xt73bk16mf8w_458 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [323b] K.S. Potter, etc. v. L&E, Letcher Circuit Court text [323b] K.S. Potter, etc. v. L&E, Letcher Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_45/Folder_5/5730.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_458 xt73bk16mf8w Kl"-
': "j ~r“. "V .'rt'TMr j- “'77‘ \ “ g _L .I .1‘ r r“ ,‘_ ,'2 1 J .,.“ ’_ _ .1 ' (‘1 “‘ L , .. ,.
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_,.. . .,J J_h 12. -1,, J . J.—._ i-“,1, _ J__ ,2 .2 ._ J
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no t, H, 3.0.7: 211:0271 1.:". -.. L2. .1’ C2 H. 0;" -2 ‘C. , 275:?- .‘.‘}; .131. {.1. ,. LIL, 18;- 1117‘. 021 =,
-. .I 71, . , - ~ ‘= I.. . .. \ , ~-,. ..'....I .i 7‘2 . In, .J .J ,3 '.' ”‘.1

2.2.9? ‘59. ;";:uljfiJi-Q Logljflrfly Hz {:2 J-"C," l5!1l12,11¥2§1a 1,110 011le I'm: :.‘Irufll‘a 0] f. 12'.“
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L.'x-mz‘ 1.:-2 C:("T'.\.u iI2iJ.(-l.:2;:.

737 o '
V. 5. fotfier 30., Tlriniiffm.
v3 Index.

lexinrton & fianficrn '

' Eéilway Company. DeffinfitfifSa
1, ?efi71lnn and TnJor$5nnit,~——~-—»-~-~—~-————~~—-—-—-Pay@$ 1—5
2 Order of confinuaflco,———~-—-~——-——-~—~—-——-——-—u—~— ” —5
3, . " Cefifiinq for inf,—~~-~————--~——~—u---~—-—-~--—— “ -4
4, “ Continnuace,———-~~~———--—-—---—-~—-~-—-~-«-——— ” —4
E ” F1113? demurrer in noting L Answer~—-~~—————-— ” 4
6 ” fiction 10 chify,~—-——————»~~——--——~«~—-—~—~—— " 5
7 Hofiion +0 HQVG fibre JWCQ3T50,——n-—-—~~——~~—~————~—— ” 5-6 .
S GCCGTil nonurrcr & LnSrar~~———--——-—~—~———-~»—~~—-— " an?
9 Crazy of ccniinuancc,————-~————-~—-~—~~———»-~—--—~— ” 10 '
1C “HA5? illwwaiee 10 $112533,-~——u—__»—-_--—--_--__-- " 7m
11 “ Confiinmsnee »-—7—~———o--—-—-----—--~~~--————— ” 10
12 " Jufififimw 763 & y,~———~—-~——————-~—«—-—u—~-~—-~ " 11
13 ” Allovancc 15 wifnar9,-——————~—~————~—-~——~—~~ ” 11
14 “ doffiinv T01 £5y,—~—~~—--u—-‘—-~-—«—-—~-~——-~— ” 11
15 “ Tetdorefi P affered #0 ?710 agended ‘ef.-—~——~ ” 12
16 Anandea ucfiition,~«~~—o~~-~~~—~—--———~n«-—~--—--——- “ 12-15
1? lotion fio mske more wheoific,—-~~-———~-»-———~----—— " 15~16
19 dunnliefi General dcwarycr & L:S.—~—~—~~—-—~-~-—-—-— ” 16-19
1% Grim: $1112? fluenéafi weiition,-—-—~~¢——---~~—~~———- " —20
20 Allowance $0 vitae SQ:,————-—~«-—~~—-————~——~——~———— “ «SC
fl Drdcr Hmfifiinw for day—---~~-u——~—~—-———~————~~——~—- “ ~71
SH Drder Tilinrmwwiion £0 SiriTo,———-————~——~—~~»----— " u—El
Sfi 351103 to nfirih:,mu—»-»«~—~~—————-—~——~——~—»—-—~——— “ ~21
24 Oruoy over Tmliifi qcfijvn to strikm,-—~—~~——-——---—— V -22
85 lotion to iuke allevatiwn as true,»-~-—~————~——-—~~ ” ~22
26 Order confiinuance,~—~-»~--~—~»-n——n~~-~m—-~~————~—- " —$8
$7 “ iefifiinq afiide crfier of ccgi?nu:nce,~~-—~————- ” —23
.'.'8 ” ;T‘ilfanv' 2.31.7731... T {7.773. .1)«;—3~1:13‘:“<;~'r ”2:0 3.7-5:; f: 5.717;"... .1111?” ~25
80 chu and gnondcfl finfiwmr.~m——~—«-_-~~~——-u———~-—-—-~- " $4~28 7

