xt73bk16mf8w_457 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [323a] K.S. Potter, etc. v. L&E, Letcher Circuit Court text [323a] K.S. Potter, etc. v. L&E, Letcher Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_45/Folder_4/5567.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_457 xt73bk16mf8w .0
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a'VAVHEQ‘flMa; _ /
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§SB§JY ; - CAPITAL $fl2.ooo.ooo.oo
«new WdX/A/ /e ’; ///// //
“UN. any” [4 /c/ ,1 v / /
. > a; r: ”we:
baron 13, 1915.
Er. Samuel 1. Wilson,
Attorney at Law,
Lexington, Kentucky. .
Re: File #6040-K.S. and matilda Potter —VS-
louieville X Nashville R.Co;Letcher Circuit Ct.
Dear Sir:-
In above action this Company was surety on a
supersedees bond executed August 2, 1915.
ifiuni flie case is disposed of, and the bond is
discharged, will you kindly advise this office, as per
V enclosed forng in order‘thet we may note termination of
' liability on our records and cancel our reserve? ‘
Uf course we should like to have this information
as promptly as possible.
Thanking you in anticipation of your kindness,
1 am,
Very truly ye re,
/ [e
/ /,«_

 F616 251105-1913 ‘



Loui sv ille , .Ky, .,.,, Mar....,13,,__.._1_9._1.§,__._.1gr
Re: Bond Number.-....W312";.6.S‘..(‘.9..’Z..__,...,..,,._._...______; principal 993,1 will? a itaetwil_l_e1<00
We have examined the judicial records of t1]e......14..§§93$.¥§.¥_,,,g_i_¥‘,,C_._Lli_l§.._.

. Court, and find, concerning the action in which the above obligation was given:

I. That an order has been entered (or) an entry has been made on the records. dated the
day Of 191 , terminating the liability of the NATIONAL SURETY
COMPANY on the above bond by the following provisions:

2. That judgment entered on the“... . . , day 0va, , ...........191
in favor of ,. ._ . ...... obligee
against 7. principal for
$ v has been satisfied; by entry made of record (or) satisfaction piece filCd
191 , and that all costs charged against the principal have been paid.

3. That judgment was entered on the day of
191 , in favor of“... principal
against .. . .. W. ... obligee:
that no appeal has been taken from said judgment and that the time for such appeal has expired; that no rehear—
ing has been granted or applied for and that the time to apply for such rehearing has expired (or) application
for rehearing has been denied.

The original obligation has been surrendered for cancellation and it is returned herewith.

All claims on this obligation have been terminated, as appears by the attached papers.

(Strike out such paragraphs
as do not apply to report)

 ‘ .7’7'1'1/1/7/
/r~/r V, ,,n , f/,ea ,
',‘: . , z ;:z 7,, -/ '
{fax/”1702.0 WI/x/zl/il/IS/Z/m egrz/z/v' CO‘fl/K/Ifl// r///,////“/uz/Wr/§
firm/2o 7%: /Ammgm, //
//rmw// %7;;;/fo5§:,¢€”, ,i////////////:// Jan. 29 , 1916 .
we) ’1 Q ‘
Judge Samuel M. Wilson, flg7" .
Counsel, Lexington, Ky. ’
Dear Sir:-
I am in receipt of your letter of the 28th inst., with
its enclosure, in the ease of K. S. Potter vs. L. e E. Ry. Go.

Please see my letter to you of the 28th inst. returning
the voucher heretofore made to pay the judgment, interest and
plaintiff's costs in Circuit Court, and also enclosing another
voucher for $27.50 to pay the 10% damages on the judgment, which

< was not included in the first voucher.

I trust you will be able to have the plaintiff's attorneys
accept these vouchers in satisfaction of the judgment, interest and
costs, and to have the execution withdrawn. However, if they are
unwilling to do this, please have them accept the two vouchers, and
advise me of the additional amount necessary to pay costs, and I
will send you a voucher for that amount payable to plaintiff's at-
torneys, or to the Sheriff. The costs recovered in the Court
of Appeals will be vouchered as soon as we receive a statement as
to the amount due. It is our practice to pay such costs direct to
the Clerk C. of A., except the Attorney fee taxed in each case,
which we voucher direct to the Attorney.

