xt73bk16mf8w_289 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [229] Casper Koozoolian, Perry Circuit Court text [229] Casper Koozoolian, Perry Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_28/Folder_10/74575.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_289 xt73bk16mf8w EA ‘_Ev _— \VCC'TQN _'LiSE -'3=:~A*-
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202-205 MEELDOWNEY BLDG "-/"“"‘ '~” '- ',- v /l|
Deaoyi‘m—‘rr lilt’nfi 19.73;.
v. ."M ”71753011,,
Wm. Counsel T‘.. 13*. {A.,
m 1 21534" 0;“ g i j' .
Dex" SUN»
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(.11311'17573811’1'3: it Letizia-d. 5011'0?‘ 7 '-‘ 5 Tv'GVirViiy-WT' sent him.
9'5"}? 7013-1511517" fifivfis'o ':‘-:9 .‘”,S Srwn ->.:: 135:: is; filed.
and noted. 07" record 90 T firm? nnfiii'y t}?— LT~~1‘:*7-=.n§ (YES-tun? tjr “in.
-u'-L-r.,«;‘ . A -‘A‘..,~‘. rr‘..< _~,
Q.» m was) went tn _‘xe by Mu: remand. dwmstxl of “um-t Carranza
‘ » + J—y. "1 . +-- 't m-“ v" .V , ‘ : -
Mu unflersurmd we (.-wsd.za,1..,y (.0 «Imp 11mm firs settlement 51115
.1 _ w . 5 - _ . A no
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if .' ’ _‘ 557$» .':»:v“ : 7'37 :‘.: ' 751;"? .1:" : . 3’5"
‘A, ' “ -_ ,‘.‘] » 'v.\- - ‘ ‘ 3.. ,l 2.7. i <‘- A - l. , , .-:
. , ;v . r, .1:: L .:u: k )r: ;o w" 1‘ «_ .12",
“W";"s 1:1,] "‘:":T-r: r' x' o-“E 1‘:" m“: i ,‘ 1;, 1v: :Lfio 1);. 3:144:47 gum: ;,;-f‘~,<:,,
T'W-"j ' . 3: c (23'. Cir/‘23.
"1137‘ .. .':. '. ‘:“-”7:5. .‘ ‘.""‘717‘ .
v M l’w‘ 2. 3 I '3 I“‘" u M H- M 9 m > _, z .
V .. / :, , mezir::v:;:..~ ug‘.‘21:—:v.3_.

 .i.”; .’7/Fm; ”K
/;{E I L/' / . ,/L ,p"/r/ ,, 7 ’ , /-/
7'7/way 77 ,, _ Z 777 72727;”.
..7/7M. ’13'355/23 er' f/r/zm/uwz/ “Mm” '§£;,,/,’.;7LC/’L.’;f£f£LL.
W /// .777
?_%;/m///’¢./’¢L December 10, 1912.
Mr. Samuel M. Wilson,
General Counsel L. & E. R‘y.,
Lexington, Ky.

Dear Sir:

. Enclosed herewith I send you stipulation to be signed and
filed in the case of Kaspar Koozoolian v. L. & E. R'y.Co. This case
was covered by insurance in the Maryland Casualty Company which has
settled it.

I understand the court does not meet in Perry until march
but I am sending you the order that you may sign it so as to be for—
warded to Wootton & Morgan or filed by you at the proper time.

Some matters have arisen in connection with the adjustment
with the Bonding Company that will prevent our making any payments
on those liens for at least a few days and possibly permanently. I
will write you definitely about it Within the next day or two. In
the meantime please see that no payments are made. If we should de—
cide to make no further payments without further litigation I will advise
you definitely about it, and in that event I imagine that it would
still be advisable to adjust the claims but postpone the payments
until matters are in shape to authorize it. This would be a saving of
costs and trouble to both sides and would tend to materially facilitate
the ultimate settlement and payment.

