xt73bk16mf8w_26 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [17d] Letcher County miscellaneous, May 1914 - January 1917 text [17d] Letcher County miscellaneous, May 1914 - January 1917 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_3/Folder_4/61775.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_26 xt73bk16mf8w . Sent. 11, 1016.
Eton 5:311}: 7‘. Butler,
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My r? cor Judge jutlcr:

Your V")l‘j.' kind ltter of August 7, ltd/3, cart;-
tc: ::.: yr" after I Trad loft wr'ingzton for 7-2- Vacation and it had not
‘2”):«31’1 ‘1 my ::.? “anti. my a." Vim-n 13.7 the office on y‘nterday. I b-"=-
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1 it ;- ant", ti th his". t re 'za:;;‘::‘:s and bust ‘:. 1h”: always, I an,
V: 32y t :1: 13,? yr.) 11‘1":- ,
Conner-'1 .

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' Feb. 6, 1917
, ".:' ,/ f7
’ /
Judge 3. h. Wilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:

The January Term of the Letcher Circuit Court ad-
journed on Thursday last. No steps of importance were taken
in any of your cases EXCrpt in the case of J. D. Hogy VS.
1. & 3. Railway Company relative to which case I am writing
you a separate letter.

However, at the April ‘erm, which contenes honday
”fpril 9, a nunber of very important cases for the railroad“
will likely be called for trial. The cases referred to are
as follows:

L. & E. Hailway Company Vs. Hiram Williams,Consoli-
dated cases.

Letcher County Coal & Irprovement Company Vs. L. &
E. Railway Company and L. & N. Railroad Company.

J. F. Smiths Administratvrx vs L. & N. Railroad

Anderson Cornett, Administrator, V8. L. & N. Rail-
road Company.

A. U. Craft vs. L. & N. “ailroad Company.

While the Railroad Conpany has several other cases
on the docket I do not think any of then will be reached
except those above named.

- ‘ '72. waESBURQKv
, I would sup est that at your earliest conenience you
. 72%
,' arrange for a conference with horgan and myself to go over
, these cases in order that we may locate our witnesses and
take such depositions as are necesssary.
Yours truly,
Copy to Morgan & Nuckols,

 l/’ ‘ 7   . -, .. I   , , >.  
' ‘ , ‘ _ ' April 11, 1917.‘ _' 1
. LBWiS E. Hurvia, fisq., Attorney-at Law, , . . -
- ‘whitesburg, Kentucky, - _ ,I ' 4
I ' Dear Sir: v ‘ . >V . I
, :Ackngwlndging yours of the 11th instant, enclosing ) h
g»_ 1 ; ’copiea of gartuin letfiers to Superintanfient‘Seargeant, regarding
' various suits coming on for tfial in the Latcher Circuit Court, ' ’
V k" I have no suggestions that I can think of now to offér. It '
> seems to me you are making every reasonable and necessary‘,
-> " effort to prepare these cases for trial anfl I commenfi you for V >
_V_ ydur promptnans and industry in the matter. V
> ‘ }: I .   Yours truly, “
.SHE/a ' ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ' 
- ‘. . 'r Counsel. ) ‘

April 11th, 1917.
Judge S. M. Wilson,
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:
Enclosed please find letters to n. Seargeant, Supt.,
a4. 5; :(Wr'A/flfx M .’4/{,7/
relative to various suits, reporting the statue. Will you
please make suggestions at once if you wish any steps taken.
Yours truly,
14 n, , /’”’”w7f ,. 5 ':‘ 1
56?,v“ T“‘£ “f' ;' g; ;_ . ~* “in
l' ;,,_<-’ i' / . s ,1. ' . ‘.,”, ,,,/i”

