xt73bk16mf8w_399 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [273b] George Hogg v. L&E, Letcher Circuit Court text [273b] George Hogg v. L&E, Letcher Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_41/Folder_5/3602.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_399 xt73bk16mf8w ' I J 5 w '
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January 23113., 1913..
121'. J. 373'. 1.111113115511137, _ . 7 .
Lmlissviimh Ky. '
2621 Sir:— '
I "wave 3.707117327311233? reelative'; 1.0 the 13'.E‘:.7;.~Ofii$101"! 1,127 777-3.17:5...de '
1.1) 27:. 3.12003? 5271716 have written him ascamfiizzgly.
I 933.84?) have :rmefi'tter emicaing c tam (163736213 12131173152127
. 3.3.“. Bradfoxc'fi'fi 2291113? 3’70}: (2032*;738811011 77.2161 “Ir ear 11777037111872.1113. ‘.~‘-mile
I have 90777.53 037' 117.717 (37:219. at 11:21:11 With 79171.0 'wa 1111.73 2.1257,:211071fl
' 117.:f7'>:7:'122:t.ion I 1 takim}? time MHz: 121'. the 3.112037121413153 m iphéfa
three 53072171188 11:? N711 today and 1:741. '7 , all of 1:123 {2.8631175 as; ‘
$213031 1% I gist-117$ "2.377321: hick.
' {2713371 Near: “ 1v,
.ESJ/CGP. ' .

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E. S. Jouett to J. E. Willoughby.
December 833d, 1910. '
I have your recent letter written from Whiteeburg, and
you may be sure that I shall stand squarely by your recommendation w
with reforenee to the settlement with Fitter. It eeeme to me to be
even most literal.
I am obliged for the copy of your letter to Lr. Mepothero
I am glad for the authorities to know just where the eonree of our .%
difficulties lies. m
I have a letter this morning from Mr. Fields advising that
the joey elloWed Hogg $8,500.00. This, of course, is SiMELy an out— no
rage. I hone considerable hope, as I wrote you yeeterday, that We
will materially reduce theee verdiote in the circuit court where "w
the jury is selected nnfiex very different circumstances. The trial
before a jury in the county court under the present conditione where
the sheriff simply goes out and picks up his non oroujd town is
little ohort of‘e farce.

 1 (EH/f” ._' f/fl”
D. 1). Fields 5‘: 53,3611 to Quake. Jouetg‘
December 22nd, l910.
The ,jurifinsthe Gemrgéu‘flofeg case gave a verdict for
$8,500.00, we await your suggestions on this matter.

 ‘ “ ‘ ”“' ‘ ""“*“‘”‘””*“f”mfifie$Efifiiéfi?fl*figé
7 ,.:-”I; f"” .i/ ( g";
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5 32 f s
5, 51"”Wwé [57.-2;:? 133(20/1910.
E. S. Jouett, Eeq.,lxl:x”f 5 If; 7‘W’; :
Whiteeburg, Ky.
Dear Sir:~

I went with me. Willoughby to the mouth ofBoone yesterday
and sew W. H. Potter, but we could not make any trade with him for
the right of way, so Mr. Willoughhy gave me a description and in—
structed me to file condemnation proceedings Lodey, which I will

I received your'telegram this morning to not pay Frazier
one money, at present. but I had paid the money in the Court and
prayed an appeal in the judgment so that the contractors could enter
the ground and go to work and they are now working on the ground.

I enclose you deed from Ben P. Webb and Wife.

I have not heard from you with reference to the Commissionr
er's deed, but hope to soon.

I expect a verdict in the Hogg case today and will come
mence the J. P. Lewis case as early as possible.

I YOurs truly,

D. D. Fields.

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J. E. Willoughby to E. L. Mapstheruw~' . 5‘ *
December 19th, 1910. > ’
In this connection it may interest you to know that Of the
individual lands ownerS in Letcher County, the Tour which Own the
largest area of coal and timber lands that ara touched by the right
0f way are George Hogg, J. D Lewis, M. D. Lewis and W. H. Potter;
We ave condemning right of way through the land$ of each.

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a”, Bert-ember 3rd, 1910.
1168838. B. 3). Fields 8: Son,

trilliterabuz'gg Ky. -
Gentlcmen :-
£33. I‘fillought-gr 2151.“; sent we :.rouzz' recent letters 'wgzrether
with copy of his reply. I heartily agaprove :n‘s Fil'lggfgf-BS‘EiOI‘l relative
' to F0}. Haifa”; and would, like 5'03) you to at (mm “evit'irmraw all offers -
to Hogg that we may figfl‘xt 13118 case m 29 7731220013.}; untraimelled.
mers very 4:721" Q

ESJ/CCP. - ’

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’ E. 80 JO‘let-t to J» E. Willoughb‘ye
December Srd, 1910. '

I also have your letter enclosing hm. Fields’ letter to
you and copy of your replyfi I am writing hm. Fields on the same line
as yourself suggesting that he withdraw all offers with Hogg that
we may fight it out untrammelled‘ I heartily agree with the policy
which you suggest.

