xt73bk16mf8w_369 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [269u] Miscellaneous text [269u] Miscellaneous 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_37/Folder_4/2172.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_369 xt73bk16mf8w 7 2“ (ff (2 7 W”?
\‘ , r. , ' ,x' \_
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/ I / // / / // ..‘
‘ u/l/fl/flflyflflf ‘76 . J, , / ,/ / /
, , _/69t€&/%/fl71;2, 17
October 21st, 1919.
~ , q. _ ' . 2
b. ;1. Eileen, ESq., mag; ./~. ‘
Lexington, Ky. ' ‘ ‘
Dear Sir:-

ROSCOe Bach, Yerfl Clerk at Jackson, gave us an
assignmenu order dated October 6th, to pry Seldon Bach $60.00
being one Roscoe Bach for the m nth of Seytember as Yard Clerk
at Jackson. Roscoe Each is now in Washington, D.C. and we
are unable to secure proner acknowledgment to the order before
a notary as to the correctness of the signature. In handling
the matter vith our agent at Jackson he returned the 0rd r to
me as being witnessed Ry him, rnfl to the effect that the signature
is correct. Will you yleese yreyere a form protecting this
com any in prying the amount to Seldon Bach. For convenient
reference I attach my ”ile, which I will ask that you kindly return.

Yours truly,
," j , ,
I _‘ . T“ ’,Q
/1622ijjf/Ze zg;%21:j C K
' ‘n /% ji/
~ncl. ’ H)

 . //’ “/ (7. 1' ,7 '7 //’  /
, . ‘ , " / ,.I ’ / ’ l ’5 , f ’ '
.7‘“ ,1,/0,7 /// ////// Ml //// . W // m, ///// //////,
/ :;// 'y/”< ,, /' Z
/ “,’n/ x/r/ * '///////4/////// g ' ¢/ 3“
- :_,.« <~~< / ~ v , n L .
e%(¢nu¢/ L/fl WAfl/R / 6&7641 0 I y
(«f / :__)“ / . . '- ,
[“1 ray/””"’”M) (“”“’/f :Utrlalrmrmu-l/
' f ’ n ,/ ,7 ~ ,» , f ./ ,r ,«,I
October 22, 1915.
T. A. Infloweil, Vsq.,
Mm.“ ”p.17 T 5:, T.“ 3,.” t
"““’;‘E‘IIL'3' 9 .'.; 1.;. ,. 310/ g (JO. §
*r _»‘—‘.~' ."r‘ ,~.‘
3383.1? 9131':—
finswering your letter of the Slat igsfiant, enclosing
£519 Gealing with the orécr or awaignmenfi given hy 333000 Each to
Sejion Each, I have firefiarcfi a form of affid wit to be exfifimfifié by
302309 Each. I think this af‘iflrvit will £3113 protect yen and,
as sob: as 1% is executed properly befara a Iofiaxy ?ublio and re—
turred to yea, I think the mercy may be safely yaifi ever.
I am returning herewith ynur file with all the papers
becring upon this matter.
'0' w" L ~ - .. 7.‘.
:L;j LTJl] Jau¢s,
‘ .;vo
" I

. ..--. - - ’.': ‘4' ,' f“ " )
m ..:.mm W ,CTEWU-K-‘L. .
( .L.:(IT- ‘
v, 1.- *'-. ;,‘L‘ i t L” #3."!
C“U;E’DL ’7." 73: ..i‘. ILL, I
. n . '1 ‘
,‘,. ‘.‘. -. “ 1 ~ .. 4. J— n 1- . .~., 21' "
The LiI:i"1“;i“J, 13100;; Back, sstetcf: the, on ,he an.“ uh"! 0i
-. 7-
n . - ‘ in . .. ‘ -.'-‘...» :01 0,4 ‘.~r “‘,“.-3,, ,., in, 1
_ . » . .i Y 1 ‘1’» , ~. ..' .,. 1 —~;‘.- >~ -
October, 1933, ;or value ruseinm, ie ,‘.1‘.141.r....1 .x L \ vo‘ ’ 31s
- .».. a 1? 1‘ . - r“ -«.-- 4- ‘:rflrw ‘ VT ”" ‘3,
Yard CECE"): for we .u ;. .2531; ‘.‘a‘f V0713=<1f3y1 a. {RA/«~03. -va ml ”3"

