xt73bk16mf8w_31 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [19a] Breathitt County miscellaneous, January 1913 - August 1914 text [19a] Breathitt County miscellaneous, January 1913 - August 1914 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_4/Folder_1/62014.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_31 xt73bk16mf8w KELL‘Y KASII


s August,§,1filfi. (A,
1 wt ' (V1 /y1
Judge S.I.Willson,
Lexington, KY.
;38£11‘ Ctix‘:~
The clerk of L30 Treathiit Circuit Court has issued certif—
icates for witnogses as follows in the followin: cases that were contin—
ued at the late term of '.Zrcaxidzitt Circvit Court 13111.1: ;juclfqzlenf, for costs;
against yunr client The Lexinrton & Easter“ Railway Comwrnyt-
Ym.E.Gambill, Ii? SVUJU. Amount.
vs. Scarce in&orson, 1 day, $1.39
"JE.Kenris, 1 " 1.3“
L.& E.Ry. Combanv. J.C.;.Allen, S ” 9.03
Eiffel? ZULISQll. 3 ” «(:."53
Um.Fussoll, 3 ” 3.00
Loicr Spice}; SK " 8.3m
Flovfi lonsley, G " 8.99
‘1 1|. ,1-‘1V., r. (_‘- H O {‘31".
1..:....i.-Vv.()111, 1‘ 1.3..11
Yohn $.3addix, Tam Russell, 14 days $14.80
Y.E.Sambill, 12 " 19.?0
L.& E.ky Comfiunym
Crlcna Lusscll, Sam Eussell, 1 day, 1.00
W.E.3nmhill 1 " 1.00
Leger Spicer, W.H.Gambill, 9 days, 2.03
11.6: '1:}. By, CG.

These certificates have been le?t with me for collection. You can have
your client send vouchers for these dircst to me and thereby save cost of
execution. /

Reswectfully, (2:ézi?/ 4%7/22 i

 ,:,, i = .~. ' - ' i . August 6, 1914.. V r ‘i
“L i ’ Ken. Kelly Keen, Attorney at lawr_ “ i . ‘
3 *j : Jackson, Kentucky. ; ' ‘ .’.’ f
' - : My dear Sirz~ L 7‘ ’ V . _
”.' ‘ I acknowledge reeeiyt of your favor of the 5th instant 7 7
Vglviivl in.reference to certain witness claims in suits in which the Lexington '
it t & Eggfierfl fiailway camnfinVli$ a party defendant and which claims anpearil‘
”i to have been issued for the recent Special Juli Term of the fireathitt
I Circuit; Couljt. ‘ .. p _ .
. .‘ Without knowing, I think you are in erron in stating
. - .‘fihat the cases mentioned in your totter were continued with judgment
_ for plaintiifs’ costs. This is certainly true as to the ease of fiegef d
' bnieer v. L a E 37.0o._and John A. fiaddix v. L a E 33600” The Roger ’1
. ‘ Spieer claim was dismissed on plaintiff’s own motion and must have been
9 at plaintiff's costs In the Haddifi ease, the Jourt reserved its findgment
‘. on the question of costs, which the defeneadt insisted should be _
‘ charged to the plaintiff . that is that plaintiff should net only pay
‘ his own costs but should pay'the costs of the LexingtOn & Eastern‘ ‘
V 1:151:le3,;1 Caraway. I do not recall tint either the Gambill case or 31183311'
i It ease was,ever reached on the call of the ”oehet and 1 shenlé imagine ‘ i
i 'i ,that the case was sitmly continued generally, tith other suits against
i, , the L a 3., ' ' i. l i , -
' - * Whether i an correct in these i pressions or not, as I did i
V not personally leek alter this feature of any of the fishes and as none
’ tr them.has been diseases of finally, eneent the Eager fieieer'ease, ane*
V fig Judge.9011ard is new absent on his vacatgen and hill not be.ab13 fig 1”;
['gtve these matters his personal attention for two or three weeks, I“ha?9_,
;i’te“aSa that you will kindly refrain from taking any aetiOn against the Kd'
Ii,“ et,fl, ._ H , ‘. ,,., _ a ,

