xt73bk16mf8w_364 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [269p] Miscellaneous text [269p] Miscellaneous 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_36/Folder_7/1902.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_364 xt73bk16mf8w . . A
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. 1. g,» .
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7 A ril 8, 1914.
7. 5. HCEOWCEY, qu.,
Wanogor, 1 R H Ry.Co.,
Bear Sir:—
is requested by you, I have outiinoa anfl herewith
onolose a oummaxy o? the points roiiefl upon anfl nontonfeé
for hy the 3 & E in reference to the mattors in controversy
botwecn tho 7 3 V an& C a 0, now in process of arbitration
botwccn the partioo. This Hatter bur boon afiflros'od to Yr.
J, 5. Fox. Superintendent of tho C & O Ry.Co., at Lfihlrnd,
Kentucky, and, an you know, it is intonfod that a ooyy
RFzfll be immediately fi‘efl by you on behalf of the T & E
with Tr. “. T. Cofioweii, of fanvi]?e,Kontuokyg who is to
not no the third arbitrator or umpire unflor the agreed
torms of the arbitration. I hanfi you one original ond
tlroe carbon copies 07 the’fiocumont referred to. I trust
that this $171 We a ou*fioient number for your purpose.
Very truly yours,
Counsel. ,

 I ,
‘ ,
‘Leaington, Hy“, April V, 1914.
33?. 5?. f1. Pam,
:h::;j{:»e:r.'intern-Waist, (f. 2’1, 0. iiz'ri? (715.. ,
a”??? and , ,'r‘jc :1‘?’;~2.22~,7=:;;,
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wafer “fire ‘73'5.:;,1‘.‘1:‘:h sums“: o the {2'1“1‘-c‘~z"35.‘3'1 i: of 3121;? F773. T’i'h'ifi.
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 J. . :r— . 5’16.
this exemption to a parfiicular claco of ”ocdaoional excursion
or Special trains", or £0 maintain that the orxmption applies
to one kino of excursion O? on cicl trains but nofi to another?
(7) Tho language of the latter part of the Seventh
Article “that nothing heroin containcfi nhull be SO conctrucd
cc to authorise Socond part; to use the scie tracks either
in receiving from or making deliveries to any other 3ine or
company”, if taken bv itself alone, might Scam fio ccny to
the l a T tho right to rocnive from or fiolivcr to any othcr
line or co pony. It SCGmS to no, however, that the contract
whould be construed as & Wlec, cnfi fihe language of the vannth
firticic, to which Inference has been moan, should be read in
connection with the language of the last clause or paaagraph
of Articfic Five. That being so, the exception in favor of
excursion or Soccicl trains woulfi omcm to cyply, whcthcr such
traino were strictly trains mafia up by the T-& V, or trains
composcfl of its own coaches, or, on fihe other homo, were trains
rccoivcd by it from coma other line or company, or fielivorod
by it to some other line or company.
in intorprctation of Ehc Sevonth flrfiiclc, which will
hormonixc with tho contentions hero mace on behalf of the f &
'V, and which will at tho some time Weave the cnfiirc agreement
in full force is this — that the Seventh Arfiiclc hafi reference
altogethconrdinary trains, whether regular pcosongor trains or
mcrclj 50afi~hefid equipment, cnfl die not refer at 831 to "occa-
sional c ouroion or special trcino”, for which, as we have seen, ‘
unfior the contract, no charge or Tontcl Whatcvcr was to he made.
In othnr worfis, fio state this point in Slightly fiifforanfi terms,
it is our contcntion fihcfi fiho exemption in favor of ”occamional
cxaurcion or special trains" applied to such trains at all times
aha unficr afil circumstances, whethwr thorn was an interchange of

such tr ins between the T R T anfi none other Fine or nofi.
But for the anyplemontal or