. " "' ’ -r -\r w n-wv A -,‘,‘n.4.: r ~§ [':"np‘ a mi (1 “O (3000 13,0111}, “61‘0“”
sngz‘ment or==er 10:." tang-3m; »i atmomtcxmui.ir. . . .. ”m, . . .1.:
_._-1 T ' ‘.I.“ I.‘ Trip-LAW...“ Tr‘h".~(!‘)1f\1" (1r1yrnn‘rp7 ’PHT 'i‘hhn moni‘h j]? SP"Ot{‘,Y/fi)f‘z'
brie -IGXT.‘.’]L§1,',.2‘1 ‘.': C‘; UL‘J 1i «'.(_1,.A , ~ (.,J J “""L inst; .,n» , mm t - .2 .. \ J L . 1 q

- - - . .,I. T. " '. i ' .: .. '1 7c. .3. h t.- J. ‘
1915, 8211!} errm" er Reelivment uCll’l-fi‘ in writing as»: feitlous, L-O~W.! b.
F T... "L. ‘ . 13' .. f‘ " 1 pf! r?
’ui-,LCK.;‘;O"‘, 31,11. , ‘.JCC. 6, .‘1,./.L.).
-~ —. 'n . . ,.‘ ’." x « av“ “' "
Pay “to, 9330?: om}- ms! x'-<~:}7“Lm.l)(:’!f’ 5mm,
.‘. . "". . . "'
titneeez mecca} Bachc
1". ‘.‘ _‘ ..
:i. if. Jameson.
r. a w,_. “ .»', <_~A_ ‘ ”.'_, u ».1 1 _-~ ,.1.‘.,.,,-, 1m" — -L.: ' ‘ t: ‘.
_4Liiié,:,zit .JlI‘LiiUl whales mat ‘:‘..LMJ. x4110 dXGCUUIC)n emu. m..-
4 .-_.. .n _ ..\: ‘ .~ .-‘».L4.,- \ . " ..J ,.».. n.. ..;.:, . ,.-. .{_ ,4. .A _‘t, ‘. ._ r 1 i .. n
1.1,VCI'J’ OJ. aim-_Lu MIJJJwJI’i \31‘5LJ. UJ. £&;;I§I/.Lf‘-)J.xi.:":iliu {NJ 31.11;! JJ bulb; “ban-Cu»
‘I 4:3,,- ” ...», -. . 4. L- ‘.- .,..7.1..'., ‘:. »,L ,.‘}- _. ,“'-n- ., ,‘.'- .“..'!., . " ...- ‘...J. .'_ n‘
BEECH, mid 0212.26"; '»’qu bffziiSLLLueuQ uO wilt; UIJMUJU U.L L-JJ; .~§:_.{1:.;59C,fl
T" 4. .. .. '~‘ ..,.: "'. .‘__- "‘.“ i .. ‘.. _. ., ‘1‘ ....-,_ “J.. .... ‘L'—J 7 -.7 L1. ’—‘-, . ,,_ , .. , ..J. Ln.“ \.' ‘.. ‘.“
”(KEGUOL‘H ”Ezedgdcig Mumpung, (by wlerLllLbu‘.‘J;,-=-UJta \‘~.L‘.:Il old-i .LOQALCL'u L110 u mime
1 - ,., '— ... ‘ 1. ‘..“ ”a ' " mm ..J i. .T
00 {moneyed on. Jena-.I. oi bait. bemoan“
"'. .'-._r~' 7.41. , .‘.‘,Jw . .,. Ami \ ,1_1 (..:. ‘.1 1 '2‘ ,V ,,, . ,. I.‘- ,.'L. : J. . ..; ~ ~I. -
. raid 18.3114 f‘u..».o!l-3.u 3‘J\.eu{,':3 b.'l.,;.u 8‘ J.“ -:‘)wa'i f-‘(LUJL .Lu’i. 210w, L33 Alb
’ ' .i" .. N ,.‘ “ .' ‘. ‘TI , .'. .~‘-:... .“- "-, f"! :- '.. ". ,_ ".'": ... . . .‘. . ..‘... -‘.' '.. », . . . V
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. - - _.‘ 1".“ ,..,-. j H. .-. ...: 71 :7,“ ,._ '..‘: ‘..: e ‘ ‘ ':.finx-iu .
{:1 {7.1301303 ...:.(..-..i;";C'-.‘..:(w Ll‘rfi‘fiu .:J :;:-mi“. -~\.'(§'J‘)0 .1951}. :;:) ~‘.-ij \31‘51‘31' :JLLLIJIC <1
To 4“; 'w‘z“ .7'-”7)? ”(a ' (‘v -<'~ ’~‘-.~5 .~a.‘~ ‘\ ‘5‘-x A am .< -‘r 15h“ Kw" "‘1'\" '-~-->-‘A r- \ ’~'»: I J‘.‘ n
_. ULuJ.J ..v . .2.; '».: uG t-li‘r L,'.'..-‘..z; “'1,-:.:, “... Dish s‘)..£/...—-J_:\M__«..‘,f Al. , {.:.A'Jz -'.ul
3 .. .'_; M ‘ ~—-”»;"-‘ , t i n i . . , . _, . J -

