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}\ '; g E Frankfort, Ky.
/} 5 ‘ December—7wl9ll.

Mr. E. S. Jouett, Atty.,

Winchester, Ky. ‘ ,
Dear Sir:—w

From the conversation I had with Judge Cammack I believe
we can come over to Winchester on the night of the 15th or 16th and
on the night of the 15th take up the motion in the Crawford case.
Judge Cammack wants to dispose of the matter as all of us do and
if this meets with your favor, kindly write me at once and I will
phone him from here and then let you know. I suggest this inasmuch
as you have suggested that your court will be in session and it
would not be convenient for you to leave Winchester at that time,
and as that is the only time Judge Cammack expects to be near us,
it looks to me like we ought to dispose of the matter then.

Hoping to hear from you at once, I am ,

Very truly yours,
J. M. McDaniel.

Dic. M.T.

 Ed. M. Odom .
601 Trust Co. Building
Lexington, Ky. .
Lexington, hy. Dec. 7th 1911.
/f .1’
_../i j
111‘. E. S. Jouett, /;;:/ C .‘7
A} f"! ;r’l
. . w 1.' 1
wincnester, 1y. // r” 5
Dear mr. Jouettz— ‘ i
1 an enclosing you bill as requested. If you
will 0.K. same and return it to me I can take it down to the depot
and get the money there, that is, if it is to be paid here and not
from hr. Warfield's office.
Thanking you for remembering me in this matter, and hoping
you may have better luck next time, 1 beg to remain,
sincerely yours,
Zd - 2147‘ (Q (fir .14

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Hm. .‘.. V , "1.91, _L.
£1“. ',,}. .‘1. -T:::LQH;, At‘v'f J‘: F, 5*,
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”‘3,qu ;“g. ,T,’_1H_F3,’l"+:
I "’,};710‘39 ""H s;_33u;_;r,-*;, hi“ )3. ;LGHILHJB i‘wl‘ :1'iL"."")"3-’3
? e;:~:_::z,:.:;es '.I: ’:.'«fiouixrva'rt 13.0. ::.t‘s;,"i_*:.‘vne 4-1.‘ or. Name E’I’Yse
at the tried i the area'rjfnrli one-e L'Hl' ”huh I hope Tut "TAR. mm
the t'm:r.1,:"+;'1y sex/3, one}; at the 017.3." fleet -‘,( uVOTl'lél'l'éf-3.

I regrfi i'.}1:':_+l T i my? NpJ is; 511-4, 'nmL MI, the train :1 [‘:‘oj;
Natal/’:.:Vj b9i1,*f.l‘:"r ‘."‘..Ee (,Tu'nctiun T”“‘.Hfi‘”-3.A".l’ty EVE?aiz‘l‘lminli its +.'Ve.i:?e "mtg-e
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o<,-1'1=3o3.‘*ninrt this gene, ma». I ~.enr:;z2 _ 4r 3m; “tern. n the, se'zuni
set-t ion “if the nit“,33311.net prtnsxei-fioi' train.

If fin): "ram, 14. H; 7:0 tu 1393+st15ml», 1.x, {yet :_‘Jgr .~Ujp'gc'g'._;‘r,§;
in 3011;.9'3'tim; 2th. the. ;'1'-:'_;o:.-n:i.2_3t, m! +he jury in .I“".fjfi rd, +5; the
verdict in the. 03}:’a,-~rf..r;z_ mine I .‘i‘lfizdfl 1 Le very 53133 “M.- 11.1.: rm: ll;,till
re, new" ‘5ng from. I F3]J_T‘=_‘QF:T. that if ”UH. have any minuuwj; fa]: ;1 30:?
15.331511 in radii. an; to the unem- fact“. by 1’1"!)‘9 Li’ thrfl. "m1, sen}, them
ta“ 9T3,L'fi_“'F>. 0H. '.‘ .:1 3K. ‘1": 0701mm], PIE-7'., :;:: I UJk‘ij-dl’fl}*TJUlI‘L I.‘.CLJ‘l 7111-1 13:-*4;
‘:re "qu1131 like ta.» pang: an ‘m L}? 'iut‘ini". :1:: eoriv ;-"»:""z‘u"!r>. “r012
VOID: :;‘Tit‘efllt to me. “rs. 11:1 VP. :1 fund #3131 .’.‘-f H Ltii'lticnifil at”??? “ch-1t
mii‘fht :,e '!.1yo(:vI’p.;1v1ts"; in the 'f‘l'ijulx'lh‘, 7111:); mspezim £137 I V'fzht to
suede-fl 1‘;:1‘ m..; :;‘vu'm‘l'l ,‘11147(j.\_1“,.~:r_"a_+,e 1‘11 770L133 aw_r‘1'1+,l.r)llra';. lilr‘.+.“:r2’1: L‘Lzl‘
{firearms fur =1 my trial the, points .‘3-_1.”T"“GF;+'*¥,3_ Hf 1.27. Warring, +0
+he street +7er 311‘. Loneliiel, H t he worse enrollment, .‘.ei't

