xt73bk16mf8w_331 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [258f] Crawford v. L&E, Lee Circuit Court text [258f] Crawford v. L&E, Lee Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_33/Folder_3/0477.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_331 xt73bk16mf8w o ,.,._ ~ 5 o
c~ Bear 133'. Cam:-
I have receivsdhexe you}: letter enclmsing statement
of costs in the Squire GI'anGZ‘ci case, and as I :.'?on't 3381":if-;‘i’2b%33? the .
- Judge's statement very clearly :2an (isn’t Wish .0 {30 any injustice to
anyone, I am taking the liberty of delaying 133‘. matter a few days by
, sending misstatement 0? costs to Jm‘ige e" ,. tin ‘L315r$q_1?.8¥‘3$ that
he check when it is he wants me to pay. ’ v
I want to rgemplment you w 33% clear taxation. It
is 3'” satisfactory than any I rem 18 fume ever received £33023
any clerk. ' .
”fry-12W3y mmly, '
. , saga/r3013. V -

 . July $711.81., 3.911.
1112735573 L. 13. 1117377113, ~
3152717161?“ “7737. .. “
27117.7 17183.17 Jur' £7413 :-- '
Please .17 7013.011 7171173 for bmflmring you 171113311715 your vaca—
I’Lian 93737371171 13 little 1771:1111??? 1'1? casts, but I (71.5.61. net 3.7131111317113521“ clearly ‘
717-37121. 5171.311 7»7-773711.71. am I do not 77.7-7177.711 to do anyone .77-.1.1 11113115111013, .7313 am
36'11‘11‘1 31701.1 the Clerk‘s taxatian of costs in 71,1 Cra'im’mjf‘s mar-373
71.".‘1thlme request thaw; yew. 77.-ill check. what pm“ i. n of the plaintiff&
costs 311.311 77.7318?) the 1711111705111 {5011133131131 11> 3383’ Q" ~ . ..
You naerl not 13111171217183: 77.771.75.171. 1,111.1 77 . .1 31.11.1513, 71777717111311 113 1; 91111.71-
1‘1‘121ry of 11111117116, may: 711171.11 the 71.372.13.76. 3311' 117‘ ,‘nalm‘xes the 711.-it- .
1186877358, 760:1: 12.3.1 of 71717217111311 I 112.7716 88M. 7171131,? 111313 with 71".‘111': ‘7'”71111 page ‘
771777110171 197 fee “0113. against 7:17:77: ..C-0171:7911
7111.13. you 11191737601713 .“'kx 'turn to 1:185:19 2 1317111 page 4% and
cheek: 7171771731; i‘tems of the 117.117.717.7171 1377;177:27177743 GOBtS 31cm 3.631336 1113' .
21713113207171. 541) 3317-571}, and I Will‘\ aeke remittance to the Clerk.
I 12:11.71 572171 to 11% .7 .1131; i just- f’inishad my 772.7017}: at me
Irving 1.1011171. Saturday “ @1163 death 727217111311 3: 71:03.17": you 717173113
‘1.1: "1.773 tried at 797771.271. - '71 a parezmxtory instmc 1111:3171 “3&8 {_.':iven
17.775; Judge 36711033 to 7, a _ . 71.217112 13.133561113211315. 7
‘ I 11013713 W751 .2; 7.7717113. prsvvem our 171-112191.315 771’: ‘filliwsburg on-
the Slat. _ 7
With kind 17113372171711; believe 171.718
Yours very truly,
ESJ/CC‘P. 5 ' '
E31010 .

 1”"-":;:M‘a mwa‘m'qmm'"uw”“::;$i:f J‘JJW‘HNV ‘
, \_ f v;
\I {“9“ f ‘5‘
,I 1‘ if :5- /,X
' Ally Slet, 1533.1.
2.173. Jrjztmae are 911, . g
‘ 3.15393, Ky. - ‘ L
Dear Sirza— ‘ '
immersing; fimm >3 ten {MW e absence 3: find your letter to ‘
;.ssr. icicDowell enclosing: your Witness (33.3.1121 Q >3 0 egainet tile
. ’ ' ,
bleimifi’ in the cause of Crawford. vs. 6%:3153901 Eastern ?ieil- \
/ ”‘5‘
1223*. f‘et‘ve '
,..1" , ,,,ny. xix)
Under the 1:32: when we pay Mfiiflr x-r;>‘;>3'1' e estate we Mere t0
fey it to 31133; or his satt01631e1§ hares hereetefiere mic”: to 2:253.
iieflazliel the full 53112r31111tfl\ ‘ whe Witneee claims for the Elaintiff.
f i .
he has zirehahly Pay 71:” e ‘ .7 m thie cheek, 03:- if not he will doubt-
‘ 1 ' V“\ ' > .
lese rm ea 3::!302'1111'2‘21 fix 1r: requeet. .
We ”3% 33131;; herewith your witnesse certificate which
ehewe that you 01%. n1 attenz‘iame 3.23 e witi‘iese for the 33331231212? for
‘ one (1233' 21! Wee allow-3d 5,331.00. ,
Youre very tmll'y,
,1"} 3J/ «32.19.

