xt73bk16mf8w_391 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [269qq] Miscellaneous text [269qq] Miscellaneous 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_40/Folder_5/3232.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_391 xt73bk16mf8w ..

// '.')«;-CJ\J..‘.2,2.;" 1:, 167-3,.
0.. LI. Haz‘flm“;t;r, 39.11., K
Stock? Cls'xim 11933117, .3 8c N R '8 Co.,
'.';‘r; V22 1115;: , “flan t1;- 0 kg! .
Dem? .‘.:113': '

implying); ta.) yum-:3 of the 3361 instant (your file No. 1967),

in refr'21"2;zzr‘za Luz: 121511121 .301" :Ltf;='3:m<3,jf‘%‘ ie: ”0;; ‘7.! Hull, .23 io, Of Haz-
(53‘1-7, {'Cgrr, an account of ;:.".legjted 921:33433 153117 to 1x: resent- ems Hézl‘fi -
:mn :3::m}:s':, 011‘ ':‘:Dtb‘vix‘, gig-'., 51,15: 371.,x1.1u-:::L;15:; ’:1-2.¢r;wri t}; 11133 1:3-tiger
a girarxrmfi ta yet: by 2511?. Hall, 11116193“ Sofia; ;) - 16;) ve'rnlw.r 27, lSEl'f),
l incline to think ihzti‘. we $11? in striutnzasxs 3.12.1 ‘19 to Mr. Hall
..‘Or i119 and? 33:71!) :2 he 1L3,“ offered 1':-0 accept a ice-9 of 395.00

‘ in settle-Wilt 01‘ his: slim, I be‘mwvra it wov’u‘z he 5§=_)()!3 business '
3.21:"- tl—m proper 511111;»; £0.13 ;mu to pay this alga-11:1.

Very 'trifiisr gramme,
anc. ‘
s; ..:!eTf / a,
:1," 9712151137. .,

 ' " 9” QQ /7 77%/ 7”
. ‘Hrl17tflé72fié/,£V i/a/ infli/AZAé//67Q /(Z//7fi7aflflgt.éZCéfig/QKZ7égyfi’
. / ,
Revenue, Ky.. December 5rd, 1915.
The Hon. S. M. Wilson, ;ZLJOQ % jj~é
security Trust Building, .

Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear sir, M

Please note the attached letter from Mr. J. W. Hall, Attorney,
of Hazard, Kentucky. mr. Hall seems to be considerably “peeved" on
account of my settling this claim over his head. I tried to settle with
Mr. Hall but he wanted $125.00 and I was able to settle the matter with the
claimant for $25.00, thereby making a saving to the company of $100.00.
There was never a suit on this claim and all that I have from Mr. Hall is
the following letter dated Hazard, Ky., September 22nd, 1915,

"mr. 0. M. Hardesty,

elaim Agent
Lexington, Ky.
"pear sir,
I herewith send you claim of Mr. Harrison ,

Banks of Lothair, Ky.. amounting to $125.00 for injury to a mule of
mr. Banks by a train." you will of course look after this matter and let
us hear from you."

Please advise me if we are liable to mr. Hall for a fee of $5.00
as he is claiming.

yours truly, '/
kg; ”fl / ”K, I \.
/ /' [fir/"f ”."‘”, ‘./' i” a I
(/l , '"29’ ’ Zétook/élaim Agent.

