xt73bk16mf8w_385 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [269kk] Miscellaneous text [269kk] Miscellaneous 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_39/Folder_6/2941.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_385 xt73bk16mf8w f %J2zyl/7
\ 1 I”) . ...2? ///7//////7 /7 g/
‘ \ flaws/éfl/f/J M/fl /{//t .4fl[51/////%(///7 /{-" M ,,, _
,«7/ 4 fl 7 ‘~—‘
2733940 2M7Z//}2.~_(//7 ///fl* «16‘/65‘, ’ 7 ,~ . 1““ . 7
(f/ A ¢MW%:WWWV ;Zéawgéagéafixzeewugflam/é€%éZzfi2pp
éZéu/er/L/ %Mmmz /
915M. 9911:2012}! off/mtg 1r: // ‘
r can .J./..5 \ a 0
~,.,.» 46” ,, 1+ ://, 4 ctober 6 1916.
//”/)”€J_// Zé/lffe/Znnln/f/eut. u/QZIMWZ/kfl/fi ’
Hon. 8. M. Wilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:
For your information, I enclose hr. Landrum's
letter of October 5 relative to what seems to be the pres—
ent attitude of Commonwealth's Attorney Kelly Kash.
I shall be glad to have Mr. Landrum's letter re—
turned to me.
As you know, the mileage book referred to has
heretofore been furnished.
Yours truly, _
‘ .J"' d‘gzgfit—ffizééabeb<;____q
{tent District Attorney.

 , . October 9 1916. I
Hon. B. 13. Warfiold, ' I
District Attorney, L & H R Co.,
. Louisvillo, Ky. .
- Dear Dsir:

Acknowledging yours of the 7th insfiant, in reference to
mileage for Kelly Rush, of Jackson, and supplementing the state-
mont of facts oot forth i; your lottor, I have to say that prompt—
ly upon receipt of this mileage on Octobor E, lOlB, I iorwurdod
some by Train Hail, under Valuable Labo¥589079, to Judge Pollard.
On the 5th instant, I roooivod Jufigo Dollard's “prevish” lotter,
LO which you rofor, auo on the some flats, in transmitting to him
miloago in favor of Judge J» o. Urawforfi, I roferrod as follows
to the mileage previously sent for Mr. Kash -

'”On yeotorday and before your lettor of tho Fth

, was received, I had written you a letter Senfling Hil—
eago Book ior Hro Kash. You will no doubt receive
it in Cue course and find, I think, that there is
no occasion for impotioneeo”
V Very truly yours,
. Counsel.

 ;VZW /’//
,/ W/ I, /, i , I, f 2 V ;/if/J
. . , z, y. ,/ / \ ,
///’///f/ 1;. O/o,///////
Zia/21; -/'//'./%i/-'///z(///. "(H
/ {WK/”MM::Mfl/M“ / / . . // a, '
/ flm1ufi/ ‘:'/27.7}?27?{.,.-u /. ..,/{IZM/I'fl/x/fifb {//, October 7 9 1916.
4 ._,/<5 v ,5? é;
Hon. S. M. Wilson, '

Lexington, Ky. ',h
Dear Sir: . .

I have a copy of Judge Pollard's letter to you,
dated October 5, in which mention is made of mileage in
favor of Cmmmonwealth's Attorney Kash.

I do not understand why Judge Bollard should be
so"peeved”over what he seems to consider a delay in issuing
the mileage book requested by him. He wrote to me, on Sep—
tember 25, asking for this mileage, when his letter should
have been addressed to you. As a matter or course, his let—

al ter was forwarded to you, with the request that you favor me
: with your views as to the advisability of issuing the mileage.
k Your reply, of September 28, was received in this office on i
i the afternoon of September 30 (Saturday), and on Monday,
October 2, the mileage was requested; same was received from
the First Vice—President's office on October 4, and was sent
to you on the same day.
Yours tru y, .
assistant District At orney.