Yours truly, % A? %W/ 0'
Di .rict Attorney.

 'Su M. W,
I learn that we have received from the Clerk C. of A. with=

in the last few days a statement of costs in various cases, among

. them being the Potter costs. Vouchers will be made promptly to
pay these costs-uthe costs due the Clerk by both appellant and
appellee will be paid to the Clerk, and the attorney's fee t0 the
attorneys for plaintiff»

B. D. W.

~ , V , A," 7 q
ifééiQMWifflljknigégéaséggac egééflfl'4:22%y¢/Zi/§l2€7%/e/é;’g;22é;2f9/(7%;.1
V/Wfl/ %?;$€ff5:wr n/M/W/fl/f/ Jan. 28. 1916 .
Judge Samuel M. Wilson, _ . , .; .,
Counsel, Lexington, Ky. i _hhmeh r, V t
Dear Sir:- MHMIV i
In reply to your letter of the 22nd inst. returning
voucher for $550.85, heretofore made in this office to pay the
Judgment, interest and costs in the case of K. S. Potter vs.
L. & E. Ry. Co., in the Letcher Circuit Court.

The bill for judgment and coats sent in by you did not
include the 10% damages on the judgment, and for that reason the
voucher did not include it. However, a supersedeas bond was filed
in the case, and I take it plaintiff is entitled to damages on his
Judgment. Therefore, I have prepared an additional voucher in
favor of plaintiff, payable to his attorneys, for $27.50, to cover
the 10% damages on the amount of the Judgment ($275.00), and enclose
it herewith. I also return the voucher for $550.85 above referred
to. The matter was arranged this way instead of cancelling the
first voucher and making a new one for the total amount due, because
it is much‘morc satisfactory to the various departments handling
vouchers to have it done this way. When a voucher is cancelled it
requires the changing of records and accounts in various offices.

I preaume it will be Just as satisfactory to plaintiff's attorneys
to have the amount paid by two vouchers. V, /X /} t

You... am, if, .40. harm ,,,
Enclos. Distriét Attorney.

 .\ (COPY)
; Louisville, Jan. 28, 1916.
Judge Samuel M. Wilson, ‘ wwméexdwngiafltéii
Counsel, Lexington, Ky. 5;?,:§=3!?I?tiii 1
Dear Sir:- 1 , W._ 5“

In reply to your letter of the zénd inst. returning
voucher for $350.85, heretofore made in this office to pay the
judgment, interest and costs in the case of K.S. Potter vs.

L & E. Ry.Co., in the Letcher Circuit Court.

The bill for judgment and costs sent in by you did not
include the 10% damages on the judgment, and for that reason the
voucher did not include it. However, a supersedeas bond was filed
in the case, and I take it plaintiff is entitled to damages on his
judgment. Therefore, I have prepared an additional voucher in
favor of plaintiff, payable to his attorneys, for $27.50, to cover
the 10% damages on the amount of the judgment ($275.00), and enclose
it herewith. I also return the voucher for $350.85 above referred
to. The matter was arranged this Way instead of cancelling the
first voucher and making a new one for the total amount due, because
it is much more satisfactory to the various departments handling
vouchers to have it done this way. When a voucher is cancelled it
requires the changing of records and accounts in various offices.

I presume it will be just as satisfactory to plaintiff's attorneys
to have the aununt paid by two vouchers.
Yours truly, '
Enclos. (Signed) B. D. Warfield,
District Attorney.

 \ (COPY)
' Louisville, Ky., Jan. 29, 1916.
' Judge Samuel M.Wilson,
Counsel, Lexington, Ky
‘ Dear Sir:-
I am in receipt of your letter of the 28th inst., with its
enclosure, in the case of K. S. Potter vs. L & E Ry.Co.

Please see my letter to you of the 29th inst. returning
the voucher heretofore made to pay the judgment, interest and
plaintiff's costs in Circuit Court, and also enclosing another voucher
for $27.50 to pay the 10% damages on the judgment, which was not in-
cluded in the first voucher.