D Epu'nlcs Foun'rx Moxmu' IN J UNE
y" .
3 7') #1
9""N.‘ 1'.” T'» .':
,. a) ,,
J b L \L ,—,b T11 , .1.? LL
733.. 1‘. :.i-313:1; . V“ ,.. 9
1", 1.! I'».
:_‘"‘v,-'i.§.v"/¢ ]\.‘:'- 9 . I .. L - .L. . .
. \\ . ~.L' ,L- '.‘.
1962121" #3173:
L3L :3 ‘I' 11:: ",’,-1‘9 131511“ ‘3" 1112.51“. U‘L‘if, T
:‘:)sz ‘ ",.3 =37 " 1.3. r.) mm-t i1 3:11:": 5,‘£L.‘”“~‘.‘33<'fi>3f"'.', (313120. 1"1u<.‘1_'<.-:
4 ~01: 2:91." f3.;,,,e;3 H _:.‘l ‘ f" 1‘ r: I 11'va.»’3:*7r'1‘23¢¢“_
’.'1‘." 1:511:33, TL" I . “1ft: “ 3 ' . “1.13,“ 3:31:11- vjdll‘t (‘:Lr’él
:‘:" ',1: .1535 1 ".13 ‘1". " IVE-'."“: :3iz31n": 3“ r33 3-‘1 : 1’:. ‘. 1 1,
1._ 3501‘; 2,0' "‘31.:3, I 311113‘7. ;_'.‘1‘i':. 33.": 1.311133“: j TIC-IX, ’17-'10 313:1;‘I_I::'=3:‘:,1‘1_
"313:".;)-::,1;)/ 31.3 -_1 3,1 .3 a; ‘..}Les ’.,lr;.iz'ztii‘.€”, 75:91 31.55: =‘.*r*t*.i,"1:>‘rr":_
L 1: :3;-1:73, of 32315:; j.,«vt~)f;jv_'_' "I_I’H- V =1_3._ ‘i' 1;;/113.3.“ 1‘??\"‘".’:.'::"f§ .',; JIFLQQ—
1 4_,_,. »- . ,. z .1 .‘ ‘ .1“,__. ,..;
LJJHLL 34):: 1:1)111'3 {L‘.-,‘LL‘yL‘f‘: YMU, '.‘. a , 1:,.','.:., ‘,11 :7 - 1.; ‘2‘
'.‘ 171$ :13-"33'." ‘:t’EtZLW'iig, "1311: .31. 171'.» :-, ‘ Vt] 1 w' 7.': 5.1311'W7L‘I‘GI‘1,
’ta‘; ,:Ifi-T:-’ :7 1133:: ;13."‘:i m3; 1‘:“ ‘2' '3 “ “"‘,i' :1:. "1',-£.l'1fid 17173:?“-
- 1 :1 j 1'311: 3 ::;_:i-. 651133;}: . :3;- 1.3, "1 _': “ -. i' r '
* .,‘-31 3-1 F31; 0357 013133;“ '3., “~3..'1.‘1,“=.€-"~rt " " ‘3 “AF“‘IT‘FGR',
ruff may .‘i”‘i. ‘1 3,1131." ”3? 7'1 . * : 1 x w 1' ‘..:j-rri 3: 3:3 ‘,./2,
Y .”)1_:_:L“r" 1.1133537 3,331“ _
1 1, 4 ‘
_ l .

' O ’ .
(fl % ‘:’/g
\.‘ 5/ I ;:‘J
5’ {7 39
Mt”; 3’" y:
, ‘4‘
Irvine, Kit". July 26th, l‘?fl.l.
3 fl, ':Ir. (lama,
(11431.; Lox": Ciraui‘iz Cnuvt.
« ‘_Rréa’r,1',:Ivillé, Ky.
’ ;:3’re3-e,;r- Slirz- ‘
I 112117.63 3119;)“. recéiiflfiad 1W.-”31V? y'w -. aft-“aka 4340 0i? til“, {SOFWS
in this. Ursa'a'f‘mfi “’4 I ‘:‘-.3513”; fiery!) 1%: :53; ;:{33353331531 3am; $353.40,
"ah-w xvii-.:‘:rms faafi, av. ‘:‘-Tia“: agcr'WKE fibula 9 Bfi‘cx“31$YV-"-3-1"3-
$3113.]. .VQH-é’l'xf'uwu“? [Examii r“ 3;: :5‘bz:xég.rem~aszt 24.13.30, uhcxzh :;:.-e ii;:_'3::.;; ;‘Jl’t.ich
you. 'izhn.n]~;, 2m; tbs». (3011-er IE; :-;hoz,.z.l«'3 new be paid. to yam, .:'-1116.
tit-":7 3}.’153I3"Tii‘f by! 122+",- I“- % myaw, mats-;ifie, 0.5—“ marge, of 'Efi‘w‘zil‘
I3;-m cog-ts, I #:1er the Gth-s: 9,921+, to you and fill-“’: Sheriff
for f1”30 212-'10“; m3. '
Plxésasrz iraai‘. ’ .ir": "mini; 13:"; we 31.01% at II‘ViW-a 1.”; I will “m Enl‘érrfl.
until hi” and m“? ‘H’l": Earn-“:1;. '
YUHTK vary truly,
Fine . '
DIG. 31.1”). ‘ I

J 1‘ ‘, '-
ng; E .
; ’:ijt
\ 2 at Irvine, Ky . July 26th, 193.1.
Mr. G. w. Gann,
Clerk Lee Circuit Court.
Beattyville, Ky.
Dear Sir:~
I have just received here your statement of the costs
in the Crawford ease. I have sent check to Mr. McDaniel for $59.40,
the witness fees, as wee agreed while at Beattyville.
Will you please examine this statement and check the items which
you think, under the Court's ruling should now be paid to you and
\ /
, . . - . . 'K..”
the Snerizf by the Railroad Company, outside, of course, of theif
own costs. I will then have the checks sent to you and the Sheriff
for these amounts.
Please mail,this back to me here at Irvine as I will be here
until the and of the week.
Youre very truly,
.7 7 (»:' ,
iii/’1 .4’/y, ; ‘\‘
Enc .
Die. E.O.

