xt73bk16mf8w_333 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [258h] Crawford v. L&E, Lee Circuit Court text [258h] Crawford v. L&E, Lee Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_33/Folder_5/0602.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_333 xt73bk16mf8w ‘ f. ;‘, C//
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figuire Crawforo, - Plaintiff.
Vsz- AflifiDfiB ECMITIOH
The flexingfion & Eastern
Railway Company. Defenannt.
Game the plainfiiff, Squire firawiorfl, by leave of
Court, anfi amenéo his wetition 53a for amenfimont Smya;

Thot ho wax also Dermononfily injured in his lip, leg aha
foot. th‘t Rio nerves hafie been go injurefl nma shockefl tho? Eh hag
sufforefl from the some and will reasonably oonfiinue to suffer from
CH , ,

?1ginfiiif also Sjyfi tho; he has boon injurea inihis mulvio,//

- blaéier unfi has been ctherwioo infiarnfi 13 his physical uni nervous
symtom because of the gross oaroloeanofis oi the oeienfiunt :é eofi
out in hi3 potifijon.

filaintiff further 923; fihwf the fiafienfiunfifl, thoir ngwnfis 3mg
SerVufltS were guilty of gross neglifienoe in this, that whereas it
hvd boom fiheir custom $3 Hana w flugaonger back to fihe handr of 3.

' 8, $3110? to gopriso than thsfi %*e enginfl woulo back in to go: fihe
lonfiofi ours, thnfi on the 61? which plaintiff Woo injured thui Bhey
mogliqontly failofi $0 $035 qufl messenger back, or an? one what~

‘ Soovor and were also neglihont iv sowing hack againafi fiho Cor ox
Which plaintiff 313 working Tifih amok grog? anfi negligent efieofi
and violence as 50 injura Kim vi oofi out in his pcfiition.

1’1 '13".11'i:~ 7'1. 1‘1", :3: 57.17:: 1:12;: L on wooasfini; 0:211:15- inj 11.23 are: '11:; .175.» fiofore
filaaflofl tho? 3e fins been no" nmfihlo fio'worfi for mkon? fiffioefi
wootfia who t%at his mover of inhoi fie earn money has Egan 2n§ will
be fiostroyad w oat $033113 wrfi fihwfi By wnfi fihrough on? a relevamvrs
of'fim: defendants heretofore CG? 31f fihrfi he has loo? iiua to the
extent of $500.00; that ho baa been formononfily imjuroa in his
bodily injuries, mental pain sci mnguish, loss of time uni the