I also send herewith a letter from Harvey Ingles in regard to
the dynamite proposition.

Yours very truly;fi '”, . hxfl

- 2 inclos - gfifi ;‘ Kid LJL.F§‘h

 1' / v '
. \ ,.1/
. xxmmww1ew” J .
7 September 12th, 1912. .
m. J. :1. Bell. _ 1
Keller 3311111117139 % t
' Louisville, Ky. Q
Dear Sir;-_ . Q ’
Enclosed herewith 13%70? of the-petition in the
case: of Kasyer KoozgopIInQL. 8:, E”. Railwsw Co. ‘3; 3
The 17r11:§\%uearn nothing in this case except '—
in a general 17 W 1, Ham-1rd, 1331*: Mr. B. R. Jouefilt, 2956:1711.” .
, V office, has I%,. all. file of the writer and. 5,51, oorseenofigfiilg
, V with the $7 witnesses. _ 2. 1:\\\
2 . 7 Yours very truly, ‘ _ ' \5. . H x
‘ ” 171531-1131 ‘ , , ' '

 2," f x “a ' \
g , (4” fl {:92 , I . .
x ' .
, Sept. lath, 1912.
' Mr. \Samuel M. Wilson, ,
General ommsel. I... 3 3. :3. Co., ’
, Lexington, Ky. _
_ . Dear Sir:-— ‘ _ ‘ - '
’ Enclose-3. I am herewith han®%1x§opy of the petition
’ I" in the KasDer Koozoolion V. Q ~ 9.57 Compamr. ' ‘ 2
This suit was for per-so ‘2_. injury received. at the trim: ' ' ‘
, ‘ the Company was angaw §nstruoti on work, anfl if. 753 pro- _
~ . ’ teeted by a polio. @ m‘yla‘nd Casualty Co” of finish J.‘ S. ,
' ' 393.1,, in the Y‘%L.ding, Louisville, is 'the Genera). Agent. '
t [We .11an\- oorresymndenoe with 314. Bell about it end _ 1
that 0013% “swing it attention through B. R: .Tonett of this V
place gmfi. :. ...ton 87'Morgan, of Hazargl, so I imagine it will only‘. \
be necessary for you to keep an eye on it. -
V Yours very truly, ‘ '
- $33—33 . ' - I

 V . ’ .:;‘é‘fl > V 3 ' ‘ “6”” 3
, I. ~ f A a (fix)
. f {../'4. \ - .:’ (”ll
.‘.- 3 . 3‘ , ' [.:‘ .
.7 ‘ JV]; \ fljfia” .
“R ‘1 My
' . \\M‘mm, W W. _ ‘,.}Maawww V '
,. .’ September 2nd, 1912.

Efflr KaSper Koozoolion, 3 ‘

v _
I.I. 8’} F}. ' 3

Mess. ‘.’:‘no‘nton 3‘: Evlorgan, 3 %
Hazard, Ky. Q

Gent lemen ,:-— ® ‘
Smmons has: been s<2rv%n our agent 21+. Hazard in the ’

abave entitled. action. .1 ‘33. you please secure for me a copy of

' the petifiion and let m at your earliest convenience.
r37 1; ruly,
v General Counsel. ‘
' 3213:5133.
V , , ‘ 3

 z" ‘ /
k V /
‘ \hwf" September 2m, 1912;
Mr. J. S. Bell, .
Kelé‘s‘m Building, '
Louisville, K3“. ‘
Dem Sirz- ‘ %
Keeper Koozoolion has filed suit he :rry Circuit Court
against the Lexington g1; Eastern Ra‘l for persnnal inju—
ries sustained at the time your % ewerecl the Comparm. .
It :.s the case about which w" have aready had considerable cor-
‘ re spondence. % I
I. inelose herewi gamma which was served on the .
. L. 65: E’s. agent at@\ Aug- 26th. .
_ I am goine . w. t. team-"end will confer with local
emmselfi‘mottQ been, and write you further about it.
The case can not .ome up for trial for seweral months. '
Yours very truly, . 7
_ - General Comsel. ,
‘ ESJ~HF;. ' .