 ‘:M; . “ _ ‘ ._ .' , . I ' " . , a
.,_-.‘.‘ rhea, , ' r . , , Ana. 6. .1914. .
l _H W‘ Railway Gempany on account of theSe claims until Judge Pollardis . '
if ,,,. return. In other words, I cannot approve the claims upon my own
, in ”1 knowledge and they cannot be paid unless approved either by Judge '
:" 'Pollard or myself. i t 1
' I ,I- g , i ' With “this explanati on, I haVe 310 doubt that :V'-7'11
' * *will consent to accommodate me as requested until Judge Pollard‘s »
, 7 ; return; » , i V
,i . _ ‘ ,Thanking you in advance for so doing, I am,,
. . _ Very truly yours, .
_ ,SMW/a ‘ '
_ Counsel.

 FORM l—Revised July, 1909
gessngcj whichtzlxrclnppnrenllyhunnrtgcssltiri, ofr lhatdcciluld he 5cmtbyd'l‘rniuf313i1,willthte trafusmilled and
' ' 'z t ‘ 7 I "' " ' .
, ELEGARAM “W PM" " ’”‘ C”"‘§eéri’12°as§‘$nd8.33213123.255‘5"&L3uf§rSi).3’01.”“W‘w” “a“em‘“ TELEGRAM
— . - 2..... *2. —-_,_~-,__ ""‘v'-‘ ‘F‘1 1‘
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 .3 g -. . 7 ‘ ,‘f‘ . I “.~ I; .> V‘ _I Auguat 5, 1914-. , , .:7
’ .' . » . 7.  ..l. , /‘7 ‘ , . . ~‘
' . Henry Speacer, Esq.,' // ‘ I . j}
. ,‘.I I.‘ fiabkéon,Ky. : r I ‘ . I;
' Deg? Sirz- ’ 7o V» I . -'V > . . 'V ‘ IIW
f ) In compliance with request contained in letter of the 3rd " ‘W
'. 1 instant, from Juage O.H.Pollaré, I herewith hand you blank form 7o

. .- ~ -No. 251, L. & a. .' . ' 'l
. I Youré truly, . . ll
‘ _ 7 Enc. ‘ l — . .-
. /' . V Counsel. “

. A (,1 he art (lfia rr .1 .
» “4' Ii 9} ‘:f’r?» ‘
,xéw1’%~‘riafi_ W] N N I P EG , CAN A D A.
ffg'jirf ir?fl'fiyfilw CHAS.L.DE ROUVILLE, Resident Manoqen
“W" . mar: : .1;“; 7:3 . . .
w.i_u.,r_.;,;gj31:33::- r“ . ._.. iii 2.; sea/Awe meow/r . seem-:9. TEBUNK meme
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%; gtfiflgfn: ,“’V}£,JL:£:L4.§—Hrwé@uy, CHATEAU LALJRIER. OTTAWA Om 'lHi FORT GARRY W)NNIPEG,MAN,
3M, 2‘ ‘W _ “E3; Wf .‘.; ~ ‘2- '; V“ ‘ "‘ H: ‘> V :1 [2
“MW???" '31ng ink,“ 1‘ W H Jiufifififi‘ifi' UNDER CONSTRUCTION,
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7T - ~4- wv ._- ~
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éfllIZ/l/J -//- /%r"//IMHI. , /
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frame.) /gx'xxr'x4;/r', ///// 7///// /’/ I
" ’ “7”””””""v‘v"””-Q%{/U922y ML 1 W " ,7" April 27, 1914-.
O. W. Pollard, Esq.,
Jackson, Ky.
Dear Sir:

I have a copy of your letter of April 24th to
ur. McDowell, advising that the city council of the town
of Jacgson has passed an ordinance extending the limits
of the town so as to embrace all the property of the L.

& E. un to Stray Branch, and also so as to embrace the
lower edge of the city below the cut~off.

