xt73bk16mf8w_365 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [269q] Miscellaneous text [269q] Miscellaneous 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_36/Folder_8/1941.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_365 xt73bk16mf8w . /* r- , , ,— '7 /
_ filmy/xx my //////// //////(l/!/ /a//%//////
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xyV/éyllfl’jf/H \7 7 , / Z?

-“”””’¢@ i, J65YZ716>I6%%,; /Z4;

/ / /
May 7th, 1914. . , I
777 f v #4
III. I S 0 LI. W1 1 S on , .
Trust Company Building, " “
- City.

Dear Sir:—

Your letter 6th instant with reference to re—employing Dodge
Banks. I have to—day told our master df TrainS'mat he should re—
employ Mr. Banks, giving him a ninety days' leave of absence,and use
him thereafter as may be consistent.

Yours truly,
W 0‘ % I
‘ ’ J .;V .l..: -
i /‘ I.Izafiegér’f 493:7 " C ,2
i7 l _ a "/ ,/‘

b/e .

g I J 5, 1514.
.:.Ix . l.:;'(:lT-31:ol.l, '
finm‘grcr, .'5'). E 75:37.60. ,
.‘:‘leningston, Kg. .
Boar Sir:— I
Referring to rwonht corros on ones in rngiri to re»
on;loynont of Tonga Banks, afi-hr Eamon, Era Eonohne nflvisos, unflor
data of Pkg $thw that if this man ohnnot be given on loyuont without
injnsxioo to non who oro s titlofi to more oonslfiorstion, to will hnvo
to “no fin with 'fti'ig’i-c. 51.22.info:mitt-.7: <2:~n.i:¢.in<:€ in 1“ lo tter to ”5'30
of Avril, 17th.

B‘OTT ;‘oizfnbrir: Iii? p4;3_3"1', }.CWV{)\‘°EF, 7i 'tlxiiil' .11; .V:“1ri3afitile
at tho first Opportwujt;'to give iumls on loysont, in that sin be
inno wifiiaut injustice to othorfa

Tory truly yours.

‘ —:%;//////?///I/j//il/é/V%ZIK/fl//%flfl7
0/{45/W /, ,
/%””t/r(/fi”‘///‘“/,z ‘ i//////m///J% 'May 5th ,1914.
Mr. S. M. Wilson, ; ‘5
counsel, L. as E. R. Co.,

Lexington, Kentucky.

Dear Sir: I .

Enclosures receive 6. with your favor of April 25th rel-
ative to re-employment od Dodge Banks, ex—brakeman.

If this man cannot be given employment'now without do-
ing injustice to men who are entitled to more consideration we will
have to be content with the arrangement suggested in Mr. McDowell's
letter to you of April 17th, copy 01’ which you sent to me with yours
above mentioned.

Yours truly,
\. ////jéz/ L a M .
@Cef Law Agent.

 . .
V April 1:- 1914. '
Yr. ". A. Hchwell,’_
Iknuger, 7‘& I 35.00., .
Facing-ten. Kentucky. “
DeaT Fir:—

