xt73bk16mf8w_446 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [316a] A.B. Sizemore v. L&E, Perry Circuit Court text [316a] A.B. Sizemore v. L&E, Perry Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_44/Folder_7/4992.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_446 xt73bk16mf8w ‘\
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VVOCH“TOhJ& Mcnaezuu
~ Attnrnvgg ;It Emu

.L.“.‘LLE’F 25 , 1916) 0

Hr. S- M. Yileon,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:
Yours received enclosing mandate, execution

for costs and clerk’s fee bill in the case of Sizemore’s
Administrator vs. L. & 3. We will file mandate on
tomorrow and enter a final judgment, COpy of which we
herewith hand you.

7 "4‘ “7 +‘74W‘f ’»' *7 1 ‘."h

lard u-¢_a JOJie,

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gnu Court being advised; from 3&ifl ODiJiOfl
aufl mandate, it is now OJAGEOQ gfifl ;quflgcfi thus Zhg
judgment remdrefl in Lda case ;xfl t3: judfrcat cutaru&
of record in saifi UQSE be, ;Ad BAJO ifl in all things I
It in furtEcr ordnre& uni adjud?s& th‘t the
deiendvlt TflQOVGE of t ; :lai.tii; it: intire oosfi
berein exacndefl anfl Hhi: Cxamc ja ;»w :trickcfl from
$39 douket.

'." "" ..
may 27). 1916.
r4 _ I" .A. , :’1
hessrs. “oomon 61c ”organ,
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ROBT.L e..Echv::.K , 7 , ‘ NOYJLO‘. 1.915.
— ' W V .‘. . . x‘
E Samuel M. Wilson, Atty., L H' // I‘/¢"
Lexington, Ky. ,_ W. ' 7 \*HF
Dear Sir:- , ’ L
I am in receipt of yours of the 9th with receipt for copy
of appellee's brief, etc., in the case of Sizemore's Admr. vs. L. &
E. Ry. Co., and the brief has been duly filed.
Yours truly,
of; //a;7
6‘ (Q g:/ »v V %¢((%./
(W ' / VKO
J -

, _ ‘1_ '. _‘. -.~ f'
. HOV 915,53): ‘3, ,._(LL ,,
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.23: LL'} JAE-.L.: ;'l :.J." C}; 5: z“ p...';..»:-‘. 5. .:5.5L.‘... .’. 4 c; ,J .'.,:c I51... 011
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;'_ In. 55:45:23: ‘_' 4 '.7 L ;";; 2'53 .<,.'=:1:-« :. "‘.‘:fhf;
- «‘..Nx. , ..‘ ‘_. . 5r”: ,.‘fi.. .1‘ ‘-' 5‘ ,‘ ’5." ,._
2.1:, 3.5.5. _'.-C ‘51 5:3, 3714.251 _515'} 05,3,_L,,:,
u, . ,‘ v ,_, _, ‘F 5 v
101;; : PM.“ L.L5l .‘; ,

CLERK or COURT OF APPEALS 771/7} /9 7‘
Nov. 9, 1915.

Hon. Samuel M. Wilson,

Lexington, Ky.

Dear Sir:-

I am in receipt of yours of the 6th with agreement

g. in thecase of L. & E. Ry. Co. vs. Stacy. This agreement will be

filed and proper order made.

I am also in receipt of yours of the 6th and by express
the record and brief for appellant in the case of Sizemore's Admr.
vs. L. & B. By. 00., also brief for appellee which I have filed
with the record.

Also received by express the record in the case of
L. & E. Ry. Co. vs. Thomas.