, 30 Order filing yowurrer to in? nerv¢xahh of ale: & 53%. ~29

31 uonurrer to 75% 351552:UH,~—-—-~—~-—~-——u—w——-—-—-— ” —29
52 Order filin? dowhrw5r $0 labia,«~»u-—~——~——»»—~~~-- " —29
33 20213 to flier «qfl Amend5d Answer.—~—————-—~——-——--— " ~29¥
54 General Jemurrcr f5 runl§—--~~———-——«—-——-—-—--~~~- “ ~50

' 55 Drier ownsnling Jury,~——~—-———~—~~--—-—-~-———~———o— ” ~50
36 " Ailowrflco #0 filingHSQS~--———~~—-———-—-——————— ” —51
5V ” L7low nae 10 bfenovynwhcr,—-~——~———~———-——~—-— ” «31
39 Judrment,~———--—————————~-—-———-—~—~———»——————-———~ " 51~5£
39 Oranr allowgnce io viinCfiS——--~——-———~—-———--~—~——— " ~53
40 " fiiiur unflivn fl Errand for a Jet trivl,--———-— ” 58—55
41 151103 and wrounds for 5 new trial,—~——-———-—-~-~—- ” 33—35
AS Order tmnflerjnw fl offerint to file 3. of chept.——~ ” ~35
43 ” exioxfi37¢ i115 f5: Jfiannyr:n ex 10 any 3. of 3?. 55-36
44 " filinfi Bill a? b cewiionc,m—-»——~--~~—~——~--—- ” ~36
45 Bill of Etcehtians,——--——-—~-~-~--—~—-——»-~--~———-—~ ” 35~45
45 firdor 9111:? Hill 5f 7vlawnce,-—~»—-—~—~—~—~—~~—-—-- " ~45
4? Bmfiareedosfi Bond,--~--—~———-»-——----~——-———-————»--~ “ -45
12 dtwcrsedosi,-——--—-—--——-—-~-—~—~---~—-—~——~—--~~——— ” ~37
'2‘; ;.7.:-:‘7'1(:.7.:1'I.e,-———----———-—---—----——~-——-----—-—---—-—----~--—— " ~11?

 u o 0
a fiche: Cizcuit Court.
K. 3. Potter and
Latilda fatter, Plaijfiiffa,
’ vs Pefiition.
Uexington & Epstmrn
Railway Connany, defendhné, V
The misint’fss K. “. Pofitar and wetild: Pofitnr siste .
the fiefendbnfi flexixyficn & Easfcrn Railwsj Cnmnany is now and Lt
the fiiues h0301133fifir s+sfied wax u UCTWCTafiirn, Cal; organized and
incornoraficd under The law: of th« atzfio of Tontuckj, havinv mower
and authority fie cc trict {we b9 ornfiricted with, Hue in: be sued
in its corhorute 7:26, {a avac+, ufl‘ld, uufufi’n an& a pr; 8 a rail-
, rcm;i :fzqu iperii:;?t(x;, 3% ;re“ a (EniulfiQr, .4zgifwic’fl=, “in :: ,763411 110::r i.h£
head of the chfih i+9e of motiucP; Rita: in scichor Counfiy, Lemtucky.
Thaf thb vivjnfiiffw are so: sad #Lc tfimea hgr incfter Sfiated
were the o mars of th! foilrmii" dcpcijcd Tract of land to tit;

.Ji,fi1Lf‘{lflaI , 1;?1: ;‘ : gill Vsarigtg? cc: fiE CZ i5(ivi:ka 170;:ic CT' i215? Iir*3rti;cltgr
liver in finisher dounfiy, heifiucky, huminxiLfi at a hornboam Ind elm,
worms» to fine 33% Lnnfiloy frrcfi n? 1:3fl; *hencm down {he river am;
with the SFHO to a wolnfi OhAOSiTC 3n 01m SC;QCJE“ Jon? the lower

, and af 3 rec? fence; thence Square across tic woifiom an; my iho hill
to a set Stone 0: +ov of €39 Snufi; Thunco to 3010 n3?%efi huxhes in
the 0&20 c¢ some tinhor Enid; {hence uh The Emir tc the fence wt the
Hat Jontloy line; Thnncn wifk u=id live '0 the be‘innina.

