xt73bk16mf8w_418 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [289a] J.E. Harris, Breathitt Quarterly Court text [289a] J.E. Harris, Breathitt Quarterly Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_42/Folder_15/4391.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_418 xt73bk16mf8w .
Q . 1 Eugu-st 6, 1915. ,
Judge O. 3.1. 301133.261,
{31:3}: ‘ um,- Eirez‘“. 1:.r:.l’~'::"1.'°
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upon 31111102! e: 111:..." 1; "an? Luv Join/ref” ”:3;" rm: : :3.—1 :1? in? :.0; ”,.‘??oC'i)
i3;- ‘uhu. rimufflyl‘L-l: I 2...1‘. '.l} '.'-.'..Ld .13;: :::} 7.2.1!Lv2-’;.‘,.';»33':f‘ss i;:—.l:-..~n “0.37
‘ the ylsziui. 1.15:"; La;- t‘aac 2311;332:3‘5': 9134.11.11 J..‘:iazr‘bs 1:.;3033 :.‘.r_3:‘:..:i. :.?-3:13:33};
was; 3'. 1.333% xx}; 2:11, “'.‘-71;}, -i._‘-£. {.’4‘1‘: 1, .::", ::.VI’Vi-u‘xz 1‘15;- iii'lcfii‘xfilf “this
case 1._.~.~; :,;.‘_:1‘L ".1552? .:,-31; :1;"; 5'301711' £211; 3; (;‘.!;”."..1‘DTKLI":{,‘.(1
or 539'. Um? wing: v ’:.t: ;‘s“;‘.<,;i.":(. 13:: 93.50121: 1.033;: to Til-_;;" (101711??? 11:?
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m an.‘14.ig,f;‘z--_C- V. .3 T > ; wo., W1”: 15 11:0 filcfitl’litt
‘:‘, _‘_' 4. '1 _.,~ ,‘ .... _.; 7 1. , ‘ ,..r ~‘.: my“, 3., .4-:-- g_ n
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Jung) "0.131% 11: :‘e:c.:v:;;-:e t1: ,3!» far-x L_.:yc.
"AT A .33-...“ V.. ~‘-“3—-cv
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L. 01;; 1339.1 9

. ’_
SI , n
. {ls-.60}: 48, 1914.
T 1’? _ a a ’-I- _.._ ‘ . -u ,‘V'
sudge O. m, Pollaru, ntuogncy at in”,
~ W- “2’ 1 .
daemon, ;Lcntuogg.
?7. 1 _ - I
dy near Jungez~
"x’ n 4‘ 1,1 (1121.1, ' fl . h - m * '., -,, 1‘: ‘,- -
LOUIS o; tuC rqu lzuuant, OquOSlmb MOOLCL
'3 . H -_ 3‘ - . ",‘ .,‘ -,. ." ‘.T -. — ‘-‘- - . ' L" » J‘ ‘7' .‘
nepoxt (lCflijj a :cyth O; -ry00u11n;s) 1n ufih Cdfie a; u. I.
’__‘. .”.-".' ,, " .‘u , . ..‘..\ ‘ J“ J. ‘ .. I.“ ‘ . . - " - " - .1. .I.
sylbla V. - fl 7» shonjug iufiu 11 MAP fiuaatcrLy won?» uhe
, J. ..‘A
L-U 3:10
. . n -\ '1 .- u -“..—- ,
‘ plaintlff rmcovc:cu JurgmontAanuary Term, 1912» :0? ;57.00
. __ _ .. V, .< ‘1 ,-__~ ‘. r.’ _‘_
but has, noverthcicsc, app SLCV to the Uixufllfi mourt, has
b en rcceivafl anfi noficdu I have that in the Circuit Court
1» ...‘ " “. C’ / l< " ‘ F 1.’ " ‘ ' »1-' J'.‘ ‘ ..- ‘< ‘ . ~ -5- '1 ‘ J »{<
4011 “111~ no {;010 cc :EULQ ‘gzo p;:gsz;1 “f Q0x¢1 to £11 anxnuzu 3.12:1“-
-.,.. . - .3.“ n I - - . 7 --- u- ‘ _~. . . . ‘- . 5 ...1.
Ag Lunar uhe amount rccovcree a; le 1n tnc Quarbcsly Lourb.
T “ .:', .,,. .:'."h. M . .{ I. .;r' r .. . - .L.*._ ‘1 4 ‘5”; _
¢ an _orugzulhb w :09; 04 ;Qur “agent to uhC LRU acyugumcnt
.'.. 'r‘ -, .- —;
‘,. "" - - h} -r ~- -.
. werJ tru_; youra,
‘1‘;«?" ...
ff, ,/‘0&
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:OTu’lue- a