Yours truly,
7 ";9/
’ / .QéM//
! ((/ 6777717 /

‘ November 6, 1915.
Hon. B. D. Warfield, ,
Hist. Atty... L 8: H R R Co.,,
Louisvi '3.“! e , Kentu 31:31 .,
.‘3-ear Sir:
HQTI’H‘Lith, I hand yer; {'.Iil): L file) curs/.221 Long; 0:;
Brief 1hr v\‘" in L'1.) CHIN) .3...” 'r'unw": .‘.-irxiifi-pletrator V. .:J 6:
2‘, on .wqwfmixl ;";»):3 the ."e;.'7=.?;-r (3:7;213113'2? =’."3'.f7:1't. I 311*; '11:;32"; unt‘wvidably
("13133705 {1 item (bum in cora‘;':?_<';fig.z 7:13.53 brief, but do not doubt that
the original will be permitted To be filed Without objection from
the other 57:18»), to ::llich I ;r-Vu ';)<’:::-::. 7:12,! i':<';1;'_1g-27=1: with reference
to the pl’ffilml‘axfii(LVN. =32" fa; jf,::.;.l;»...Lt-'s:; .e‘ioi‘
.3.}? gem :1:; you have c='=j‘=(;;"'tu.r;i‘z.;‘ to {Err-33:13 {the Brief,
I \rzoulr} like you to “:9 .3 1:1-.~.: you. thin“: 01‘ it 3.116 “whet-her
it is :iufj’i r3315: .1’:- .302: 02;: ”wee
3.1133; 131111;; ;.RJKEB,
Q 4131153 <7: L .
,' ;‘- ‘

. _ Novmnber 6, 1915.

Liensrs. Wootton & Morgan,
Hazard, Kentugky, .
fientlonem: I i C .

Hermit}; 0.1115103 :d, I 115.714] 7701; carbon cog}; of my :Eriei' for
.51-311119: 1.31 E71: 5:31:30 01“ f~.‘:L.:;:zo.z'.2‘:: 41613;". V. U i ':',I‘.~i‘,0., on appeal
fror‘l 1.21:2 ”32:-:3:; '“i'.‘;:':'.‘::it Court: I 312v: been 111’1.:‘:.‘<:38.211134 "1.213;,706
7307:“ men): in 32:):.1A21.:tin.1: ting: 37"npil‘au‘fl;‘iIm. 3 this: brief:
‘.:-M :21: the St:‘z_;n::3_sv,fii.::1n, :7.: i711: -.:: irm’; on Zinnitar, the 171; initfznt.
I trust, 110‘:‘!”2V":,~.", that counsel 2702‘ ‘.:h: x-_;:~;o. .“.ant will make no
'3}),':r‘::ij_?.011 .':):1. {his 5:30:13, :1111:: ?.. I; 1:3. :7 “:1. '».13751 .-s.:_e::c-;':: .06; 111111;: to
71310121261 gitadiwg; (:‘.‘a":;;",j1f‘.ir‘£5)_f‘; 7:13 11111-5. 117-5111111115 that th'c will be

‘ 110 01:32:; Zip-.': to €33 . @113": {1:21:11}! 1:1 1::-111115? ;"njpeLIer3'f‘. ‘Zrief,

I "g‘lgxfim 1:0 ~.";1: 1.21211 :2;); 3:111". _ :"-;i':,:'v1:' 1.32:: micilorxfi com; 11:5 the
-;.i:;t::31~;;e3g,';a .'.‘er ‘L'-11.: ‘. 131.11; :21? {1.31: 11311721 1'1 a 120031317, as; per
learner hs'mq‘uitfi 311;:1071';:‘..

':7.i:1z'l,-/ ':‘;titz'u'i to thir '-:..*0‘1jn‘£",1.;f 15037225;- - 2;<>‘»:1:_rn the
7113:1123: SO H's-E: I may 1 if; 1':-C j>:‘;*.2.31‘_1‘o;t 1’3: filimgg.