 f  ' , 7 t : >-7 V  ‘”H_ “ -V 4.' _   ,' .1} ‘; ' g‘ ‘ ,:f’f 
7 ‘ .. . ' ‘ . ' ‘ ,’April 25; 1917.. g 7
: '.V  ' Lewis E; Hfirvie,fflsq.,; V “ '. '  ‘ / _u'w
' f 1 , . @fizhitésburg, Hentuaky; ' " , ”*7"; ' 7 ‘ ”
‘“ '  Deaf Sir; » '.'. : ‘ .' » I v -. . ‘ 1
‘ ‘ L‘ ‘ 1 ‘Un my return‘tu the office fhis morning, I finfl in my- V 7
V _ < ' mail your‘letfer of fhe 23rd'instant, advising me that th£.cufrent ,3“
7 1“ term 0f the-Latcher Circuit Court has been exténded for two weeks L'.
' &nd court adjofirned until‘fionday, may 7fih. 'I think it will be 1 a
" ‘I ‘pOSSibie fof me to jéin you on or about thfit date. .I‘ .-
- _ In connaction with the Smith case afld our othér _ V '2 ,
_ ’L casea which are ddcketed for axial at this term; you understand _1-
; .»t'that I'am depending on you and Mr. Huckols to See that all-5f ‘ 1‘ x?
,, our witnesses 3:9 duly summoned in time for the trial of these ? T71:
’ A caseé.z ; ‘  ‘ ‘ . > -. '7 . — .ka;
"I f ‘¥1; VFlease‘Write or wire me if anything further dé~ _, ',‘ ‘§
'felops in confiectian with any of our bases before Hay 7fih. 'V I ',f
7 , I Very truly your$,« . I _ iv_1f
V ‘ Counsei. a ' I .':ai

 . Jifllf 21, 1917-
3111 of ‘.I. 73. 118.19., 04.101511 ;itenogzrapher,
Letcher Clrouit Court.
J. J. Donahue, 55321.,
Asst. 131532;. Atty., Lem 2.12 (30.,
Bouisw 111e, Z—Czénxucky.
Dear Dir;
3;e:‘e:73.‘ing_: to 112'. Einrvio‘s letter in :;:) 931' the 17311 inst”
a copy 0;" E-s‘kxicfi'l Ezra SEC-21f you, I i::*2r2->‘x.':'=_f‘o ferlL} you the: statement of
1.51“. Hal/3‘s fees: ”61101"in 12h ’L'Iliflofifld, unomltim; to .,idkflsufl‘. ’5’lease
have voucher for 1321318 amount lunar: 1:1 5mm: :71“ .'.ir. 115218 and re—
. .,_, .
mm~~ ‘.’~!l‘y truLV,
Cy — L.I..H.
(3011219 01 .
I ‘ 2.“ ¢ ,"‘ .’- ..’” /"/l J . \-( ,"‘/2’ v '-
,A, V , 2, : f, ,. 21/ ' ~v N“ A“L~"\- 2. r’ - ; “ '1’
25/ .2 ~ _ , . ..
. 2 ‘ -. "
. 2 : - , , ‘ , \ z “477 $257 -: UN“?
2 2122, 411.. ’ - ' '
4 fl. .\ ', :2" .“'”
“ [" ,”'? 1 ‘L ’.~’: 1L-.r"‘\ / 7,
: Ii ..,” kw», ‘ ‘.' ‘, fr.

May 17th, 1917.
Judge S. L. Wilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:
Enclosed please find statement cf account of B. W.
Hale, official etenographer of the Letcher Circuit Court for
work done at the April Term 1917, amounting to $48.48 as fol-
lows: .
”Reporting evidence in the case of J. F. Smith‘s
Admr. V. L. & N. R. R. Co. 3 days $15.00
Reporting evidence in the case of Anderson
Cornett, Adnr. v. L. & H. R. R. Co. 2 days 10.00
Reporting evidence in the case of kartha Hogg
v. L. & N. R. R. Co. 1 day 5.00
Reporting evidence in the case of Commonwealth
vfi. L. & E. R. R. Co. 2 cases, 10.00
Carbon Copy of evidence delivered to attorneys
for L. & N. R. R. Co. in the case of Anderson
Cornett v. L. e151. R. R. Co. 8.48
Total $348.48"
You will note an item of $10.00 covering two cases of
00mmonwea1th of Kentucky v. L. & N, R. R. Co. One of these
cases the company won, and in the other it lost and same is now
pending on motion & Grounds for new trial.
Yours truly, .
-‘ ._ . , 04%: ;K/m‘
copy to J. J. Donohue
korgan & Huckole.

