xt73bk16mf8w_285 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [225] Sylvester Tharp and Mary Tharp v. L&E, Breathitt Circuit Court text [225] Sylvester Tharp and Mary Tharp v. L&E, Breathitt Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_28/Folder_6/74503.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_285 xt73bk16mf8w “i ‘ ‘ . ‘ Jacksoany. ‘ ~‘ , . , ' - ‘ ".:- ,f
~‘ ’ * - rBear Juoge: 1" ' ‘. .1 ' . ~"V"'W_; “ 1 ‘J3 r\€@3i9
' Confirming my telegram, I desire again to congratulate, ,g
‘ you on_the favorable outcome of tho Tharpe case, aboufi which yangffi g'
- " tired_me and_about which you have wrifiten-mo in your lento? offihe ‘E
, , let. If Judge Rifidell‘has not yet.passed upon on; Motion for é‘Wégfl
flew Ti‘ial in the Reed ohomas -’ease, it 530ng to me that he ought film", '
sustain that fiction, for certainly if Thorpe was not entitlédsto_53r,
‘ . recover, the jury oughfi not to have amardod any daflages in favorioixg,
;' Thomas. 3 ‘ ‘ k; v “ “ '-ln :71:;7 T’
n ‘V “ ,’ Mr. Lanarum passed through the‘office this aftenhoonggnEV ;o
- , ,“‘ rather gave me to understand that I woulé not have to returnifioifiaokgi
son before Monday, tho 25th instant, at tho earliest, withia”§h&noéwo;
"‘ - ' my not having to come until a still later fiate. -’ffi:‘ 7" nf’{3¥_§z
:‘ ~ " ~' ’.- fix)“: ‘
, V . . , : «, .. "‘\‘1‘:\."‘,' I“,
- ‘ 7v» . .; , :~_Vgxa” ‘-,_ _4§&h3;g
_ " ' I , ‘ .cVu ‘,;v3‘: ,1gfl‘ R
‘ , . . ‘:.—.'. l':ilii L ‘3‘?»

 ‘ ' » g. 0.3.12.»#2._ - ‘ . 5 , f . . r - *1/23/152’ ‘2 '
‘ . I trust to you to keep mtt’ere 'fiell‘io hand and'will I
, ,, f ' try to oome promptly whehever notified that Iny‘preeence i‘e ' ‘ 7 7 .,
. ' neefieé; ‘ ,   ,’ ’.:. . . .- "’-' ‘ ,.
' ‘ Very truly iours, ' ‘f’ ' - ' ‘ ,
, ’ I ’ x _ Counsel... ' - . ' ’ -

‘ Januurv El, 10“).
Judge Samuel ..I.. Jr'ilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Judge;
1 wired you today twat we nad secured a verdict in tne
Sylvester Tnzir‘pe case. We oegnn tn: trial 01‘ tnis case on Tuesday
afternoon. and emnpleted it at 10:30 today. I nad the jury View
the premises Wriicn I regard as one 01." tne nest Witnesses we next}...
Yours truly,
1T , :‘:—jfl/j/
Oi". P‘L g//&/Z//
‘ I
7 ”W .2 2 /¢\

