xt73bk16mf8w_382 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [269hh] Miscellaneous text [269hh] Miscellaneous 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_39/Folder_3/2769.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_382 xt73bk16mf8w .. WOOTTON & MORGAN
e giinrnegsmifiiam
July 17, 1915.
Mr. Samuel M. Wilson,
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir: '
I am to—day in receipt of trip pass, Hazard to
Owensboro and return, and I desire to thank you heartily
for same and for your promptness in having it forwarded
to me.
With kindest personal regards, I am,
Yours very truly,
2mg... 7%. Cfiumz v

 July 16, 1915.

EZRA. LicDowell , Esq. ,

lfiarmger, L 62; -3 331.00., »
Lexington, Kentuckya I ’
Boar Sir:

Referring; to telegram of the 15th instant 0)"? Lin Lin-5.53.21,

flifliiiizif £11: trip pasta for Mr. "‘.-'.‘f.3.1:oev-3::, from liar-turd. to Dworzs'iioro

mu} rstium, start 121;: If“.:.21da.;;r, the: Ilfith inatzmt, 1 how: to any that

I m jof)2?SOllrl-ll§i in 3:23.250: oi‘ gray-$3123 this rogrmszt, ii“ it Can: be done

(£0119 istzn‘b’ly with the 1:015. (3:; of the Company. You. may rezmll what

i have 110212330433 1'53 $3315.. to you 1'<3§;;?1‘5:ing Mr, Reeves anti his: services

for the lion. {2,313 at 319.252.1211. on focomhnl' 7:3», 1.914, I endoroofr a roguesst

oi” his: for similar trans; Itntion in orfior that he might be at home

for the Christmas holiéays. This :L‘orz‘mr request; was granted. lair. '
iioev-nss otzzysz in the affine oi’ 31:00 tton 5"; liorgzm 23.116. 13.5318 ts them in V8.-
rious Ways-3 with their bminem. He is particularly 11891111 in connees

him: with the business of the ‘.‘; '.1- n 1:136. when I hmro occasion myself to

be in hazard, I am fragmently under the necessity of calling on him

for help, which he renders Very cheerfully and promptly. I am inclined

to think that no is making good at hazard. Ell-'15:, 3:03 that: reason, he is
3.115313, to ha of increasing service to us in the. future.

ii‘or them reasons, I take plasmas in approving this raquost.
Very truly yours,
Shh/a '
(3 mm sol 4r

 , -J ‘ v.
‘ ' ram: 1~Réviaed my, 1909 '
’ gigsageds whichtiarebapparcptlfilunnefcesislzirg. of: thatdczzlultd g: segttbyd’rriinfng‘ail, willtbéa‘ tratpsmitted gmd ' \
TELfiRAM ’5 Pm" 3" “‘ °°P‘essee riii°ss¥and aefiéx‘i’mina‘éer‘u‘spéfi’c‘uffr £33. 1’01. “mm“ °”‘“‘°““°“' TELEGRAM
2 AR DA BI _ H
Hazard ’.T-lfi—lfi ' _
1, E
S m W“ Jason , ‘
can you have trip ;pass sent to Mr W W Reeves fr’um gazami ‘
t3 OWensbarf: and refizlrn to . star 1‘; sunday " ' _
- {793553 Morgannwfelsinm
‘ I

 “ . January 2, 1915. 1
' ~ K. 5; fléfiowell, Esq.} ‘ ' - '
J Manager, L & E Ry.00., . '
Lexingfion,Ky. 1?-
‘ 1 Dear_Sir: * . \ '
Herwwith, I hanfi you mileage book #44775 for the year
4 1914, isgueé to Mr. T. C, Brafiley at present Sherirf of Fayette

County. It appearg that during the year past; Hr; Bradley baa on~
13 uSefl 187 miles of the total thousand miles‘coverea by the

' "beak. vfihile he does net anticipate any excessive £39 of mileage

. " ané big use theaeof during fihe @ast year has been exceedingly
moéerute, it wpuld please him t0 have a renawal of this mileage
book for thfi ensuing year; 1915. I trust it may be in your ‘
power to grant this favor, as I am confident it will be proparly
afipreciatefi. ‘ J '
. . ' Very truly yours,
fine. ‘ /"
13:1;th / $31 ‘ V . ‘
. . 1 Counsql.
.. ‘ J. ’1

 J ”’ ‘ ’- , _ “.. January 4,‘1915. .
' A ':‘:;A.l.iCL‘~0'=c-.'ell, 32341., V ‘ - '
I Boxing-rt 011,33], , ' - I
A Tear ?ir: — .
‘ 4\ > ?ardcn my tarfiiness in acknowleaging 35hr valucfi
'r favor 0f Eecnmber 26th, 1914, eneloaing fawr annual pgsaea for
' I" ~ 1913, one cVér the 3 & E £3902; one Over the O & O 5A2591;
‘ one‘over th: 3 3 Q 3 I P # 8042914, and one over the Southern“
3912666. > » / _ I ‘ ‘
Accept Ly'coriial thanks for your kinaness in obtéinihg I
I thefie useful gerguisites for me anfi, with best wishes for the
. fiat Year, believe me, -
' ' \ 7 Very sinnerely yourS, . ' > V
ELM/a . ' ‘ ' 1'
L . ‘ , ‘ Counsel. .