 June 28, 1917.
Jo J. Donohue, nsq.,
Ai‘Sbo 1)ist. Axttlfs ’ lJK.-!; :.;. \_ 133 ,
Loni ville, Aontueky.
De 31" dis 2
herewith Leno ts of Precenfiings hwd in various cases
J.‘ 11‘! .
at the April Tornflef the netoher Lircuit Court.
“.’0‘11’1‘; trul L7,

 ‘ (711110 .:3 .I’) ' 1917 u
‘ In lie Reports of “rocoodings.

ler),$:f53‘5':. 3.10 (gun c“: HnTViil, _:’\.t1:j.r3.,

‘.'?hitu;:im;r:g. .’.ontuclqr.


1 1111.3sz 31...): yo; rooojvod ;wpog'ign oi f’l’troe2auiiiigfi covering
your least tog-#:3921111 in order tout 13;? files zany Show. the jurosont
status of tho '.';13:3101‘:3 corms, '.I. \«1 no of: j,,_.«t:::'. :1 .L' ;,uu .."i 13. lot
T123 have Eryn at your ULHIK'QlLlC-llcu.

RAJ/a "Jone: val-,3: Lruiy,
pump-€31 .

' “LE. 2 7" 1‘.? .
L174" "CL 1 a .u ‘ .§.\ 10 )
.'.(L‘ILLL'T «13W , .2--.7531 _; ‘.'.
:13 ‘r : —
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:;.3.“.‘ :L'izgujix“ :3;: are/::: ‘ ..-c 11..1. 1‘ >71 73:22:111. ‘3
:;:“: .:- .::‘, f. -;2 “ ' , " . - ::w 1 ,7,? g "£1
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w-._: .2. r-\‘,._»|. ,.r._._‘._'. ...vm. _.,.L; P. \j‘.‘ . -.;.p _ ' .‘, k‘l

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' , r‘ - ,u v , ~~ ' ‘ .2' 5" 4 . ~' 'I’
,L. -- - i ., . . ,. . ,'7. .9." ‘2-3“( .I‘.: ‘MACOLJJT. OJ, \.1151~,.-L.
-. ‘V“:! '. "”,3" " ',x t . , - . :- " «..I ~ ’~‘ - "‘ (I.
~ -> - » - '1. _ ' T. 1.;: € GEL-~09, War! ”Ill-.1;; 1:1) ,J'V‘rn‘ T‘-
i:'\‘* ‘.; ‘:H‘f‘u "‘ ‘ ‘ 1», u ‘w. v— 2. n > --—' A- ‘
, i . , u -» ,; ' 1;;" ,‘ "51.x .TJFH‘: ‘.:) iizC‘H.
.0, < ':»-w V~>~n>~ 4... "’.
“T.., ‘.’.‘/‘__ ’37“. 'T_
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 JESSE M323M1 _.'»;vaA NucKoLS
M‘ORGAN 5 ,1 ' "'l’ _ /
» 222 W .
47 l’ ,1 ,,
October 3.1, 1911"}.
' - :,7. y «. . - 1 ,
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::';::"_:1... . ' :1 r ‘37::..91: 0.; 3.1:. 53:.:.::‘.:.;:.:?.;3.i;.
’_3}; j. .3. - ; I ‘ ~' 3 2‘- . Jim. 371‘ 332.1%"? r
_ '5. ' ’ ' ‘ ' ~ ‘ ‘13-. .1 r<’..'r:':-f.-~.-..‘I;- 3211.1: V " it 3.::
‘..'-gr; 1 i: " " 1 (fig-.17 171:;- ‘Licr ; Lon
. \ . , . ‘ .. . x . - >11 1 . :
..1 _ ._ , .1" _ z: 2. c. .. 1. 21117111 7.3111: :..!‘l' 73173‘513
of ".Jf’j-i,’ ’. ‘ .' '- " j . .' .'.‘: .11: 1;; 7331" 3.511(3-
.' ' " ‘-'.'. ,‘ 7: «£11143, 7. '..13: "*1 :'uir‘
._:: --7::,:' 1.1.1 i '" . 1 "I := 3:25;)“ :‘.-:?;'.' {'3;-:1 ctr.“i.ff'i':::1:1_,
_ i::.‘.1.-.. .»_7' .1.. ‘
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. ,-. ,'.‘ , ,, . r .:.:..~ -‘::-.’.’ 5::!" “3:21.275
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'..r '“m'ii'. ..
Cmmsci .