Thai fha fi“id “crih ”GTE CT L(ntuckf uiver 19 the houn wry
Hfizxifiixi or divjhian line between {BK viainfi fig pun fine lsnflfi of
30119 ‘X711 Lin; '7003n*n ;ril (7;; 473‘ -fb’izd‘iFfY4 1:41} :,'flre«n-=d ERTEi 16-
<3:i.1;créi (:27 f 7 LL; 7_(7'!‘1; ’:_:::1<1 L: i (1:? (*:" ;T.' E.E 3“ 7 V7<33§ ;: (31¢ ,i (,: (3.” 31(? ? 21 :, St: 3:163 .
That flhu 43?; d wt 00 ~:a; has Vuilf 5?? Infilrbsa ¢n the ri ht kwrfi
Side Of S‘ii rivcr :: ycu deflcr d fTv ctmo :5: ix lhe m-ia river
OUfic if: {c iha 1:idc (F ih; Sirixiip75°

3E7”: D’s 'rr: fFH: C ?d :W‘ilrrva“ 1x1: Tntllfl: orwvr.,VLc vii int wff‘11
1;?13 :F"C::xx in , fig' 0‘: 11:3. of :a.5d :civcz“35$7 :11"fj(:icrflh1;’7>r(npl z-nd


 . O
a 0
clean to hold z‘md carry army tho water from {all tides: and freiahets
‘ in said river m '..!ithout injury “to ':--»l:'.:'2.:':‘ttj:f‘f's' 15:21.51 aforesaid,

but that Hue defhgadzznt built its: .'::-am railroz'fi out in the sold
river by piling up largo on};~.;-1132::1r23-1ts 0:7 0:14;?) {laid stone t’eroln
{LL11- by building ‘."ith Said railrozzd {and on tho 8:13.18. on?) ninent, a 5
county road in lieu of the. one 'i.i:"i’en by :" on ‘im same side of the
river on which it was ”mtftldimr its :1:" id road, ':.'hfioh id r0516. was
also or—t‘imnded out into $35.18. river : built therein by the defen—
dant by toiling: up therein learoo ezrfiuunlzrnonts of eorth and otone ,

Lam": fiat it tlvxcrreby narrowed :3:» 021531191611 03" {‘.:-22.le river and filled
it up to final: 213:1 extent irr‘mdfiitely above, along: side zinc: directly
G‘a'pOili‘te- +110 :.:;f’orcoid launch: of” nlsintifj‘s, that thereby the mid
channel of Rigid river Deon-'30 too narrow to hfld the waters: of“ 33:15:.
river maozaisior‘zod "my crdiaury 5:"::u¢::-i=‘:.ote 25:15: ,ufl: "lows on" inter

as are and. car: he mono-11;? :.::Cs. :‘o:5::c-g:=.i':'.l.;f expected at za¢112fio7ma12ed

{Io/land thvt 5.15:3? d. e“1}1u523‘27‘:1omi:f: ::.luc‘mcl in mid riVor ”:2:; the o’ei‘ondint
divortfii the: course 02" ’:‘.}:r- 97.5510 ::“3’013 112.”; natual course 1116 caused
it: ':.'atzjrrs to flow out of its; usual course 51:15: to out into plr-inw
tiff?) 121.1115: uforosaid, wash out the: trees and Shrumgory 171.:2ntec1
z;-.d marizi‘a’xged to gyro thereon by; the: for the orotoctiwn of their
bonito an»; lands and. to ‘.’!flfil‘; ”Mr” ::.)":J ditches in their far/:.;“: lands,

, :‘Lnga'to ‘.']:Lilh the (ac-Al thorn-of” away, and 53:0 was their 1" one 111;? armiqf,
and destroyed. .::-Uni mind/337611 useless a lorro poa-rtion 0:." “ply inti‘f'f“'s
bottom lands in the tract of lcmd l10rofi.n"ootz"c~ro aosorl.:-ec’l., by reason
of which ho 11:-.::: born dfmztrvod in ‘:.Tlc; sum of 51000. no mart of which
has; over Door. 135.151, and. tl.::.’:: 51:31!» 5:110 Is: just :..:nd due,

That tho ’:.:uildjmt- 0;" the S 3.6. railrzt-d ganfe‘ the emban‘vmentB
aforesaid .::o marrianozzt, :;:‘151 1:11:12 the injuries ::foros: id to said
tract of 1:225:31 81 no? 51521161756, 51,2111 “if‘rzzit thty can not he l‘CE‘FLiI'Gd or
rmmdiod :;T rm:~;o;:r.:fbla ITTT.‘C:1‘.SC:, :1‘16: ’."‘.H ‘~‘-'16,}; can not be rezsmlied
without reirvigw th: Said railrorc; ::.:15: the 9.16. embnn‘amonts from
said rivszcc, and {skirt but for 5.7:; 1321.13.33.21!“ of 9:51.? railroad and
ozzlbax‘LZ-tncnt ::.u’7orcs:a.id, the :.5-id. ::EWLI 27011111 not hove (:3:-.’.: into the