‘x’: 3:; ‘.: :11. 1;; $1111: E3 ,
:3; ,.’a
C {':1l,;151 a]- a

'Uovem'lmr 5, lfgl’f’.
. R. ... Greene, if'q”
0181*}; Gnu-g- 1: nzf,‘ .T-.;:x-~-.cr::z..'i,.€;,
Ifi‘rarféta'rw’u , x722utn.(1’k;\,r..
Dear Si)“:
I am mniii‘vlg you, up JINJ‘OSLT, 23161 €331,1321'ut23 cover,
Record; infludiugz Brief fur _AL.-:'ue'-2.2..,:‘.‘u, 1:; the (322.3; pf J.- .3. Size-
rnore’S 12521113 V. I; :21: 3;? L;.,Cu.’ c221 :‘,§'},;w:}f‘.j. l].'()f[1 the (Porgy Lily-$12112; Court.
I I also Sv’aud you 2.111;- 1111:; 12,21,421 tn; 0:19.: 2.113.:zh I 12;-m; just lure-
par-361 i2 'boh:«.".:f vi. the 12;..,;J_‘_‘...3a, anger; l '-.’£:')'.Llh 111;: t.) hate noted
:25 filrad in your 0.2311542). I 1:3; '40:; :.12;.:;L;;g: 2:. C':;'bc:1 copy to the
at.t<>:sus:;ys £02: the 2222;23:9112121; 1112., <1: 5.0-”: :22: thui-‘ lt‘::;..,if.;;i. is: re-
turned. to we, I will _Lu Lo 572211..
1112121; :..:2‘.~;;1ov 1‘65; 1-9:..5. ;=; :::;f :;1.1 0;; Lin: ;:-.;:-Q‘.._: .«mzments,
and oblige,
'.’C’igi‘i "\".‘.;;‘ '4 u}; ,
i.) 22211:: ::2': .

Nam"- m ~. ~
Suing; 1.0L m, 1915.
“ .,., 1 r .' --'«",", —~; ".g ,. ‘.; '.;w" 3‘ T 7-
&1. .13. (.‘13‘. GAINS ..‘L'.‘xix.L..3.l-‘Ey‘. ,.‘US.’ .L.‘.K?JJ..J.‘J.Z1’IT¢
”\T. 32 ‘.05‘333'.) .."U‘; L's..- ’2’ 33.9.21...) 1.11:9) 3: 11.157; . . 1’31“ NOTICE»
3’. -ZT-;‘T.1T:1’;‘:’jJE\T :3”; 3:);’1.f3’.‘.2_11=2;7 .‘ix‘ é ‘..,“ ‘-s.’ ()1). X152, 7:13.}1‘...‘ ..1-512:.
‘.3310 my““.:v'.“'sj.n:n»t‘<’i air" for ‘2. (I. r jar. :zdzilinistrator
of is 11?. 312.771Cl"f;, " “7511111 is: in? itbCfiw‘v-—:§‘ijTmn'z. cvstnré, harsh? (ac—-
'I . ,.j . 7 ., 1.1... ..1 A. a.“ ,: ,.. .-»~ 3 H... i ..._, ‘.fJ ._ 3: fix", ,TH‘Q 1.....- 7).o 4: :0 n _
:TIIOE:_.H(..2'3 LIN; i’lC; =-I, Os- ‘.. 0..-402m: LOU, (.,.. 4,:‘r5:s,,_I__Lx,., v .'JJ—lLJ.’UnJ.u may
fieflivmwai‘x to fi}1<3*'1,z;nc‘i E1:Iz}i'-3':D',}E’ army: tint in; original 01 said. orlef
may "0:: .111st bj‘ n 1.19:; :3 :1 1211'? Lourt 0.; .‘Lgtspzzzzls :Lt Ljugzxarc, not-

' ‘ $5.. .' .. ..‘. ".. n. ,-.. - : . ..3 ..3 ..1 ..,, :- ”1., ..1’:.,J.' «~-
vilthgtandlngz {hm hm 3.0.x 00.3 3101.113. .”:-.‘. u-.;:—s:,um.;. ..‘-.-.)Lu-..uluus,
93:25:12er on the 1.1-1t 01' .:130 v 23:03:. 1911?}, any." the 121161 arisiggnsd ;urther

~ . . . .- ..~. . ‘,..,~ ’ . ‘.- ‘\ .'.-‘ ~ ,..- . . . . . .I 1:. ..
6611138111; that. such 0. :;.1.*1:.l Mn»... L;.; L» Lima. hithout 22:1,; 31.-Lam):
- .‘.~ -. ., a“ . ... 1.: ., . .:._... ,. . ‘ 9 -. -, . _...; ., ..,. .' .
110t10 to me -..;=sr>~...s_s:.r1t 0.: Lu.— {LLLOLJL'JLWC’ ::‘.1i_(s 13110;, 11:3;a..b;. halve the
- t‘ . - .. ‘.;" . .,~ an”.
gem-nee 0'... an); 110110.: L. Stu}? .:1_L1.;..‘
Given unfit: our 115111629 E1:7,::;;:_".;‘k', 4'..€El’l‘C'li.C..l'—’I.’. thin day of
No ‘vn rub a r 9 7. (If. .
-.-_..._-__._..-. -.._.... .. _.- ....M._....__........_
..W .. ._....wfltfifl ‘W
UL}1A&1‘C"«5-. .LOl l.;._,r..-.:lun .