 : January 4, 1918. -
Han B. 3‘.‘ “anew, . ‘
_ Eouisville, Kentucky. " > ‘
. \ Dear Sir: .
' Your fave? of fhe Erfl instant, pnwlfir. Donahue, enclos—
' ing rounfi trip pars, flexinfiton fie Haw Orleans, for firs. Uilson,
. hqg—just bven receive& and I thank you bofih for‘your promnfi ,
courtegy in thvs obliginp me. I am still fighting for a chance
' to gct away for thia firip ana hope that I shall succeed.
Again thnnking you and wishing you the comhliments
' 05 fihe geagnn, I am,, -
Very truly yours; 9
I r ’
x; I V > ' ""
4 \ I I ‘

January 4, 1915.
W é/ lj/V
Hon. samuel I.-. '.Iilson, 71
Lexington, nentucky.
Dear 5311":

I beg to acknowledge receipt of trip pass from Hazard
to Ot'ensboro, ”which I received on Londay the 21st of December,
in tire for me to use it the following day, as 1 had planned.

I want to thank you for your courtesy in securinc‘ this “pass for
me. V

I enjoyed a very pleasant lollies}; 'r‘. cation, and
trust that you had. a jot-31111 Juristmrzvs.

It is my hope that the let} ”fear Trill oe filled with
happiness ior you.

Very sincerely,
fifléqj % UW’Q/

"“ ‘«\—' ~ , '
.Lioceuner 8, L914.
-.-.. :;o .:.;xj.I...-O‘-,‘8.LL, 3:31”,
.4 ~ -v . '1- ~
_JC:;.1.IL;§..-O[l, swat-1105;.
i/ :.iiz‘:
w -, H “,‘,~ , _F. “v A .; :1 _ .. I» ...J ..~” 1' I.
J. JL‘J‘S. :i‘-.J. L411 ';‘.I.;IJ.!.L)Y':~" .'./'.'lr; 2.34. 7:416 l.fl:3i;v';ill.l: «J.'Qm ”()Outon
7 — ., . . U :v, L ..J, ‘ ,.MHW. ' . _ .u. .K .\ n .‘ n.. ': . '-
Ml 1720’Wi ”Liv-UP; L-r’i‘w :3.-'15 II I21 3151‘ [.II -':‘-_ ,Ju 1.. Lawn, _L; om jar/11rd.
I“ ‘4, . .. , - 4a., .,_—A ,5,» r. ~ ‘1 ~ .' ..- w . «
VIJ ‘.:". Jig.) 1.)\).‘. Q ".’;lll' 1. J u: ,.x'. 11 11’} .'L‘ ‘7' :31. 0.; ”L.'.‘. a V.IHJE'VQD , O f
-W~ -- . .,‘, '. ‘.'-"~-. I-v-a.‘.2.‘,-‘. .‘ ,., * »h," H -, .,
:;:;:‘i:~.;x1, M): hm) =31, I)“: '-\2'I.1._:».:§x,-'1:.;:) ];_4i}__‘,_(1(,;,~.-:, J. 311:3th .;‘-.I’V wf‘wlv-
321' 11444, ..IN:'II_I.: .!:-'c,’1)(3.]bi;.t‘ 3.‘.. 1‘ I,“
.2. (Jul! ,5, 1".“,Lj, .‘4-CEO; W.."! ‘L.-r 1F: 3. ~:_f_'1:,:_4.‘:,~ .1.u_-_‘ fa VERY-99‘3” RS
7 .- _, ",.. ,-_‘: . .17..) .‘ ”_.,1 .. .': ”*7! u,‘ ',' “L _ , Y‘~>._.>‘ ‘ 3.
11'?) L‘.‘} 5.412. l1L‘..iTLSL/.'101L8 (xiii? “$501123. alvi‘: ”’:) I. OOtuOfl f: .!.i‘.I_I.‘.f-E;n 311'1
.,, .V . ,_—« ; ,~ ,. ,. . . ,. L.' ,.., V J «'!, ,..—n N. .' . '..., " ~ - “._ I1.. ..,-’..‘ .. “I ‘!‘
I..;H;-‘.‘.1.JV in. .: um}. gnu}. dis. . .Lml Du: :-; ants 1n Porgy *~’=IL‘;'.,' ,‘ mm J; an!
..,,‘ n I, ...' ' 1 :-.- «n: ~'m- .. .‘. .. . ‘-.‘ ..
- 4 :11}; Luff L- 511: 'V'i‘],j...". 0!? U}. .3. 11x3;?:w«...‘).l..e1;? 38.6110 (‘3 LU 73::.)
I 1,.,. a. ..'." ‘,‘.p . a I ,1. .,‘” ~~ J. ..4.~:._ .._-.1. .."s _, , ‘ '1 _ ‘
.L was: u, mu“ .: 051:, viz. :,I $.11:leyou“; \‘1 uh an» 0 icy
‘ r‘ . , ”_...- n : .-., .~ « '» . ._ _ z . ~.
OJ! ill“- k/(J'r;$IIci,iJ.h', LOG 1.1.<_.~."J.J. Cw". 1353, £73 12151;; bC gr. 1“1.; (PU.-
. l
a ... T” ,. ._.. .5. . -- _ _ -‘.
.;.LJJJ a V ‘32.".D-f v.51“: 7.;]. “TC-’.1; S, .
... __
,,. J.. J.. ‘
f‘. ‘4