Herewith enclose '1, 1' hand you 0"21‘2'33in corresponficnee
jun“; burner”: ever to 20 +25 "731'. ‘?'«f;2'1«.>":".2'.e, in reifetzen-r" to the re~
instc‘zficmnnt of 31023235; “22213-79 2.2: an (34:21:23,700 e: 3211:: {1-::?il';)3; ,.z..-..JT..! 'Jx,kj- _,.; e
13;)an .1, J. Q "‘
',7A,4.‘.,..-.'. '. - . r ,......_ ,- ”a; .. i ,t- .57. w '1' ‘,'.‘1
)AL‘.}J.£,\J;L on. 12.4. n .L‘QJx‘.’ . 3'2): 3.:. h an, :3. i,.«.._.-.N.r.-.’ :3". coin rim}
2-1,,“ ‘. .t‘tth'.» _ .. '\ ' a1...“. ‘ “.,t- e ., ,..H.:\.,,\..," 4.1. .'.1,\
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w». v" ;.- ,7“. .— ,v ._r‘ .. r- -4 w ; .:U 4;” , _-._ >~ v -:- ,' ._~;‘\\.., »_~ _._-.,,.
fat-‘93? 1.x} ‘ 1: 1: LL. ~ ‘..» >3 ;_J._V._ g z. - ,. ,_ E... ., ..~._ .L,L-,.‘ 1; it, {...-14.1 Dbl“. “11.-£1,
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.-,.t,..y .va. ,.1 ‘.   ,:' f 1.3.x...
7111.1.‘.L‘.1‘13. .LJ , i Lain,“ add.) 1 3.; (”2:73 ...' ,.(l; 4‘-'_'.'1'-.1 ,Lzotuéntrfs
JIM“, ,, u ..,: : .V.. .:./#1,”, t,
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\ /si/(cr//%%/zmz/ /////(////////fl//// WWfl/my
~-« . fl / “ K
“I Cgéavzevvz/%222?Z;miz' ' ‘
., aim/M- i MAC/7574., {y
~€7&/0/Q{ /7:‘ April 17th, 1914.
S. M. Wilson, Esq.,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sirz~
I return papers received with your letter of the
15th, with reference to re-employment of Dodge Banks.
We have caused further investigation to be made

and suggest that Banks be offered re-employment fnam any date

he chooses to report at Jackson to make application, and then

that he be given a leave of absence of ninety days,— this due

to the fact that we have no work for men now in our employ

who have been sent home on account of slack business. Will
such handling as this be agreeable?