 ‘ wwfixéwfiw K‘M ‘
> afigffi: %
‘.‘:E“§5;I4X»;Tgfi .., " flow...._,;WWZ‘WthblI \\ .
., . ”I " mi“. u"
. - :9 .vaa‘x 9‘,,-«J if]. 1;; 4f!
, A J_J_ :,. ‘..’ 4 ..;‘I’ if:
7;" i: 5: {fr “23%;. ”do“
'4‘ .1" Wm .'“
. 47“ F! f '

I \‘x ”“., Sent ember 2115., 3.912.

MWWa-v’amwfiwu rwfi " 7"" 59;? a» 4 ‘ »
‘ Mr. w. A. McDowell,
General lavigr. 3‘. 2:1: E .
Lexi ngton. Ky. .
_ Dear Sir:-
. I have your favor inolosing Simmons % following cases-.:..
" Kaspar! Kooxoolion vs. .T.. 3; "E R .,
David 0.011th " " “ " “
' and orclers of garnishment in the .e .99 ‘.”-{ebb vs. Mason 3:
- Hurst Co. . . .

I have writttm '.’?oofiton \lorgsm for caplet-3 of the petitions
aml will give {the matter a‘\n. .

Kassper' Koozoolio ‘ % . remember, is the fellowwho was
crippled ancl lefi: fo (a — V 11 Lexington.

I am, by “chi. ' ting ;Zr. J. 8. Bell! General Agent of _
the Maryland Car. ., . , and calling upon him “no look after the
oefense of th ‘ a ’1 think he has already spoken to my brother“,

_ B. R. .Touett,@ _ sisting him in this investigation.
. . . Yours very truly, ‘
' 1
' ' - _ General Counsel.
ESIT-I{SN ‘ ' ~ I

 , ‘ x ~._ , ' . . >
a ‘ 1 ‘ / 3*" z '
. » . _/ :wa " . 'v/f '
y; ;.”.“ ”f; L g; ,
, Li" X
' 3E3“ Koozaolion \‘ MW . -
_ 33., 8c 32. Ry. 09.3”” 3 > L
, » August 24th, 1912. ’
, 331‘.“er 1.1331113. ‘
' Franklin, Ky. ' I '
_ ' Dear Sir:- ‘ 7 . ' Q L
.1 , . arm: will remember that on 01‘ aha r» h 151711, 1912, Casper
” Koczaolicm was. hurt in the $3813 an “ azarzl manna]. on the ,
, = bench... He was pushing a wheelbar w - , rum-way, that was
f built out firm the 1201'? 05? the bench t (“Lump the low in the , '
ears below, fell eff and 11131 :1 his p anci elbow. . .,
He has now await the ’.;$ ompany and we Imderstanfi that .'
. ypu were a witness to thL‘V: t.
. _ Will you pleas Q'\- some 3101251125; public: aml make an 7
affléavit. Mating (it); v a mats in yam? .knowleflge cormaoted
I with “this maids »Vnditien of the run-way; how it was
13111117, and 1m .. {w e‘ your lmowmdga, the cause of the acaci—
L amt, and WM ..- . Vailmy Coupany will be_1iable or negligent -
.. , 131-any way, or o butecl in any Way tawaxds this mans injury.
' '. We will appreaiate it is you will make this statement as soon
- » _as possible, mail if. 1:0 113,. together witmhe notPJ‘F'S expense and
we will Hana ym. cheek for game at once. , .
- .I ~ We would apj—mmiate, it if you woulc‘i keep us afivisefi of year" ' .
, . poéfioffiae address, as it may 13% necessary 13%: on m taka your _
aepositian in this case. ‘ , - ' .
‘ Thanking; you in advance far your kind and. prompt attention
. to this matter, we beg to ramain , -
,- V ‘ ' Yours vary, firmly, , ' .
. - 333413 ‘ ' i , . ‘ ' .
. "L Rat. Posshage Inc,