, 3 _
.. _ f' .’ {‘1
October 2;, 1912;. ‘
2 Judge 2;. ii. L1,?ollard,
Jail 03:30 5:, lie :11: no 35;] .
I": gr Ju 2:153:22 ;
Yours of the 5th instant, advising of the (1ifElflil5EStll
03 two I;’l€i.i:’;1ti;1(’)llt S ayzainat this (202213323113; in the Ersathitt Circuit
(Va. 1-2“ \fi.':,'7 “‘2 s" ’E ":37 T rim 1707-1. 5 1" :7“-~-.1'f"""'2 7} m“ t "11
«unit; “upwvfl. dxlt. 110v...u. .. (-... v ..-,j 2:111:41 ,__.MWZLL...G(x Wu 2110
‘ ;i-C‘ci 5,221 on the, part of the 003'2'1?"12L)11VI:‘:Eilth'S Attorney.
111 this morning’s mail I 3420:21va from 1021539271119
\, l
. $217.09.;5e 300k 1E0. .Ei‘iéfiéy, in fewer of Judge J. ()0 Craxtsfoawifi which
I 11 aren'i‘bh -LOSG, together 2:11:21 2; copy 0i" Lira Donohue‘s 1 atter
51,, (3.7 -,w.;2.n. .2.,.,-1n, «’1/ ,.. ,_1‘. _.~ -, .9"
:..... 2.12.: 91,11 luriuailu, ufaiuShlit 21mg, 2:21:19. \2311 ;7(_223t»2ro.2:.457 am: 0632029
gnu; letter 01 tile 17qu was r.) :civad, I 11315.“: 2731213311 you a letter
3 Sana-Ling: linli-aggzo .3001: ;ior Air. Rash. 40v. ‘2::ti.‘E-1 no doubt receive
"4‘ ~." /:"4\ n yaw-mm («213’ ’7'3‘ ‘ T “1 5' 77‘ "w y. 't ‘L'} 31"} : a -. If Q: 1 _
J l, .'_.14 L.'./.,, Kt(1‘~i. nu LLJAI. _LillU, .:. 111/111.142., Lil}. Lul 1.2.21 J.:} 3.0 OCLLLulOl-
~.. x,“
, “f
11113,):23131106. ;
/ 2, 5
' \ ...". , 5“,, _ . ..‘- 7
173;. ;,I {12311. ,L,] 322112522, ‘2
91.10. - ‘
1 - 2’) \ (
$8.10 LEO. 5(‘90'70 (501111801:
. ' . E

 D. H. POLLARD if :‘:”
_ J.cxso~. KE~1ucxy
I Oct 5, 1916.
Judge S.M.Wilson,
Lexington Ky.
Dear Judge:-

. In the two cases following, there was an oreder entered on
yesterday on motion of Commonwealth Attorney, Hon Kelley Kash, dismiss-
ing the prosecutions, namely,

Commonwealth of Ky vs 1.& E. Ry. CO.,

Commonwealth of Ky vs L.& N.R.R.Co.,
The charge in each case is failure to provide suitable closits etc.
The order of dismissal was made pursuant to an agreement made with Mr.
Kash, Atty. for Comwlth. made last January. '

Some days since, I wrote Mr. Warfield requesting a renewal of
mileage for Mr. Kash, atty for Commonwealth. At the time I made this
request, you were engaged at Beattyville, and I wrote Mr. W. under the

»assumption that he would realize the importance of quink action, and

take my statement as true, without going to the formality of having

your indorsencnt. As I have not received any answer to my letter , I

I assume, he has referred the matter to you. This mileage ought to be


issued. However, I am too busy to write more letters on this one subject
as I feel that I have discharged my full duty to the company, when I
wrote originally to Mr. harfield on the subject.

I said to Mr. Kash, that the company would grant his request.
In making this statement, I believed that the conditions were such that
a mere suggestion would be sufficient to show the legal department that
prompt issual of the mileage was expedient. However, if I was wrong in
my representation, I want to know it, so that I can square myself and
the company with this official. If you dont approve the issual of this
mileage, I will thank you to act promptly, so that I can so advise Kr.

Yours truly, //2 W X

Copy to B.D.Warfielf, DlSt' Atty., (:?i;%ffiZ/¢§V” L74

Louisvaille Ky.