 W. '1‘. GANN . G' W. C A N “ . \‘SIRG‘CII‘ COURT BEGINS
.1 .v-
.‘..‘-15 f
j? 5 5'1
Q :1 § .-
,xwe U S
\V/ K
JULY 218T, 1911.
Jouette5 & Jouette,
‘7 i n o h e s t e r, Ky.g

I an finclnsing you taxation and statement of all the
cost, from start My to now, in the Crawforfi 0280. this includes the
cost of both the Heft and glaintiff7 of course 9v I unierainoi
The Court you , or rather the Railway Co was to pay all the coat
in the wage my to this time, exanyi fan filing the getition, &e vfirk
done at the commencement of tne suit.

l 3": 1.x? v: I: my t - WW
I f

 A/l/l/y/fl/mx/ //// //// ////////// Ufl/m/y
y/ /// , '
dzwflzmuknuryflzl: \/( . .. _ /_ 7 / // /
/ .. MHz/mm 7,
1' /
July 20, 1911.
17 .a‘ .3,
w 91' E
E. S. Jouett, Esq.,
Winchester, Ky.
Dear sir:-
Enclosed please find witness fee bill in favor of
Jesse Greer for $1.00 in Squire Crawford case, March term
of court. As I understand it, you have already attended to
Very truly yours,
firm fixir}: CEL/fi ”(77% 18“» If; “(:1 fl fl .4
t M "k?! :..»!!! ‘3/ 1“ x; :21, w» 7,“ ,4; ,5! .
W h A/ 1 L; w M3 p; 4’ 1.5,,“ r! 4 r? i i,
, w by y " rug/ii; ax?! .w taxi/v -'
Encl. General Manager.

 , ..4/7/-J/y./7/»/W/ _._/;«IK/J 07/; , M/M/W/ / M/Mw/y,
/ I ‘ ,/' // 7 / y / / h /
{Qua/Ya/l/flm/‘gyflh ‘¢I7/y//ll/lv' /6//’
'.1"? ‘1""?‘,} July 2 , 1911 c
Hurst & Sutton,
Beattyville, Ky.
Complying with the request of Mr. Jouett, I
herewith enclose check anfi voucher in favor of
Mr. J. Mott EcDaniel for $39.40, plaintif‘a witness claims
_ in Squire Crawford case. a Will you please deliver the
same to Mr. McDaniel and return voucher, signed, to me?
Very truly yourg
General Manager.

 f ,/ r t ’ ..K "We
. {‘:{dh‘jl “(:"J In «filmy-hue WI;

 July 19, 1911.. ‘
I 2.4 4.2"; .1/
,1 .
V .4,, .., .2 v“.— -v 1

445:. u. ...;eganial, -

130 :;‘tiy‘vi 116 , ”£23,? .
30.9.12” Girzw

I have been out 01“ th Q06 10:."
a day 072; so 01' would have .: g 0001::
01' . I ~ '

.'5. havcre-qu .. 7 the Treasurer to -

In“ - v 4‘11 1 ”x x ..'- ' , P I ' “"' ‘
3530144. you. we, c}.e.9;\Q ~.4—0, and. you. “111 '
he 03.? Erma him .; ng 07...: 3.10 :51: £13.37 or “232-:0 .
Q . .
- \0 ‘..» very $113.13: ,


 . y" I .
‘ . «".' x ,I.
J / / " 1
{£13} (,’./4 1’; I
.-:-> / ‘"'" Jilly 12.? , 1911 .
,_./1'” f . .I':
~..“...urv‘ ‘,I 3 .
;..-$115» .”'-a Carin, '
:38 atfijs'vi 116: ., 31:37 .
170111111" 31mm»
11:11:11 3501 5301111 121:; @ tails
$113101). of “the costs 111 the {111111-% 1,80 ,1;
1,3153%, you. 1:011:11}. 1:11 so send ”5% , of 121.11 1131;-
1113133913 1:112:11 have claim 1.,ga1111'1gt: the 11813111113111,
1311:1315 Z 1:21-.137 53¢ 1:151:23 1 1r; :11: 1.11.11 ’3 13:11:13
I 1'! , ’u' 11.- 11116: gguq'»; 9113': oLflCL 2,7012.
0‘19. 012%. for 1.1% Q casts; 0171111 to 1‘3-hr: 7310111:
‘ and “31. T§ 7 _
' > ‘1: 011.1“- :1: 1,10 :1; 1“,. .1',
..,. ,.‘ . .
u/Uv .