tti:/WKJZV/flfl/I‘JWZ (4 L, l/l! fiflflK/g/l/i/fif/yn
g9, ',' Cij” 7/7 ,, -\ ,,,» ,
,4) mat/72.14 M7 Md, / .2 ,7 7, 7 _ o» , . ‘ «/
% mgr/72% 91570”qu Jm/ ' Q-:(fla/zfl/r/w/M/w».flewl/a%%r.
W / ;z % , /
fl. 41.46 e/. (Mt/”2mm .
.4355. Quinta amp/raga /. 7
r" m ,7 ~ . . fl /'
)ér/med fé/sz/fl/wm; Jgayfifi/g/ 7 August 4th, 1915.
/ 5 (Am/[mua/yent.
1hr. :‘FGDOWell - -_
u‘m.~c W:_m ‘ 9 % ; CéAJL. ;7 {j !
aCl,c‘3,C¢..~l V .dflc-‘ger, L a Cu I. c ,
lexixgfion, xy. b/
Dear Sir:
in accordance with your recent requesfi, I herewith
hand you 1000 eile Ticket 50. 45065 in favor of A. B. Segbs,
Sheriff, ferry coumty, 1y., good bctwe n geixts within the
Kindly acknowledge receigfi.
Icare brulya
Figfiriat it Gruey.
,‘ . .. ...1...‘ W" M» V V
cc gr. Samuel -. pliSOfl,
' Lexington, Ky.
ce Tesere. Wooten & Jorgan,
Hazard, Ly.

,/ , , r" , , fi ;37 , ,/ <
-/ ‘5 fl? // 7’V/V“ / /”
JR . , {Tflv» 4 .
Jifenamwn/fia //&/¢¢e%/, / / 1‘ 7 7 7 , V,” - . 7 ,
f / y 2’ @1317?” 0%”sz (1‘,/ail," Qfeflcz/bfl/fieM/Q/pkflaw/466%y.
gfll/fld. eysé/éflmm/n, /,
94mg. 01mm gimme] / 7
/" , rip .'7 ,.:: . . / 2 b
,\ YWII’II’.) ‘(b/Xrl‘lL/Véééé; / , / / I V :1 ».. ., .‘_ .:: C' F
/% // (file/[((M'a/jg/m/l. “ ””MW"/%/ 4111373110 U , lb! 131') ' .
» ”.‘: ‘   ’ ,_\
Er. D. E. Day, - 1,¢(. ‘-~¥j \
>17 // f, ,
_ , / 5:2,?» .‘
Local ;fitorney, ; «figwyfxu -':
:\ \’ Var?“ ID »~..
n a ~~ fl_ \- fl“ ' . :::. .::‘:
Dear Sir:
gs requested by 1r. Jasse Lorgun of h bard Ly., i herewit:
hand yam 1083 ”ile Eieket 30. 459p? in favor of Judge a. 1. D~y of
Betcher Connfiy 5y. which Flfihufi deliver to Judge Day. 4
fileaga askaozleége receirt,
Yaurs very firmly,
Digt?iet Attcrney.
03 fiezsr$ .0“ten ; Lorflufl,
fiazarfi Ky. .M“
. cc Ir. :afluol 4. #11533, &////
EeLington LJ.

2‘ ~//////‘/(/ fla/Z’lls Za/ ///////fl77%///7
{fiJfP/Z/fl/Ifltfi/(Zf /g/w¢9/2A j/y K7} I / _ / 7 "23; " ' / // .
, ,’7 ,1] @1571“ ”WWW o ,flzw/gAfl/wz may/412 (Va/26m 3440 47/
{”140 V/flJ/L/‘e /%Mmmw/; /.
..1/:93]: WEI/"1'05 $erth ,2 7
,, _, _ , / ,, ,.
/ . K/KW ,2 . ./ ,— ,'
411w J /“"//‘/‘2HL/Mlfl ‘ '- / ’/
// ,/ fi/ue/‘lzru'nquzfi /(/((&/Vé%é 3’ ;‘.ufllS‘C 18! 1910'
\ ‘ I.
V , ,
" "' *' ""‘, :7 /,7 / ,5) P
2.11"”: :2. .L‘ici‘jowell. ,
L-Ce.nagjc.r2r 3;»: 3‘.-l . 113;. 00 .. ‘ .
, ,
'\ g I:t3:‘;:i.ng;‘t021 3’73.
:§,*,‘€=.ix'..‘ ‘3.“ i1”:
\ s 3361* your request 01 the 191:; inst, addressed to J.; Joust‘u,
I bargidiyou herewiizh 10:3; ,.;i,l<: "makes :20. 45070 in favor of 3363313325
:Eliheriffif John if. 6021:1353.
113161;? a:.c'.imowii.a.:d' e 3.'(J(ififi}‘i,
four: '51"‘.:'.‘L;7, ’
Listric‘i; .t‘u'orxzsgr'.
cc Lie 1331‘s— ‘.‘.‘o-.:"’0 en '5; ;.io-rggjan,
magma. :13;.
cc .2:.le 3115.023, V
2 : Lexington if.