ho Y;,, /

 I .3
/ .
December 15, 1915.
C». .13.. 2210.14} astj, 31:30,, .
;.3‘i‘0;:2~’. 03.31711 .‘.gentril ch H 3 R £10.,
17:2,": .211: , Ix“. 2::: 3'; :‘:. (112;-T . 3
323;? €537:
2512:121'1‘211'10 E20::7'.-'-.'.=:? 1;}: 17:17:. 01121053121352, ml. 311: 1'»: 21;, 1'10 your
10th:: 01‘ Becam‘nnr 119/1, 5..-2 3. 7:13;; 3':'1=’€.‘ "2:0 the .3.:‘1;>.":3;.>; 25mg; 01"
Cancel: 501' 911.00 (taunt: 13;] you (infiabwr 1525;, 3.915, :13: :’:‘zzvor mi" 0110
30011;: 21211 7., 0f .’Z.:I":i11-.2, 113., it 21:21."; M) ::2‘: the: £13.13: ‘Jn you. shoul
(7: is “to (.30; 11.7.”: :'Cgium .‘.E.2.11, {.::L‘ -I'rmizr), {the-:.- 3:1"0;7.:;:::' g::;'-.“a;;1) 5111 affidavit
:2:) {fligygestnd 37.1: the 'L-z; :; fie}: ::t'rm’: the .L:_:.<3:7.:~3t2-1t (.‘:;-:'::iar- of the Union
.2J::t3'_0:'.n.:;1 Mug": 0.? i..;1;i;swi'=.7c;, :1 Eating; 4:12.11: the 0:20:31: in (;txqstitm has:

' - {10%;}: been _:'/1:531 wind, {:1':"I.;>3::-.=1e:.(~1, .:;-:91 gin-2:0. 0': (:1"=.:‘a‘.r1(:2:.: 1:; 1'1151’}, and he has
nave: l'+:(;i)-3.Vr;:(1 gm“ 200210.12 x2rmm-3007131' th):-:Ei3.")1:l, (1 :11'2:».~.i.‘i.f.;;r 0:? indirect
”'.’-7.52:; this; is: 0035:1000, :L’ 0:.‘12'031'0'. 1mm :2:.) me 9.0:? l “.112...“- trj; to handle
4.0 5.1. cuimclusj on x1122: tn»: ..-'nr:)e.0.i:! ’.'-.‘hixc‘: Rational 577-11; 0; this city.
1 Engine that ii(:<.u.‘;1_ft:t 1:22.111 (001.01'20). 01' .1fztxiiiz.(:::;03, 107., vain 3.3)"7r:ars
to inc-um; gut/7.20:1 the Honey 0:: tin"? chec’fi, it”! 32:00. frz-fig.’ ;f‘"‘1:;:::.:1.<;121‘1;,r Worth-
le—yis: 0.53:1, 11‘ that '23:». 1:0, :1": 001;. (Thulfiiahfi to ramiovar the. (M1223; is
'Lifrmo'.1.g:h the Union L':".2.'Lj.0:1:e.]. .3:I.:.:1(. 11:12: it: mite: 12;; :.mm'; $301338 flail
01‘ Eminence meals-,- to 214.223 iii,‘<"'..';f'?3.131.135: the 00001:.

12:11:00 3:22: ..1.-'.': 0.04.: 13:21:; :"trs«':‘c {3111:1141 E's-11f, 2: 05:13:30.9th
71.1 31:01: «mini; 1 31:111.:9 is: 53:1;01'513, it i:' 11::..:(i“-.; .1.-ace11:31:11.; for me
3;) H’ "C 2.91.2: ..':z.;";i.rm. ;9011‘ =11».>:1’_1-:1 €31,310 ;‘-f:S;>:z-0“L:;L:'e.g; 121.20 01211.; rit,
Gooz'gge ii."-.§-l, of." .10‘1’122000. If. .0.-“:- (2'1”: DC: 1430-2139:". and '..-:ie:1tj1."ie:fl, I
think :1 war::‘.:1.1t 5321011115. 0-: chafing-.::": for his 51.;rzfnst 0;: 5a. 011.37ge of
havfmg 0 otained money by 330.1023 impersonation 22:11:} 5019:: 11;-(111011868.

This: bji-tmch oi." the (3:.-1813, however, I think on: inst until we have
:3?’k11111>>t:'2(3 011:1“ efforts to recover the money. I trust- it may yet
b". p01‘tr”1ibls_=; to Save the lows of the -,g':11.1>o.
1312 9111162 to {iv-21: the ;:.:T'ficlavit {above- ment‘i 0.11m} :‘irfht away
my? "Lexi: no heat: from you 11;.1rther.
Very tru ’11:? 3171113.”,
mm; 1‘1.
5' LE? /11
Liczrnvvél ..

