xt73bk16mf8w_275 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [219a] James Plowman v. L&E, Perry Circuit Court text [219a] James Plowman v. L&E, Perry Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_27/Folder_7/74032.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_275 xt73bk16mf8w 1
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- .. flax/37% /1- .”./”7% . 4//fl/V/////y//K//yl.'
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(i l/l/‘(I 2(/- ////3///3//. 7/1/7/110/ ."//u (713/,
III‘III’I'II/ .\///m w (721/ .4229? liwI/zw/‘rw’. Win/71 (ft/A"
7' . - // ' ’ "'
" ””"HV /“/@”' November 3, 1915.
J dge xemucl H. Wilson,
GeLeral Counsel, L. & T. Py. Co., /&;fiD/#: /7
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:
It seems that my files in the cases of James Plowman,
J. Combs, and Martha Owen, Adrr., against the L & F were forwarded
to you frcm my office at Tincheeter. They are my numbers 931, 932
and 933.
Will you {lease send these to ne by railroad mail as soon
as practicable, as I need then in a suit ufon the bond. That I
want particularly is the corresyordence at the outset with the
itevrance comrany.
Yours very truly,
7‘» l , *V'T";
\Q'.‘ 7““ 7' , 7- '14..“
General Attorney.

AHnrnvge ;tt Ilium
. HAZARD. KY‘ c‘ebruary 2, 1915.
f. /'
L/E’ 121 .
, /é ’
.L.'.r . L.. .l'li I fiilson ,
Lexington, Ay.
Deer Lir:
he acknowledge receipt of file with reference
to settlement of the case of a. C. Sumner vs. l. d 5.
Railway company, and will return game when we are
through with it.
Very‘truly yours,
,1 / t
},3 \ ‘ - '-/' " ‘,’
// 1 1, .7‘/77¢ K/V‘ // '
/‘/ q - ‘ ’ ‘ ,

 . . ' . 2 . I ‘7 January’30, 1915. . ,
2' . E ~. 2 E . _
" _ .‘ Messrs. Weettbn & MorgangE ~ I- " _ / I ,
I ' ~ ' Mud, Ky. _ 2 . .
I , E ' G‘er‘l‘bl‘emen: 2. - .
{‘.I . . I Referring to y.ur letter to me of January lfith, askinglfl‘ I.
7' 2 for certain vouchers of the Company for use by you in the suit E
I _ 2 in ?erry Circuit Court of J.C.Sumner v. James Plowman, I have
" _ ‘ohtnined and herewith encloee to you the deoirefi receipts and 1 ., ‘
E . - also oopj ofva letter of January 23; 1915, from fir; milliams, 7
E E I E Chief Engineer of Constructionfluggggrgighonnnn,'nasietent District
7‘ f I I Attorney, and a letter of the 25th instant from fir. fioorman to me;
' ‘ As requested in_mr. moormnn’s letter, please teko g20d
- ”care of these receipts or vouchers and, as soon as they shall have
E21 7‘ served your purpose, be certain to return them to me so that I may I'
- .- I onewer for them to the Louisville office. ‘
..‘ I 2 I; . Wishing you success in defending this euiti I am, ” I '
3‘ IE ense. E i ‘Yery truly yours; . ' / I E
I 2. . . Sing/a 2 x 2! 2 E , ‘ ‘ 2 -
. EE/E,E «E . _ E . _ 22 3, 2E E .EE.E , . E
. E 3? .EE . E . E_ E. ...1 3 EE . EExE EE E 2 .E ’:I