‘LflC same; 1w» wax.- i;‘,1,_t£;,.’i.u .::: .zm! _: :0 QUOTLIWH :.;; not, 51351511320211; 0.": 01‘4101‘

f’r( < "a ' .:1 ’:1 nmra ‘\ , ”‘14 In

31”! flu].-. ,, ,\:-.J(_;U »:'.C'JLn

341.7: ”.4‘ ‘:.. 4‘ o, 1.1. F. L. a - , .-_ .;-_‘_,,, .. :. ..~, ‘:., _ _ ._ -
”xiii-mo L../L121: when 11:“: 1.? Jfilegk,‘_-’.;Qud. ‘20! ”no, ..;u';1::1g:3: 0‘}. the

" ,,‘. ,... :y 'f‘ "r‘nv '1», “v ,, .. “1‘”. ,I ,._ ,'.‘-1" ‘4” ,1_*:. _u n -

1‘0111‘33317111 c ;.nufiunusi tertiu‘v‘u-Ld' (”.'::-105115; out, .I‘-f? .’A’)F.‘21?_1 07‘. (:51?in 973837 01‘

,; .- J,» L- ‘ J. ‘ ....“ ..‘ ‘M .J ., 7',“- . A -. -

{3.3815311 "uflu 3..1. 111'<;-35§(.L_LE.._’ and not 1:; ‘:.coemznzuue 5,5,4: the semi:.?{-~:>"H‘.‘r:;1:r3

.F‘ J."‘ . ,~‘? — .,x‘.‘ .‘ ‘ .'1 '1 .. _ — “ J. A ",.,‘.H I“, . i J“ "

OJ. uric Lamina on £:;.:.1v_u twain-ting my. ‘E‘J‘f‘u; L.:LL-"£53m, '.“.;‘I‘Tlfi 33.53.1200”: Chi-12’s

. q ,

(up .,1.“ _, -., ‘JWJML r. :9"? V 3 \\JHJ , ' . .1- “._.

Quit ainei uZ a-iewbsuce. e m. Voile ._‘-:..1». menu-igu- Gestlroue ‘:(‘9 ooh-..?): the

, ...,. 7 .'1” ,‘ ’.“ .,n..- ' ,. ".'.- . .'.1 z” 1 i e . .. ' ' “

datum twice“, -.;:.nu m$..:..m.l;r “:.:“ m..: r 2:112: lmsfvy. nm.<1«"=<" “ ou'zfizz‘

. >1“: :3 ‘. . :1 e.,. W , "......“ ~4— ...-\ . , . .. ‘ - '
02C Ofuuf.‘ UJ. .--;.~.~:.-.»i,-Jz:;.«,-2._:, 1.1.-int {JUNE E'ii'LL‘C‘x7’fir”'r“. ;.zz'ui rirfliizratref: ‘50
71].?” 10*- h‘” " ‘1‘ ’\ W!" :'A ' “' '1 x ’V‘. ~ '-~ ‘ » - ' “ "

- J ..u,;=,..)~. “Hm, mus-us t':.i.f:fl.-.1LL.“1”G i-Zf‘jivr’f‘J‘fT :.:‘iusrzrisz-rwl 1:11‘_1'T’—”~; 5:0 ::.-n
.L“ Fl.‘ 5 . - 1 ,.

-_ ,.‘..1 ‘».-N? --!' ,,.-“1, ,—- .'.-117 1.1...:. .-."\ ,.,'!” *4. V .. .

“10 o.”- "<~.-: U4~ COM-")Cv-g l‘w'w‘g and: 1311.19”! wrung: :94? ml] ,' r?i’:j:.'r,:(:5i1.‘-:r:fl UV
' C4


R. P. Jameson, an amployoe of the imxingtnp & 7&8torn Tailway Com-
pany at Jackgon, Ky., and thim affiant is entitles to 3011953 fihcrc‘
UE5OT from the lexington & Eagtern iailwuy Campany, OT fihc Touisville
&afiashvilie Railroad Company, the sum of iixty Eofilare ($60.00)
due ”lid 308000 3ach, a9 aforesaid, for the manth of FePtmmber, 1913.
for Eorvincs as farfi Clerk at Jsckaon, Hy.