 8 .
> y ,
January 21., 191:).
3.1). ‘zi.'z.1.rfie.1:i, District Attorney,
' Lou-leaviue, Ky.
"Dear air:
I 11-1w: ...;mm :irz’zi‘L 01'. {we ‘.E‘rUuA—xirur (..”-1 5-35 11 1.1 3.1.3..
Cm T13": ‘€;>1:.,Lr:;: 911,11, inr- .-*.1‘-.)..:i.-;,z’.; “up ‘igzzjx -.r1‘;;;'-.1:2Su 16:93:» 111,101 12:1}1d.;.isais
of (3:111:31: ‘1)..=.:.11; ...1»: :3 hour. L :11ng 1.1111111; mm. gr. Lure”, .12:- ::1:1r:~‘.1'n
‘mr h <‘r:'.:‘;jL<1»-*::.:..f. Trr1'._:131..=.~ -;:..: Carr: 2‘1.‘-;-:::.*.,'11:'-.; reum.;.rb m1 13111.1..‘11: 1.1.111:
1711-3 .1031“: ilrnxg..:1:3‘bws.
111-1 33.1.2. «:1: 1" 1T. 11111.3. ..2.;..L.r.c~:v-.L', , 15:13.00
“1'51? f1)"- ivr‘r'i‘. ~:T;..z."‘13. I zit; 2.31.11}: ..1. '31: .16 12.111”: i; Mum 3:11“: (45‘
' t1»: (.',«Ap’r'in 31:13.: 31:11”); ::1.::"1'~_:..2:r‘,‘ r1; rumor. 131' “3211:: 11103 $11511;
Lu". "f»32”3::<%?‘»51. 5:10 $.33. ‘51..» urn""Ft'i,;«".L.H,"—f 11‘.-i 11.113 1.11“, 11.1»; :1): mus
(30-13;; 117;"; 1:1! :71": 53:1,; as," €23.12 J13 11-11;.‘yaz muse, 21’515
Tm“; 1112c4.3:3:3;i11.1.-? 1*; 1:1; (1'- =‘ 3:11 Jim; :1. 11.2mm- 9321611“-
nucr 7.171 "T1.3?‘,‘§f‘,' 1.1;: g..;21 , i: 2.11:: i; “mm: 1..; 13011;} Latent
ctrivhsrxtfifi. ,1: 1 1..-25:11:11“: ‘2.» my? :11; ‘1-7' :1 ‘.‘T'1_‘r.‘21x.>.e:;-.5 cm
12".; 2112‘ .‘,-1.1: .r1:*5;;.... ..‘TT‘..-..:1.li,rag:; 1:: 12.9. (3.1.3,:; 2.23. :1,1::1::.:a.1:,3;u1ce
“Jib; 112121! .1131???“ Jim-1 Luau—1:": 1:1-1..: :‘1 3311:.
11.77591‘ Lump: 11‘..-3.".21' $13.11;. 211:3 Jam-y 1111.7.13 1:11‘1r":-211._.‘; asturned
:1. T :1“ 1.113% for 1612.7“:1313, i 51:: “u".ahi‘i m.‘ 1:..11’ 1:121:13 3.111. n: have been
fiiiwiufi; M's”: 1:12:51; :3. ..1 2m.- 3 up)“: ’31 #3 W UJ'JA-‘é 111-4‘.» WW“:
11.11.21 ("it”lgtfilt: in?! vain; “rt-.11";- gnxfafi‘1.:-@,j,1,;.;;.
Y (*3 {'25. {:1";3,L_‘;: ,
(30371? 130 8.35.1 Jilscn.

 Foam l—Revined July, 1909
; Messages which urebnppnrently unnzfcessur‘i'. of:- that 1coluld be sent by {rminiMai}. win he traglsmi‘ted and
(11" d 1 ‘.th‘ "11 s ':2 S 't' l '1" " '.
TELEGRAM “we ”mm" "‘ °°"'?ee{1323523311'85:?21355ui‘éer'g'glé'uié'r' £32,. i’m. ””'"m‘mou ”mew“ TELEGRAM
' Lag-1 .:.4-ton, ;’.; . , Jammy," {.303 , , 3.215.
O. _.») ~50]. L.' I'd-.’.
J5 0'38".» ..
Congratulaf; 3m; 0“. v if; “1:73.: 1:335:13» c: we. . .3 ‘ fl‘C:
Then 3.1; '. i ‘.l 1.:2 0.,-.3;. “.‘;: for ' ~;: 3. ‘.v'.‘ 17);; ‘. J ,7: C 3.331,
:6 r: I. 1180 '.o

 k ‘1
2-3 SH J BI 1048sz.
chkson 1-21-15
8 II" Wils on! C3! McDowell
Verdict for defendant case Sylvester Tharp against Lexington & Eastern Ry.
' O H Pollard
_. ‘ V / ‘,,”
z I I." I" ' I \s
I} ,4 /:; I"; " IV, I}

 ,_ -_ ,. > ‘ fl " Jamary 1,1915. 1 ‘ ‘ w 7 ’
. ‘ Judge 0.3. Pollard, - > 7 *' a
, . - »   Jackson, Ky. " . ‘ ‘ '
— - Dear Sir{. ‘ ‘ , " I ' "4
- . ;: I acknowleage with thanks receipt of your favor of December
9 ‘. I L‘1 29th, enclosing cqpieg of Amenaéd Petition in 93Gb of the fbllowing j;
» “ caSeé - ‘ I ‘ _ ‘ ‘ ¥ - ‘ j
v t ' I £4flwfiyfggster Tharp v. L & E Ry_Co., . ~ ‘ i I
I. 7 ' , Eeea Thomas; v. I. & E 23:30.- . \ I.
A ' ' ; Yours truly,: ‘ V R
; > ~ . k ', . ‘ ' Counsel. . - a _ :f‘

 .‘ .
Bresthitt Circuit Court.
Sylvester Tharpn and fiery Tharp rlaintiffe.
. vs jflflflflhliiahlliIOfi.
Lexington & fiesturn fiailwsr Pomcaay. Defendante.