 Lexington, Ky., .
Seytember 16. 1915. ‘
Hon. B. D. Whrfield,

Louisville, Ky.. -
Dear Sir:-

Replying to.your favor of the 7th inst.. and
returning herewith the letter of the 3rd inst. written
by Mr. Ira Fields to Er. Jouett with reference to trans-
portation. I beg to say that I think it will be good pol—
icy to grant this request to the extent of giving Mr. Fields
mileage until the end of the year. While Mr. Fields
has never been overly fricnflly towarde the L. & E.. it
is true that he has not encouraged groundless prosecutions
against the company during his fern of office. or. more
exactly. during the three years in thich I hive myself
been connected with the L. & E. His brother. Felix J.
Fields. has been very unfriendly towards the Company, but
it any be this will not be continued if Ira Fields finds
itto his interest not to take suits or claims against th 3
company. At any rate, we would he in a position to
have Ire Fields mitigate the hostility of Felix Fields.

In the 33rd Judicial Dietrict(which embraces '
Perry County) the Republican nomination for Circuit Judge
was won by John C. vareole. my impression is that the
Democrats made no nomination. but however that may be, it
is a foregone conclusion that Eversole will be elected.

The race for the Republican nomination for Commonwealth's
Attorney was very close, and I believe resulted in e con-
test between Mr. C. W. Napier (lately County Attorney of
Perry) and some other cancidate whose name I have for

the moment forgotten. ’

Tn the 35th Judicial Dietrict the Republican nom-
ination for Circuit Judge was won by Judge Butler of Pike~
ville, and the Democratic nomination for the same office
by David Hays. of Whitesburg. Itie a certainty that Judge
Butler will win in the final election. and I feel that
the Company is to be congratulated that this is so. for
during his short term of service, he made a most excell;?t

I have no information as to the nominations for;
Commonwealth's Attorney in the 35th District. although my
impression is that Monroe Fields, the present incumbent,
was renomineted es the candidate of the Republicans.

With reference to John Eversole es Circuit Judge,

I have found him a pretty fair lawyer. and I think a man

 of the right sort of impulses. but the main trouble will
be the fact that he is related td a maéority of the law-
yers at the Hazard Bar. and perhaps to half the people in ~
Perry County. If he is not unduly influenced by these
conditions, I am inclined to believe his service on the
bench will be. satisfactory.
Very truly yours,
ShW/ECR. Counsel.

 ( p727” [”_‘
””’/”[1 ,, /
/;,':,,,m//*0m¢mW QK/rx/xmx/Zfl/uy Sept. '7, 1915 V

Judge Samuel M. Wilson,

Counsel, L&E. Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir,

I enclose Judge Ira Fields' letter of September 5 to Mr. Jouett,
which, after reading. you will please return.

I.am not infbrmed as to what was the result of the State Primary,
as it affected the races for Circuit Judge and Commonwealth's Attorney
in the Thirty-Third Judicial District; nor as to the same offices
in the Thirty—Fifth Judicial District, in which Letcher County is
located. If you are informed as to these, please write me. with
any suggestions you have to make.

Also please let me have your opinion as to whether or not Judge 4

_ Fields' request should be complied with. I do not think, even if we
conclude we ought to issue him transportation, that we can afford
to issue him a pass, or he can afford to use a pass, while he
continues to be Commonwealth's Attorney. After his term is out,
if deemed best, of course, there will then be no objection to
issuing him a limited pass. Meanwhile. we could probably satisfy
him by issuing him a mileage book, if you deem it best to do so.
Yours very truly, /’“‘ 7‘ / ‘ v}
4W7 7 /.
’ 0\ ‘ a GUI T / J, /
District At£::ney.

Enos. ‘

 ’ August 27, 1915.
Hong 3.3.Wariiold, . '
Dist. Attye, L & N i R Co.,

Dear Sir:

V I acEnowledge receipt of youra of the 26th instant, analog»
ing certain corresuondence with fibotton & Morgan relative to the
issuing of a pass in favor of Ira Fields, of Hazard and Vhitnsburg.
I 11::er rmrcai'ulljr noteé thcz 53210105333. (10:;"rr283’yoxziienm and also the
recoqmendation conteined in your letter 835 will undertake, 2t the
earliest ohuortunity, to confer with Jessrsu Kootton & Horxan rel-
=ttive to the. snu-qesi;i12, bf; 15::er on behalf of 3.:1'1'.
Fielann A? soon as may he sitar this a mi ygnce is heid, I will

7:116 er‘beflze to commmicatc with you fm‘ther on the. Subfieet.
Very '1: 1771;! yours ,
C. 0 1,131 3:31 .7. '

 If] .7’:/'m/7;
'5 .
' 1: ' gr? . // //? ,7 Uzi/f . ,7 C/
p «fix/”4%? flJflV/ésflfl/Mm/flifi/m/
. _ /
’_’) {Ii/”TH” ,\ , 'Q/Lsgm/K/xzznéqw 1]le Qn/z/N 4,, €771//// _. (fliflxro/Za/%a .
(é/ffli/m }/ flmmmz, II/
.‘I“.us'z 7)/.'¢/Nb/-‘//lfl/71gu /,, , )
//;’177fl')//”/filg4J}/fo,ff:‘lr/ezzz. A/é/w/z/fi/Ef August 26,1915.
Mr. S. M. Wilson,
Counsel, L.8c E.R.Co.,
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir: -
For your information I am handing you herewith
Messrs. Wootten & Morgan's letter to me of August 24th together
with a carbon cOpy of my reply of even date.
;V When it is convenient for you to do so Lsuggest
" E5that you confer with Messrs. Wootten 86 Morgan relative to the
suggestion contained in the last paragraph of their letter so that
, when Mr. Fields" term of office ewires you and our local attor-
neys at Hazard will be in a position to take the matter up with .
this office should you at that time see fit to do so.
Yours truly, 7 .
/ /%j . ' r/ 7'
District Attorney/z;

 f u
. ‘ ‘ ' 7/ . //fl f“? 7 .,,/,,iigj/J / 7?
. - {W/)/I/%/ K/J/fll/é/fll/MK/K/V/Wflflfl/