 , .
l ‘ ' \,...«M"”"”M W
‘ jy.I'/:‘”> r V "Niv:\y “3‘ .
.’ I 7 ‘ M ‘
' » k / ,
REr Koozoolion, \ / “W"
v I V \\“\ L M) .5 J .
. 3'4. (39 E. R}?- CO. mafiu' ,
' ' - , August 24th, 1912.
Mr. Ed. German, ,
Eashvi-lle, Tenn. '
Dear Sir:-— . %
I You. will remember that on or about 2@ 51; 1912, GaSper
Koozoolion was hurt in the 9,891: and of t\¢,‘;: d Tunnel on the .
bench. _ He was pushing a wheelbarrow a: i‘)‘ 213?, that was
built out from the tap at“ the bench, Y :1 m .he laafl. in the
ewehelow, fall off and injured. his ‘ § 5!» albow.
' He has now sued the 128.11%" mpany anal we underatanfx that
you ware a witness to fihis: {Rik
$13.11 you please go "a \‘Q’) ‘ notary public aml make an .
affidavit, stating al N .. . ‘ its in your knowledge cannecteét
wifih this aeeident; (aka lion of the min-way; how it was
“built, and to the ‘n . .~‘ V" lmowlefige, thee nausea of the genie
~ 6.61%, and whether . hay Gompamr will be liable or negligent
in any way, or 9 mi ' in any way towarfls this mans injury.
We wili appre ,9 it if you. will make this Statement as anon
. as 130 895.1319, mail if; to us, together with the notary's expense and '
_ we will send. you check for same; at once.
‘ We wmld appreciate it is? you wmzlét keep us aflvisari of yam:-
' - postoffioe afiflressr as it may be necessary later on to take your
- deposition in this case.
, ' Thanking you in savanna for your kiwi and prpmpf: atfiention
to this matter” we "neg toremain
inure very wuly, ‘ ‘
mgr-1H5. ’ ~
' I Rat. yos‘bage 1nd. ,

 ' / {fix} (Eff-1 ».,/E) . \i’
t ‘ ‘ I\\ ' My. 1 ,
_, . 7 \‘xwfl—«w‘f/
RE:~ ‘ Koozoolion. .
' 33. 6h :2;. Railway Co., ‘ V '
_ ‘ ‘ 4 August 24th, 3.93.2. _
' ' - Mr. 3?; Ba Winn, ‘ . 1
Lexington. Ky. %
' . ' Inolosed I am herewith hand ‘;: hon copy 0:? letter
which I have 130613;? written 911‘. vgfileavas [of Newman. Kin,
. relative to the above mat§ '
.I_. "have “by the 59.. = % ten the Sam letter to H. m.
' 'Dills of Frankliné via. German of fiashville, Term.
I ‘ 1 am writi ;V.\.;¢ xr-;hether I have the correct aadrasses
. of these 1: Ii these 8.19: not correct will yo; kindly
afivise me, a": .- some time giiring me their addresses if you
I know them. . i > I ‘
’ Thanking you. in adimnca, I beg to remain .
, Yours very 1::-1133’ j‘
' , . Elia-38, ' ‘ .
, f . .