October 29‘, 1915.
‘3 -r . - -
Hon. u. I). ‘iif’erleld,
Dlst. Atty” 4 cc 1:? ;1 ;x 000,
..'JO'UJ.E*~X'.L L.L;‘z,ix.t, . '
.3391: ..;,LA’Z
.1. ', Rn J.’} ‘.."...w rlw 7"va . L '» . :7 .»
;.:,_H-,’«l.--v .“.. L'./‘.1...” :1... g;.:,. .V‘ .,“ swunywnu.‘ ‘:1 «.»‘ ._‘,ng .1.../q
fin: \1‘fi A- . __ . . ,7. -- l ‘ f . , —. 7 T ‘ 1.>. - 7; ~..
I-j'rj‘:_{.)‘ ,'.". ,’. ;.,_.}-.' :1:: '..‘ ..,' ”lgd‘fig‘d 51 .4..”..1. v 71. .J g“ .“..', 1.x MAJ-{l
JOHN". ',. 5‘ . ”‘1 . l ‘v‘~\.‘1 V _‘:” : “‘.L .‘-2, ..~ ‘.”»>:"“’3('\,71 “.’.‘..: ‘( .
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/fem(ofQgif/éi’fl:WA _\ /( // Aim/('1’. {1% November 11, 1915
‘ A.B.Sizemore's Admr. v. L&E Ry.Co..
Court of Appeals of Kentucky
Samuel M. Wilson. Esq., "77m; /-¢' MS
Counsel. ; . . 7 .
Lexington, Ky. 2
Dear sir,
Yours of November 9: I incline to the opinion that we
ought at some stage of the briefing of this case, and before
it is passed on by the Court of Appeals, to point out to the
Court the insufficiency of the petition to sustain a recovery
upon the view that decedent‘s injury might have been averted
by the exercise of ordinary care upon the part of those
operating the train, after his peril was in fact discovered.
Of course, if there is any assurance that appellant will file
" a reply brief, we will have ample opportunity to discuss this
question in a rejoinder brief. And I think you can safely
wait a while and see whether appellant will pursue that course. -
But if it shall appear that no reply brief is to be filed,
, I think it might be well for you to put in a short supplemental
L brief for appellee before the case is sent out to the Court.
In the present state of the docket, I doubt if this will be
done before the next term, though I am not7advised on this point.
Yours very trulyyév/X KC , ~
(/ ‘E! WW W" "