 . ‘3 f ‘I v"
o. H. POLLARD § . / r .., .,‘ /
ATTORNEY AT LAW .3 3 2 ,\ .-
‘ JACKSON. KY. _ . g :.' f; -.
4 ’ ‘ / ,‘. 5” f ; ; 3K1),
',.' - >7” ; 7 r! ‘r ’
, , :j‘ 31” \J//,/ '7 " f -
’1‘ -‘ ; .32 ..“ , A A /;1K
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. 3;. 3. 3.: .-’
~ ‘,3;. ‘/ ..‘..-.I‘CJ: LOLJJ, ] xi".- .
r.\ /
Judge 8. S. Wilson,
LCT-iiDQ'SOZ‘l, Ky.
Dear fudge:
Find enclosed Docgem Report in the case of J. B. Har5is
VS. Lexington :‘."; Eastern 1321.i]‘.'.=:.3.;' Co. This is e; sui‘; on a. ':1L‘.I'1‘;i:'1,_‘j
01:31:11 hi; ‘.‘:‘as tried in 31313;: BI‘GL.‘.'L;.13'L agizwterl; Court at the January
’i‘€r_‘:;, 3914, resulti;1._' in :'. verdict for juiuixgbif'f for 1.554730, frogs:
‘..'."‘-_'3.ich plaintiff uppezailed, :’iflin, :‘., 3:03.); of ;U.;I;:.:_:C:’;’; :...31 ':(1:{3.‘;iu:1 of
cost in the Circuit Court, ‘..»n the 2‘33}: ins-L. :3 I have heretofore
mailed you three 3033163 of the patition i“; 1:: :3.; necessary to
duplic::te“by sending you. three additional umpie‘: a; 113.15 time.
You 1‘ ‘ truly,
Cly/ M q, ’
: 3M 7 K ,7/ , . {A \a/

 0.71. C0, 91m Form 161.
. T h ‘ ,.',“ FILE No 1
OFFICE OF ATTORNEY AT ; ‘_LL‘L. ‘,., ' a e 1
District Attorney. ”("5 : . j "V f,“ 19] L
LOUISVILLE. KY. '_ " ' ' ' " h i ’ ' ' ' ”'“‘ " ' "’
A” (Ir/1'0)! lmx [MW ranmzmu‘ra’ in MW ,”‘ i. 311 L 1‘: (bur/ u/ 1) 1' ,, “I . ‘3 I: (111011],
w~ '? ‘_- _ -r- v- v~ '- - A“
by_ , J t nili‘k‘vi‘) fly , , >7 7 , 2'51 . -.y . ,#. ’_
. 7' ‘»» H" 7‘7““: ”A3 "3‘ L". A
Ava/(mung was Luv/Hf”Wigg-A: 7 f" :1 1W" " * V IQIWWJ mm’ mm :'.x'n‘lr/m' “ ' r ,/9/:____, and m
77’t/H71‘lb/L’_,W ‘:r,‘l;z:,;,,-,,,,_:,:::, ,, , , ,, , Ila-lkflf _ , IV/ '7 . ”If (ll/()I‘Ilf—‘Vx [Hr //1(’ fi/uiu/{fl
,I,:gWAN L LL: :1? ,‘ i 2 , ,
and My ry/I‘c’l' 17117er [J '- j " ' ' ‘ ' ,, ,L ,,1 , 7 . _L,_,L,L,_,_
TA‘."v"“"".~'f 1,4. I" .v ,"I .:, 1“,“ ~,-’- .,‘ V, ‘ ’. L 1 ‘ '. ” _ . " ' ‘2 .r‘ ’I'j'j' r‘l‘
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y»... 5 . ._’ ~_3_ _‘ _._ »_...‘_ .- _‘I‘f‘. A. r» _— L L 3 3.: 7:4,“: V _‘_ »4 _ V -_’.” if.
,7. Ly-‘ in;
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’V' , .A' .4 . .J., A7 I , » , V _ L. \r (‘_V‘ . I n. , . r . - - r ’
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I. 3 ‘.‘r I)": ;’.. . ,:L v ,‘ TL . ‘.:
, (x '7 TM“ *~ 3 — .,‘ -
4‘.. LL. 4,.,,,,-...~ c
Local Attorney L. (82. N. R. R. CO.

