xt73bk16mf8w_450 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [317b] E.I. Dupont De Nemours Powder Company v. L&E, Perry Circuit Court text [317b] E.I. Dupont De Nemours Powder Company v. L&E, Perry Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_44/Folder_11/5247.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_450 xt73bk16mf8w L/ / . »fl i"// - T/ / /
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January lBth, 1913.
Ion.5.3.30uctfi, Gon.Afifiy.,
Louisville & Jushvillc Railroad Co.,
Louisville , Ky.

Dear Sir:-

finclosod herewith I hand you,inaccoraance with your request,
a copy of the letter of 11th insflant afiflressed to me by Jesse Iorgan,
9f flazard, in reference to the susyonsion of further proceedings in the
lien cases against the 3.; 3., at lazard, pending a fietermination of
your petition for rehearing in fihc dourt of :npeals in the Grigsby


Encl. General Counsel.

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_AQfl;//.}/r’///;’: . /:fQ January 7 , 1915 .
Mr. Samuel M. Wilson, .',
General Counsel L.& E. R‘y ., ‘ :jk444w377 ' ’3
Lexington, Ky. it ' I” "‘1 I
Dear Sir: ' ; fgéitayy ' A;

I am just in receipt of your favor of the 5rd inst. upon
my return this morning from an absence from the city.

I did not give your letter of the 26th the construction that
you were in any way; irritated about the lien matter. On the contrary
I fully appreciate the stress under which you are laboring as I know
something of the duties ahead of you. I am quite willing to leave
to you and Mr. Morgan entirely the question as to the best time for

I cleaning up the Hazard liens but will remind you that Messrs. Winn
and Calhoun are carried upon the company's pay~roll and, as I under—
stand it, they have nothing definite to do now except that I have
today called upon them for some information that will take possibly
two or three days to compile.

If the delay in this work is to last as much as two or three
weeks I think Mr. Peyton would wish to arrange to have them do some
other work. With this understanding of the situation, and the
necessity for us keeping them engaged, we Shall, of course, be
satisfied with whatever disposition you and Mr.Morgan make of the
matter. I may say, however, that I am only this morning in receipt

 C .
S.M.T. 2. »
of a letter from Messrs. Herrlinger, Dixon & Stewart in which they
"We are eager to either have the claim agreed to and paid,

or else proceed as expeditiously as possible to a regular

hearing of it before the Master Commissioner."

I have written them that in view of the pendenoy of the petition
for rehearing and also of the fact that we have not yet come to any
agreement with the Bonding Company, we are not prepared to make any
agreement with them and while I thought it would be to their interest
to postpone these proceedings a while until we know exactly where we

' are, that if they disagreed with us On this proposition they would
have to take such steps in the matter as they deemed necessary.
Yours very truly,
igf' ;f“”¢lfi 31‘, j?fi?7w”:i¢“1Vr‘i-§lgw ;:;‘v{ é,Z/Lg%w{flkcyiL“fifijg
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iZ///)/////lfé December 30, 1912.
Mr. S. M. Wilson,
General Counsel L.& E. R'y. Co., ' aigggf‘g/ V/{ 1
Lexington, Ky. ‘
Dear Sir: >
I have received and noted with interest your letter of December
26th,suggesting that the lien matters in Hazard be deferred for a
time so that they can be taken up once for all instead of partially
now and finally at a later date. I readily appreciate the force
of this suggestion and particularly as you are unable right now to
give it attention. my idea, however, was twofold; first, to tempor—
arily satisfy the claimantjand avoid the costs of hearing the cases
before the Commissioner and, ascend; to utilize the time of Messrs.
Winn and Calhoun, both of whom are now on the pay—roll, but, as I
understand it, at present have nothing to do except to clean up this
lien matter.
I do not know that it will be necessary for you to be there at
all except to pass upon more difficult questions which Messrs.Wootton
& Morgan may wish to refer to. What do you think then of having
the work go on as I originally suggested under the supervision of
Masers. Wootoon & Morgan, with the understanding that in all cases
where they are not entirely satisfied they will pass them temporarily,
awaiting conference with you?
I have no way of telling when the Court of Appeals will pass upon
our petition for rehearing and there might be a delay of several

S.M.W. 2.
months during which time all of this preliminary work of looking
to agreements as to amounts could be behind us leaving only the
question of payments if we should decide to pay.

