xt73bk16mf8w_415 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [286] B.S. Strong, etc. v. L&E, Breathitt Justice Court text [286] B.S. Strong, etc. v. L&E, Breathitt Justice Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_42/Folder_12/4307.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_415 xt73bk16mf8w V ‘/,,./1 (L / ,- [f I y
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.77 ixI’fir/fl/fln/(f7/77: 5: ”I 7/ 7”,? ’1’! . fly,
October 7fih, 1912.
0. E. Pollaro, qu., I ,,» ,/
u 1 .. g 49/» SK .. :3;/,3 ‘
J&CJC£>OT1, .L.).y. : 1
i .:.! :.; V:' . '— r: ‘:' r . 3
l -..~.>~V.J-;L_-.v;,_L., 7
;’ 7
“Dear Judgoz~ 4
Referring to yours of the 5th fio Judge Wilson in regard
to my sonaing you summons in suits in Squire Deaton's court, for stoek
claims etc. Your statement fihat there have been more suits filea
against as few stock claims on the Extension in the last three months
than have been filed on tho main lino proper, in the last three years
is entirely correofi.
I agree with you that we should inaugurate a system for hand-
ling mafiters of this kinfl on tho Exfiension as soon as practical, on&
I feel sure that with your oo-oyoraoion we coulfi got mufitors of this
Rina on ohe Extension in the some oonaition we how have them on the
main line. 7
I think your suggeofiion to flake advantage of every technfioal-
ity which will delay ana discourage suits of fihis kinfl is advisable. I
will, however, send 3 copy of this lotfior to Judge Wilson, anfi woula
be glad to have a conference with you two genfilemon on fihis subject the
first timo you come fio Lexington.
Touro truly,
7 7' 77 77 -7.9 7L7 . Hi 77 :>‘ '73—? “‘.:" ‘7’ .7. :77 L 7
5 Genera AL 2
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 0.H.'I’0LLARD _ . , 1
ATTonsExi Ai'l" LAW i ‘/‘7% - w; u“ * .‘ .x' ‘ {If
‘ L , ~
\\“1_ l,_ v’
Oct. 5th, 1912.
Judge Samuel H. Vilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:-
I have a letter fro; gr. T. A. thowell general
} Manager, copies ofnhich he mciled you, tith reference to a suit
f in Squire Deaton's court by E. 8: Strong on ; csttle clain, one by
f In. Raleigh on a labor claim and one by can £9922 on a cattle
: Mm, -' ' W "W" ”\~~~
glgim} The‘gégzzsmih1theseelaims were served on the agent of
, the Company at Which. The Civil Code requires service on agent
nearest to the county sent. This service on the agent at Thick
not being good, that do you think of the propriety of clloning
judgment to go, and on their effort to collect same bringin¢ e
suit to set aside the judgment because there is no service of

The citizens living alon; the line of the extension
have been annoying the L & E with suits considerably within the
last six months. It seems that those in charge of the extension
have not yet adopted any system with reference to these stock
claims. There have been more suits filed against the L & 3
Railway Conpany xithin the last three months for killing stock
on the extension than have been filec for three years previous
on the line from here to Lexington which runs through Breathitt
county, and unless there is some step$ taken to have these mat-
ters put in the hands of a claim agent or to at eny rate get the
citizens to understand that the filing of a suit is just th; begin-

. ning of a fight, we are liable to have work in magistrates courts

 0. I-I.'P()LLARD


:‘: o IL 0 .':}r o - 2_.

8.1 one suffici ent to take one 13:55:61” s '5 Law .

“fours truly, 9
W , M [4&
fl“; ’ ' <
M1" W I fl ( g
fl 1 /
29* ///{/

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1 eJ‘?//W/7///,g;¢;627£€
Wizmza/K//nu/ry/ri'/. (_‘_/(,‘,,7/00; 17 3
/ /
October let, 1912.
File 65.
O. H. Pollard, Esq., ‘
Jackson, Ky. ,
Dear Sir:-

Enolosed please finfl summons served on our Agent at thick
on September 29th in the case of 3.8.Strong against this Company in
Squire Deston's Court, For $8.00, settle killed in February 1912.

I imagine V. I. Eubvnk has papers on shes cleim. Kindly
look after the matter for us.

Yours truly,
a 3>t
> a a; 3\’-,./ a .. \../>22 J 3 “‘ " '
ieneral denager.
,,xz’ Judge Sam’l A.Yilson, City.

‘ {Sig—';V‘: 1:)»
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