Affiant further undertahbs and agrees hereby,ip the event
Said aflsignqonc or “Edgy is 39“0Pfi95 by Haifl Lexington & FaStern
yailwflj CGmPan; fir saia youisvillc % jashvijle Failroafi Campangf and
saifl ciyty Pollars (:SCfloQ} is 3315 :3 him. that he wil} protect
said Companies aflaififi PF? “tkuz nr fuItucr slgimv that may be mafia
againsfi them, or cifihg? of fihom, b3 Said inacoc Bach, or any §erson
C3aiflifis under him on account Of the mega: 83 Paid to affiant unficr
said gunfignmf“t, anfl tFj; affignt will save 3&id Camvanies harmless
against afiy agpmamc. 339g or flawsge, if any, that may be Gufierea by
them, 0? either of fihcm, by reacgn 3f fine decaptanco of Said orfler
OT awsig‘mewt.

Fm?ther affiunt Snifih moi.


{iflfifli Wfifl awarn tn hafora we by Sjifi Euldon Bach this

___.._337 of Ocr'tv-c'iwsi. in: F1.

 . I
lorm 239—1142 I ‘ni
. g 1
" ’ (E m
,5 , Q
/ fiexmgtun & iEaztmm fimlmag n 115mg
) , c
‘ r
LEXINGTON, KY. 9/26/13.
Chief Counsel,
Lexington, Ky.
Deal" Sir:
I havRWith submit the folEOWing claims to you
for you“ opinion as to Whether there is any liability on
our hart or no+ for the killing of this Stock.
Ira Conbs,Jr; Horse.’"’ ' -. '”r ' 'J
" Iva Combs,3r. Hog. :_ .~ = .,M
i . . 'X\ W» A“ . .. “- - :
_/ TlaYt Sluwenéflxev, C(NV. ll ,-. 2» ‘f’ k ‘ - ~ ,, v!“ \
. " ,,-...» "'“'.é/ “7“» 7‘ ‘ V / ‘4 .,II, 3:“. : , ._. ‘.‘
.- Lot+ie Maloney, " ” W7 9“ "4':" ’”Y”W”}>fl ; Tj fjl, 7
C.W.Tvree, Steer, “ /7?,/ I r
Green Campbell, Hog. ~fl~ “ “ ‘ '
Carlo Sandlin, " \_u_£4 M
Mat Long, 5 Sheep‘”“ m 5' x f
\A/ ) G. 3.]‘1321397. ,. COW. w‘.._--—~--w“*“""””‘ ';f ‘V A, \- {/i (fi’f‘x/Afm" " ' I
’).V» V A“ V _-\ I \: V‘fi .»....-
WllHOTI Fields, Hog. “’"‘ '1' J 9 ».’“ V ' ._g
I would be glad to have you return ffiese nabers as
soon as convenient as Roma of +hese pariies ave rushing me for
a Hetfleflenf,
* Yours Truly,
Sfiég; Claim Agent.

 :; , ~. I“ . 7 ‘- , VV, . ' , v~ V ‘ xv» * ,
'.'- . ' 1‘ . ' ' , - ‘ ‘
t .— - . ; .4 . 5 3 "
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 / */ KP ' " 7 / / '
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/:’-l n'// 'I ( H / I), p/)« ’/’.” / / u // l ,’1/ / ’»’ ,' , ,/-‘l , . /, I, r/

. .,sirmxz/zz/sz/x ”M (,_./l ,,K/M.. ///,,/[ m,” M/z [Kl/1L,
/ /— a V / l
/ ,/ / , .75 , . ,,
'//»/ fl/ //‘// #07477/77/ CZ ' r’ ‘3”
" . 5- ,, ".,,, /5;_/f / ' /,. ext/zeflaa/n L4 ‘-
%mu1e[fl W/dnn // a / J /

.m"/* H . 1 ’5 ,

.”.‘—:1”... , /”I/ ;z // . «'7/2/ '

\J ,/ %;/II‘W{(éJ:I{/fiflltljfl/./ Mam-v /// 'l / n _:

‘ "ww'//’/- ///L ///9 nepfiombor 80, 1913.
w. - .r “‘ vx n—wv-w
352’. D. 31. he; Club :3;],
' 1., '4 ‘1" I .:. ~ r: in 1:.”. »‘1
E3905 bialm agénu, 1 w a by. uo.,
7‘ ' w! a . ‘2"
Bear flir:«
" ,‘.. 4 u - ‘ .:.«L ‘ , 4:1~- \. -.- '3- n: - ' A~ . ‘ - ‘.,‘
fifinflngnfi your EWQ 16:9E18 ox aha Léih a both 1nstsni 1n reésrd
‘ . .~ .~—- : .., - .1 ,1 " ' ':1: .n .. -‘ “4.‘ .. 4 : .. ...i .- . ~ . ~. . E.
“o 1¢&biiftq 0: uhw L & M i0£ Ll Quack claims smbmztten to me I have dealt
u v 9
. 2.: . . .2 ‘ ..‘ -,,-A.., ”w 1 . r " nut-q, . -, - -» .. 2 " ~ -.
filtfl each claim beflaé¢$b;g LL ans dtiéChflv ietuurs. There mic some gencxal
obs rvsfiions which I have thought is 330303 to submit ta you in this Jetfier.
0 '5‘ (303.11‘36, You are; fay-15117 is; 1‘ the za‘ta‘tute ( 2;, Fritats.
$00. 809), which is as fullows —
"‘.-.I.: -, _., > , . J...- W -. «-~. A . ... 5 i. -5 . ‘4.;
ii? my vhe locon viva a: CflLS uf an; companJ, castle
'2 ‘1 '~' , ..:" .5 .. ‘.,‘ .' _.._u :t ‘ .'......1, ‘2;“ . .‘.‘ -.., 5:3 , , (',. g _‘..“ .:..
3&311 be LAJLUG o; ANJMLCU an the bihfin sf maid ;dbu fiJJd¢Riflfi bhe
-. - 1 1 ’ « ‘ m. A - -‘ ‘.. :’ - -— .~Jn‘ .9 -!-. x- . ~.. . (‘,:.
;Uhus oeiunalné go a: 1“ inc OCGQyuulOfl 0; ”he memo: of such Cmuth,

. T ., J. . fl ' . " , , .2..: . 1 - .‘ .,. ‘.3 . 1 . 5 .‘ ._.‘ . "‘ 1
who mas no” rucelvuu compensauion for fencing Said 12nd aloha ssié roam,
the lsfis Shall be divxmeé between the railroad company 223 the owner

. 4 .“.‘." . ., ‘ .,5.» a . -.» a- ..l." .. .-- -.. - '. ‘-
of such CaiflLe, bufi 1n Cfmfd case mheze Cathie aic L1?1x& or Angurea

- « 3 0 '~‘ ~ V.‘ *> — - x -. -- A
by the negligence or careleasnens of the agents or selvaan of any
company, it shall pay fu31 Gamsges for such killing or injury; and
- -" '- .».. ' ,._ . . 5.2: 1 . _ , . ' ~ — . r .. —
the Lliilfig or 1ndarg of cau,10 by the anglne or cars of any comps y
ML“; .. ‘., .V .' .... : :1» . .7 ..,.“ - ‘ - . 5. »
susll be Eglma facgg dJiuQflCC of ncL¢1geneo and.carsles ROSS on éhe

.5.. . ‘. . ‘.‘..g :.4; (_., . ,. . .1
ngt of Lhe compsad, lug sgenis and SCIVunts."

Under thi3 statute, it has been frequently hclfi that
. 1., a. .:.. ..” ,., ~ I . , ~- ..- .~. «- 5' - . .
share shoe; is k¢JLOG on a razlrosfi iracl, Lhe 33w raises a presumpt on
.L. .V .:n,~ ' .: 1- .. q - . .., ., ..A .' ',.. .. ., ... . s.- . .. . .2 .
what and indurg was dag to Law AegllgflfiCG of ihe railroaé compan; or its

*.~~ ’ i. :"'. .\. ;‘. F“ ”.‘ 1" '_~ - =3- , _ n 'I’

empiogces x200 u~3. . 5 r.:.g.m.Co. J, surgesm, 84 h.h. 760.)

‘L. ‘- .' ,‘ 1 m 1 1 ‘ "_._“; . .u . .. .