 {7 ’.~ It 0.3.Mborman,‘Esq.;l 7 ‘ ‘ ;3_ V " ‘ V.
_ . _ > ‘ "Louisvillefly. i r " ‘ '
,, Dear Sir: ’ ' A~‘ ‘. '. . . ,. - ..‘
' “WK '4' I acknowledge yours of the 25th_inStant, with enclosures,
_ _ ' -\ including certain receipts of Dr. J.C.Sumner,etc. for medicalw
, 7 .g‘ attention rendered James Plowman; all Of which have been eeked for
_ yo ;and will be furnished by me to Wootton'& Morgan for use in defend-
‘ , ’ ing a suit in.the Perry Circuit Court of J. C.Sumner v. James '» ‘
5 ' ‘ Plowman. . (
I ' -. Vt . I have cautioned Wootton & Morgan to take good care ’ l ,
of these papers and return them to me as soon as they have ~
.,I I heve served the-purpose ‘in view. when that is done; I will 7
i _ ‘. return some to your office. V“. ” » ' - m
_ I » fifiE/a ‘1 ' ‘ Very truly yours,’ ' ‘ _ ’.I
i' ' V if. , . : - l A” , ' Counsel.r , '.
'-, , [f5 » . ' 7‘ ' ,
'_‘ > l- ’ 1' [J . _ \ . I , ’ .
, 7‘.— i ‘Ei , t, , >. 5 7‘ . , .
>~ ‘ " I ‘1:/f. .‘.“. ‘ ‘ - t ' ' . h -_ '7
, { # I,“ \ _ , -. > .> . . . I. \, ...
h ' ‘ .#'~7 2 -,. ” ' ‘ - ,. ' »

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‘44" T f. ' / // I): / / // ‘ / W/1 /
. .1 ./ c - r, ,' /_/., ,1
\ K;///’ _ —‘/¢209V772Z): KQVA67KZZ,AéyAKszolflé;ezfimjfla
. 1‘ ' / ,
t ’1. ' 3". /"‘ 7/ '
..4 'W/fl/N‘WL /. J (II/H /(/, x / , ' ,1
..’, . / ’;"’¥§'”'/i‘/ “ftwwcrr .~////r" // K/z/H/u/M/ /////. /’/‘/w ///r‘/7.
”flak/r.) .//§ /////'}//////‘/, /.
.‘/.\'.\‘/. 7)/.t'//Vt‘/ .\////I/;'//;1‘ .
/, ,/r/‘ w / ’/. -/’ I ‘
,, /”mm// ‘j/XI/[flf/I/i’v.‘J.I/Mr. /,y/z//7////,.///, Jan . 25 ’1915 .
AL/Lr «v { ( /’)
Mr. 8. M. Wilson,
Counsel, L. & E: R. 00.,
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:—
Referring to yours of Jan. 20th enclosing cepy of
Wootten & Morgan's letter to you of Jan. 15th relative to the case
of J. C. Sumner v. James Plowman, Perry Circuit Court. I am now
handing you herewith hr. h. C: Uilliams‘ letter to me, dated Jan.
23rd together with envelOp No. 1447 containing receipts, etc. in
the claim of J. C, Sumner growing out of mefiical attention rendered
by him to James Plowman. Please preserve these papers carefully
and return them to me when they have served your purpose.
Yours truly,
Assistant District Attorné§77a§£’

 :V'ir ' V _ _ . I I \ : January 20,T19l5. _ ;  
' I . fieSSrS.>WOOttOn & Morgan, ; m ' J I ‘
_ I, ‘ ' 3 A Héxard, Ky. I
. ‘ I "Gentlemen: I V A V ‘ , I
' . I “ Yours of the 15th, asking that receipt, or copy of
: receiyt, from Dr. Sumner fOr méney paid him by the Company for 9
' services in connection with the James Plowman accident has been
_ ' 'reeeiVed and forwaraed to Louisville, with the request that
. this receipt, or a copy thereéf, be sent you. ‘
‘ . ‘ ‘ Very truly yours, VI ‘
h - Sifl'f/a A ‘ . ~ '—
‘ . . A ~ Counsel. ‘ .
' 2 f ‘ A
_ , \ I ~
A- " f I -   A > ’1