» . , I ”‘.I ..7 .. -
.‘7))(I/{Z~/(‘772//"4//I7167/26/{952/‘10 e/J/II/{l‘ Q\K’//////)///I////I/}/W/Z fl/f/i ,
Z/Zér/fl/l ‘j/ %Mmm12. ’/
//%flwafi7£;€afigézfifiW”fi °¢AgzflWZégfifga gugust 26,1915.

Messrs. Uoottcn o morgan,
Attorneys, Hazard, Kentucky.
Gentlemen: ..

Eeferring to yours of the 24th inst. relative to
transportation in favor of fir. ire Tields from Hazard to Louis—
ville and return. is requested I am enclosing herewith pass
in favor of Mr. Fields good between points mentioned.

while I have a good deal of doubt about the Wis—
dom of concluding with Er. yields the arrangement suggested in '
the last oeregreoh of your letter, you might bring the matter to
my attention after the expiration of his term of fiffice. It will
then be considered further. it is the writer's Opinion the Come
weny does not, ea a rule, forther its interests by arranging in
advance to keee out of its cases reputable attorneys who have a

‘ high regard for the ethics of their profession and then in those
cases have to contend with lawyers who are wholly unscrupulous
‘ end who do not heistete to manufacture evidence to bolster up a
week case. ;
Youre truly, _
° District Attorne%
E.E.Wileon, Esq. .
3 Lexington, Ky.

L/ [71 i’ /
\r »,.) /'
/ . y ‘ __ . ,_ -L
"7(21‘ :., i
‘ HAZARD‘ KY. .7 7.-, L , .L.," .
. .LC'IZV, a ,‘,r L 7). ..EiLii' ., 7. '7‘ .:-CL A
,‘.‘-[377,1 {in}, _‘__‘.f." , _'j'.
" 7 ",3 '1" 7 _,,.,, , 7.77 _LLL'. "H 7‘ «7..—.7 7' ’..‘ ,7,
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a ! 3.1:: m a,» ELL _ L, W7 77!:_::'n;:2-:7. r5, L.,L..,;7_v,-;
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 - \ ,7 ’ W _ . l
y L , . \457““‘\ Z““' * 47"- ““fikx
Ki ;;;€4u;wg. 2779;.-d“, gafiingOfi“5¥5'*4 '
~ ,. _.Nm_ , .4 «a; 5““
/ M35351“ ,.‘”... :- 0 W (:27; ‘,, g .
rfg/ ' W“'/:£)I. ,3 ////, )7 . 2;?Ww
/ //
7))”, ///_f/ fl/(ZJZ /7 /‘ .7 if: .. 7 7V 4) »»7
, (PW/1H / / WIkl/I'l'ci/f/l/Z/flelfi ..‘/mar QcQ/zrzi/yw //7//////(//// //////¢/
¢//7(////fl]) -j/4x%mwzmz; /
. his“? flirt/1'65 fifty/Ag y. /» 2 , 7
f/mned ;.zr’flmmrfiw; Aj}/flj;7,///%/ .. September 2 , 191 5 .
_/ /' [7! (()/[(I/(1~///e/tl. ’ ' /’
Hon. 8. M. Wilson,
Col’nse] , L. & E. Ry. CO. ,
Lexington. KY.
Dear Sir:
Herewith thousand—mile tickets (Nos. 45084 and
45085) in favor of James P. Adams and Kelly Kash, re—
spectively, good in the State of Kentucky.
In having these tickets delivered to Messrs.
Adams and Kash, please have their attention called to
the fact that these tickets are not good for any portion
of an interstate journey.
4: ;L»?
r\\ / 4 .4' 7‘ I. ‘7» .
._Aégigiant Distribt Attorney:
Fine . //

Lexington, Ky..
. September 9 . 1915 .
Mr. C. H. Moorman.
Afi*i3t3nt Dintrict Attorney,
LouiStfille. Ky.,
Deir Sir:.
I acknowledge yours 0? the 2nd inst. enclosing
Kileage For Fésnrw. fiflir? find Rash.
In viaftof 31] th? fiiIOLHstances, it wppeared most
expediént to have thase tiELOES deliv~r©5 through Mr.
Sam Hurat, unfi Qin$1QUvntly, on Hon*®7, fih% 5th inst.,
"her Er. Hu33t wax in my office, I turnafi the tickets
OV'T to him for fldZiVéry in :fivson, Wfifl awk‘fl him to
Kmkfi the nxylanafiion éhout interétate travel mentionéd
in your léttér.
‘3'??? ‘T: "1.1." "'01-? fr; ,
SEQ/EOE. Cotnsel.