 " --M/UH/fl /7 7 //J//¢//I¢ /////6/////~ ///////////
‘ 1965176 1% 1 MW ' t
7 . Ravenna, Ky., December 5rd, 1915.
I II I _ , P. O. Irvine, Ky.
‘ Judge 3. :.:.7'77w1717son,”7'counsel, $02057: ZZPJYFEEFE’S.
Security Trust Building,
\ Lexington, Ky. -
Dear Sir:—
On October Q5th I mailed to Mr. George Hall of Ermine, Ky., a check
for 311.00 in payment for some stock killed previous to that date. In some way
this check went to Eminence, Ky., and Geo. Hall, colored, at Eminence got this
check and cashed it at the Farmers & Drovers Bank, and it went through the usual
channels and was paid by the Phoenix & Third National Bank at Lexington on October
30th and charged to my account. On November 10th Mr. George Hall, of Ermine, .
wrote me that he had never gotten the check for stock killed and upon investigation
I found that this check had gone to the wrong place and had been cashed by Geo. .
Hall, colored, at the Farmers & Drovers Bank at Eminence, Ky. You will note
that they stamped "All prior endorsements guaranteed" on the back of this check
and cleared it through the Union National Bank of Louisville. I took the matter
' up with the Phoenix & Third National Bank at Lexington and call your attention to
the letter next attached in which they say,
"You will note that their depositor claims that the party entitled
to the $11.00 received same". .
Now this is not a fact and this negro was not entitled to anything, from the simple
fact that he had no stock killed, and we owed him nothing. Please advise me What
steps to take and who, if anyone, I must sue to collect this $11.00, as the right-
ful Mr. George Hall of Ermine, Ky., did not get this money and it is not his signs—
I ture on the back of this check.
Please advise at your earliest 00nvenience.
Yours truly, ‘22f{~r”’*‘
Cy- Phoenix & Third National Bank, (//Q%%::3;Qi/, M /j;/
Lexington, Ky- //" V <:::::7‘::
/ Stock Claim Agent.

 . a '
l ' November 8, 101?,
Mr. A. ",4.. 81.1mm: 1:9, I I 1
Stock “:.:..im Eggent, , .:; 14’ 3: 00.,
Bit an": , 2423:. I '
11.:71 5311*:
He'73.“_~.wj Eh :'z'xmlorwfi, I 1737.116. you. copy 01‘ a letter of the
, {St}; otwnt, :::ivw? from Hr. ‘23. Jana-21;. of Virinezzhrfltcr, which
Ez'vl’uina 1125:0113. I an ‘.7‘1"T.'j:’_7,‘3ffl§”. Afr. Jam-:?; tun“: 11321337513" sell stock
01:11:93 of the Chin‘swtré'v described Shmfld “on Z!"*"-f01‘3"'33d. to you.
’_./’77 4:177??? 1707.23" I1..) >
V, v 0110‘
(3071129 (23. ,.

 . . _ . _ , November 87,1 1915..
B. R. Janett, Rig-1.3 Attorrzegz at law,
1173' 21.02“) a 5; t a: 3", 1:155:31: “.10 l3; 6
Der-{r 313‘:
’ Ezrwvx-a yours of the G’ch il‘l‘éflizint, 2317771531335: me. of Claim
of 351‘. 7521: :éamli. “..:ron for." .51.?5cOO for the} ‘.zcilliugs‘ '01? :2. 2.0 by
are 03'? cu? :1'1‘019‘211: ”mains. I 527.1 ferm;'~‘fl:iny 2:, (301)}? of ycuz‘ latter
to A. .’.. Summers, the Claim 3.9301317 who has mumeaded .’.-73‘. 1{;=1276m3t;~,r
in the tea-:23 t 01f: ”Minxwwnw Bert-1317011 9,218 Zifiifimeya .:., Summers"
51(361‘0fif3 it; ..‘,rztanin, Kentucky. 311 such mart 1:338 in ji'ut'm‘o. sfimuld
"Or-9 374*:5-“2171‘52 '7 to him 1.111533." you 71min burr. in 'L‘ 319) habit of biznr‘slingg
hum-312,153 3323;; : fifth 3h". 3%.:11.‘rr‘:ns;1t;f.
Vern“ i;;::1t1:x Fem-2:1)
SEQ/23. .