 v; . . .‘fi‘i ‘ ‘ ‘ , 7 . N; ‘ p . g' , _ L Janm1ry20. 1915p ‘ V
" 6.3;flourman, Efiq., ~ - - ' '
I >7 ' V .'  ’ Louisville; Ky.‘ ~ V; a g ,9
- , ‘l Dear.31r: ' _\ ' - - ,
.7   . ' ‘ ' .(Eerewith, please note copy of a lettér of fihe 15th ' '7  
, .y 7 inatanfi from WoOttdfi & Morgan, asking that he be furniahoé with V
_,." ‘ fhe receipt br a copy of the receipt executed by Dr. J.C.Sumner  
‘}'W - ; Ito the Cbmpény for a aoctor's fee-bill paid him for services
( . > : renéereé in confiection with the explosioh accident in WhiCthamés "
‘- 1., . V Eldwman was severely~injured anfi for which injfiry'éuit was ‘A ‘ ‘
‘ " _ -' afterwards firbught anfi ulfiimafiely gomwromised. I shall.be -  
' L4 _ obligedggggggfi 6e possible, for you to.aecommodate~fiootton & . > 5
' V " Morgan as they request. - ‘
- _ I ‘ , ' \ Very truly yours,‘ ~' . ‘ ’ “1 y' I “
~ aficu  ‘ : ; ‘ ‘ ‘ . I  
' ~' 7 . SEW/a ‘ x , ,7 ‘- ‘ w ‘
I y , a W ‘ Counsel.~ ' _fl: ~
. ' ‘ .‘" . ‘ ,, r ‘ \ .

 BAILS.’ .3 Vi'ooTToN ucsjl: h1OUUAN
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of this. 13371 of 2 2:22. .12:-72:21:12.2“...
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 I H .9/;/’m //4'
,f /   / ,/ 7' ,, ’//
g/fl/A/a/V/i/Z ///¢% /// ‘//kj////r/////y/////7/g
. 24;, 'C y JIM/”M, yam/f; . c /;7,/(,.,;:Aé.,;///
(C/l/‘(l}(/« /. 7/‘//(’// ”(Vi/IV“ . 7))// (71» 7.
/ mum-ax ,-//m/-m;// .~[s'x/ hull/MPN'I'. -///w~mgr/,-
flax/Jn/Zfl' . //2/ July 11, 191:5
Mr. Samuel H. Wilson,
General Counsel L.& E. R‘y.,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:
I write to advise you that I have taken the liberty of
asking Hr.C.H.moormen to write a brief in the Plowman case. He
aoes a great deal of work of this sort for the I.& H. ani does it
very effectively, so, finding that he had a little spare time, I
asked him to do this.
It is Very essential that nothing he left undone to secure
a reversal of this case. If it is reversed we can make a reasonable
settlement. If it is affirmed it will cost the Company,to settle
all the cases, probably from $5,000. to $10,000 more than in the
case of a reversal.
Trusting that this arrangement meets with your approval, I am
Yours very truly.
, ,
General Attorney

 7 ~

, , . fl

».’ (77 . > “ ‘ '/ . /

///y/// 000/ f/K/////’// n /////fl////// \ //;//

. (gar/”#(xel/‘ffl W207: h'///%///n0/’////’////fl///// //////7,
35¢ ’ ,:: , g , .gW/M %.

 C. Cz 'V|LL \MS H.J.JOHN”I.
1’7, LTSL'R.
131‘. Samuel l.‘.\'."il~won,
mix: Luigton, Ky .
Dear Sir:-
jzjnc‘mae'i :"ind qtipulatior‘; i1: i210 Plo'u'rj‘sri. case signed
1:10. It (.'.-21:31:»: to m»: by the ‘.'izi; of 332:»).rboul‘vi131.6:. litancheazer}
firm-1113" London, Herme t‘rzu delay in getting; it hack to 50.1.
I mi. E'zf:-';.ui‘:15z;, 1';0\':-;:ver, €411 3'0; -"i11 he 511'le to go"; gnu?
10:13:" in before the lam; 01‘ this month it: order that \"L' 1421;; have
:1 fia‘mflSRiou of this case :mi 21, hearing; at thig term. Thi‘: 1.»:
ililDli')I“[):3.1’lt, csymcially, became of the other czamem «icpexzziizzg;
noon it.
Very truly youra,
1-, / .