I trust you will be able to have the plaintiff's attorneys
accept these vouchers in satisfaction of the judgment, interest and
costs, and to have the execution withdrawn. However, if they are
unwilling to do this, please have them accept_the two vouchers, and
advise me of the additional amount necessary to pay costs, and I will

send you a voucher for that amount payable to plaintifr's attorneys,
or to the Sheriff. The costs recovered in the Court of Appeals will
be vouchered as soon as we receive a statement as to the amount due.
It is our practice to pay such costs direct to the Clerk 0.0 f A.,
except the Attorney fee taxed in each case, which we voucher direct
to the Attorney.

Yours truly,
(Signed) B.D.Warfield,
District Attorney.

I learn that we have received from the Clerk 0. of A. With-

‘ in the laSt few days a statement of costs in various cases, among

them being the Potter costs. Vouchers will be made promptly to

pay these costs -— the costs due the Clerk by both appellant and

appellee will be paid to the Clerk, and the attorney's fee to the

attorneys for plaintiff.

B. D. W'

January i8, 1916.
Hon. B. L. Warfield, - I . /
. Dist. Atty., L ac N H 5: Co.,

Louisville, Ky.
Dear Sir:

Referring to my letter of the 22nd instant, returning
VOHJhGr in the case of K. 5. Potter v. L & B, I now hand you
hexewith, for your information, copy of a letter 01 the 27th
instant, addressed to mg by Lewis 3. Harvie.

Yours truly,

/W .200 /e
fl January 27th, 1916.
Judge 8. W. Wilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:-
In re suit, K. R. Potter, &c. vs L. & E. Ry 00., late-
ly pendinr in Letcher Circuit Court and Court of Appeals:
Robert Blair, attorney for plaintiff, on yesterday filed
copy of mandate of Court 0" Appeals dismissing the appeal of the
company, with LE” damages. On today, he had execution No: 707
issued against L. & E. Ry Co. for $302.50, with 67 damages from
Rep. 2, 1914, and for $65.55 costs. The sheriff presented the exe-
cution to Mr. I. B. Fields today but has promised to hold germ
pending this notification to you.
Will you kindly arraaae to have check sent to the sheriff
covering the above and his costs.
I hog to refer yor to letter from
D. I. Day to Jesse Korean of date Dec. 27, 1915 copy of which was
sent to you, - which will give you figures and dates to check up
‘ the foremoinfi.
Yours truly,
AWL/K 5: MW .
Copy to Jesse Voraan. .

_ January 22, 1916.
Hon. 3. D. Werfield,
Dist. Atty., 3 & H E R Co., .
Louisville, Keotucky.
Dear Sir:
- Referring to the case of K.S. Potter V. L & 3 in the
Letcher Circuit Court, in which an epueel prayed by the 3 & 3
was recently denied by the Court of Auneels at Eranfifort, I have
a letter from Mr. Horgan advising me that on tenfier of voucher for
9350.85, which was received at my oifice from the Treasurer of the
3 & N about the 10th instant, and forwarded to Wootton & Horgan
for delivery, the same was declined by the attorneys for Potter
for the reason that the voucher Gees not include the 10% fiannges
awarded on the appeal. It eeeme from my correepondcnec that
. this part of the recovery was not mentioned at the time a statement
tee Rent in Showing the amount due the plaintiffs in this case.
You may remember that in this cane We iirst executed our superse—
dens in the lower court but afterwards were required to execute a
substitute supereeoees in the clerk's office at Frankfort. Unfler
these circumstances, I take it that.the claim for damages is well
Very truly yours,
enc .
{Iii-AW / EL

Afiurnvggx at 15:15.11
HAZARD, KY. January 18, 1916.
/W20 [é ‘
Mr. S. Wilson,
Lexingfion, Ky.
Dear Sir:
Enclosed I return to you voucher in
the case of K. S. Potter, together with lstfier
from D. I. Day, and my letter to him. "f.’i.ll
you kindly have voucher issue if this is proper.
Very truly yours,
fl , if, >
*MZ/F/ / / L7? flM
Joli/o /


