xt73bk16mf8w_363 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [269o] Miscellaneous text [269o] Miscellaneous 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_36/Folder_6/1859.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_363 xt73bk16mf8w JOHN D. A'II‘XINSON l MARION ATKINSON
' STANTON, RYJIOV. 931%. 199.0.

Too. Qanmol M. Wilson.

Lexinrtow, Vy.
W397? “31'7“:

T hPVe heeh trvino to rot Judge Shpokleford to continue or
179‘“ 0‘1? CPW‘IS‘ T707? L. V» II. *0 Pridev "’5th Wit no 3??? have foiled,

’ howave? I hove flooe overv thinfi I cowid to hove overt thjvg ready #0
ivy or “admoaipv, jwdoe doom hot 399? to fhikk vow WOQEd have any
firox?]e to erosflre vouv Hreathitt oomnfiy assoc ouv W9? vou ahoulfl
7iVH~ boi €59? "o" W°T7i Tvquw wnfl fiu'ke‘to t19oo.’51t i am at a
loss to know juat how no leyTnoi vour state of mind.

WOWGVGT if Von can not Fe here Fwd we r39 forced in we wili try
to woke it hot.
Vourg TrfiJV.
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Court, that ‘8, for ”alnealay Wovawkor twenty-toarth. it 3:14 ”
fie imtoa?ib13 for We to n’tsni tho trial of theoa case? no toat
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STANTON, KYmov. Nth I920.
”01'. tifzmce? i‘ffiilraotm
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The; garage :31." 4? T‘Oi‘fx T‘ns'w" Va. .5, T i”: 7's: :fir-‘sr:;ig"re€=_ for the 9th
irv 01' +311:- term. Mui<+1€ two emu;- O'l' Wer‘rih €110 C€:_,5=’T5 01’ é‘fi"‘*‘r?‘1”m:7i.
:‘Tc‘ ~T?":".r‘-} m” fi'r~v~r“'?n W31] ":3... L. 9- FT. fir»: Eftzgjfl'T't'é/i Io the Stir: dry
of T2110 tefl‘sn, "”1“" +n‘11‘1". - 4’
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9-1» I ‘7 z: .. w A , ‘~ . - ,_ 7 WV , . - ..n M... n -
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:71, ..._. H _h ,L ,. \ t:..',~ "4.1. "fix 1“ , +. If " A .., - .- ._ 7'. .7 _ -
‘ .qysm, flflfinu at hug): .an Efimflf, L. L. ‘iae, b;?l:t at ;L;;£ n»
‘ ‘ .. *T‘w.‘.~.~. , V “2 '.'3, .' r 1 ‘
t%n1sut, ~ Jenna, an. VGuLucfiur L ‘33. r-‘: ,W« V‘ V}..‘fl.‘w
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’ fie n_ ”A. a _, “A "3”,,“ .. , .. ' .., '“‘ “ ... . . . fl.» :4
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u "an ~ T _ ,, (I «.77 A~m:. ‘1‘ ..- .- -4-m= T ;"
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 FORM l—Rcvised July, 1909
Mossages which are apparept‘ly unnecessary, or that could be seqt by Train Mail, will bq tragsmitted find
, TELEGRAM dehvemd promptly, but c0pxézet[airlinégvagdbaé"::‘:/airgfefnéges‘fspgég‘fiESga fgl‘Transportatxon or atteuuou. TELEGRAM
Lexington Ky 84th.
S.M. Wilson
D ‘ .
, Llease advise 1f important letter shoula be mailed you at Hazard
in Am or if you will return here tomorrow
Mo Dowell. . . . . . . . .24OPm

 ., ,J/MJM/ aflm 27%,»:9: ///L2/’//(/f/fli/M%
» . . \y 1’./g" 7 27 , . a I
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,/ , mar/2?; omen/{ea affix» Qfl///(///lffi/l//lfi(’li//fl//l/
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(:;.-1" 1,13.» ‘

