// // ”f/Y/ll'r;Z(/I/:,\If/fl///, ». . /fi///-j/ V/////, ‘ // //,y, Aprll 19 ’ 1917
Bailey v. L&E Ry. Co 75212
Judge Samuel M. Wilson,
Counsel, Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir,
I enclose postal card notice dated yesterday, which
I receiVed this morning, from the Clerk of the Court of
Appeals, informing me of the filing of appellant's
brief in the above—styled case. I suppose you have
been furnished with a copy of appellant's brief.
I note from your letter to me March 27 that by
stipulation you have until May 20 in which to file
appellee's reply brief. ,
Yours veryjtrulyy/l““‘ .mi
[:4/ i/. / a. ‘
I / ‘,’, ‘5/ 7‘ 1 n r V l/ ,
/,¥, . . V

n" '

John W. Rawlings ~
* Attorney at Law

Danville, Ky‘

June 15‘ 1917.

f Hone Ben D. Warfield,
‘ District Attorney L. & N. H. R. 00.,

Louisville, Kentucky; ‘
, Dear Sirzn
:_ Your letter in regard to brief for eppellee in the

Dely ease received.

I read the brief for appellee in this case myself,
then showed it to Mr‘ Moore and I hate it now to write a reply
brief. I asked him to write the reply brief, but he said it was
my case and i should do it.

i am surprised that he even thought you shoulé furnish
him with a copy of the brief. you are not required to furnish
more than one and that you did to my satisfaction. Give yourself
no further trouble about this matter.

Yours very truly,
" (Signed) John W. hewlings.

. . *3/74.” g/ .1
r" *lgsl. 7242-11-52:!jlflflmqu /, fi/ . , /;/ ?/
/}éMnafiyflizkfigéfififlflflfl .lzézmdmaééLf%z June 14, 191?

Thomas S» Bailey v. L&5 Ry. Co. — in Court of Appeals

JOhn W. anlings, 3sq.,

Attorney, Danville, Egg
Dear Sir,

Er. Moore, who is your associate cooneel at Lexingfion,
in the above—sfiyled case, has Spoken a number of fiines to
Juage Wilson's sfienographer about nofi having received a

' copy of the brief fer appellee in this case. Hotwithetena~
ing 1 heVe baa explaineo fie Hr. Moore thefi i eenfi you a
copy of the brief, eno fihefi you no aoubt would send ifi to
him, he still persists in his inquiries, and intimatee thefi
I should haVe sent him the copy of the brief instead of
sending it to you.

Will you please send Mr. Eoore the copy of the brief
which I sent you, or write him eueh a letter as will satisfy
him? Of course, I am not requirefi to furnish more than one
coyy of the brief to opposing counsel, and cannot furnish

x another because I haven't it to furnish.
Yours very truly,
”7.,-“, ,_ / {7
«M ‘3' {‘
Cy. Judge Samuel meilson, District 4 étorney. '
Counsel. Lexington, Ky. ‘

 . June 13, 1.9176
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_ ., I. - _ .1 * : ,7”. in.“ I'm 1.:-.1 .:." "’ 3‘".»',"‘ ‘-
(53011" :.0 :.1, Quit finait as: -.:*';:m.11 L _a,.1.:7.1 111:1, mm 1. L't‘LIL Le
a v.4. .‘." . - “.‘ My ‘ .. 4.1 . .1. “3 '-..~ ' (.3 » I . ~ 4 m . -.§|(- ,,--".»1 .  ///// / / / ' ,. ,
”fix??”A/%?2529muwmc ,uléo;}/V/?éj-;a;2, May 28, 1917
Thomas S. Dailey v. L&E Ry. Co. in Court of Appeals
Judge Samuel M. Wilson,
Counsel, Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir,
Yours May 21:
The time for filing appellee‘s brief was extended until
the 20th of June, in a stipulation signed by Mr. Rawlings and
me. I
I completed my draft of typewritten brief for
appellee last Friday and sent Mr. Rawlings a copy of it.
I assume he will let Mr. Moore see his o0py, as it is the
only copy I have.
Yours very truly, r ‘ - fl
/ , y , V : _/.//'
‘ District Attorney.