Lo has aiso been fiCifi ihat the LulnrOad compnng is
s ' - .. . 4-«5 - .5 ,.”-,5 -.',M 5... . .‘. V- ,1 .5 . ,_ - _ “,'. - ,
lellcved of VLG ylcuumptlou ugoutefi by Lhe miutnte on proef fihsb 1t: om—
. - - ,. .. ,.. ‘,.“; 4 . ‘..- __‘“ _,.. Ayn ,.'1- , s .2» ,,.. ..... vii, " ‘-~. T- '5 ‘N , ..‘-
plOJCCm diam 0161;; J Cqu nu w¢01fl ;hjulg (use 4. & J...;.Co. v. “henna,
n 7" ‘,“‘ .’1 ."‘.“ f - -. .. ’~‘. ». ‘ «V: V .5 . A- . .. ' q - ‘ ..'_ , . f _. p .‘_
30 in” him). inla QlOyObli OR 43 Guatefl 1n some uf she canes |ior CIuflle
_. “..2“ A r '- ”1,. ~ ‘17 ..,-. . ~ .» 1' w. ‘ m , . . . .'» a. . .- ..‘
.ou;;o a Wu two" I, “0:104, D? Vaha G8J). In nuhsiaunc that ”he hfluwutifl~

 / 7 fl" 7 / i/
*7 ,1 ‘ ,/ 1 k W ‘ J ,‘ ,/' gm / I“ / ,l/ / f, ,
.,._7,,.6’////y7/// ////// /,/// (/[t e ///// ///;,« .///// lfl///,
/ / / ‘7/7.’ / Z
r / ,,/ ,fl .
g .//{ (W ._/W/ -K///,._/¢KI/ ,///KW/A~ fiwfinrzfi/n, 9%-
awum/ . a darn /.~ / 0
nv 9W” 7 , . , /‘\ 7.
:d 5 , r , , ,11—_—'
./ Zia/mr/IW (gaunt/r. Mam-rm: ,4
n “/4 ,/ //.4 /, /'/ x///'/
_ 3.7 T? J.’ /
Duff]. 71-520
'1 _: ‘ g , 'v j! ,.‘, A ' ., A ' - -
n .3 1!, ; up; 3‘. _.l: V , .- , . ._Acg,..,_,. . ,1 ‘ . ' ..,... , ~ .. I.,. - - .'.: J- _,,
Aanw 1n a; LangA ,0241uogg 0L vhd CEHNUJUUQ in enuige U1 a brain uhfiu vncre
‘ , ,.‘ ‘.- -. r a,” .-v '2 -“,— a H~ a . . - ._.. . ..‘ , .‘
was no ncgilgoace OVLJCUHEB Lue etutatory prSQMQtian
A; .,., 4.x ‘ - *1 ' ,4. - J. . ’
hbaLn, 93C ruie 18 stauod be the effect that Where the
+-1.3_-§ ya h. :5“: {“1“ :- «’3 'V "T.’ J ;* ' 4- w 1 w w m 5‘ '41» v , .. ~ ~1 ‘ '
uiuanLfl ”-0 dub on“; pic JthGhneb hn¢ thy; ulna finafi exasnary care was
‘ ‘. 1 .L. 51». .: '1 4.7, w .‘q .: r: _ a “mm.“ a -- - - - ,
a use; yo uyoiu ban ubOJQCRU, the Sun} “3 id relievefl. {59c 9’ & 0.V. ’
Grlggby, 131 Ky“ 35;; snefila 7.E~237.3
m, ., ., . .q ,, W .,. v; l x. “a : ..._ v- . ‘ ‘ - t
Jaw/3' VWKTGCZ'IL CEBQS: 3:47;;4311 ‘3’4'1‘13Lf-L13‘ £1,116; i132?:;l‘f tflii iii"?! :‘cvivfjr‘ .
(ck-l ’1" 41"! '1 " fl :4 .1 ‘-“ “1:7 I" r 1“‘1’§'\ n ”aux “-r 4 ‘ {q- w ,1- ’m T? -- '
”dug by J49 ~a¢¢lu9¢ deymhy uku erc v“ bGLu El Lonéaeky Trmatlon Company,
117.: 73‘“. l‘f/‘r'. _' 3 a r- g. '» > r- ”A. - .. - V “_ ., a . . n. “ .. .
Au» hfi. IDu, 3.0. L40 “5.; iré, &ud nemieJ v. I411nols bentral E. .Co.
v” “f . -— < ' '