I am sending a copy of this letter to Mr.Winn and mr.MCDowell
and suggest that you three have a conversation and endeavor to

- reach some satisfactory conclusion. Of course as far as I am
personally concerned anything you do about it will be entirely
agreeable and you may be assured that I appreciate to the fullest
your crowded condition at present in view of the cases in the Court
of Appeals and also at Whitesburg.
Yours very truly,

‘ .giturung :1 at 711nm
HAZARD’ KY' Dec. 238th, 1912.
;.r. e. Wilson, , I
1 /
Gen. Commeel L. & E., - ' ””h’fifia“3/ /2
Lexington, Ly. /
Deer sir:-
Yours oi the toth oeoeiVed,~noloeiug copy of
‘letter to E. b. Jouett waich I have read and noted. The
glien mat;ers qt .ezard, nevtioned in your letter, can rest
1 for the tion ueing 18 Zr. Jouett hes filed a petition for
E re—hearing wnicu, I sugpose will no acted ugon smartly.
% It will not be necessmry for you to stop oxor U day
at ;szard on your way to Whitesburg, out if it can be
V arranged, would like for you to stop for 9 may as you
return so that we may go over metters in general with you.
Tow es to the briefs in the Eager end Witt cases, we
Will try to brief these cases. It may oe taut we will 2e
just a little lite in getting in two Baker orief. Cur 1r.
Hootton Will we in Erenxfort scout the first or second of
January and on to Lexington taut night. Will you kindly try
aha see him and mention to aim utout the briefs in the
Baker Rod Witt cases? as I will we at Whitesburg when he
gets here. He is now down in Tenwessee.
You also enclosed mo copy of list of I. & E. oases
' sent to you by Kr. Fields, pending in the Letcher Circuit
Court. I note what you say with reference to these cases.
I will leave Hazard on Kendey, Dec. 50th, for wnitesburg.
I have a very important case set for trial on Tuesday the
Blst and will be at Whitesburg during most of the Special

‘ ’Attn‘rn “3:1 2: £fo 71.721111
term of Court. If you should desi re to communicate
with me, you can do so at ‘.‘!‘xxitesbu'z‘g.
Very truly yours,
. ,1 / ,/./. ,
£‘Mt a /Q47é4/V/i
\_/ ' /

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 BAILEY P.WOOTYON 4:55: MOPG"> "”53 {7 ‘> ' .
. / .\ '
Afriurnvus at £21111 . »,, U .1
HAZAgD, KY. \ " \t‘u
' \ r A ‘
Dec. 19, 191:3. ’
iouisville, Ty.
Dear Jir:
Yours oi the leti received. ”a kgox you hare or fiili file a
petition for rehearinu in the frvaut Criasbv lien case. We have
Seen Roma oi the attornoys 5nd somc of them acre d to tut tn? cstion
in your letter and name did not. "c Bu: est that you send Kr.
“ilson up here and lot Vim see thr situation himself.
'ours very trtlv
fr ;'4 R   ___?
Jinx/v Ax. j/ZLfl/éfab/ [p "é’ziz

 \ 7 i h ,5 / 7 / I .7’/7n/M/71
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.r/MsPZK-i/xmmi 441”“ J’fl/r/I/i/x/Wr/ ”WW” ////’”
/// _ WW ///
_jékdumfiéégégé December 25, 1912.
Mr. s. M. Wilson, ‘ ‘ I -’
General Counsel L. & E. R'y.Co. E $543842“é ' /3
Lexington, Ky. ' ‘ ' '
Dear Sir: ‘
I wrote Messrs. Wootton & Morgan several days ago suggesting
that there would be some delay in making disposition of the lien
claims owing to the filing of our petition for rehearing in the Bryant
Grigsby case.
I suggestedthat we could go ahead and work out and agree upon
the amounts in each case so that it would ultimately be a matter of
merely giving the checks which could be done very quickly. ,
_I asked thenlto see if the attorneys would agree to this.
I am this morning in receipt of the enclosed letter from them
in which you will see that they are suggesting that you run up to
Hazard and look over the situation yourself.
I think Mr.Winn is arranging to spend Christmas day and possibb'
one or two other days in Chicago, but I doubt not that he will be able
to take this up any time that you ask. It might be well, if you can
spare a day, fOr you to go there in advance and work out some satis-