 / / . -fl /‘ j . ’-/ ’/ /
, ////7//7/// ////// / xvi/fix '. /////fl////y //’///////y,
/ 3/' 3 _ / /
. $7226.43 ./% Wm” /3//7///,/////////////w/ gmmfl/m .99.
Ha- ,, :4;,,,,,,,,;/»mow/z W

 H. C. Faulkner “00”” 5. .1. 5'
\V. E. Faulkner ansou Building:
H. C. l“uulhuer. Jr.
flaw. 1 . ,I'Lir-‘rsi ,1
.1.»: i. . ,.
.‘Jr::'=.*' 111':
-. 1 1 ; 1' - 1. ,1, ... ‘.;.
:*‘1;‘.1.1.~.l . I’m';1:.t=",':u1 -1’, :;.=1.- '1.!1'1 .11? 1111;". 7.331
;-:»:.=1-,.1"‘. 1.1‘ 1' .’.:1.1'".~::: .7113 1.' 1i .1.:. _: 11057124
- ' ' 1 .' 1* 2. 1 n , ...L .‘»
1 ..1.»: :.' -. 1. f '1
fu‘ .:11: '1 1 i ,.:.i.--

 . r-
”? V i S
Lonion, 1-37., ifiay 7th., 1913.
11311.. 'Ti'u'fluel II. '..'ilsjn,
Lexingt 2111,14” .
:‘.-ear Sir;-
1‘ am. enclosing; you so}; 032‘ ; brief for the Appellee 1:1 the
(rise of Lexington 1‘; T'f'mtern Rail ; Corfu/Lay vs. James Plovz'xan.
I hope yum will -:,<:1«:nov:lr.2r‘g;e “lie receifi; 01" this. brief, so 1,}th I
m“; send that :u: 2102's].a=r‘gjc«>._;<;zm to the ‘"‘l-T’l‘li of the Gnu-t of 1x;;g€;-'-4;g:.
I hive ;"z.‘)1fwrz.rd_:3ft. ‘the brief 15:";11 tile ;‘CSJT-fi p217: 3mm" brief to "the
Clerk 9:" “'.1-18 gourt of Appeals on today.
Thanking; yr;u for the 11:51:13' 30437339192 shown 1.19. in this
case, and. being ‘..‘illing to reciprocate the :’:-11:10, always: I remain,
Truly :,FJL'Ll‘S’ , A.

 ./ / {z , ./ / /
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\ ' ; o//;.,,,,.,,/j W

POET.L G'Q.L‘..N:.
A’;},iTL\ luv-1'" ' _‘:.7 '7
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Zion. Egg-.:.Luzi, 1.. “glean, . .* _
pear .,i':‘:-
I 5.1;. in :‘eceig; oi you-rs of“ :.‘-10 1231:“. enclosing; riotise
o" :.'.o‘uiorl in 1:1;-3 case of e; 55. 17?. Plenum. I 315;; enLe‘:~e-.,l 1 ii
:;Lotii,.:; for {Tu-:..;‘a I-‘:.;zl3:21e:' am- will ‘;_‘i:(« 311:: 11011550 z,o.:ets;g.;«_
"xi Ln. 1.1m 13.0 Li r311 .
You've L:‘-xl.;',
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C. d. 4...»

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/ / ' ’ / /
O gmm/ fl C%Xi(m ..////fl/.///I/////////w/ EZW‘M ‘99

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/ /" V, _ / /
.L%v)n%,¢/ :///_/- (#621072 fi‘///%///—'//fl////I////fl/// an, %.