 M December 15, 1914.
‘ 4 .. _ .
$2011.. 3 . r; . Tiarfiold, _ ,
- 7 Louisville, Kontuokya V _ I I
2 Bear Sir: . ~ 2
_ ' Eoplying to your letter oi the 14th instant, inguiring 2 2
2 what 3&SCS affecting the L & E or Q i H on tho 1 & E Divioion‘will;
be aypooranoe casos in tho Gourt of Appeals for tho Sfiring Torn,
1915, I have to soy that, in addition to the Deriokson done from
‘ ~ ?onoll, we are expo tiny to opoool, or rfithor to apply for on
‘ appeal of the case of 3.;.Pottor V. L d E 32:7.{70a from the Zotohor ,
Sirouit Court,.in which plaintiff rooovorod a judfwont for 2
1 #775-00; and from the ?orry Circuit Court the cone of H}8,8tooy .
' " v. L & iglngo., where 3 judgment for-$2,000.00 woo recovered by
:.:;lai r17; ifzt‘ . 2 . '
I say this on the oosumptiou that the rooords for oppoal
\ \
can be perfected soon enougfi to filo tho arooolo in time for the
I H String Term. Ii it turno out that that oanoot be done, we will

have to secure an oxtonoion 0: time in the doort of Apooals, as x ‘

’ soggostod o; you in one 01 your iormorvlottors. I 2 '2

- . _ Very truly yours, ’ 2

"i ' -
‘ Conn 539]. . . .
, ,

 .72.,” //
/’ / ' " ,» ,r ‘ , ,/‘ "’
A/f/Z/M/flz “l/ZJ/x/zj/g/fi/é/al/é/Hjfiafl/
if?%i?”W”lmvt;4iézggzg§:;é:;¢u cfifién/J igizagié(29fi/éi7497141/4é;/1:fié22;2lél(bf:;£¢
fl/M i/éu’ 24 »%Mmml;
/’ , :W/gmflflj/WYW _/,/ . , 2/ a, ” W
//~W-9;/4 e41;7;f;1/;ff,fi;\,1,. climax/(@477 n ec . 1 4 , 19 14 ,
i1»): f /%
Judge Samuel M. Wilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:-
Is there any other case in your territory in which the L. &
N. or L. & E. is interested, except the Derickson case from Powell,
which will be an appearance to the Spring term,1915, or the lourt or
Appeala? If no, please inform me what other case or cases.there are.
Yours tr 3,
Z‘\\ /' / xx»
Dis/ ict Attorney.

 ‘ .

Anna McKinley Boyle,&c.

Kentucky Union Company,

- - - ~ — — - — - ~ 0 O o - - ~ — ~ — — ~ ~

Boyle, of the City of Louisville, Jefferson County, Kentucky, as
principal, and ”._...“. L...J of the some City,
County and State as surety, are held and firmly bound unto the
Kentucky Union Company, a corporation duly organized end existing
under the laws of the State of Kentucky and having its chief
office and principal place of business in the City of Lexington,
in said State, in the penal sum of Five Enousond Dollars ($5,000.00),
to be paid to the said honttcky Union COMpany, and for Which
payment, well ani truly to be made, we bind ourselves, Ovr exco-

’ utors, administrators and assigns firmly by these presents.

The condition of this Bond is that, Whereas, the said
Anna McKinley Boyle has satisfiod the said corporation that she
is the owner and entitled to the possession of a certain certif-
icate No. 640 for 390 shares of the capital stock of said Company,
1 sued Uctobcr l, 1896, to St. John Boylo,flstonding in his name
on the books of said Company, but that the same has been lost,
misnlaced or destIOyed without her fault; and the said corporation
has therefore this day issued an? delivered to said Anna McKinley
Boyle a duplicate certificate for a like number of shares of the
same class of stock in lieu of said lost, mienlaced or destroyed

NOW, therefore, the condition of the above obligation is
such that the above bound Anna McKinley Boyle and E

her surety, shall at any and all times hereafter indemnify and
save harmless the said flcntucky Union Company against any and
all actions, proceedings, claims and Bananas which may be made
or brought against it by reason of its having issued such new
certificate as aiorcsnid, or in consequence of its permitting
any time hereafter a transfer of.soid shores of stock or any of
them without the surrender and production of the original
certificate aforesaid Oand shall also deliver or cause to be de-
livered the said lost or miSplseed certificate for cancellation,
if the same shall hereafter be found); and shall also reimburse
this corporation for any and all expenses which may he incurred
by it in consequence of said destruction or loss of said cer~ L
tiiicate and the issue of said new certificate, then this obliga—
tion to be null and void, otherwise to be and remain in full
force and eifedt.