" ‘1» ». - I: l, ‘7
"Elliuilf‘y oC, lglé.
. 1
'.‘-J‘V'H'I .‘, ‘T l) ‘i‘yn-.»‘ -
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. v...) - -.:.— ‘.._, ~-4 - , _1.: ’_‘;AK.‘
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.\<9- «3 , .» M 4- I_.. ,. _ .. ..._ ‘ . _ . _ --- .. a ~.,
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. G . v
‘ _, , Jan. 27th, 1914.

Judge 3. 3. Wilson, /

Lexington, Ky.


I have Just completed tne case in Lhe Quarterly Court
of J. E. Hargis vs. lexington u Eastern Ruilvay Co. for $196.50,
alleged damages for burning 89 panels of fence, 75 locust posts

‘ I
and standing timber valued at $60.00. The KKXK trial resulted
in a judgment for the plainti§f for $57.0C, which is E42.00 less
than we offerred to settle the claim at tefore the suit was
. / '
brought. I will certify the Judgment £{i\paymcnt as'l fegard
this a splendid victory in this case.
, _ You is tx'u 1y, ’ F ,7 >
7‘ , ,,w"’f:/ ;7 xi?" \‘\\
/‘% h;;le:ri,/s ,1“;',/' .1 ~v' \\‘
z // 1‘:, _/ , ’7/Z’L ,. {vi/(_,r/ ~L" » ~ '9
“ A > ‘ \
R. D. Wariield, Louisville,
W. A. McDowell, Lexington. ‘

 V:’} , 1“"? \W“
(:53. \1 ’33:: _ .::} ,‘4 I.. .‘;y‘ I..;,.,.gs-~M"""
“/"/' / f“ -/ /’ /’ /
.‘L, saw/7. xw ”M K M/ WW. //// may /, w/M/my;
/ ‘ / / _/ /. ,/V
a. -//’///'/'/// ////'/:/,
.//l/////‘/////K '1/fl%7/”///,//l' //y,
' /, ./
g September 3.51.21, 1915.
\ -L , /
5’3. lit :011fl3‘(1,\\dSLlc, I; @Mr/'% /5
' i
2 Jackson,/ Z-fy. . K
. ,',
Dear Sirz— ;
I hen": :TCII‘I}1£¥1‘(‘I'Z'.?EI Summons served or. our agent at
Jackson at {3550 puz/ September I.'.r‘Zth, in the case of J. E. “riergis
Vs. this Company. : The wipers are fefvrret‘. :30 2'01”. for attention. ~
7 {111‘s truly,
\ I F
', ‘/ ,-r/ \\,1\" XFW
\» Ix R/y /2/
_. ’ , /' », a ’
' ‘ .“LF“.I‘/5§F% .:‘" r:'/'C>L"\'7( K.)
T I 1 //_, \‘ P7, /,
1. l \fi.»" ./
Copy im- ; )
‘r L 7%. 3.37115; on, 253:1. ’:'
5i,“ 3 ,
. 3, I
1' 1i '

 1" ’ / I , , ' ,"’ r N 7’ ’ , K /’ /‘/ 7
:--..gw/xyrw ”M (K //./, 07/ ,4 //////’//y ..K/WM/l/zy;
., g/émue/A/g %Zxan _ "/////” --L: fl/Kl/Kl/(fl/Z, ”my/on, y
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f} ’ ~ :, ,'7.::;‘:‘:‘:::".; W‘gf'.“ g T" (”I-n
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myth}. all”. modveciugulv‘“ -li\.b o..k_ tiil’nguu in“. C‘J...L’~.Uko ,g,»"k‘.<.-' I .LL.1-.r":\u.'o.;"
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$093 to:
i. D. ”JTIlEJL, list. Lt:;.,
LCulETlJiG, I;u