The plaintiii , Cylénnvhir Thery1 Raye thrt he and his
co-glainiifi harp Tharp jointlv own the tweet of lard net u; and do-
scribsd in the original petition herein; that 13 mistake or ownrsight
the name of the said Lary Thar; the part; .lilhtiff wee left out of
the original petition heroin, and he 30v Katee saiC Rory Thar= a
party plaintiff; and thereupon the plaintiffs Sylvester Tharp and Lery
Tharp reiterate and realloge each and all of the allegations con-
tained in the original petition heroin.

‘ Wherefore the plaintiffs pray as in the oririnal petition;
V and. for all prop-..;}? relit‘si‘.
1 Attorneys ior plainiiffs.
The affiant Sylvester Thirp says he believes the statements
contained in the foregoing amended petition are true.
Subscribed and sworn to haforo me by Sylvester Iharp this the
_d _*“__day of January 1915.
, K, . .

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Sylvester Tharp vs. Lexington to Eastern Ry. Go.
There is no encroachment on 1311.8 river channel opposite
the Sylvester Tharp farm. There is absolutely no merit in the
case and it should be tried out in Court. No officer of compro—
mise should be made.
Division. Engineer»
I“ i, kw, (“,.. p ,9“ rem-W
Imflyfi - .::. .. _ W '(o‘ . ‘ - . , f"' ('

 3 .3 - 3 ‘ ' 3. I .I ._ fieathmt Gircuit 3'Gfiurt. 3 ' ‘3
3 I Wiveafierfifnm . ‘ . I I . '. IPlafin’fiiffI I I j 3 I;
’ _ II 3I 3 . “95's. I13 mmurwr. mam? Se araaa-fiafiitmfi; . I I 3 g
'3 .Iizexmgfion £33més$ém Miiway Inamm Dafazgsianm ” ~ . I . ;
' ' _I‘ . II ' mmmdmt; mflngfimkfiawemI HIiIilWay Sammy” fieémfi . .
. 'I Iganémllyr to plaintiff"? 333615112192“: upon the 53333251116; mm Igam awn:
I I ”1:~ 31055?ng fabfi'a sui’i‘iaién‘b- “be; abnstitufie any amaze 0f whim ’
I I 7._ ” againat misfdefanaama . 7 » I I .4 v, . ‘ I ‘ _
{I“I', '3 _3’ ”513.. . " ,
'I Ear .dhszvér to 3331132; cf 1:»15Linbiff'a platifiian as , II
- I.'III’ I aefemégnt isI-aéviseé it 5.9 naaessary as; ;aahwial .ficp maké‘afiawer I
‘3‘ _ I m, defendmx’a, mxifiggm a: méfiam mm; 35mm, {162.553 mm , . "
2 I. it :13. or amig- wés engagad in the carxstrfiatien of'a railroad car ,- 3 .
3I I J railroda beé‘tllrailgh $33.5 uppag gurticn 6f Breath“? 042131133 I02.“ . ”
I- f .I through said ammw mm em aunties a; 13:3??? :31ch 139323116” or _ "-
3 _ V 911232.92 of thefi m"; 61an 31939811 so engaged for” Inn's greatargart or\ I
. ' I.'. 3’” any yaw 01‘” fine mstxtwo imam prior M $1.18 filling 6? this suit, 3
' 3 excepfi that this fiéfenaam was as: gfigaged Hmong}; indagfinflefifi I.
_ I ' . aamfima‘éém as hemmaamarmam'fixlly mama» ‘ _ I ' 1 - I 3'
/ 3I r . Earflahe Want pf mbwledge o3? informationsufficient 3 ’
3 . . .. 1w? fafmxa ”balié‘sf.,"3aefean&an%.fienies tfiafipidin‘hiff.’ 35711433413” I 3 I
;:II‘I I' . ' , ”Wimp. owns :24» famrgIIi‘ew singles” 0.15 am; ’:i‘isfianm MM?! 1211? fiau‘ofa ~ 53».
II _ \ a? franklaaomg arm}; in Breathitt. {Emmy 5r” _uawmem aria da- I3 3‘
.‘ - 33 31183 that Saidjfam 505.213 the fakjm affieed I‘Thomaa at“ is imaged, j
.. I an the éppas'flze 3331013 offienfimkfifiiflr IIfrom-Iaefendanf'a railroad. I I I'
.' 4 3mfendan£ deans that there is: a large Ibezfl- ar- my madam wait; »
.I T . , I Kem~uakj§ivar mg abevgpAgmeé-a mmurfihm mra is a; 3 ‘-
.I- . me huff 02‘ any emf: Ian 'theI3afiIpeame gm 03mm rim”? , 3” 3
I ~ II frag: mIiéI fémI-ar that. Mm axtenfia Elana said 31%: baziigvdé 3 - I
‘ ”, $§m1§d¢fén¢éfii3 railreaci be-_Ira.i3.foa;1 bad ha; ”been éans‘brfié‘filga 3 j
4.33:5; , ' aghrmgn'mmgnfiff; mam amwm 3.1; army as 37% may. I
i “mtg 1 ‘- . \