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1c. 9;. I. 5'73.
1151'; 1‘: 3:139 “anl‘f‘, the jury em. "MIN; 151'; i‘lu'mt .:;L‘ “N10, mart Fultme
$1121 I”‘-Hf: {he Drift ”mousse “cell ram ”331319 mm}; :7).er ‘:wkti'L +2; +21"? jurv:
"No7 Wm», ‘:-e:":.:zi'3 5 «(all rim: mud. you Mae/7 that if 1‘:-1117," 'th z-LIL
etiez'qlt +,(; 31107 in file. jury +2” :..+, :L" We, 9":“TT‘Lwé well "as—«.11 run": on
the (13353.5;"324'13‘; ”,'../e11 tlx' glullrh L.L“,L‘ "rem, ‘LjLUL'er’L, the ;n‘ai‘ssullzg '7.,.-;-f.;3_1;:j
11'. H19 32.:? RM; : “Mare. 4:00, where one LlefiL‘rflCJ‘ ~v:e_:; '13'1(‘]'i1_3.‘I"3/’7l,
"undo. have, Jeal’l 113m mall .'L'Uoff. I1; 39.0153, +- 11.0 +‘;z.+ 1:31 ‘é-; ,_,; n,
very jggejLLcl‘ioial m'i‘nr 11":ij xiv—233V :E.111.:z.'<>11e37 amulet (:11 the, pew ”.L‘
Len-1111.13}. :uuL i..-emu -301L.~_.eot.:.:,1; "7371'3'1 the. .42+."1->.:0 errurr; in the,
1‘ ‘?wlfl, n11"‘?;+, M; “fl? :..L-0, -‘l ;:ev 2';-ref; L +714 «3:139.

This. ; : ML}? :1 3w.“ ‘:‘/Hr ‘.. :;L w. ‘f "«:; *‘vz “ml-"7 1:310, tease,
vorv 111311 Le+f1 1113‘2711 I :1:; l "rim (;.ulf’ Join->21: of ti ;.:‘-.,,'L‘f, :sl.‘ 5‘30.
”$33231 41‘1”, earn,

II: +h%re is- fillV'f‘V’!“'ili“‘ J‘.';::‘+:,‘LL»§3::- in: 3 one-3+ Mu. "run 1‘.: 1 5‘
case +7314- T em; ILL.) l '1': i in. very “11,-, L 1' .; Boonie): Vim]. any c‘iSS‘iSBtr’lli79
I can.

I 01131059 fh’nl :1:, gaining 35,77 ._.;f the ;Lz:_tqy;m,1,t Jame,
Cont-"Look :1:». +., 7L? 5 oral. 5.11F;+,I‘u'31;.‘3,(;n ohm]; +u +110. jury aim}; 1171’???
lie/i I"'};nJL'tr‘e'L thuf J.‘. 721:; EJ11;,u;-;,:'io'i»a in mom-é f1 \7»‘»»:L‘i:i.‘7.3’-’, 5.41 7% ‘:'; ”33:19,
"771.1311 .‘Jtafezqoltf "his fined luv Jaime Commit. uh f'e'fi.e:1."v_=1}r jun" image
l‘flfl clone “.5 ‘:'-7m mom. I do 110+, infill}; Hi5: ,i‘rraieneht of him; 1:73;: 1
flifltl’i’l't low; if; aeouraixe gum 1; Eli. ‘lll til-+3 1.}. armsli 2111:. a bfr—r;+33,r}_n,1=‘s
bill simulca he, rode. Tim stz‘xteuem ‘i‘; ii; rtiquJ-Ly 1.7113137-1171'159,
Leon‘im 47m jill‘V 11:11. 1 out at the +1119 _vmi 41ml j'l’ifj‘f‘I'LL’JtIUI’l

Q .. n
H. ‘Jo Jo 7,930
"Mr; "fiver; {awn an 1'1m,1.1‘ an: :1 71:1 if, and '"'?‘th‘d‘i +9.11 to LAItr-vr-nw.
12121311193, 211:3’592/1 .«. a.‘ aLflvjugfi thirty milmfimn; m: :‘,:t;3_‘r_,/2'L mf 7'1'11‘1, irr‘fiwzjnxezi
tip-1:1“ vveiarl’iwz. TL £1151” 1.;‘qwmrafe m “rim Mam 971?wa 3.711%, ”in,
5:124, 4i»: +‘m .iury‘ 31'. 'Tertrst "m; ;:'_':a3*u«zr;117* 7L '; exazt Eur 1.17”.
Law: VUU. 3'11 m ”min *‘ :‘a+ fTL'HB'l 7;":3.
'x’m.” "I”ll',’ 7';-::.:‘r:9

