xt73bk16mf8w_286 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [226] A.C. Wilson v. L&E, Breathitt Circuit Court text [226] A.C. Wilson v. L&E, Breathitt Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_28/Folder_7/74555.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_286 xt73bk16mf8w O
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THISAAGRmmm, made and entered. 1mm this 15 day or
July. 191% by and between Auce Wilson and Clayton Wilson, his
Wife, of Breathitt County, Kentucky. parties of the first part,
and Lexington & Eastern Railway Company, a corporation organized
under the laws of Kentuckyg party of the second part,

WITNESSEEH that Whereas, the parties of the first part
are and for some time past, have been the owners of certain tract
of land in Breathitt County, Kentucky. hereinafter more particu—
larly described, and

. Whereas, Assn fiileon, one of the parties of the first
part, on or about May 3, i912, filed suit against the Lexington
& Eastern Runway Compdny, party of the second paxt’in the Breath-
itt Circuit Court of Breathit: County, Kentucky for damages for -
the alleged obstruction of the river bed and natural channel of
the North Fork of the Kentucky River and for the alleged adtoraew>
tion of the flow of water in said river bed and channel and for
the ellegodxvaehing, cutting and breaking of his lands and the
land of Clayton Wilson, his wife, and the river banxs thereof on
the opposite side of said river, due to the diversion of the water
in said riyer over against the banks on that side thereof upon

' which the lands of the parties of the first pert1fi§59and @leo«

outed, and

Whereas, in and by said suit it is claimed that the
land, property and premises of parties of the first part have
been and will continue to be injured, impaired or destroyed and
the value thereof accordingly diminished or destroyed and sold
suit has been pending in said Court for more than two years past

’threaa, both parties to this ogreemnnt are desirous
and willing to settle said suit and to fully and finally adjust
all controversies and differences between them, :

‘ 2
Now. in consideration of the premicco and in furohor
‘ consideration or the sum of 540.00 cash, of whion $32.00 has been
this coy paid to A.G. Wilson for nimcelf and bio wife, Clayton
;‘v'ilson and of which $8.00 hem boat: chic day paid. ‘30 ”Storms T.

. Capo as attorney of record for acid A.C‘ Wilson in the obGVS
mentioned suit, the receipt of which two cuma,ziggregoting $40.00
is hereby acknoledgad{7ggisaid A.C. flileon anc Clayton Wilson,
his wifo, do hereby acknowledge full, complete::i:;;l payment
and catiofootion for any and all claims they or either of them
hav 0 or may huvr have had against said Lexington & Eastern
Railway Company, party of the second part)for all injury and
domoga of every kind and charocner caused or that may norcafoer
ho caused to thgdzraotc of’lcnd hereinafter éooofibod by the

' constructic£.o£d maicfienance of the roadbodégcc ;oilroaé of said V
Lexington & fiastern Railway Company along to; Eorth Fork of the
Kentucky River, opposite and moor to the property halonging to
the parties of the first port and particularly to that Lroporty
of A000 Wilson, referred to in the suit above mentioned as
”A house and trout of land on the loft homo side of soid Rorth
Fork as you go up some, Juo a little below, opposite too mouth
of said Stray Branch. bordering on the river and he owns the
river bank down to the low Water mark for coma distcnoo of ‘
200 yards up and down said river.” And parties of the first
part do hereby release, diconargo and acquit the party of the
second part from any and all claims and demgndc‘o: ovary kind

a- r a bi“; '
and cnaraotor grogigg out of one constructioakonfiroaintenancc
- of said roodbegggoa railroad aggfitho interferonoc or obstruc-
tion, if any, togreby caused wgih the river bed ana natural
channel of said North Fork River and agrec and bind themselves
to_maka no further or other claim on cold accounts against tho


party of the ascend garb whether for yast, present or future =‘«.?'f
damage and the parties of the first p,rt in particulars acknOWl-
edge full Busiafuction for fine claim to damages uauerted in one
above styled action of l.C. Tilson VeTGUH Lexington & Ewotern
Railway Company in the Ereaonitfi Circuit Court 1nd agree to
diamisa said suit as octtled at plaintiff's coat in but of any
future action and it i3 furtncr agreed and atipulated Herein that
thio agroemant and Zid covsnints norain stated small 50 binding
upon the pnrfiiea of tae firat garb, tneir Heirs and aoaigns and
that Sama shall b3 covenants running wita fifiG land mad Shall not
‘ba aubjeot to aafoat by any conveyance of suifi 13nd by the gar»
2135 of the first gift or by either of thaw.

Thu gave fill tr:.a,<:'ts of Liz/mi ‘60 “113.01”; 'Eigifi agreement
has particular roforeuoe, are mere yartlcularly bounded and
daooribed as follows, via:
lot- A cartoin tract, piece or parcfil of land gituate, lying
and being in the County of Brcothit: and stub of Kentucky” on
the North Fork of the Kentucky River, uni bounded aa follows:

33054111111135; at 31.71.}; finitiflo corner on the rival“ built;
finance with auid Smith's line and fence to a sycamoro area;
thence up tho river to a oat atoie in the fiolo; thence parallEL
Wltfi cue first lino to a stone on fine bank of the river; finance
down the river to the beginninge Containing one—half lore, more
or lose. This being too name laud Conveyea to frat party by
me68 Ho Robinson and wife by awed dated Juno 1, i905 and recordea
in Dead fiook dog an at gage 2&3 in the greathitt county court
Clerk's Offioa.
2n&—- A certain tract or garool of land lying and being in
Broathitt County, Kentucky and bounded as follows, to—wit:

Beginning at Clayton WilBOD'B corner in the field
may OWned by William Smith; thence west thirty fivo yeare down
in the field towards William Smith'a house; thence a straight
line & southward course to the Kentucky River; thence up said
river with its meanders to William Smith's old corner; tnenoe
with Glayton Wilson'a line to the beginning“ It being an agreed
line. It being a pirt conveyed to William Smith by wm. M. Combs

. and bearing data of April 2nd 1890, recorded in Deed Book Ho. 7

pages 310 & 311 in the Breathitt Co. recordaa
3rd— A OGFtLlill ‘1; rant 0:“: ;:.;‘roel of land lying; in Briaathi‘tt
county, Kentucky on the North dork of ups Kentucky fi'ver and being
a part of the land conveyad to the first yartiea by Wm. A. Combs
and wife by deed b¢uring date March 20. 1890. WLth is duly rec
corded in Deed 300k No. 7, page 310, Breatnitt nounty Quart
Glerk's Office, aontnining acres mars or less.
lat Tract: Beginning at JLayton Jilson's corner in the
field; tuenoe west 17%‘Yurda down in nae field toward u.n. Smith's
house;th6nci a StrJlgwt line a nous: course tn tuG Marta Fork of
tna Kentucky fiiver; nuance up amid rivur wit; its Lfifl£&€r3 to
Clayton iiiaon's corner; bhencc vita JLJyton's line and fence to
fine baginning, unis 00336 4n agraad Line.
2nd Tract: fiafignning on hqu ‘¢lsox'a corner 0f n15 first

lot in the fluid of 4‘”: smith; Dmfinfla wast 128 feet down in the
field tOWards J.J. $mitn‘s douse; : Huge u ntrnigmt line a mouth“
ward course to the Kentucky Rivar; 3.;nce up said river with its

‘ megndera to Sufi corner Qf 4.3. $1450n'a Iirst lot; thence running
witn tue line uf his first lot :0 :5; beginning. It being an
agtcad line.

The parties of the first parfi hereby covenant to waru
rant generally, tLfi rggnua, innerssts and estates nereby raleasefi
and conveyed.

IL; Tr} .5'3.‘I;‘-i01i:"!' J'fiigg-LZLOP s;vi‘€;r;.u:=e tx‘e 2:11.31". 51': u. re” (:5 the paw
$183 nareto amoecrioed tna date firsz ;cove Jrjtten.

”Wm-m m

O ‘
State of Kentucky, mSot.
County of Breathito.

2, Alfred Enaoell, County Court Clerk in and for the
county and state aforesai}, hereby cerfiify fihat tho forogoing
contract from &.C. Vilaon and his wife, Clayton Jilson, to tho
Loxington & antorn fiailfixy Company, was on tho lfi day of JuLv,
1914, yroduood to me by the parties and thereupon duly acknowl—
oaééo iv tho oootioo, £.C. Wilaon and Glayton Wilson, his wifo,
to ho their joint anfi aevaral_not una deede.

Givon under my homo €313 IE qfigoftJmiYo 1914.

33* _.. _._, “min. 0.

 ‘ July 27, 1‘71.
- 2111111 331 3'731'1" 113 711' 1
Ei."'=i,¢i=‘.1-i.2;f..1 ‘1 3E 71 .' 1311”
”1011,11: 1.7 31. c: ; 1:;,» .
Bait? Si.:‘v?:~
2"11 ‘:11'1‘ tr- 311531'1 21:5 31(31'117033 1'1 ;; "c 7? 277.00” ':?-111:35'11’25
311 33913-3113“- (‘iiql-mijgt 0111175117 1~-,i;w1_tf' 5 :1 F. my .1216- m; Juyzi-z-ren, this
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"111111 .‘Ilirr‘v1r3 3.1.7.. I 13311717 103373; ‘1;-21:11.3 11:51.5; 1110123 or left? mnrifi in fihis
Claim 5137/1110 33751:?“1 ’.1. ” 7..".‘1-‘f‘-'='i"7 “to 3 '_::"O‘vlsifii (111 tr: '.‘-.'»i'iflrv
1.111.311 1331-51 1151;»;71r1-11”::- of ;,‘uLC‘a’OO -:-,:13 .317. cesium. "T‘Ctt‘ii‘f 5.2211" 3:11‘1313'E1537f's
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I 2::-31:9. -‘ 111ml 27:: 13].} 110 :13" '1.: 91' in "£1115: case

92153 0111;? ih3 brisfcfit 111011-511:;-21171121 of struts: in 1:119- 0389., .ivcx.:c13"<7.in§rljr,
I cannot ~a'3'.i.‘e you <1 more ext-11:11” ~31? 1135;120:232 of thy: liti 113131171. The
flees} E 1:01;: 17:35:13 :1.-“1C1 312-1., 71131131791, 1211 ll suggflcmpnt Vivi; I have here:
:73. if/ 51 V .::-1:;; 1111.1 ‘1;-,1 yours, ,

awn ,_ .1 _

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zinc.'.'.‘i1131323. 311:1, t.i'1r11'3;v.'01.‘e, have to rnq:1.os”u tiirjzt you. infer
to the 01“i;7r:‘v.71z:.1 03'." this '.:-1.31: 2.151123310303357 iforix'rtvivv’. “ac “firm 03"Fiae of
1:215: 1311115131” “3’19- of 001151333131110111
“7 )n‘o .,.

 BEE'L.‘.THITT CIRCUH‘? (2003237.
A. C. T"ilscm, Pleintiff.
VS --- Order
Lexi 113113031 Sc Eastern Iisi 11./:33? Cox-1.18:1 Defennent
s , u 1 5’.
By eons-1:11: 531'? wr’zies it is her by 313:101‘9; this
the rb V'.-B stylec‘z 2201:1911 1161 :.3153 is iismissed settler}. at
plrfintiff's casts, in bar of #115,? future ectien.

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