 5 I g. 5 _ - agents} employee me those leerking'iinaaar it in the mes'tt‘iwtieni 5
. l J" _ . mt; the‘emz‘eeeici reefihefi fer atiierwifia ..5 b35é.etefl er blew large or
i 155': at 5 K W 3"9335 “@5119; “anemia aim: anfi‘ magma 01““?i‘hiier 53mm .
~', 5 5 . 3131.“ -’§i:$&t- glad! make 133:» any 0: them we'i‘a Wongmm, ‘Wlm‘a’fullv‘a; ‘
g“ ‘ \’affi 33:11. magma er rolled into mid Kantgcigr Riva-gr gr blfiemfled
" ~' seam fer a. 51:59;th 9f thirty fewer“ more, car m‘aiatsmae from . '
, 5. ' ‘ ' the/railr'aafi side {if Said river. Defensizant'danieethat in the < _'
A somtruatian ,cf" 8.21.16; roefime. it w, ”blamed; 9:: meme? ether-v . L '
.. ‘" > eiée removed from. gem inmates: an anarmue (31. any mutant 5)? racing, .
. _5 ‘ ‘ dirt, same or ethereasté material 03:. wrongfully. finfiiefzéfulfi ,
5 5. '1 2 . a? ‘atgailg ‘rgllsd a? dimpéti or telecast: 3mm. eédany yart tale reef in ’
' maid ;,lirer‘flr “fiftlél‘éby er etkleruiies formed e/large bank or amat— . W
. " ' » ' 5 ' 5 merit of, (solid $003318 er any reeks-egg; mu Seformea Sgiéi 'izemk or 'I ' ¥
5 I 5 I $5335;an 5°33": $13450 fiéeifii river and. denies timt aéferxdxmt .155 new or 5 .
. «we? was Graeme-6. in Zieimg or iguana-lug} nr’ any memes ‘ 7 >
‘ . _ 5 aleng/ mid "ri~§eif‘2e..‘ba,nkiat the paint deeerimd and least out in V 5
. _ lithe petitifiz‘ima melee: til-it this; eantiimeé'tu’ form or farmed. 5
. .5 5 a $211,522. lama" Or WI?“ afiifiaflwm 9f recka’ar Mia: {mete 2mm: 5
" ' 5- rial gr fillet “mid alleged fiifibefikamnt extremes inte‘ 21am river’s _f
.. PM War gay-3,5233 causeri' agile river to: <31th its: emerge or in:
545mm. 1% wetafa “913133135 {Meagan W 5:“ @1413th my of .
5 5 /72‘he hflkflwfi°mflfiuf fibintiff‘er tehwesa away am? 131‘ . » --
P ' 5' Mid banks or feétteit mméjézé eleb'Icauee-fi said sixteen; cf water. ,
5!, I E W Wash ‘3an {myE???§é§§3€}llaintits?" 92: ”be uni-lamina or was}; ' 1‘
{:',/elem all? valuetle la;- eigfimwfi detaieeftlmt plaintiff had; ‘
j ,‘, ylmai__ $11911 twee-alum math minke. gm: landsef his: or W7 of z ‘
‘5 .5 ' :‘fihfim £5421? .‘P-mtaezbtjen ta, them 59:? fat” W et‘rierrgurgmga mug {lei-aim '_
, . 9W finale Wee, eagliegefi W fitmmmé"fimgaégaid ,
5 " ,- ‘5 5 mafia, anti banks Gram ewe. rvaftlamtlff ta his: amagé in ‘ ,
2 y tile 135’” font" Eight meat-M 3953me 91: 131W sum. 1 , ‘ _ 5, '
5 5 A 3 i", 5' 5; i fix mam} in; mommy a: WWW gimme; id . '