 lO-w ':li_.1
,/- ,4 , _ ,. /, ,,i\ , /’j
r// ' ',/,,//=,. //?,/ ', f{/‘/‘/) '4// /
A/fl’I/J/fl/gfl 70/17/é [Marv/7/iflfly/
: , ) , , / (7",- ;.Z’ ,7 , , \ l . ,"’ }
.I /, J ,2: . H 'c/ "'
22;/IA} y/ //M'-’HH(H/, {-
.,‘/Pffl’lfli/I‘lk'l-»‘//[/,7/7/.€‘V /‘ ,7 77 ”w”
//-///}71/I.)' //; fill/(”£16 AjM/Afl/V/é/f/q
/ /’ me/Zr/uhr/lqe/M. /
September 25, 1915
A J‘s/O ’
3 )‘g‘ 1" t .5
Judge 0 .H.Pollard, ‘ (754/ (5;! “ M
Attorney, Jackson, Ky. ; I -
Dear Sir. , . J._':,:.:;;
In accordance with your letter of September 16, to Judge
Wilson, I herein hand you mileage books for Sheriff Spencer and
Deputy Sheriff Cockrill.
Permit me to call your attention to the fact that Sheriff
Spencer is asking for a great deal of mileage. Tie issued him a
book February 5; another book Hay 6; and still another book July .
8. rfhis makes three thousand miles of mileage which he has used
since February 5, and the book now sent you for him will make
\\ four thousand miles so issued to him. It seems to me his '
\ requests are coming too frequently.
3% Yours very truly, fl \ O
in: b:/ 4.\ .V‘. V‘av’
. , «7 /{’/ \\yiyl
, (/ , CRT—L "_ Lia/)3?" \\fwwv#,ix
District Attor%.
Enos x \
cc Judge “‘filson,
Lexington, Ky.

. September '20, 1915.
Hon. 33.19. ':Faxfield,
Dis-tn 411:1;7'0, 5:! CC .I.? .”. ..:. 03»,
Lou 5..? vi 3.19 , Ky .
let-.1‘:- 63.51:: '
J {Mi 1:70 r:.:1-:;‘1<:::§«25, I 119215. you ior ::z'bts3T-1t:i.<'211 :1, 13 ttar beaming
date *iij-TzfiiiEé'EbEI‘ 1-31231, ;.‘rwm 77.1635: Prfl..1:3-.:;‘z". in ;r-a;fibreglsa: 1;:,- r-m mnplica»
{1'01} 01‘ Shepf‘ijff Shaman): 01‘ 3.'»:23zzthti‘ifi; Ommtgr and 31 is: (Realty? Siam. Cockrell,
1'0? T""-.'.e'2’1'."‘.’:':".'i of Lheiz‘ 1..1iTLeaigc.
I :3."- o L‘Jifi‘fg'JI-Ti‘: 21:21'ré‘f‘2fih :: .'.Lva‘i: {2.:-1‘ been “.‘5; date Liep'mn‘lber 201311,
from _1.-£22, Fur: CL 31$ Iii-2r,if*{:r;n.f:1..7.'a, 71:1 twiaimv‘jlsge Lu Exams-gas:tat-ion over
,. 1:er .7. :‘i: .l. ':‘L'v:i_s;is3.-::3 for .Afi'].a.1;.e;:;g, Lih-ru-ii'l' CT.“ Leo Gounty,
2'321'073. 12'117'13’: 1.7.3:}: the 0:10 from JTZJf'gCe T’OEZLAL‘A, 5.3:: :AH'::-‘.L:T~:.‘:“1:als1'1;‘:.1;:i:.1"',f.f..
2’:;-::7:r 5212.137 ;_~;:ou:":3 ,
rem-:1.. 9.9 .
”1'" l/ 1},
001.1315 ‘31 o

 I} I
\ /
\\ \‘ ‘ ‘.0-‘4‘la‘l61
~ \ 9 //g WM/ V
\\ \ .:,/flwyflwg/ yy,/[J 2.” ...ga /m th/fimflm%
\ ‘
flawwf/V/mfl/K/ / :2 53 ,, .. 2 ”L > J I
x, ’ :Q‘WHM fizzy/fig}: Q/(llé’ Q/ofl/f/bo/f/Gi’l//7/flflifl/[l/ '/17/
,’,/pl ;7 ‘év " /
”(mm/neg“, /
81;}"A 534274 .1I/[mm]: /’ ,7
‘mm (Ia / ~w’7MLA/M. WISH/é? . n '* "
// _/ (”~f/‘Za/t'.x(r/e/tt. Jill/(l I d jfl/I E391”; . 2‘1 ’ 13:0
Jesse Morgan ;\1»qu..
Attorney ,\
Hazelxed , Ky" .
Dear Sir,

I herein name you. mileage book for 111" . Ira Fiel 8L3, gooa until
36209121139? 51 , 1915, ‘.‘-.'hich you. will p16 ase del ivet: ’z'zo :.'ch . Fields,
and acknowledge iLs re eeipt to me .

forms very truly,
Dietricfi Attom ey .

y .