 I I 9
bemflns of plzj4thff’s 11nd , or tm1shod out 1£M> free: fa‘ffiunfl Kory
planted or oornifitod to ??OT ihoroon by Thwa $0? tho orotocfiion
I ~ of said lama, and it would not have washed holes or ditchos in
, Said lano, and would not have washed foo soil from said land, or
washed fiho rails or fences therefrom or Jootroyod or mode usébess
any portion of said land, and that all of fhe of030345d acts of
the defomdgnt were wrongfully connitfiod, vno flone without :ight
or authority so i0 do, and that ihcy more commified within one
year next beforo flho inotiiufiion of fihio notion.
flherofoxe tho plefinfiffs Urey judflmnnt trainst The Gefonfisnt
for the Sun of 31000., the}? oowts hc303n exnonded on; For 911
prooort relief.
LTio?o]J%.fi J; ir
“TtOIfiCFH For F1&?nfi*fs.
({11:a :a¥"‘iz=%11: i'o ... l*<)*‘ficez' fiii;*si 1 };:.€ 5?; o 2:7_14e:‘1;f i (.113- rvf' 1‘IE?
Toroxoinw vot5fion ¢aro frne as ho VOTilf believes.
mubmuribed and Sworn to bnfore me by {he effianfis T. A. Joiter
this the -__ day offlfl__~lflfi.
dfioooon Lo b1 iv;
ucput: C06 Ulcrk.
Filed tax pfiiJ sunwon P 1 copy isnuod. Th1: fora 1S“ 191&
”a". ttj-‘g‘fliz'on 30:31:51. 3101'}: .
Orders Uofohor Circuit Court.
Civil Cxuson.
Auéust Torn, Inf dfij, 12th Dmy o? Au“nst 1912.
I; :;. f'oi%;or fw3.,
vs OrJor.
r, :2. 22:7. 430.,
0rd rod fiRafi fihifi canoe ho oonfiinuod.

 ~, .— ‘- 1 ”1:... "’ 1"
. Ur£wrs .:tcnoz ,.Lcuxi Jaurt.
Civil Causes. -
. ’“‘ ,._, 3...: . ,1. .I.. ~.. ‘,.-, ;. .- , .. ,,.: ,
_ Jrnu~ry ..er ., LA? (is—..,»; 1,-,: .qu of. anucrlfy 191.").
—, “ ~ .l..1.,,._- «
.1. .-o:.:..~..:r 50.,
VI: (I? 1‘ G. 691" .
.— n 'n *W P:
.‘1. (Co .51. 4‘37. boo,
("lrdfiredi 6:31:21: "(13133 (3.51.510 be $301: for ithfi 101720.. c1533; 0:?" the
present t<‘-r;=:-'1.
01%} em TAG-‘L‘: (371:2? Lircuit .’.‘.071‘.:“i3.
;‘1 ' . r1 r.
viii]. 1.2811883.
Javzmémy {At/_‘:}, 1 0.2;}, 5):??91 u; of J:‘:n‘;1:i:f:;, 15.153.
--,r .:.4‘ r- .
,‘ .,. '03,...61' £30.,
VF: :‘.? 61‘ .
L I W.. .‘.‘-4:. Co.
n-1,: .. ‘,“. .LY, , ..). 1 ,.. . ',“ "_ . , ._.; - .._.. fl 7 ..1“ _ .11....- .I '_
‘ w.zu_Lrl‘(r!-.1 :..;LJx. {.‘:. 1..1: .._CO :16 .:.C'1:?.L:I.;u:,-J- LU llih 0.2...” of nflril
f..:.1‘.c:'z':r.:1" ..:?ycu:?.‘u (10112713.
‘1 t H '.‘ n1 ".'»... n..— .J‘ “ 1" “ .‘
.001“ng .4110 41.17, 4...? u...“ r. _ cw. , 111.2.
‘," ' " 45-1? "\ 4 ’r- x
.:.n "o 0 K3. firCo,
VF: ' 33.-am.
N '1 "‘.‘-r— :F‘ r:
.1 ?, . ._‘;I who ,
_“, , . .J.., .- 'g - , Wr- ‘7 ,.. ...4 1 7. . .”.. .. , .- ."' —~, . -, . . ..-
V. .10 :.h h «-2..,; dc:- =.1.::..:.:..., my CC‘U,;L.‘/‘ul , .;.“: _. .1. r9 :1 :’:,s. not mm
110 maniac 2‘?"tn.:1.:'1‘c iffs 1‘70 variifi {’31: not H51 tannin. Tot 1.7:; ‘I. Vil’lF’T
. 1 ....- .,. .1. . - .,.. . - . ,..a‘, .'-': . ~.,. ,,5 . ..,:1 ..,
Sui. :‘1L*:..J.C;.: 1,0 v: 371?; nrmucad ._.:.. s‘ 1.0:? 11 .. ..CUOI; ‘m 1.1..:56 mae
rmecific, 511...“: ;mi‘ ‘.‘.:,‘.V(:j.:':;“:' i‘iiz’: affirm ’:r- "$5153.7qu am? {with to mLIE'e
.. - .., . .n.-. . . . ,. ..-. .A.“ ,. '..‘., ., .3 “,,.. .. . 1 ,._ -
2.102%: succi. ,in fireduccd .:..d .; 1.1:,(1 : ,.cncrcl «(,mHma-c-r am: nz‘u fluv-
~. .‘. 34—... ,1 A - A w» ,. -. ' , » .'1... ,. -‘ :1,
131;. 4. .m 1021 4.0 v-l‘! C .' . mm M u, ,9 mm; 1000-110 nut in-
DIET-4:11.335"? 11")??? mich Ca?" 1:30;: "‘:‘(n'i‘ucod 2115‘. H.106. its, ungai‘cr herein.