 H. (I. Faulkner Rooms .'5. “I‘, .’3,
W. E. Faulkner Luwsnubulldiué
H. C. I‘Vuulkuer. Jr.
' /
._. -, a 7 / 1 . ) / K ' Z
I‘.} I‘ll l 7 .> 1::1k.‘ 0 /7/ (Mi / 1)
Iri Samuel H. Wilson,
flexington, Ky.
Dear ?ii:
- 1 ~ -,., x 7’ i“. ..,..‘1',t‘_ .5‘ .
i an anoiosing you ccgiee ci MO,lCdi;dJ n, ion lei
an 3rder on the Clerk of tgc Terry Circuit Court to sup—
.J.. ..,.n , ..: '-_- .L ,: ”,.““ ..J. ,.\.r- 1.1, .J ”N.,,” ,; ,,,. 1 17... C63”; ‘ 7' r tune
yiy (.»1; ( Lv_L\4Il1('A..L ,1 5.1 L4 L4-AL leper“ vex)“ LU .,.L oi..§ 11
original inetrusti:us uiven in the “loxnan ssse. ineee
Orders will Efiflmift them elves to you. I have written
“7‘ -' fir. *1- 3 '5 ‘»‘5' H "' " ,~. 4' ”'r‘l ‘1" " Furs.“ (‘~'? +‘f ‘:‘ “1‘1" ’3 he
- ' CAI-L; Cu‘V-VUIJtL’nCD vJ. haviveJ 61.40., 4-. ;-.6 ~mvle c.-. v-9 ”stuns. ,
i - . - . _ . . n_ “._> .‘.‘ V_ —-.- .. ‘_‘ ,,_: fl _ ’.' ,
snich l hogs you will Sifin an: :_ ”sin ti tiers oi c0311
:.‘ , ._ n , ,~,.. 4.1. i i. 1 A.‘ M: , , 4. ,- ,. . ‘J' .7_ ,_ :.’, ," ' J,»
/ oi fipfemid in Us: enciesgi uEQmJEJ enwei,,e, an; ”Aloe
4 . ' «
me a short note to hancheeter, ny., thet y“u LEV: done
i so, for which I enclOss sf myei cnvelcie, ;Isyerly ads
. dressed.
I have been sick fET tn: reek: , and an behind xitn
‘ ~— 1 rr'n" v ‘,./Q at -- \ ”~4- “\ :4 ' .— 1‘ ‘"'f‘r fi‘r‘fi-vvo '1';*r "W Vt “Ut
My fix); it; CLLL‘U Lcihlnj V LIL, :..t t1,1’1.~«.JQI't L.'.»; uxuhy J J. {3.. ’ L.' 7:
mill be at ”anchester4 If by any resecn you c:nn:t
' ' ‘.s-ne. ' . "_,_ m “,.»4- a ,
accept tne notice, Kindly write me int Iact at AthMSILel
._ 4.' -\ a '.‘ Y‘/*- ‘.' V11 ' '1 ’3 1r”; "W 1.2""“1 5.31" 1"- 435—3 V"? ’:‘ 3 T ”'_. 3117 TO
the [41106, '_’..ka .L \vl.L_L LLL¢4VL .L\ 2::“ -.'\4'.— ‘- .LCu ”turnb v _. ni- i .
. - - ‘ '-r. ‘,.: q .. ' _ .a 4 M —, $.. A ‘ ' , i»-
aseure you tLat 1 will leClIrUCute the e istrs in the
greeticc at all tinew when in my yswer.
Very truly yours,
//'7 / /. /7 /’
,/ /
/‘~ . , ,—- J/
/,// k- //Z{/L/(/(/( /2 \
l I I