Jam. 13th, 1910.
1.. . . . , r“, , ,. v V ‘
“UOCLMI '3? JI'VJ‘Z‘Jl, Jung/53.,

lid: “aim, it“ .
In: iii 3 :5 : -
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i.icr{el 1g; Ly eels, Jlr’JT'T, mm :19. reit‘zeew to accept sr'me, in the
.1 ,_ , , Arr ‘1 w , .5. ;. " .4‘ ,7 ,. .‘r .. , I ,i , .. _ . .1
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, (l - , . ,,
- “ ' Jam. 13th, 1910.
> ‘."!oqt'toi‘i & ' organ, .‘,ttysq . ‘ .
_ hazard, Ky. ’ ' ' ,
‘ .i.:eznr airsza ~ ‘
. .i. have 314.”? icing: of the 11th inst. enclosing; «Judge. ,
‘ ...'itm'zs letter, Qua ,.'-:1.:an vouci‘ic'er fair z\.:,.1’ot;ter, payable to .
.i.).air and ;:ickels, for :..-351:.8‘5, vino}: .4 tendered to Hair, '
7 ' Linkel not “being here, and tie ref‘men‘ to accept. :'.-mine, in the -
- '11‘8’381’108 of li.:3~1’other, because .iLC 533:; you am no]: itfl-‘EJIdC
. ,.mrf ' ':b.
. . . . ‘ i ‘:““ Jr" )2.- .
the 10:5, 1381173153 arm .L o Tel-‘EltiiV_i“431;.-.l;~.“'i’3 vgéguiiegttgai (you. 5 ,
' . _ _ «.3
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Cy :..;-~.".1130n, \ W , _
' . fl I.'E?}T.Lil;§:'i}:_}11, 12:]. _ . ,‘_ '

Byffuruvue 111' 7133111
HAZAgD, KY. January 11, 1916.
:1: D I. Lay,
Whiteshurg, Ky.
Dear Sir:

Enclosed I hand you voucher for settlement
of the K. 8. Better case. Iliie is. in full for the
judgment and costs. Please see that release is
entered for judgment and costs on the margin of the

. Very truly yours,
Jlil/c .

--'T 1"‘].
LEXINGTON, KY. J. 11133.1. _f .Lu , 393+ , .
" <+ *- w... ..__.-. (.1..
3.3333155. ‘.;ootton a: ..;o;y;:.a.n, -qu/Oili'je__/§.. at 182.,
:3;: 331‘ d , L12 é;1"'€11(:1£;,7 .
.,‘r-n‘i‘flfinellz ‘
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V. 17 :7; .J 117.com .‘.}?UJHOI‘ Circuit vourt.
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7.». ”Ham—T " O 1‘an
dallwuny‘. .L ., j Do
U .,,, n I , _ . .- ‘., . _ .. ..,
utessm. n’oott-on 8: Morgan, Attorneys at. law,
‘-‘, .,' 'r..4....,.1,
...'-.autluir 9qu7.
;Z— ‘ .33,’2‘1v".r'15_‘-1‘i.;.
‘ ‘ w k - .~ . , ,.m‘ . v, "v .. f‘ .. '~7?- _r' -m
31:3;zj*,a.=,.-'1L:1 ’,‘ti'IClOS‘mifl I Luna. yml VOLLCI‘pfir‘ 25.05 {$30.83, 111
L111] mi Jud-"man’s. ..1',1:,*;m.;‘::~:‘:’: mm“: 051%? in 5112*: may“: 01‘ T, {3. "U‘Lfi‘zwf
' ‘ ‘:‘» f» ‘ ".3, .-'- ‘\. ..:
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‘H: ~I ‘1 'l'vHH’I‘
“”.. I :....L: 9
5.3 out) 94'}. .