The Company's position with reference to con—
testing this ordinance will, of course, be determined by
Mr. McDowell and Judge Wilson. Generally speaking, we
have not contested ordinance of this Kind, unless it ap—
peared that the lines of extension were formed so ac to
include the railroad property for the purpose of taxa«
tion, and for no other ourpoee. In a few of such cases
we have contested the ordinances. But in every case
where the iroposed extension did not show an attempt to
discriminate against the railroad company and to take it
in. and exclude others, when there Wasan equal reason for
taxing them in, we have not filed any xx contest. In the
few cases we have contested, We have, of course, found it

 t~ ‘ -

0. H. P. 2
difficult to nefeat the extension, particularly so when
we were practically the only gontestant.

Yours truly,

‘. ';:;’i :1;+..":.:1‘r, :n’. :"2 (rim. *tornoy.
30?] 10>~
‘I‘I’ . A u hiCD l ’ ’
’1 :" ;‘_’ , "/

.L.» Kill/y/K‘l/ mw/ (V/Jé/V/ a ////j«/////y" //’//%////%
/’ ‘ zfl , . / / / " z
‘ ' / v ' ,
, fiwww/ ///(¥

/:;,/ J,

Joar fiir:- .

HorowitW summons sorvel on our Agent gt Jae son. lurch Biih,
in the case of J.3.iargis vs. the Company. flease protect our in~

fiurs truly,
1‘ b“: ’ K“ ‘/CV ._.
i‘ rx '7 . .' "1" ' .'
...11010 W/ / “$171112; 3‘ .éb/f [f ; ‘7
f /. K 1/
’ /
Copy to \\fl< .
,7 y’f/
”:;7Jni¢e $61.7i1s0n,City.
b/ :1:

 /,/ /‘ ;// ,// "/ f/

t -../”077%; /m’///// . ‘flj/flfer//fl7////://
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‘ ’flflé ,', 4:1 % ,, 'fl‘fl’lvlllWI; . ’ ‘

.» .1551.(flaw/agmmqu / / . ’ W I .

jr/fmmd f’gfiymfl"? , ”,../(MM), xix/fl, . fl/
” / ’"“‘W“*V”‘ r’ March 17,1914.
9/ If
Mr. W. L. ReDowell, /7ny{; )0
hanager, l. & E. n. 00.,
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:

Referring to the attached papers relative to the
securing of prepor witnesses for use in defense of a number of
small suite growing out of alleged damage to land due to the
construction of the Lexington e Eastern Extension in Brnethitt
County, Ky.

Er. Lerflrun reported to me on last Sunday that he had
twenty L. a 2. personal injury cases on hand for invosti~ation
on that date and little or no work had been done on any of them.
From this you will see that it is absolutely impossible that

' this department comply with Judge Pollerd's request and un-
less you and hr. Hardesty can come to his relief we will simply
be at {he mercy of the other side. $111 you kindly advise
Judge ?ollerd what you can do towards relieving the situation
which he finds confronting him.

The Company is paying fir. Hollidey 3103. a month and
it fioee seem to me that he Ought to have been able to render
Judge follard the assigtencetthe latter stands so much in need 6f.
;NMVZW’ .mws r
9:83:53: flWW’W

.ti ct Attornet.

ATT()1{NE\' it'l‘ LA \V
JACKSON. l{\‘.
VM ‘1 11+ / ,-
Harch 12th, 1914.
Judge Sam'l. E. Wilson,
L3xin;ton, Ky. -
Dear Judge:
Find enclosed Docket Hobart uni four 0 vies of
petition in therfollo in; eases:
hardin Childere, Adar. v. L & N & L & E Ru. 00.
Alfred Russell, Adair” u n n n n n u u n u
Loftus Baker " " " "
\'QiU'a‘ trill 1r
~~ ~'~~-.)i ‘
W ) ~ - ./ , ?\-sm,
, .vg/ ,’ p 4 f ,2 ”'x
, , f I , p . .- . e
‘ /

 0. ll. POLLARD
A’l"l‘( )R N lc‘f ik'l‘ LA \V
.,/ lo» a ML
March 11th, 1914.
Judge Sam'L. M. Wilson.
Lexington, KY.
Dear Judge:
Find enclosed Docket Report and three copies
of petitions in the following cases :
Samuel Miller V. Lexington 8: Eastern Railway Co.
Andxf Oaks " H " N W
John Vires " " " " " "
JOhn Gross I! N H " H "
Yours t ruly,
‘. ‘ ‘ (‘7 ‘
L 3 ._ 3, / \\
#7 l ’ “"‘ 7