 ' Ail/lyi/lmu) (Wm/é”; m/Mfl/ WW/m/y
' / /// _ . J/j/fi/ “I V /
//f%/%%lflfl/// K”) 7/ _j/Q
f‘fiwam/é/r’mwyar coil/72274?ij
j y December 7th, 1911.
{“15 File 110.
Mr. E. S. Jouett, 1 I
Winchester, Ky.
Dear Sir:-
I enclose herewith bill from Jesse Greer, Tallega,§y.,for
$5.00, as a witness in the Crawford case in the Lee Circuit Court.
If correct, will you kinflly approve and reuurn.
Yours truly,
General manager. I
Encl. A

 ‘E " Winchester, Ky., Eeeember 63h, 1911.
\ Juége J. E. Sammack,
Beatfiyvillo, Ky.

Rafi arramgufi to name ta Deutfiyville this afternoon i0 file and try
motioa far new trial tonight in the firawfora CflSG. Re vrry narnestly
request fihufi gnu stay over until morning,or 015a 182 fawmal metien
be made by local afitoxneys now with leave $0 amené,hy filing afiditional
grown-3.3, néf'LC) unflixt‘a 2730131011 to he. ‘I,-’:rxiafi, 't3r2f13’m.‘e mm. m“. ‘1’-‘.???é‘tavczt‘ time or
glaec yau indioafia; she or&er to be th$m enfierafi as of vhe lasfi flag
of ahis fiermc I have numerous guanoxisies mhien i think entitle us
fie a new trial:on accounfi of lcfianiel's miaconfiucfi in his own argument
anfl during Shn argumen: 03 hig calleagne EgbertS. E also centend that
the vczdico man up; LED3OItOu Lg agu eviienee anfl is excessiVe. In
addiuion, I hrva Susi lcazmed fxom reliu%lc source than one of the
jury had : fliroat financial imfio?93t in fihm vuzfiicfi,and haé an arrange-
ment with Crawford whereby he was to sat on :he jury on what account.
IQ will take Enigma sun or two flags to get unis latbrr cvificnce,so that

 ~ (2) g 3
- I think it better to simply enter the motion and let you try the mo-
tion a little later. If this is not satisfactory will come up on
a Special and bring you home later tonight. Please wire me deadbead
over 1.53 3 wire.
E. S. Jouett.

5 “ 5 Winchester, Ky., December 6th, 1911.
Judge J. ’55. Cnnunaek,
Beattyville, Ky.

Had arranged to come to Beettyville this afternoon to file and try
motion for new trial tonight in the Crawford case. We Very earnestly
request that you stay over until monning,or else let formal motion
be made by local attorneys now with leave to emenfl,hy filing additiona
grounds, the entire motion to be tried before you at whatever time or
place you indicate; the order to he then entered as of the last day
of this term. I have numerous authorities which I think entitle us
to a new trial,on account of McDaniel‘e misconduct in his own argument
and in in; ;hr argument of his colleague Roberts. I also contend the:
the verdict was no: gunnertod by the evidence and is exeeesite» In
addition, I have govt lenrned from reliable source that one of the
jar; had - direct financiel int rent in the verdies,end had on arrange
ment with Crawford whereby he was to set on the jury on that account.
It will take enigma one or two days to get thin latter evidence,se thar

 ' (2) .- .
I think it better to simply enter the motion and. let you. try the mo-
tion a little later. iii-5.‘. this is not satisfactory will come up on
a semis}. and bring: you home later tonight. IE’leasc wire me deadlzead
over .‘:}..Ei: .‘:.. wire.
E. if. -L‘0‘:J..r3= ti):

 .2?/7n //[
‘ 0
f / // , / '/ /r,/ ' / . ,/ V/ 7/
. ~ 3 ' / - « , ' ' /~ ,,
l _///A// Vfl/a ///./// 7/// ._./m/Mm/flw/wy.
136%7”3””/_ gmééféléng: fifiééfl~ fijkfyézzi/9/7fixzzC/¢;J.17fl//A%(Vf;/.
¢Zflx£/fl.) % ’/%Wé7llll/75 ” V 64871
01.9.51, @3102an 01/570”!!ny /. 7
K" ”767,,,7} '~- y,'//'W“' .
/’””’£/ J.V/,'f/sz,f.:w. , ”WNW/7 nee . 6 . 1911
;'\ A; or
,2 “g
My dear Mr. Jouett: i '

I am sorry to get your letter of last night informing
me or the adverse verdict of $3285 in the Crawford case, and hope you
may be able to get a newtrial. I! not, I suggest you take time until
a day certain in the next term of court for B/E and Tr. Evidence) and
meanwhile, before you incur expense or getting appeal ready, let us
confer orally or by letter as to the advisability of appealing. Per— .
hope it may turn out that the other wide would still compromise the
Judgment (if the lower court lets it stand) at what we could better
afford to pay than to take the chance: further. But this, too, we willfr
consider later when you have time.