 destruction and impaikment of his power fio earn money. .36 has been
aamaged in the Sum of $15000.00, for which sum he prays and for his
costs and all wroper relief.
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LEXIFGTUN m mfigfihfl RflIL‘fif 00., DflnyflflbT.
Th0; daf‘az'lr‘lfi'lt Tovvr's the 003?]?t to new; ragrliflrg the 3.42:“:-
s - .w .4 . ..L- -.L ' --.~ .-.~.~«-- ‘ N.. ., ..:..u' ..- ..-L —: .
wlct fiLn JudglaAt herein gun grant it a 53% t3; i 9: Lan
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action upon tfia T9L29w125 yrccuflm, to—fiLt:
' 1 . -. ..'.‘~ . 1 r { ,-—,,. .,. .0 ‘.‘ '~ '-. w~ .- . .
L. flaeanfie a. in: bisaohduct a; u. L. ”cuauiel. was
.0 ~ ,.—.4..L ..L-.._.. - .f" . .l. .L .1 .'..2. ‘ J'Hrr .'.,» - . ..L .:. . .'. -...- ‘ u
0» fine AubQJuvyS .9: .he LLZluilfiig Lu tie rcayucbe, m0” LE.
5. IH thifl ihit durinr the arrurent a? the ease
‘.- -— r N-"L.,; --», ..‘... '.‘. .,-., m“... __’"-'»..X,‘.'.T>.._ ‘..
by a. E. yonarte, Orv of LA: 31203u3YS .0: “itlflLlLT, Ffllfi
Hoisflial, who was at tbs tire Sitting facing Hahamtfi 2:6 ir»
$143.3 W
1: .,. ~ .1 ‘ .1.... _' .3 .n 4.7.. . -. ..,. ..- - -~ .. .‘ [.3 r .V.-,,. ‘. 1 _
ranLat3Ly at LL; filufi 0. a»: gujy, ,hefl fihe—ghfr Fame 342% GB
convifiered an effective fioint in “anal? if tha rialntiff, gave
a loud and boiqtéroua ha, Ha, 5nd 1n the Tretenfled zxuheflauae
cf him fieliwht aha anaerrm great he mfiruck his Knee and jUFTefi
to fiig feet. Tha fieraflmtyatlcn “a3 no 1035 and rarkafi E8 to
'» .-.- .L., .‘. ,. .... . .. '3-N ‘-,. '0. .
attzwyzt 1123 afitxaqtiorzzzr ”Wincych3 in va3 ocxurt seer, .néisv71ng
all a? th? VGTETTB of thfi jury; fitfi HQ? wily ”3% it Frasaly
. . .. '1... ‘ . L - : J. , ..1 .w ,-,-L -. .. L.. '_n. .»., ..n. .
irprope: «at 1L uervwd .0 arpnaqixe and .nfieHSI y .ne 4;Fget
.. .‘." .L - .. .1 ., ...L ‘ ". ..., , ‘--. ’ ..'} J Le. .. ., ' ”HR.
ULOR »flu JUTV o? in@ -fiutlevLas ficlnn afith ble Hfilfl LQHQTtS
Va? at the fire *reweniinr.
. ... .~ 2 .1. . . ‘.-... . N.. L-.—. .-. ”m 'mf,
. 1. Zn Lfiia Lnut “3135 $3. Lsopsefis 0. inc elom1.h
1 argufient fGI filfiintiff, which wag {ha l~mt nryvrent in LEC
* caaa, svifl Laflanlfil wronqLully enfl iLleanly Tufie in? gifte-
" . ; .. .‘.u. . " .. , ." . ... ,. ". 1 ‘ (.1.. - .. ".". 4" .. ‘ '“- up. "‘L -. ,..
a r2nt 53?? A» wiULfl jJOVu by Hill Surfing, Lil o2n ;mm. 3, EJ4

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Lee Hireuit Court.

Squire Crawford Plaintiff
Lexington & Eastern Railway Hompeny Defendant

Affiant, W. A. LoDowell, states that he is General Lanager and
Chief Officer in this County of the defendant Railway 30mpeny, and
that the defendant is not ready for a trial or this case at this term
on account of the absence of four Witnesses, t0~witz~ C. B. Weller,
Jesse Greer, 2. E. Johnson and William Gabbard.

Affierfl: says that iflua defendent on Larch 30131, 191m, procured
the issual or a subpoena for eeid Witnesses, addressee to the Sheriff
of Lee County, Kentucky, and the same was at once placed in the hands
of Valker Jameson, “heriff of said County, for execution; and effient
and the defendant’s Counsel supposed, until after this case was called
for trial this morning, tnet said Subpoena hefi been executed, but upon
asking the “heriff for same he informed defendant's counsel that he had
no subpoena for defendant's witnesses and of course had not executed
sane. Upon Counsel for defend nt insisting that subpoena had been ‘
properly issued some days before the day set for trial, svid Sheriff '
wont thtough the papers in his pockets en‘ founfi srii subpoena, 3nd
stated that he had never executei same because he misunderstood for
which side it woe issued; that he thought it was iesued on behalf
of the 91:15 ntirtTf. one. plaintiff's counsel hurl told him that he would
have the witnesses for the plaintitt present, and for that reason
said Sheriff stated he he& not execute& said subpoena.

aniont says this applioetion is not mefle for delay, but solely
for the purpose of enablinf; it to More 9. 5731-7. trial m" “1.,“ M
- —- «— ...» Cane.