Yours truly,
magi ;
, B \ j \

/ ‘ / ”* / ’ fl’ (7;) / X
" E» I ' I «v /’ / ' / v / / a
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January '..’—1'93?“
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D‘TH‘U‘ €311):
Pleas-w I'T' to the 1.1tt1307'2m‘a "Lott 'r 31‘": S .31: I'—
ixttenfient of 0.12111: ’cruoti‘sr Smith, re’. five I? an irarjg'r;
11121518 by 0. T1. ""71'_1“'.ia:1:‘;271;, atti‘rne: at Regain-“4131*, 5537.,
.::-113 tho :1 dress of T. Sims. '
I rmfliod to Mr. '.'/il‘iamsz‘rn's i‘fl" 1111‘; first
I bnlimze 121‘. $111111: is a :39sz €13 Jf PM? Otitraotir 1' £11m
3:? Sims Broth or ~11, “hilt frem My. 311119.195 Tot’ror it is
#13131116 H‘s-t “no '11: «:3 .‘7‘OI'C:‘:=,»31 '1: IV” Cons f1“?. .' .- ~ .1 -" .. L " E .‘....1 .- 1.- ' ', ,..,,... ._ r\ (. -., . N ‘
geulfivizle a flafihVLLle Laiaxaaa daupfifld’ uhlcfi owns nun aggiatgg
-.._ .. ' '.. ..v .. .2 ...- . -' J'. . .. . 3 1 .7 z 97:. 2 .‘n .E..” ... -~. 51.21:-..
a~ urunk 1149 (m. rallxuua oinwnfijyg an; pasmlng,«nmlaugn the V1“;
0i 3myiartan, the grivilege mi locating anfl erecting certain
w , '- . '. .”." 3.: . ,. . * . r .“ ,1.... . .. 1
ouxes on the Manta 9130 a; «mix; éfiroai, betwgen uihthwfle 33a
‘ .1 .' . V . ,. . ..‘ ‘." {'.' ‘.... ,2 4;” ‘ 1_.,. 3», -- ,1.-~ H,‘ '.’1‘ «'3 - .'HCuJ» .
- .E.-Lawnm wtremta, .112 "one u 111;“..- .21 .E.:(:.»».11L;tuu, 1.1.1 L1; 13:10 11:13:13.. to
. . r 1... 3 . ,7'; fl...”- .. .2 L". .3 . - :... ._- .:.“: ..J. ..... .3 '.W. .1..
{715.100 CE.‘UL‘~2:.3~2:L;¥IZS, tfiiuflmdufifi 2.1m. ULHGL‘ 110303.193th;1131’333].
. . '. . .. n . ,~ ,. 12.1. ' .2. ... .. -‘ ,. .- .....i. 1.. .. .._ --,.r ..; 2 1' '.~ 1 -
for Lhn §uruuue 01 uLuach1n3 nnu Hfliiflgiufi “1:95 RLOx Ruin poles,
armw, 3iée—arms anfl uthmr fixturea iar nan in the talagxnyh and
talsphmuc finrvine of said Qum;an$ in cannficiion wifih fihe nae anfi
... ,.._ ...,w A..! , V ,.;'.~ . ".‘. I." "- ..,,1 r: :; . ..‘ E t‘“. .z‘ KL.4..!,E_.‘.,‘ -..j ’ “E Pd)“ ‘ 1:: ‘- 1.4.4“! w,-
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... ..~. ‘ ... - E‘ .. ..... .. .....2.. . . - 1. “my . "1.1..,” ‘. -- - 3 .. 1..1..
grauomu t0 suia Um dang L0 LM¢MLU13, uaa u”: eywsdte Hfilfl Qgebem
of 301mg axe wirea than $332 mthi hava mean infitmllqfi an er aufi
. 3 -._... '1 1",.“ ~ 3 . ,. ., .
in aceerflmuca vita L313 Urfixuaaco.
. ........ . . ., . ....-. . 1 , ..w
3 398. 2. thus the yOLGS HGUQSHJXJ ta ow lncutad mum
.. . . n :1 .. . . . E. _. - .1... .n ~» .. .
ermteé 1.01- tne mm and ram-mmaum 92mm: .«.a- m tun. .31 ivimage
.' - ,, ._ - ....,,~ ~ ..~ .. .. - .41 ‘ mu :-
hel"€:‘.b:j' 001310111" (3 .1.:le ‘..fi‘, ,3.ug3;—';.Lr:u Inf-.1111 Ct ‘11:. 7.11.13 1:13;. I.) 11110 53,911? Rifle“
walk an Lne Hunt“ .2 e 31 “atmr Street, bcuwncn inn two axons
~ .,~ . 2. :.“ “,_ .- “ .. ‘..-1 a .. .
strenta Knuwn as uxhcfitvfle nan Jorlno htraebg, Ann amen poles
* ..‘: . .- "21,. . . - ~ . w .r., .. .. - . . , . -
an 11 bn fl1at11uutefl and Locateu as guLLOum, v13: thine pOLQS