 "x. i .‘,: ,-/
WINCHESTER.KY. :Tfov. I), 191]»). .._.. _
" ., 4‘ '_
Judge ’.3. LL. \Jilson, ‘
lexington, T'y.
Denis 5.3lii‘:- '
LEO-... that Lizartlest; has :.1o'vcd ‘1'.-2) lr'vi'z'le, I do not ...mow
Lo wnom I should make reports 01" accidents on the 151.; :...fnere
the. psrtie. w..o:.,e stool: 11.8 been injured come to see me 3.00th
1"1‘. Russell Lyon, 5;. farm-r living; near '.‘.istl-stoe, has
dust been to see me :.'oni sdviszes that on ootober 2116., near
istletoe, :LC had 53, than: killed ”5); a .lejk'fllyljlj.b going: Grist, which
-- :5 1 .. — . " u . 1- 1,3’ 3 Yr _ _ .; . _L‘Lflll'S ,
331...“, 11:; Mined at ._.1/1.0L). ne sadrs no :eoortcdhto someone connect-
ed wi tn ..;“; railroad, on: does not rehmrber JUST. extmtl; we it
was. Tie siys LIL-L; eat one plrauti ”More the more was killed the
cattle guards .'.LCLCL been removal/and it walked on the track. This
is tjie only injjorziution teat I have in regard to the matter,
and I told him that I would uri .42 you and yo”; would see that
ii; was scented 1n the grower ohmimsl. Ilia oostofl'ico :..Looress
is '.'/inohester, .:.-1. “.I‘. D. 5.1;).
To sec: ,5 e 5.; s ‘L-;is I Use to make the report to
Tizzrde my, not have not been 5.16sz wit to whom I s):o:..l(.3. uiéLZCG such
;L‘eports since 'Tfarde std" Jr".'?‘7(3(l to Irvine. “Jill you kintl'ux Ltd-
vi to me whether Larceny is tin; proper one, amo if not to L'.'}.om
53.055131 I make :12ch .L'Ui)k).."b.:i is this?
xr .. . . ’:./’- . ///,7 'i‘L1/
LOUIS; you» c Lly, ,,5/' .,
/, ,,3. // ‘—/ - , ’.
,7: ,4/ ,/ (,1,. / /
.. ..,.,, ,w/ ,' ’ ”.-~-«~M—"57' (.;., ,, , «>5
did-moi '/'\..//” / — " ~ ’17/
’7 a / '
Al. \/ :" I:
\ ”"' if

1' . " ~I M1 I
. .:7-H .. ;‘.,r
J.J- .1 .. , ..V j 341
T? n , . 1*.
u. asargozmt, .:.sq. ,
1 ~.. f-- ‘P\~- ' ' v
»':-‘.Imt. v .:LI7.f'rt{i.L'!'l 1.,-5...]. v.13 1011.,
(I ‘:’: 3 1:151 , .:.- T," a
7* . ..1 :.' . ,
..._}«vo’. «2.1.4. .
‘ “ ‘ - - ... ‘.“ J... ‘.I. .'.. “'.,‘. .4. ,£-.,‘ F".
_- :'.~7..e.:-i:.:~:r: mate :2: t1, 1:.. vi LIL.) ,.I uh i115. -..-...']. J.J.O...
. ~ — '~'. - _.-. .5 -‘.,.}, .. «'.". ,.:-... :5 a... Hmi" 'I
.'.‘I '3‘: 2.58., . ',.‘I’I I:I.:_I.:]_;»I.I.I..:a, UUV=;LL-L11{:. we, «..L-._... 0.; 01.. ......II'J
» ~ “ I I‘ ' ‘ " "I ., .... "-,-~’ . :‘1 .V.
7' I 3 .. .7 . . ‘" " ,~ .»‘ y""?* I“ .‘vr. ..“»i "fl ' "' ~ -. - V_V ‘. ..'.J; ._.‘ ,
;-.Q:J_a;;,:>;22r; _.,.ng ; 5.10-:i --.I..,._ .IWII J.J.aubio .... ...L "10k 1. I. t,
I . - . ..L , M I. .t , - ..' . ., .... :1._. .'. .:.: .’.1.)”.
.I.. .321; :.‘/5:1 '34:; ":"‘H‘x. u JJ.! thus; Jihii‘. 3.3%....1. ..:,“ ..L L.[.Lz'.u .I... “INLG
-. _' . .1 ,IL ... . .» ., .:.u ' ..; ‘.,-1,: .-._, : .1 __. «....»jJ.
I.,I) .:‘..s'l‘, L.:-1-11.2, .: 2.L .l. L. «If l.‘_':._‘),1 5 .1...; u 11.....1. ”.._-I, , r). . Jiu .I. .I. L u ,
'17.‘ ,.,. ., ..,I ..“’”..w
Jfiszy U.’.L\ L.,/ L, ...‘. n‘
L, ,I I
' In
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.\ _.
011m; :1 .