 , |
‘1 .:3’ .5 ‘
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fiery-131381 .:.ttornay, flan would ham f‘iml CPR/7530:“: 1:3. mm r-:‘»tt-:.‘>r, I
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1:133:va m" 'j":‘n,j='33::‘<‘. In :‘Mtfi, ' thin- 12:: “3:33.236? 7:63 to 03:12" inter»
' est t0 ,r{.""-“::. fir!) my 39.73.7705“? mora than "re: 2’1>1V:.‘-‘. 13511:? to the citizens
Vim m-fiinnrw‘é their {and in ‘;‘rm vin'nity 0:1“ :jr.;-’cp;="s 7:1 :.za. .‘1: m.
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tit: viti’cixem‘: re: Nicely ‘13:: litirafifie €533!” ‘."13~4§’§'ft.“1‘. ’:3, ffmt, '7 think;
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J. E. Willoughby to D. D. Fields.
Nevemher 27th, 1910.
The right of way over the land of Geo. Hogg and J. F.
Lewis should be donated in accordance with the President's directions
as well as over all of the other lands named in the list that have
been purchased primarily for coal develepment.

 D. D. a L. w. FIELDS /‘ . A:
LAWYERS ’ ...wiv‘" i; » {if
WHITESBURG. KY. ) / {xx-'7' 2.)", ‘ if?”
‘7‘ / (f n”! j ”fl , ' Aggfly‘.
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NO‘! I 26th , 1910 o
J. E. Villoughby,
Louisville , Ky-
Dear Sir:-

Nr. George Hogs was up to see me yesterday about a settlement
of his matters and says that he does not desire to law any further, if he
could get a fair settlement, and 1 rant you to Consider his case in the
light that he stated it to me yesterday and let me know sometime this
'N8 6 1(-

He offers to make a conveyance for an 80 foot wide strip and for
the 200 foot wide strip and 706 feet long for th: riNer change with the
asual clause fer additional widths for $6,500.00, he to have the right to
move the building that is on the right of way, are say nothing in the
Conveyance about fencing, and as he stated his case yesterday, his land
is abeut the -wme in character and quality as that of Jeff lean, and if
any odds, is injured worse, because cf his bettoms being narrower and the
rich; of may more completely destroying them, thetn it did Ison's and he
says that the 80 foot right of way and the 700 foot strip would embrace
as much or more land than Isnn's would embrace and lean as one of the
Commissioners valued Ho g's land at $6,500.00, after accepting $3,300.00
for his awn er said under oath that he believed Hess Wes injured that

Consider this matter and if ycu decide to settle with him cn
this basis, let me know;

I would like no get out of as much adverse influence as I could
in these condemnation pnoceedings, and as we are likely to have trouble

'/5b with W. H. Patter, one cf the most influential men in ch: head of
f g the river, and with Freaier and the Lewises, here, if we continue the
47”; litigation with Hogg, it might make harder with us, than if we could
433 settle with Hogg- ‘f
V , ~ Yours truly,
// V ,' : ':' 7’1' ‘ JV L”\-\-r’~.. JV ’1) “
. ’ .. , /./V
7 r, 75 {_u 7 3 . f,”
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D. D. Fields Ac 3% S; Jouett. .'i
i " “ J!" " .‘.".
November 24th, 19l0. 4" j
\N,/ g f V
The commissioners have allowed J. P. a M. D. Lewis
$1500.00 for right of way through their land between the Church
property and W. G. Caudill, but from their former rep rte, hr.

- Willoughby and I contemplated that the proce would be excessive and
he instructed me to file exceptions to that report, so as the re—
ports now stand, there is the Geo. Hogg tract, the J. P. & M. D.
Lewis tract, thd J. F; Lewis tract and the J. H. Frazier tract, that
I shall file exceptions to, unless otherwide instructed, at least
that was Mr. Willoughhy‘s instructions, and allow everything else
to be confirmed. .