 /‘ ~ ~" > . ‘ -\ “\\
”‘.’ Jr“ V (J - ‘.
, / / ”,., .
. i J _. V ‘
;'.;-- Koonoolion -
.‘;Jo 1:; ~‘-r\ 2‘.-::’- C00
August 24th, 193.91.
13?. Virgil (mamas,
L-Zo-orsxml, my. (:.;;3‘
“m “‘mfi‘
Sear (3.3-.3‘? ‘ ‘46???
, Li‘s-x. \F'f
q .:u» ,. -\\\ q

You 35.1.1 remember mm“; on or abapoafifissfiplfimh, 3.93.2, x-zmper
Koomolion was hurt in film mam: and ;fi" f:’§@~l/‘€12€U‘fl Tunnel on the
‘hench. lie was; pusminfg a '.vl'zaalbemrm "a rim—war, that was
built out from fine flap :3."? the? M31011, 15‘- mp the load in the
ears balms, {ma ' M1110 101191111154? mzl'lim; fihi a whemlharrow along
‘.‘;he mt‘nwway, fall off? anfl SniN' \\.i:~13 hip and elbow.

.’:IM\ \‘», \:'\\".“>.

’.' fl fl :' I ‘ \ ‘.‘ ‘1

“(4, flag.) now 3119‘]. fihe}£~§fi‘3‘%b0m7fimv m1 1W ill‘ldflrstflnd 1.1m?»
you were a ;'-/i‘{:n€fis 1m fikfigzm J nt.

1'.-5:113. ;ma pits-magi \K‘R/}$Q\b’,?1‘ 805:9 notary public and make) an
affifia’arit, ata‘ti ::‘sgufviT'cbhe :3;-Leta in ;rnur ;mnwladge nommctofi.
with this: mmiflaf2§zg Eagar‘rmfiimrm (sf ’3:3-1:: run-mgr; how it was
1311:1113, and in MR3 mgr 21:? your Immvledge, film amuse of the acci—
dent , mud: .'.’hu'fmejajwé‘fimi lvmy C omjpémgr will be liable or negligent

‘ in any 272,379 or cm‘firihuted in an: way towm'as 1: hi a mans injmfy.
\ 1'76: all}. amureoi am it if you. will 31st hit? a stammant as soon
_ as possible, mail if, “do us, #:oga’emar with the nO'imry'B expanse and
we will semi; you check for some at once. -

Te 270:1le amaraaiam :11: if you “.'2-mid keep us 8.674175; 31% of your -
postofiicm afldrosa, as it :mr “no measswy later on to take your
clegzosiiflrm in “this, Gas—39..

{Smiling you in advance for form." kinénaaéa pramjrh at‘uamfiiam
to “this FIEWJ'SSel”, we beg to remain «

Yoz'ara wry firmly,
Karim-gm. \
L ‘ ”"‘ c , '
_ _ ‘f »::? flung ‘ ' {h >

 . ,
,.‘ ”WW1M‘W , [We-.”” ‘
fl 1 j 1" "1, _.7
. ‘l I f I: 4; 4";
‘ ‘ f; ’ ‘34. ‘7 .,’/“‘A‘j‘g -
j \ - .2" '
-. \ ...r' .
\_ :JI'A’
‘.xwmmfl‘ ‘
2 August 23.31:, 193-2. '
Hr. James Donohua,‘ ~
. Chief law Agent, ‘ _ .
Louisville, Ky. .
Dear Sim-v ‘
1 j .31“. ball. the Kentucky agent for 123 ‘ my. 6. Cannafliy Co.,
32:13 mitten fequeating that an; have 0 t - a1 counsel, 35.3533. Knot-s
for) 3‘.: Morgan, make an examination of R - molion accident. , p
.i. take: ii that (Mm exsminafiirm 2 1 . we at Hazard 110‘s? muting
”to the fact t‘lzat “the men have 17:.- .fl: -... ‘ . v
.V.“, will he‘neaemflaryfi ‘ ‘ 2?, .35}; .':-16 to have ml?) 17:71F in
0351.93? €20 undertake this} 117 1 ‘.‘ ism, so if 370 :1 are not neefiing it 7
just a": yresmm‘. T. will ‘n: ‘ 7731' 377-22 ‘ (“mart :71; ;:.11.=. Chen I
will semi 1H; ban}: to y :.‘
' 111 the; trash-51,1731 Q €77 gnawing this zireek, probably “70053.37, to see ~
LLB. J.. C. '.?i’llinm 3ft nE‘.z=.12g;<'r: mi“ ':':‘1113 23:03}; (at the time Imozoo— '
_ 1101‘. Was hurt, “:,i '- 56:15 what information 1 can from him. -
Y a) “'.1st ‘sz 1‘:? ’51“ 211;“ ,
' ~ - General (3011219181. .

