xt73bk16mf8w_437 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [307] L&E Tax Matters, Fayette County Court text [307] L&E Tax Matters, Fayette County Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_43/Folder_17/4768.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_437 xt73bk16mf8w .
1w ~, 1 r3—
. marcn ai, 1914.
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///r////;;./.. /// bar/fa,
{ll/)l/l/l/KA) I‘v/uy' r/iiZ/J/I‘r. fiv/Iry'fy
larch 31, I9Iu.
Hon. Samuel tulson / o , I I.
City. ‘ . ’
Dear Sir. ~ _
Replying to your letter of the 30th inst.concerning the
advertising of L.& E. Railroad property by the city for sale for
taxes owing the city I beg to inform you that this was done by error
of the accounting and treasurer's departaents, and correction will
be made at once, and the lots meLtiCued will not he offered in the
tax sales of April 6th. It will not be necessary to have toe Board
of Commissioners act upon the matter, and am returning to you the
orders of exoneration.
Respectfully, _4 ,1?
( ,f i ‘

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 ‘r 3
. I‘lareh 50, 1914.
Hon. K. C. Pulliam,
Commissioner of Finance,
Dear tirz-
' From an advertisement published in The lexingten Herald,

I have just discovered that certain property assesses, in the Fourth
Ward, against the Foxington & T'estern Railway Company is advertised
for soie for delinquent City Tax biZTS for the Eeeermer half of the
1915 City To es, such sefie to be held on next Iondey, April 6, 1914.

This sale, by its terms. ”does not inefiufie the June half of the
1915 taxes or the taxes of any previous years that may remain unnaid."
I do not know whether there has been heretofore any effort to sell
this property for any Cejinquent or unpaid taxes, for, if that was
done, my attention was not eujled to itc Iowever, I think the as—
so sment anfi efiort to sell this prope*tj by the City has been mefie
under a mistake or misapprehensiono

ibout a year ago, or to he more exact, on April 3, 1915, I took
up with Hr. J.?.Fitzger31d and also with Capt. John ficfliroy, City -
Assessor, a somewhat similar case effecting property of the 3 h T Ry.
Co. and satisfiea them that there was no occasion for making a sale
to enforoe the taxes due from the Railway Company to the Eggi?enfi,
furthermore? that under the law now in force, the assessment 2 “-o
of railroad property for State, County and City purposes is made not
by the loeal sssessorbut by the State Auditor in oonjunetion with the
Railroad Commission. ‘

I can assure you that all of this property has been included in
a report furnishea by the Haiiway Company to the fiufiitor of vuhlie
leeounts one that same has been duiy referred by the State Auditor
to the Raiiwoed Commission, anfi by the Commission duly assesses as

 ‘ .
. A

. K.G.P.7,~2. 5/50/14‘.
the law requires.

In this connection, I call your attention to the Act of 1906,
relating to revenue and taxation, which was enacted Werch 15, 1906,
being Chapter 22 of the Session Acts of 1906, end which now apneers
as Chapter 108 of the Kentucky Statutes. Hero nartieulariy, I cell
your attention to Section 4096, Ky. Stats., by which I think it is
mace perfectly clear that the report to the State *uditor and the
subsequent assessment by the Railroad Commission must incjude ehso-
lutely all property owned by a railroad, Whether uctus17y used for
raiered purposes or used at all or note By Fee. @098, Ky. €tete.,
fiiie resort is requirefl to be leis by the State fuditor before the *
Railroad Commission to be equafiizea. By Section 4102, Ky. Ftets.,
among other things, it is nrovifiefi as follows —

flmmedietely efter‘seiflflhoerd shellfiheve completes its
valuations one: ;xfeer.2 the AiUlEOI oi :uoiie Accounts SHflJi
notify the Clerk of each County Court of the amount so as-

se see for taxation in his county, enfi each reilroee or

bridge company of the amount of its assessment for taxation

for state nurposes one for the purposes of such city,town,

county, part of county enfl tax district."

By See. 4103, Ky. Stets., due provision is mace for certifying
and saying the taxes on the assessments so ascertained. ‘

There are other provisions bearing upon the subject, but these,
I think? are sufficient to make clear the position taken by the Rail-
way Comeeny that assessment of its property should be made by the

' State H.E. Commission enfi not by the City Assessor of Eexington, even
for city purposes.
Ii”9 from this statement, you are satisfied that our position ‘,
is correct, I shall be obliged if you will kindly have an order OfA
, enterea
covering the property listed in the advertisement of sale

 ’ 230.1,”5. - 5/50/14.
by the Board of Commissioners , and place such Order or a copy thoro—
of in the hanfls of the City Treasurer and City Assessor, anfi that you
' will also kinflly give aireotionr that no sale of this property be
had on Monday, April 647 1914. The proverty to which 1 refer is more
particularly described 3e follows, to—wit:~
Lexington & fiastorn ?.R.Compnny - 550 Constitution, ward 4,
block 18?, lot 44.
Lexington & Eaetorn ?.K. Co. - 546, 548 Constitution, word 4,
block 127, lot 45.
onington & Tastorn ?.R.Co. — 544 Constitution, word 4, block
12?, lot 46.
loiington & Footern 3.3. Co. - Coodloo, warfi 4, block 128, lots
21, 72, 75.
onington & Eastern R.?. Co. - TriangToi ward 4.
chington & Eaetorn P. in 00.7 85 acres Winchester TikO’lV§?a.%°
Io tfié oyont you ooneofit to toko tic eobion regueetod, l efiéiéée
for your convenience an outline oraft of such on order of Txoneretion
as I think woulfi he yroper for :Goytion by the Commissioners.
Trusting that you may be thc to give this matter your atten—
tion onfl thanking you in afvance for so floing, I am,
Very truly yours,

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