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W7”- * ‘ ....” rill/M (71,-. it...
. 33m}: 11m, 1914.
“::2; ‘ 7V) Q/ZL /1 /
m. G. H. 33011836.,
339333031. 333;.
3332.? 3311':-
I 23333331 you 13116 fallowing Stamens serveéi on our 8.3ng
a? 5333an 03?: 3:333:31: 10th.:
- 391m QMIMZ‘B, infirm-E 2:333": 9353831326
of Jay chiléarafieeeasseé. v. 33.33:: 33 333131 33.5: 32;,
Alfred Russell, £36221“. 3::: , v. 33.3; :3. ma :..5-
Baffin? Baker. 17. 3.3;: :3 23:33:23. 33.5.1: 3:.
203353 35131113,
W 02 7?
I 3 " / 9/03/5‘3C'11'
‘3. 3:32:3st EC, 96 7
( % ,../
80:32:33 3;!)
.332?. 3’3 . § 2.31 3.3.3031 , 3463,1013”? am ,
:53. J 3 :3. anemia, 3.32135. 33?: 3.3.3.: .

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EET‘Z‘Ch Ezth”, 3.914.
0; 11¢ Pollm‘zf; "ifs-L;.,
Jacigo 1:, iiy. 7’}! ya i( I};
Beer 3311‘:-
Emrrvr'ri L Simmons; servefi. 0:1 our agent :=i; 6:101:50}; on
lifarch 731’: '13: "LL; 2::-.0 "Tolls” '3:;: 0.:-2,368:
5'31'111191 filler v 336321115"; Jar: 2,“; 1133391“: 1“" Germany,
Ana}; “*8 '-‘ - “~-~-’f3‘-O*"‘~W“*“
John Viyes '2
302.121 Grow; ‘i
Emma 6321731,
I K1 1:? kglf’w‘)
M / i/ ,1 Afx:fv”f>
m - r/ n "fl: “’.»:P
' "\ L/xig/fiei \\\ , I 1/2
001327 to .. .
if: . S . if? 1130 21 , .I:ali.{1.11_fj'bf:ii'1:
1.3!”. J. 3.1)onohue , I2,-011mm}. 1.0.,

 V r/i/‘vwr //7
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4, / ’1 1 / ”(IV/NU -\//////7//_l.' ‘T/////' 7»/ W/{/;///////////7'. ///’// ///('//
//m;/w.} -//. ///-‘////////. ”
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7’ , 0 r 7 ~ //’ ' '
fill/P.) , __ l‘l/I' l/(f’, . z ,
/. /// IWH/[mufwwfi '" (AM/// /“/@7’ March 4,1914.
x/fl/ , ,.
1:;. °. m. Wilson, 71 j\
CounSel, L. & E. 2. Co.,
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:
By this mail I am sending you a supply of forms Nos.

250 and 251 covering the attendance of employee and non—employee

Witnesses. I have also forwarded a surely of these forms to

Judge Pollard.

Yours truly, /
m . .
// ’(Z/f
M We
1 . l
Assistant District Atforney.