 July 19, 1911 .
“m..W,-«’ f i;
J! /
3x (a A; a :5 ., .__I‘o§mson, a
T316; 533‘. , 31.3.7 .
Dear Sir '
- 1:,‘11'13143130d £31m: my {eh ea}: @1
[:25 . {M} 2m }:tv.::::;r;-'.~1c:23t of 3,; 3121* “Cmr‘y . 3;:
in Craxzfgrcl case . (S I
‘ Your r§t cm 137 $ '
' 5/1} .. \> ’ '
i ‘ I g
I :1’101 9 V

 ..’" .:‘ .
fl ' / 1‘ I‘ "f 1’ j
. "2 .’I .I. ') 7’ .»‘" rf .
y%\‘ [‘~’/l .3 k/ I! 1
. .7 ,.
. 1 f 1 37.11:; 19 , 1:713. .
[I / ‘
’ I
..1 l
, \J g .
W ‘ -
131' . 17., . 4 131-3011, .
Larvae , 2.717 1.
. 7 E30 :11" 1.551231.”
2:117:31 086d he r0111 $311 “31‘ "1; . ‘
l/ l I
1 "y- 2‘ 1 t“ ”,7 " ."‘. ." - ._., .. . . .4.. T‘ ...‘. . -. ..
c.1133 0.1.7.. in r .1,-,..). JV 1.11 1123;, 12.911 1, . i '7 1 ..'111119153
c151": 2772 (11‘ Jo 1.5.26 Greer "‘ . ‘..- c. ..e of.“ 01:35.7—
' :C 01" «:1 113-1311 21131: the T . ., ' “'1 113:1? O 0123;711:137 .
V 1:7; “1‘1"?137, 7
I,I“. Q . i
:r/ '--r 0
21:10.1 .7 - 7 ~

 . I
/ .;]/Ii 415/ (I.’; .
’ i," 1’ a“
17111;; 15%, 1911 ..
I»I)? O t 1' 4X. 9 :‘I'ljcifi URI 6 3.1 5
Gen'l Elia-3.1111301” TL. :.1» 3:. 7.7. :i. (30.,
, LC 1311i 11;: 1::) 11 ,, 31;? .
' 369; Sir?-
' 1 I have a, stammtaent 0.15 the .;itne $881
for 'the 11:1:-"1111111“ f in 11119 (firawfor'dg " It the :’L‘orme :1: 'tri 5.13., 2'31 “1,. 11 rcmcmmx
' Was continuea. by us and we nova/id 5. 0 cos 1:13.
' '\
. 75:11]. you 1110:1912 1;;-:1 ‘ V‘oplanfi "to make
a: 0::-113(31: 175:7,»"311319 1m 101213.“ for ',.39.40,
to be in £12.11 01' ;:‘laintifi" ~ Em 3308 claims to ,
date? .1‘-113.2139 send this: Giza 1,0 :iicfizmie'l with .
instructions “to 3131: $113- retmm the vaucher, or,
3:18 thaws "i1; WC" 1.1.16: 11' '3‘ 1:0 33nd it 170 .;IL‘rm:
. 5.311110211111711 (111mm . 1;c:: 130 (10111102? .11; aE‘
once , :38 .1'. 1'3‘0211‘ maed-t“ 11:1:;110111: , :.:-:16. 13119, .
' fact that 1311:; ’.: awacticrflfig saié that tic: 01'-
flier 301.1161 11 Q1 “11 ‘51:: cos; ts; were 1':-git}, '
-. "3211: .‘.’ {gat- 01%» ‘.:”om “113177111101 82151 the {3101"}: to
10‘s the ' " '2 ‘11:: 5111.; {er-'13 53.115}, trust me for the “pay-'1
meat 5” "‘"h~ , 5;.
mm: wri 1:111:11 1:0 1:110 0163 1:3: for state-—
2719.111: 0:.“ our (30:31:13 111. 1321715 cram, my}. -1‘ $9216:
7'13 03:11 she 0:14:53 ""111 119;"2'1113111: (11‘ "he 3.1171163 $5309- .
- '1'. ”51:21:70 11;: 11:1:: 1:15.111 sent checks for $5.00
(35' 1:0 Dr. 170121151031 2161 1:0 111;. 1':-1‘013011, maulrrtwar
110111111": 1311120151111 01 Jesse 1.‘-«re or.
1’02}: 13 11:22:17 tram-7,

 ,,7 . if" I
4“ fix i V ,R
._. :\ ff aw! ,
1 ‘w' i I .
July719, 1913..
Mr. J. E. Willaughby:
Louisville, Ky. '
Dear Six:-
1 have been out 0f the office for several days or would
have attenfled earlier L0 some matters presented to you.
I have been back to Beattyville, Where 1 am glad to
tell you that your friend, Judge Lewis, has set aside the verb
dict ené granted me a new trial in the Crawford 0336, about which
I told you — the Jury having retuxned a verdict 0f $5,500.00
against us.
I have written fir. Curtie Spicer as per the encloeed
copy of the letter. If he chLinues t0 give trouble, ylease
advise me and I will have Mr. Pollard go out to see him.
Yours very truly,
' A
J/O (
‘ /

 328/279” //’Z
t / _,/ ,,I/ ‘ ”X/ / y/r/ . j / g/ ,f/
_V z ', f/ t/. p, /
l//////////¢/ j (/J// 7% /////////// 7xx/w7
.%072,47/1/71.6/1%/%é/22 / 7 ,5; / a ' ,-
,,.C/ ,Z,,59&”””5%“””€V lzéktz' 4:2767é/ok/§V?¢z/¢4<}AQ¢*.,5267/19/(uézgl,
(1)/fl kl “(e/(49v //., »i/é/Wommz; (I
him-5. erm‘cz o/flomegv: /,. 7
r" K"flv ,2 i , , 77
///ru/mu// fl/zfl/gg’VifrISn/y/wzl. l;.,/(//(/.)«z’/»//K;/f%\ July 17, 1911.
-’ / ‘
f” 1/1 vf \\\
5’» yew“ ;‘ j
E. Q, Jouett Es . Kc ,“
.. ’ q 9 "\\--\__--..~// ’
General Counsel L.& E. R. 00.,
Winchester, Ky.
Dear Sir,
Crawford v. L.& E. R. Co.
Lee Circuit Court.
I am just in receipt of your telegram from Beattyvilla,
July 15, informing me that the verdict against the Company in the
above case was set aaide and a new trial granted. I congratulate ~
Yours truly,
/ »,’ I I
I. /‘ ‘ ”T ‘7" X/ I, ‘ ‘
District Attorney.