\ 1 Jazz/42% Lag-3:774 2277 at, Mpépmfl/W/fiwy
,u ,”fi L‘fi, a /
//))K/7Z/r¥)7///Z%l/I/Zfl/f// , , ,4 ,
.1‘/’,’ , . . 4, .‘ / /// (.2 7 ~ I , . ,2 ”1’1"“ . j
/ 2; {[4 @301“ WWW Jam Q1¢///(////sz/flz/?(w/la//i
{7% (17/[1 , //L » %fi’fl/l mm
.7[9.5'/L.§)/.1r,//zk:£ all/01719.1( /
K. C367,, ,. (,7 ., . ;M
/‘”’ej/Jzi’ifi/Zfém/em. , _ Jam/7%, October ,5 , 19,16, _ , [I
1:; if ,L . .A 1' .‘ I , ,jLL‘ »L (;.'; ‘ ‘,‘ . ‘,’»J ':”/r;
. 1 :5 N . N . F i- z 4?”!
K?¢”15*£*‘y ,Léxfi:fiTL 5*a9 “ r‘kr, v*'%'{1 5 = "C
’ '1 .‘:.j! \r’l
Hon. S. M. Wilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:
Referring to your recent letter relative to
mileage in favor of J. 0. Crawford, judge, Breathitt
County Court:
As requested, I have obtained, and I here—
with send you, 1000 Mile Ticket No. 45456 in Judge
Crawford's favor.
When Judge Pollard delivers this mileage to
Judge Crawford, he should tell him that it must not be
used after December Bl, 1915, and that the unused mile—
age on that date should be returned to this office for
Yours truly, \ dééiz;,zr’
Enc. A. D. A.

 , i
( . ‘ - _
October ‘7. 1015)
.r v .1 °
‘r ~~ ’ ' “\I ,. a
{Judge 00 ii: ..:'Qllélru,
Jamison, 11y“
3:3:-2‘: Judge: '
“H [nu » w .- —- ‘ ,
lirwiixirii not: your oi :1 .er (11313 01 the 4.1;}1 infitunt 33:-301:1

,;‘-A 1%., ,v 1 , '. — « ~4. ‘-‘ .....- ,_ . a .7‘- . ~ ~ -

..xio ..».}..1om135 ”::.sixistruiu 3.1g.\Liiet "groin-3;, majoring»: 1511552223 Boo}:
1? ,2r~y-.~ ~... 2 n --- ‘~ - -' '

; ;.- g m 'I ’2"‘,’“ " ,' ": ' .’ -‘} " mu ~r 5' " 'V *W ‘-~ . ' - — - A
1.00 -,._ .‘./.3 iii .'.;7‘yuf oi. i“, «also is uc-ilmsi inc Lilluelge .:3 03::
Li's 717$ ’,rl'w'y'H m . ' ‘ ev" ’1 .1.; “- “‘.—,»u- / —.~ :4 '3- .7 _- i ‘ ' ' ~ *-
U a .._“..m “you em: lira; La o em iii—.2 .:.-‘.nmst CUll'Ez’Llflt'jd. 1:1 Iii“.
3? :3 11:31-17; .3. ‘1 575: lo. ‘.'; ‘.'; r; 1- a

'2 :;:-U '3 ‘7 Tour 3
2 "“U U 9

1711 ‘T- r-(-‘. (V757 '

W.) 3.1 9o( donut-cl.


 ‘ ' Dancing: ’5, 1915,
Mr. Jo J. Donohue, East. 15191:. Atty, Lé’cH,
Louis" vi 119, , K31“. ‘
Dear Sir:

_ . He‘mifat is sackncmlaaged of yours 0:? the 21th instant,
2:41;.11 311010;“:.;‘duiloagm .3001: in favor of 3.1;. 21911;; ;‘iashv of
Breathitt Uourltyo I am forwarfiing this book to Judge Pollard,
‘.'».Iith instz‘ueti-Jns in accordance Lith your lgttor.

Very truly yours,
‘ 6011119 :37. a

 I. .%%am¢
\ LE f dddt’y ,/"99 27 ,//7 // //7/)' 7 ' //L/
\1/ i%////y%y%d/[Z//flefm%flt/%/M%
iézyMWfl ézégégfggéfl’ ;Qgha.QZ%7Z%téwaafiiyéénjzgudkaég;
(KQZ/KI/‘é/I/M/ J/fi /-//é6/MHKM'&, I /
(r 49.91.@[,",g/Z'(,-5d//lar/ze_;z K77 / 1? f
fl/éfiwvgizgéggzéggMWM, CQZZMQW%é颀%@' October 4, 1916.
Hon. 8. M. Wilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir: '

Referring to your letter of recent date, ap—
proving Judge Pollard‘s request for mileage in favor of
hr. Kelly Kash, Commonwealth's Attorney:

1000 Mile Ticket No. 45455, in favor of hr.
Kash, is sent you herewith, under valuable cover. Will
you Kindly have Judge Pallard make delivery? When that
is done, the attention of Mr. Rash should be called to
the fact that the ticket referred to can not be used
after December 51, 1916, and that the unused mileage on
that date must be returned to this department for can—