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Kai??- J - En V2?il.'. {3113;332’1'2017‘3
1220221,.2222i32ifi, Ky.
Dex—:2? Sfirz— '
I enclose 22233762221221 (5012:2922; 0f two 15» “2:233:22 “22222.1; 3; have juat
received 27120222 021:? 152220 tram-316222022253 friend: «252222322225: - Judie '
_. _ Lewis: and .262“? 22. Framler. I 22.022'1; Q 12.3227263Si8f2d ’fghat he 3:22-
2 2 :‘

/2:2/’ 2;) V“ 2 .2 - ,. V. , . J,. 2 . . ,. 2.

farts} :3 “.2222’22252 L:»322.L23 235253222272: or ::ertmf‘rx 2.2931222221272225: 1'22'2212221 0.3.52. not

/“ 2": .‘“?

,.2-‘V' meat; 2212,22. 1252222: 22121227017223. 172333 $222.? 2:9,. “ 22:059. “2,0 21.1 2,722.3 coratm'xrertad
matfiaxs I r‘2:i_:2::ti2>r:tli.§r Terr-”3&2? ‘2 22221211123; to 2.122.222 1:22:34; I 222022.121 '
ree<2222220nd 12;, “2212.2; 2271.252121‘ ~2. at 3: 2*022152. submit 2;?2223222 2323 you for?

- consideration.
I 2:): “\ ':’iaefwv; .'L»';“2;‘in:3:275' 22:23:22“ 1:222:16 01132225222 f’:;“02;2 $3118
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22123222 2221:”; would. {-3 2;,“3125‘2 “220 22222225“: rainy $222323P22-‘2-tiu213 2.12.522. 12“<“2212aayb<3 trill—
ing: '22: suffer. .
22:32. 33;—22:222. 2252.123, one: of the lewyers 27222327: I retained at
Whitenfimg, came 23:-2' 22:5-2:2?63' on his way to Frankfort yesterday and mildly
Sliflfijrafitflf’u 2,121.22; 2232 “520223.52. be “.ir-2.52. to cancel c.2123? employment, “.'-22210.21
2' l .. 1.2522262 until 2222;225:3312 1st, in 02322222? “2,223.3 710 222155-722. ::ztelurasem 22:23. 3:05:22:
2‘ '-
\. 2, 2 .2,... - . . . ”.,...; A.,, , ~‘.
in “the (3031(107'1218’33102'1 ‘1;.t’066f3flil25‘222. I 2.0162 221m, 222>2m.;2r2,~_s3, 2,222,}; I 222722;
226'1253222212’12: 2.1 on 111222 mmdz:::7j_21>3 actual 212:2:‘23223 222222221322 3.22. 2220925“: :3:“: in
00:12:2223292011 “>:.-“32.1221 2,2122 72‘7’25316222, «2 that 222:: 2232“; 2153232321 “m 2‘20. 12 also

 a. E. 12.9. ~53— '

agreed to add $50.00fio hifi fee. I really think he is ysrnaps nora

Eotcnt Wit& the jnries than auynne 3f the lot as n6 nag halfi aloof ”
L from 3&92983nting a nenvresident cor§orat10ns and has been leaked —

upon as a fxiand 0? tbs Citizénfi. I consider him.thoxoughly honcrar .
' ble and bcliave that as will render us Paith;zl sarvica. V

Youys very Liv,
: 993/ c c ‘2
27119393. Q

 / ”I“; ,'
J ‘ /l . / if.
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/ 22‘ f!
1/ :fl  $ I]
E S. Jouett toga. .E'JfVJilloughigj.
g 3W),
October 28th, 191%);-

George Hogg. Station 680+55. 50—1/2 acres. Have filed
condemnation proceedings. Hogg is claiming about $5,000.00. We
are negotiating for a settleztiem, and are waiting; for some informa-
tion from Mr. Baird of Whitesburg, who is to investigate the value -
of the buildings.

 ‘ ‘ ' 7 7 ' , 1 . ,
" - d: A o ,
_.:” , LOUISVILLE, ,' . 'Ct'NMHIJC
.’l/ {
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. .='; f ‘:‘xr :' “my ,2“ / 770 1’3
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Auras. n IOuGtt 1 .- x.\ i.
I a! , g \‘ ‘,‘/I
General lgtt orney , ‘\, \\J
Winch ester, 77;; .
Dear Sir:
"fi'ith reference to rip-ht of way through the property
of (:-eo.Hogg. I have hid :Tr.',“.7T.E‘.;,ram,L‘.ross Hie Agent, who
is a practical building; contractor. look 2t the buildings
of rtrJiogg. 1 9110.10 so you :ir.Eyars' letter.
Yours truly ,
//’ ,,z \. , _ ’1/ // /
V” [.7,‘/4A. A x'gZ/Jfl“‘/¢>A‘7; 4' ,.
/" W" '/ " ,7 . ‘ _
chief ’:ingineer of 09;: stmgtion
JET/C (Dint‘y (/