' factory arrangement with the Opposing lawyers, as the Court of Appeals
will hardly pass upon this petition for rehearing for several weeks,
particularly as I understand that a vigorous fight will be made upon it.

' A Cincinnati lawyer who represents $8,000. in claims wrote me Saturday
for a copy of the petition for rehoaring and copy of the original brief.

I understand he expects to respond to our petition for rehearing.
Yours very truly,

 f'gi \ if“. 'I"’” ‘ 1 . >
W ,‘~' 1'; .1: ((J A K" "I.'”? .‘1-‘.5" ' v x ‘13
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I 9.11 .1111115, petitiOn for I'a‘vl’xfiami‘ng; :1:: the .flzyaniz
Czrigfizbgy licn test cam"; on the ground that the lion if: 123332313114.
because ‘11:; (“Lost-i; not come 11311111 1:11.11 (31315153131: ,'_-given s. 111321 ':.Ln(;c;"
I 137113 stag-$511450.
I (it) 11:31: 1:1-11:11: anybody L. widti‘itlei? to :..1 1101-1 exampi: {1.:-:0
v I v ("." if" — . . - -
“pragncipal contracts: and Meg 6101211115: 17113.5: 13119 1133110131111 «3011—
»[\ (If? t '
fizfzactcr “Aether :.1: :3 mmcontraotor or as; a materialmm. .‘1 8133331137
01?: 3100113? “Lizzie; anemia: in “the oz-jfinal hearing; 01' it 130013111510
01117 3111111728- were all ccnimrcd on 1:316- 3 (guess-tic“ 11:: to 1‘r110t31c: 3:
or 2.101: the filing 0.1" :2. 13013113133313; :L:1::;te1:1<:.:1<;; 0:2" inflation m
01.21:: C lien 1:11;: :.1 3‘~3“-e:~m;v 2.1: it e {to 11.1: ‘.’:‘13ii7i'iijj'. I have; given
this ‘iro 171115 11371111501‘ 130(11):; €32.30. 175113. :30116 you :.1 6033;? of i1; {::f‘l'3301‘—~
moi: or next clay. ..,;01311'33127113 I am war-14.: :11-1r; this 1’30 remzest 1:711:31; you
2706 all 0.“? the 9.'1;1'r)r;".e:_~j!€3 5111'? 53.5.1}; 1716;015:3-103' “they“ will be willing;
to 3.0 21551, 13113111 fir. ‘J’Jinu 1'1-1:1! .ir. "1313011 01‘ youmelves the
question of xt'orking out ~t1-3 :-:,C1,;'11:1121031313 of 111mm various 01:21:21:
.51:; {50 21111021111; so 1; 21:21; is”: 6 11:0 19311333211 to ;,1223; 63113131 :3 can then
010636 it up :.Irommly .2113 men :13 the tic-cisim :1:; mcnficreCa. {:1 this
event: 11; 171 3.1 only “no 1'15;/131529113113: to go over ‘:'."1113 11171119. ifl. claims; on-a
‘« ~1. .'« . . p . -9~ M n :*"Of.~ ‘° 1 r
flj one, to agree 1.1331311 111-.0 11.101111 mm 1,111» 111m I311. Jeurssmzf 0r -3:.
Li'ilson under each claim on Mr. 2'1‘1111'1'55 b13012. He (301115 ”5111111 jgnregsa-1re:

‘. ‘3. & T. 2.
his ohooke and be reaay to pay such of the claime me W0 deciéo
knell be 3111 unfierthe opinion he uourt of Appeals will
finolly ronfior upon this petition for rehearing.
Of course this will involve a ;oasibility of our
doing considerable work which may never be of use—« that is in
congestion with ouch claims 19 we nkell decline to 3;; provided
the court fieoidou with ggi— but 7Li$ action Will fireball;
prevent them {Eon pvtéiny ufi to the expense of having hearings
on ail thoeo oleius before the Cogmisoioner and it will make
a final GiSpouitio: oi'onr claims much easier.