 I ., O
Betcher Circuit Court. V
, Y. 5. Potter and
Hatilda Better, Blaintiffs.
vs fiction to verify
Lexington & Eastern
Railwwy Connony. Defend nts.
Defendynt, gorington & Esstorn Railway Company, moves
the Court to require ml ifiliffs to verify their petition herein I
under pain of having some dismissed for want of such voriFieation.
. n. D. Fields a Cons.
Samuel H, Nilson
Counsel for defendant.
Filed Fob. Rules Feb, 5rd 1915.
n. P. Combs, Clerk.
Setoher Circuit Courtq
I. 5. Potter and
Iatilda Potter, Plaintiffs,
vs Motion to make more specific.
Lexinrton a Eflfifiurfl Railwsy Cormany, defendants.
Dc"exd3mt, Loxingion & T131 rn Railway Comoany, moved
the court to require plaintiffs to naic iheir petition herein
more definite, cortzin and ontcific in the following warticulars,
' ‘ tc~witz To Show how HTCH, if any, fizxnlaintiff‘s lsnds has
been out into or wrahed away in the ufnnor Cllo“ed in the netiiion
to show that and how many trees, and how much nhrubhcry, growing
on said land, has boon so w shod away; to show the number of holes
and ditches cut in olaintiffs‘ land by the allowatEdfi washing,
and how much soil has been washed away from Said la d; to show how
much and what kind of fencing has been Wffihod away or destroyed;
and to show how much of plaintiff’s bottom lands, in arid irwct,
has been destroyed or rendered useless.
" 9

., ‘.
Defendant Turther moves the Court to rcouire plaintiff'
to so amend thcii oetition as to sot out in generate items hkz
the several injuries and losses cowolained o? which tooothtr
' constitute the entire dencoe claimed herein h? the filmintifi.
o. o, Fields tel em.
drmuol H. Eileen. - '
Counsel for defendent.
Filed Feb. Jules Feb. Std. 1913.
3. Po Combo, Clerk.
Let her Circuit Court.
K. S. Potter and I '
Hotilda Potter, Plaintiffs, -
vs General Donurror and inswcr.
Lexinwton & Eontorn
Ra il Rey C o {“1738 21y , J'.)o§'ond:2nt S .
Defendant, LOIinrton 0 Eastern Railway Comoeny, deflurs
generally to the olointiiie' ootition noon the ooound that same
does not state facts sufficient To oonoitute any cause of action
ecoinoi: 1h? 3 do'i‘ezulz'1'1t.
without waivinr its ocncral demurrer EfOTeSiid' defohdant
Lexington 6 Eastern Railway Crunchy, for answer to so much of the
pot tirn as it is advised it is necessary or material to mike answer
to, (WGUtOS {lt.t 11:4ésstyiot Trxxvlodgx: or fizi”oynu“tion tntffic:ient to
form a belief as to whethcr'ohihfifide/C: either or them, are or
were, at the tines stated in the attition, the owners Cf the tract
of land first described in the oeiition.