. '.v . 1 ' - ".'.
. u-ry- a" 2. ..’.‘
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k/ ,' c» miCI‘Ch 2m, 1914.
> . a 0 1,74
So .:.‘-’10 Fifi-1801,13 ‘58ka. ’
Lexingcon, Ky.
Dear Sir:-
Jurige i’ollamd ;.(Lvises 4.1;; 11:; 211;: no: :23 yet received
any 250 and. 251 forms coveriig she amendsnee cf ‘:'itnesses in
3213 various; C::.» at Je.e..’::.;:o::.. :..; $3- 23; fie 3“-CL
thqt ':'.e in; us: T“ JOI‘Z'; 251 aria-:21; b :13 ae~‘C‘.1 \t:-- , ,, . .'. §~ .. J
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C L‘ui ’6‘. wi‘ .ISCV'J , ‘, ',.: "‘:‘:;;,
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 n. u. POLLARD
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it: 5:13.; o L "27.315: Lollovzi :.g_, .;.,- i T. s,‘
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,)\/.,‘. .... moron}! \ L_.... [.:.-.,..., 4.x... LLLJLJJ L(.gL1...... 11;. L0,)
Ala-‘:. LEL'CLHJ " Lexi “ 43.; . ' ’.;; . Co ,
lItL'L'T' i3:;n J <3h;_;;,oz; ” H n u 11
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ESL/(Elm J.L,.1L‘h < J1» iffm. :', ,:,Lit-wcG-Z. av 03.,
17-..,.,_'_ r,
h:.-,1,. lav 1 Ln- {:3 " ” " u "
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mu, (L _L-.L n ‘ w» '- ‘- ,.
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-; ,LH v “.,;-.”',“ :~.,r.._; n
,“'le ‘ I , «Lu4‘u .i «..L L ..‘.U- ~..]. «L’L-i LO 1
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,’"W‘fi’a‘ .V. ‘._ ) F ,-,- , .
‘“’in V " / W / /zJ_/¢,
"; ', '..'r‘yr-Jv-1-‘ .~‘ ‘ , ‘ in,» ’ -»- '
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VI. "\ I lug-Ly») .,‘Ti 4,, - ,k.:...uu;_>£f1‘ 3

1. _«1.///////y////’ (W) f/u/(fl/x fl/M/I/ /W/%///i/%
. / / / / /*/ “(I "/’
\I'K/WM/W/ wit)
.//mzr/tyei. ' a“, / Willy/(dyae. g/Z/z’,
1' , (j
- January 24th, 1914.
:1 Follarah Elsqw-W‘ 7 m Zé 7
JM* 071, Kr. /\ 1 ,
Jear Eirz- ; v
Mercuri't‘r; Eur-mans sorvcii on our ~91: at Jaczkszon, Eanuary
Iiobert 3. 31,13; V8. 1.1} f:.fls;.111-'ra;.r Co.
113013.11 {isomer "
5:11? ': (1031 Silks} "
Alex. Cross "
311,37: Hensley "
Clair “fires ’5 -
I“: 3 1711215011 ”
l‘in.11.~1.oe .51 {itins "
Jinx-W: Cross ”
130:1 Deatan "
130;: 13031816; ”
1:737:38 truly,
/ a? /§f’
/ ‘77 * ,./ "3% r va/
0021’ '33 L«V:m%,§emfir‘/§7¥T’ftx>
27 f.fr.:1.3€.l¥ilson, L- \
firms-3t Company “Adm ing, E
. City. /
I: 010 .

" n ,, ‘ r ,“’ , 1’ / - ' , 7" ’r ' , K ' / /
_ Lr/x/fly/H/ ”M / ”..2/(7w . 3 ”m .,»/[fizzy /fl//%/////
” “ W , . /
-//(///(/(y(’i. _h flIVI/yfi‘llp /y’
; 3:111:93; 84311, 1914 .
0.) Ha 90118111, 25:10,
Jackson, 31237. /% ;Zé O;
I bans}, you 1103:0171 521 summans in the foliawfmg‘; cases,
served 3::. mar (2.50:1; {.‘.‘5 5337158021 or: 32:13.; 232116.;
Charles King vs L.5-2 :25 and £33,- E.
132231;: CElilaersqhélmuazc vs ~—-~-L;ko--—--«~
ifiomaa 3.36215031, VS» "
South Strong; VS; L. S; 1;.,
33133388 protact this. {ion-(Lang’s miscregts.
Yours: truly,
/“ “4"/'.,“
If f ”X: 6 :./ /
. \ 3.:-r A ’,’ ._.‘ I {//,\J (AY’ ‘ ,’.fi
, ;:ialhvbcfii/LC {1; _/
\CO:O;J ‘30 \_,/
‘55 .".E.1’:‘il:3011, 2622:1342; {um .

¢ W 2“ /51
‘ 1;.” .V H», Jim/r.
.“ ;ko . C. 1:}UC‘JJi "UK"!
- .‘. .’» .1 ,, V ..
'(.‘f.;11'w.31L‘ ~,. ‘
vp. ~.4 “5 m. ,
'- 1 mm,” H ». 4‘ » W ‘ 4‘ , ’}‘-—' Y ' " § , , . ‘ V
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