I eughaet that you call a meeting of the attorneys or
yorfiope 11 may be boot to so: than one b; one oepeiatoly and let
me know at once that can be accomplished in this line. I Till send
a copy of my oetition for roh axing to Cr. 3.3.Evoreolo anfi John
fivereoler the attornoge of raoord,;nfi hevo alroafly notifiea Hr.
fitewart,aitorney for 1Eo .owfior Po.,fiinoinneti. I will aenfi you
Several extra ooyies oi tnie yatjiibn eo tlot it may be orsminefi
by the (301111961 for 'the log-.113. 01.515.7‘:=11‘ts :".:‘16. RS 3:18:13? 3.‘.; $3373 fiGSiI‘e

I (3.;-n file;- z-efilgonaes ta it 1.1..; 1:37.717 'filo‘ilfit of Aficioeals ‘-‘~1"1‘.11 let any
intereeteu gnrty come into :1; ngunent.
Your“ vcmy tru13,

 3; g . I ' .9;/m/M.‘
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. . ~ _ 48/.) -%;,,;,,//,j/’//,:, December 10, 1912.
Mr. Samuel M. Wilson,
General Counsel L.&~ E.R'y. ,
Lexington, Ky.
My dear sir: V
Enclosed herewith I hand you letter from Mr. Geo.S.Hawke,Cin—
cinnati, enclosing list of 101 claims that he represents. I also ~
enclose a copy of my letter to Mr. Hawks. I suggest that you turn this
over to Mr. P.B.Winn at once with instructions to check them up and
. see how these compare with the amounts shown by our books to be owing
to these people.
, Yours very truly,
Invlos ' ‘ r t, 1' 7 I "

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- _QaL/J/v/Z’éfiéfl December 7, 1912.
Mr. Samuel M. Wilson, ‘ CQJHC/vqj /£L
General Counsel L.& E.R'y.Co., ‘””"’ ’
- Lexington, Ky.

Dear Sir: ~

Mr. P. B. Winn, the Paymaster and Auditor who had the ac-
counting in connection with the work of Jones Brothers which was
taken over by the L.& E. R'y.Cc., came down this morning to discuss
with me certain phases of the method of winding up this business.

I understand that it will be convenient for you to go to
Hazard and spend a few days at least in getting the work started
and accordingly I am writing you this suggestion as to the method
to be pursued. You will understand, of course, that it is a mere

I suggestion as you will adopt whatever course you think preper. I

have explained it, however, fully to Mr. Winn and believe that he
understands it and can carry it out in practice.

I had an abstract made some months ago of every lien

_ filed in the Perry County Clerk's office and the record of this ab-

stract will be found in a book made out by D.J.Richards showing
the important facts with reference to each lien. Subsequently Mr.
Winn, with his assistants, went through all the obtainable records
including pay—rolls, time-books and other data of the Jones~Davis
Company, with a view to determine whether or not the liens as filed
were correct. Owing to the necessity of having to trace each amount

 0 s . M. w. 2.
through all the time-books at all the camps and owing to the im-
perfect methods used by the Jones-Davis Company in keeping their
books this job required a number of months of laborious detail
work but I believe it is as near perfect now as it can be made,
and I have had occasion to examine a great deal of the work crit-
ically. The result of this investigation is shown by two large
books printed for the purpose; one is a record showing more
particularly the payments that have been made to those parties
who were paid under Mr.Willoughby's direction at the time in
order to keep them on the work. The other book is a sort of
historical statement of the facts and items relating to every
lien that was filed. Of course it shows those that have net been
paid and they will not now be of any material importance to you,
but from this historical record you can now determine the amount
owing to each of the lien claimants who has now been paid. You
will see that in many instances there are differences of more or
less importance between the time for which thewtime for which the

. lien was filed and the am