 COLfiftON‘.‘=.~’33.L\Lfi?H 01" KISHSTUCKY,)
t 5.3.


The affiant, Anna McKindey Boyle, widow of it. John
Boyle, deceased, formerly of the City of Louisville, Kentucky,
being duly sworn,upon her oath, states that she is new and for

years last past has been the owner of three hundred . '

and ninety (390) shares of the capital stock of the Kentucky Union
Comoany, a corporation; that on the lat day of October, 1896, a
certiiicateAduly issued to St. John Boyle, the husband of the
affiant, by said Company as evidence of his ownership of said
stock,’which said certificate Was No. 640. Affiant further states
that the said certificate has been mistlaced, lost or accidently
destroyed and cannot now he found or produced. Affiant further
states that said St. John Boyle departed this life on the ___ day i
of , leavin? a last will and testament
thich was afterwards duly probatod in the Jefferson County .
Court in the State of Kentucky, under and by which will this
affiant was made the legatcc of said shares of stock and the
certificate evidencing came.

Affiant, upon her oath, further states that prior to his
death said St. John Boyle had not sold, assigned or transferred
in any manner whatever, nor has this affiant ever sold, assigned
or transferred in any manner whatever the said certificate or the
said stock so owned by this affiant and formerly standing in the
name of said St. John Boyle, now deceased, and thrt this affiant
is now the owner in her own right of said stock; that she makes
and presents this affidavit in proof of the loss of said certif-
icate of stock and requests that a new certificate be issued to
her as evidence of her ownership of said stock and she tenders
herewith a good and sufficient Bond of lndemnity.

_ $131106. and sworn to before me by said affimnt, Anna
lchinley Boyle, this day of y , 191 .
\ ' 5.012313% :'uni 3.0,391‘T‘ef‘éon Counfy,Kff.

 C E 3.113231 :31:" K WETUC KY , ' Plai nt if If .

v . IEP IO ‘ N? l? 03?: 0 T3 ’3? -‘.I H INC: ‘ SIDNEY BY 3:3-31:37“: 73?; 3‘3 ‘Hfi 51' ‘ .
P. 15‘. Ziefidick, ' Defendfmt.

~ ~ - - - — ~ — o O o - ~ - - — — - —

The Grand Jury of the County of Fayette, in the name
and by the authority of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, accuse
P. E. Eefidick of the crime of unlawfully anfi feloniously

7 obtaining from another money, the subject of larceny, by

false pretenses, statements and tokens, with the intention
to commit 3 fraud, cemmittea in manner and form as follows,
tc—wit: The said P. F. Reddiek in the saié County of Fayette
and in the btete of Kentucky on the_m~_ day of ,
1914, and before the finfling of this Indictment, unlawfully,
feloniously ene with the intention to commit a fraud, aid
intentionallly, willfully and falsely represent, pretend
and state to certain officers, agents and emoloyees of'M1e
Lexington & Eastern hailway Company, a corneretion organized
one existing under the laws of the State of Kentucky, and
then and there engaged in the operation of a certain railroad
enfi to certain oificors, agents one employees of the Louis—
ville & Nashville hailioad Company, a corporation organized
anfi existing unfler the laws of the State of Kentucky, and then
and there engaged in the operation of a railroad, that cer-
tvin papers commonly known as Discharge Tickets and con— ‘
stituting orders for the payment of money upon said Lexington
e Testorn Railway Company and said Louisville & Nashville
Railroad Company, or one of them, were true snfi genuine drafts