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eC/(I/l!.'(('n/ ./// WO/Jffl _'" /7// E‘ / //// //////..;.4‘6113602/972/(7773, diff
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0042-3730;" 71, 1915.
73.021. 771371317717 371:2? 1‘,
:'..‘7ja‘1)_.{:;,7 ."j'f;;'3~“";/‘. :’.Of'fll‘s-CJ Ll.7\7‘.':‘.+Ifi-‘.
-» -. :2;... m...
.‘_.“, “.:.-',’ ~_‘;a
1'6}:- ' :;s‘ '.1.:-_; .."i;?': ””7."sz 7: ’7, ">1: for
:1 7"}.6'2’1-‘1 ; :."L -'ii 71:”.‘i‘r 7.3:” CV73; , :'a teen
330.23.53.7'62f5. ‘_Q .7: ‘7»7-7'37" j-‘--.--‘_~_r;;.~_‘:' "‘ y. if 311F173
Tif'Jii‘rl -. ‘i " '3'} f . '7". 73,7"; .
":31:- 7“"\1r‘; 4; ‘53.. ‘1 .:‘ms: ":‘.fo min-7:7: j7-"-‘:7".f-'1§i 75"“:037’377 r71. " 7.‘/1131‘:-
.. “$71.1"? 5:1": alr'rxvm ., 7' ’ , ': iii): who
$.10 :.sz 7:6,» 3:15. ._
, :_'.' $7113.10.
»: .1
.'.‘:- 0'0: 57 01 .

 i\ubvrt flihur

- - ,‘ ’,- Qfimniu Afiurm‘g lt‘trlgvr (L'mmtg
- .J'; ‘ nihitmlmrg. fliruturltg.
Octohqr, 9th, 1913.
Hon. 8. M. Wilden,
mun, L. 3: ,11. Ry. (30.. Q: Q" /3
Lexington. Ky.
Dear air:—

Aq per my Ex"; with you some timw axo, I
have grépared and onelocm herewith a uatitimn ejpned
by a largé numbar of Citizenq of thiq county in thq
neighburhood of th9 Mouth or Toll? Creek, amking for
a siding and flai station on ih° flaw ayténqion of
tna L’ & F. Ry. at cqid goint‘

Th? pétifiion 1Q addrecqed to My! Mcfiowell
but I am not qura that he 12 th? graph? party to take
thiq matter up with? and for thiq T93“OD I qend it
to you so that you may rqfer it. or have it Tefarred
to the grogér dewartwwnt.

I Wiqh you would taig thiq matt°r up
with the prepar authoritiew. and 99¢ what can be done
in the grémiqeq. I think thiq aiding and atation
vqry ingortant both to the nomgarv and to the oublic
generally in that qeation.

Raging to hear from VQU at your earligst
conv&nience. I 3mg

Yourq vary tfnly,
/ x7 ,7 _
ngi// 7‘ Kx w M
f .‘:;/,2, v (.:_; :1 /="£r

 - _. = 1174/?1113/fl

‘ T€%_E 'T -T ' whitasburg, Ky., May 20, 19151' T::HT1T:Q%ET¥é
.. ‘1”? Jam fiergan. 7 ”" ' ‘ ._
éfii' ' I , . ‘ finzgrd, Ky. . 7‘ ~ .”T; ’ ‘T‘ '1:?3
i‘»' , . Baa} sir:— ” . . ‘ ' ”1' ' ’f1'g3g"'§fli}
:: V ’ 114313131” to miter from m. H.111. 111111111130 3'5“”'~'/".1tfx‘»
2- .:. 881! Of dafie the 6ifi inst.,‘concarning tké geufiiyrféafijmait§r~7 '3'???
I ‘. . - at Kenn, I beg to say that I had fir. W. H. Paitér'tO'cofié _TT_?I¥if:

. ” dayn’fia Whtfiaaburg and go over the matter w£th 55. ‘3: seams. ":i*; T
i U to ba unfiilling to make tha cancessians asked far at tha ' H.3%f‘;é i
i ' 'Iprica bfit did nct give a fiositive‘requal t0 the offéf'éfido;'_, T'T E:
;> 7 , HS wishes to consult his wife nit beffira takxfig final gc—Jl' ;.J E;
;- _ t > tion but advisafi mé that he axepcted ha wou}d.d9cline thg': T .1?:5;
2 I , offerf 'At the earliegt opportunity I will sac him again. .'j.;fff£
:. . T 7 1 Your: trulY. 7' , .7 r ”.'.l‘ " ,5JETFT:E
f; ; ~ ’I' c>< jizz/v¢A\-;; /6722>a/1/1/<"‘ 1 27;” 5":17§{

_Gopy ta :1. 6. 11111111111; , ' ' '1 j ' ;

1. 7 S. k. fiilsnn . ‘, . ‘7 ‘,"u 1’

 k <;/C/ - v,Z/ (1. jz/ ) 7 vzé7(€ég§ .,7 §;(7 .,‘
3“ W2” (I/ /Z//2/’ [K/qz/zflflefl/ (7/ ygz/J/l’flré/in '
,5 r??? 3333/ £142?
' mt; 7V ‘-
May B~l9l . ‘ 3 . 3. .'
‘ Hr. Jesse florgsn,
£31; to}: he I}? ,
hazard, £3.
33631 Dir: '
In connectign with the County r"afl Sitter t fienm.
I enclose @393 hi letter i have ta4iny Sadressad fa
7%r. fioyt. Mr. fiesrgcant and I spent Dart 3f Euesfla; afternaon
at Eona and went over the matter wifh representaAiveS'sf the
County Cfigrt Snfl also with fir. Batter. Mr. Batter is very ad- ..
verse to danating additional prawerty far depat purpases - .
at iSis pain: and 31:3 13 nermif ;he County read to f31law the
raute we desire thru the small archard. The ,ouniy officials
realize that a canvidersble savinr can be mafia in the 0333 of
conSfirxctinfi tke raga Vin tlis $3336, and I think are wholly '
in accord with the plan we suggest 0f bringins the raga t3
’ the present crasging, and I understaod fram them that the
County Wflild be willinw to pay U3 much as @59S.OG towards
Securing the right-o£~wny between the Sufi 3f the present grafl»
ed rand anfi the creasinfi thru Mr. fiatter's orchsra.
If My. Potter will donate t3 the Bailrnad 03mp3ny
a strip 3f lmnfl between his warehouae and 3&0 present crossing

 I' “‘.—2548
I 7/ . .',/7/4 / / ,/ ..4/f) . / (//
.xs KVZA§7776Z;/f{e <flfllfi‘I776g2' ,Iznég7vra/(.faczggIéaaegpc'
I WM ”/////’/7///1’7’}’””/'”/ [XII/”J/x'I/r/Mz/
J/ . ,,, I ,_ 2
_ (MUM/fl fly
. /»>
Jam r has
at tlfi rsrth not of the acacia trus? 4d inst in :idth and
rill a rm‘i i?t MORLLJ 3.3d 1a Er rstxzr;ctcd xx his n? sort:
. :'E "I 3'- ‘: .::“ ,"t * ‘: .'.“- '.'.‘ I I‘Gf‘1C?;'L" CT???)—
ihy, ‘?‘c Cwmwn 3 {I a ‘sififil Latin 33 {T5 h it :crv:
t? lee 1 iiifrfi:1s in t t "ia'riig, rife % .ifiilf‘fl
trr k r end .*a'h t~ . woini ;vtr :*r u "r {:2 .3 f? f t.rs
GTE he not on i*a r we ' o '115 .3. f’firr': T?ffli1'¥, ;5% if he
doairrza, 7'1? Q I” I_i'l’ifi'“ 'l'1’,‘l'¥" “ '_‘:"C'? i'r-g :,::vg‘: I.’??? Z??—
l‘: L :1- 5.
the Court}; "‘3':;',I“"_T~T‘ “its? ,:3.. .::; ':?-if: :':?"ri‘ifo-

