xt73bk16mf8w_371 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [269w] Miscellaneous text [269w] Miscellaneous 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_37/Folder_6/2269.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_371 xt73bk16mf8w JESSE MORGAN LEWIS A.HUCKOL$
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.:’ V September 95, 191$.

/ r _
Judge 0. H. Pollard,
. Jackson, Kentucky.
Dear Judge: I

I have yours of the 24th instant, advising that the
October Qerm of the Breathitt Circuit Court convenes on Honday,
October let, and adding "will you please forward answers to me
_ this week * * * in all my cases",otc.
This is rather a startling request, and in order to
comply with it, even in part, I will have to ask that you be a
little more Specific as to the particular case or cases in which
you desire me to prepare answers. In View of much other work, .
which is daily demanding my attention, the time is all too short
to comply with your request, even in part, but, if you will
kindly Specify the cases, I will see what I can do on short notice.
Very truly yours,
' SHE/n

(”$4 I Z ’I,] “’,/7
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w-mm—mwwnwdem;«A-w-ww-v .»Mcn Mm- mwv- '<"V"“'«A‘;1Ll:len‘u‘-—,'vx wen,» Haw-'.. ::.uormnuax’hmmma. m..,"
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 .’ i
I I‘
/ ,
Qctobor 8, 1917.
:;:. seargesmt, ESQe,
Superintendent, Eastern 25;. Division, L. 0% II. E. Co.,
-, , 1,.
nmezma, p.27.
fiear sir:~
17011153 0:? the 41th, with attached Circular No.41, receivea
and noted. It is cause “for much. gratification that our jnint sug-
gesstions in regard ":0 this natjizor have been adopted and actefi upon
‘03th {jupmrintendez’lt oi" ’L‘ran:-M0rtat§.m1 and others 002100231311. I
ssiueer ‘13-} tn‘mz’c fillif‘fi timely action may produce practical results.
Very truly yours,

 AiW///)7// (’ ///)//’fl////«, //////’f//// ////%{//7M
. i 7 7 {K
K 4-_ / flw
» K/ (A) 7W1)» /). Mx/fl/[yPJ/z 10m”
/; I)”, /_/// < K. A , .
r fiflflfl/Mfl/fl/
October 4th-I9lZ/"
2 1 4 5 -
Judge Samuel M wilson,
Lexington, Kentucky
Dear Sir:- ,
Please refer to your letter September 8th suggesting that
the information contained in my circular No 566 be placarded and
distributed. I attach a copy oi circular No 41 which has been
distributed in accordance with your suggestion.
Yours truly 5
k V a. ;)


“The larger railroads of the country have issued a circular which contains very appropriate sug-
gestions. \Ve ask that it be reproduced by your company and given as much publicity as possible.


‘Do you know that thousands of horses, mules, cattle, hogs and sheep are killed annually by rail—
way trains in this country, and that this economic waste approximating many millions of dollars can
be reduced?

‘The thousands of horses and mules that are killed every year would fill the artillery requirements
of many regiments, and the thousands of cattle, hogs and sheep that are killed every year would provide
meat for thousands of soldiers. ' ‘

‘Anyone who aids in preventing the loss of even one animal serves his country patriotically and


Owners of stock keeping their animals in fenced enclosures and not permitting their stock
to roam at large on railroad right-of—way ;

Town officers passing ordinances prohibiting the practice of permitting stock to roam at

Superintendents, roadmasters and section men making a personal appeal to the owners of
stock to keep their animals in fenced enclosures;

Engineers taking every precaution within their power to avoid striking stock and never
failing to report stock seen on right—of-way; _

Section men driving stock off right-of—way, keeping farm gates closed, and fences and
cattle guards in good repair; giving preference to locations where liabilities of stock
getting on right-of—way is greatest;

Newspaper editors presenting this important matter to the public through the press;

Everyone making a persistent, personal effort to bring about desired results.”

The co-opcration of all concerned will be thoroughly appreciated.