Defendant for the want of knowlcdco or in“o:motion
sufficient to form a belief, denies that the North Fork of the
Kentucky River is the hotnda1y or division lino between the oliintiffs
and the lands of John Hall and Georco Hell, or either oi then, an:
deniee that oleintiff’o lands, on doocrihcd in the oetition, are
located on the loft—hood Side of said river 53 one decends the
some; and denies that this defend nt has hm lt its railr:od on the
rioht—hand side of oxid river as 2 one descends the esme 7n the
said oopo:ito to the lends of the oltintiff.


 . .
g C
liefcndant has not 3::101'7lcdf‘0 or i 11"”(12111sztirn suTr’i'icient
to fOl'l'l a belief as to :.'}‘icthor 53: id railroad was i-i‘izilt opposite
. plaintiff's lztnds as 3.110106; in the "eetiticn, ori‘rmt "the chi-anncel

of srid rivnr was sufficiently broad or doe to 21016: or carry say
the water from all tide-s or ;f‘zg'cshets in s.:id‘ river heft-rc- 8‘, i '
railracd was built, Defendant in denies tn: 1‘". it Emilt its 3:: id
rsilremd out in said river at flirt; noint indicted by elk intiif‘i's,

by piling up large e.1‘n;.;iv'?:;;1ents c:n mirth or stone therein O: other—
i'Jide, or in building»? with :2; id. rrxi'lrcad 52211"; ('11 ".0 same 0:11;;‘12T321ent
a county road in. lieu 0:“ one trite-n by the defendant (in “She srme
side of the river on 23:7:‘1'1c21 its road is inexted; and denies that said
comity road was extended cut into said 1iver 01 built therein by the
doi‘(’~2:1d:‘:.nt by tiling: up sari largo c.1hzznitrioiu.s 0:" e11? or: stone
or otherwise; and dt‘ifliefi that it thercflay narrowed "7 E20 channel of

' 53:15.17". ::ivcr or fillet: it 1170 e such an extcat tamed irate-179' anoveq

clone s ids of or (;iiirectly onnositc to the said aflands of“ 707,911”!-
tii‘fs, tint 4.2m chrngiel or” .51: id river thereby UGCLHEC too From

to hold ‘fiifi waxinyrs f 11:11.}. ‘ivezj occasifined “((37 01rd i.n:'~1‘;;r i‘i'eshets

or by snot. 7r 01" '..-22111" as: 12:36 my cm} 1173151137 or 1'035‘0s-ege'uly "be
expected or anticipated to Occur; and. denies ihat the courses of

5 id 1‘ 1'. var was diverted from its 1191:1111“ l (3011? so by any 011% 1‘1‘3'92111ent s

. placed by the dctf‘r:“‘(df~fzt in 51:17.8. 1." v01, ("1' that any ‘.fllch em'm ninents
so niaced caused me waters 0'!" :—";::-_.i_d river to flow (717:1? of “their usual
30:71:30, or to. cut 10 331:7.i'ntiff"s 1:11;? 53 arenas: id , 0:11.10 “.::, "h 0:11“.
the trees zen-(3 c»:1131u"r;":;:1‘:;7 cl: 1.11712? 0}? “132‘!"l't‘i'lr'ai to "row *{i—Lerecn b1"
nléiintiffs or {rt-"h: 1' 0:2’.‘ t‘s‘aégx to?) thr‘ tyrota'wfition 0:" 1.715.111 Ear'n'élrs an}
laznls 01‘ For any other :1 recs-cs, 02' mused Grit". m'rtaii'r; to ::h holes
or ditches in viz.intixl‘is' lands, or to was}; the soil theme-f Eii'fz'Ij-IT,
or to wash their fencing a, or that sane destroyed or rend ered
useless a large (‘1' any nortion 0:" Mai 1'1ti7:r"s’ bottom lands era‘s-cased
withing“ “ti-.:; trfiCt 01‘ 1:51:16: first described in Dbinti'ffs' petition;
defendant denies that niaintiv"i‘s or (.'.-it'xcr rt’" tic-n "(g/r reason of the
facts or any o." (“it facts allca‘cd or ::‘itcmted to he alley-red "(n the

 o I 7'
DetitEOh, hAVo boon damaged in foo How of $1,000.00 or in any
oihcr sun; and denies that said oum or coy mart +hcreo? is just
or due or owing from fihio dcfonomnfi fo +10 niainti¢fs or oithcr
of then. V

Defendcnfi statco foot its uses of so much of the foroor
county road at {ho point indicafied in the oetifiion an is now
embrncod vithin the dcfoodonfi‘s rioht of may or as come to be
ocouniod by flhc defuxdunfi in {he construction of its road-bed oxd
railroad, woo so 2:?en, usod and occuwied by fiho defendant with
the consent and by tho oufihorifly of {to County and 313031 Courts
of Uofichor Counfiy, and That so much 0? said County road as was
relocated and rcconotrucfiod by this defendant for Lotohor County
at tho point iniicztoo in tho oetlfion woo so relocrtcd an: re-
construcfiod with tho pornlocion and by fho uufhoriyy of to; County
and Fiscal Conrfio of Jotchor Counfy, and +his dcfcndant states
fihat in no evcnfi 13 ifi liablo or should it he hold liohle for any .
injury or danaoo cauoca by +he roloccfiion anfi rc—conotructlcn of
soié County Road, whofhnr oawc he Shown fio have extended out in—
to said river or moi.