 K 7 ' (. '
{WV/:Ly/fi ’ 5" /' /". \ fl? ,-/,/.’//5' /" % / .2 (Ii/I . , 2 / , ,
- 2-_-- /L/.a////,-.W/ _,,,973W5'-5fl//t5- .- .,.w/MW/ /é'/// may
”' / (-/ 1/0 77 (i 5“ (
i/y/ZaI/MM/Z/ K“ r r /'
f§kflrfliaflllémliyazi ;ij /'/- ' f H/ j ‘
, .5‘ .,5 .- Jflxmy-wm //,/
f g 5 July 14th, 1911.
.,;/25’ ,' 7
§ . File 110.
E. S. Jouett, Esq.,
Winchester, Ky,
Dear Sir:- ,

Enclosed please find witness fee bill of ;3.00 in
favor of Dr. Johnson in the Crawford case. Will you kindly at-
tend to this.

Yours truly,
.er""" -. ..7. ,( ' ‘
: ‘; 4’4f‘ ’A .2.» J a.
m WE J
Encl. General Manager.

 T. C . J O H N S O N
N / V11.
1, ‘.1 .. .
’,‘; ,r I 1 r 1’) ».I at,“
r, .1 1 .': ,1 J,- ,2.
’ ,~ _. , o; * ‘ 7‘ - v ,1 ’ 1 1 -' 5 ’ _I‘ _ '
.1 ,J"‘- 1" ”l
_ If» f" " .
I” ‘ ' ‘ A .. '1", . ,A " , 1 1; i
, . v - .- 1 ‘~ .7 1 4 ,1 1,...-1 .'1" Y 1.‘
, A‘ .
/'/ “ V. 5 {Ida‘-
' ’_1 - 4 1 . - ‘ “
-/'. /‘l¢'{ ‘1" ‘1 1 ,1 5 '--" 1: >
' ,‘ ’ . I. v .1 [.”L/L r): z '1 ’ 1'
-'.. ' - ~ 1‘ -' -7- .. ,J v , .«22 .. V «1: 1 r’ ' 1 ‘ 1 . , , « . 3"! »
1 —-’ x ' ‘ " .:1 - ’ " ." .;, '1 ’J""""/" j "" i" 1' " '5' A —" I/ ‘ ‘v [;.1- 'l A ‘E ‘ 5“ “‘. 1
. ‘, " /"- .. "I
(1 f 1:; 1 x ;1 1 1 . -' , ‘ 1
, a _1' ‘ p 1- J /4‘: ’ 1 .. ':_) . ,..“.
L 1‘ ,7 E L" .1,) {H r'fi I ,’ z§1,1‘~.‘£,: ' 1, .’ >5 1- 1!. A‘ [ 1- v" J : : J ’.’ It 1 A‘ r13 '1 " J ./ .. ! 1' .1" r- ,..¢ 1: ‘1 ”I
_.‘” . 1 ,~ 5 . .1 ; .. :1 1._, f“ .. r ‘__ '1‘ y - ,. w 1 "g ‘5 1; . I'..» V :1 ,,. , 1,: ‘.I} ,1 1 .'1 . 1.»— I'.-W. ,. ;‘ ,”-;_{':~_{r
1 , 1.111. :1 ,1 ,1 _
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-» 11! ,- -'- 1". ,,I .,’ . 1. 1 “V’,
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-1/7/7757/ my) //4//§/// /l/Z///&/ /////%///y
6/ .11. /» I ‘ , A/ l c/
~ . / ,/ ,2/4/ ,
firizr/M/florufyg/ :flyyy/flizg [7/]
. , I (I,
. ’ July 121: h, 1911 .
J, « File 110.
E. S. Jouett, Esq. , ..J/‘f
Winchester, Ky. 1 ,
Dear Sir : -
Enclosed please find wi tness fee bill in the case
of Qquire Crawford vs. this Company in favor of Jesse Greer , sent
to us by W.H.C—1bson, of Lerose,Ky. Will .V W kindly attend to this
for us. Yours truly,
‘ ‘ - "~. » ,‘p. , .I ' .
m ’ ‘ u l I. :33: 4"; ' - ... ..—~\ {I}: i/ ll
U 1 u }l 5’ j .. . a: f I} ““"‘? ,3, I
Enol . General lvzlanager.