-.2-- 3
or orders for such payment of money and then an? there tre-
sented one such Discharge Ticket or draft or order for the
;eayment of money to F. B. Barnard, an Agent and emnloyee of
said Lexington & Eastern Bailway Company and of said Louis-
ville & Hashville Railroad COMpany, and demanded and re-
ceived from said Bernard uyon said Eischsrge Ticket or order
or draft for the payment of money the sum of 5 3
which sum of 5 , the defendant, P. E. Red- ‘
dick, then and there appIOpriatod and converted to his own use;
that the Discharge Ticket or draft or order for the payment
of money aforesaid was in words and figures as follows, to-wit:
(Here 00py Bischarge Ticket)
and the defendant, P. H. Refdich, did then and thzre by satfi
- representations, nretenses, statements enf tokens and by giving
said Dischfirge Ticket or draft or order for the payment of
money and representing the sane to be genuine and good for the
sum of 5 i , obtain from said F. 3. Bernard,
as Clerk, Agent and employee of the said Lexington & Eastern
Railway Comosny and flouisville a Nashville Railroad Conpany,
who relied upon the truth of said representations, pretenses,
statements and tokens, p in good and lawful
money or the United E>t:-;-.tes of the value of 5 ,
the subject of larceny, it further description of which is to
the Grand Jurors unknown, and (id then and there unlawfully,
fraudulently and feloniously as aforesaid obtain, take, keep
' and carry away said money nith the fraudulent intention then
and there to convert the seme to his own use and to permanently
deprive the said Lexington & Eastern hailwey Commany and
Louisville & Nashville Railroad Company of their property
therein; Whereas, in truth and in feet, as he the said P. F.

 , -_3_-

Reddick then and there well knew, said Discharge Ticket was int
genuine or good for d or any sum as against said
Berington & Eastern heilwny Company and said Louisville & HaSh~
ville Railroad Comnsny or either or them, but same was Spurioust I
and a forgery; thwt neither of snif corporations was at the
time indebted in any sum whatever to L
Whose name appear,d upon said Discharge Ticket and in favor of
when said Discharge Sicket or draft or order for the payment of
money had been drawn and the name of said w
upon said Discharge Ticket had been forged and placed upon
said Discharge Ticket falsely and fraudulently either by said
G. h. Reddick or by some person acting at his instance and
with his knowledge and connivsnce; that said P. E. heddiok
well knew at the time that the corporations above named were
neither of mien indebted to said
and that said was not entitled to
collect or receive from said corporations or either of them
any sum whatsoever; and that said P. b. Reddick, the defendant
aforesaid, further knew at the time and place aforesaid that
said Lexington & Eastern Railway Comnnny and said Louisville &
Bashville finierad Company but for the false pretenses, rep-

\ rosentations and tokens aforesaid, would not have parted with
any of the money which was paid upon said Discharge Tickets
or orders or any part thereof, all to the damage and detriment
of said Lexington & Esstern_3eilway Company and Louisville &

[‘~ [r (JOE'S? -’..ul C 1111.0 1: :':/"Cl; «3 ll 13': J1: 1;" pr": :' , ’3: J lfi‘U‘v'i (.‘. I? (—3

Nashville Railroad Companyhsnd against the peace and dignity
of the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

v . I ND 10 TLHBHT 19 Oh KING 19.3.1331) .1313 S.‘ 321 ES .
P. F. heddick, Defendant.
- - - - — ~ — - o O o — - - ~ - ~ ~ ~
The Grand Jury of the County of Fayette, in the name
sun by the authority of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, accuse
?. F. heddick of the crime of making false entries in a book
or paper owned by and in the custody and under the control
of a certain corooretion known as the Lexington & Eastern
Railway Company and a certain other coryoration known as the
Louisville & Nashville fieilroad Company, with the intention
of »ohentins or defraudina said corporations or one of them
and Which said crime was committed in.rnnner and form as
follows, toewit: That the said E. F. Reddick being then and
there an employee of said Lexington & Eastern Railway Com—
neny and Louisville & Nashville Railroad Company, or one
0: them, with the intention of chexting or defrauding said
corporations, or one of them, did on the _____day of .
1914, and before the finding of this Indictment, unlawfully,
feloniously and with tho intention to commit a fraud, know—
ingly, willfully and falsely make and enter upon a certain
book or newer then and there owned by and in the custofiy or
unner the control of said two corporations or one of them
and known as a Time Book, certain false entries in words and
iigures as follows, to—witz-
(Here cepy the entries in Time Book covering transactions
for a month or parts of a month with a single individual)

That said book or paper was kept by said defendant,
P. F. heddich, as Timekeeper and it was a part of his regular
duties as such Timekeeper to enter therein the actual time
coveringndistenee or hours of service of employees of Said
Lexington & Eastern Railway Comiany and of said Louisville &
Nashville Railroad Company and upon the records so kept
by the defendant, the Wages or compensation due to be paid
such employees Was ascertained and paid to them and that said
false entries so made as aforesaid were made by the defendant
with the fraudulent intent and pnrnOSe of securing money from
. said corporations or one of them and converting t