General Immigration and Industrial Agent, Superintendent of Transportation,

Louisville, Ky. Louisville, Ky.
H. B. HOLROYD, Louisville, Ky. JOHN LISTER, Gulfport, Miss.
Animal Husbandry, Agronomy, Foresty. Fruits, Vegetables, Market Distribution, Organization.
CARL B. JAMES, Athens, Ala. E. A. MILLER, Knoxville, Tenn.
General Agriculture, Horticulture. Horticulture, Plant Pathology, Entomolgy.
WILLIAM JAMES, Montgomery, Ala. S. W. WESTBROOK, Pensacola, Fla.
Animal Husbandry, Agronomy, Farm Management. Fruits, Vegetables, Organization, Distribution.
:nLn—iT-ur—Fne 39703.

 ’\ 7 A I7 7 .3260
//> ///{Z /7 $7“ / h? , « '
.i./{low 06/ '1;/(I'J'Zi/lw a My 7W5; i/x/Ifi/l/fl/
/ /
fl) , ,7], ,7 fiv‘ , . .
f mJ fl/Jzflm zfitr/yg/flmém/z
l //,//l /’/// ‘ /- , _. . _
flm¢ ‘;fiwflz/Mfl/efi/
////////////// f/z/u
- September Bath-1917 “
2 1 4 5
Judge Samuel M Wilson,
Counsel, L. 5: R. R. R.
Lexington, Kentucky
Dear Sir;- V
Your letter of the 8th with reference to circular
No. 566 of September 6th urging conservation or the live stock.
I have given your suggestion to the Department issuing for their
consideration. Altho it was not specificaly stated in giving
I the matter to our company attorneys it was with the intention of
having them prevail upon the various news papers to publish as
reading material .
Yours truly .
in and NW

 , September 8, 1917.
M. Seargeant, Beq.,

Supt., Eastern Ky. Division, Lnfl RR 00., ‘

Eavenna, Kentucky.

Beer Sir:

Referring to your mimeogrnph circular No. 5G5, issued Sep-
tember G, 1917, urging greater cure on the part of live stock owners
in Safe—guarding stock from injury by railroads, it occurs to me that
it would be a splendid idea to follow up this circular by reproducu ,
ing it in large poster form and then by placarding the Division from
one end to the other with such posters. It is my opinion that the
general public will pay no attention whatever to the wholesome and

_ timely advice contained in those circulars, but their attention may
be arrested ifi the contents of the circular are attractively set ‘
forth in a poster big enough for a men who runs to read. En doubt
the advice contained in the circular is addreeoed to 3&N Attorneys,

V With the View of having them nnes tie good word along, but you
must admit that the attorneys themselves do not need to be admonished
on thin Subject, and no for penning the advice along, that in effect
is attempted every time a live Stock case is tried. The resulte,
hencver, have seldom, if ever, justified the effort.
Think over my suggestion about the posters and let me
know how it strikes you. ,
Very truly yours,
‘ Counsel.

- rr‘ I . a
. a/aw/igiv.
((lC).'El“IZZLL-‘-.TIGit - by mail} .

Lexington, 3:;/’.,
r ‘r - ~ ”(3.‘ ‘ R (5
s. A.. .i.-gorrzmon, nag” h‘ 1'31" 2.». 117'
I.:‘ugfsn 1.;-CL} 31}: Co., Kentucky wivision,

. Paris, Kentucky.
':1 ur wire 01' this data regarding tr:;ck on '.'Jem-site prtmerty
at: ‘l "L l the cost is ,iroperly secured or paid in advance,
we no .w‘mjaectim: to doing; repair work requested by Speyer c”: bon.
iiaaggggcst you 'n-ave than furnish you evidence of their authority from
Lne lieoeiver to 11%»;er materials intended for shioment.
F. ..L;.Z..‘.Jil€.‘-0‘r1.

 FORM l—Revised July, 1909
Messages which are apparently unnecessary, or that could be sent by Train Mail, will be transmitted and delivered
promptly. but copies thereof will be forwarded to Superintendent of Transportation for attention.
TE LE G RAM See Rule 353 and General Manager‘s Circular No. 101. TE LE G RAM
L I): .‘.2 .0 2 ., . . 2‘
, Ankle- J.: ! ‘.:; a 3 ”‘31.! o 2!} 3 191’! o .
“tingle ll. 25.122011,
c::/o “'4' ,~.Gerr, .