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bai'iu‘a 1:.-s ‘ :1 i1115‘11‘111‘cii1. If you think it at all worth ‘.IJF'lile 150 supvile~
21.211 1:1-1:11: I Jig-.":: ;‘.ii‘itt.;11 by short bid 31' supnorting thii; View, it
be ‘ ' ‘
31L A entireiya _'.:rtrz.11fl_:> to “m. Ii; may bf}, Ira-xvniv‘cigza, thy-1L :'21'1 myrtioz'tun-
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1:1;. ’.~1;..,.:.. .‘ ‘..x‘ » 1i U , i" .; Chi.—
1.}. ,1.;sz ‘.: '1.. :L .. ‘ 'i . 1‘71, 127.1 .:‘vltixse
(21:2; .'tmw ’uf ' ;11L ii: “1' Y. 7?; 7211,? 1’2; 31' slain—
t-i;_‘:i_"‘1'; ‘.Lu1 3;:.“ i, ':.-:13 :77? ‘:sjj' I‘m: '1‘-3:1 71:11' v 1f. 3 7m; 0,1. ‘.;:3 7;:‘:21}:e~
mam iii} ".‘2'; ‘. :.;z: 1‘3" f 7’ w: 211.. Hr: . '-. :..C'Laf'iptaai
. Ii; 3 7.311. t‘ig‘ii"‘.>i‘i 1:0 ‘21-; :7 :- :7 {so » 1w (Eatfioen
us, ‘thif; :3“. L, J..':Zf‘g‘md '_1“ .2:;‘7‘L' an]? 7 ‘ 7 "a: >‘;1-_ sz‘;’r_:s5,1a~
L13; 3, .'.-11311:: ‘:2“; Rafi"- ’I??;':» 1“. 31.11". xiv/:.‘»: t 1:.“: the 3;:,“ ‘.;;unt
Ira-.1231; 111»: ;I;21.‘~-‘*::? "117‘?" i, 3«.‘i ‘ 2‘22 "Linn? " :‘:a ‘1'??? r7“ ‘:.‘-16> of
012:“ t in“ :1;-ms? ‘:. thigtt'f-‘s nf‘ :s‘i" ‘ vii-1 ' '1:» We ::i'xflii, ‘:f’j 7'.-0 -.‘1.:zoi‘mr0.)
"Liam‘s? war: no 39:. 00:? i3" ':.‘-12v? :‘: : 1:1-"r -'::‘ir:.'ir‘-e~: v 357.“; ;‘ _;;?2‘3021 in
the with m" H!" “3'14": 'eiss ' ': , 7 ,.’ua : 95.11193. 1 m1) .‘.‘":g Truman 730v:—
1I’11‘n', if {37‘- 3“} 1 7,, 177;; in fire”. 7,41,, I7.- wmg Nj~17~ the: 3115i 11.0.33.“
3:11,” 2’3 4'1 (::‘.r: ‘:“2: 31‘ 1.: his“ ;(1 ‘L'.» lj‘l!’.=>r1i>11w 21 Ii‘i‘V-fom; ("‘,ity, it
(Sm-.:'- Jwi‘ f‘; sun {:3 Hr.- I'fvr‘zi: ::‘ms‘x’. 373214;? 71:" :1 z;1.;‘.s'inf.)“.n 341s F71: *‘i‘i‘rlilniit
«exclj 13:;-..3m1 1-1.: misifmxzi ..;‘C: the ‘r‘si‘zm'? of "him (Twain " >‘7:‘..’~i.:‘-s_.i 01' at—
111;}:391? to 745125.?” ;'nx 61:-'1.» 1:12.13: :1;. atom '.'. ”:':-‘1'. {:‘si’fJ'lix'li'i‘h: 231: case
01" .E. 11’; II v. Ci)1z,:;‘mn"n _‘Li'imrn 86 Ky. {255; :55}... a“) NE (2116 E4 {3.15.
875, 1:0 which your letter refers, but, in (30:; 11:-flit is1 :::“:‘ii‘e

( ,
V L . L Bali-'73,, ‘
. .., .glt-;v."".‘3‘:'
1-: 1:: 21;-3. Lia-31110.50 case, it seems to me that it is essan‘bially .
rt..uyzé:1=.t-L:n't 1mg; 15.9123; from the Coleman case. The Sizemore case
. -..~_».»..~n".
is more like the Ni chola cam) (6 3.17. 73(9), which the Cvmrt of A10—
peals, 0:1 Petiticn 1501‘ Lacixezluriiig, 11116352150015: to (“'.it‘ttiixngieh from the
’11:)"; gram mite \i’) 1:.;:.» (13775}. "111,21" £11.: :‘:..111"; 1911:};21, 1L :-::,=..':r1:;—' "co me that
the 112w 73.1 1.1,1:7ti1::';a_e\; :;yx L3“: c1191: ui‘ czlfigifitit'; Wrath). '21. nit-311311.
3’63 ‘LJ. 1‘73); f:.:.. .137 (My ‘1","0, in alt-"111.? 1-1;-7:4: ; in) 51:17,:- t car
‘91:: 0,11 e1 412111.11; :5 (Ice-’13 01' 101113110, :1:-,1; no jar::rt-fsrnsl'sz (Unli-
£231.11“: .1.; w.
1330.21 Lin: 1,.-UN. JUN Lila nee :11: 'L‘ the QCt:2.;.i~.~.:. 111 thug :.’i ting/1:11 case to
raise the i; stun-'3 'L.;JUH 1:1-.5 3:3...:; is usinj :':.1fgzxvrd b;2:§o:‘~: the
(.‘.;111'6 sf 5.205143. p.111: 1:1,??me _.:a“i11t~ is carter} ;1.‘;.,;-; Viu.L"J.'1::_;., {«i‘ 2.1.119
1; :1- e 0 am; 1a 2 2 1221' i on.
1':-111112111113, you 1'01 1311; 1131112 T1,; :11:g;:zi:.::-‘stfi.o;1s: coutz‘lszzd in
3131;; late-11", I 4.11,
"Vex; L11: 1;;7' yours),
5'}. :.i: .‘ 11";3.
1; 01111.39]. .