 I December 28, 1915.
Hon. B. D. Warfield, ‘
Dist. Atty., L & N R E 00.,
Lcuiaville, Kentucky. -
Dear Sir: I
fieplying to yours of the filst instant (your file No.
77845), asking for Bill 3f Juflgnent amfi Costs in the case of
- K. S. Potter, etc. v. L a E Ry.Uo., in Latcher Uircu;t Court,
in which an appeal was lately denied by the Court of Apneals,
I herewith enclose copy of a letter of the 27th inst., written
by Mr. D. I. Day to My. Jesse Morgan and also a statement of
the Jufigment and. Sogtt; on one 01' the usual fO‘i'CflS. This latter
/ has been wrapareé from the data containafi in fir” Day‘s letter. ‘
Very truly yours,
ens. ‘ .
5314:; / a

 3‘ g -
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- ‘ Aflfll/l/l/ég/éJéVfiofl/4/M/%fl%fl7
’1:?1/4fl/Zé/i fl/ljS‘ZZKQZKZIWlfV jfzII/ Qfi/ {Z/i/ ”l7” /]////,//z 1' )7 677. [2 66%?
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// ’IVI{ 6‘0?! 1 '/l ) , ',.", .///7/,/1?//1/4
//Q”“Jh/:Méfléégiflwwr :44a%0%/QQLJ2%; December 21, 1915
L&E Ry.00. v. K.S.Potter and Matilda Potter
JwgeSwmfl.M.Wflsm, .
. vL/Q ‘ /‘ ‘
Counsel, if) .a2\ 5
Lexington. Ky.
Dear Sir,
I shall be pleased to have you send me bill of
judgment and plaintiffs' costs in the above styled
case, so that they may be vouchered promptly.
Yours very truly, fl
// _1} ‘ ,,I/ ,"’/l ., ax /
/ / ' r . 1.. .
I/ L ,‘,, ,. I i I V /. , ' \R‘er
District Attorney.

 .. . ‘ ”~~\ ' ‘ >
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August 13th, 1915.
Sflefl'iel ‘.Ifilson, may, _
T 3“: _, ,,,_, 1
J..)L4\.J-1.LL. »Jll, 1g] 1 .
De?r birz- . In Re K.5.Potser &c., v5. L a E By. G
I TGUGlVeu Enid Warming fruu Robt. L. Green, no-
tice of tue execution of the bdperscaeas uC., in the abuve
styled Gauge, ang at the direcciun of Jesse “UILEU, Lav: ge-
livere~ meme ta tn: wheriff, uno will execuge name, and as
soon as executed, aha l I return same to you or to Lr. Green?
. . . ‘ ~MN&
Lea me Kngv jQJI mealres.
YOurs gruly, . D/<;¢2
:5 \# ;}‘
‘ v
. 2; r
R, 1?

' - v - ‘ r w
. .- . ~. « - August 10 161 fig
. ‘ - , . C. 9 _/ ')
I ~ ' 'n , _ . ‘ .., “I. _
L» E. Day, usg., ALLoxney at lab,
{'.'-v _. J... ‘1 _.. _,. 7r . - . '
ufliuGSOMLga “a buckyc ~
- ' - - .81 , ‘
Dear Sir:
‘ “Mm. J. — “.‘. .J , «V ' -'-:~ '4-77 J- U. ~..~,‘., T-fia
.'.f': 71“; 3.11.5: U0 {‘,I‘JLJ 11:1 L. -_.3..’. O]. .. . LO .1. 7 (x11, Dbl? ::{1}.)1,«9. S: QC; 2.9.8
in the ?Ottcz sand, ait&r b flux Shrvofi, 9bvulfl we returned by you
:«w - — _ * ““.'. H , '. ‘\ . A“ . . ,‘4. ... up, _, z
*3 0 iii. . ;le _ue a: a) dig: , C‘. "’.'.” 0,; {L.. m ‘2 I, 0.. .;‘L' :’: tall“; a ‘-; U I: L 31111;. U LAC- 34leo
~3- ._-- J _‘.-“ , -‘,,“, ,
v‘ ..‘, , 1} i. u' id J; ‘1' l L; '» ‘ ~
jg1¢§a/;}, N
\ .

