xt73bk16mf8w_316 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [249] Elhanan Fugate v. L&E, Perry Circuit Court text [249] Elhanan Fugate v. L&E, Perry Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_31/Folder_9/0016.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_316 xt73bk16mf8w , -.- .9 -- I .~.
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Er. G. H. Kaorvan,
Aesiatuut Difitrict Aitorngy; ‘
Lenifivilla, Fy. .
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f x
0 no, .
Novenber 15th, 1911.
hessrs. Wootton & horgan,
Hazard, Yy.
Enclosed herewith I hand you a notion to strike out in
the Fugate cases, together With a memorandum showing Ty views on
the propositions on 1"hich we are entitled to hove rest of these ro—
tions sustained. ,

I learned fron Mr. Willoughty that the fact is that we
have not in eny instence out the center line outside of the original
right of may and the rost if has keen noved at any nlace is seven-
teen feot. We have a pertect right to tuild a road either its center
tracks or other tracks at any nlace we wish within the lirits of
the rirht ofway, and under our deeds tron the Fugetes we are enr
titled on derand to 2 conveyance for any additional land that ray
be needed to nrotect the elones and Pills.

The netitions are had nearly ell the way throughout in
that they seerlesed upon the roving of the right of way rather
than the road bed. I have written to Mr. Villoughhy tor the de-
scriptions of the additional pieces to he taken so that we can de-
scribe then in our counter clair, but I think you ought to rake the
effort before the court and the plaintiff's attorneys ought to agree
to 't that ‘hese,sui,s are nrenatire because we d lot know vet
just what slip W111 he made‘nor where the new road is located. They
seem to base their cleip largely upon 1"hat is expected to happen.

If this hatter could ‘e gotten before the court it would 1
seen that it ought in any event be continued in order that we ray
know hy the next tern just whet the respective clains are. At any
rete I cannot prepare the answers until after I hear fror you as
to the ruling of the court on the notions to strike out and until I
getrhe descriptions of the additional pieces fronlfir. Willoughhy.

Please bear it in rind that I heve Fade all arrangerents
for you to get these cases continued as I an now full up with cases
in the Federal Court, Which noets today at Richrono, and the Beattyh
ville Court, Which vests today at Beattyville. In addition flI an
tied up every night in work on sore briefs in the Court of Arneals.

Yours very truly,

1 'l "A . _.
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W?“ a a :-~'. ~ 1*- ‘1 >3 "J“r'fir 1 5‘ 7 WWH‘ xzr‘C: .'1 ( “(.":—’1‘7': ‘ '.‘ ’\ $71.3. n") r.~ 1, ‘r'. ‘t ' 5‘“
-.'L’v 9‘) ~11 UGHDLI' ,_._ d (I- .. die. 7.1.: .0.1/. __' «(1. .4.. -_ . .- _/-. «-4; ..4. .L
by Jack Tugate and his wife er the ‘mm‘m~5¥fij of___a‘ “~_, 1911.
and that 3510? to said canvayixn: :5 this plaintiff the said rack
Tug.:er conveyed to the defendant: a strip or parse? of land through
fine a? $55exia1t 7r3i :3; plajn'iff’s had 3:2 din; 3:4 irotin? there
or 53:; *fiifii*i: ?rnii :reestApvle trees? and also i.cludsi a yer: of
:lis ’qy‘l‘l : ’45 1" 53737 ; 919T tile lili‘ SO ialra: aur? E?§d‘03¢“iati:€ of