Carbon ,

i0 .
Samuel 2331. '.‘.‘zilson, ESQ-s
Counsel . 35:39 Lexington v 31? -

 ‘L',“ ~ ~ I If I
\ 5M4W4 flfl fi/xJ 2:24.42; ///,/_ ////////W%4M/
\ ' ’ /
' . A / A r/" é/ ./ . _ u
; .7521,(/»7/////5/\,///flz/m/4/, / ;/ ;V , 7 a»; , .:1 .
j, // , (al.s///r)l/-\//fa/yd({k' ~51” {4" QC/K// ///7//// ///(/ fl/}/(/Z{(//
5211/2/12] y}! 1%n717/(N'Z; //
..~/.s1s-/4’/':,f;-//vz'/.Wlome_v: / ,_ -/~
(if 7x 2 a 4",, ’1 , ’,’/7 9,».
2mm; / 5/ <11 n/me. Q_ér’KK/d'Z/éflfl;'é%‘ ,',
/, / / ‘o/[r/Hufl/e/tl. / Sept. 25, 1915 I
i? ,
\‘ x ,4
: ‘,‘/,» / /,
Sam Hursif Esquire. “/"/‘ {'4/ 4 5” Q
Attci'ney, L ' - I W ”: "
éBeattyville, Ky. V ~ v ~
Dear Sir,§
In 6Q ordanee with your letter of September 20, to Judge
Wilson, I 1erein hand you mileage ‘00 ok for Sheriff L .'.?) .Flanezjr,
which pleage deliver to him.
. _
Yours very truly. f} .
,- .1
\ I i
\B% {6'74\ :‘/
- i I’./ ‘
‘ l / I! au’kZ/‘I/ —-5 _(_€:\1:;,,/‘¢ ‘ K“ /
w \ ‘V
Distrie ‘5 Atyzfi'ney .
00 Judge ‘BJJJ‘Jileon,
Lexington, Ky.


. . Septwuber 30, 13,15.
Messrs. X‘s’oatton 2},- Morgan, Attorneys at law, _
171512211767 .140. -tuaky.
Gent 1 e 10:17.: . ' .

I :wx; 17771.7: (33:23:52.5::.=‘.+..1'_:.‘rr; 5):“ the lf‘t'h :i...’1!527€;51nt,
3:13 L‘-’?f":‘L-‘.JI‘.3 tat: :3. In: 7‘17. .37.... _ Yams.“ let'br‘zr inflicatod
thrf; T? (:3. 3r ) hr Ewen. 1:2'73.-7;(‘ to :LL 1:? and, accordingly,
I 1.1mm b.7274; no 31.:ztizt-z'1 12.1 :Y-Tilr '1.7‘1;1.::7,-:c'. Iii-t. L010. e;,‘.:5i::‘!g:1‘z':37-§[
(arr-1‘: rm)" 11:22:52330 ::;i.‘ 1.11"." :'":~::'t I 13:13:12 5‘ '12,, if '11:: :‘-’25::.-::c.'1—‘1 the
7‘73": :a’.'.':_'-."'._1:.“-'L;-j 1:}: “x viii“. nut acct-.1372? i3."13;'_’_’37_:7.. If, hassover,
7 is S?1’t.‘7':.}1'?:';f :T"z'::.“;:‘na‘r:' ‘5‘: .f; fan #11213? I bikini: (1:? to 721d01‘sn
your 7*r32::)"1:‘1',\zt{15:'f.7:7_:>:~.!, 31.0930 {1713:3739 no. >
‘..‘rs‘éf‘ff 21-17171; ;;01:.1:-€:,
/ :1
L} =11? _'15: 7,1 ,

311011191123 :11: flaw
( .2 . M . _ .
HAZARD, KY. i:f~'?"“.ir‘;~'13w~7' ‘;- !‘:"33 L
Li. 7 2 ’,’.‘2‘3 Irrw
. . . ,

'2‘ ._V , y, _‘ ".,.

.L_KLUffl ‘:’ L'.. .5 .1’.“ A
’1‘) 25.12 . 2'5 a; -

2 c .2 v ..o ‘_.:4" y 5.'.’ ..‘..; L'Jr .. [:'. L"'.L ‘ ‘~ :.'2' V 3
=.;,il it; '" {'53:; ' -, » ’ 5 “ " - '— ,3 .
"L , g: V: ":05 . L‘ LL"; '21:, , 7v , ' 7 * .'.‘
v59 "2;: 1':" ~ 1. L..-.::" - * 7 ‘2

, .5; " z"? ’J.," $153; 2' _ ,, 21 vi. .
- ., 5 ‘2 ., ' 5_ \_ ., T ‘ , ‘, \. .‘.' "J‘J," ,‘, 1" ,I _' I 2 ‘ V L, x» ,1'V_',v,’::.»'_»‘_ ‘ I“ j“ x
7 ,‘LE’ >2 {:51 .i- ,.‘ ";:.:"z' - "5 g .2": ‘ f r: 1:2 "252:2 ~ 2 »
5.'.“ . “15": , ”L 2 ‘2’-.». ‘. .w.;7'5,_,L"V‘ ‘95.". "2" , ':'. '51,: :,Qir .;r'

.. ,2 .1 '.A /. , 'L, K _ r‘\ . ..:')
5..5 551‘” «5 _'i" "'5 ,»"53'5 . 5,
5‘ ‘.‘ 1,: ;=.' bi]: ’

V W K @772 W“,
’,‘-,..,- 2 . ,, . ,. 2, W
‘.J'J - ,,2: .' "I 1": "V
, . ,

I have yours of the lr"’th instant, and the enclosure therein
referred to, suffgfesiim: renewal of z‘nilez‘ngze in favor of :;‘IE'LI.L3rii‘Jf iii. .A..
S‘nencer, of Bream-)itt County. I am '_rei'arrirLLg 4.321;: :35 papers to :1;. {Emu-
field for Such consiaerati 3n and action as to him 23:1,}..- ;~-‘.-I>x:>m 21‘;LI:"2r«L)p1‘ia’ceo
Very t ruly yours,
L saw/a .