I V X!” ///’;?,//9
, ’ V; 1;;
.’ .KM/ L“; 2
: ,. i
r“ ”(7’ , , i f
/ (WM? ‘
a .”’M 4 '
i we“
Jilly 11th) 193.10 .
hes-s. sourley 8c Gourley,
Eeetty’iiille, Ky. 2
Ge ntl amen :- V
Enclosed herewith I hem}: you motion em}. ar=zmnde for a
not: trial in the Cretif’erd ease. .
I would. like to he hears on this“ n at; such tii'ze as ‘
' will be convenient to Jur‘age Lewis, but W '5», 1331' “r Friday 0:? this
use}: unlesgfithis weulri interflare With if’ ' ‘ 33y tar-1:91.18, iii-71‘3- if it »
did. I suge‘est that We could. a:e:'{;ize the , ~ ' , at night. I wish you
V l ._ g . , ‘ .,
wrmlri ascertain meat true and emi ~ 2 -' eeraelusion is reached
about it. Perhaps you had. batters : I are. going; to ‘ee in ,
Lexington tomorrow enci Thnrerle st tin ' sting: of the Ber Aesoeia—
tion, but till arrange for my ’ -.+‘iee tr: eorzzmm'aieate with me.
‘ I have newer tel . 'n outraged‘ at e verdict as this
one. I “111 ".~.,; else if" z ,— fall: With same of the ;‘éura'ars - say
’Ti-‘i'il’mi‘ 738?: "For 1':-aster}: 2.‘ “ Irite me 2:;-here the trouble was in
our :ese and ~t it - Q A::.Jreseed their; with the ‘:'Jii'xtii‘f's
case. I feel {i03'1ffd‘7 Juries Lewis will now; let the verdict ,
stand. If he isn' in ‘:'). .et jurigjge I rinfm't know one, and I so not
believe he Will Ra ,’ if. to the nernetration of Murat he mxst knot:
is :3 gross wink) =
Yours wary truly,
:‘fiSJ/CCP. . '
33ml. .

 ~ 1;;; , 4
Crawford vs. L. 8: E. R. If: g
:3. COO ' ’ 5 1
May 5th, 193.1.
1.-]? o W I A 0 :30 D01“ all j 7
Lexington, Ky.
Dear 8133- 7
_ Enclosed herewith I hand. grout-15%;: amount {3. kit-.:i.
. * Yours very trub Q) X
“so/cop. Q3 '
31ml. . (aw .

 Lire. T4313 Stamford,
Winchester, K31.
Deer Sir:—

Enclosed herewith I .hriand you the 5g. cments which you
will please 633.31 to 1:13.153. Day. Have 1133: s: :1 c execute their: and.
rctmzn to 1218-.

. a, .

I notice that tin—‘4 notary 16731.1. $311961. to 4315,33 3'.:33: car-
tificate, hat I "will 115-me that 10318 1L ich cases and tion I. Will '
361.111”?! one 0:? UL»: contracts: % 11134511101, 3,5133}. Day that she will
haw: to acknowledge 1.1119?“ notary 3311144113 43:7: 51 434333123? county
clerk. ' 9V

“x _
j \> 4.1113343 V4333}; 131313.13},
333/00?. ‘ -
‘ 1

 1 {/{j/ . {/4 /) ,., ,///
‘1»77 ' -~ Q I l ./ ‘J_ »’
. ~-2.~//////7//(//a ”,,,; //////// MAM/(y' .__/zl//%//////;
/’ [J / '/ // / 1 /
?//'/ //’/'/// ////U
7:,/12/1/114/{Muzu/ (.12 ‘« . . 7 > 1 ,-
/ / _
April 24th, 1911.
AK“??- .
A 415g F116 63.
a L"4?
E. S. Jouett, Esq., .5
Winchester, Ky.
Dear Sir:-

Enclosed please find bill from Mr. O'Dear for $3.50
for services in the Squire Crawford case. If this is correct
will you kindly approve and return to me for payment.

‘ Ymmstnu%
1!, flag fl 6:3? 1AA 141d ”’:3 3:14 4’ fl
= w 4% 4 M] 42: 44.1 . 4
73 U é/W U i/{J/fiyflJ 57%flgje/fl /
Encl. General Wanager.

M f \ BEATTYVILLE. KY..@/’41/l\éé7?//
, W .LL/5%»
( \ .
to» 56% CM 1317 c
1452/ %e/L LWWQEKVL—
/ j . T f ‘ 4 ,W’M/Vf/Ll
Z‘X ML” fiM/Z/W ,‘,/m
/‘@j\%4 (,%/Zf% Zmfiw/vQQ/Wé

 %\% atmflii of“ i\\/”
Q ”meanest:infuse““““ W44 47¢”
s W 6% ‘ a” M,
\E W W ‘ ' I MM
Q flflA/w ‘ jKfiZ/z/Pfl/
SS flW / ”fly” W W
“S %%_7M ' flay/WV m
3“ kw We“ WWW
m // W4 -: 3 ¢
g?“ 474 & fl 7M5”, é,“\
Q51 W M4“; ”6; § ‘
22% f/QZWX 3574'“ M Wcfiwwk
Q 32% 8M W a gee—g g;
NflWkWJ7~Ww - /
' (le/%€/*W%7%W W4:

I E ',. T." 3
,.. , .
. 4}: i \4 '
/ ’ é. ..
. i .. .3. .. _, ,
,-‘ ?
[1' W } ’.‘
, I ’:‘, 21‘ “..’—fl ‘. k
V / fig
' ' ‘~-~--\.

 5; U ,
x 1
Crawford vs. L. & E. ‘k«/ ’ ‘
Railway Co. a
. 3:13th 29th, .1911.
111‘. Art3'111$~53:§333‘];
Lexington, Ky.
My dear Sirz- ‘ _
1 have ymur letter relative to the Crawfurfi case. 1
‘ sent to Jufige Gaurley the namea'of the witneuses on Lonfiay of thia
‘ week $0 &swume that We Will be all xight in a)at line.