 2 /. ‘ . 4 ‘.J} , I
. . M: f . ~
- ‘ » I U 2 August 8, 1912.
Ir. Chas) W. Maydwell,
mgr. Clair Division, .
Maryland Casualty Co.,
, Baltimore; Rd.
A Dear Sir:
Re:' Koozoolion.
‘ ‘ I have a letter from Hr. Boll stating that he has
sent you a copy of the lctfisr I wrote nim‘in connection with .
7 ’ the above claim. ®
The Louisville & Xasnvi11ccxington & fastern Railway Co. as the _
'corporations ar92§§2§Sfiot and this work was being done and this
_ cmploymont m. s . sly by the L. & E. Railway Go. Through some ‘
‘ ( mistake, hows) r, Koosoolion seems to be asserting his claim
. in Chicago against fins L. & N. whatever may be the outcome
of the L. & N. suit Koosoolion will undoubiodly sooner or later
prooosd against the L. & E. 80 that it would seem advisable _
for the Maryland to endeavor to get the matter adjusted,— and
., '
I think thin could probably be done now upon showing his attor-
l ncys that the suifi was improperly brought and that he would
_ have to start over again; then ii could be done later when ihey
I t have filed a now suit against the L. &.E. in Kentucky and had
' tnuo'gotisn into it inoir atiorncys would have i0 be cared for;
1 EgJ/BH 2 Yours very truly,

 . __ '.I, ;,v I \ .
‘ '- ‘ ‘- x)
k \ b 3 . A'szgus;t 8, 3.912.
- -- ’ ‘ x

' ' ::I‘. (T. 8- Bell; . ‘

922113713": {Lo—3311+, T
M., _ U -- , fl
Larylzmd Casualty, ‘
Keller Building, '
Louisville, Ky. , \
Dear Sir: ‘
L Replying: to yr'nzr recent favor which \var‘s received
' ‘dxming; my absence, 2 bag; ’90 hand you hermifiji'z now of lattes." -
_ ' that I have auritb-m to 351?.\ I-Zaydwell as requested by you.
' ' ’ Yours Very truly, ' '
\ .
, ‘ ,

 ,7 - , ,. \\flx‘ ’ » ‘ ‘ I I A I
. i K K . " .
' ”k i" ' ' ‘
/‘ \\J ” ~ ‘ >
' ‘ ' ' August 8, 1912. ._
. . Yr. James nonahue, \ ' 1 I
_ thief Lew Agent D. n N., ,,
Louisville, Ky. _, ' j
Dear sir: ‘ . ' i
' Find enclooed last letter from the General Agent of‘
, nerylond Casualty Co. relative to the above claim. You will
» observe from this that the Company propises defending the L. & .
N. suit but does not care to pay any judgront anvir t the L'.&
' I N. The particular duestion for the L. & N. then,it seems to me,
‘ 7 is whether to risk the ease upon the invwntigntion aid trial by
(I the Koryland Agents and attornev8;any further.investi§etion
7 V / at hazard e11; be Lade'by rooton and horgen,who are etiorneys
ior tic Aarylnnd and also for the L. e E{, and I take it that
the investigation will he the sane whether undo by the L. & E. '
, - or the Insurance Co. , 1 I t V
‘ Your Chicawo attorneys could determine whether or not
’ fir. J. Erancis Dammann, mentioned in fir; Dell’s letter, is a ‘
loompetent man to_trv the case. Under this glen the L. & N. would.
> be at no extense or trouble in the preparation or trial, but
I am inclined to think that its attorneVs should at leest'have 1
sufficient connection with or supervision over the defense to .
, ,see to it tnst the absolute denial of employment is properly ’
presented. ' .
_ . I“; The Maryland Gasulety at. I have always found to be ‘6 <7
eminently square and as our firm have retresented them 1h the