f. .5
1' ‘- - -~v _... _,- «mi- 1»...-“ .1....2- .‘;-“;“.znflvt- .1
CPL?) SLEELL-itlffrs 1.31.15 .‘“ij ‘.;-LL .1n_.-_:; 332.14%) ._';Hft. 14:11:: (i..,, ._..1;(1C1...‘L. .18 .10“,
’ - ‘ 5‘ ' .,.“... ‘ " CW ~ 7 "‘:"5- -,.? .:v'. . .3 “(.'. ,n 2,7,3? A'.»:‘yt‘ __,
throu'n 1:5 as:1.nts, flwnflb, fllleLHWE CAM -1.loje-s, ualfl 1,. agp.o
. , V .. - . .. , -”' -_. --, . “-.11- -.. - . - “-..
Urlatelnm fine 5E;n p flintlff?$ 12mm (;xfl J15 b01ru M: n-30u leuflmidu
n -"': 1‘4— mix". 1 ' 5W“: 4'31: :7 -} ...?qu "1’3 ”an ,1 "ha ‘3‘."1‘3T4‘ ."‘“ “:"‘-~‘: ‘51V‘r‘1' +(~,-r°w “' T '.' "'1: 137151.:
“L15: .111/1.13% O- L L_p; ‘._“. ‘*.".;1'.,’£« t.;-- '.. .‘.4 «-_._; V»; .,=; v u~| - .. w ..v. v ,, .. _- v”. ...
. ' ‘ A 1‘ ‘ A . ,. '... . .‘ . - M H v 4 A J " " ' 1 ‘
to use, wh10h enales tw: plilnt_ff Lo nuwg son: 1daa 1%0n1 now
‘.. . “‘.'... fir”: .‘» «In .... . ..‘. .,..1 .- «:.‘ \‘.“ .4. 1- g. .
snunx of 11-: lflifif .1 i¢a1uy ap‘a opr1atcw1 b; ‘48: d::Wn;danp, Afllu thai
he camnefi tell exactly QHH wil: not Ea 2%?e to know until it is as=
A ..‘ 3 ”-.. . - ”“AL-.- '-_-' ,4..., 1 . 1.1.. A ‘.' ,. ~ ..,‘I,«,‘,...L '...
CWTt11E3d by a Cflmpsgcui 01¢;L enw1uarfi>(:.ae up: ae.sud1nu, 1d
,,‘ ‘.." .’1 :..‘4 fl . 1 ~/ -.~ ,..-.....- ‘1 r.1 .= -. ." - i " n . ‘-» F.--,.‘ —‘4- ”.,.
01 1.4:. to a.n-.:.,;2; 9101mm +0.5 :01 ms 1&115‘oad. 1172.5 (11.15 and cm. and
_,«A _-_ _.‘, . . . —.,‘. 1 ,_ ,.- .,‘fi4r w-.. "law. 7 w..1 .
tazsn awn; tna abon: 1nd o1rt no 11: cxtsnu 32 that a JUJJ n11n and
. ..,. 1 ~ x. .... . .:. .~. .:. - ...4. ¢. 4-:- ;;
5:93?) 5109c: "51.8 b’:€;t 111177,: 4.10111“! '~"»? 1.02:1 51d: 15.121“ 1<:-2.w 9?; 9.1.1.,
~ .,.~~1.., . .‘» “ .r ., . ,.. . “, ’2.- r.-... ‘.. » -: .,~‘ ._~ :.. ...-
59.16.. fri:.:.:%i.7c3£ 0.1 -1-_C Farm. 2111’] tint .“....C.‘ $4.1“vi 01.21 “n: [2: 9.311341 ..:: .'w
“’“x ,..»:
.“.. . Ct... --", ~ "‘.." ‘ 3:1,"... -.’ :<~‘ w» ,.-... .- . ».. «v '~“ .a: .“—.r LA ..-n,.
1.1%“ l 05:; L.’}: ile’.‘ 10 ’.:."I‘. '34] “'.‘.VHQUJJ 7:7 3:22? _3!QU.’1VUQI,"JHCv273 >-?:u:;)€ti 11119.11 :.L. .‘Jilit‘ .”.-HT: ‘31:). [14.52. 1.113 i131 LIJIC'A‘AKEL.
. 1 a” ‘ ‘.... .‘. 4.: \4- ..,». .., .-“.-. . H .5 ”..-. »‘.‘m ‘ . 1 ’~‘ ‘ . " -"
Hagan 1.3;: :.:-.1112 aft-2.1. .15 L.O:.1.':_fdd :-‘ ;t .';” «.11: 59.10 (Taxis: #117: ~«t3 {Ti 1515
7'12“; J ,1 .:. ~ -“ «:1 .___., ., ,- .— . ..,: ... ..‘ ‘1» 1"... .7 . 1 ~ .'. ‘ v <- s ..
3... Q: 1.53.; (iv .‘42. O1 COJ;\.I»:‘;K<.:‘.AJCJ, ’.'.w‘ :.’Quid r1431: ulna-.1: ’_u m LDOSSLDL‘J {Q
. . -|--.
C- 0 L1.”; L .."
‘, ':‘- ...,1 ‘ ~ Jp‘ .: - ' n /’ ..,-m Li- - : 4 x . ~ ~ ~~ . - a
nix: pm. 1“: pun1.c”1eaJ l 1 i 0': .4: 53-: zafcnaeni's railway Cum
max-s“ ‘ ,4 u." : .: ‘.L 4 7‘.-g. :1. .., . ..4»- ‘ :1 1 —-.‘- -... ',.— .. - . « ‘ ~
dqfl.\-u g1..¢1- 1 s -a.n§ -”51raq o; ESLUM tn: SmLH defcnaaétg' ra11=
‘01G75uw?z t;- ~fi .Jg 1m‘ mypxopr1at1J¢ of ti: Dla1ntiff‘s WCCG b” in:
- -.”. U M-
33:1, ‘}H~*+ .".—.,. ‘A- . .. . .. . w ..L ... . .> .a - .,-
a.qfi{.m1. ”an no. necessarJ 13 prochu 1n~ cu*:r 131 510069 of an?
.¢ >w ‘A.-‘.'! ,,.,v,1..:,,. ;‘.. ..1. .V.... ' L‘ - ‘ ~ -‘
Cd-5 01 .1115 fl2u3-u »:: 'oCC.:n ct;on of 10: definaait's ra;;r0?fi,
3,1 m n a... “a ‘34 4. ; 41 4.1, ; - - :x H.-- : . - - .
~01 to wOVvi a1, 310. CU vfl« SLOPE: o. in; 511des f:5:ltli£ 360%