I agraa with him gnaw there 1 he :Hnger in the cage,
but we will give them aha best fight E‘. find that is all tha$a
can be done. Q '

(I ' I ingtrugted him Mcnday g9. 19 order for the yhysical
examination ana we qhould have him - “W nefi k7 Dr. BullOGK- 1 have \
V written him :0 endeavor to ax finge fan this examinatifin to be mafia
on tha day a? tfifil «n& if s antbe done V111 have him fix acme
earlier day 80 Dr. Emilee? ~a* ‘ .ané make the examinatian. This
would, unfortunately, nee %““f~a hifi making two trips, but if it
caflnot be avoidefl I fl..<:5f 'finaa alas eafl he dune.

I hava ad fl@,.;‘b: quyley alao to arrange to have Some
local doctor o€,g‘~* '1 ‘3 and influence to assist Dr. Bullock in
the examinatio


With fif‘ ence to brimging to bear all the local influence
available, I ha'A see how we can at this end of the line help
Juflge Gaurley iy that yesyect anfl ma can only defiend uyon him and
Chester to lack after the local and,unless van or Lin infiowell have
Sflhflthifig 5188 LG wuggaat.

, Youra very txnly,
‘ El

 , . . a h .
. 2 f i
J 3. 4 . ,
- , March 29th, 1911.
hessre. dourley a Gourley, '
Beattyt‘ille, Ky.
Gen til eras-h :- r
I hive your letters relative to the Crawford case, but
_ doubt if I will be able to cows to Beettyville for a conference With .7
you about the ease before the trial, but I wf l endeavor to get _,
there the day before so we would have time “o a full conference. a
' I do tarot from of any other Wi@es .5331 those whose names
I send you, "out I will see for. hollows \- latter wart of this .
was}: and discuss 1vi tr; him fizrther t: a %sof the irrithesses.
I do not see how so nan h ., much in the :.‘;atter' of
legal influence but will have to tru l; and Chester to get things ,,..
in as good shape as nose: is
i’fith reference + * or for lahysical FEET—iak'ilil'lfitiOfl, we ',
“could r ther have that %g e day of trial in order for Dr.
' Billion}: not to we tw (a sut if ohddehaotot be done you can
fix some earlier do. Qt ‘Q sill be on hand. I suggest that you .V
also engage some 1 , £3 of influence and standing to assist
him in the toxemia» ‘ . \ u had better make a trade with him. The
examination out” , lads for five or ten dollars.
6 .
visas , roe me just as soon as you can shoot the time
fixed for this no .3 ,al examination and. also keep me advised as to ..‘
the status of the docket so that he may not lose any more time than
necessary in attending court. _
' It is the present plan that tr. Edeiloeell and 1 will both
be present at the trial.
Yours very truly, -
' If you are earning: to Lexington on Saturday 7313363 no upon
that train you expect to pass thromgh utineirleester and I rill endea-
vor to see you in hereon. ‘

 . K "77. . K” /) . ,7 K; 2
_ - ////7//7%// (W) ///////// ////////// 1/ , /‘////////y,'
/ /:6;7nvrn/fl<2%¢éaz / K
.9é%2z29@x /fl fig (’;y , 7” ~7g,7

' z r
March 29 th, 1911.

E. S. Jouett, Esq.,

Winchester, Ky.

Dear Sir:-

Enclosed I hand you letter of 28th instant from
Judge G. W. Gourley relative to the case of Squire Crawford
against this Company, together with cepy of my answer to Judge

Mr. McDowell informs me that you have all the papers
relative to this case, and I wish you would see that it is
fully prepared for trial, advising Mr. McDowell in due time to
get such witnesses as are in our employ present.

Do you not think it advisable to have Dr. Bullock
make an examination of Crawford before the trial?

Yours truly,
Encl. President.

, " wfiQ/éfl ii ,, 15./’- ,'"m
, fixféQ/NZ " “WT _,_,"
4/ZV/4z; 7 *
(W f/f fl” ~62 w W 4
2% / , ii” //, {/cy /, A
W \ A
W £3 / / W E
(f/ %//~/@x 7a flaw
@ %V/J7a -— Q’ yam mg
/Q.m 2MW9W flflflf Q<
0% 7 f” a 0 ~— MZO égmdl/
/ 7% &@.aj%yw Can/1 @474 4% £4 M
. «’/"fy/i W ml « fl a W»% @
mg @406 / Wit/av; u 7.

 .. K" :1. ' ( g; , , 71
- ,,,/1&1/7/1/i/1 1111/ ((0/0/1 fll/fl/V/y / (‘11/(1117';
/ //’ 7 .1‘/1,1,1 , ‘/ L , (V
yam/111 _//%//77;/11, ;, //.1/,
1 1
March 29th, 1911.
G. W. Gourley, qu.,
Beat tyvill-"e, Ky.
De :.r‘ Sir:-
Your latter of 28th instant stating th&t the case of
Squire firm-(ford against the .L.?»s 3%). Railway Co. was set for trial
the 7th of next month was duly received,and has been referred to
E. S. Joueut, Esq., General deunsel of this ficmpany, with in—
structions to confer with you and prepare the case fnr trial.
Mr. Jeuett has all the papers in this case and, duubtless, will
write you relative to summoning witnesses. In that event,
kindly advise our Tr. HcDowell in time to have our witnesses
Yours truly,