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r-n mm- , If}; . F’r’fi-lé‘:
Lafitlr 11°:
1, 11:11:14. :f'Z‘LI luff-arr Y“ 1c‘s,_‘.-fith, E 1 vv ‘:’;a‘:1r.'*-.‘.<:- ”are (“w/2L
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1%. it? :‘.}? 0111321311 ‘?.hrst .i;;“,.J:2::€e'b‘l‘. 1‘. $1. NEVE‘HVIT ’. 5"? H115. rm aritvé: WIQ.’
l‘he‘eml offer F”‘?" Wu “K'fl'f‘l’” r1337. fie In? 12m. .J_1zs‘,é=rt:r1.-csvn,'11: :37: {:'CZ‘:$"I‘..'1;’J"LS
Ti. ‘2 flew-(1t bhgflchin: from inha v7.1 ur: of xtr pmrwrty or! mwursi: '33? 1':;-
ch en 11:11 benefits “him. var-wt?” f; ‘GXRflQ W131}. 1.‘ «rive from: {aha
p.031:- tr‘mtina n? tho rrii’itr-mfl, 'flfir‘th (’.c‘vflurttimi +£2.13 4711173.?rfi‘1-‘xa" i‘Vm' ‘:'in"
17:31:13 w‘fl‘trsinif ".va antiflez’é tr: claim. 11': scnma: ‘hn {':‘/3111,“;azsr- 1‘:-..2?”
:701': '.‘"111 1'19 F18"1€‘C',5. all? ‘rzrmnf'itixd inn,“ mm}: is 37:11: 1‘:“ve 1' ire“. :‘ii 3?
and (1.121 hwtermts 'hnfi‘ sat {03:93’3.“ ~11! a“: SR“'L»"~7‘E “rfz’miw the noratr-c‘uian
1') {I 4,133.". yr: i‘lrnfifl 1-‘73‘31 be}, 03" extrw()1'14311211‘” ‘:‘-me fit.
'15}: m fevernc-c; tn nae-r :12 great i021 m" :‘j'hoint17;nv stow-é 79702021;
to art-11199. 125mm 1131-:2 an cams. in ‘,‘m event 571.131" W are mw'ujo. fa :‘WTE
rm '5‘: e], 1’85 if (’19 1131‘. Win: "'0 "111414 ‘51" Tut mm mm- Frienflg; the buffer!
of flI'TGC’EH for :13. "E29 12v: '1‘1rovilos. For the n71ywirx’r.-«;~:znt '2‘?“ M13-
Hfimres’ned finnmnnsz 2‘12“ Min. M15 ”7;. (mi: n" 3: (‘.":‘rif-?‘B‘NEEft‘fiji’ 51": a CHSETXMEP‘V111301
W3"; PW" “’1 DAG-u??? ‘10 m? that '31" we cannot arm-a rz-s1twecm nu.r:‘¢}1'~::;-r.
25:21; 1'13 mph: if: hermit Wm flarrrg‘msz 1. : rhs‘hsryruine-z‘1 by tms .':".et‘n-erl
wrescri‘r-ad by 13W.
3'31: r)? 1711.13.37,
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J0 “In 19$ affirm r of ‘onttflctlon
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Blinfl copy to rmrJouett