,7 .111/(we, az/eyflJ ll? .61 ///l marl fliflflfl/y
. . . K'z/ ,1’ ,2” V / ,. .,,/1 w
./ ,, . . / x , , ..
._./531172 (HIM/5.1. 5 [CZ/{li/(Z, / 4,7 ,7 . V_ /_ 2,. 42
/ 0,;,,,,.lgio,,,,,,,,, Jaw' QJ/yx(Km/122/}/c7/u/Ze¢zl?m/y<
¢%//1//ZJ j/ Mil/NIH] / .
' ..‘/(v.51. Elk/17b; ail/mm: /,_ ,7
‘ (v 1* .7 \» "' ' ' j \ ,r r r-
lféwuuC/égirunflaa. Qéfifimgzzézng%zl Aug. 5, lulu.
/’ {' f/IIP/[fl/I’A/lf/(flll. , '
K. &.Eotter one Hatilue Potter - »rr , -
Versus 2 9:3?" “T“""Y. s
T 9., “HI T‘I'Q p ..
...‘.‘Jv .1 . ..1.“ .10. ‘ QCC %
Lctcher Circuit Court é7§ZE;*M// 3
v 1 V, “__,: ;
Robert L. Greene, rum .~m~~e¢:;g,”
Clerk, Court of Appeals, ' ”' ”'“
Frankfort, Ky.
Seer Sir,

I heVe tofisy requested Hr. J,fiorton florris, Agent, Hationel
Surety CO., Louisville, Ky., to sena you a power of attorney to
supersede the judgment for $2V5.00 rendered against this Company
on ;eptember 3, 1914, in the above styleu case.

Please, when the power of attorney shell hsve reached you,
issue the superseieas one send summons and notice of superseaeas
to Hr. D. I. Bey, Attorney, thitesburg, Ky., and he will turn them
over to Potter's counsel.

Yours very truly,



to .District Attorney.
Samuel H. Wilson, Beq.,
Counsel, Lin, Lexington, Ky,
D I Day Esv
a!.,'_,' ’.»q - '
ho orney, uniteéburg, Ky.

 [O- 1 V ' g 0 ;- l
’ F” // W/ ‘ V
_. // ' ',,/, I.” / ‘ ,f L/ /
egg/maze ,. .,gxgy/éj 27 y/KZ/K/zjflafl/i/I/z/wy
-%flfi//’IWZ/rfi/2.K/?iflfl’r/lé/{; ‘ f n
,‘/, / -, 1,4. .”‘ ‘,/,v,,‘, f // ,7 , V_ ,,7 ,Q, / ¥ 7
,2 L ,, ‘7, 9%f0WZiflflwqu CQZQZQO'igzfiéyé(77197itafibfl>flé7‘u/4297ZléZC9éé92
‘ ‘éflak/m’, c/Ié//%(MI/I7Z/lll, /
31.95%.QIW/xkA/‘illoznqu K, 2 -
K" ,K’m :7 T . ./ , /
(MIMJ/J’mzloflM/e. 7 . , //, ,
/'/ / Wile/[auxfi/e/M. JalflyJ/é'fi/é Aug . ,.:} 1915 .I
/* :2 ~ v :::;- \ ’
Hr. J. Horton Horris. fl"'"”“W-WT£3_H144~1
Agent, National Surety 00.. j‘ “fiffi _ _ ";
Inter-Southern Bldg., Louisville,Ky. f “JVVEiwggfg ;
Dear Sir, “»1;;;;gmm%%19, ,)
“‘45.;7.’ ‘:»“: .» ,/
In the ease of K.S.Fotter and Matilda Potter v. L.& N. E.
Co., Letoher Circuit Court, there was, on the 2d day of September,
1914, rendered against the railroad company a judgment for $275.00.
Please send to Er. Robert L. Greene, Clerk, Court of Appeals,
Frankfort, Kentucky” a power of attorney to supersede the above
judgment, letting me have a copy of your letter to Mr. Greene,
transmitting same.
Yours very tru , /
fl R *» K72\ ~
‘ f \I ‘ l! agrij _4_ .,:/(y 7,_ x ..—-"’/
, District/Attorney .
[‘1’ / "I 1
Carbon /
X .
Samuel M. Wilson, Esq.,
CounSel, L&E Ry., Lexington, Ky.