151 hJo .96, s.a. 152 H.-~ 9V5.
‘ n" f .‘ ,.. . ‘-1“~I-,‘, ,..l..- . , x . ,. _ . -‘ 'v ‘ ‘ -
I chH Jun; hwyuUuJUng uuwuvcr to inc mantlnctlon mafia
in the cart-0 m IE3"? ircvio Cnne‘w Y‘- ‘7‘ (“r v “EM“ ‘ " ‘3 “f "7* ~ L
. W” Aluu u ”.5... - ....- A). .. ..- L:l.«..l.t‘/,_‘[' J0 «:.:: a 016, r.’-_9.2'9 the
P v4~ n1 an ‘?~n - - +nxznfi 4”” a: B s; .: u.. r - -
Jou_u h,mkm uhwt nO‘MJULSuhnhgné uhfi engine I anu flremnn 1n charge of the
.L... - v-y a ; .
q‘1 '1 h. ‘ : ‘- ‘ «I :1- x." ‘rw ‘.- - ”x r -‘~‘« ~ -‘ 7 ‘- ‘ ‘
brhih “1c Lnu 3a-; age MAUnearcu to bus acejnent aha thelr tcsfilmany dis—
T' 19‘ w“! “' n. .5 ”..' m vr. .'- ' I‘ ’7 ~ \, .11.”. ~. “ .L..‘ .-. - . .-._x- ‘ , . -
p,ovc4 nctnlbcLJd, Jay 3; uha fulfilOul Lfigui milituue Lgalflflt such testi-
., T 4.3. ‘9.” ., ..., .‘. .. .1. “.,.. “,4 J. .L", _ .~ . v'
monj, 4V Evy be DLOng no pubm¢u Una case Lo the jury. The Court, after
i’u‘m~ (gonna-Eda Mq‘o .. + w ~ - ~
"JJ ‘L‘ urJuo Una” yfiinv, uacs unc fOlLOWXEH Language -
NT- . . 2» -.n .5» “_r‘, , .14., 1 .r. ' - -
~ ' ‘ , «a mom» a} uno bquS G¢uflfl uo Shaw lbs Ilgnt to a
. 3 .,v'.-. . ..A... _‘_ .,,‘...,1.. ,:.~. , v. ,..g: ..‘ .g -
palgmgbgiy 112;» _.L 11:31,.“ 3:, ‘.‘,;..,1r; um; L&:;,3u,1m..;;1;a of the: Era-’0! 0303 of the
r ‘ M 4. 1..». .:: . L ‘ ..,w -.‘ r- - 9‘-- ‘
;oad bhflu Uhe aucfldmab nafgunax nIanufi fauit on thnur nwmt fin“ nn+
(”5‘1'141’Tflffii4h‘1'r‘fl 73‘7“ n‘f‘l'v. 1~ “4-: » ~ 3,: "' 4.} In“ — ' ‘ "x -' Lu?“ “Ivy” VU
:fljw;;¢iuvm+iditJflnr uc¢.:mo§j, LAO ufie gaysncal masts maiitate
¢594gwu the Jaguimsng, 32 :n she case at war. The jury were fink
“, ..f . {.1 , ..., .1. ,.r. .L.'\ JP“, . .. .' c. ~ ‘ ‘ ‘
qaumu, LL gnu fuflu 0+ was LGQLS 4519M banned to shuw fine neglifienoe
om tnwe‘7u-fi +1 oar 7+ *h» Lan+:y»~~ rr " — r ~+‘ V
(._ ....-Ur‘. , 1.3 ,8}, mm, mm.“ harm“; m. It: QULQ‘JUQJ’OS 31011-312311 31.3
a . _..“. . .- .- r?» -...-. ,..~ m7 :,,..4. m ,-, -
other iJv ng Jltnebs 3&n the accident. “he JMIJ has bne rignb ta apply
.1. . ., ,--... ~- 4.. , 3 .:.:. - 1:
«he flallm res ¢msa Jonu;vur.
. ”WW
" ~ — " " . 4- ‘. ~ ‘.-'I . ,~ " -? W “- l-‘K ~, Ju‘ ‘
A practleal constructlon.u0 Lo DULAOVQ ix uhOyuLT vhexc are
I I ' ' ‘V . ,.K . , . ,‘n J- .-, ' -... a " ,~
any eye witnesses fin the aoeldeut o.h01 than ”he txalnuen aLd a;3u