’ “.-~ Y“ '1 ( “ C.
in "w 9’ ..J'..{. ,'. J

1' 1 » 7 . -\ -
uuugo u. h. Pollaru,

7,. ‘.7.\. 1r . .V ,..

x» . 2 o}. f a. r: . :an 119 L] ..

‘ . .. ‘ '\ o

Lam: J‘dCLg58.

new: at is n.<_:}':11m171r:Erma of ZIOULJS 01' “the 3.”:71 :‘2.;1s‘:tsmt,
with ancienurmin 1‘81!) cum; :3 ‘5'.) chum o; ham'y’ .,LOUlJ‘IfHH‘L. 111m

" ‘ ~. - ‘_,. .. .;v., .'. ,, .-.,_.L.-,.. __ 1 ., .
I’i:1€%l"lflfll€ Sinai”: "1}0 51".}:er u-L3::,.-:4§t)zlfli 401' .LJl‘KT-EET'GJ.g’JILLJAJIL mm .L ’99:.) :J'u,
","pn-fu. 11,11)“; U.
.,v,(J\., x4,x...V_‘_/’
i". :1
x; m 7.1 a so .‘. .

 ‘ .11
2 December 15, 1915.
UHLQ iiiiy'dfi-Stlr’ 3:311... .
Stuck Claim hgt., L d N K L 00.,
havenim, Aontueky.
Dear Sir:
Delay in austering your favor of the 10th instant, relative

, to suit oi 36 s. Arnett v. his A, in the Court or squire Keaton, in
breathitt County, has been agreed by an ungvuieshlo absence from home.
I erred with.you in thinking that th re is no sort ei'liahility upon
the Railroad Couxnny to: the kitlin; o; poultry mantiedsdi I do
not unfigrntmnd that the nouitry falls dithin the doseriution of live
¢tock an? e ;tlinflj fixer) in no rule of law whijh in-assfi neon the
Eailroud Sonhzn; an: nrnzxu tit; 35 unfliuanes simply Tron the fact
0; the ;wvaltig=kr:v3rtztw;on iinfizr d ct=irill d, rrien ii‘ this this ad-
mittedly ort‘ad by an if 3t: lsssnuiiyafi a? trains. It is easy to
see that thsrr is “t’vtf*'"7g 2w Evy UT usi:h.n railtiy triin can
ev;ifl runninq sVsr isrls_ and any sou;t presided ever tr a competent
judge Tania, no ‘oubt,n”:cfi #13 so f.cifi», T tzuvt re the aegeal
you 7111:?! Janice ”553.1: s {11"Q,’FIZ;.’.;~}2.‘:€7 izi 5:0?1‘Iii‘WiElHg; the 3711:: {.o if the
5:33:5r1y Couyt in Jrvethitt 9.?nt; that iL”T# can he no Tiuhility
of any tart uccu the $11119 G in $319 elm”: of caves, either under .