. fl )1
/'_ ‘
District. Attorney,
Mr.E.S.Jouett, Atty.

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_gymmiei'y guffav has laugh each h a; H:“3 naafi waayd no: Que
" --. 1 .74 M. - 7 :5 .3;. 7...; s.‘ -v; *4. 4, n
ibfiflfiiu ;Q: s L1 35 Rafi 939. Shy ¢; finm Ecjflfito ~
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aeu >mwt ice aaansxehy<:)u,flg.sacziy meae¢1ne®
r11“ 1*, m, . «.._.j, mm" ... ..: , ..'» M *3 («1,47 ..,», r-jg tn»: , » 31,“. v, ...n.
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T (“It 1“ mm“: 3:? ,x “n ‘16?» ”2:. :’:’:€.r:;.
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 EDWARD 3.101),. ‘
fl; A
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j v‘f ‘ Novewber 15th, 191l.
»x/’ 9
IE. Sarucl Hurst, f
Beettyvillo, Xv. 4
My Sear Siiz~
Till you please have a subpoena issued for all of our 7
Witnesses in the Crawford coee. I understand that the case 18 set
for the Blot.

Please advise re also as to the ‘TOSpeCtS of trial. You
will ulease have the subpoena issued for those Whor vou recall, or
who are shown in the euhooenas in the powers, but lost you may not
wet ther all I ow asking Hr. Odear to some you a list_oud then if
ihere are any that vou omitted You c~n get out en additional sure

The witneesee, other than the railroad witnesses, Whom I
recall re r W ’1”

G. B. wall-(31" :0?. :11: ,::. JOhHQOZl, 5' A.» .”’ {‘.‘-4‘ "3;:: ~.. «:4
”illior Gabberd, Jesse Greer, 5? ' . ‘«
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DI" “”‘“’ f .. _ 2’?- "
C ‘ ~. ’4 ,> ‘. .,._ 4 .~. ‘.‘ Q7 r a ,. ,. > . five-(u
end the oéher doctor in Boettvville uhoee more I No not recall.
““”iuw +nn friel we oewwflt on re one or ruo orrrer vitueeeee Thor
gm... . _ 4:, J.l-., In... .-.,.. .. . ,. _.. .‘;- \1 . v . ‘
we had eurroned, uhoeo mores I do not eeew to have.
. Kindly acknowledge receipt of thin letter advieiug thrt K
vou ere oivinq it attention what I wey know you have ii.
Yours very truly,
oer/cor. / / /
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22::2ve2‘312'er 15th, 1911.
121. Soruel Hurst. ~
223322537221113, T.
T-Ey 2.232312 8‘3"}:-
12111 you 221323.323 223273. .3 2122.22.21.2(232223. 232-22236, for all of our
1332333 in the Crovrf'orr? 03323. I understazifi 1223.2: 2:22.: case is set
. . . , 2' '2 . t . .
for 2,213. .LLE‘L. 1:4. - .
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$1523.33 advise 2' 3 also 3.8 to 22:32 ’3‘-‘):r_~::=rn”»2~ots of 2.121.321. You
.. - ’ . . . . ‘Q‘Ma' ' .. . . .» 2333?: 323 the 3222;306:0113. 12.22321odgfifitsvas“ 213.322. you roof-,...Ll, or
H " ' ‘ ‘A ‘1 v . :.:. >. .... <
2:223 3:733. 2:27:2222322 21:22 22.22:? 312222203223. 3: 121 t.hrikg'i222.~z:;%s;‘§, “but lost .2; 122.2. 23; not
. — ..; . “ .. .-' ‘\ _. ... .. _. ‘_ __.» 5 ... ._.
mt 2:22:22 3.3.2 1 er"- .22KJ.0 121‘. 032633.23 (2%: 2.33ng girl? 3. 1.2.32:“: 1222322 13”
1122 12.123. are 3223/" 122.32.: you omitted m‘uxo. 02.2.2; 2222 3.:2::2:L2,:u22:23.l 3222;2—
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