 a ,’777711/7;
\ ,“‘ J CE;%;;§%Z5252:‘ZZJZC;/2Z:tag;2£;mo/Zéméflanng
‘ ‘ /
.“’/QQI/l'nfiy'x/f/”fir/:%QZLH fj/fi' Q\‘/m///mn///;u/’7(//‘/~///1%"1; ,. 73051
‘H W/ ‘ " i” ’ ' / '
(2%”"%C}25373%fi31@mu. .”;¢WAW7KZ426%ZNOVBMber 8. 1915
A.B.Sizemore's Administrator v. Len Ry.co. .
...-... Court of Appeals, _
Samueéogfiegilson, Esq.. gggfb;lg /;fi§
Lexington. Ky.
Dear Sir.
I have read the carbon copy of your brief for
appellee in the above case, which accompanied your
letter to me of November 6. I think you have written
an excellent brief, and I doubt if it is necessary or
advisable to say anything more than you have said.
‘ From the copy of the petition as contained in our
file in this case, it seems that the pleader attempted to
allege in general terms that Sizemore was struck by the
train and killed as a result of negligence in the manage- -
ment and operation of the train. There is no allegation
that decedent's peril was discovered in time, by the exer-
cise of ordinary care thereafter. consistent with the safety
of the train and those upon it. to have stopped the train
in time to have averted the accident.
The thought running in my mind, as to which I have not
investigated, is as to whether or not a general allegation
that Sizemore was killed by reason of defendant's negligence
in the management and operation of the train, is sufficient
to embrace the issue as to whether or not, after Sizemore's
_ peril was discovered. the train could have been stopped

 - . 'smw—z
before he was injured. Your brief seems to treat the
case as turning on this point. And the thought I have,is
as to whether or not the real case is as broad as that.
1.9., whether it includes that issue. In practically
all of the cases which I recall. in which it has been
attempted to have the doctrine of last clear chance
applied, the petition has alleged in some form or other
that the injured person's peril was discovered in time,
by the exercise of ordinary care thereafter, to have
averted the injury.

I observe there is testimony to the effect that a
brakeman who was riding on the leading dqm_ballooed at
Sizemore and waved his hat at him. It does not appear from
the brief whether or not this brakeman made any attempt to
set the brakes or to signal the engineer to stop the cars.
If the issue had been properly made in the petition that
decedent's peril was discovered in time to have averted the
accident. there is an old case that might haVe given us some
trouble. if counsel on the other side had found it. But
whether or not they rely on that case. I do not know. I refer

K “aofl a 5‘ '“‘T
to L5H R.Co. v. Coleman's Admr.. 86 Ky. 556. T,GA ° *l’hv““5i, 9mc“
E? @311“??? 77‘5"

/ Yours very truly,
a"! f’77,,\, iii-ff \
“I"; ._ r“- W .
‘3. ’ r“ >9 f '
,3?" 1 “r; /f;?:,r-LL-rfl_}:z‘fi._a "
r/ f: :2‘ a???”
V kg'“ ‘ ’ “GL/ District Attorney.
(I‘I-{fif’ {»‘P‘J'V’N / is» ,4.. .

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Roam 65:25:15 FRANKFORT Nov. 5, 1915.
‘ . 77w? W ‘

Hon. S. H. Wilson,

Lexington, Ky.

Dear Sir:— “ *

Complying with your request over the phone I an sending
you by express this afternoon the record in the case of Sizemore's
Admr. vs. L. & B. By. CO., which I trust will reach you in time for
your advices.