- the lat ez'ths :zttio
Veg; tgt1; goxis,
J.‘ {v ,/
Sij4; ts ,3afip.s onl:,‘dlfi.:rd,
J?.‘.,i_".1-~I;.-Un' Ly. Ga) :i;-1:? 2:23. .

 . /// , . ,‘,/y/ f . / ~/" 5,7 . // t/) // 7/
(_’,,,/V/liflfl/fl/ / * ///////// /(//, /’/‘//// (Kw/”my,
'. / ’,
flee/0 M Irvine, Ky-, December 10th, 1915.
Judge 8. M. Wilson,
Counsel, Security Trust Bldg.,
Lexington, Ky»
Dear Sir:- .
Please note the attached letter from Judge Pollard, relative
to the suit of E. B. Arnett vs. LdN, in which judgment was rendered by
default in court of J. T. Deaton for $12.70, value of poultry alleged to
have been killed by the L&N Railroad. I know nothing whatever of this
claim, but it doesn't seem right to me that we should have to pay for
Please favor me with your opinion and your advice as to what to
do in this case.
Yours truly, ff ’>/////57(//////
/C‘ X.) ’ } //"/ .L‘Z' /[ I '
‘ (1 V t l” '
’/ // x/ 'K/
Stock Clein Agent.

 o. I-I.’ POLLARD .
r \7‘7‘ ‘ I
K * ,._,
, : /. \.'» A -
I: !"‘
i ,.I; , ,.
I / II/‘
\V/ . ‘1
Tec. ard, lulu.
I. Be 3:6"33, fupt..
W venn~, fin
.o"r Fir:

”le Se refer to my letter 01 50v. llth in re
suit oi 3. 3. :rnett vs. L m N, in which juflgient was ren-
derefl by flefgult, in court 0: “Luire J. T. ie ton, for
912.70, Value of poultry allerefi to the been killed by
the L.& H.

P ndinq your inveutiqation, I the appealed
the cese to the_~u“rterly court find as the court convenes
Tuesfi;y riter the fourth Jonday in thir ionth, it i: import-
ant th"t i receive evifleuce With “hich to renist tho cl ii,
ii we c.n euccoEViuily EGPiGt it.

”L)urfi."tr.uu", :T**—*

 Nov. 11th, 1915.
n. Sergeant, Supt.,
anenns, Ky.
De‘r sir:-

E. H. Arnett has hrousht suit sad procured a
judgment by default egrinst the L h E, in the court 0f squire
J. 9. Keaton for $12.70, rllefied value of poultry killed.

This is r ther a novel suit >nd n3 i'hnow nothing 'hOdt the .
,fec'tS, I have ffippt’fé‘led the es to the "ne‘-rtei‘l;; court.

. l nearest that you have investigetion mede and
advise me just that kind of pnhityy was killed and when,so that
I can be in _‘oosition to 3’53’10'2‘" r.=:€?et:+th@i" we should settle the
cl in or fight it out.

_ Yours truly; .‘
/’ x \d.
,I/ 3' '7 .r >
I," r ‘y’ . 1| ‘ ‘ _(“flur’x
(313};ny to
Jndme s. E. Wilson,
Lexington -

 1 “.1, f yl‘314466
% I '._ _/1_ '//Q_, _"'
(”’_’. ~7/Lm“‘;—mw.
// / '7 //y7 7 K 7‘ 1f f /’}V 1 1
k" ' . , ‘ 1" V , , ,4 ,1, ,« ‘
Ci{xx/M/zfig//%JflI///ifflflfl/IK/fl/fiflm fl, , k/\ . NJ. 1 —
i " . ’ /’ ' C<
”rd/$001321?“ ~ ,7/ 2 . ,7 "/ ..,»..-a-i—m- —
(,3 Ir ,. (w! , ,,/,, ' . , ,, /
A::‘l:;hr%fl/Iflrfm('II/ ”val’l/fiy/fl/l' L 5%" .
November 50th, 1915.
Hr. T. 3. Bradley,
489 West Third Street, City.
Dear Mr- Breiley:

The Louisville office is again writing in regard to
little bill against you for §l2.00 for damage to switch points at
Avon in May 1915. I note what you wrote Mr- Sewell, but as we do
not know Mr. Self in this transaction, who was your Agent and in con~
sequence you were responsible for his acts, we must look to you.

