xt73bk16mf8w_409 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [280] C.B. Ecton and Mary Ecton v. L&E, Clark Common Pleas Court text [280] C.B. Ecton and Mary Ecton v. L&E, Clark Common Pleas Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_42/Folder_6/4265.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_409 xt73bk16mf8w ’ ~. ‘
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.~ Rfir ifictnn V. K. U. ' g '

- Nov. E‘mt, 1912.. '
Lilac ‘:{I fix! ;’I(:J‘IO\!1B]_:L’
Gen. Mgr. L. 5:; ;‘.. Ry. (10.,
_ J'mxfi.r‘z(;1;0n, 33?.
Dear 8511-,
" 1 I. have at lust macemdei 5.11 3:10:11“ ing the payers '_
in the above shilad case and herewith be? to hand WM 9.
N .1. I' _,., ., ., ...L ., ‘..-,
envy of mast- ponimnn whim was; 1.13.80. on yea. 271m, lwa.
Labor. at present has a suit psanéiing in tha Got-2M; of
' Appeals, SWIG-i Clark County v. C. ifs. 310.1393}, in which he 58
; ' seeking; to £111.“: 13;-min than 3113.115; 10rd: a7'i;1:5,i':1€:d in This (‘.nur'l. against r
' Clark County for the injury or ;‘mshruatinn 01" fihir— road. I
- he 171“ ' “ t 7 '1 131“"; 111‘" ‘ 1: r" \"5 3.52.531; use}: and.
- fr 1 , ‘ 94 3 '~'. : 31:‘—1:10 o ; - B ; Inflow-1's v" R. U.
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- tne turnmke was; 131113. rated by Cigars: Cm Jar/\i‘orm‘mmg pr 0}:—
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EDWARD s JOUETT ,, ,_ l l.
' BEVERLEY P.JOUETT JOU ETT & JOUETT ‘ ‘4 L: "-—‘_:~-‘—. . "3' l .." \
WINCHESTER, KY. t i V, T?" :, g '." l
RE;— C. B. Eaton v. K. U.
October 5th, 1912.
lir. Sehulel ii. ‘Vilxson,
General Counsel, L. d E. Ry. 00.,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:-
Hr. Moffett Was not here today and after motion hour Jr.
C. B. Eaton himself handed the notice to Judge Benton and asked
that it he filed so that he could save his day. I stated to the
Court that we were not entering our appearances in any way, and told
him that I had searched for the papers and could not find them
and I understood that Hr. Moffett would not be here and 1 would
like to report to you before anything was done. The Court said
that with the notice being filed, having been tronerly executed,
there was nothing to do but hermit the case to he re ocketed and
after it had been redocketed we could then take What steps we

Vflag/(accordingly allowed the case to he redocketed, but he
understood fully that we in no wise entered our annearences nor had
anything to do with it further than I have stated.

r \
~ , .1 n 4M a l 5'

{I p/l l /,//V ,/ l , / x. " ‘/

_/ ‘ / 7" (x: 77" -\ ‘
hid-Efil. fi//:e“ “/ ,;/’

I ’///
Copy sent 3. 3. Jouett. (‘ /

 “3 :ll' (5:: EDWARD S JDUE‘FT
202-205 MEELDOWNEV BLDG, I flM—d d ‘L' ’2 ,
RE:— 3. B. Eaton I ’
v. k “I x
K. U. \‘.“ » 2‘17
October 4th, 1912.
MI. Samuel M. Wilson,
General Counsel,L. & E. Ry. Co.,
_ Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:—

Relative to the above beg to advise that Mr. Moffett,

the attorney who prepared the notices for Mr. Eaton, seeking to
. have the above styled case redocketea, is in Washington, an& the
probabilities are will not return until Sunday.

The notice is for Saturday, October 5th, so I presume
nothing will be attended to in this matter as I called Mr. Spencer,
with whom Mr. Hoffett offices, and he told me that he knew nothing
about the matter at all. The papers are not in the office and
the presumption is that Mr. Moffett has them in his fiesk. Mr.
Spender advise& that Moffett's desk was locked and he could not
get into it.

If anything is done in the matter I will advise you.

Yours ver rulgrfd ;7
/// I/ X “A. '
BRJ—HS. ‘r/ ////6I¢7/'e (fl
Copy sent 3. S. Jouett, GéggrfiI/Egtornefif'Loukfiville, Ky.
'T ‘ .‘.. // ~.. //I a
,“ 00py sent J. A. ncDowell,\§enerel/M§r., Lex1ngton, Ky.

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’//,//>:,,,,~~Z’Q}ma,7. - J/WW/Vflu/fyg. October lst, 1912 . '
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I ,. Se tember 28th, 1912.
log/at a? ..:/2 P
I _ PH, . File 65.
ANSVVL;F?:....) 1
S. m. uilson, Esq.. “111.wmm_10 //
General Counsel, City;‘\ 7 “W
Dear Sir:-
Enclosea please find notice served on our Agent at Winches-
ter on September 25th, redocketing the case of C. B. Ecton and Mary
* Ecton against Kentucky UniOn Railway Co. anu its successor, Lexington
& Eastern Railway Co.

SOme fifteen (15) years or more ago there was considerable
litigation between Mr. Ecton and this Company, but as Mr. Cary re-
members it, all of his cases were settled. Mr. Jouett may be able
to give you some information on this subject.

1 Will you kindly look after the matter for us.
V Yours truly,
W :1: WV "’ :71"
V *”' ’5‘ r ‘
\4 .. , \Bf {ix/WW,be ”
_ COPY TO General Manager. '
' Mr. E. S. Jouett, Gen'l Counsel,
’ L.& N.R.R.Co.,Louisville,Ky.

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