<\\flofon&oxfi adnifs thsfi fho buildino'of FfS railroafl 8rd
tho cmbnnhnonto dcsoribcd in p1:infi’fs' ootifion ovor which said
railroad possos are ofiruciuroo of o normanont natuyo5‘oot fhis
I defendant has not knowlodfic or inTrvmoiion as to rhefihgi Tm? in-
jurios $0 the track 0? lxnd cochloiocd of h= the o152n+i*fs are
of a oormaoogt or fcnoorary characior, or as to whoth r 531d
injuries cannot be rcnoirod or rcnoiiod :2 reasonable exooose;
.,. doz'fioo fl'zzfiz‘y ”(.1163 cannof be 270210617185. in 5.52:; eta): to": ‘iyy
removing maid rojflroaa or said on ::Eucoto from ocii river.
Defendant denies that but ?or flow buildinfi of Sei& r511—
ro;-.CL c.1161 embankment aforcouid, tho Siric‘i STU/(:14 '.';ould not" hove cut
into fiho btnks of plaintino' 12ndo, or Tnohca out iho troes m:
shrubbory nluntod or ocrnittcd fio crow thorcon or olaintiffs for
tho protection of Szid land as cllocod, or thsf oild TiV+T would
: 8,

 I t 'I

not have wanhcd holes or ditches in said lands, or would ntt have

washefl the soil TTon sail land, or rould not have flannel 13p rails
. or fences fiherofrOfl, or would not have deSfiroyed Cr mfike useless

any portion of sail lcaflb Defendant donieg fihet any or all of

the aforesrid nets alleged and complained of by fihe alsintiffs

were wwmnflfully or nfi fill conmilfied hy ihw loforianfi without Tlfiht

or suthmnity so in do, :23 duf Rd at without 3i ht or anthcvlty

80 f0 do, and aofcfilsnfi denies lift fhof tefe done mtkin within

one jepr no fi:l>c"orn l?u* instifnm ion of ih7€::-¢tion, or at any

o’ghem fine.

Hofefifla i Turtle? 3+3flm3 {Hit it has nofi Fnowle3ro or '
inTfiIHETion sufficient #0 form 5 belief as $0 fiheiher or moi by
tfie flow of water in S;i$ filvv: *ho nlzlnfi7fs lanQS, as 0341 ed
in tha péfifihno have bien Gui info or ihgt any traes or vhwubery
thereon huva been washofi Gui, or Wtsbfid rtuy, C: tha? any fllch
trees or Shrub Ty were 0v Ty ulaintefi or Dcrmiifieé f0 ivow an arid
lands by the plfiintiffs 70: in: p oficctlnn of fhu'r banks or lfinis,
on for any Cfihrr fluxhosos; an dwfflndfint hag not Enowledie or in-
formation su?ficimnt to form a belief as to whether the flat of XX
water in asid river has washed holes or ditches in said lands, or
washed fiho Boil fhureof sway, or WLGth any Tcuclud away, or has
destroyed 0: randcred uselesc any portion of misintins' bottom
lands, or ofhcr lands in fihc tract dcficribmd in Thr netlfilon; anfl
dofcndanfi dOLlGS thrt the plelnfj‘fs; or wilher of ihom, hsve bran
damnroi 11 33y Fun, 0? in any exfnnt whatsoovwr by reaflcn of ihe
facts ullared Dr cannluincl o? in tha volition.

wherefore, havinfi Tully anuvored, de”enflant prayu to be
hwnco diswinsod with ?ts coats and Tor all wron(r relief.

u. 5. fields fl Jon
.L::-r:mcl 3f. Lilian
Srur:ol Tor defc;i(nt.
Filed “an, Jules Sch. 53d, lQlig
:2. ;1. <30:fijs. 3‘5 :36.
‘ 9

 u a '0
Orders latchor Circuit Courfi.
Civil C3usefi. -
’ ' “firil; Tern, 11th day, lfifh Day of ?hy 1915.
K. S. Potter,
' vs Or&er. /
7} a I‘.. 2:;. Co. «'70.,

It is ordered by fhc Court thcfi ihn abbve sfyled ouufie
be Gettinued. -
C:&e:s Z‘icher Circuifi Sourfi.