.1' ACE-1‘1 IR-"J‘UOXTE , 2331'.

2135' ess exohcmgei’z wept moor 22m roger-2L! 1r irock on l‘JsvurLlL
“.,‘ .«e-{m- #- . V ' (31 :\~“l..« -7<,uv:: x. - m . " " r.--w~ » . .2. - » « - ~
12. 0pm. my L22, Lil: .Q.; w. £.ch “2.3022 2- :20:12. oi. Juggle :52. o: ’20 c2 :1:: 3i: 5.22:2; L9 '25 o
1i e 13:213.? 3.22;: iii-ml; 5:0 5.: LL r new: not: 13..? :2. L212? 91:25:: i; 5 have 1:523 2222:3311.
‘2’ our 2:12:22; 2:221:22; “to .Li‘izz o 12153123?! 22243 :3: 2,363.33; s ,::}:rivfi 22:12:12.? , orror i312
truii Lilili :3.:523. 021 of no oi’ the 12222323225368.

- =5 e 4* . .2 ”...1. son.
2 . ’30 .g ' 1
o 0 4~ 0 n ‘.0

0 I; 'L. . :.’.C I Oil 0 -

 w > .
‘. Paris, Ky., dept. 20, 1917.
Wires exchanged September 25th, regarding tnack at

Peersite plant at Clay City. Speyer & Son of Lexington requested

us to repair the track, so they could move materials they claim

to have eurehased. Your reply refers to fire insurance domnnny. I
Evidently error in transmission of one of the messages.


 1 FORM 1—Revised July, 1909
gigissageeg whichtilrebagtypnreptl{hunuefcesslziqg of: thatdcould be sent bydTrainfMail, will be tranmitted and
e vcr promp y, u copies eren wi e orwar ed to Superinteu ento Transportation or attention.
TELEGRAM See Rule 853 and General Manager‘s Circular No. 101. TELEG RAM
.,‘ . .
' Saris, 31:70 Jeri}. 235/1017" -
Juiye ;,.: 271153;):1,
Lexinr-‘tmn, :«37- 3,40 E..}.Carro ‘
' Refer L my}? letter 1);; 3555533. .ei‘mzinucr "5311113133 in wrrvard
to track in r‘Gafv‘site 131mm at Claw Cityo Sucker Sims. 4):? ‘.;Ofsii'nmton I
have remueratezi as to repair this; track mi; once at tug-iii“ CXV'K‘EESG,
for Lemgoram! use in leadinrr Shipments. 310 yen see any; 0bjeetion?
J .1 E.Ei)1‘rison°

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 . z" 2. ..,/.7. ///7 .//// g
- ‘ ., _//2//4////// 34¢ Z/Z/l/flé M/ 441% [fly/”fly
,, ., . . __ . @0156
j’?’// k0)”; g/X/fl/ ,fi/f/l / 2 ,‘ / / /' / ’2 _" . .
f/ - , 9’57’5’1’4W’7’0" iii/m fiflfl/fi/Mfléfl/i/Mfl/fl/y (”M/47mm.
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//////’.1 . : ..‘/(am ”a,
Z .0 .211,
9.3.913. 132151214221“ (71" the "c.3372, of Paris, ;{€}}'lt1l(3k;f, regarding (‘:hmtain
:;xz‘ithh—trszulcst 0:1 the proacrty of the ”.Pearzrssite 001:17737211177', at Clay
03‘ 7:3. 110722.862 mate herewith (.2051? of (21:7 letter of this (kit-:27 to
Sir. Tilliamsn‘m.»
e110. Yours 1:332]ng _
' 1‘ Counsel .