Yours truly,
C ‘ / /,/4’C/:‘
/. 196%‘(x’ -élflrw

ROBT.L.GREENE. FRANKFURT " . Sppt. 20 1915
CLERK ‘.‘_‘ /\ 7 ”.L‘ s v
. /_, "“ ‘
1" k .z-‘J X : ‘ I '
_ _ _ , I (x
hon. Samuel Ii. Wilson, V ”’5“,
Lexington, Ky. ‘ ~ -
Dear Sir:-
I an; in receipt of yours 0:" the 18th enclosing; stipulau
tion giving; appellee until and including; liowrexiab er 1., 71915, to file
___mmwm ”1111-... ”WWW ..1_1.
brief in the case of Sizemore'e Admr. vs. L. 6: E. Ry. Co. and
Earppellant 20 days thereafter to reply. Same will be filed and
, proper orders made, and you will be a.dVised when same is done.
Yours truly, /
//<_, ,_., i/

 .7’201/ ///
(7,../7. /’ // 7'. gay.) . 7/
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3 / ’l/ , ‘ 9//:"//V7)'//=‘/’/”’7"3l17 Avg/rim gl/f/l ///M/I ///I//',/"/’rw [Mn-Z?‘ _
é/l/I?/WJ -j'/- M/VIN/III, I/ 73051.
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V " , _:_/‘ '/ ). a r I ' / / , I
,/’”””£/ - ,’,},17/2267,4,,”,~ ._ZIIIJI//%,.{//,, Ccto. 27,1915.
CWt/K‘Ré/ /I'$
Judge Samuel M. Wilson .

Attorney, EExington, Ky.
near Sir:—'

Sizemore's Admr. v. L. 8: N. R. (Em-From Perry Co,

In the above case, which was passed on the call of the
present docket, and in which you had time until Oct.l to file brief for
appellee, have you ever prepared and filed such brief! There is nothing
in my file to show that you have done so; but the file my be incom-

Yours truly, ‘ ‘
/ (’77 <~-\L\
~‘,/v".,‘ an "“
/ \_. , i r/
istriot Attorney.

 ‘ September '50, 1915,
Messrs. '»a’ootton 8: Morgan, :Attorneys at law,
Hazard, Kentucky. V
Gentlemen: I -
Thun‘w {'03.- ymnf kindnnz“: in obtaining; c.2451. i-ulrfixion _
in 13119 :.‘T'LZOIZ-L‘iz'f.‘ (Vim; ra‘ct'3v‘1/7iuy: “the ‘.;:szlgjg .02? th’: L'ili.’.,j 1);:
brief for :11)?ij ‘0 12.1%.:37. :‘:,“72’7 italudinj Z':'n*\.'»:r.z?;:2;:' ’1., 1:15. _
V: ::‘77 1,' :.ml ff :':-‘1 ':’: , ,
» f a
(>1 ‘. ;1 r‘ r: T, ..

Afturnvgxs at Eli-am
HAZARD, KY. ' ‘7 '1 '
‘ _«C/fl, oZ{/ “’7 fl/yo/l
/ fl

 “.‘ September 18, 1915.
' ‘R. L. Greene, Esq., I
‘ Clerk Court of Appeals,
Franxfort, Ky.
Dear sir:-
fierewith enclosed l ham? you Stipulation between the garties,
giving Apnellee and counsel until & inclufling November l, 1915, to
file Brief, in thc case from ?erry Circuit Court, of Sizemore‘s Admr. v.
L. & E. By. 00., and allowing Arpelifint and cauneel 2O fiays thereafter
to xwply. U111 you kindly file and ohfgin an orfier of court granting
extensions in accordance witn th Stipulatich ;ud oblige, advising me
ef tin entry of order?
Very truly yours,


Lexington. Ky..
September 16. 1915.

Messrs. Wootton & Morgan,

Hazard. Ky..

- Gentlemen:e

In the case of Sizemore, Admr. vs. the L. & E.,
on appeal from the Perry Circuit Court. in which we have
heretofore obtained a stipulation from the attorneys for
appellant extending the time for filing appellae's brief
until October 1st, I find that owing to the press of busi-
ness. it is going to be practically impossible for me to
get this brief ready by that d