Yours t , ;V/¢//
(We/1,., 4 b
5‘ ant District AttorneyT“—““
Enc. .//

 . 7 October 3, 1916..
lion. 3:. T3. Nari‘ield,
Zlist. Atty., 3 1.1 I: :2 00., ' ’
301.11 5371i 7-13 , Ky. ‘
Scar Sir:
Acknuwlnfiging your favor of the End instant (your file No.
5875?), I am ploasnfl to note that it is the concurrent uninion of
gourmelf and Eh: Attorney General that the position I holfi as Txus=
twe oi th> Léxington ?ub1ic Library will not debar me from accept-
ing a railroafi pass after January 1, 19175 Yhile.the position in
Quawtion is a purely hlnorary OM39 without any wrofit or perqui-
Sitcs attached, it woulfl have been a :9a1 sacrifice on my nayt to
the hafl to give it uoa V
let me, in this conjectiong acknowledge receipt of
your circular letter of October K, 1015, with the printefi UDTy
oi the Kentucky Anti—”a S Act of 1916 thereto attached.
Very truly yours, 3
E' 1.5; ‘S/a
. Counsel.

 _ é§fi¢fi

flp’W/WMQQL/Z/flr/éZI/éwv J/Ké/z Qfl/Zfl/(fl/zM/x///r}/¢7MM'/w%;/
”jgfiwdgizggéfigé%fywmfl .5QééflflZZ5zgéégt October 2, 1916
V 56758

Judge Samuel M. Wilson, z/G 9:? jfé:

Counsel, Lexington, Ky.

Dear Sir,

Yours of September 25, in regard to Anti-pass Act.

Both the Attorney-General and I agree that your
position of Trustee of the Lexington Public Library is not‘
an office within the meaning of the Anti-pass Act and the
applicable sections of the Constitution and statutes of
Kentucky, the holding of which prohibits you from using
a pass after January 1, 1917.

Therefore, there is no reason why you should not continue
to hold the office and at the same time use a pass. I am
very glad this is so.

Yours very :7uly,///"\j%:2 \
if}? '
. \“ /

QZWV/ngfléfl ZZZ 64 {1.2 flag/1%I/flflyL i ,7 / ,
' /”%”’ ?w ‘//
2 ' , 0252/2 7- L 9" 1"
a27uzmzwu/C / . mil/,.’ / ’7‘ ‘ 77 f) 14/" - ,
,7 '/ ) .;. Q1377'M’I'I‘5/flW7‘W: J4”Q)Gflfl/(//7267l//V/Z€fl€/Mo/f
k/az/M ///_//éo/M7m 722, /
..3/1955.01.37]le81/10/759}! /, J
K,” (’,'(fi /‘ _ j . ,/ /4
I'M/é» ’3“/207256245122. ‘ - , / fig 1
//{(/r / (‘lu’e/latZY/ge/M. ‘ :ZOKZQ@é/ée%flg (DC-bogey: 3, 1916
To Local Attorneys in Kentucky,

I hand you herewith copy of the Antivpass Act enacted
by the Kentucky Legislature, Session of 1916, and which becomes
effective January 1, 1917. I thought it better to have this
Act printed and to distribute it among our attorneys and other
officials and employees in the State, in order that they may1
have it before them in convenient form to carefully study and
familiarize themselVes with its provisions, and have it before
them for ready reference.

I have already discussed with you the operation of
the Act as bearing upon the question as to whether or not you
hold an office such as is mentioned in Section Three. lou W111
observe from reading the Act that by its First Section it
prohibits the issuing of gasses; by its Second Section it
indicates specifically who are the exceyted classes; and by
its Third Section it takes any of the eXcepted classes out
of the exception if they hold any of the offices enumerated
in the Third Section.

I shall depend upon you not to make an application
upon me, or any other officer of the Company authorized to
issue passes, after this year, for any person who is not
clearly entitled under the Act to use a pass, and shall take
your request for a pass to be an assurance that the person
for whom the request for pass is made. is not prohibited by
the Act from using the pass and that the Company is not
prohibited from issuing it.

I _ Please acknowledge the receipt of this letter and
. its enclosure, in order that my record may be complete.
Yours very truly,
Enclosure. District Attorney.