 ' ' E ' 1m 'fWQ 5’ wiififf fim‘zsmmm 'c‘imzzim; _‘Eflfisfi; $313 3QEWEE€9 cf/mgié mama?
5 1 5 hé$fl sages: 2mm {EQWi°éfl&8mfi Emma emu; Mm arc-wry: 31mm ng E23231: 5
V, H ” - " Vigéanfily 9i? farmf‘fifif’“ m‘W‘m mini} W13? 'Eazména my “339313033 .,i;m;=:i€§ ‘cf ; * 5
' - L Eiifiz’z“$i my} :22;an ‘*3§--4¥"5 Iixziflfiff iéima :sz “:.’;igt‘fzim' cg 1;;13‘92 1‘“
71,5- - -"".laz‘1s.i§3 :14: 122$: 3339334.; ;‘pJ;-§;fi.zggl{3 13113152 ;wztxmm 3:33.31 ”film 5:;ng ‘ .
'- ’ 'V' l‘ " acig'bmfizm $33.53 flaming-_.: .,:; a}: "gum 93f fimw mmg Egg-mg? «WW5 3,533,553 :1 . ,7 . ,
.1 ' 33%? Mai 3132:2155 $3532.? .3:-Egsdmfilff ”has; cam-:‘: mrxgfi m: hag-1:333:31;5f<€1zzzccg ' 1, f
" —- fl 1‘“ 59‘“ m 333% 43‘ filV/S‘Ri‘f‘ai‘flaw “ts-312:: ax: s7: tram-3 3:322 mm .
5* ‘ 1:353? ficifl i‘mzaees, @ng (£35585 as: am? eff. *» 3;};ng Ewan an,” fie 5 ' \,
I ' % , ,
" 5 , mach alcwa m: mayw mam fifimag m“ ”Mp 5151,35. $.35“be ”awe . ,
., . . cmfr‘ ‘,,.;sz 55le 3% £§L1§$bifii6flfi cf {filézii‘vifiififfig’ “WM; 93 312.1; “29:? -' , _
5‘ 1 . . and Emma: mafia, , J, J 5 5. 1 .' , 5 1 . _
. I \ , ' gmfiaiziimfii. fifia'wmn €53 " “tuba r21 ;uwv écmri::xg§~, .,:fi’azt ,_ '
.. 1 »7 " ffiifi‘fiiiar ca'xgfimfi' tea, gimizgfiifi‘f'a pfi‘fii’fiicn imé'ac a. gram mu, 2:221:51; _ 5' ,
‘ v- ‘ ‘ g‘fifflfifim $139 1 was,“ @fimwg Sfia‘hfia Mm?) Baziflé ‘inmc, mag, (:'ngffimy , _
. - I '1‘ I 5.55 a gmzmm‘émm, cfimfigmfi axis"; m‘nmag tiggzjéfig' $393 31an {:5 “am _. 1 ‘
i; ' -V Mam 551%” 3mm? mm “WEE-*3? 15mg? affmég ma girigmggg-al 51:75:35" V
E, , .7. cf hfiaifiém $5515 Kltzmimcw in cmawxgmw, 3.2; Max». imam} 9:“ . .
- Vagina, and mmm 3.5 23.1.45 mam-fig E'EE‘E'WW afiffi-aa newmfi 1
I " - ‘ 1 "130- gm: Fifi-113$ WEE 3:0 31.21:;i ram; _mfilgg {Eggggpmy gagifi‘e? {31“ ”5 m? ’ ' 1 7
E' A fimflé @fi M WE fiém‘mfifiémmw $5.524 Mm 3356139.. - Gawain}? .. ‘ . L
I I 123:! Ema-13* ti‘zmcn‘b {rm rté'fi flaw m? mamciéfitvami frcm mic gammy as." 1
’,,] » ' « EEEW‘E’EEE'“ m 33% ms Laffmézifi fif-agfiififi m Laxammm cmfimi W , £1, 5 .
,1" ’ 1' . ' éslfieasészflré if); film 53%-m Gi’fifin‘aficky mm M3: 3.351%; E‘nfiéfi‘afi is: £115”, _ 1
. WMHMWB ifl iiE-Le afiafic {5f mEngugm“ , . ‘ 5‘5" ' . _ ‘ 5 . ‘
E‘ - ' 2 [firm ”WWW; “WW“ fiWDWW-§Mivfig¢"wme; E: 331393)? Q '
'17:; "’ » ‘Ewflffifém Gawan‘vfifiém: mum—gig}; 04% $33??? mm 59:“ $£fi5§fl3gm5jfimfi _ 5
I “ miflma‘i"?EWVE’Miflfiflr-E’v.:3‘345‘3735‘15‘9?'WE’EW-Wflfiyzsumi fifiwr-fififii' g 
1 I ' gmfié‘ywdfi am” $33” E‘WW ‘15? $1 Ewggfiz #.Wsmfi «mgmgm r "i