A ‘ .
‘ ‘ .
I the cooatruot ion of the said railroada but its takinm and approp— >
riating was m ado naceseary because of the defendant‘s moving the
location of the center line as aforesaid éod taking the required
widths On each side of said linej}and the location of he said cents
.fi E\\
er lin3 Wis movod by the defendant and its rigntaofmway measured and
staked of? and plaintiff's land iaken and appropriated, all without
his nonasnt and agfiinet his Willyégat hiS house is situated upon the
.f '
hill side just in above the plaintiff's said railroadgand a steep
slope made by the defendant in the work of constructing its Said
road? extends up 2 close to the hmikfiixg dwellinq, anfl wake? it
i absolutely inposgible to enter his home ond pramiseg and at any
point from ‘he pnblio hioh wajg in Front 0?? or any wag close to his
home find hie premiaes and farm 0 one: he reached angzhese from the
public hiflrvfir at any point except at the extreme upper and of his
farmwhcih is considabahle dis: hoe away fr0u_his homsgi that plaintiff
farm i5 PTDflUCtiVE anfl valuablai 0T Uofi Refore tn: acts anfi TTOHES
were couwitted fly the defenfi at aa We etofore alleged anfi complained
of whicfi saifi wronrs and acts on the part of th% defendant have great"
1y depreciatedkx ifs value? an& that for the reasons of the defenfiaptg
unlanuZ acts anfi from"; heretofars illoged this plaintiff has boon
damaged in the gum? fit Jaaat , of $1000.00 “E‘oh 1% now flue him as
a juet fianaud avifns: the defendantand no mart thireof has lean paid.
Wherefore, the prznises considered, plaintiff prays judga
went Igiinet ti? defendantin the saw of 913000.00 in damag:s For the
alieged wron*s and acts and *arious things oowpiained of by the lein—
Tiff as %ein~ fog? and oommixted by this defenflant; for his costs her;
in expanfied and ?or all prooor relief.
Baglj & Dixon, for defanoazt,

 . .
1311:3111? 01:043.: con-.11, ‘
{321' ’.€ ~
v: I


The defendant moves the court to strike from the plaintiff‘s
tetition herein the following nrotion to sit:

1. that instead oi keening and using the strin and parcel of
land just heretofore described, the defendant, for 4eesons nntnown
to the nleintiri moved the center line of its pronosed reed, end in
so doing it noved the entire strin farther nn‘iron t;e river and made 3
it necessary for t“e def ndnnt to take and enorOpriate e nortion or
plaintiff‘s lend in order to have sufficient lend over and through
wéich to construct its road and the seid land so taken and eperprioted
by the defendant iron the plaintiff‘s had etanding and growing there
on some valuable fruit trees {Apnle trees) and also included a tart of
his garden, and in feet, all the land so telen and apnroprintod oi
the pluintiff‘e was very valuable land.

2. and has gone tine since measured and Stated off the distnnce
and the extant oi the territory it intends to use, Jhicn enables the
nleintlfi to have eowe idea about lo; xnei oi his lend is to he
etxroyriatod by the defendant, but that he can not tell exactly and
will not be able to Enos until it is ascertsined by e centetent civil .

b. that tne deiendent, in ordcr to obtain ironer grade ior ite
railroad, has dug 4nd out and t5 en sway the stone and dirt to the
extent that a very Ligh cnd steer slone has been made :ronnd the
lover side And next to the said railroad, of his farm and that Tie
ferv- can as reached in no 2;;1 ”Vol the rnblic 111i gluing] ‘.:itiaont greet

e. tngt because the defendcnt noted the center line of ite Said
road and the location of the aforesaid strin, the County wublic road
fies been taken and epnrorrieted by it and now, it, the said defendant
is coepelled to make and construct the County nuhlic road below its
Said reilroed‘end next to the river, tins nldcing the seid railroad
tetieen tie rublic Zignney end tTe nlointiff's farm.

5. and furtber for the reason of the defendant‘s moving its said
eenter line and rigit-of-way, theslope nronnd the lower side of
tlgintiii's fern Ride by reason of the construction and building of
Said defendant's said railroad is Such broader 1nd steeter tEen it
Jonld Fete teen Egd the deiendsnt used tte land thet see conveyed to
it 3; the said Jack Enggte b: the oforesaid deed of conveygnce, and
would Igte made it impossible to Eoto tut the rublic county road in
qfiote the said defend: t’s riilxey and next to nlaintiif‘e fern, in*

teed of below tTe said deiendent’s railroad.

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