n"""‘wm ‘ ‘.~ "r m 1“ ""HH'W‘V‘W,’
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‘ » -,-~.-. ‘ -~’-‘ ~~ . .~ .-..‘,"2 .. ' . ‘ z . ,. .., 1,1 .L. u,. “.‘
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1n; of tnis cram fir nearinr i: 233 C urt C? A peaie, if he
‘ . \ 1' .. . : .4 1‘ _" .,., “ ’~ ,1
su¢11. Lnfid 1t to f1.c b1151 1:1 Ayyfiviwfi.
"‘." - ~~” » “1 H- 1 fir ." ' ,, "f‘ .'. -- , 7‘ N ' "T‘. '7'
.liflbbfl my; hangs finle i 1 1ciu JV 3; hTrll, 1 lo.
" .5‘. . .. .1‘! -
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 H. Li. Faulkner Rooms :':. ‘1'. 5, ‘
W, E, Faulkner anauu Building!
H. C. Faulkner. Jr.
0' ‘ ,.
v ’ (
April 16, 1:313. ' ‘ "
Hon. Eamuel M. wilson, .
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:
I am enclosing you receirt for your brief in the
Flowman ease. Alro I want you to Sign the stipulation,
enclosed, giving me twenty days additional time to file
brief for Appelee. I think I will get the brief in by
Honday but I have been sick for three weeks and my health
is so precarious that I nay need the time asked for.
Very truly yours,
v/fi I
/ 0 '7
/ ”A, r. 4
I , C I, V»d”Z_/L/(/( (,._ 2/7/7—f
/ /
“rt: -

 H. C. Fuulkner Rooms .'1. »1, .'3.
W. E. Faulkner Luwsuu liulldlnd
H. C. Fuulkner, Jr.
o '
figurii JV, 3’- 13.
2350.31. 7'<:‘o;:g '1‘:.}: .
June:- ‘-‘Ii.':"'z~;x;iz, 7'."3:~.'~- ?‘ f: ".:_-z V): (”:1: ‘i, {Wit-qt, 22:53; ’.‘ S“!
or? :'zffiL'ks‘xi‘L'v. :;.;7 7:11:10?»
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A '. "Wig-.321. :.,v:i»::’§ :, ‘ :“1-tjf A {2231 {:'b, Lexin'
{30.51 21.1.01 Ergo}; Bursa he. "5.?? «to; .I;»a-gw. ;,»} 9]": ”PMS;
and. I’ it to grim 3:.-7:?" :’:“, r", »'5‘; . )3 r”:J;br:.-T':i_..;_' +71".- ,'"n’jxn'i.
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O o
cuit Court and toe Dauflc'a to the Clerk of the aaid Court.
and has the anniody the emf.

He sayn furiber lbui ilo Clcrk of tie So er Courthaa
failed to GOxy or mwtrcae ac 2.p.:t of the record herein
the Order Of Evyersedeac granted Fro filed in this case by
tho Clerk of tho worry Circuit court, upon the eyecotion
M" the Superm'dems Bond, which ‘;rcrw‘ rustle-r :2. part affine
record herein; ?ii fle ivycllcc denires that this—part of
the record he avrblied and Trorerl Fortified to this
Court before tLin c,.e i; nnhmiit C.

/ C 7 K t , ~ (5%? ’ " ”
“uhocrihcd vnfi cfivrn no befvrc me Ly H. C. Faulkner tLis
one lirn, day if fir:;l, lfilb.
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This Company TRANSDIITS nud DELIVERS messages nnly un renditions limihn-g IL: llalufillty. “‘hll‘h lmw- been assented (u by the sender .,r the {nllowlnz mnswzn.
l-erors mm lw guarded :urumst unlv by rrpvntm: u nwssnut- hack to the autumn: hllllhfll for «'unwurmun. and [ht‘('v1n”uu1ywl“ nu! 1mm ilsx'lf IIIIIIIV {.,r errors or dl‘lfl} ,,- in trans,
misenn or delivery of L‘nropvulml Mvmnmm. lmvennl the aunuunt nf toll»: [Iulll [In-rum. hur m mu :‘ufiw hm .uwl Hn- wrn n! l‘lfly‘ Dollum. m wluvh. unlms nrhvrwisv emu-r1 lwluw. [ms
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'l'ms is an UNRI‘ZI’L‘ATL‘D MESSAGE. and Li delivered by ruqurst of the sundtr. undrr mu condxlxous Immml nbmv.
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 FORM 1—Reviaed July, 1909
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