 , = g 3_3 : *- l "E ., f .. *1
I. f a: ffiiiiitfig'fl Rammw WEEEEEW; Em? mafia ‘Eentxxfiam EEE "ml? $55,528" E.r2&.'_ _, ‘
. I ,. _I 1 Evawiime E33»; £2113 Mfiméwfi‘mm 526145.43 fine mm} ‘ Emmnyaa , ;
' " . I ‘ m; EEEEEE-emflsmm; ’éflfii’fifié‘c‘ifl‘tfifi Exam" EEE Emma, ;aréafmm E’EE Egafmm awn,
.1 I. ’ Erma ma @Hfli}? mefir'fiwén Eeheiflenfi 1:35;“ Em Mm meg» ‘ifiérzzzzmyl
» fi' " EEE Em EEEE EEEEEEEEE fili‘fié‘gug' EIEE EEEE EE'EErEet EEEE EEEE {Eéféfinfipi ‘ '
‘I x, i ' , I’ am, mtfi, E mimyétfinfi '.Eescgrm‘iez'zwd Ema 81:43.?131 emafifecéeé‘ {mé , ‘
,V , i" ' ' Blfiiffifié‘?‘ mm}, mt: net-E}; Ewan ,ewerienoa in éztae xsezxa‘tmmmon :1:-15% \ ‘ ~ , j‘
E' MEEEEEEEE’; 0:: mflkamfis anfi Elm: 12:11:15 éezzmm‘e of 123m: WWI“; enm-
fl ‘ ' ' EEEEQEM “EC; 319» amass Inga :‘.:rgsiéévmken Es. be dam ‘52:; ea: :1 SEN: was. ,1 '
Gastiagxm 3% mug}; Emmi aezaéreat :;Efegfaéaiti—p $233.3 tififfifiilfizfi ESE n9 ' _ _ -
'1 , fiéfi'gffi; efaEEEE wrfifx‘wfiwm 0,5: {sf ififi-éié’tfiflbég eagrvmte in? camiefisn
4 ‘., . 8.22;: 253.33; wgmfzzm. tie-2.133,:“(33Ly'mldéf' 1:316 :E'EEEEefiinEmadama. ‘z‘mmaggezmfi ,~ ‘ A _f
‘51 / ‘ , Jammie; mé :i;:réiartien Er EEEE mumléfirmg Gamay; Ewen Encie— ’ ‘ .-
' gagzzuienfis emanates-1E H , ‘ 97 '_ V. ' H; '  V , ' , E ' ;-
‘ “ , , A, "mim’iflrifizfi EEEEEEE EEEEEE EEEEE in mm? ‘Eyl ESEE EEEEEEEm 4'
; 76 4 sea-*:: ':.-333%: heEtfmenftmE gaii'anfiemfi wig”: "eaefx‘fi Emixs EEQEE maramy, is ,
:7 , : .EEEE: (EELE'EEEEEMEEEEE :i;-fa “texflifi Qmfla‘md. Ea: E‘ellnsmE fiE-fifiimg, , >
I L. ’ _ / 'l ‘gl’tifmé (fie‘nfirmfiexfl {‘mmzixm EEEEEiiEaxm'E‘E’eiEE Gmawnv}, f I .
‘ I, EEEMEEE' 333?: :EEy'EEEd‘ Ee' WEE: “Em 112-Eiimmi— «91:.wa (EEEEEEEIEEEEV the i ’
'V E. ‘- :.:?:EEEEEEEEEEE 5:5 jimmm EEEEJEEEE‘ fimmw), alarms-3E3 mad E1}, Emma], ‘-
97‘ , I. Em" ”Eng“; {RE/1e $3? $42: fiézgtrwtma, EEMGEEWEEEEE er wigs?“ er ‘ 7‘
q 1‘ e :i-EEEEEE 1;;; any EEEEEEEU. ism-ems? ESE" EEMEEEEE" emmmgfi'fiahé p’tfirgrem 9f
K . ' ‘ $3.2: WERE: E' méé‘. 1E6: mist ’EEEE ”Eamamizfiffimfizxtmv i‘mfififi fray} 53.3.3. , ”7 ,
1 EEEEEEE, {EEEIEEEEEEEEEEEE :EE'EEEEEEEEEEEE‘,’/EEEE‘EEE rkfléxfl‘fiéfi M3 _:zcmen. in LEW 'L'-,,,,
‘ ' m? in as:1uififfé"'e-QEEEE‘ egmzwfimfii”EEEE’EEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEE firm :Qf, ,
in .‘Eumééaémn mania-Eng? Ernst}. 4,15th“;\rEEEEEE'oEaiEEEE magmas» Eu: V j
, ;,»-".,_ _.fienmgém En 'tEliE ficéimfi/Eflfitimfifi" : I . ‘ ””' 7
~‘ , " ‘ ‘,Ema '.EEEEEEEE’FEEE aw EEEEEE'EEEErenaaiamithemay
; Mm Em 1mm Em , WWinW-W 1mm- m Mr 33