Civil Causes.
unjust Term, 146% dzy iofih Jay of Luiust, 1933.
7. we Eoifiwr,
vs deer allowanca f0 witnnnges.
‘.I ',.'} —:o :1:,79 ‘:F'o

3:19 fihn Follorinw 'itnn“sea ?cr nlainTEfT, in Open Court,
under oath, claiaed fihfiir Cftendincc as follows:

John lull, 4 days, 74.CO, ;:m 3:11, 4 days fé.OO,
Teorvn £011, 5 “ 5.00, fiiil ‘EfflFldC F d:yn, 3.00,
nach yantln:,5 ” fi.”fl,

Ordered to be Ufijfi by fhc defcxd&nfi and tuned as cost.

Orders Znfichar Circuit Courfi.

Civil Cwusefi.

_1v~113i: ifcqxn, :[6{11 i} y', fififi}: _U;3r of? fsrwurM3, 1.915%.

T. J. Potter,

V3 Trdcr.
l R T Hy. Con
03 Jofion of dcTandant, fhifi cause is new confinued.

 O 0' '0
I Orfiors Lotoher Circuit Court.
Civil Causes. .
January Tern, 61h pay, lTfih any of Jonnrry 19149
X. 3. Potter,
vs Order.
T41 :1 :91. :Tfi‘l‘s; '7. (:00 g -
¢r&ored that ihls cause he not for the 14th drf.efi~$he -
37%ééa 353;" of‘ i310 or GfSQEit- t 7r120
Orders Botohcr Circuit Court. '
Cfvil Causes. .
January Torn, 14th Jar, “Vth fitr 0? January 1914. L
. T. 3. Better,
vs 0rdora Liinoas Slain“

Boxinyfimn fl Eastern 33° 00., ~

ngto 1130 :fclflrxzi:ir .'1inzc.'e<>'?;ifv:ir:»n, to the f‘illnr" of? which the
do'f'c;m;:5;it o‘;:;~joc‘5:cd 5:543.ti=1<::— Court 1)«.-:i:51r:- :..dvi:.:od, ovor 3‘1110f5 Sir-id
objections and ‘rwrmittod Braid LI'Z’lOJ'lde noti’rion to be :F'cled, which
we done to all of "tick ‘rmu’: do:i'<::z-;S_r.2*1t excerpted. ‘

. The do'3"|.':‘>,:’:<'l:...:”,, titeronnozi moved. Hm Cour-1; "f 315:1: the, filing

oi" the amend ed no”::iv‘:ion should only ‘0 :Lnon comJJdH‘n it'nftt t is
(35:11:30 3):“- r:d, 22221: for the construction of
the :2'2‘01222821'2d xiii-1270520. rwadcfi
.‘{"7I'~Z"-‘>", ' TIE". ',‘i- J 'r'2'2'{:_jr 21.7; 3:: 441710 11' 01" brim—'1 08--
211251022 mfg/ed 1'2-:11 W22 :2:/'.2 <22" f1,a”‘(‘20.0(? 1'2-2:71 "e27: 23;-2;; ,r: :11
'.c 7307202" r2213 53:27”.
P0271: or.
2 by 0022222301.
“Hui 5.116» 5022M, “r"! " /
.l. ’. CodinL. 3162?,
Hick-.031 Cir~c:’215-’i; (70227511.
T.. 2.4. .4‘02317 ::: 1‘ and
fiat 11:12"- jTot‘i: (71" , - 1:1" 11'? '21:“:F21 ,
vs: 21212222152282. 1021-21022 '0 Ira‘aisr .mre rauwclfic.
- let: i. ,2 :32: r in 5; 1722.91; r': 2722
Railway 30.,
Ad's?» (2.55212, "2r2"~"7?=':|"”1:r:2 31152222222232 5.::" 77235-5: ITO.- , 2202307 the
Cour? ”CC rnr't'i-L'Ha'v7'3221if'f‘8 “Hz- 2 7-"(2 27'2ei1‘ 7201;?221Fn 26126212 12(er
dcfin 5.12:6, car‘mi :1 ‘2:ng 37'2".€%(;‘.!.f:"i(3 in, 21%;: 27017._<‘,2"2i12r-' "22:-.222;12:41:38 '10»
3.’-11}; Tr.- s'.';?2o:': 210‘s: much, if 2'17, 04" 1’12"??? ‘2:: 212227. 1233? 1222911 (2111?
into "‘1' '.2::5':"2.€=d ' 2122"; 7:. 122':