Won't you at your earliest convenience drop around to the
office and let me have a talk with you about this matter?
Yours truly,
11:5" :1 , 11%“;{f‘re’f‘w' -5 .... é} . -I
a \if\i’ 11$“;1) ti 136".~19 ,jzuya,i , f‘¢= .
V 1 1 AM V i 1 f affix/t» 11 ¥”’ 9 ’
COPY Gen. Agt. EX. Dept.
RoE.Sewell. -

I Sllllilae Calif.- DOlld, J0 Po
Louisville & Heshville Raiered Co.,
a corooration, and Lexington & fins»
tern Railway Company, a corporation; Plaintiffs.
v. “;L‘i‘ .61i713’i‘ .
N. 3. Self and
T. H. Bradley, Defendants.
H. 3. Self, debtor to fiouisville & Hushville
Bailiwnid Co nanny 5u1d Beijiugton 5:.bustern 1¥1i1VTQ7 Commangn
for damage to switch noints at ivon, Kentucky, in the
month of May, l?l§, 913.00, no part oi which, though requested,
has over boon,paid., , . 5 . _
T. ;l. .drariley' is Sluzd r1erru,n ELS graIWiislrac.
Hhereflorw, plaintirfs pray judgment against
the defendant, R. H. Self, for 912.00, with interest
thereon at 6% oer nnnum from June 1, l“lF, until paid
and for an order of attachmont and garnishment heroin
auainst the defendant, I.Ifi. Bradley, and for plain-
tiffs' costs herein exnnnded and for all prooer relief.
COllllfiit'Bx .LOI' .3;].hlfll..l.l.l.{be

w . W w
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4 W ,
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Vzmrcu /cn, 1910.
K‘.” . 1-3- L.. ‘ ..,]
sinuol H. ”;1bun, #54,,
”“K;uu*ou KW
...‘.“ . ;u , ...‘) .
I nave yuur lettsr of the 3rd inbt., and uqbe its con-
The depositions were receivem by the 094?: 33 “unbevngv and
. I. It
are filed in the aflse, but on occ;1u: of the Vpurt haVihg to go
to J?c?3)n an to-dgy, Lhe on 9 has been gas: until E»grsday, at
"J11011 tJJne I tjii~fli 1"0 ‘Vi 1? Cry'.
i tfilked to the Agent hern, velrcive to ta the notification
in 1“‘. r31 ,”‘ 1f “1,16: '31 “11"];32 "‘ q 1"‘ 11: Uppy‘qs »‘—.‘ "v ‘,7 ' :"“y :1 q" )l’“ .‘“
-~. -_.‘J V.) U. , ‘.,JJ‘L)‘. “In, (L.L J x, 0..,“ um Huh A: , LM» b lu,
in'ficL he says, n3 HJCLCQS mré efes Liven :0 people Who Have Lum$
_ $Mip>3fi ta fiTEQfi; acwgiona, but they unfit Jake Cognizanne uf the
'53“ ‘ 1‘ and 1']' “ "'w +19” 1"]163Y‘1 “up, r: “r: ‘:.37'Vn1pd r " . “ ””‘:
LAC, .4 r. ‘4‘» ‘J..)..3. J). v J. «I Hlewl . .. w. Lung“ ‘ , (,1, 4J.l. ll ..‘ , ““0. inV b DILL-
Jqfiprmy dues n9: jag «my HCuQHClJQ to them, Julj UJ see they are'31’803 *1"r13":."’3 4.11 _- )rfli C‘.)’1‘.L.L‘Q_l.‘)r1. .
1, ,»ia'eswlr'zm “"3 ‘.'-743.1"; n".,:30 11)."; the wane U? 1&9an 1.13;.) ‘.,'nsérfi V15.
L & J. in wiieu cue; Clnlu a alLih; Qauflté t; a)me flour, for
augut ”7.00, find tne Uuuuqutor Yum u211eu the flour is hare and
-- .~. . .._ 1‘., 1 ,. ,, ':M. 1, ‘,H ...
“ J_L]. uni»; w) ‘4’-J fine came )u ;11‘11;,.A.4J , up).
I will 193 J01 knuv :ha out came of enoh cane, *3 Soon 98
the CEL~19 9:9 avar. . ,
'v ..m “WW .- A"
.«.)liv: 441.“, . _ £7
4 f