 \ . ,/" . / , if / K/ / -. .» I
[Y ' Y I f .' ' I ' l“ ,I/ ,2 Y/ / ., Y.” / ’,I/ , . {J .
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. . .A/ ///~// [KKK/i/Z/W/I/ g 3 %
L%7776(6L/l% Won "" Y'. / '2 3, ' ’ ewwi/a/am, y.
.. ’3 V r’ / .~. 7
A. -’ / :‘.? . ' __—
‘ '-"//”"’3"""’5/(t‘mwfl/f WWW,
,‘ ‘,"1 ‘,/,/ / ,3’/ ."' ,, //4,
{)a 372’le a ',,":BI
".‘.. 4.2 .. w ,, ‘,,. ., . '.'- - .‘ 1 -.. . ‘ .:.: ~- . I .J ._ . J- . .. . -
WLQUflOf fl2 .... ....
20;; tra;y yours,
,fl“ 3.

 I‘ // ' / , f i / ‘/ / * /
P __ ,J-IC’IT/l/y. /‘// ////// / M). ”l7! ’. //// . [WK/y /, /’//%//v//y,
/ / 2 // 3 3 / >7 6’
1%22nmvt/ % %chn =‘“/{/// ’/ *’ fl/K// //’/////‘ GdYWX/OO’L, L3?-
__ ~. , 3 / ,...
¥ ( j/Z/mm/w/J'él/unjw/f Hr/ _
"'U/'// /- ///t 3/“7 September 30,1915.
311‘. 0‘ .7?“ LEJLZL‘L-isfisg 2&3],
fitoeh Claim igcut, 1 E 3 By. 00.,
Dear Sir:~~
.536 .,4 M _ A r,"3‘3. J L V.“m,..“.12 L_h. . .
....EC .1 L55; to 5J34L1;. .,: .H.eJuik‘4‘5£”3J}L nxxl‘ ;clr.éizg§ (71' ecu , €fliC‘ ::Echrs
- . 21"; “I r3‘--' 7, if“: ,7'; .~. '1 1 -. {"“.-1"”): “.“:-x 7 Un "fl \ 7 - "‘ "' ".' ‘ j “- A -
1n ‘3'”3 :”’V y”“~ ”“3“*iiv =v M9, i ‘m new uniflfi qnere 12 any Liabijity
r sting on ihe 13i3way Campany far thflr 1035.
law; truly yaurs,
(t “r' I:
L, I] L..

 / ~/ KK” " 7 / 7
».- [..I/fly. .K// K//// ./K ,K/ A. K// r/./ K K .‘ , K /// KKK/K; ,,
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, ,.K / , / ; < l , /,/ r/
heptomher 50, 1913.
:22. 7;? “2 -:~ .. 44""
«.L. O. :21. fid.t.a(\~5‘§uc;’,
,; 1,. -. - I. v' , -~ ‘3
_tocn C3dlm Agent, 5 a a Ly. Co.,
7' ‘,‘,.: 7“! :._1“? » If.”
._AC‘...L__,_-:‘ J ”(19 Lx‘)
Dear flirz~
. ",.‘”...zfi. '; '2 .V- . {a -_‘ V ’1 - '~‘ -. , . , .1 ..
“CIMJL;Qg tA Claim a; 1:3 vanws, Jr., 19x injury so nurse, 1
‘.‘. .:.‘ ‘1.“<,,‘ ;. ..jn,:,.,1, .‘1(_7\.- .L': H,“ ."‘ Q. ~ ‘.».-~,.:-1.-,-, 1' .I. . U . .
cflfl ;JLC;.J;fi_£ QC tizun»; uthL »3u312; it. 3;) :1;;uig,aéér, :;u:, {die .60;J*;'t 011 iflze
...-,,. ”.., ‘,».M .1 ‘,.A ..‘ ".:‘: .! ‘.” - : ':' .,. .,': ‘r .. ‘ ‘. > ~"V
Clézit‘: {;:)chgs to Um 411311;; ,’.CJ.C.;AL 8.1M; .'. .,Op‘uur, 11’,» J.J,rlc to 3:113:5ij 5.1
.J-tm _.‘ _ “‘:_- ' ,... ..,..,- In“ ., f. ‘ ,5 V" ,‘.'>‘,w..w- ._..g N ‘ j".... a .‘ u ._. "s‘k‘ = v ‘
influx}. ~):L-.‘J..Ll:1.=).l'i “lupin” P3016 “thulenubs ,.L. Lucite .L::~ no :*>u.z_{__1.‘1,.31e327-) :'_111301'71115
J-‘wtn-f ..1,_ ~‘.. M ,: r. : ‘ 4.‘:.“~l :1 ‘V. .». ,L.- .:‘- “.,.. '. ‘.,..3 q ‘.‘. ~ - .. ~‘ '-
Uhuu inc QJJSS Jug anm;p» ad w va4u9 u¢t as “hip Jag LELPlj, 33mg 9 fart,
7 +1,-,-‘,“ 1‘- ,1 ‘7 :.. «L. , .._....n ..~“ .I». . Amy. . . ' ‘

._ Luigi“? .‘.-.LLLJNu. )x'} ‘_'}e’iu‘k; in) «ISM/umtigiu .L.LJE’; Eh?) L;.":‘gLLnUOZE 0})‘3333'31‘1: 0.“: '1;-3'15)
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