Va _, NZ» «3 1 ...L
, .- 9) 5‘ 1'.
' \ .’J<'L%ei~:i:‘......r?:‘n 1‘0“) 4 -
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. ": '13 3‘
x ;--
,, .:.4; 415:3, ;‘/.%;.
L 11: ;ge 1:3. :1: 50¢,
Z:.:-2:3,; :3;, 2;“.
Dear ;71.1.::;.,e:
».w ».‘, A” 1 .».—‘..: , ,— ..n~- .,:_.- _,'- .,A. »A - “an
I 1:1;.9‘Ott; “aux/’.;. J,- H... _,.CQD- ':.ii .Lu” ~CI€.L’L.-L‘: v0 uni:
m_—--‘,~n.v—-' -‘-.- J‘ ' »,.1‘ - ':" ",-- ',. . ' ,.‘u -» . - v‘ 2 '—
2.-::Z-LuL~Z>;1 L. L.:.VDI‘ u; J. ZR Z31: h ‘..Ll: 1: _L. _’_
:.;13» SETFI‘lSG-L, p3 :.::.ox.' 11:1. '7; 47.; :2:-;a3-chiog ., '99:; ;‘a 1:39.”. :.‘-yo; Z
Z I realestcfi. i;_,_-"~: 92:01.1: s;:‘:*.‘e""Z “;i.._<::" “go "‘4 3: 11,56 00:“:
.:‘-,0 K15; L‘ I 00:13:. :.‘,L‘TJQ‘LJQNS 3:10;; w; : : v i i'CZZJJQL :ZZZJ
i1} ::e«.3-.,:;= 311:3 232-2691111333 :' :ZSL?’ iZ: : i.:,:: :1;- :7,:?Z:i;.‘.r ton
.7111"? " ‘ "in," h '7' ' v: ::‘ ‘ ":“‘ .‘ ~ "~' '- ~' "’"‘W' ' ~ - ‘ -.-.-~ ~"~
k/3.,..VZ.,.._. JO 7 ”43...- a -‘;.-.»pr . _L..; . -,, .Z;., ..“ :3;-~31? _fg'w ._;c
_-,‘ ’. fl ~ . .,,; .‘ u Z. Z .‘ ,_.: .Z ,
p0 “wk": \'.-GC_L :‘LDl‘vZLHG‘x, ‘VO f»? ‘..G 2:47.5’ by paw-G.
'~.',"“'v" gun.“
s ‘ 1
QZ/ / / fit y
f 7
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 " [z ,0 (if: ’7 . .
(/‘ ,/ 2; / fl 7 /I) 7' 7/
, wry/xy/w ”M f//////// ., ///////I/Iy- /. f’l/M/I/Zy,’
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9 L/(www/ (Z/{lVZ
,///;,'V'I;///-,i7/}vm//L” /// , , , ///
. ”fluffy/’19. ‘:l.7////177////7/¢: , /y,
{ /
July 17th, 193.5.
0. H. Polki‘a, 3311.,
f 'oackscn, Ky.
Dear Sir:-
Seo your letters of June 26th and June 27th. to Judge
Wilson with reference to case of J.I:.Ha=.rgis vs. the 3.8; 3
I have a letter from Hr.’-.‘7.L.Eammond, Jackson, £37.,
as follows:-
"E’o have in our Elana-8 for collection
against your corfrpany itixecution 230.561 which issued from
the Broathitt Circuit; Court on the 111211 July 1915 and in
favor of J. 11 Borgia for the sum of Eighty Five Dollars
with interes; thereon at the rate of six per centum
per annum from the 8th Liarch 1913 until paid; for the
further sum of ”Ewenty Right a; ’70/100 Dollars costs of
said action and the further sum of Six 8: 823/100 Dollars
for our comission thereon for collecting same.
If you will mail me check for some I will send
you receipt thereon."
I presume you have arranged vith the Lav: Eeyortmen'i; as
outlined. Please aclvise.
Yours truly,
8 man agar. u
Copy to-
uage S.ii.?fileon,
Lexington- ,Ky .

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July 17th, 1915.
O. H. POllard, Esq.,
Jacksorl, Ky.
Dear Sir:-
See your lettonsof June 26th and June 27th. to Judge
Wilson with reference to case of J.E.Hargis vs. the L.& E.
I have a letter from Er.W.L.Hammond, Jackson, Ky.,
as follovsz~
"We have in our hands for collection
against your company Execution No.56l which issued from
the Breathitt Circuit Court on the lth July 1915 and in
favor of J. E. Hargis for the sum of Eighty Five Dollars
with interest thereon oi the rate of six per centum
per annum froa the 8th larch 1915 until paid; for the
further sum of Twenty Eight & VO/lOO Dollars costs of
said action an& the further sum of Six & 82/100 Dollars
for our commission thereon for collecting same.
If yOu will mail me check for same I will send
you receipt thereon."
I presume you have arranged vith the Law Defsrtment as .
outlinea. Please advise.
Yours truly,
££Z:{Lfa r?
/ um ? QJ)
B- 3 *0 g (a
Copy to-
Judge S.H.Wilson,

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counsel for nla'aintizf‘ 17“ to hold. the ::zz'zt‘CC: ‘C. reeeonaule T146 L121"; 11
I can get returns.
Yours truly,
_ I‘ / [,4 7 , k’v’l;
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1.,};CD. '

JACKSON. KY. .». 9
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7 \ In this case, as I understand it, you. expect to be
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