 ——-- ~~ 4 ‘“' “T” "i
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 fl .
2 March 3, 1916.
D. 1. Day, Esq., Attorney'at law, I ’
Uliit2éwin111g, .ioiitiiolqy.
Dear Sir:

. I received your letter of the 37th inotant, with encloo—
uses in reference to suit in Lotoher Quarterly Court of iilliamson-
Martin Compony v. L. C. Fields,&c., in which the D & E was made a
party by a v"1mairs—Jaetition filed by the defendant, Fields. The
Notice you gaVe to take the deposition of Grant Collier was given
on behalf of the j & 3, but I oroenme fields will make no quootion
about this, since he is actually Suing the L e N and the Subpoena
I had served on Collier required him to appear and testify on be—

. half of the .7 (3: N.

I have to—dny taken tho deposition of Grant Collier
anfi some will be forwarded forthwith to the Clerk of the Zetoher
Quart fly Uonrt, by registered unilo Pleaee be sure that Judge
Day receives the deposition and files it. 2 I

l in heromith Intuining, under Valuable Jobel No. 589036,
all the enclosures which you eont me with your letter. .

It occurs to me that in addition to tho testimony of Fields,
tho Agent at Uhituobnrg, and the introduction and identification by
him of the original bill of lading, bearing Collier‘s notation -
"O.£. Collier, Ho. 29, 2—22—13”, that you ought to prove by some of—
fioer or agent of the Company that fl.C. Fields, the consignee, was
notifiefl hoforo hand that this consignment would be delivered at

. Roxana, or was so notified shortly after it had been delivered.
In other wonde, I inolino to think it is incumbent on us to fiiow that
Fields was given some sort of notice or warning to be on the lookout

 , 1 .. 1'» ““”’ ””‘ ’ 1
.. 5.219;:3, 1:511. "‘;3":3I;. '3 .~. ‘. :75=~’,?'.r -;il1':“;'='«‘,‘i-.'»";s» ..‘ .Ljf ‘. ':gja'w ':’i‘,1.',n:". .* :2 '-";>r-4="r.‘5“>5<~;12_ 315,143: 5::“! 755.521.. ‘7”?
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r '5 .
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3133‘?“ 3'
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for 17511113 shipment 0W February " 22, 1913,0rimmedlate 1313 91.0379 Q? 5
‘5 1mmediafielya£t GI"; sald datev,lt maybetha‘b thlg 100131; lgguffi-
- - f < 3 a {55 1 ‘ f 5, i
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fiwesmwta'wkeai 51612061 tion 1216' 601138.]: pro mpt‘ iwqmry you
cannoaoubtaacermmwmmerWannabeewould "sci out of Hazard
gram esbvrganauasthv aventatone er theothar of mm 6190111138 .5 -
farthepurposegfestahlishingthefagt, '3 ‘ .5 ,
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1; Iffiyous‘fiuc‘ofeieé‘: 11121566..featiirxgrgthe % ski-mac 1f ;Figel‘d€$-=*asai.nsfi T ; 5; “ 5 '
theHanroadbe surto 90119055811 1211 coasts zincurflat year =
;..;éff}. j'iia‘f; .~. endj’fif ‘ ,fchfféji3lzi‘iié and also'g‘thafffi:b11311‘it‘of73 10' 9‘s}: 5’; ,_iammififiifiggrfifio5.34333 34:11,; '5 . " 5, 5’ :._
. shomentheNotaryseertifmateto eomr’sleposmon
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