‘ C Q
. ~... 3 ~ » ~— ~~ . 3'3
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_. ,u , , T ':. . um“... ‘ ».. ..._. . .. x 3. . ,.. 3 . ,. ‘3 ‘.. . ~- ‘,' .,'.‘. -, .; * ~_; .3 "1:: ‘
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. .. G
(b.3333. . , .
<1 .. 1 3. . - ' -,.,1 , .1 ,~.' .. ..-._ .3 .3... '3 .3 3‘. .;. ‘
321.1350 ‘.'“..‘J 3.3-6.3? 3.2:: ’!m 153'41-21‘69 .1.“ 3 [133”, 13:11.39}: .1”. .‘.‘-.pr > 9.31;.231m-fi5
113...“:‘3': Hm. ‘11.} 31‘». W? 37.15:":o
Yawn“: 17437337 1;“?1’11111
,. -.« v .A.“.v 33.-um.“ ’
) ‘1 1 / f -
‘ ""3 ‘ 3 1 ~
1 .3.'9‘I’U/ (,./‘31P. ' _
. .

, BEATTYVILLE, KY., 1218130171 271371, 1911 .
«_er 1:. \R. .
Hon. E. S. Jouett,
WiflChBStEI’, K37 0 9
Dear Sir:—
Your favor relative to case of Crawford ve. L. & E. R. R. Com.
pany just received. Judge J. K. Roberta has just notifieo me that
J. K. McDaniel will not agree to any compromise of the Crawforfl case
so it eeefle we will have to be reaiv to try it on the day it i: set
for trial. This case of Squire Crawford vs. the L. & E. Py. Co. is
set for the eleventh day or the term which is Agril 7th. Please send
we list of Witnesses at once and also arrange to have all of the
witnesses present. I mean thoeegfionnectefi with the operation of the
Your other cameo are set as follows: 8. B. Shackelrord ve. L. & E.
Ry. Co. and May Hindnan ve. L. & E. ‘y. 00. eat for the tenth 3a?
of the term. It SBSWG to me that these caeea will all be tried at
this term and the thing to do is to be ready.
Very truly,
/‘ r .. ‘,w’ ',~
// }» -11/ /
.gr%~v/'y"=‘-»»~ ,

;%aéé{$_7§9 _ ,_ H . I. ‘
5%; é; % @‘ZZ;KJJ.
“ ;44 4 £39: 7W%€W , / '
K ‘ - g : i (””45”
/W\ @W | \
MM... ,
714% % Xfimyfié W W W
/flz‘%_ flaw fi Lid/c %fl W4:
‘ . ,/ / Q fl
/a 7 N /%ZV:§, éflW/g
if” A" W

 (// . (7, 15/? . [/77 //7
P 7707/07/07 f//////// 777/77/77/ 7' 077/77/y
/ ‘:”,» A ’ 5 V, \Leu ,.
, / 7 7 /
a, 'L / .5 74/ ,
{77”A”K' 7w «., ,..,7
47/77/17”. many/7, / ‘ s-.~,47’/7}‘7/777;2/7;L ///l7
,5, 5 March 24th, 1911.
File 14.
E. s. Jeuett, Esq.,
Winchester, Ky.
Dear Sir:-

Referring to yours of 23rd instant IN RE Crawford
case. I return herewith enclosures,and confirming our conversa-
tion, Mr. Gary desires this case settled at anything from
$500.00 down.

Yours truly,
A 77
555 ‘5 ?‘ V5757 75 ’ _
A 5‘ .. 5 55 5 5 557a 5?;5 775595175575 7
Encl. General Manager.

 o *1 o
, r I:
2; ,> ‘. .1 ’V-P
i ‘ I. xi;
- r“ .
g 3’ .
, g g ~
iiarah P333211, 1911.
.1:; '4'. A. Elam)? (all, .
Lo:<‘ing:'t,on, ;:ly'. ’
Boar Sir :- . .
». -r l, V1. 7'_-:.- - “‘:‘”,r. .’:;J.‘
‘Fiuolofiaeé 31.621 V,,-1:71. of; 1 1mm. you L116 L‘LL-lOls, or. buoywa of
~ ~ -> '“ .. ..7 o . - i M ' 1‘ m, ,_ r. g
liilz'BBSEH 120K}. let 7'./:31" {‘.'r.’='))~.l alloy") iiz.a‘i.zft‘.;(‘3§7 fwd ‘4 W"; Lu U15 \,£2;.Vsi‘!}33c,s_.
pygm‘ T. riny‘i"; '12‘71r‘.‘:~ 3:5".~;e~'::‘_';usfl-I "Ic‘ju' 'P=_g_‘»‘ja (;e‘iiég‘anifl '("FII’ t}'..v’-':Se F3’EE:2.“_1T3;2,{'3IH',$3
..'/or '4‘ ~ v l ....l ._. l v H ,. .__ (A
on no HWY”: 31 T t}; in? w, b has: ‘, .salk it over 13.13": 31.121: V .
.-_ . v . ., “_..- ... ‘ .. A .1... ..7... u .
' " _ .‘,J' . .\ -:r .‘,‘ .1.. “"’gV-‘z; .
find 1mm??? o the ‘32:.2'éoaro Winn 5»'a0?%mwno as to 9116-“ bahtluwbuto
Yr 1" “$ 15131 1.1.15; , n
385i]! 06?. Q s

 ..'), i
;:r‘ J
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(',.: ;g »"’], I; Eff-j,
.5 1“ f . ,