Jackson, Ky., Nov. 18th, 1915.
Judge Sam'l. M. Wilson, I
Lexington, Ky.
> Dear Judge:

Sheriff M.A.Spencer has applied to me for renewal
of his mileage. As you remember, we have been furnishing mileage
to the sheriff and his deputies during this year. Will you
kindly nrocure this mileage and forward it to me at your early
convenience. In this connection, I herewith enclose you copy
of letter from Mr. Warfield, of date Sept. 23, in which he inti-
mates that Sheriff Spencer is making rather frequent requests of
this character. However, as our court convenes Jan. 2nd for the '
trial of Civil causes, I think we had better keep a good taste in
the mouth of the sheriff.

Yours truly,
(Signed) O. H. Pollard.

 Hovrzamber 1?, 1915.
lion. 3. 33. ‘.'.’:Li‘i'ield,
Dis't. may” I. a. E 1i 1:; '30.,
Louisville, Kentucky.
Dear Sir: I
Horewith GHCIOSQfi. I hand you the original of three letters,

v32: One of Hovwmber 1?, 1915, from Wootton & Morgan, asking for
transyortation ior Mr. V. J. Combs, oi‘Hazard; one of November 17,
lilfi, from Judge Pollard, asking for renewal of mileage for J. 0.
Crawford, Uounty Judge of Breathitt County, and a third of the same
data from Judge Pollard, asking for renewwl of mileage for T. C.
Johnson, Commonwealth's Attorney of the Breathitt Eistrict.

I am referring these letters to you without any recommendafiion
for suah action as may seem proper.

YouIS'wny‘truly, '

 November 1.8, 1915.
Judge ‘J. E. Pollard,
Jackson, Kentucky.
Dear Judge:

Your two letters of the 17th instant, requesting
renewal of mileage i'or County Judge J . 0. Crawford, and Common-
wenl’ch’s Attorney. To (2” Johnson, have been referred by me: to Mr.
‘L‘arfiol 5 for zzttnn‘uion.

Very truly yours,

 t November 18, 1915.

Messrs. Wootton & Morgan, Attorneys at law,
Hagard, Kentuoky.

Your favor of the 12th, requesting treneportetion for
W. J. Combs, of Hazard, has been referred by me to H2. Hayfield
for attention.

Very truly yours,

 (COPY) »
Hazard, Kentucky, November 12, 1915
Mr. S. M. Wilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:
W. J. Combs, of this place, who is the father of W. C. Combs,
Circuit Court Clerk-elect, wants a pass from Hazard to Lexington and
return, good up to December 31, 1915. He says that the Company promised
him a pass when he and his son made a conveyance of the ten or twelve acre
strip of land just below Hazard, on which the railroad yards are now lo-
We think that Mr. Justice did promise him a pass. Combs has
always been friendly to the company, and We toink that this trip pass I
should be furnished him by the Company, or that it will be to its ad-
vantage to do so.
Hoping you can get this pass for Mr. Combs, We are,
Very truly yours,
(Signed) Wootton & Morgan.

Jackson, Ky., Nov. 17th, l915. *

Judge Samuel M. Wilson, V

Lexington, Ky.
Dear Judge: .

Commonwealth'é Attorney T. C. Johnson applied to me during
our recent term )f court for a renewal of his mileage and I told him
I thought it would be forthc ming in a few days. I delayed writing, being
busy in the campaign, until seVeral days since. I am in receipt of a
letter to-day from him inquiring about it and I write to request that '
you procure same and forward to him at Tallega, Ky. or to me at this ,

Yours truly, "
(Signed) O. H. Pollard.

Jackson, Ky., Nov.l7th, 1915.
Judge S. M. Wikaon, '
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Judge:-

J. 0. Crawford, County Judge, has applied to me for a
renewal of his mileage. Will you kindly give this prompt attention
and have the mileage forwarded to him as Soon as possible.

Yours truly,
(Signed) O. H. Pollard.

 ‘“ Decenber~13, 1915.
Hon.B.B. Warfield,
Dist. Atty.,L & H E R 00.,
Louisville, 33.
Dear Sir:
Horowith please note the original of the following two
letters, each hearing date November 29, 101?, one from Hessrs.
1'50 itton 8e Morgan, and the other from Mr. Willis Reeves, and
both addressed to me. These letters are self—ornlenatory and all
I care to add in supnort of the request for transportation for
Mr. Eeeves is that he is, in my judgunnt, a genuine and loyal friend
of the railroad sud hos been Serviceeblo to us in many ways and I
have no doubt that this attitude will be maintained in the future.
Personally, I would be pleased to see the refiiest granted, if same
is not inconsistent with the rules of the Companyi'
Very truly yours,
.. \_
\\.: \

Hazard, Kentucky, November 29, l915. -
Mr. Samuel M. Wilson,
Lexington, Kentucky. .
My dear Mr. Wilson: _
If you can well do so, I would appreciate
your recommending pass for me, to Owensboro and return, to be
effective from about December lflth, to January 3rd. Mr. Morgan
has to—day written you a letter in this connection.
V Thanking you for anything you may do for me,
and with kind personal regards, I am, .
Yours very truly,
(Signed) Willis W. Reeves.