 ~ ‘ V . t ‘ h ' . -
. ' . -2- .
Eastern half of Kentucky for a number of years, I feel somewhat
'qualified to speak on the subject. I’do not, however, know
‘ anything of the Chicago counsel to whom they will refer the
’ case and it is of course barely possible that having in mind f
I solely the protection of that oeee until after the one year \
I limitation has run, he miyht be as FMOL interested as the L. &
. ' N s counsel would be in seeing th-t recovery to any extent
. against the h. & N. is certainly flefeated. In fact, it is ‘ '
‘ eonoeivable that with the reservation made in this letter of
_ no liability in the event of a jumwem against the L. e N. ,
. I ‘ you might be eveh interested in the ease being so greeented as .
‘ to aprear favorable to the plainti?f egaihet the L. & H. in order
I: to induce the plaintiff to hang on to it rather then to poesi— .
‘ bly learn the true feats and dismiss that suit before the ‘ 7
I 1 year is out. _ ‘ . ‘ '
' i send you herewith your file as well as mine upon
‘ ' the euhgeot. Of course it should not be forgotten that the .
‘ y L. & E., in order not to be annoyed with it, is also interested
in letting the year expire es that W\uld settle absolutely a
‘ question as to its liability.v On the whole I would suggeét ’
L that you accept the proposition of the harylend Casualty Go. '
' ‘ to investigate the oeee and made defense bet reserve the right
. ‘ , .
7 to have your attorney aeeoeiete with them so as to see that
. 'the L. &.N, rights are fully protected. ’ ~

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/W/*497,172ram/,,,,/ W‘//W'///m/(-//-r July 27th 1912
K.Koojoolian vs L. é‘c N. R. Co. Chicago Municipal Court
/ L. J
General Counsel L. 8:. E. R. Co.,Winchester,K:/.
Dear Sir:-

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your favor of the 26th
inst.,relat1ve to the above styled case,enclosin5 carbon copy of
your letter to J-S-Bell,Geueral Agent Maryland Casualdy Company.

11 shall be glad to have you advise me 0 any developments.
Yours truly, / / M
/ fit 1
4//// Chief Law Agent

 . ,
In re V» K003001103. ,/ ,5 '( ‘/
I (71113}. 26th, 3.‘-7355'. .
37?. if. ‘1. ‘.""93.Z1,,
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. Tvrylsnfl 93% w??? PO.2
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Safif Sir:~
’ Flaaae refer in ywu: lGéiar 50 1% 0i" &y 353% xalstive

:0 IR: 2*0v5 viajr. Ehv qut “a Héasfi :5 “a ”Yfi i‘v? Jun raga wait»
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//,,,,W, 1’1/704% ’5'fl,,,.f,,,r‘,/I ‘ . , I, LOUISVILLE, KY.
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A / .. .' . ‘
. In re Caster Kooaoolion. . E /~
n u‘ Elrise Sordi. _ 3 “r .
' "I " léinae Aboait. 3i”,
‘ '.'/V E f .
‘ ' ‘ . Farah 2325., 191:2. ‘
' in. J. 53. Ball,
Louisville, F’y. .
Dear Sir:-- ' j ‘ '
7 ' . .
I has; to acknowledge roe. -" 2r 4‘wore of the 53nd
111531., in "ward to the above 20:315., r I have also received a
letter‘frozn Hr. Kmmwell ra‘fiquiw as to ricotton 8: iiorgan an}, ‘
havewrimen him as per ‘a» (gory. Y'fi‘l} ~rill see iron this vthat
I said in regard. to “ :% on to