 I, Chas. Scott, a resident of Fayette County, Ky.,
herehy donatituto and optoint G. W. Gourley and Seruel Hurst
fly true and lawful attorneys in fact with Pull power and au-
thority to either of then for re and in ny steed to Sign ny
nave to a ennorcedeee Bond for the nurpoee of eurcreeding

V the juegrent in tenor of filaintiff in the case of Squire Craw-
ford vs. Lexington & Eastern Railway Corpony in the Lee Gir—
. V Quit Court, the act of either of said attorneye~in~rect to be
as valid as if done ry be in pereon.

Affient, Ghee. Scott, eeye thet he ie a resident of
Feyette bounty, Ky., and that he nee property eutjeet to

‘ execution of the value and is worth above his debts and er-
enrtione at loeet ten ihoueenfi dollere.

Sworn to rerore re by Ghee. Scott this April 10in,
1912. '

 , a t l
i 1
' Squire Crawford, Plaintiff,
Vs. Statagent. ‘ V
L. a E. R. E. Company, Defendant.
After this case had been submitted to the Jury far about twe
hcuns, they came into Court and reported that they had net nade
a verdict and that they did not believe they could make one; the
court then said t0 the Jury ”Some Jury will have t0 pass an this
case, that yam have been trying it far several days and shawls be
able to make a verdict; it takes up lets of time of tne Cenrt to
try this ca~e and it is a great expense to the litigants and the
Cenncnwealtn to try it. I am not willing tc discharge you new, but
you return he the Jury ream and consider well the evidence and
the law and dc your best to make a verdict.”
thereupon the Jdry returned ts tue jury ream and in about
thirty or ferty minutes returned to the Court with a verdict.
Special Judge.

, Squire Crawford, Plaintiff,

Vs. Motion and grounds for a new trial.

Lexington & Eastern Railway Co. Defendant.
comes the defendant, Lexington & Eastern Railway Company, and

moves the Court to vacate and set aside the verdict and judgment

herein and grant it a new trial for the following reasons, to—uit:

1. Because of irregularity in the proceedings of the Jury and
misconduct of one or more of the Jury by which the defendant was
prevented from having a fair and impartial trial.

2. Because the verdict is excessive, appearing to have been
given under the influence of passion and prejudice. -

3. Because of error in the assessment of the amount of the

4. Because the verdict is not sustained by the evidence and
is contrary to law.

5. Because the court erred in nrt peremptcrily instructing
the Jury to find for the defendant at the close of plaintiff's

6. Because the Court erred in not peremptorily instructing
the Jury to find for defendant at the close of the whole case.

7. Because the Court erred in giving instructions 1, 2, 5, 4,
and 5, to which the defendant at the time excepted and still

8. Because the Court refused to give instructions ”A“, “B”
'0' to which ruling of the Court the defendant at the time excepted
and still excepts.

9. Because of newly discovered evidence material to the
defendant’s defense herein, which could not with reasonable ‘

 diligence, have been discovered and produceé at the trial.

10. Baoause cf errata of law occurring-at the trial and
excepted to by the defehdafit.

‘ ll. Because the Court erred in admitting incnmpetent and
irrelevant testimony ovar the objaction of defendant tc which
defendant at the time excepted and still exoeyts.

12. Because the Court erred in refusing to admit competent
evidence offered by defendant, to which ruling Qf the Cfiurt de— '
fendant at tne time exaeyted and still exceyts.

13. Baggage the Court erred in perfiitting tke attorneys for
the plaintiff to nake imgroper staterents and argumefits to the
Jury whereby the defendant was aubstantially prejudiced and pre—
vented from having a fair and itmartial trial 0f the cause.

14. Because of mifieonduct of the attorneys for the plaintiff
in the statement, trial and arguxent of tnig cause, which errors '
were objected and excepted tc by the defendant at the time, and
which prevented defamdamt frnm having a fair and lxpartial trial.