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  3. E. Fiaifia 53 Y. E. qufiti. '
4, ,. ‘ < e rs .. * *». ,
38L¢Le£ &:th, ;alo.
. This aflmyl%fiefi aha fleefi $0 ah? anuth a? bwafie, excagt
* -' 7” ‘ ' - '.' ~ " ~': - .»‘ ‘ W . -. » - :: ~. ~
. w. u. Patter, tvs txaete, S. d. WTLLHX, A. p. 31251, T. I. Glaft,
{wavy-ya .?éi):;.:' ‘.‘.J‘u’i ..5. 36‘. Levi?“ ‘
I saw at giva Van xha SifitiGRB cf thafie knunhfiriefi, %ut
they ifialuae enc tract holom xhe fiafith a? xillatune axe '13 frnm
thave L0 ahfi.%0uth 0“ Hanna. ,
9310a ghavw Wa %:Va whanaa £211 and iliiau hall thaa we
hava ant trafiefi Vizh. 3e Q?3H0t agree riah aillifim Eall, ha fiEK .
%1900.30 Fifi hiq Iflilfiiflhfi hflak Sufi I heva uffeféé him $1803.00
cnfl E ifiink ih**.‘r4;:\'-~ ’ . .- -. : , = ‘:.W -- '~.-.~2
..‘; {123.9 9. « .7‘. 57E pig‘gjli .3, . ;,"jv’". -2 4 ,1‘ ‘9, L3. ‘1‘) :3:-9 ’1. 21708» n a 9}- !;$;i§,,§;l -" z’u?7..'. 2","
..:2.‘ . 2. ‘:.fl- , --=-:. -.1-.22 "n -'-.« 2 .' ' »~»=
L 219? 1037!?“ ’.~1‘.L|'3“ " 'i E, i. 79.35, , 2115}. ,{..\;z_5_‘%_;_,_ ;t; _.‘?{311253 {4}f-;,,; 3" .14) .122 1. 2'"; U3}?
'.‘»: we 5:533:12?"in t, 5.. 51W? :3:-1; 7121-317: 1 if) mm is 91*:*’ m1
:.1:~.1-\ .;, . 1 -1-’.. .‘.‘, ,2, __.. A... ".‘I.” “~',, '. ..‘ ,,. ,.., .51. ...1, ,' '1... .'1.. 22,1'1, 1. ».. 1 ..
1?? “2:319”: 1.» u‘.‘ 25: " 3.'i'~.’7 "‘ ,', ‘- 2‘2 11': 9. '..2‘ ,.w a I.‘-2.3: 1*::'_‘--‘<:‘ “12' C‘s‘: ‘ 372-155": 6265;?!"
..1. 2. .2,§ "1",- :._. 2 u, .r- '1. , .1 ,2‘ '4 ,. 2 '+ ’f‘ " . M.‘ ’. .— ’.‘..— : 2~ ’1 “ 2- L14: ~
‘..—”326.; u. '_ .;- w‘l ",‘- a/ 1 T"‘».E'1.‘2(2‘ ,,=:“ 7'." "7.1132933. 2‘. 2’ 15f ' H ""1‘2' '0? *130000 ‘..“). .9.}:
." *9 ;. K‘, * 1 . 2g,..2.". ~‘.-'.‘.1 ~‘. I ,..1 . ~...,.,. .,. f . .1 1.1, :.. .. 2.. :1 , ' 1 ..
«1.5.2303. '..'-’.‘ :.1 31:7Uu;.:t. '..‘:r: m?» .:.1!“ i; .5..v’-.:..:.>:!?i. L1: 291.57.- 35.1551 TELL-1 5;:
.~‘ - {N _ 1 ,2. . m 1
.;,:2.L5=+—{2G i223 abuwm.

 E. s. Jouett to D. D. Fields. _ . -

October 25th, 1910. = '
Be sure not to say anything; further am your tentative

order to Hogg for $4800. 00 for I am inclined to think that is more

than we will be willing to pay.

 i; If;
,1’ ,- f [I
_ / g
E. S. Jouett to Jo E. Willougflby. -
October 25th,'1910. E x , '
I am obliged for your letter from Mr. Byard, and will
await his estimate of the damages beforeidoing anything further with
Mr. Hogg. '

 L / fl/////
D. D. Fields to E. S. Jouett, j,” g%«”
October 24th, 1910. {Ax—Mi" {5.7 f; ‘

Answering your letter of Oct. 21st, will say that I had
virtually offered George Hogg $4300.00, but he very abruptly refused
and made no counter proposition. L. W. thinks that is $800.00
more than We should pay, but I desired if possible to avoid litigation
with him.

MI. Hogg is now at Poor Fork, but he is changing business
so that you would have to address your letter, one copy at Poor Fork
one copy to Roxana and one copt to Appalachia, Va., before you
would be liable to catch him, within any reasonable time.

/// _ x/EIAHHSVUJJLI§§Ct. 93rd,1910
! a i .
(«’:'-J ' ‘-
Mr. E. S. Jouett,
Chief Attorney, Winchester, Ky. .
Dear Sir:-
Your letter of October 21st with reference to letter from Mr.
Geo. Hogg.
It would be my idea to pay Mr. Hogg in a-cord with the offer
which you made him, to-wit: $100.00 per acre for the lane taken, to ether
' . W “~33/7’ _ .
With incidental dame es to the buildings.

I am not able today to give you an estimate of the damage
done to the buildings since I have not given the matter personal examina-
tion . I am, however, writing Mr. T. M. Byers, Cross Tie Agent, at
Whitesburg, Ky., ask.nq him.to favor me with his advice.

I notice thet you are writing Mr. Dole. I trust NT. Dole
will be able to give you some information, but I ratfiar believe it
would be more to o r adventege if we rely on the op nion of our local
attorneys, Hessrs. D. D. Fields & Son, ES to the amount of damage,rqther
than that of MT. Dole, becaus