 ' . and'that we ”assume. guaranteeing, trim, is entirely .
‘ -; ' .\, we erceluefiwelv against mittens fires. deepens? and not at all. ' ' I"
. ~ ‘ ~ against megawatt am this plea is made 32%;" manganese, 1
Leringtcnzc Eastern hallway company inter of ijéawery by . . .
, 7 metastasis»: mam-ma defendant herein. ' f 4 \t j
* 'fl 0 I ' miendbht further states that . in the event the plain? "
la y ' tiff mum establish an? slam herein o'r‘reesver' are!” flagrant 'I-
_ he rain from tlze"eause "as adtien asserted V’er- attempted to be it‘s—-
p i . eerted by hm against this defendant, that in such sass, this ' _ i
‘ i defendant ,' the hexingtsn a Eastern Railway Compare? is entitled ~ V '
I {a was Judgment wsrtvfor‘any ambit-seesaw, againstfits co- .
'J_ . ' A - defendant, Lane newscaster; Which is also evades, degendaut ta _' .
. -- 7 this plasdéng as; a. Cross Petiticn‘jagaineti it and it therefore { - ‘ -}'
' marge easiest ~a;'srmszzémm against estates again. - , " i
:5:; j esteem? and tasks tim‘ inbrder‘tim it mr1.y'ba€hrougiit_.in as a a 0'
‘ 7 .' party to shielttigatiennmdbe some satiety. 7 7 ‘ r. ' ; “ 5» _' ‘ _
" 4 f _ we in e as} s‘w'rdefendant, _Loxingten’efiaetern I —» L
V fl . Railway company prays that plaintiff my'tehe‘nothind by his ' x . ."’
' y 7 . 4 petiti‘on'xhsurein; twattnis defendant may be hence dismissed with y y 5
‘ ‘ 1‘ ‘ . it 3 posts \andi}: further prays”:thatfnthia; its answer to maml
f tiff—is petition; may bfivl‘j'zahen and treated as a cross fretition ‘“’ -\
,' 7' ' _ herein against Jeane fierce;'Iaema'anyand'duerproeess' may be issued".
I . 7 I against seji’idrhatie ares." Company upon this Anew: and 'chssi’fset‘ie-f '
I i '~ manage: that m 'thslevsnt-‘lthe plaintiff shall; smasher“; ' ‘ .
‘ recoveries: mm agaiasttsia defendant herein; that this ds- I p
.7 I . I I ferment; mxmgtonbrh'IEae‘t.é’mBedlwayGompanymay harejudgment;(‘37:?—r4-
, p . lever,- up'en'ite ”dress refinemagamet ’saiifi msygms. (361:1pr 1‘ ,i K i
r; , ‘ for the aneunt '.whieh wbsmrse eagle dbythsplaintiff that;
if i ‘1 I A further this for its‘esste unonthaflrbsfifistitiouand for all? i "if:

 '31:: k) - ‘ I ~ V ‘ ‘ ‘ I ' , ‘. , ' -, v “ 7 7' I ‘ '1 -E
T ‘ z ,I I I - V . . ‘ I I f1 . ,ea' ,.
, g ‘ g . The}, afflant, mm mum-3,; muffin? that has 3353' 0113‘ «3f $130935:
‘ ~ . 'attemayw '.:E‘m‘ 13m <16 fce'mdmt, Lexingtsfi 8s: 'Eastam Milwaxfiampany;
' - g‘hhat its chief efflcérs am: 33821“ am new absent frog: Ergathitx,» a
flaunts; may}; tkm’s tha statements cantained in the f‘orsgemg , I Q: i
, ‘ ' ,. r mesmiing aura trw at: m _Wr'ily believes. ' " , . ' ' ' _~ 7
' . Subseribefl and awarn to 3:930:39 me by (3th Pallarfl. ' ,
I: I II , ~. - ' ' . . I ' , v,, ‘ I f . L” I