 .' ‘. August- ’31, 1917.
E‘. ‘:-'.:'¢.11inmson, 13:311., ‘ .
Asst. 2121311163017, 1133:1525; 0).,

31111-1, .{Gl'llluc‘iivu
"T § 11': '

11131213111; to yours of the 291311 instant, 3:11:11 enclosure, I
have {?Xll’filfliilnd the encloomi ii’.1};j‘x":‘,i'::iiion 3011;; 0:.“ 1etter iron Fir. 1.11,.
..i<‘:f~"u.3x'r:."-'-'L, 1i‘s'33.'1:1o1:1:j {moor-“1 413133111:- oi’ the -ivrecutive Z4e_,.:>o.rt.not, 1335?,
Lo 11:. '1:. 1L, ..;;(iasrson, “11317;". fig-ztoc‘x 1:1111'21'311‘ E, 191?, and hove today
=.:1211i‘a12ign':(i. ‘:’;h 1117.. £3‘<.1‘r\..::1 (L. .;‘1 1:011, Hen-':rnl .i:'11:1._e‘;e;-r of the ;ch'rtvxoly
i111 2311 00:13-mly, touching the ‘111153391951121H’I'Lén‘ (10111121111626 in the <21<15Jéingéz .
9.119;.31'113111 of 11:. ‘1<:L;.lr.;1r31'1’s 11.3 t tor. 15.1". 2.-':1to.}1 irriorrru; me that he
can :'im} in the film: of the 15.39: t3?c§:;.f Iia-‘zion (:‘.)5'111151173' no record of the
:‘1 1:315:17151‘111011 of there :1;‘-.'._'Lt-;:}x—tr 103:5: at (173111;; Sits/*5 In the sosenee 01’
£1.21; rifle-arc: or 111.111.352.31 2?-':31or§-’1T¥. oi" the €011.15; um! conditions under
1331511331 3:110 trucks were origins17y 12'11'-'th11_(:3:;':, 1 rear town: 1111 be some
oiliioultg,’ upon the {wart of the .‘:.eaf! in eraser 111.21g: title to title rte-€21
21.211': :.‘.elioes used 111 the construction oi" the trucks in question.

from 21.11 i can 1011111, it 1:.-0111a :.sngxeza1g' that too tl'n‘mikffi
were origini'fly lozzetec r1113“, c<>r1£‘:?:r13(3tm1 13;] tacit :-;=.g-‘_;1:'e=':;-3;1eiut 2115103131
311 the parties, out xvi thou“: .;ny express contract or agreement re-
:“peet mg the Y‘1R'G«fll;‘i:1.l-I'J 11:51.20 in 9111.331 construction. .I.-Sotwithz-etsrfiing
the 1):.13'1kruptcy on? the ?erxrzisjto Company, 1 do not think the [16111111011161
no Vierrmited in entering; 11901; the pronmz‘ty r2110 1':-1:103:14; the trrackfi
22;it'1:out the consent of the Leeeivor of the Pom-site 6011131911137 or in .
virtue of some order of court. :lezt'horizaing: such entry mu“: renew/:1.

It occurs to no that oossibly the best 1.2::137 to hsmdlo the
matter would he to nwlze some amicable overtures to the Lecxeivor of

 ' " Ears-2.

the hazwéite pl‘omni‘tg, in doing; whim}: the representatives of the Mel-f
might pancead .Lb‘ if it would; be tell-{ea 3;”01‘ granted that; the ‘azrzwks: be-
].<.:21;;ru.:h=:r1z 53115:"), wit“ le }.1;'31,‘-Ji:m if;
h .‘:C‘q

:é'muld _Iizyazr '::;-‘:,;;314L:'~;.‘t:17).: o; -’.:n Lorrirwn'l’rf ;“:7.".,-':-:‘. :"2'1'r5421 52.21:!"

, thing; :ful'ffnum' on the 5311215301', 1 mm]; "on 511.3! "‘.‘:.; 11:2.ve2 yaw. 224777190 meg .
an: : x 51‘ 1.11 ,
:1 7/ r3,
Cg - 7.5Jra
130113316301 .