 Lby'24, 1917.
Thomas 8. bailey
I). (F2461 I.1]. CU.
Hon. d. D. Xarfield, ,
Dist. Atty., Lnfl 13 Co.,
Louisville, Kentucky.
Esar Sir;
nr. floors, one of the attorneys for the appellant, is
inquiring about the copy of oppollee's brief. I see in the
paper where the tine for filing it had been extended to June
20th, and when you prepare it, I will be obliged it you will
let me have a cosy so that it can be turned over to Mr. moors.
Yours very truly,
\v‘». I

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‘ 75212 - Thos. s. Bailey v. Lech ER Co. 11

R. L. Northoutt, Esq.,

C/o Shelby, liorthcutt 51.1 Shelby,
lexington, Ky.

Dear BOb;

This is one of Judge Samuel H. Wilson‘s Cases. There
were two trials in the Fayette Circuit Court. On the first, Judge
Kerr lot the Case go to the jury, who returned a verdict for pluihtiff
for $5000.00. But Judge Kerr, on our motion therefor, set
aside the verdict, and granted the defendant a new trial. 0n the
second trial, before Judge Webb, peremytory instruction.wos given

V for defendant. 0n Diiley's appeal to the Court of Apicals
he has taken up the trascrirt of evidence on both trials, and is
asking not only a reversal of judghent when defendant had a peremptory
instruction, but also a reinstutement of the first judgment rendered
on the verdict for pluihtiff for $5000.00.

Judge Wilson expected to brief the case for the Comguny
in the Court of Appeals, but did not get to do so before he had
to start for Plattsburg. Therefore, one of the last things he
did before he left Was to send me the record and aplellant's brief,
with the request that I prepare and file brief for appellee.

0n reading the transcript of record, I find this situation;

 ' ii i. . d2

Th$ on April 29th, 1916, the Court granted defendant‘s motion for a
new trial, and set aside the judgment for $50C0.00 upon the ground
that the evidence was not sufficient to sustain the verdict. Then
the order merely recited that "to the foregoing ruling of the
Court the plaintiff objected and excepted", and the order directs
the official stenographer to make a transcript of evidence to be
used in making up bill of exceptions. There is no order
giving plaintiff time in which to present and file bill of
exceptions. The next order on that subject is that of June
10, 1916, "Comes the plaintiff,Thos. S. Bailey, and tenders his
bill of exceptions", which was approved by the Court and ordered to
be filed and made a part of the record.

Unless there is semething peculiar about the practice
in Circuit Courts in counties constituting a judicial district by
themselves and with one Circuit Judge, it seems clear to me that the
Court of Appeals cannot consider the bill of exceptions and evidence
in the first trial because of the failure of the record to show
that time was given when defendant's motion for new trial was
sustained, to plaintiff to prepare and tender bill of exceptions.
The Code provision in this behalf has been held to be mandatory.

See Dalton v. Dalton, 146 Ky. 18. Do you know anything to the
contrary of this?

It may be worthyof note that when plaintiff prayed an appeal
from the second judgment, when the jury rendered verdict for defendant
on peremptroy instruction, the order was not only that plaintiff
objected and excepted to decision of the court in overruling motion

 1.1 .m . #2
fog granting new trial', and prayed an appeal to the Court of Appeals,
but that "the plaintiff Was thereupon given 60 days from said date,
to—with, 23rd day of December, 1916, to perfect and file his bill of
exceptions herein". This shows that plaintiff did on the
second trial that which I think his omission to do on the first
trial constituted error fatal to him so for as having the Court of
Appeals review the alleged error in grunting the new trial is concerned.

Yours truly,

.?L€g ///3 m“h/

BDW—w éstridéc/l/Eftyéfneg 5
Dimt. -

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