”El-'2'; .'.qIII' ‘ I» I I I I v , I I . . , I- I I . . ‘ I . I .I

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 I 9
’)‘~\ 1‘ I- l g. ‘ ‘.1
’5 IF Wrevthitfi Uircujz Court»
‘ SVIVQST“? “havp, Plfiintiff.
vs“ Petitinn.
Levingfion 9 Tnmtern Wfiii“flv an», Mmfandant.
”Wm-:7: ‘sxfiarai3’2i‘i,.*"’f‘. T’x‘":‘.‘«‘m‘—‘.“CE?‘ ”harm My": than 't‘rm cutfi’rmfix—azt‘t
‘ HTG a OUTDDTfitifi? awvatwfi and 9"19?inr unfiar tie lawn of the fit fie
at.“ '5?"=.3‘“1*1:‘1I"}‘,3.7 "and Thu-u: 7%; rover tr) Mai-'0. contrrlntrs. w ”'.1’3 an? be sued
53.116: her; other 'b'wrz‘r's; vain-"J tr) (.2«;v"71(‘33;‘5?1.“LOW: of” “air iii-1:? Ei'i‘ir’. '7'?":.=."5
said Hefenfinnza arG engaaefi fin 1&5 éworatinn 0“ w TailTonfl Pror
Lexington, VT?“ in Him fihru ihe HOUntiQS 0P RTenthftfi and 79???? wizh
their principal offiaq at Uexington, 3y.
{:That said fiOTTOT“1iOh is also engaged in ihe menstrufition
a? a railroad Fed 1hru the uvner Martian of Breqzhitt County into
the countieq of 9???? and fenjze uflfl hwve bean go engaged far the
5:3”?59293‘? 7.11113? 0:” 'the .1139", 3“?) Tm'l‘t‘cje
Plainti?” anvfi 1131 We ana a ?u:" a few V1133 oelaw the
mouth of Troublesowe urasiq 33933h1t3 Co., Which Favfi joins the farr
of Reed Thovas and 1% located on tfle opposite side of the Kantuaky
River frmw the defendant's rqilroqd. “hat :HGTG 1% q large bend in
. th? fiaid Kenfinnkv rive? jufifi whove twig nlaintiff’q Favw anfi a
la?ge cliff on the opposite €118 of qaid viva? Ere? said fq?r emw
- tending along the said fivar ban: and thvu whinh the said railroad's
: baa has been constructed; DlaintEFf says that amid Marne?ation, its
hands, anemia, emuloyees anfl those working unflar it in théir con~
; structLon a? the aformsaifi ?ond~bed %knsted and blew large ronwa
W from the aforesaid cliff and road Med and that main $3313 wera
t wrongfully and unlawfully blasted and rolled into the said Ventucky
E ,
1. ‘ -.
. ’ ;
L9; %
‘!'};259- V ‘
”Efifig»‘ H , ‘ -‘ pi

E ‘
k I ‘ I i a
. Q ~13~

rive: and blockaded the gave for a distance a? thirty Feat or rare
from the railroad side of amid viver. That 331d defendant 1n their
coqatructinn of qfiifl roadwhefi dug, hiafited and blew and otHGTWLse
removed frow the aforeqaid fiomd~5ad an anarvous QWOHWt of rocks,
flirt, QtUWDS and oiher manta raterivi and W?o 'Fully and uniaw9u11y
rolled, dumbed and pluaéfl qafia into the 3?»?cdaid Wiver and tharaby
?0?ved a 1335% hank or hutmeat 0” QoLifl “uniq, ate. an: inno the
:aifi river, 9W3 that said flafwwdant3 use now engaged in freighting
and filavin{ la?53 ?t3w3n elem; 1%? Hflifl “i?“r‘m b'ni at Thin point
as 3*ove described and set wwt, and ave auntinnin; to ?orr a lqrga
awwantranfi of flocks and other wasio Wfiterial Which aerHIWBnt 6x—
tends into the 231d vivar's had and t19re%* cqued the said ?ivev
to divert itg aowrge Rfid t9 Lhrow its waters violently and Forme—
fully into the beats and bottom lands of this fl;ainciff and t0 Wash
away @aid ranks anfl hottov :anfls, add also afix3ed said atria? of
Vale? to waqh dowa the fangea o? 251% niaintiff and to undarrine and
Twin flown valufible treea, wdiah this ninLntiff nafi placed along said
banks and lands of hi“, far nrotectian to ihéw, anfi at nrwiee flaraged
Said Lands and bankspf gaid nlaintiff to his dawns? in the ?UW of

'fiheréfore nluintiff w?37% For jwfifiment against amid fiafen~
”ants for the quw 0F $ROO.UO, ?or the cost 3? this nation and For

’ all grape? and aquitablo ralief. -
Gonth Strong, I
Attv. for Plaintiff.

The filmintLFf, Sylvasier Tharp, gays that the staterents in

the floregoing petitinn are true, as he vevily helievaq.
Sylvester X Thvrp

Subscribed and sworn t0 before Ye by Sulveater Tharp, this

the 8t?14lay of‘ Pay, 1913.
‘V. B. Cardwell, C. 3. C. C.

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ED COABS 751mg duly sworn as a witness for tue

plaintiff, testified as follows:
By Soutn Strong, Atty.
Q. Wuere do you live Ar. Gowns?
A. I live on Trouolesome Greek.
Q. Are you acquainted wit“ Sylvester Tnarpe‘s farm or land
13:10 re? ‘
A. Yea. acquainted With part of it.
Q. What part of it?
A. The part along tne river.
Q. Is Ema: tne oottom land along one river Caere?
A. Yes.
Q. How long nave you been quuaintel Vita in?
A. Tnirty years, I suypose.
Q. Just opposioe and a little oit above Enid laud tuac you
Syeak of, is there an embankment or fill made in tne river?
A. Yes.
Q. When was taut Quilt?
A. It's Deen—
Q. Do you know WnO made it?
A. I suppose tne railroad Company mud it made.
Defendant ooJects to Wnfit me supposes.)
Q. Tell tne Jury one lengtu of it and now 1hr it extends out
in the