 .l / / /
.. ee/tQQZZ%%& 6” e//%£Z9W2329249Q élé/¢Z%ZZZ¢ ;/¢%egyéé%3299
" K/flgg/wyd/f/M/ (fig/Merry?"
. Peerage; 99,1917
Mr.Samuel M.Wilson,
Dear Sir:— .
Your favor of the 28th relative to tracks at Clay City.
I have looked thru Mr.Morrisofis file and the only information
I can find is in Mr.McD0web1's letter of Jan.4,1915 to Mr.Anderson
a copy of which is attached. I am writing Mr.McDowell today if
the records of the Ky.Union Co.oontain any additional information,
if so,will forward to you.
' Yours truly,
” Assistant Engineer
I '8

 ' January 4th, 1915. -
~ Mr.W.I-I.Anderson, Supt., ' ,
. L. 8:: N. Railroad Co., Paris, Ky. _ 5
Dear Sir: ,_ " ‘ ‘ i it
- Replying to yours of 3rd instant IN RE tracks at Clay City, A.
etc., and returning herewith all papers including blueprints. v ,
‘The track on WL‘155 marked Brodhead—Csrrett Lumber Company
, Spur was constructed. under contract with the Center Lumber Campany
. ’ and Hamilton F.Kean, Receiver of the Kentucky Union Railway Company,
dated 14th day or July'1895, a cepy of which I enclose. .
I The tracks in red at Clay City were a part of those in ex— l _
v istance when I first came with the Company in 1897. I have never , ~ ,
.been able to find any written agreement covering these tracks,nor
does anyone now connected with the Company or in fact anyone else
that I know of recall under what terms and conditions they were put '
‘ in. A ‘ . ,
Complying with your request to give you complete in— '
formation, and apologizing for the length of this letter: a
. In 1890 there were the following corporations in existence,
the Kentunky Union Land Company, (the parent company); the Kentucky .
Union Railway Company, and the Kentucky Union Lumber Company, all ‘ '
three owned by practically the same stockholders. 'The Lumber Com-
pany erected the mills at Clay City on the property of the Land
Company and the Railway Company installed the tracks for the Lumber ‘
I ~ ’ V , t ‘

 w.H.A. Q 2. . i ' - i ‘
“Company. The Railway Company has, I imagine, since that time, cer— ,
, tainly since 1897, been maintaining these tracks at its own expense, ,
land it was the tracks serving the Lumber Company, as well as the a
: Spur first above mentioned, (Brodhead—Garrett_Lumber Company) that
-I intended to cover by an L.& H. standard siding contract when a _
' V complication arose and, on laying the matter before Mr. Courtenay, ‘ C
it was decided to make no change as to the conditions covering these ’
tracks, at least for the present. ' ,
_ As the Pearsite Company are using some of the above
' tracks, it might be advisable to at least hate thoSe covered by an - C 4 .
L.&“H. standard contract. ‘ ' .
. If I csn give you any further information, or in fact be
‘ of service to you in any way, do not hesitate to call on no. . 2%, (VT;
/ ‘ I might add that I am now moving the Jackson office of ' ' ffi Lkii”
the Kentucky Union Company (successors of Kentucky Union Fund Com— " ' 3T' :3 a
pony} to Berington, and as soon as its books and the records are _ i i I 4'
unpacked, I will have a search made to see if they will throw any ~ I: :fgi..,? '
additional light on the above question, advising you should any inr I ':1; r?
formation be obtained. « if in! ’
, Yours truly, . A V%#-. ;”
Enclosures. . . Gen. Agt. Ex. Dept. ‘2 #i' i
_, , g? ..,

, ;. a
. ,. . August 28, 1917.

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Paris,Ky. Auguet 27,1917 /
. Mr.Samuel M.Wilscn,
Lexington,Ky., '
Dear Sir:—
We have decided to remove a number of tracks at Clay
City including the four tracks leading; into the Pearsite plant.
I understand that these tracks were put in by the L&E Ry.Co.at
their expense and without contract. As the tracks are on private _
property and as the Pearsite Co. is in the hands of a reciever I
would appreciate your advice as to whether or not we could remove
the tracks Without incurring any liability in court.
I ’ Yours truly,
Assistant Engineer

3 , ~., _ ‘
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