 K .
f: '3; I ' ' July 31, 1915.
Hon. B.D.Warfiélfi,
Dist.ALty., L & H R E Co.,
Louisville,Ky. '
Dear i—‘il': ‘ N H
Eerewith, pleasw note copy of a letter 01 the 23th inst.
from 3.I}Day, of Whiteghurg, in reference to our giving a flaw
smyjerewéeas bond in the :.’OfLex case. It has occurred to 1:53. Liam;
pOSSibly you have some Standiflg alraugemeni 13: the giving 91 such
bonds in the Court of Apyoais, and, if so, no éoubt you can con—
veniently arrange for the execution 0; such a bond in this case.
If, hoWever, you prefer that I look aitcr it, kinély so nfivise
5110, Nth instxuctionm, anfi I will ‘;gracmed J.CCCM'vilf-Jlgjlj,
V033 haul; ;Oulfl,

4, ‘
- , July 31, 1915.
' '. ‘ ' :~ . ' '- '
‘_' :.“i   .
.‘D. I. Day, “sq” AttOiney at law,
.,,, . T
iihitesburg, riy.
Dear Sir: - -
I have yours of the 951311, in reference to the execution
of :2. 31m: 5211's:‘;;'Sr:.z:7ea:‘- bol'ld in tie "Potter ease. I will v11 this
211:“: 72¢?“ 33rd} are :nttqnticm 2121.6 tug; to the bend. 313312 ted 1'.‘:it'i'iin
the, mart veal: or ten days, at the latest.
f’\"l" >~w w' . --.
fiery truly yous,
=3 our: (3?; l .

 D. I. DA Y
Wfleesauns.KY. " _ . .
4, ‘ :3 »J' .. .;- 2 l.
x a , ~.,,“ A’ ~
'1 4' V , i g
M ff ., ‘ , -. i ,‘m: {,I‘ ’9‘: [f 2
;g‘ V I i
\, r" t / H') . '
.' ”if" ./
\_‘/_.__,... v. ‘
July 29th, 1915.
Same}. ".2.”. Wilson, ;stq”
flexiné: 1:011, 153/.
Bear birzn N
I am in receipt of your letter of the 27th), relative m
130 tue ep.;eeutimi i.; the 1;.{3.Potter case, aim I have 31151; magi a
tall: with Rout. Blair, Potter's Antoni-Hey, and. ne :5:-aye if the Com ;
733.211; will execute a supersedeae Band. in the veur: of Appeals, th
that is all he wants, and I told him 1' 1::-gala write you relative
:..'lereto, so you can take Ladcn evens as ye; (Le-sire a-u-Jut the ex-
ecutiaa of this bond, in the mean time 1 will {advise the uherit‘t‘
to hold the exeeibion.
Years truly, >3 ,

July 27, 1915.
D. I. Day, Eeq., Attorney at law, .
' ‘x‘zh iter'burg, Kentucky.
Dear Sir: , ‘

On the 71311 033 July, 3.3.3“. Levis L.1. liarvie wrote me from
fihiteebuig that the attorneys ior plaintiffs in the ease of K.S.
Fetter,etc. v. R a e, in Lgtcher Circuit Court, were threatening to
have an execution on the judimgnfi levied upon pronorby 0f the Kailway .
Seaguhyn In bfiie ease, juflgment ior $300.00 was recovered by the
plaintiffs on September 3, 1314. She Company execufiea a euperaedeas
bond before the Clerk of the Circuit Gourb uni a supersedeae was is-
euefl thereon. The amount being under $500.00, it vae eubsoguontly
éeoiood b; the Court of Appeals in the case 01 Uhilders,etc. v.
lailiif,etc., 154 fly. 123; sec. 175 L.J. 25, that, in accordance
with 2410 xx 0: the Court, the ;upersodeae bonfl should be executed
Efibfi$e Sleik of the Court oi Appeals and supersefioae ironed from ’
that UifiCOa The Court aleo held, as I recall, thet a eunereodeas
bona given in the Court below gas voifi and unenforceable.

I wrote Sr. Hervie on the 10th instant to try to handle
I the situation so 35 to prevent any action under the execution and to
SJVU us, if joseiblo, both annoyance and costs. I do notxuhat ac—
tion, ii any, he has taken in refoiouce to the matter, as I have
hear; nothing fiarther from him on the subject. I write you about t