 Sept. 25, 1916.
Hon. 3. D. Narfield,
Diet. Atty., B a h h 3 Co.,
flouieville, Ky.
Dear Sir:

Replying to your circular letters of September 8th and
September 22nd, 1916, I hiVe to say that the only oiiicial position
I hold is that of Trustee of the Lexington Public library and I
don't want to resign this position worth a cent. I am not sure
that it comes within the inhiiition oi the Anti—pace Act of 1915,
but submit the matter to you for determination. .

Very truly youru,

~ .. / .7 /‘A ‘1 //( *7/15; “"' /’ ..~
M)” ...I/:22.) 722/.64. //ll«2fl(ll/jfli%fl/%’ *
-_%fln.2”22/22_(/j %/ Zia/22 / ,7 ,.'1 . .. 7 ""./fl ,. :3
f 2/ / ..- Qnrnégimmthu .Zézar/lggigyégzizévzcamzxa)éu/..;?cvzzézcyég2:
fl/z/f/w’ rig/1.,v/é02422202zl, "X
91.951. met/2a» fifty/way: /.- ,7
K7 /’ ,i ._ ,2 . . j «27”
,"(lxflléd—“fgflnflgflé: ’ /, / 9 2'-
fl/ / mfg/41m {M L Jar/Mrflaa/é/y October 14 , l 10.
Hon. S. hf. .‘.-{118011,
LeXngton, Ky.
Dear Sir:
Referring to your letter of the llth instant
relative to annual pass held by B. P. Wootton:
Please proceed in the matter as outlined in
the last paragraph of your letter.
Yours truly,
C::2;;?§f:stant Distrigfiai%%SEEEV. _

 ' 5—x5—3I6
, , / .. ,,’“,, , /‘ ':’-“£2 ‘
:7). fl//J//W // % A,./if
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emiraseii 1'3:i§.7;“-c.t;3"€ :;nt'imrr :_;. iiiait $2155.53 _‘;;.:.:.:“:'.1 3.:; at --:r; “5;'Z‘3?:::
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_ ._ ' i
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ga/éanknégkfgwwfléwéé:Agaflkww/fkfiyaogz _ .
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6" I’l‘ Lil ',l .. 'H ‘
[;:./7’71}V%;IZ(II'IIII(‘II/ '-' ~ fl [fit/”fill. :7 il/H
llo vember 15th, 1916.
1%.?" i). ‘.’Zarfi alt , ,
District/ht ornoy, Louisville, Ky. _
, Dear Sir:
Referring to y)nr letter of February 19th to Judge Wilson,
a copy of which was sent to me. Sheriff E- C. Bradley has sent me
the encliaod mileage—book holder, requesting that it be renewed.
"ours truly,
., m I?“ l” l’iflahn r ~~
j‘J’lOl- v g y "
CUPY Gen. 1.31:. 35%. dept.
’///;>Juige 3.3.fiislon. _

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December 9, 1916.
Willis W. Reeves, Esq., Attorney at law,
Hazard, Ky.
DSar Sir:

Complying with your request of the Sth instant, it gives
me pleasure to hand yOu herewith L&H round trip pass from Hazard to
Louisville and return, good to December 31, 1915. This favor, I

i am able to do you through the courtesy of Kr. Jo J. Donahue, As-
sistant District Attorney.
Kindly acknowledge receipt of the enclosure, and oblige,
Yours truly,

 51/;‘m ///~
‘ (I / , _ // (7 /_ x/QQ , ,/ //7
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.L/Z/K’A‘ éfl/Mfir Q IZ/K/é/flg/(fl ' ,/ f; / /' ,/ ' '
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, 4 /JJJ.r;7//;v//v'r/JIM/mar, / / 2 /
/ (// ”;yzllk‘j/Z/H/n/f/N/l, ,_1///r//'/’////y ”///yjl Decemer 8th,1916.
Mr. s. M. Wilson, Counsel
Lexington 85 Eastern Ry.Co. ,
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir,

As requested, I am enclosing herewith pass in
favor of Mr. Willis W. Reeves from Hazard to Louisville
and return.

Mr. Reeves' letter is herewith returned.

Yours truly, _
" W :
. District Attorney.
, JJD/w '

 5 yVocrrTcnu&.Nk>RCLAw
1 i ‘ Arturuvga at Emu
”VQ/ 7:
December 5, 1916.

Mr. S. M. Wilson,
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:

. I would like to go to Owensboro, Kentucky to spend
Christmas with my folks, and I would appreciate it very much if
you would secure for me trip pass Hazard to Owensboro and return
good returning December 50 or 51st. I would like to leave
Hazard about the 20th of this month.