I 3’5“”3'3‘33' ill-ZI’U 19"” £26.91. til, .::‘I 1‘ owner (iii-‘- 1'}: :cf'fi: {g 1 7:1,.
he 8 true? frat vii h ‘0 are 2:1“23 {riotly into E r ~are~
house, ll‘ fi“tt?r salt tho? .'3“ or: rift Jr. ‘Dttcr wszii he I
securipr 33$ the 31*ht-of~WLy for tn; ]”*3 h?’ L"? tin strip
'3'! GTT’E’Y’J’ fortg);..f'3.w rest it": widtt v: :r ‘1" d9“: of

' It,;-g.cm fit ligXt, a: this cannery ruilfiixv tie *iiina eaves
him the exoerse oi outtiar in r trr‘U It tti? noirt It his
awn first, :houifi his Environs TITILLI it in fl? future. Eris '
Compsny pill so i::ood to out ire iriness track ”r the opposite
side of thr mwin lite xi ;?c sroti-n héuees arlcss m6 e"n sat
the 4% ft. extra {an} at iris point. it would cart hiw at least
evce.co for his aidetreth rad possibly more, end i this ‘hot

.‘/',/, 'H- (,. / / ./ X/jf) // /\///_ /
f§)é;7fl§Z¥/7é'fér 'ZZQ/¢;¢/Qé~ /405¢VVZK~ :»/949éahfg%
1 W2} ¢ ”Z 122/ 764mm ,/ 7,1,/.;/W/”;,,
,/ 2 ,. ,,I 2

Jesse florecn,'p 5 ;gflgg}:fl§1fi§fi§_

he whoulfi be willin: to carry out rxr scum suweoction. If,

howcv‘r, Mir. :':.tL'cr is: arr-35111117 to do no, ‘ 1 :"ill sell the

right-ciZch jar {to Countr r‘:d change thyu his orchard and
,porcllel to the orooésnd 44 ft. strip in :10 County for esot.oo,

I will be million to rocomgcnu to 1?: come my t'et no pry fir.

33124301“ at; much 5:5.: ngSL‘U-Ow crr 5ch: 1 13.1244 ft. :t’crin, tot is,

if ow are reorired by or. fatter To in; f r it.

A‘s-.3.". fetter 11cc the Estate-552g; li'I‘rt ,.ch. Hotter w' :3
very 35' 7178375530 it) hi? “lilo; Eric?" :1) ”LR-:3 ivl1"3. 5t thrown; 3131157 ald-
diticnal nrouorty for itc par oecs :no it 255 be noceccurg to
coy fir. Hotter a conoiicrvtiwn tor tho 44 it. et.io.

than Jr. Hogt has made tho 13;;tfon farthc County
road thru the orchard so we to avoid, if p*seiblc, taking any
of the fruit trees, 1 will be filed if yo: till sec root you
can do t words workine up the moircr bet con the members of
the County Court and ir- Eotter, no we desire, if crecti;oble,
to prevent Lhe crcseino of tre tueioeee track by thr County
road at the pain: selected by the County, if et all possible.
Thio will be a heavily trchled rtcd in tht futu c and it is
not oracticable to olece it beneath tho roadbru on account of
high water, nor to carry it by an overheea brioco across air ,
right~of-wcy as the ground is not ouited for such conetructiai,

 ‘ :;/«/ . . // f . // 1/ / .///;;Zé) .y/ §}1:-L\’F‘ \x':£:'v'rcm um»; 1r: manrAN
I ‘ ‘ ‘
Afiummm :1'1.‘ *L‘nin