15. Becaufie thw Court erred in orally instructing the Jury
after they had bean in the jury ream for about one hour and a
half considering tLe verdict in substance that some Jury will have
to pass on this cage and that tlm Jury had been trying it for sev-
eral days and should be able to naxe a verdict; that it takes a
lot of time for the Court to try this case and the Jury should
be able t0 ;ake a verdict afid that this case has bevn a great
expense to the litigants and Commonwealth to try it and that he

was not Willing to dinnharga them at that time, and to consider
all these things and the law and eviience and try to nake a
' verdict, to which oral ingtrnotion the defendant at the time
objected afld excepted and still objects and excepts, and the
defendant as further grounds for a new trial herein moves the

 . ' "V
Court to get agide said verdict becauae the Jury within ten to I
fifteen minutes after «aid Qral instruction returned into Court
their verdict hereim. .
E. S. Jeuett,
S. 3". Stamper,
Gourley & Gourlay,
‘ Saar; Hurst.
Filed Bee. 3, 1911.
G. W. Cam, Clem, -

 . " A. «..:—..., .5 1 . .
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Whereas, the defendant is given until the fourth day
of the July term, 1918, to—wit, July 4th, 1912, within.”hich
I to file its 1“111 of exceptiong herein; and,
WHEREAS, said hill of exceptions and the official
stenographer's transcript of the evifienne Have been corpleted
! but Judge J. W. Carwack, the special judge whc firiefi this i
case, cannot be at said July tern of court to considar and V
Sign said bill and maid transcript until a?ter the said fowrth
day of said term;
It is agreed by the yarties that swid r111 of 3x093?-
ions and Said official stenographer’s transcript way be ten—
Pered and offered to be filed on any day of saifl term not later
than the fourth day, and if the partiéa can agree ugon said
1will and transcript the ssre ray re signed by thé snifl judge
BN4 filed any day during said July term of the court, but if
the partNes cannot agree upon 391d N111 and transcript of
evidence than the hearing of defendant’s Notion to have them
qigned by the judge amfl filed shall be continued until RUOh
tire as ray Quit the convenience of saifi m. N. Carvack, judge.

 V“ /,
l ,- f’{
x_// /
‘JT S o
Thiq day care the defenfisnt Gnfi inndered and offered
to file its bill of exceptions hofiein, anfi With it -t the same
tire tenfiered anfl offered to file the fir?nscript of evifience
duly certified fiy ?fl 3. Ofiear, the of’iciel stenogrmpher; and,
It 9??”Erififi th-t Eon. J. W. Carvack, the jufige who
tried this case, is not presenfi fio pass on said bill, *y con—
sent of warties the heérinr of fhe Totion to Vile wave is gassed
unfiil quch tire 9% TTV Quit the aonveniencn of 931d judge.

 x/j :31 it
. ,~, I .. i , i/ E 12" :III
Ix: JR U l "a, I
. 1° .
The Court instructs the jury that if they shall believe _

from all of the evidence in this case that the defendant,
Lexington and Eastern Railway Company, its agents and servants
carelessly and negligently and without any warning backed a
train into the car which plaintiff was wiring on a load of
ties at Waller's Switch in this county, and while he Was
eEercising ordinary care for his own safety, knocked him
therefrom, dragged, out, bruised and internally injured his
spine, sexual organs and bladder :nd caused him permanent
injuries as the direct result from the careless and negligent
operation of its train, without giving him warning of its
approach, then they shall find for the plaintiff such damages'
as will compensate him for his su£7ering, mental anguish,
loss of time and the dimination of his power to earn money,
and the permanent impairment of his health and strength, if