Mr. Jesse Morgan has asked that I apply direct to
you for this, as he has recently written to 3. D. Warfield,
District Attorney for an annual for me for 1917, and this re—
quest has been denied, and this has also been the case with
Hr. E. C. Tooton of this office.

It is my understanding of the new pass law that it
does not become effective until January lst, 1917, and that
being the case, I would like for you to secure for me the trip
pass to my home, above asked for. I regret very much that my
request for annual has been denied, but in view of past services
for the Company, all of which have been performed gratis, I
would thank you to secure for me this trip pass to Owensboro.

Jith kindest regards, I am,

72: 77 ,
‘.IWR/r , /c6€7¢¢2// itipvr/é'wfiu/g“

 ‘. - December 6, 1916.

Hon. 3. D. Warfield,
Dist. Atty., L&N RE 00.,
Louisvi lle , Kentucky.
Dear Sir:

Herewith I hanfl you a letter of the Fth instant from Mr.
Willis W. Reeves, which Speaks for itself. If entirely agreeable
to you, the granting of Mr. Eeeves' request would meet my hearty'
approval. ~

Very truly yours,
SEW/a '
It ‘ Counsel.

 ‘ 9-»:5~-34(‘il
g T-. 122/1)” (2‘ .T/j/K) 222 a /K22 2KK/K/i2/2fl/My/
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fimw/ TTZMT/TTMT .T Mam/2 24%;
V/ / fl/zm/IImI‘TT-{qe/MT " //
Mr. Jease Eorgan.
fittorney, Hamarfi,fiy.
near Jesse:

Vou?s Hav.23, in re: pa$88$ for next ya;r fer Tr, E.G.¥ooton
and Er. $11113 W. R eves. If ynu will uzrefully read the anti-Pass Act
you will see that I cannot iaaue 933303 $0 an: attornays sxaegt the bona
fide attorneys 0f the cemyany. Thifis all of the fizilroad lagyers whom I
have sanaulfied agrfifi with ma, precludes tha isaue of a yass to any at—
tsrney aha is net the regularly appeinteé an: amylayefi asfiorney of the
aomfiany. AS E understanfi it your firm is ccmposad of rum and Er. fiuck~
015, and me One 9199. Anfl 1% is such firm tfiat represents us as attorneyfi
13 Pa??? county. I am very aorry that the legislature has seen fit thus
20 8U?t&il the pans privilege5. But,ao tfie lag is written. lné we can
cnly 0%ey it. $here are many ether cases thfit have cana under my obsnru
vation where the shoe pinches just as ix flees in the 03333 of Weston anfi

, .. ‘T'
{aura very - *ay, ’
T /' /'/ I
"Z? "7 ,
X/ C”, ',K 7 T Q Z 11 W“
// ni$trict &‘_orney.
Blind copy to Judge Samuel
M. Wilson, Lexington, Ky.

 . T?" Wu“ .- ~ f
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,afl””ftégflg%fifiéifiywwi :‘Zéflgfiwgégégz December 1, 1916
Judge Samuel M. Wilson,
Counsel, Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir,

Please read and return promptly Mr. Jesse Morgan's
letter to me November 29, herewith enclosed, having
reference to annual passes for next year for Mr. 3.0.
Wootton and Mr. Willis W. Reeves.

Mr. Morgan does not seem to realize that the Company
will not be able, in view of the Antipass Act which goes i

I into effect January 1, 1917, to issue passes to any Kentucky
attorneys except the Company's regularly accredited,
employed attorneys. I do not understand that either Mr.
E.C.Wootton or Mr. Willis W. Reeves is a member of the firm
of Morgan & Nuckols. The letter—head on which Mr. Morgan's
letter to me is written shows that the firm is composed

, of Jesse Morgan and Lewis A. Nuckols. Of course, I have
included both of them in my list of passes to be requested
for next year. But the only way that passes could be
issued to Mr. Wootton and Mr. Reeves would be by having
them made members of the firm and by appointing the firm
as thus reconstituted our local attorneys. I do not
suppose it would be desirable to do this, either from
the standpoint of Morgan & Nuckols or the Company.
Therefore, I see nothing to do but frankly write Mr. Morgan

 BMW—2 1
that his request cannot be complied with as to either
of these gentlemen, either as to annual passes or even
for trip passes.

This reminds me that I wrote you several days ago
concerning Mr. Eervie's status in the same respect. So
far as I recall, you have not replied to that letter.

Yours very truly,