betw an Qimnrtgne anfl Sypmr fitreets, three polns betwaen Hyper and
,- . . A . . _ , u, b . , ,. \
”1:1 atrnets, one golo at the nflflt carnnr or lat rancL1vn of Mifil -
and inter atrnatfl, one vole baiwecn will Struot and Broadway, on?
yoke fii the gonfih mora£r or intmrswution of Bragdway xnfi Eater V;
:trnwtn, tun yoles between firoafiwmy and figring Streetfi, three fl
toififi between Swriw: and Putt rsun Jtrrets, two pfilnfi betwaen V.
Tufii-Eaan nné gerino itroatfl, and One p010 at the uwuih corner 2
ar intersection 9f ;wrino nnfi Mufiwr Ltroctn.
Lee. 2. That the 90192 hareinbaifira wantimawd shall
be: ei~.“<"30tz:~tfi £1115: minin‘bw int-ad :rz‘t Gints: falcmg-‘gf the: 402:3}: :7. 156 01‘ 32239327)?
Straet tn the NHmbel‘ffiEi fiimtribntaa 39 indicated in iaction ?
ahave, at Such poinia as may fie fleeignmtefi by the ugnmiwuionar of
9ublio Lorks 01 file 81%; GI Lewinztnn, Qua ahall be erectefi anfi
maintained 30 as to int§riere a5 liitle as goxuible with the
orflinvry USCG oi Sflifi street amfi the SifiQ-lek tkvrwoi unfi with
traffic thwrwaver, nnfl thm lncafiiwu 9f said @0103, Whfifi once Gea—
ignfified anfi fietermined upon, shall net be chmngté wifibnfit the
Cflflflfint of the City of ;axingfiqn 0; game cemhatunt authority
, f ; fwh ; w#- 53 V“ ' (wmv 'firw n;.m W
.‘..' ... I‘,/"9» . ,‘.?! ', xii) ‘32-" 45’?“ /v‘/Vv£_, “32‘" “(Vs/1.47%” . f,"- E “"3“ 7'3”“! 'I‘?”¥‘w5r 4 "t '“' _. ‘"‘:
warm: ; »m ‘ ‘ .2r _. wfif r. x , i » 29+. ' .4 ' : up;
é " , r u -. . - :1, t3 .c,..~.wz m . wV'W’wfiss ,. . , ’ ‘ arr/Wm
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Sue. A. That fihfira be fiflfi 13 hereby 3.9n firnntgfl t0 the 3H
. _ g';
1‘ .,.: r1 . r: '1‘, J.. v '3 '2 -., .‘ ~.: :1.. ..,_ A. .‘...' ‘_'r, ‘ . ~ .‘.‘-HI 4,. 4 \ <
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nuinr $0 mud; af Water Utreet, bfithon ;imethne nnfl marina atroets, y
i; fihe City Of waxinmtfin, anfi egwaaiully no much of tha anco oc—
CUflifld bv tho wifcmalk 03 the doufih 315a mi finifi atrnnt.av $310 is
:1:-(3?; 161M ovt, “.3.: x7293 “Dr: ';"ca:~z.so garahfhx’ nmmizs':::zr;g 27.23161 I'L"?j“:3‘t‘) “:Z'I'l‘? sate 330.2?
fins pur30$m9 of thifi Uréinanue.
' use. 5. Chin Oxdinanee skull twin oiieut from and nifier
ita yavnngn, uppraval any pubilcntinn as re Mir 6 by 13w.
x; ‘ . £Ww/X; ,4 “a r- 9% f I; if? I if;
,.I- 'I”‘, i . it’r‘f: 7.‘ v. “((4 gnaw». , .. f 'E i _'
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;seccmbcx' 21. 1914..
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October 20th, 1914.
Judge 3. M. Wilson, " "Mi ‘1" .
Lexington, Ky. (Zyé4éfiglf:¢% fl
Dear Sir:- , i"
' In your letter of the 19th instant just receited you
state that the original Articles of Incorporation of the Lexington &
Eastern Railway Company were recorded October 17th, 1894, in the
Fayette County Clerk's Office. The County Clerk's certificate
does not appear in the Minutes of our Company but the original cer-
tificates of the Secretary cf State and of the Railroad Commission
both show that the Articles were lodged with them on the 15th day
of October, 1894 (four days before the same were recorded in the
County Clerk's Office), and the copies filed with the Secretary of
State and the Railroad Commission had to show that they had been
lodged for record (or recorded) in the Fayette County Clerk's Office
before the same could be filed with the Secretary of State and the
Railroad Commission. There seems to be a discrepancy of four
days between the different filings. It may be that the Articles
were lodged for record in the County Clerk‘s office October 15th,1894,
and that fact certified by the Clerk on the capies filed with the
Secretary of State and the Railroad Commission, whereas the Artidbs
may not have been recorded in the County Clerk's Office until four

 S. M. W. 2.
days after that data to—wit, October 17th, 1894.

Before changing the date in our preposed Amendment from
October 15th to October 17th; 1894, in order to be correct about
it can you advise me whether the County Clerk's records show that
the Articles Were lodged on or before October 15th and recorded later
on October 17th, 1894.

I regret to give you further trouble about this but want
our pr0posed Amendment correct in all essential particulars.

Kindly return the copy of our proposed Amendment sent you
as we will need it to file in one of the necessary offices.

Yours truly,
., ,/

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