' any, not to exceed in all the sum of $10,000. _

 ‘x I! I J'\
‘ kj 31“ ‘;
~/ Squire Crawford vs. Lw & E. R. R. Co.,
- The bill of exceptions must be signed by the judge who
tried the caseo Regular judge cannot sign bill in case tried
by special judge. 101 Ky. 296; 19 R. 570. a
Jurors trying a case are bystanderse
An exception, the truth of which is attested by bystanders,
need not contain anything except the particular matter about
which there is difference. Dawson v. L. a N. R; R. Co., 6 Ky.
L. '30 659.
For couplets statement showing practice with reference
to preparation of bill of exceptions since the advent of the
official stenographer, and particularly showing that depositions
not included in the hill but filed elsewhere with the clerk’s
transcript can be covsidered. Postal Telegraph & Cable Co., v.
Cotton Oil Co., 136 Kye 343; 122 S. W. 852, but see as par"
tially in conflict with this, McGrew”s executor vso Congleton.
lse‘Ky. 515; 102 S. W. 1185.
in the Postal Telegraph Gable case above the court seems
to approve the old custom of waking up a bill without copying
instructions and other papers into it but simply using the
words "here insert“ as a matter of brevity for the lawyers,
this being a direction to the clerk to copy in thepapers in
making up his transcript. There are other cases in the sane
0n the question of what is known as the skeleton bill
made up by direction to the clerk to insert instructions and exhibits
V instead of copying them out at the tire signed by the judge this .
practice is approved in Manx v. Manx, 81 Ky. 475_and in Garrett,
etc., v. Ratliff, 83 Ky. 384. , x

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/ '. . .. .. r:,." . . ... .. .L. . 1 _n.- . s , _ . ‘
- ‘ ~~ ~‘1}. l :. ,‘ 1':.- ,, z I ~ 1 ‘ ‘,ul; 1 c
for his: flag-sic an mi. mental :: xerire, a was r. :‘:JLvi anti-.4”! eruptttdl
. .- ~.. H . , ‘ ‘.: 5 .n o. .1, g, L;.. -_,.. ~. ‘.v. .,ch
ark-illolSli' gillI‘l‘fiflfint imp?» 1413332311» 0:. {13, :3 .L.U“U..,:. L.. L 2.45%. :3 Lifts-'Igvj all,
,. .. ‘ .:. , 4: ;, '. . , , . J, A . . .., - .:- J.
and tsuc climuni den or. 5111.55 400.93.}? ..0 earn 2 one; 9, l any, 310$;
. J ,._ -: ,‘.e , . ‘
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00 em? sad; in all t ..e 31.-.L.“. 0-5. 19109 0M), and «mess ‘,....L snail
- ' .‘:.. . .‘ ’ * n , I‘m J,‘" l. ~. ..5 ,. ~s .,.
so Believe the; .‘?Hi‘il. rind in? ..:u: (reticentrant .
'i‘ y, . . . .3 ‘ - ' --, e..- . ..) -. 'I,,' '..
rue apart inst mete t 2:: 31133;: that ii. they 3,““ ll believe

 f Page 2.

“ from all of the evifionoo that in moving its train upon
Waller's switch for the purpose of coupling to the car upon
which plaintiff Was working, the defenflant company, its agents
or employes used such care as a person of codinary pruéence
usually exorciseS'under similar circumstancos or like oonai-
tions for his own Safety while engaged at work wiring files
upon the ear upon Said switch, unfi to tfiat enfl gave the usual
signals of the movim; o: i.e train %3 the w ringing of fihe
engine bell, blowing of iho Whistle or tlrough ens or more
of its irainmen, gave reasonohl: notice or warning to fine
gloinfiff of the ayproaoh of said train.upoo fhe switch i0
be aouyled to saifl car, the; will find for the defendant.

The 2:131:11“: i.n:‘»}*~3x=uots two jmi‘y {Luz-at i3" thug £537,911 believe
E;o§: tgxzzavidermws 13:;; :no ;gloiyfixmff knot? from filmyznovxoxonts
Q: the train or Exam the signals, if any, or the engine or
‘Lifgf-glfiman, or _;;z'oz‘a an; omzer 31.121.01‘ma-1'U10n Wm omnermoo,
toat defendant’s train one about £0 be backed up the Yoller's
switch uni coupled to the car upon which plaintiff Was working
and that after ho so learned of said infiended movoneni, if
he dié so loarn.it, he had time by the exoroioe 0: reasonable
ailigonoo to have gotten into a place of safety, yet continued
%0 work upon said oar and was injured thereby, than they
shall xix; for ale fiofonlont.
The Court instructs the jury that ifixihflx even though they
may believe from the evidence that tho fiefongant Was negli—
gent uni r instruofiion number one, yet if they further believe
from the "Vi once that 3L0 plain iff on the occasion of the
accident failed to exercise for his own safety, such care as

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